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资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- Attribute VB_Name = "XtjbModule"
- '系统基本模块(主要用来放置公用函数及模块)
- Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
- Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetProfileStringA" (ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function WriteProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WriteProfileStringA" (ByVal lpszSection As String, ByVal lpszKeyName As String, ByVal lpszString As String) As Long
- '系统信息
- Public XtMenuList As String '系统菜单功能编码
- '系统日期
- Public Xtkjqjgs As Integer '用户设定会计期间个数
- Public Xtyear As Integer '用户进入系统选择年度
- Public Xtmm As Integer '用户进入系统选择会计期间
- Public Xtrq As Date '系统日期
- Public Xtrlbz As String '系统日历标志
- '系统往返参数值
- Public Xtcdcs As String '系统传递参数值(专门用来传递帮助信息)
- Public Xtcdcsfz As String '系统传递参数值(辅助信息)
- Public Xtfhcs As String '系统返回参数值(专门用来传递帮助信息)
- Public Xtfhcsfz As String '系统返回参数值(辅助信息)
- '系统通用编码参照代码
- Public Xtbmczdm As String '系统通用编码参照代码
- '(系统等待调用窗体)
- Public XtCxgnsm As String '调用程序功能说明
- Public Xtczy As String '系统使用操作员
- Public Xtczybm As String '系统操作员编码
- Public Xtztbm As String '系统帐套编码
- Public Xtdwm As String '系统打开帐套单位
- '帐套基本参数
- Public Xtjezws As Integer '金额总位数
- Public Xtslzws As Integer '数量总位数
- Public Xtdjzws As Integer '单价总位数
- Public Xtjexsws As Integer '金额小数位数
- Public Xtslxsws As Integer '数量小数位数
- Public Xtdjxsws As Integer '单价小数位数
- Public XtSCurrCode As String '本位币编码
- Public XtSCurrName As String '本位币名称
- '其它全局变量
- Public Unload_TF As Boolean '窗体是否卸载
- Public P_RecordCount As Integer '记录条数
- Public YesNo_str As String
- Public SsqlHelp As String
- Public P_Code As String: Public P_Name As String '编码、名称
- Public AddExit_TF As Boolean '添加或编辑状态
- Public P_Ssql As String 'Sql 语句
- '系统传递单据ID
- Public XT_BillID As Long
- '引用API函数
- Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
- Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
- '======================以下为打印文本内容格式输出控制过程函数======================='
- Public Function Fun_FormatOutPut(InputText As String, OutPutLen As Integer) As String '文本内容按一定标准格式输出(主要用于打印使用)
- '参数说明:InputText 需要格式化的文本内容 OutPutLen 输出文本占用长度(包括加空格)
- Fun_FormatOutPut = Trim(InputText) + Space(OutPutLen - Strcdcs(Trim(InputText), OutPutLen))
- End Function
- Public Function Strcdcs(Lrcsstr As String, Lrzdcd As Integer) As Integer '测量并限制字符串长度(汉字与字符区分)
- '参数说明:Lrcsstr 需要测量和限制输出的字符串 Lrzdcd 限制输出长度
- lrtextlong = Len(Trim(Lrcsstr))
- lrcscd = 0
- For jsqte = 1 To lrtextlong
- lrcszf = Mid(Lrcsstr, jsqte, 1)
- lrzzcd = lrcscd
- If Asc(lrcszf) >= 0 And Asc(lrcszf) <= 255 Then
- lrcscd = lrcscd + 1
- Else
- lrcscd = lrcscd + 2
- End If
- If lrcscd > Lrzdcd Then
- lrstrjqcd = jsqte - 1
- Lrcsstr = Mid(Lrcsstr, 1, lrstrjqcd)
- Strcdcs = lrzzcd
- Exit Function
- Else
- Strcdcs = lrcscd
- End If
- Next jsqte
- End Function
- '======================以下为文本录入内容格式输入控制过程函数======================='
- Public Sub Lrfzszxz(Sjwb As TextBox, lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入整数值(负)限制
- '输入参数:sjwb 录入限制文本框 lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "-" And Sjwb.SelStart = 0)) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrzszxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入整数值(正)限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrszzfxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入数字及字符限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or (lrzfasc >= Asc("a") And lrzfasc <= Asc("z")) Or (lrzfasc >= Asc("A") And lrzfasc <= Asc("Z")) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrfhzxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入非汉字限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= 0 And lrzfasc <= 255) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrrqxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入日期限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or Chr(lrzfasc) = "-" Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrxszxz(Sjwb As TextBox, lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入带有小数位及正负号数值字段
- If Not ((Chr(lrzfasc) >= "0" And Chr(lrzfasc) <= "9") Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "." And InStr(1, Sjwb.Text, ".") = 0) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "-" And Sjwb.SelStart = 0)) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrxzszxz(Sjwb As TextBox, lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入带有小数位正>=0数值字段
- If Not ((Chr(lrzfasc) >= "0" And Chr(lrzfasc) <= "9") Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "." And InStr(1, Sjwb.Text, ".") = 0) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sjgskz(Sjwb As TextBox, zsws As Integer, xsws As Integer) '保证数值录入字段录入格式
- '输入参数:sjwb 录入限制文本框 zsws 数值录入限制整数位数 xsws 数值录入限制小数位数
- Dim bccrd%
- Dim Ws, Zswstr, Xswstr As String
- Dim B_fu As Boolean
- Dim sjzws As Integer
- bccrd = Sjwb.SelStart
- B_fu = False
- Ws = InStr(1, Sjwb, "-")
- If Ws > 0 Then Sjwb = Mid(Sjwb, Ws)
- If Left(Sjwb, 1) = "-" Then
- B_fu = True
- zsws = zsws - 1
- Zswstr = Mid(Sjwb, 2)
- Else
- Zswstr = Mid(Sjwb, 1)
- End If
- Ws = InStr(1, Zswstr, ".") '整数位数+1
- If Ws > 0 Then
- If zsws > Ws - 1 Then
- Zswstr = Mid(Zswstr, 1, Ws - 1) + Mid(Zswstr, Ws, xsws + 1)
- Else
- Zswstr = Mid(Zswstr, 1, zsws) + Mid(Zswstr, Ws, xsws + 1)
- Ws = InStr(1, Zswstr, ".") '整数位数+1
- End If
- Ws = Len(Zswstr) - Ws '小数位数
- If Left(Zswstr, 1) = "." Then
- bccrd = bccrd + 1
- Zswstr = "0" & Zswstr
- End If
- If Ws < xsws Then
- Zswstr = Format(Zswstr, "#0." + String(Ws, "0"))
- Else
- Zswstr = Format(Zswstr, "#0." + String(xsws, "0"))
- End If
- Else
- Zswstr = Mid(Zswstr, 1, zsws)
- Zswstr = Format(Zswstr)
- End If
- If B_fu Then Zswstr = "-" & Zswstr
- Sjwb = Zswstr
- Sjwb.SelStart = bccrd
- End Sub
- Public Sub InputFieldLimit(Ydtextte As TextBox, Zdsjlxte As Integer, KeyAsciite As Integer) '录入字段事中控制程序
- '函数参数:录入限制文本框,字段数据类型,录入字符
- Select Case Zdsjlxte
- Case 1 '1-录入(Ascii0-255)
- Call Lrfhzxz(KeyAsciite)
- Case 2
- Call Lrszzfxz(KeyAsciite) '2-录入(0-9,a-z,A-Z)
- Case 3
- Call Lrfzszxz(Ydtextte, KeyAsciite) '3-录入整数值(正负)
- Case 4
- Call Lrzszxz(KeyAsciite) '4-录入整数值(正)
- Case 5, 8, 9
- Call Lrxszxz(Ydtextte, KeyAsciite) '5-录入小数值(正负) 8-金额型(正负) 9-数量型(正负)
- Case 6, 10, 11, 12
- Call Lrxzszxz(Ydtextte, KeyAsciite) '6-录入小数值(正) 10-单价型 11-金额型(正) 12-数量型(正)
- Case 7
- Call Lrrqxz(KeyAsciite) '7-录入日期
- End Select
- End Sub
- Public Sub TextChangeLimit(Ydtextte As TextBox, Zdsjlxte As Integer) '文本框字段录入控制(事后、防止用户采用粘贴录入)
- '函数参数:录入限制文本框,字段数据类型
- Dim Str_JudgeStr As String '判断字符
- Dim jsqte As Integer '临时使用计数器
- Dim Str_Result As String '结果字符串
- Dim KeyAsciite As Integer
- Str_Result = ""
- For jsqte = 1 To Len(Trim(Ydtextte.Text))
- Str_JudgeStr = Mid(Trim(Ydtextte.Text), jsqte, 1)
- KeyAsciite = Asc(Str_JudgeStr)
- If Str_JudgeStr = "'" Then
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- Select Case Zdsjlxte
- Case 1 '1-录入(Ascii0-255)
- Call Lrfhzxz(KeyAsciite)
- If KeyAsciite = 0 Then
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- Case 2
- Call Lrszzfxz(KeyAsciite) '2-录入(0-9,a-z,A-Z)
- If KeyAsciite = 0 Then
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- Case 4, 6, 10, 11, 12
- If Str_JudgeStr = "-" Then '录入数值(正)
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- End Select
- Str_Result = Str_Result + Str_JudgeStr
- Next jsqte
- If Str_Result <> Trim(Ydtextte.Text) Then
- Ydtextte.Text = Str_Result
- Ydtextte.SelStart = Len(Ydtextte.Text)
- End If
- End Sub
- '==============================================================================='
- Public Function Xtxxts(xttsxx As String, xttslb As Integer, Tbtslb As Integer) '系统信息提示
- msgtitle = "百利/ERP5.0-采购系统"
- Select Case xttslb
- Case 0 '确定
- Xtxxts = MsgBox(xttsxx, Tbtslb * 16, msgtitle)
- Case 1 'YES/NO
- Xtxxts = MsgBox(xttsxx, vbYesNo + Tbtslb * 16, msgtitle)
- Case 2 '确定/取消
- Xtxxts = MsgBox(xttsxx, vbOKCancel + Tbtslb * 16, msgtitle)
- Case Else
- Xtxxts = "9"
- End Select
- End Function
- Public Function Kjjdzy(Zyjdzs As Integer) As Boolean '控件焦点转移(针对回车键)
- Kjjdzy = False
- On Error GoTo Cwcl
- If Screen.ActiveControl.TabIndex <= Zyjdzs - 1 Then
- Kjjdzy = True
- SendKeys "{tab}"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Cwcl:
- Resume Next '有些对象不支持TabIndex属性
- End Function
- Public Sub Pbwxzf(Zfc As Integer) '录入时屏蔽"'"
- If Chr(Zfc) = "'" Then
- Zfc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- '======================以下为对网格操作基本函数========================'
- Public Sub BzWgcsh(Xsgrid As VSFlexGrid, Wgdmte As String, GridInf() As Variant, GridBoolean() As Boolean, GridInt() As Integer, GridStr() As String) '标准网格初始化模块
- '过程参数为:Xsgrid 生成网格对象名称,Wgdmte 网格参数编码,GridInf()返回网格设置信息(返回整体信息)
- 'GridBoolean() 网格列属性(返回布尔型信息),GridInt() 网格列属性(返回整型信息),GridStr() 网格列属性(返回字符型信息)
- Dim wglbt() As String '网格显示列标题
- Dim Wgxsls As Long '网格显示(主操作)列数
- Dim gdls As Long '网格固定列数
- Dim Gdhs As Long '网格固定行数(标题行数)
- Dim Gdhgd As Double '网格固定行高度
- Dim wglkd() As Double '每列默认字符个数
- Dim wglzz() As Integer '网格列组织形式
- Dim zdxsgs() As String '数值字段显示格式
- Dim Sfhide() As Boolean '网格列是否隐藏
- Dim Sfhxz As Boolean '网格列是否行选中
- Dim Qslz As Long '网格隐藏(非操作显示)列数
- Dim Sjhgd As Double '网格数据行高度
- Dim Wglsfkydpx As Integer '网格列是否可移动及排序
- Dim wgxsrec As New ADODB.Recordset '网格显示动态集
- ReDim GridInf(1 To 7) '整个网格设置信息
- Set wgxsrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("SELECT * FROM xt_grid WHERE Grid_Code ='" + Wgdmte + "' ORDER BY ColId")
- With wgxsrec
- If .EOF And .BOF Then
- Exit Sub
- Else
- .MoveFirst
- End If
- '如果网格为单据则设置网格大小、位置
- If .Fields("GridType") = 1 Then
- Xsgrid.Height = .Fields("GridHeight") '网格高度
- Xsgrid.Width = .Fields("Gridwidth") '网格宽度
- Xsgrid.Top = .Fields("GridTop") '网格上边距
- Xsgrid.Left = .Fields("GridLeft") '网格左边距
- End If
- Qslz = .Fields("BeginCol") '网格隐藏(非操作显示)列数
- Sjhgd = .Fields("DataRowHeight") '网格数据行高度
- GridInf(1) = Qslz '起始列值
- GridInf(2) = Sjhgd '数据行高度
- GridInf(3) = .Fields("KeepDataRows") '屏幕保持数据行数
- GridInf(4) = .Fields("AssistantRows") '辅助项网格行数(例如:合计行)
- If .Fields("SaveHelpWidth_Flag") Then '是否保留帮助宽度(字段提供帮助时,是否为按钮保留空间)
- GridInf(5) = True
- Else
- GridInf(5) = False
- End If
- If .Fields("DeleteRowAsk_Flag") Then '删除有效记录行是否提示
- GridInf(6) = True
- Else
- GridInf(6) = False
- End If
- If .Fields("ShowSumGrid_Flag") Then '是否显示合计网格
- GridInf(7) = True
- Else
- GridInf(7) = False
- End If
- Wgxsls = .RecordCount - 1 '网格显示(主操作)列数(原.Fields("wgxsls"))
- gdls = .Fields("FixCols") '网格固定列数
- Gdhs = .Fields("FixRows") '网格固定行数(标题行数)
- Gdhgd = .Fields("FixRowHeight") '网格固定行高度
- Wglsfkydpx = .Fields("explorerbar") '网格列是否可移动及排序
- If .Fields("SelectRow_Flag") Then '是否行选中
- Sfhxz = True
- End If
- ReDim wglbt(Gdhs - 1, Wgxsls + Qslz - 1) '网格显示列标题
- ReDim wglkd(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '每列默认字符个数
- ReDim zdxsgs(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '数值字段标志
- ReDim wglzz(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '网格列组织形式
- ReDim Sfhide(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '网格列是否显示
- ReDim GridBoolean(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1, 1 To 6) '网格列属性(布尔型)
- ReDim GridStr(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1, 1 To 20) '网格列信息(字符型)
- ReDim GridInt(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1, 1 To 7) '网格列信息(整型)
- .MoveNext
- jsqte = 0
- Do While Not .EOF
- wglkd(Qslz + jsqte) = .Fields("ColWidth") '网格列宽度限制
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("ColTitle1")) Then
- wglbt(0, Qslz + jsqte) = Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) '网格列标题1
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("ColTitle2")) And Gdhs >= 2 Then '网格列标题2
- wglbt(1, Qslz + jsqte) = Trim(.Fields("ColTitle2"))
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("ColTitle3")) And Gdhs >= 3 Then '网格列标题3
- wglbt(2, Qslz + jsqte) = Trim(.Fields("ColTitle3"))
- End If
- If .Fields("ColFormat") Then '字段显示格式(千分符)
- If .Fields("Text_Int_Length") <> 0 Then
- zdxsgs(Qslz + jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(.Fields("Text_deci_Length"), "0")
- Else
- zdxsgs(Qslz + jsqte) = "#,##0.00"
- End If
- Select Case .Fields("Text_Data_Type")
- Case 8, 11 '金额
- zdxsgs(Qslz + jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(Xtjexsws, "0")
- Case 9, 12 '数量
- zdxsgs(Qslz + jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(Xtslxsws, "0")
- Case 10 '单价
- zdxsgs(Qslz + jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(Xtdjxsws, "0")
- End Select
- Else
- If .Fields("Text_Int_Length") <> 0 Then
- zdxsgs(Qslz + jsqte) = "##0." + String(.Fields("Text_deci_Length"), "0")
- End If
- End If
- wglzz(Qslz + jsqte) = .Fields("ColAlignment") '网格列组织形式
- If .Fields("ColHidden") Then '网格列是否隐藏
- Sfhide(Qslz + jsqte) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Edit_Flag") Then '网格列是否可编辑
- GridBoolean(Qslz + jsqte, 1) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Help_Flag") Then '网格列是否提供帮助
- GridBoolean(Qslz + jsqte, 2) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Combo_Flag") Then '网格列是否列表框录入
- GridBoolean(Qslz + jsqte, 3) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("ColSum_Flag") Then '网格列是否合计
- GridBoolean(Qslz + jsqte, 4) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Zero_Empty_Flag") Then '网格内容为零是否清空
- GridBoolean(Qslz + jsqte, 5) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("BooleanFlag") Then '网格列是否为布尔型
- GridBoolean(Qslz + jsqte, 6) = True
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Data_Type")) Then '字段数据类型
- GridInt(Qslz + jsqte, 1) = .Fields("Text_Data_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Length")) Then '字段录入长度
- GridInt(Qslz + jsqte, 2) = .Fields("Text_Length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Int_Length")) Then '字段整数位长度
- GridInt(Qslz + jsqte, 3) = .Fields("Text_Int_Length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Deci_Length")) Then '字段小数位长度
- GridInt(Qslz + jsqte, 4) = .Fields("Text_Deci_Length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")) Then '字段不允许为空或为零
- GridInt(Qslz + jsqte, 5) = .Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Help_Type")) Then '帮助类型
- GridInt(Qslz + jsqte, 6) = .Fields("Help_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("HelpReturnValue")) Then '帮助返回值(0-显示返回编码 1-显示返回名称)
- GridInt(Qslz + jsqte, 7) = .Fields("HelpReturnValue")
- End If
- GridStr(Qslz + jsqte, 1) = Trim(.Fields("ColIndex") & "") '网格列索引值
- GridStr(Qslz + jsqte, 2) = Trim(.Fields("EmptyMessage") & "") '字段为空提示信息
- GridStr(Qslz + jsqte, 3) = Trim(.Fields("Help_Code") & "") '通用帮助编码
- GridStr(Qslz + jsqte, 4) = Trim(.Fields("FieldsName") & "") '连接字段(通用帮助)
- GridStr(Qslz + jsqte, 5) = Trim(.Fields("Combo_Code") & "") '列表框编码
- .MoveNext
- jsqte = jsqte + 1
- Loop
- End With
- '网格列组织形式
- With Xsgrid
- .BackColorFixed = &H8000000F '固定行背景色
- .Rows = Gdhs
- .FixedRows = Gdhs '固定行数
- .Cols = Qslz + Wgxsls
- .FixedCols = gdls '固定列数
- .AllowUserResizing = flexResizeBoth
- .MergeCells = flexMergeFixedOnly '合并单元形式
- If Sfhxz Then
- .SelectionMode = flexSelectionByRow
- Else
- .FocusRect = flexFocusHeavy
- .ForeColorSel = &H80000008
- .BackColorSel = &H80000005
- End If
- .ExplorerBar = Wglsfkydpx '网格列是否可移动及排序
- .ScrollTips = True
- .WordWrap = True
- '填 充 网 格 标 题
- For Rowjsq = 0 To .FixedRows - 1
- .MergeRow(Rowjsq) = True
- .RowHeight(Rowjsq) = Gdhgd
- For Coljsq = Qslzte To .Cols - 1
- .TextMatrix(Rowjsq, Coljsq) = wglbt(Rowjsq, Coljsq)
- Next Coljsq
- Next Rowjsq
- '数 据 网 格 高 度
- For Rowjsq = .FixedRows To .Rows - 1
- .RowHeight(Rowjsq) = Sjhgd
- Next Rowjsq
- '定 义 录 入 字 段 属 性
- For Coljsq = 0 To .Cols - 1
- If Coljsq < Qslz Or Sfhide(Coljsq) Then
- .ColHidden(Coljsq) = True
- Else
- .ColHidden(Coljsq) = False
- End If
- .MergeCol(Coljsq) = True
- .ColWidth(Coljsq) = wglkd(Coljsq)
- .ColAlignment(Coljsq) = wglzz(Coljsq)
- If Len(zdxsgs(Coljsq)) <> 0 Then
- .ColFormat(Coljsq) = zdxsgs(Coljsq)
- End If
- If GridBoolean(Coljsq, 6) Then
- .ColDataType(Coljsq) = flexDTBoolean
- End If
- .FixedAlignment(Coljsq) = 4
- Next Coljsq
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub Bcwggs(Bcgsgrid As VSFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String, GridStr() As String) '保存网格格式(包括网格列宽,网格列顺序)
- '过程参数:Bcgsgrid 保存格式网格对象,Wggsdm 网格格式代码(网格参数),GridStr() 从中取网格列索引信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '临时使用动态集
- Dim Qslzte As Integer '起始列值
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统信息提示
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.BeginTrans
- On Error GoTo Swcwcl
- If RecTemp.State = 1 Then RecTemp.Close
- RecTemp.Open "select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Trim(.Fields("ColIndex")) = Trim(GridStr(jsqte, 1)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next jsqte
- If jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- .Fields("ColId") = jsqte - Qslzte + 1
- .Fields("ColWidth") = Bcgsgrid.ColWidth(jsqte)
- .Update
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.CommitTrans
- Tsxx = "表格格式保存完毕!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- Exit Sub
- Swcwcl:
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- Tsxx = "存盘过程中出现未知错误,程序自动恢复保存前状态!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
- Public Sub Hfmrgs(Bcgsgrid As VSFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String, GridStr() As String) '恢复网格默认列宽
- '过程参数:保存格式网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数),GridStr() 从中取网格列索引信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '临时使用动态集
- Dim Qslzte As Integer '起始列值
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统提示信息
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.BeginTrans
- If RecTemp.State = 1 Then RecTemp.Close
- RecTemp.Open "select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- On Error GoTo Swcwcl
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Trim(.Fields("ColIndex")) = Trim(GridStr(jsqte, 1)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next jsqte
- If jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- Bcgsgrid.ColWidth(jsqte) = .Fields("DefaultColWidth")
- .Fields("ColWidth") = .Fields("DefaultColWidth") + 0
- .Update
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.CommitTrans
- Exit Sub
- Swcwcl:
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- Tsxx = "恢复过程中出现未知错误,程序自动恢复保存前状态!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
- Public Sub Szxsxm(SzgsGrid As VSFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String) '设置网格显示项目
- '过程参数:调整显示项目网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数)
- Xtcdcs = Wggsdm
- XT_BgxsxmszFrm.Show 1 '调整网格显示项目
- Call Cxxswg(SzgsGrid, Wggsdm) '重新定义网格显示
- End Sub
- Public Sub Cxxswg(Bcgsgrid As VSFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String) '根据用户定义显示项目重新显示网格
- '过程参数:调整显示项目网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数)
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '查询数据表动态集
- Dim Qslzte As Integer
- Dim Tsxx As String
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId")
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Bcgsgrid.FixedRows = 1 Then
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Else
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, jsqte)) And Trim(.Fields("ColTitle2")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(1, jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next jsqte
- If jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- If .Fields("ColHidden") Then
- Bcgsgrid.ColHidden(jsqte) = True
- Else
- Bcgsgrid.ColHidden(jsqte) = False
- End If
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Function Sydz(Zdbmte As String, GridStr() As String, Szzls As Integer) As Integer '网格索引对照表(用来对照网格物理与逻辑顺序关系)
- '函数参数:索引编码,网格列属性(字符型),网格列最大数组下标值
- Sydz = 0
- For jsqte = 0 To Szzls
- If Trim(GridStr(jsqte, 1)) = Zdbmte Then
- Sydz = jsqte
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next jsqte
- End Function
- Public Function FnBln_RefreshArray(int_StartCol As Long, int_FinishCol As Long, GridStr() As String, GridInf()) As Boolean '网格列交换后数组做相应变换函数
- '功能: 实现网格的列移动
- '说明:本函数是在模式工程的基础上创建的,请确认你的窗体中的网格是通过
- ' BzWgcsh(CxbbGrid, GridCode, GridInf(), GridBoolean(), GridInt(), GridStr()) 函数来定义的
- '参数:int_StartCol——网格开始移动列
- '参数:int_FinishCol——网格移动结束列
- '参数:GridStr()——网格的信息数组
- '思路:对于要移动的网格来说,所有的信息都保存在几个系统数组中,其中GridStr()数组保存着逻辑定位和
- ' 物理定位之间的转换关系,使我们可以通过逻辑值找到物理值,由于我们通常通过逻辑值来定位网格的
- ' 物理列(sydz(zdbmte as String,GridStr() as String,szzls as Integer)函数),所以我们只需要
- ' 改变GridStr()数组中物理列和逻辑列之间的对应关系,从而达到改变列的目的。
- '扩展:虽然本程序只是针对数据显示网格而作,但是此程序给大家提供了一个思路,通过交换GridBoolean()、
- ' GridInt()、网格列标题wglbt()等数组,就可以实现输入的列移动
- ' On Error GoTo Err_Ctrl
- Dim int_temp As Integer
- Dim Str_Temp() As String '用来保存移动开始列的GridStr()信息
- Dim i, j As Long
- '如果结束列小于用户定义网格开始列,则结束列=用户定义网格开始列
- '因为开始列以前的列都是隐藏列,由于要把当前开始移动列移动到隐藏列上
- '所以控件自动把隐藏列变为显示列,这样在刷新数据时,会把隐藏列上的数据
- '显示出来,并且,由于开始列以前的隐藏列在XT_Grid中,不对应逻辑值,所以在保存
- '网格格式时会出错
- If int_StartCol > int_FinishCol Then
- If int_FinishCol < GridInf(1) Then int_FinishCol = GridInf(1)
- Else
- If Col < GridInf(1) Then Col = GridInf(1)
- End If
- '保存移动开始列的GridStr()信息
- ReDim Str_Temp(0, UBound(GridStr, 2))
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- Str_Temp(0, j) = GridStr(int_StartCol, j)
- Next
- '[[在此加入你的代码,保存当前开始移动列的其他信息]]
- '依次移动各列的信息
- If int_StartCol < int_FinishCol Then
- For i = int_StartCol To int_FinishCol - 1
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- GridStr(i, j) = GridStr(i + 1, j)
- Next j
- Next i
- Else
- For i = int_StartCol To int_FinishCol + 1 Step -1
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- GridStr(i, j) = GridStr(i - 1, j)
- Next j
- Next i
- End If
- '[[在此加入你的代码,依照上面的代码格式,移动列的其他信息]]
- '恢复开始移动列的信息到结束列上
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- GridStr(int_FinishCol, j) = Str_Temp(0, j)
- Next j
- '[[在此加入你的代码,恢复开始移动列的其他信息到结束列上]]
- FnBln_RefreshArray = True
- Err_Ctrl:
- FnBln_RefreshArray = False
- End Function
- '========================以上为网格操作基本函数==============================='
- Public Sub Drwbkxx(Wbklrbmte As String, Textvar() As Variant, Textboolean() As Boolean, Textint() As Integer, Textstr() As String) '读入文本框录入信息
- '过程参数:输入参数 Wbklrbmte 文本框录入信息组索引号
- ' 输出参数 Textvar() Textboolean() Textint() Textstr 文本框信息
- Dim Wbklrbrec As ADODB.Recordset '文本框录入表动态集
- Dim Zdszxb As Integer '最大数组下标
- Dim text_indexte As Integer '文本框索引值
- ReDim Textvar(1 To 1)
- Set Wbklrbrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("SELECT * FROM Xt_text_input WHERE Text_Group_Code ='" + Wbklrbmte + "' ORDER BY Text_index")
- With Wbklrbrec
- If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
- .MoveLast
- Zdszxb = .Fields("text_index")
- Textvar(1) = Zdszxb
- ReDim Textboolean(0 To Zdszxb, 1 To 5)
- ReDim Textint(0 To Zdszxb, 1 To 14)
- ReDim Textstr(0 To Zdszxb, 1 To 7)
- .MoveFirst
- Else
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- text_indexte = .Fields("text_index")
- If .Fields("help_flag") Then '是否提供帮助
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 1) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Help_ManuFlag") Then '手工设置帮助按钮
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 3) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Visible") Then '文本框是否显示
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 4) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Enabled") Then '文本框是否可编辑
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 5) = True
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_data_type")) Then '字段数据类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 1) = .Fields("text_data_type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("help_type")) Then '帮助类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 2) = .Fields("help_type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("show_code_name")) Then '帮助返回值显示类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 3) = .Fields("show_code_name")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("judge_type")) Then '有效性判断类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 4) = .Fields("judge_type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_length")) Then '字段录入长度
- Textint(text_indexte, 5) = .Fields("text_length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_int_length")) Then '数值字段整数位长度
- Textint(text_indexte, 6) = .Fields("text_int_length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_deci_length")) Then '数值字段小数位长度
- Textint(text_indexte, 7) = .Fields("text_deci_length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")) Then '字段不允许为空或为零
- Textint(text_indexte, 8) = .Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Judge_Time")) Then '文本框有效性判断时刻
- Textint(text_indexte, 9) = .Fields("Judge_Time")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextHeight")) Then '文本框高度
- Textint(text_indexte, 10) = .Fields("TextHeight")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextWidth")) Then '文本框宽度
- Textint(text_indexte, 11) = .Fields("TextWidth")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextTop")) Then '文本框距离顶端高度
- Textint(text_indexte, 12) = .Fields("TextTop")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextLeft")) Then '文本框左端距离
- Textint(text_indexte, 13) = .Fields("TextLeft")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TabIndex")) Then '文本框焦点顺序
- Textint(text_indexte, 14) = .Fields("TabIndex")
- End If
- Textstr(text_indexte, 1) = Trim(.Fields("text_index") & "") '文本框对应索引值
- Textstr(text_indexte, 2) = Trim(.Fields("text_field_code") & "") '文本框对应编码字段
- Textstr(text_indexte, 3) = Trim(.Fields("text_field_name") & "") '文本框对应名称字段
- Textstr(text_indexte, 4) = Trim(.Fields("help_code") & "") '通用帮助编码
- Textstr(text_indexte, 5) = Trim(.Fields("judge_base") & "") '字段有效性判断依据
- Textstr(text_indexte, 6) = Trim(.Fields("error_message") & "") '字段录入错误提示信息
- Textstr(text_indexte, 7) = Trim(.Fields("text_name") & "") '文本框名称
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Function Mmjm(Srmm As String) As String '密码加密对照模块
- Dim Zfcte As Integer
- Mmjm = ""
- For jsqte = 1 To Len(Srmm)
- Zfcte = Asc(Mid(Srmm, jsqte, 1)) + Asc(Mid(Srmm, Len(Srmm) - jsqte + 1, 1)) + Len(Srmm) + jsqte
- Mmjm = Mmjm + Trim(Str(Zfcte))
- Next jsqte
- End Function
- Public Sub F1bz() '发送F1键
- SendKeys "{F1}"
- End Sub
- Public Sub Textyx(Textte As TextBox) '文本框有效
- Textte.Enabled = True
- Textte.BackColor = &H80000005
- End Sub
- Public Sub Textwx(Textte As TextBox) '文本框无效
- Textte.Enabled = False
- Textte.BackColor = &HC0C0C0
- End Sub
- Public Sub Drbmhelp(bzlx As Integer, Helpbm As String, Scdwnr As String) '调入编码参照窗体
- '函数参数:帮助类型(0-通用型 1-日期型 2-特殊型),帮助编码,首次定位内容
- Dim XT_TybmczFrmte As New XT_TybmczFrm
- On Error GoTo ErrHandle
- Xtcdcs = Scdwnr
- Xtfhcs = ""
- Xtfhcsfz = ""
- Select Case bzlx
- Case 0
- Xtbmczdm = Trim(Helpbm)
- XT_TybmczFrmte.Show 1
- Xtbmczdm = ""
- Case 1
- XT_calendar.Show 1
- Case 2
- Select Case Helpbm
- End Select
- End Select
- ErrHandle:
- End Sub
- Public Sub Drbmbj(Helpbm As String) '调入编码参照编辑窗体
- Select Case Helpbm
- 'Case "gy_dept" '部门编辑
- 'JC_BmszFrm.Show 1
- End Select
- End Sub
- '===================以下为固定项列表框处理函数========================'
- Public Function FillCombo(Combote As ComboBox, Lbkbmte As String, Dwnr As String, AddType As Integer) As String '填充列表框并定位
- '函数参数:列表框,列表框分组编码,定位内容,填充类型(0-无空记录 1-有空记录(1个空格) )
- Dim Lbknrrec As ADODB.Recordset
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Lbknrrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from xt_combolist where combo_code='" + Trim(Lbkbmte) + "' order by item_index")
- Combote.Clear
- If AddType = 1 Then
- Combote.AddItem " "
- End If
- With Lbknrrec
- Do While Not .EOF
- Combote.AddItem Trim(.Fields("item_content"))
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- '定位列表框内容
- With Combote
- For jsqte = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
- If Dwnr = Trim(.List(jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next jsqte
- If jsqte <> -1 Then
- Combote.Text = .List(jsqte)
- Else
- If .ListCount <> 0 Then
- .Text = .List(0)
- End If
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Public Function Fun_GetIndex(ComboCodeTe As String, FindText As String) As String '查找列表框内容对应索引号
- '函数参数:列表框分组编码,定位内容
- Dim Lbknrrec As ADODB.Recordset
- Fun_GetIndex = ""
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Lbknrrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select Item_Index from xt_combolist where combo_code='" & Trim(ComboCodeTe) & "' And Item_Content='" & Trim(FindText) & "'")
- With Lbknrrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- Fun_GetIndex = Trim(.Fields("Item_Index"))
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Public Function Fun_GetContent(ComboCodeTe As String, FindIndex As String) As String '查找列表框索引号对应内容
- '函数参数:列表框分组编码,定位内容
- Dim Lbknrrec As ADODB.Recordset
- Fun_GetContent = ""
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Lbknrrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select Item_Content from xt_combolist where combo_code='" & Trim(ComboCodeTe) & "' And Item_Index='" & Trim(FindIndex) & "'")
- With Lbknrrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- Fun_GetContent = Trim(.Fields("Item_Content"))
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- '==========================以上为列表框处理基本函数=========================='
- Public Function XtWaitMess(Str_IndexSub) '系统功能调用等待提示
- '函数参数:系统功能模块索引号
- Xtcdcs = Str_IndexSub
- XT_FrmWaitMess.Show 1
- End Function
- Public Function Sub_FillPeriod(Combote As ComboBox, Year As Integer, Period As Integer) '列表框填充会计期间
- '过程参数;填充列表框,会计年度,默认会计期间
- Dim jsqte As Integer
- With Combote
- .Clear
- For jsqte = 1 To 12
- .AddItem Mid(Trim(Str(10000 + Xtyear)), 2, 4) + "." + Mid(Trim(Str(100 + jsqte)), 2, 2)
- Next jsqte
- .Text = Mid(Trim(Str(10000 + Xtyear)), 2, 4) + "." + Mid(Trim(Str(100 + Period)), 2, 2)
- End With
- End Function
- '//* 功能: 金额小写转换为大写 调用参数:jesj...人民币小写金额
- '//* 返回变量: name..人民币大写金额
- Public Function Fun_Jezh(Jesj As Double) As String
- Dim Name1$, Name2$, Mje1$, Name$
- Dim len_mje1%, k%, Ws%, j%, ws1%, m%
- Dim Bz As Boolean
- Name1 = "壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖"
- Name2 = "分角元拾佰仟万拾佰仟亿拾佰仟"
- Mje1 = Trim(Format(Jesj, "###.00"))
- len_mje1 = Len(Mje1)
- If len_mje1 > 16 Or Jesj < 0.01 Or IsNull(Jesj) Then
- Fun_Jezh = ""
- Exit Function
- End If
- '//取无小数的字符串
- Mje1 = Left(Mje1, len_mje1 - 3) + Right(Mje1, 2)
- len_mje1 = len_mje1 - 1
- k = len_mje1 * 2 - 1
- Ws = Int(Mid(Mje1, 1, 1)) * 2 - 1
- If len_mje1 = 3 And Ws < 0 Then '//如果金额<1 name=''
- Name = ""
- Else
- If Ws > 0 Then
- Name = MidB(Name1, Ws, 2) + MidB(Name2, k, 2) '//如果金额>=1,转换金额
- End If
- End If
- j = 2
- k = k - 2
- Bz = True
- xh1:
- Do While j <= len_mje1 And Bz
- ws1 = Int(Mid(Mje1, j, 1)) * 2 - 1
- If ws1 > 0 Then
- Name = Name + MidB(Name1, ws1, 2) + MidB(Name2, k, 2)
- j = j + 1
- k = k - 2
- GoTo xh1
- End If
- m = 0
- xh2:
- Do While ws1 < 0
- If len_mje1 >= 11 Then
- If k < 21 Then
- m = m + 1
- End If
- End If
- If k = 5 Or (k = 13 And m <= 3) Or k = 21 Then
- Name = Name + MidB(Name2, k, 2)
- End If
- If k = 1 Then
- Name = Name + "整"
- Bz = False
- Exit Do
- End If
- j = j + 1
- k = k - 2
- ws1 = Int(Mid(Mje1, j, 1)) * 2 - 1
- If ws1 < 0 Then
- GoTo xh2
- Else
- If len_mje1 = 3 Then
- Name = Name + "零"
- Else
- Name = Name + "零"
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- Loop
- '去掉元和角之间零(1230.32)
- wz1 = InStr(1, Name, "元")
- wz2 = InStr(1, Name, "角")
- If wz1 <> 0 And wz2 <> 0 Then
- wz3 = InStr(wz1, Name, "零")
- If wz3 <> 0 Then
- Name = Mid(Name, 1, wz3 - 1) + Mid(Name, wz3 + 1, Len(Name))
- End If
- End If
- Fun_Jezh = Name
- End Function
- Public Function FillImageCombo(Combote As ImageCombo, ComboCode As String, AddType As Integer) '填充列表框(ImageCombo)并定位
- '函数参数:列表框(ImageCombo),ComboCode列表框分组编码
- 'AddType 项目填充类型(0-填充索引+内容,无空记录 1-仅填充内容,无空记录 2-填充索引+内容,有空记录 3-仅填充内容,有空记录)
- Dim Rec_Combo As ADODB.Recordset '填充属性
- Dim Rec_FillText As ADODB.Recordset '填充内容
- Dim ci As ComboItem
- Dim jsqte As Integer '临时计数器
- Combote.ComboItems.Clear
- jsqte = 1
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Rec_Combo = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From Xt_ImageCombo Where combo_code='" + Trim(ComboCode) + "'")
- With Rec_Combo
- Combote.Locked = True
- If AddType = 2 Or AddType = 3 Then
- Set ci = Combote.ComboItems.Add(, "@")
- jsqte = jsqte + 1
- End If
- Set Rec_FillText = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Trim(.Fields("Sql_String")))
- Do While Not Rec_FillText.EOF
- Select Case AddType
- Case 0, 2 '填充索引+内容
- Set ci = Combote.ComboItems.Add(, "@" + Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemKey")))), Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemKey")))) + " " + Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemText")))))
- Case 1, 3 '仅填充记录内容
- Set ci = Combote.ComboItems.Add(, "@" + Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemKey")))), Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemText")))))
- End Select
- jsqte = jsqte + 1
- Rec_FillText.MoveNext
- Loop
- If Combote.ComboItems.count <> 0 Then
- Combote.ComboItems.Item(1).Selected = True
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Public Function GetComboKey(Combote As ImageCombo, KeyOrName As Integer) As String '取得用户选中列表框项目Key值或内容
- '函数参数:列表框(ImageCombo),KeyOrName 0--取项目Key值 1--取选项内容值
- Dim jsqte As Integer '临时计数器
- If KeyOrName = 0 Then
- '去掉首位@
- For jsqte = 1 To Combote.ComboItems.count
- If Combote.ComboItems(jsqte).Text = Combote.Text Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next jsqte
- If Combote.ComboItems.count > 0 Then
- GetComboKey = Trim(Mid(Combote.ComboItems(jsqte).Key, 2, Len(Combote.ComboItems(jsqte).Key)))
- End If
- Else
- GetComboKey = Trim(Combote.Text)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Sub Sub_CodeScheme(ItemCodeTe As String, Int_CodeLev As Integer, Int_CodeScheme() As Integer) '生成相应各级编码长度到数组中(编码方案)
- '函数参数:ItemCodeTe 编码方案代码,Int_CodeLev 返回编码最大级数,Int_CodeScheme() 返回各级编码长度
- 'ForExample:会计科目编码:322222 结果:Int_CodeLev=6 Int_CodeScheme()=3 5 7 9 11 13
- Dim Rec_CodeScheme As New ADODB.Recordset '编码方案动态集
- Set Rec_CodeScheme = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select CodeScheme From Gy_CodeScheme Where ItemCode='" & Trim(ItemCodeTe) & "'")
- With Rec_CodeScheme
- If Not .EOF Then
- Int_CodeLev = Len(Trim(.Fields("CodeScheme")))
- ReDim Int_CodeScheme(Int_CodeLev)
- lenjsq = 0
- For jsqte = 1 To Int_CodeLev
- lenjsq = lenjsq + Mid(Trim(.Fields("CodeScheme")), jsqte, 1)
- Int_CodeScheme(jsqte) = lenjsq
- Next jsqte
- End If
- .Close
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sub_SetOperStatus(Str_OperStatus As String) '显示系统操作状态
- If Trim(Str_OperStatus) <> "" Then
- XT_Main.StatusBar1.Panels("OperStatus") = Str_OperStatus
- Else
- XT_Main.StatusBar1.Panels("OperStatus") = "就绪"
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sub_ReadBillInfo(BillCode As String, Frm_Bill As Form, Var_Bill() As Variant) '读入单据整体设计信息(录入)
- '参数说明:BillCode 单据编码(索引号) ,Frm_Bill 单据窗体 , VarBill 用来返回单据设计信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '临时使用动态集
- ReDim Var_Bill(1 To 5) '返回单据设计信息
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From xt_BillDesign Where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Frm_Bill.Height = .Fields("FormHeight") '设置窗体高度
- Frm_Bill.Width = .Fields("FormWidth") '设置窗体宽度
- Var_Bill(1) = Trim(.Fields("BillName")) '单据描述
- Frm_Bill.Caption = Var_Bill(1) '单据描述赋予窗体Caption
- Var_Bill(2) = Trim(.Fields("BillTitle")) '单据标题
- Var_Bill(3) = Trim(.Fields("Text_Group_Code")) '单据所使用文本框组索引号
- Var_Bill(4) = Trim(.Fields("Grid_Code")) '单据所使用网格组索引号
- Var_Bill(5) = Trim(.Fields("Print_Code")) '单据所使用打印参数索引号
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sub_DPReadBillInfo(BillCode As String, Frm_Bill As Form, Var_Bill() As Variant) '读入单据整体设计信息(打印)
- '参数说明:BillCode 单据编码(索引号) Frm_Bill 单据窗体 VarBill 用来返回单据设计信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset
- ReDim Var_Bill(1 To 3)
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From xt_BillDesign Where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Frm_Bill.Pict.Height = .Fields("FormHeight") - 375 '设置窗体高度
- Frm_Bill.Pict.Width = .Fields("FormWidth") '设置窗体宽度
- Frm_Bill.Lab_Title = Trim(.Fields("BillName")) '单据标题
- Var_Bill(1) = Trim(.Fields("BillName")) '单据描述
- Frm_Bill.Caption = Var_Bill(1) '单据描述赋予窗体Caption
- Var_Bill(2) = Trim(.Fields("Text_Group_Code")) '单据所使用文本框组索引号
- Var_Bill(3) = Trim(.Fields("Grid_Code")) '单据所使用网格组索引号
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub DPBcwggs(Bcgsgrid As VSFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String) '保存网格格式(包括网格列宽,网格列顺序)
- '过程参数:保存格式网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数)
- Dim Tsxx As String
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset
- Dim Qslzte As Integer
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.BeginTrans
- On Error GoTo Swcwcl
- If RecTemp.State = 1 Then RecTemp.Close
- RecTemp.Open "select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Bcgsgrid.FixedRows = 1 Then
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Else
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, jsqte)) And Trim(.Fields("ColTitle2")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(1, jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next jsqte
- If jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- .Fields("ColId") = jsqte - Qslzte + 1
- .Fields("ColWidth") = Bcgsgrid.ColWidth(jsqte)
- .Update
- Else
- GoTo Swcwcl
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.CommitTrans
- Tsxx = "表格格式保存完毕!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- Exit Sub
- Swcwcl:
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- Tsxx = "存盘过程中出现未知错误,程序自动恢复保存前状态!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
- '===================以下为系统权限控制与上机日志控制函数======================'
- Public Function Security_Log(gnsy As String, UserCode As String, Optional LogTF As Integer = 3, Optional State As Boolean = True, Optional Msg As Boolean = True) As Boolean '权限判断和日志
- 'Gnsy 功能索引 UserCode 用户编码
- 'LogTF (1、判断权限,写日志)、(2、只写日志)、(3、只判断权限)
- 'State 状态 (True 进入 false 完成)
- '返回Security_Log=true表示有权限,Security_Log=false表示没有有权限
- 'Msg 没有权限时是否提示(True 提示 False不提示)
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统信息提示
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim aDo_userGroup As New Recordset
- Dim aDo_gnbm As New Recordset: Dim Ssql As String
- Set aDo_gnbm = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Xt_xtgnb where gnsy='" & Trim(gnsy) & "'")
- If LogTF = 1 Or LogTF = 3 Then
- Set aDo_userGroup = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Czygl where czybm='" & Trim(UserCode) & "'")
- If Mid(aDo_userGroup!AuthorityID, aDo_gnbm!Id, 1) = "1" Then
- Security_Log = True
- Else
- Security_Log = False
- End If
- aDo_userGroup.Close
- Set aDo_userGroup = Nothing
- If Security_Log = False Then
- Set aDo_userGroup = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from System_UserGroupInfo a ,System_UserGroup b where a.groupid=b.groupid and a.userid='" & Trim(UserCode) & "'")
- Do While Not aDo_userGroup.EOF
- If Mid(aDo_userGroup!AuthorityID, aDo_gnbm!Id, 1) = "1" Then
- Security_Log = True
- Exit Do
- Else
- Security_Log = False
- End If
- aDo_userGroup.MoveNext
- Loop
- aDo_userGroup.Close
- Set aDo_userGroup = Nothing
- End If
- If Security_Log = False Then
- If Msg = True Then
- Tsxx = "没有权限,请与管理员联系! "
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- '------------------------------------
- If (LogTF = 1 And Security_Log = True) Or LogTF = 2 Then
- If State = True Then
- Ssql = "insert into System_Log(GeginDate,userid,WorkstationName,WorkList,SystemName,NetUserName,State)" _
- & " values(getdate(),'" & UserCode & "','" & MachineName & "','" & Trim("" & aDo_gnbm!gnms) & "','" & "采购系统" & "','" & NTDomainUserName & "','进入')"
- Else
- Ssql = "insert into System_Log(GeginDate,userid,WorkstationName,WorkList,SystemName,NetUserName,State)" _
- & " values(getdate(),'" & UserCode & "','" & MachineName & "','" & Trim("" & aDo_gnbm!gnms) & "','" & "采购系统" & "','" & NTDomainUserName & "','完成')"
- End If
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute Ssql
- End If
- aDo_gnbm.Close
- Set aDo_gnbm = Nothing
- End Function
- Public Function MachineName() As String '取得当前工作站名
- Dim sBuffer As String * 255
- If GetComputerName(sBuffer, 255&) <> 0 Then
- MachineName = Left$(sBuffer, InStr(sBuffer, vbNullChar) - 1)
- Else
- MachineName = "(未知)"
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function NTDomainUserName() As String '取得当前网络用户名
- Dim strBuffer As String * 255
- Dim lngBufferLength As Long
- Dim lngRet As Long
- Dim strTemp As String
- lngBufferLength = 255
- lngRet = GetUserName(strBuffer, lngBufferLength)
- strTemp = UCase(Trim$(strBuffer))
- NTDomainUserName = Left$(strTemp, lngBufferLength - 1)
- End Function
- Public Function GetPY(a1 As String) As String '返回拼音码字符串
- '输入参数:a1 输入字符串
- Dim jsqte As Long
- Dim t1 As String
- GetPY = ""
- If Len(Trim(a1)) = 0 Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- For jsqte = 1 To Len(Trim(a1))
- t1 = Mid(a1, jsqte, 1)
- If Asc(t1) < 0 Then
- If Asc(t1) < Asc("啊") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + t1
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("啊") And Asc(t1) < Asc("芭") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "A"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("芭") And Asc(t1) < Asc("擦") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "B"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("擦") And Asc(t1) < Asc("搭") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "C"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("搭") And Asc(t1) < Asc("蛾") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "D"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("蛾") And Asc(t1) < Asc("发") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "E"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("发") And Asc(t1) < Asc("噶") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "F"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("噶") And Asc(t1) < Asc("哈") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "G"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("哈") And Asc(t1) < Asc("击") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "H"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("击") And Asc(t1) < Asc("喀") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "J"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("喀") And Asc(t1) < Asc("垃") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "K"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("垃") And Asc(t1) < Asc("妈") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "L"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("妈") And Asc(t1) < Asc("拿") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "M"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("拿") And Asc(t1) < Asc("哦") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "N"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("哦") And Asc(t1) < Asc("啪") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "O"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("啪") And Asc(t1) < Asc("期") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "P"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("期") And Asc(t1) < Asc("然") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "Q"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("然") And Asc(t1) < Asc("撒") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "R"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("撒") And Asc(t1) < Asc("塌") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "S"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("塌") And Asc(t1) < Asc("挖") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "T"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("挖") And Asc(t1) < Asc("昔") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "W"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("昔") And Asc(t1) < Asc("压") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "X"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("压") And Asc(t1) < Asc("匝") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "Y"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("匝") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "Z"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- Else
- If UCase(t1) <= "Z" And UCase(t1) >= "A" Then
- GetPY = GetPY + UCase(t1)
- Else
- GetPY = t1
- End If
- End If
- L1:
- Next jsqte
- End Function
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- Public Function Item_Info() '项目查询连接
- Dim aDo_Item As New Recordset
- Dim Ssql As String
- Set aDo_Item = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from DEV_item")
- With aDo_Item
- Do While Not .EOF
- If !yncode = 1 And Trim(aDo_Item!TableName) = "CorrelationList" Then
- If !YNRoot = 1 Then
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select ListName from DEV_CorrelationList c where convert(varchar(18),c.ListCode)=b." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- Else
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select ListName from DEV_CorrelationList c where convert(varchar(18),c.ListCode)=a." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- End If
- '-----------------
- Else
- If !yncode = 1 Then
- If !YNRoot = 1 Then
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select " & aDo_Item!CloumnName2 & " from " & aDo_Item!TableName & " c where c." & aDo_Item!CloumnName1 & "=b." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- Else
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select " & aDo_Item!CloumnName2 & " from " & aDo_Item!TableName & " c where c." & aDo_Item!CloumnName1 & "=a." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- End If
- End If
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- Ssql = "select b.dcode,b.tcode,b.lcode,b.dname,b.manage,b.dxh,b.mader,b.zflag,b.mlevel,b.pdate,b.state,b.dno,b.conno,a.*,N_Lcode=(select isname from DEV_ItemSort c where convert(varchar(18),c.isid)=b.lcode)" & Ssql & " FROM DEV_RootInfo a,DEV_main b"
- End With
- Item_Info = Ssql
- End Function
- '====================单据编号格式化==============
- Public Function BillCodeFormat(BillCode As String, Code As String) As String
- BillCode = Trim(BillCode): Code = Trim(Code)
- Dim Profix As String '前缀
- Dim Glida As Integer '流水方式
- Dim CodeLen As Integer '代码长度
- Dim aDo_re As New Recordset
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_BillNumber where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount > 0 Then
- Profix = aDo_re!Profix
- Glida = aDo_re!Glida
- CodeLen = aDo_re!CodeLen
- Else
- BillCodeFormat = "": Exit Function
- End If
- aDo_re.Close
- If Len(Code) >= Len(Profix) + CodeLen Then BillCodeFormat = Code: Exit Function
- If Glida = 0 Then
- If Len(Code) >= Len(Profix) Then
- If Profix <> Mid(Code, 1, Len(Profix)) Then
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & String(CodeLen - Len(Code), "0") & Code
- Else
- If Len(Code) = Len(Profix) Then BillCodeFormat = Code: Exit Function
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & String(CodeLen - Len(Code), "0") & Mid(Code, Len(Profix) + 1, Len(Code))
- End If
- Else
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & String(CodeLen - Len(Code), "0") & Code: Exit Function
- End If
- Else
- If Len(Code) >= Len(Profix) Then
- If Profix <> Mid(Code, 1, Len(Profix)) Then
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & Code
- Else
- BillCodeFormat = Code
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- '====================单据ID处理==================
- Public Function CreatBillID(BillCode As String) As Integer
- '参数说明: BillCode 单据编码
- Dim BillType As String
- Dim aDo_re As New Recordset
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_BillNumber where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount > 0 Then
- CreatBillID = aDo_re!IDNow
- BillType = aDo_re!BillType
- End If
- aDo_re.Close
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_BillNumber set IDNow=IDNow+1 where BillType='" & Trim(BillType) & "'"
- End Function
- '====================单据编码处理==================
- Public Function CreatBillCode(BillCode As String, Optional Add As Boolean = False, Optional KjYear As Integer, Optional Period As Integer, Optional WhCode As String) As String
- '参数说明: BillCode 单据编码,KjYear 会计年度,Period 会计期间,WhCode 仓库编码,Add 编号是累加(True 加,False,否)
- Dim BillCodeMode As Integer '编码方式
- Dim Profix As String '前缀
- Dim Glida As Integer '流水方式
- Dim CodeLen As Integer '代码长度
- Dim aDo_re As New Recordset
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_BillNumber where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- With aDo_re
- If .RecordCount > 0 Then
- BillCodeMode = !BillCodeMode
- Profix = !Profix
- Glida = !Glida
- CodeLen = !CodeLen
- .Close
- Else
- Exit Function
- End If
- End With
- Select Case BillCodeMode
- Case 0 '单据方式
- '=============
- Select Case Glida
- Case 0
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当编号记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & String(CodeLen - 1, "0") & 1
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 1
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear)
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & ",1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))), "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 2
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period)
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年当前期间记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,Period,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & "," & Period & ",1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2, "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2, "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period
- End If
- Exit Function
- End Select
- '==============
- Case 1 '单据+仓库方式
- '=============
- Select Case Glida
- Case 0
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当编号记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,WhCode ,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "','" & Trim(WhCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & 1
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 1
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,WhCode,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & ",'" & Trim(WhCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 2
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年当前期间记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,Period,WhCode,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & "," & Period & ",'" & Trim(WhCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2 - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2 - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- End Select
- '==============
- End Select
- End Function
- '图形分析
- Public Sub Txfxbb(CxbbGrid As VSFlexGrid, ChartCode As String, ParamArray charttype()) '图形分析模块
- '过程参数为:分析网格,图形代码,脚标,分析项目数,分析网格起始行值,分析网格终止行值
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim aDo_Char As New Recordset
- Dim jsqte As Integer
- Dim i As Integer: Dim r As Integer
- Dim h As Integer: Dim S As Integer: h = 0: S = 0
- '---------------------
- Set aDo_Char = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from XT_GridChart where Chart_Code='" & ChartCode & "'")
- If aDo_Char.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "图形基础设置错误! ", 16: Exit Sub
- '-----------------------------
- If CxbbGrid.Rows - aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows < 1 Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '---------------------
- XT_TxItem.ChartCode = ChartCode
- Set XT_TxItem.Grid = CxbbGrid
- XT_TxItem.Tag = "F"
- XT_TxItem.Show 1
- If XT_TxItem.Tag <> "T" Then Exit Sub
- '---------------------
- With XT_TxfxFrm.Txfxchart
- .Header.Text.Clear
- .Header.Text.Add aDo_Char!Chart_Titlete
- .Footer.Text.Clear
- .RemoveAllSeries
- .Aspect.View3D = False
- If XT_TxItem.Check1.Value = 0 Then '横标统计
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- For r = 0 To XT_TxItem.Item(0).ListCount - 1
- If XT_TxItem.Item(0).Selected(r) = True Then
- '---------------
- If UBound(charttype()) > 1 Then '显示的图形类型
- Select Case charttype(1)
- Case 1: .AddSeries scBar
- Case 2: .AddSeries scLine: Case 3: .AddSeries scArea
- Case 4: .AddSeries scHorizBar: Case 5: .AddSeries scPoint
- Case 6: .AddSeries scFastLine: Case 7: .AddSeries scFastLine
- End Select
- Else
- .AddSeries scBar
- End If
- '------------------'读取数据
- .Series(S).Marks.Style = smsValue
- XT_TxItem.Item(0).ListIndex = r: .Series(S).Title = XT_TxItem.Item(0).Text
- For jsqte = aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows To S2N(CxbbGrid.Rows - 1)
- If XT_TxItem.Item(1).Selected(jsqte - aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows) = True Then
- .Series(S).ValueFormat = "#,##0.####"
- .Series(S).Add S2N(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, XT_TxItem.Item(0).ItemData(r))), CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols - 1), clTeeColor
- If XT_TxItem.Check2.Value = 0 Then
- .Series(S).Marks.Visible = False
- End If
- End If
- Next jsqte
- S = S + 1
- '---------------
- End If
- Next r
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- Else
- '竖表统计
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- For r = 0 To XT_TxItem.Item(1).ListCount - 1
- If XT_TxItem.Item(1).Selected(r) = True Then
- '---------------
- If UBound(charttype()) > 1 Then '显示的图形类型
- Select Case charttype(1)
- Case 1: .AddSeries scBar
- Case 2: .AddSeries scLine: Case 3: .AddSeries scArea
- Case 4: .AddSeries scHorizBar: Case 5: .AddSeries scPoint
- Case 6: .AddSeries scFastLine: Case 7: .AddSeries scFastLine
- End Select
- Else
- .AddSeries scBar
- End If
- '------------------'读取数据
- .Series(S).Marks.Style = smsValue
- .Series(S).Title = CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(r + aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows, aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols - 1)
- For jsqte = aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols To CxbbGrid.Cols - 1
- If XT_TxItem.Item(0).Selected(jsqte - aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols) = True Then
- .Series(S).ValueFormat = "#,##0.####"
- .Series(S).Add S2N(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(XT_TxItem.Item(1).ItemData(r), jsqte)), CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows - 1, jsqte), clTeeColor
- If XT_TxItem.Check2.Value = 0 Then
- .Series(S).Marks.Visible = False
- End If
- End If
- Next jsqte
- S = S + 1
- '---------------
- End If
- Next r
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- End If
- End With
- '
- XT_TxfxFrm.Txcode = ChartCode
- Set XT_TxfxFrm.bbGrid = CxbbGrid
- XT_TxfxFrm.Hide
- XT_TxfxFrm.Show 1
- End Sub
- Public Function WriteOneString(ByVal Section As String, ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As String) As Boolean
- On Error GoTo WS_ERROR
- Dim x As Long, buff As String * 128, S As String, i As Integer
- Dim mvarInitFileName
- mvarInitFileName = App.Path & "ERP.INI"
- If Len(mvarInitFileName) = 0 Then mvarInitFileName = App.Path & "..ERP.INI"
- buff = Value + Chr(0)
- x = WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Key, buff, mvarInitFileName)
- WriteOneString = x
- Exit Function
- MsgBox "一个错误" & Err.Description
- Resume WS_EXIT
- End Function
- Public Function ReadOneString(ByVal Section As String, ByVal Key As String, Optional ByVal DefalutValue As String = "") As String
- On Error GoTo RS_ERROR
- Dim x As Long, buff As String * 128, S As String, i As Integer
- Dim mvarInitFileName
- mvarInitFileName = App.Path & "ERP.INI"
- If Len(mvarInitFileName) = 0 Then mvarInitFileName = App.Path & "..ERP.INI"
- x = GetPrivateProfileString(Section, Key, "", buff, 128, mvarInitFileName)
- For i = 1 To 128
- If Asc(Mid$(buff, i, 1)) = 0 Then
- S = Left(buff, i - 1)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- S = Trim(S)
- If S = "" Then
- ReadOneString = DefalutValue
- Else
- ReadOneString = S
- End If
- Exit Function
- MsgBox "一个错误" & Err.Description
- Resume RS_EXIT
- End Function
- Public Function S2N(ByVal V As Variant) As Double
- S2N = Val(V & "")
- End Function