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资源名称:SVGACC10.zip [点击查看]
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- Name _______________________________________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________________________________
- City ______________________________ State/Prov _________ Zip/PC ____________
- Country (if outside USA) ___________________________________________________
- Email Address (optional)____________________________________________________
- Phone Number (optional)_____________________________________________________
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- These will help us with future software development. If you don't know an
- answer, or don't want to answer, it is not required.
- What is the brand name and version of the C compiler you use?
- Brand Name_______________________________________ Version_________________
- Circle what type of processor you have: 386sx 386dx 486sx 486dx 486dx2
- Other (please specify)__________________
- Circle the speed of your processor: 16mHz 20mHz 25mHz 33mHz 50mHz 66mHz
- Other (please specify)__________________
- How much main memory (conventional/extended/expanded) is installed in your
- system ? (please be specific)_______________________________________________
- Do you have a math coprocessor: no yes
- If so, is it an: Intel Weitek Other (please specify)__________________
- What type/brand of video adapter do you have: ______________________________
- Circle how much memory is installed on your video card: 256kb 512kb 1M 2M
- Other (please specify)__________________
- Do you have a sound card: no yes
- If so, is it an: Sound Blaster Sound Blaster Pro Sound Blaster 16
- Pro Audio Spectrum Gravis Ultra Sound ATI Cardinal Ad Lib
- Orchid Turtle Beach Other (please specify)________________________
- Where did you get 'SVGACC':
- Friend CompuServe FTP Site (location)_______________________________
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- If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please let us know.
- ____________________________________________________________________________
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- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- Qty Each Extension
- --- ------ ---------
- SVGACC Library For Use With MS & Borland C/C++ ___ x $35.00 =________
- (Registered Version With All Functions Enabled,
- MS Word 2.0 Documentation,Font Editor, And Mouse
- Cursor Editor on a 5-1/4" disk)
- SVGACC Library For Use With MS & Borland C/C++ ___ x $35.00 =________
- (Registered Version With All Functions Enabled,
- MS Word 2.0 Documentation,Font Editor, And Mouse
- Cursor Editor on a 3-1/2" disk)
- Shipping and handling for disks(inside or outside U.S.A.) =__$3.00_
- Printed And Bound Documentation For SVGACC ___ x $15.00 =________
- (charges for the documentation BARELY cover
- the cost of duplication and binding)
- Shipping and handling for each book(inside U.S.A.) ___ x $ 2.00 =________
- Shipping and handling for each book(outside U.S.A.) ___ x $ 4.00 =________
- Sub Total =________
- Sales Tax (Texas Residents Only, If You Live In Austin, =________
- Please add 8%; Anywhere Else In Texas, Please
- Add 7-1/4% Or Current Texas State Sales Tax)
- Total Enclosed =________
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- Please Mail This Form With A Check Or Money Order For The Total To:
- Zephyr Software
- P.O. Box 7704
- Austin, Texas 78713-7704
- We can also be contacted through Internet:
- balkum@zoe.as.utexas.edu
- sill@zoe.as.utexas.edu