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资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /* MikMod sound library
- (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Miodrag Vallat and others - see file AUTHORS
- for complete list.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /*==============================================================================
- $Id: sloader.c,v 2004/01/21 01:36:35 raph Exp $
- Routines for loading samples. The sample loader utilizes the routines
- provided by the "registered" sample loader.
- ==============================================================================*/
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include "config.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include "mikmod_internals.h"
- static int sl_rlength;
- static SWORD sl_old;
- static SWORD *sl_buffer=NULL;
- static SAMPLOAD *musiclist=NULL,*sndfxlist=NULL;
- /* size of the loader buffer in words */
- #define SLBUFSIZE 2048
- /* IT-Compressed status structure */
- typedef struct ITPACK {
- UWORD bits; /* current number of bits */
- UWORD bufbits; /* bits in buffer */
- SWORD last; /* last output */
- UBYTE buf; /* bit buffer */
- {
- if(!sl_buffer)
- if(!(sl_buffer=_mm_malloc(SLBUFSIZE*sizeof(SWORD)))) return 0;
- sl_rlength = s->length;
- if(s->infmt & SF_16BITS) sl_rlength>>=1;
- sl_old = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- void SL_Exit(SAMPLOAD *s)
- {
- if(sl_rlength>0) _mm_fseek(s->reader,sl_rlength,SEEK_CUR);
- if(sl_buffer) {
- free(sl_buffer);
- sl_buffer=NULL;
- }
- }
- /* unpack a 8bit IT packed sample */
- static BOOL read_itcompr8(ITPACK* status,MREADER *reader,SWORD *sl_buffer,UWORD count,UWORD* incnt)
- {
- SWORD *dest=sl_buffer,*end=sl_buffer+count;
- UWORD x,y,needbits,havebits,new_count=0;
- UWORD bits = status->bits;
- UWORD bufbits = status->bufbits;
- SBYTE last = status->last;
- UBYTE buf = status->buf;
- while (dest<end) {
- needbits=new_count?3:bits;
- x=havebits=0;
- while (needbits) {
- /* feed buffer */
- if (!bufbits) {
- if((*incnt)--)
- buf=_mm_read_UBYTE(reader);
- else
- buf=0;
- bufbits=8;
- }
- /* get as many bits as necessary */
- y = needbits<bufbits?needbits:bufbits;
- x|= (buf & ((1<<y)- 1))<<havebits;
- buf>>=y;
- bufbits-=y;
- needbits-=y;
- havebits+=y;
- }
- if (new_count) {
- new_count = 0;
- if (++x >= bits)
- x++;
- bits = x;
- continue;
- }
- if (bits<7) {
- if (x==(1<<(bits-1))) {
- new_count = 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else if (bits<9) {
- y = (0xff >> (9-bits)) - 4;
- if ((x>y)&&(x<=y+8)) {
- if ((x-=y)>=bits)
- x++;
- bits = x;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else if (bits<10) {
- if (x>=0x100) {
- bits=x-0x100+1;
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- /* error in compressed data... */
- return 0;
- }
- if (bits<8) /* extend sign */
- x = ((SBYTE)(x <<(8-bits))) >> (8-bits);
- *(dest++)= (last+=x) << 8; /* convert to 16 bit */
- }
- status->bits = bits;
- status->bufbits = bufbits;
- status->last = last;
- status->buf = buf;
- return dest-sl_buffer;
- }
- /* unpack a 16bit IT packed sample */
- static BOOL read_itcompr16(ITPACK *status,MREADER *reader,SWORD *sl_buffer,UWORD count,UWORD* incnt)
- {
- SWORD *dest=sl_buffer,*end=sl_buffer+count;
- SLONG x,y,needbits,havebits,new_count=0;
- UWORD bits = status->bits;
- UWORD bufbits = status->bufbits;
- SWORD last = status->last;
- UBYTE buf = status->buf;
- while (dest<end) {
- needbits=new_count?4:bits;
- x=havebits=0;
- while (needbits) {
- /* feed buffer */
- if (!bufbits) {
- if((*incnt)--)
- buf=_mm_read_UBYTE(reader);
- else
- buf=0;
- bufbits=8;
- }
- /* get as many bits as necessary */
- y=needbits<bufbits?needbits:bufbits;
- x|=(buf &((1<<y)-1))<<havebits;
- buf>>=y;
- bufbits-=y;
- needbits-=y;
- havebits+=y;
- }
- if (new_count) {
- new_count = 0;
- if (++x >= bits)
- x++;
- bits = x;
- continue;
- }
- if (bits<7) {
- if (x==(1<<(bits-1))) {
- new_count=1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else if (bits<17) {
- y=(0xffff>>(17-bits))-8;
- if ((x>y)&&(x<=y+16)) {
- if ((x-=y)>=bits)
- x++;
- bits = x;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else if (bits<18) {
- if (x>=0x10000) {
- bits=x-0x10000+1;
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- /* error in compressed data... */
- return 0;
- }
- if (bits<16) /* extend sign */
- x = ((SWORD)(x<<(16-bits)))>>(16-bits);
- *(dest++)=(last+=x);
- }
- status->bits = bits;
- status->bufbits = bufbits;
- status->last = last;
- status->buf = buf;
- return dest-sl_buffer;
- }
- static BOOL SL_LoadInternal(void* buffer,UWORD infmt,UWORD outfmt,int scalefactor,ULONG length,MREADER* reader,BOOL dither)
- {
- SBYTE *bptr = (SBYTE*)buffer;
- SWORD *wptr = (SWORD*)buffer;
- int stodo,t,u;
- int result,c_block=0; /* compression bytes until next block */
- ITPACK status;
- UWORD incnt;
- while(length) {
- stodo=(length<SLBUFSIZE)?length:SLBUFSIZE;
- if(infmt&SF_ITPACKED) {
- sl_rlength=0;
- if (!c_block) {
- status.bits = (infmt & SF_16BITS) ? 17 : 9;
- status.last = status.bufbits = 0;
- incnt=_mm_read_I_UWORD(reader);
- c_block = (infmt & SF_16BITS) ? 0x4000 : 0x8000;
- if(infmt&SF_DELTA) sl_old=0;
- }
- if (infmt & SF_16BITS) {
- if(!(result=read_itcompr16(&status,reader,sl_buffer,stodo,&incnt)))
- return 1;
- } else {
- if(!(result=read_itcompr8(&status,reader,sl_buffer,stodo,&incnt)))
- return 1;
- }
- if(result!=stodo) {
- return 1;
- }
- c_block -= stodo;
- } else {
- if(infmt&SF_16BITS) {
- if(infmt&SF_BIG_ENDIAN)
- _mm_read_M_SWORDS(sl_buffer,stodo,reader);
- else
- _mm_read_I_SWORDS(sl_buffer,stodo,reader);
- } else {
- SBYTE *src;
- SWORD *dest;
- reader->Read(reader,sl_buffer,sizeof(SBYTE)*stodo);
- src = (SBYTE*)sl_buffer;
- dest = sl_buffer;
- src += stodo;dest += stodo;
- for(t=0;t<stodo;t++) {
- src--;dest--;
- *dest = (*src)<<8;
- }
- }
- sl_rlength-=stodo;
- }
- if(infmt & SF_DELTA)
- for(t=0;t<stodo;t++) {
- sl_buffer[t] += sl_old;
- sl_old = sl_buffer[t];
- }
- if((infmt^outfmt) & SF_SIGNED)
- for(t=0;t<stodo;t++)
- sl_buffer[t]^= 0x8000;
- if(scalefactor) {
- int idx = 0;
- SLONG scaleval;
- /* Sample Scaling... average values for better results. */
- t= 0;
- while(t<stodo && length) {
- scaleval = 0;
- for(u=scalefactor;u && t<stodo;u--,t++)
- scaleval+=sl_buffer[t];
- sl_buffer[idx++]=scaleval/(scalefactor-u);
- length--;
- }
- stodo = idx;
- } else
- length -= stodo;
- if (dither) {
- if((infmt & SF_STEREO) && !(outfmt & SF_STEREO)) {
- /* dither stereo to mono, average together every two samples */
- SLONG avgval;
- int idx = 0;
- t=0;
- while(t<stodo && length) {
- avgval=sl_buffer[t++];
- avgval+=sl_buffer[t++];
- sl_buffer[idx++]=avgval>>1;
- length-=2;
- }
- stodo = idx;
- }
- }
- if(outfmt & SF_16BITS) {
- for(t=0;t<stodo;t++)
- *(wptr++)=sl_buffer[t];
- } else {
- for(t=0;t<stodo;t++)
- *(bptr++)=sl_buffer[t]>>8;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL SL_Load(void* buffer,SAMPLOAD *smp,ULONG length)
- {
- return SL_LoadInternal(buffer,smp->infmt,smp->outfmt,smp->scalefactor,
- length,smp->reader,0);
- }
- /* Registers a sample for loading when SL_LoadSamples() is called. */
- SAMPLOAD* SL_RegisterSample(SAMPLE* s,int type,MREADER* reader)
- {
- SAMPLOAD *news,**samplist,*cruise;
- if(type==MD_MUSIC) {
- samplist = &musiclist;
- cruise = musiclist;
- } else
- if (type==MD_SNDFX) {
- samplist = &sndfxlist;
- cruise = sndfxlist;
- } else
- return NULL;
- /* Allocate and add structure to the END of the list */
- if(!(news=(SAMPLOAD*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(SAMPLOAD)))) return NULL;
- if(cruise) {
- while(cruise->next) cruise=cruise->next;
- cruise->next = news;
- } else
- *samplist = news;
- news->infmt = s->flags & SF_FORMATMASK;
- news->outfmt = news->infmt;
- news->reader = reader;
- news->sample = s;
- news->length = s->length;
- news->loopstart = s->loopstart;
- news->loopend = s->loopend;
- return news;
- }
- static void FreeSampleList(SAMPLOAD* s)
- {
- SAMPLOAD *old;
- while(s) {
- old = s;
- s = s->next;
- free(old);
- }
- }
- /* Returns the total amount of memory required by the samplelist queue. */
- static ULONG SampleTotal(SAMPLOAD* samplist,int type)
- {
- int total = 0;
- while(samplist) {
- samplist->sample->flags=
- (samplist->sample->flags&~SF_FORMATMASK)|samplist->outfmt;
- total += MD_SampleLength(type,samplist->sample);
- samplist=samplist->next;
- }
- return total;
- }
- static ULONG RealSpeed(SAMPLOAD *s)
- {
- return(s->sample->speed/(s->scalefactor?s->scalefactor:1));
- }
- static BOOL DitherSamples(SAMPLOAD* samplist,int type)
- {
- ULONG maxsize, speed;
- if(!samplist) return 0;
- if((maxsize=MD_SampleSpace(type)*1024))
- while(SampleTotal(samplist,type)>maxsize) {
- /* First Pass - check for any 16 bit samples */
- s = samplist;
- while(s) {
- if(s->outfmt & SF_16BITS) {
- SL_Sample16to8(s);
- break;
- }
- s=s->next;
- }
- /* Second pass (if no 16bits found above) is to take the sample with
- the highest speed and dither it by half. */
- if(!s) {
- s = samplist;
- speed = 0;
- while(s) {
- if((s->sample->length) && (RealSpeed(s)>speed)) {
- speed=RealSpeed(s);
- c2smp=s;
- }
- s=s->next;
- }
- if (c2smp)
- SL_HalveSample(c2smp,2);
- }
- }
- /* Samples dithered, now load them ! */
- s = samplist;
- while(s) {
- /* sample has to be loaded ? -> increase number of samples, allocate
- memory and load sample. */
- if(s->sample->length) {
- if(s->sample->seekpos)
- _mm_fseek(s->reader, s->sample->seekpos, SEEK_SET);
- /* Call the sample load routine of the driver module. It has to
- return a 'handle' (>=0) that identifies the sample. */
- s->sample->handle = MD_SampleLoad(s, type);
- s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags & ~SF_FORMATMASK) | s->outfmt;
- if(s->sample->handle<0) {
- FreeSampleList(samplist);
- if(_mm_errorhandler) _mm_errorhandler();
- return 1;
- }
- }
- s = s->next;
- }
- FreeSampleList(samplist);
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL SL_LoadSamples(void)
- {
- BOOL ok;
- _mm_critical = 0;
- if((!musiclist)&&(!sndfxlist)) return 0;
- ok=DitherSamples(musiclist,MD_MUSIC)||DitherSamples(sndfxlist,MD_SNDFX);
- musiclist=sndfxlist=NULL;
- return ok;
- }
- void SL_Sample16to8(SAMPLOAD* s)
- {
- s->outfmt &= ~SF_16BITS;
- s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~SF_FORMATMASK) | s->outfmt;
- }
- void SL_Sample8to16(SAMPLOAD* s)
- {
- s->outfmt |= SF_16BITS;
- s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~SF_FORMATMASK) | s->outfmt;
- }
- void SL_SampleSigned(SAMPLOAD* s)
- {
- s->outfmt |= SF_SIGNED;
- s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~SF_FORMATMASK) | s->outfmt;
- }
- void SL_SampleUnsigned(SAMPLOAD* s)
- {
- s->outfmt &= ~SF_SIGNED;
- s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~SF_FORMATMASK) | s->outfmt;
- }
- void SL_HalveSample(SAMPLOAD* s,int factor)
- {
- s->scalefactor=factor>0?factor:2;
- s->sample->divfactor = s->scalefactor;
- s->sample->length = s->length / s->scalefactor;
- s->sample->loopstart = s->loopstart / s->scalefactor;
- s->sample->loopend = s->loopend / s->scalefactor;
- }
- /* ex:set ts=4: */