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资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "CQuery"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Dim iPosSys As Integer '取得一个单词的结束位置
- Dim iPosOldSys As Integer '取得一个单词的开始位置
- Dim Formula As String '用户录入的条件或公式
- Public FormulaSys As String '查询返回
- Public FormulaSQL As String '公式返回
- Public FormulaOld As String
- Dim sItem() As New CCode '用以返回公式的数组
- Dim sFieldWhere() As New CField '字段数组
- Dim sFunction() As New CCode '公式数组
- Dim sOperate() As New CCode '操作符
- Dim sCode() As New CCode '编码
- Dim sTableName() As String '用到的表
- Dim bChecking As Boolean '公式验证正在进行
- Public PB_CheckStatus As ProgressBar '公式验证过程
- Private Function ChangeStatus(iValue As Integer, iMax As Integer)
- '显示当前验证的过程
- With PB_CheckStatus
- If .Visible = False Then
- .Visible = True
- End If
- .Max = iMax
- .Value = iValue
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function GetNextField() As String
- Dim i As Integer
- '取下一个单词
- For i = iPosSys + 1 To Len(Formula)
- If Mid(Formula, i, 1) = " " Then
- GetNextField = Mid(Formula, iPosSys + 1, i - iPosSys - 1)
- iPosOldSys = iPosSys
- iPosSys = i
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- End Function
- Private Function IsFunction(s As String) As Integer
- '判断是否函数,如果是,返回s的位置
- Dim i As Integer
- If Trim(s) = "" Then
- IsFunction = -1
- Exit Function
- End If
- For i = 0 To UBound(sFunction, 1)
- If sFunction(i).Include(s) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- If i > UBound(sFunction, 1) Then
- IsFunction = -1
- Else
- IsFunction = i
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function IsField(s As String) As Integer
- '判断是否是字段名,如果是返回位置,并添加表名
- '同时判断此字段是否在多个表中存在,如果是则要求用户添加表名
- '返回 -1 不是字段 -2 此字段在多个表中存在 >=0 此字段在数组中的位置
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- j = -1
- If Trim(s) = "" Then
- IsField = -1
- Exit Function
- End If
- For i = 0 To UBound(sFieldWhere, 1)
- If sFieldWhere(i).Include(s) Then
- If j > 0 Then
- MsgBox "请录入字段:" & s & "的表名"
- IsField = -2
- Exit Function
- Else
- j = i
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- If j = -1 Then
- IsField = -1
- Else
- IsField = j
- AddTableName Trim(sFieldWhere(j).TableName)
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function AddTableName(s As String)
- '如果表在数组中不存在则添加表名到数组
- Dim j As Integer
- For j = 0 To UBound(sTableName, 1)
- If UCase(sTableName(j)) = UCase(s) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next j
- '没有找到表名,则添加表名
- If j > UBound(sTableName, 1) Then
- If Trim(sTableName(0)) <> "" Then
- ReDim Preserve sTableName(UBound(sTableName, 1) + 1)
- sTableName(UBound(sTableName, 1)) = UCase(s)
- Else
- sTableName(0) = UCase(s)
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function IsOperater(s As String) As Boolean
- '判断是否操作符,如果是,返回s的位置
- Dim i As Integer
- If Trim(s) = "" Then
- IsOperater = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- For i = 0 To UBound(sOperate, 1)
- If sOperate(i).Include(s) Then
- IsOperater = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- End Function
- Private Function IsCode(s As String) As Integer
- '判断是否是相关项、工资类别、部门等,如果是,返回s的位置
- Dim i As Integer
- If Trim(s) = "" Then
- IsCode = -1
- Exit Function
- End If
- For i = 0 To UBound(sCode, 1)
- If sCode(i).Include(s) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- If i > UBound(sCode, 1) Then
- IsCode = -1
- Else
- IsCode = i
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function ReplaceByPos(sExepress As String, sReplace As String, Optional iStart As Integer = 0, Optional iEnd As Integer = 0) As String
- '通过位置替换单词
- '参数:sExepress,要替换的表达式 ;sReplace替换为的表达式;iStart开始位置;iEnd,结束位置
- '把sExepress中从iStart开始到iEnd结束的字符替换为sReplace
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim sLeft As String
- Dim sRight As String
- If iStart > Len(sExepress) Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError + 100, "ReplaceByPos", "开始位置超出字符长度"
- Exit Function
- End If
- If iStart > iEnd Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError + 101, "ReplaceByPos", "开始位置超出结束位置"
- Exit Function
- End If
- sLeft = Left(sExepress, iStart - 1)
- sRight = Right(sExepress, Len(sExepress) - iEnd + 1)
- ReplaceByPos = sLeft & sReplace & sRight
- iPosSys = Len(sReplace) + iStart
- Formula = ReplaceByPos
- End Function
- Public Function CheckFormula(sF As String, Optional sUpdateField As String = "") As Boolean
- 'sUpdateField="" 查询条件 ,其他 计算公式
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- If bChecking = True Then
- Exit Function
- Else
- bChecking = True
- End If
- If sF = "" Then
- CheckFormula = True
- Me.FormulaSQL = ""
- Me.FormulaSys = ""
- FormulaOld = ""
- Set Me.PB_CheckStatus = Nothing
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim b As Boolean
- Dim s As String
- Dim st As String
- Dim iDataType As Integer
- Dim bBeginTrans As Boolean '是否已经开始事务
- '初始化表名表和条件表,以及各种变量
- ReDim sTableName(0)
- sTableName(0) = ""
- ReDim sItem(0)
- sItem(0).Code = ""
- bBeginTrans = False
- sF = Format(sF)
- FormulaOld = sF
- Formula = sF
- iPosSys = 1
- iPosOldSys = 1
- Me.FormulaSQL = ""
- Me.FormulaSys = ""
- iDataType = DATA_NUMERIC
- '把用户录入转换为数据库格式
- '(中文字段—>数据字段,并且添加数据表名到数组sTableName中,操作符不变,值加单引号)
- Do While iPosSys < Len(Formula)
- DoEvents
- s = GetNextField
- i = IsField(s)
- If i = -2 Then
- '如果字段名在多个表中,要求用户添加表名
- bChecking = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- If i >= 0 Then '字段
- Formula = ReplaceByPos(Formula, UCase(sFieldWhere(i).GetFullName), iPosOldSys + 1, iPosSys)
- AddItem UCase(sFieldWhere(i).GetFullName), sFieldWhere(i).DataType
- AddTableName sFieldWhere(i).TableName
- iDataType = sFieldWhere(i).DataType
- Else
- If Not IsOperater(s) Then
- b = False
- '单独处理%
- If Mid(s, Len(s), 1) = "%" Then
- s = Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 1)
- b = True
- End If
- i = IsCode(s)
- If i >= 0 Then '相关项、部门、工资类别等
- If b = False Then
- Formula = ReplaceByPos(Formula, "'" & UCase(sCode(i).Code) & "'", iPosOldSys + 1, iPosSys)
- AddItem "'" & UCase(sCode(i).Code) & "'", 0
- Else
- Formula = ReplaceByPos(Formula, "'" & UCase(sCode(i).Code) & "%'", iPosOldSys + 1, iPosSys)
- AddItem "'" & UCase(sCode(i).Code) & "%'", 0
- End If
- Else
- i = IsFunction(s)
- If i >= 0 Then ' 公式
- Formula = ReplaceByPos(Formula, UCase(sFunction(i).Code), iPosOldSys + 1, iPosSys)
- AddItem UCase(sFunction(i).Code), 0
- Else
- If b = False Then
- If IsNumeric(s) And iDataType = DATA_NUMERIC Then
- '区分数字的“.”和字段限定符的“.”
- Formula = ReplaceByPos(Formula, Replace(s, ".", "@"), iPosOldSys + 1, iPosSys)
- AddItem s
- Else
- Formula = ReplaceByPos(Formula, "'" & Replace(s, ".", "@") & "'", iPosOldSys + 1, iPosSys)
- AddItem "'" & s & "'"
- End If
- Else
- Formula = ReplaceByPos(Formula, "'" & s & "%'", iPosOldSys + 1, iPosSys)
- AddItem "'" & s & "%'"
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Else
- AddItem s
- End If
- End If
- '进度
- ChangeStatus iPosSys, Len(Formula)
- Loop
- FormulaSys = Replace(Formula, "@", ".")
- '验证公式格式是否正确
- s = Formula
- s = Replace(s, "'", Chr(34))
- s = Replace(s, UCase("like"), "=")
- s = Replace(s, UCase("."), "a") '控件不支持“.”
- s = Replace(s, UCase(" GetDate() "), UCase(" Today "))
- s = Replace(s, UCase("%"), "a") '控件不支持“%”
- s = Replace(s, "@", ".") '替换原来的数字“.”
- s = "c=" & s
- Dim SC_Formula As New MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
- SC_Formula.Language = "VBScript"
- SC_Formula.ExecuteStatement (s)
- '验证公式字段名称、数据类型是否正确,更新数据库,如果有错误则不正确
- If sTableName(0) <> "" Then
- st = ""
- For i = 0 To UBound(sTableName, 1)
- st = st & "," & Trim(sTableName(i))
- Next i
- st = Mid(st, 2, Len(st) - 1)
- End If
- If sUpdateField = "" Then '是查询条件
- If sTableName(0) = "" Then
- s = " select top 1 * from PM_PayRoll where " & FormulaSys
- Else
- s = " select top 1 * from " & st & " where " & FormulaSys
- End If
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute (s)
- Else '是计算公式
- If Trim(st) = "" Then
- st = " PM_PayRoll "
- End If
- s = "update PM_PayRoll set " & sUpdateField & "= " & FormulaSys & Chr(10) _
- & " from " & st & Chr(10) & " where PM_PayRoll.Period=0 "
- With Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect
- .BeginTrans
- bBeginTrans = True
- .Execute (s)
- .RollbackTrans
- End With
- End If
- '验证正确,计算公式加 IsNull 函数
- FormulaSQL = GetFormulaSQL
- CheckFormula = True
- Set SC_Formula = Nothing
- Me.PB_CheckStatus.Visible = False
- bChecking = False
- Exit Function
- ErrCtrl:
- Set SC_Formula = Nothing
- bChecking = False
- Me.PB_CheckStatus.Visible = False
- If bBeginTrans = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- End If
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Function
- Public Function ResetPos(iPos As Integer)
- iPosSys = iPos
- End Function
- Public Function ResetPosOld(iPosSys As Integer)
- iPosOldSys = iPosSys
- End Function
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- '类初始化,包括初始化字段、公式、编码、操作符、其他等
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- '初始化变量
- iPosSys = 1
- iPosOldSys = 1
- Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
- Dim s As String
- ReDim sTableName(0)
- sTableName(0) = ""
- ReDim sItem(0)
- sItem(0).Code = ""
- ReDim sCode(0)
- sCode(0).Code = ""
- '读取字段属性
- With Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect
- If .State = 0 Then
- .Open
- End If
- End With
- s = "select distinct FieldName as FieldName ,ChName as FieldNameC ,FieldType as DataType ,TableName as TableFrom,AddMinusItem from Rs_Items "
- Set rs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(s)
- With rs
- If Not .EOF() Then
- ReDim sFieldWhere(.RecordCount - 1)
- End If
- i = 0
- Do While Not .EOF()
- sFieldWhere(i).NewCByValue Trim(!FieldName & ""), Trim(!FieldNameC & ""), Trim(!TableFrom & ""), !DataType
- If !AddMinusItem Then
- '如果是选入工资表的字段,添加工资表
- i = i + 1
- ReDim Preserve sFieldWhere(UBound(sFieldWhere, 1) + 1)
- sFieldWhere(i).NewCByValue Trim(!FieldName & ""), Trim(!FieldNameC), "PM_PayRoll", !DataType
- End If
- i = i + 1
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- .Close
- End With
- '添加会计年,会计期间,工资类别到工资表,会计年,会计期间到考勤表
- ReDim Preserve sFieldWhere(UBound(sFieldWhere, 1) + 5)
- sFieldWhere(UBound(sFieldWhere, 1)).NewCByValue "KjYear", "会计年", "PM_PayRoll", "1"
- sFieldWhere(UBound(sFieldWhere, 1) - 1).NewCByValue "Period", "会计期间", "PM_PayRoll", "1"
- sFieldWhere(UBound(sFieldWhere, 1) - 2).NewCByValue "PM_Sort", "工资类别", "PM_PayRoll", "1"
- sFieldWhere(UBound(sFieldWhere, 1) - 3).NewCByValue "KjYear", "会计年", "PM_AttendRecord", "1"
- sFieldWhere(UBound(sFieldWhere, 1) - 4).NewCByValue "KjYear", "会计期间", "PM_AttendRecord", "1"
- '添加相关项
- s = "Select Distinct CorTable as CorTable,IndexCode as IndexCode ,IndexName as IndexName from Rs_Items " _
- & " where IsNull(CorTable,'')<>''"
- Set rs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(s)
- s = ""
- With rs
- Do While Not .EOF()
- s = s & " Select " & Trim(!IndexCode & "") & " as TCode ," & Trim(!IndexName & "") & " as TName from " & Trim(!CorTable & "") & " Union "
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- If Trim(s) <> "" Then
- s = UCase(Trim(s))
- s = Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 5)
- End If
- If Trim(s) <> "" Then
- Set rs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(s)
- With rs
- If Not .EOF() Then
- ReDim sCode(.RecordCount - 1)
- i = 0
- Do While Not .EOF()
- sCode(i).Code = Trim(!TCode & "")
- sCode(i).Name = Trim(!TName & "")
- .MoveNext
- i = i + 1
- Loop
- End If
- .Close
- End With
- End If
- '添加工资类别
- s = "Select SortID as SortID ,SortName as SortName from PM_Sort"
- Set rs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(s)
- With rs
- Do While Not .EOF()
- ReDim Preserve sCode(UBound(sCode, 1) + 1)
- sCode(UBound(sCode, 1)).Code = Trim(!SortId & "")
- sCode(UBound(sCode, 1)).Name = Trim(!SortName & "")
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- '添加公式数组
- ReDim sFunction(21)
- sFunction(0).Name = "今天"
- sFunction(0).Code = "GetDate()"
- sFunction(1).Name = "日"
- sFunction(1).Code = "DAY"
- sFunction(2).Name = "月"
- sFunction(2).Code = "MONTH"
- sFunction(3).Name = "年"
- sFunction(3).Code = "YEAR"
- sFunction(4).Name = "TODAY"
- sFunction(4).Code = "GETDATE()"
- '添加操作符
- ReDim sOperate(22)
- sOperate(0).Name = "等于"
- sOperate(0).Code = "="
- sOperate(1).Name = "大于"
- sOperate(1).Code = ">"
- sOperate(2).Name = "小于"
- sOperate(2).Code = "<"
- sOperate(3).Name = "不大于"
- sOperate(3).Code = "<="
- sOperate(4).Name = "不小于"
- sOperate(4).Code = ">="
- sOperate(5).Name = "包含于"
- sOperate(5).Code = "Like"
- sOperate(6).Name = "不等于"
- sOperate(6).Code = "<>"
- sOperate(7).Name = "加"
- sOperate(7).Code = "+"
- sOperate(8).Name = "减"
- sOperate(8).Code = "-"
- sOperate(9).Name = "乘以"
- sOperate(9).Code = "*"
- sOperate(10).Name = "除以"
- sOperate(10).Code = "/"
- sOperate(11).Name = "加"
- sOperate(11).Code = "+"
- sOperate(12).Name = "乘以"
- sOperate(12).Code = "×"
- sOperate(13).Name = "除以"
- sOperate(13).Code = "÷"
- sOperate(14).Name = "("
- sOperate(14).Code = "("
- sOperate(15).Name = "("
- sOperate(15).Code = "("
- sOperate(16).Name = ")"
- sOperate(16).Code = ")"
- sOperate(17).Name = ")"
- sOperate(17).Code = ")"
- sOperate(18).Name = "And"
- sOperate(18).Code = "And"
- sOperate(19).Name = "并且"
- sOperate(19).Code = "And"
- sOperate(20).Name = "Or"
- sOperate(20).Code = "Or"
- sOperate(21).Name = "或者"
- sOperate(21).Code = "Or"
- sOperate(22).Name = "-"
- sOperate(22).Code = "-"
- Set rs = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- ErrCtrl:
- If rs.State = 1 Then
- rs.Close
- End If
- Set rs = Nothing
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Sub
- Private Function Format(sFormula As String) As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim b As Boolean
- If sFieldWhere(0).IsEmpty() Then
- MsgBox "No Fields"
- Exit Function
- End If
- '格式化字符串,把操作符两端加空格
- sFormula = UCase(" " & sFormula & " ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "'", " ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "(", " ( ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, ")", " ) ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "*", " * ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "+", " + ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "(", " ( ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, ")", " ) ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "×", " * ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "+", " + ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "-", " - ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "÷", " / ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "/", " / ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "并且", " AND ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "或者", " OR ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "小于", " < ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "<", " < ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "不大于", " <= ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "<=", " <= ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "=", " = ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "=", " = ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "等于", " = ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, ">", " > ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "大于", " > ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, ">=", " >= ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "不小于", " > ")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, Chr(13), "")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, Chr(10), "")
- '应该单独处理日期,因为日期格式中有“-”,同减号相同,没有完成
- '去掉多余空格
- b = True
- i = 1
- Do While b
- If InStr(1, sFormula, Space(i)) = 0 Then
- b = False
- Else
- i = i + 1
- End If
- Loop
- j = 0
- For j = i To 1 Step -1
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, " ", " ")
- Next j
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "< =", "<=")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "> =", ">=")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "< >", "<>")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "< =", "<=")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "> =", ">=")
- sFormula = Replace(sFormula, "< >", "<>")
- Format = sFormula
- End Function
- Public Function GetTableName(collTable As Collection)
- '读取查询条件用到的表名
- If collTable Is Nothing Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 1 To collTable.count
- collTable.Remove (i)
- Next
- For i = 0 To UBound(sTableName, 1)
- collTable.Add sTableName(i)
- Next i
- End Function
- Private Function AddItem(sValue As String, Optional iType As Integer = -1)
- '添加项目,以便取得公式内容
- If sItem(0).Code = "" Then
- sItem(0).Code = sValue
- sItem(0).Name = iType
- Else
- ReDim Preserve sItem(UBound(sItem, 1) + 1)
- sItem(UBound(sItem, 1)).Code = sValue
- sItem(UBound(sItem, 1)).Name = iType
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function GetFormulaSQL() As String
- '取得计算公式的可执行SQL,并替换数字型字段名为IsNull(字段名,0)
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim s As String
- If sItem(0).Code = "" Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- s = ""
- For i = 0 To UBound(sItem)
- If sItem(i).Name = DATA_NUMERIC Then
- s = s + " IsNull(" & Trim(sItem(i).Code) & ",0) "
- Else
- s = s + " " + Trim(sItem(i).Code) & " "
- End If
- Next i
- GetFormulaSQL = s
- End Function
- Private Sub Class_Terminate()
- Set PB_CheckStatus = Nothing
- End Sub