- #include "UartComm.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "io_uart1.h"
- #include "emuio.h"
- #include "memmap.h"
- #include "memmap0.h"
- #include "memcfg.h"
- #include "kernel.h"
- #include "osd.h"
- #include "iop.h"
- #include "ircode.h"
- #include "cchar.h"
- #include "epp.h"
- #include "fsGUI1.h"
- #include "fsGUI.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "setup.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- extern const BYTE ir_mapcode[256]; //Jefftest 20020606
- // external functions
- extern UINT16 FlashReadID();
- extern void osd_init_setup(void);
- extern void osd_draw_rect(UINT32 xStart, UINT32 yStart, UINT32 xLen, UINT32 yLen, BYTE bkColor);
- extern void osd_DrawLine(UINT32 xStart, UINT32 yStart, UINT32 xEnd, UINT32 yEnd, BYTE color, BYTE lineWidth);
- extern void DrawOSD_XO(BYTE bXO);
- extern int FlashEraseUpgrade(unsigned char *pBuf, unsigned int dwSize);
- // external variables
- extern UINT16 save_srn_start_t;
- int nInputLevel = 0;
- UINT32 g_dwFileSize = 0;
- UINT16 g_uID;
- inline int pollingUARTRx(void)
- {
- while (!IsEPPRxEmpty())
- {
- char c = EPP_GETC();
- if (c == 'u')
- nInputLevel = 1;
- else if (c == 'a')
- nInputLevel = (nInputLevel == 1) ? 2 : 0;
- else if (c == 'r')
- nInputLevel = (nInputLevel == 2) ? 3 : 0;
- else if (c == 't' && nInputLevel == 3)
- {
- nInputLevel = 0;
- EPP_PUTC_EXACT('3'); // the character '3' is just for communication with pc side AP.
- return 1;
- }
- else nInputLevel = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- inline void DoMoveUARTRxData(void)
- {
- BYTE szFileSize[4] = {0};
- UINT32 nIndex = 0;
- BYTE c;
- // check file size.
- do
- {
- if (!IsEPPRxEmpty())
- {
- c = EPP_GETC();
- szFileSize[nIndex] = c;
- nIndex++;
- }
- }
- while (nIndex <= 3);
- g_dwFileSize = getUINT32_li(szFileSize);
- //printf("g_dwFileSize = %dn", g_dwFileSize);
- EPP_PUTC_EXACT('1'); // communication signal
- // should disable screen saver and show upgrade menu here...
- disable_video();
- delay_1ms(20);
- config_memory(MEMORY_GRAPH_SMALL);
- setup_tv_format(tv_format);
- setVPP_TVformat(tv_format);
- FSGUI_FillFrameBuf(0, 0, 352, 288, BK_GROUNDY, BK_GROUNDCRCB);
- delay_1ms(20);
- enable_video();
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SPACE, REGION1, 1, 1);
- //receive file data and put into SDRAM
- nIndex = 0;
- do
- {
- if (!IsEPPRxEmpty())
- {
- c = EPP_GETC();
- *(pDVDROM + nIndex) = c;
- save_srn_start_t = get_rtc_val(); // prevent entering screen saver
- nIndex++;
- if ((nIndex % 12) == 0) // send a response every 12 bytes
- }
- }
- while (nIndex < g_dwFileSize);
- //epp_write_wait("nFinish downloading rom file.n");
- if (g_dwFileSize)
- {
- BYTE strVersion[10];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- {
- strVersion[i] = *(pDVDROM + 0x30 + i);
- }
- strVersion[7] = '';
- g_uID = FlashReadID();
- if (g_uID != 0xdead) //Jeff 20021023
- {
- // call upgrading function here...
- FSGUI_UpdateInfoArea("CHECKING ROM FILE...");
- DoUpgrade(strVersion);
- }
- else
- {
- // Flash rom ID doesn't match.
- FSGUI_UpdateInfoArea("FLASH ID IS WRONG!!");
- while(1);
- }
- }
- }
- void DoUpgrade(BYTE* strVersion)
- {
- BYTE buf[30];
- BYTE len, bOK = 0;
- ircmd_callback_check = NULL;
- cd_subtype = CDROM_BIN;
- osd_init_setup();
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- else
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_draw_rect(4*16, 3*26, 28*16, 7*26, 6);
- //top
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26, 2, 1);
- //left
- osd_DrawLine(4*16-2, 3*26, 4*16-2, 3*26+7*26, 2, 1);
- //bottom
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26+7*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26+7*26, 11, 1);
- //right
- osd_DrawLine(4*16+28*16, 3*26, 4*16+7*26, 3*26+28*16, 11, 1);
- osd_DrawString(4, 3, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- //psprintf(buf, "%s", "LOADING...");
- psprintf(buf, "%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_READ][0]); //Jeff 20020527
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- //Calculate CheckSum
- {
- BYTE *p, bl, bh;
- UINT32 *pSum, iSum = 0, iNext = 0;
- UINT32 iIndex = 31;
- //we store check in 20th byte
- pSum = (UINT32 *)(pDVDROM + 0x20);
- //printf("Origional checksum=%08xn", *pSum);
- //from 80th byte to caculate checksum
- p = (BYTE *)(pDVDROM + 0x50);
- while (iIndex < g_dwFileSize)
- {
- bl = *p++;
- iIndex++;
- if (iIndex < g_dwFileSize)
- {
- bh = *p++;
- iIndex++;
- }
- else
- {
- bl = 0;
- bh = 0;
- }
- iSum = iSum + iNext;
- iNext = (unsigned int)bh * 256U + (unsigned int)bl;
- }
- iNext &= 0xFF;
- iSum += iNext;
- //printf("Read checksum=%08xn", iSum);
- if (*pSum != iSum)
- {
- //printf("Checksum Errorn");
- FSGUI_UpdateInfoArea("CHECKSUM ERROR...");
- while(1);
- }
- }
- /*
- //check FLASH id, Jeff 20020708
- {
- BYTE *p;
- UINT16 iFlashID;
- //we add flash-id in init0.s, offset=0x30
- p = (BYTE *)(SDRAM_BASE + (P_BIDIR_LUMA) * 1024 + 0x30);
- iFlashID = ((*(p + 1)) << 8) & 0xff00;
- iFlashID = iFlashID | *(p);
- //for old version, iFlashID should be 0
- if (iFlashID)
- {
- if (iFlashID != g_uID)
- {
- psprintf(buf, "%s:%x %xn", "FLASH MISMATCH", iFlashID, g_uID);
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- while(1);
- }
- }
- }
- */
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- psprintf(buf, "%s %s %s %s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_ban, Ch_question);
- else
- psprintf(buf, "%s%s %s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_question);
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- //Draw O-X selection
- DrawOSD_XO(0);
- // pop up an OSD menu for users to decide to upgrade flash or not
- do
- {
- UINT32 rx;
- #ifndef OLD_VFD_DRV
- UINT32 nVFDkey = 0;
- nVFDkey = CheckVFDkey();
- #endif
- extern UINT16 GetIRCode(); // 2004/10/01 yltseng, move to ir_parser.c GetIRCode()
- rx = GetIRCode();
- if( rx != IR_CODE_MAX_NUM )
- {
- if (rx == IRC_LEFT)
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- bOK = 0;
- DrawOSD_XO(0);
- }
- }
- else if (rx == IRC_RIGHT)
- {
- if (bOK == 0)
- {
- bOK = 1;
- DrawOSD_XO(1);
- }
- }
- else if( (rx == IRC_SELECT)||(rx == IRC_PLAY_SELECT) )
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- bOK = 2;
- }
- // user don't want to do the upgrading action.
- break;
- }
- }
- #ifndef OLD_VFD_DRV // 2004/10/14 yltseng
- if (nVFDkey != IR_CODE_MAX_NUM)
- {
- if (nVFDkey == IRC_LEFT)
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- bOK = 0;
- DrawOSD_XO(0);
- }
- }
- else if (nVFDkey == IRC_RIGHT)
- {
- if (bOK == 0)
- {
- bOK = 1;
- DrawOSD_XO(1);
- }
- }
- else if ((nVFDkey == IRC_PLAY) || (nVFDkey == IRC_PAUSEPLAY))
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- bOK = 2;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- } while (bOK != 2);
- if (bOK == 2)
- {
- FSGUI_UpdateInfoArea("UPGRADING...");
- //write system image to flash
- osd_init_setup();
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- else
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_draw_rect(4*16, 3*26, 28*16, 7*26, 6);
- //top
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26, 2, 1);
- //left
- osd_DrawLine(4*16-2, 3*26, 4*16-2, 3*26+7*26, 2, 1);
- //bottom
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26+7*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26+7*26, 11, 1);
- //right
- osd_DrawLine(4*16+28*16, 3*26, 4*16+7*26, 3*26+28*16, 11, 1);
- osd_DrawString(4, 3, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- psprintf(buf, "%s...", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADING][0]);
- osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- psprintf(buf, "%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_NOT_POWEROFF][0]);
- osd_DrawString(6, 6, buf, 2, 5); //2:font color, 6:background color
- FlashEraseUpgrade(pDVDROM, g_dwFileSize);
- while (1);
- }
- while (1);
- }
- #endif