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Windows CE
- /* MikMod sound library
- (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Miodrag Vallat and others - see file AUTHORS
- for complete list.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /*==============================================================================
- $Id: drv_sam9407.c,v 2004/01/21 01:36:35 raph Exp $
- Driver for the Linux sam9407 driver
- ==============================================================================*/
- /*
- Written by Gerd Rausch <gerd@alf.gun.de>
- Tempo contributions by Xavier Hosxe <xhosxe@cyrano.com>
- Released with libmikmod under LGPL license with the author's permission.
- */
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include "mikmod_internals.h"
- #ifdef DRV_SAM9407
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <sys/sam9407.h>
- /* Backwards compatibility with driver version 0.9.x */
- #endif
- #define SAM_NUM_BANKS 256
- #define SAM_NUM_VOICES 32
- #define NO_LOOP_SAMPLES 8
- #define PENDING_PLAY (1<<0)
- #define PENDING_STOP (1<<1)
- #define PENDING_VOLUME (1<<2)
- #define PENDING_FREQ (1<<3)
- typedef struct {
- BOOL inUse;
- ULONG length, loopstart, loopend;
- UWORD flags;
- } Bank;
- typedef struct {
- BOOL playing;
- ULONG pending;
- SWORD handle;
- ULONG start;
- ULONG length;
- ULONG loopstart;
- ULONG repend;
- UWORD flags;
- ULONG freq;
- UWORD vol;
- ULONG pan;
- } Voice;
- static Bank banks[SAM_NUM_BANKS];
- static Voice voices[SAM_NUM_VOICES];
- static int card=0;
- static int modfd=-1;
- static void commandLine(CHAR *cmdline)
- {
- CHAR *ptr;
- if((ptr=MD_GetAtom("card", cmdline, 0))) {
- card=atoi(ptr);
- free(ptr);
- }
- }
- static BOOL isPresent(void)
- {
- int fd;
- char devName[256];
- sprintf(devName, "/dev/sam%d_mod", card);
- if((fd=open(devName, O_RDWR))>=0) {
- close(fd);
- return 1;
- }
- return (errno == EACCES ? 1 : 0);
- }
- static ULONG freeSampleSpace(int type)
- {
- SamModMemInfo memInfo;
- if(ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_MOD_MEM_INFO, &memInfo)<0)
- return 0;
- return memInfo.memFree<<1;
- }
- static SWORD sampleLoad(SAMPLOAD *s, int type)
- {
- Bank *bankP;
- SamModSamples modSamples;
- SWORD handle;
- SWORD *samples;
- int rc;
- for(handle=0; handle<SAM_NUM_BANKS; handle++)
- if(!banks[handle].inUse)
- break;
- if(handle>=SAM_NUM_BANKS) {
- return -1;
- }
- bankP=banks+handle;
- bankP->inUse=1;
- SL_SampleSigned(s);
- SL_Sample8to16(s);
- bankP->length=s->sample->length;
- bankP->loopstart=s->sample->loopstart;
- bankP->loopend=s->sample->loopend ? s->sample->loopend : s->sample->length;
- bankP->flags=s->sample->flags;
- if(!(samples=(SWORD *)malloc((bankP->length+NO_LOOP_SAMPLES)<<1))) {
- bankP->inUse=0;
- return -1;
- }
- if(SL_Load(samples, s, bankP->length)) {
- free(samples);
- bankP->inUse=0;
- return -1;
- }
- if(!(bankP->flags & SF_LOOP)) {
- memset(samples+bankP->length, 0, NO_LOOP_SAMPLES);
- bankP->loopstart=bankP->length;
- bankP->length+=NO_LOOP_SAMPLES;
- bankP->loopend=bankP->length-1;
- }
- modSamples.handle=handle;
- modSamples.data=samples;
- modSamples.size=bankP->length;
- if((rc=ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_MOD_SAMPLES_LOAD, &modSamples))<0) {
- free(samples);
- bankP->inUse=0;
- return -1;
- }
- free(samples);
- return handle;
- }
- void sampleUnload(SWORD handle)
- {
- unsigned char modHandle;
- if(!banks[handle].inUse)
- return;
- modHandle=handle;
- ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_MOD_SAMPLES_UNLOAD, &modHandle);
- banks[handle].inUse=0;
- }
- static ULONG realSampleLength(int type, SAMPLE *s)
- {
- if(!s)
- return 0;
- return s->length<<1;
- }
- static BOOL init(void)
- {
- int i;
- Voice *voiceP;
- char devName[256];
- SamApiInfo apiInfo;
- sprintf(devName, "/dev/sam%d_mod", card);
- if((modfd=open(devName, O_RDWR))<0) {
- return 1;
- }
- if(ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_API_INFO, &apiInfo)<0 ||
- apiInfo.version!=SAM_MOD_API_VERSION) {
- return 1;
- }
- for(i=0; i<SAM_NUM_VOICES; i++) {
- voiceP=voices+i;
- voiceP->freq=44100;
- voiceP->vol=0xFF;
- voiceP->pan=0x80;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void exitHook(void)
- {
- if(modfd>=0) {
- close(modfd);
- modfd=-1;
- }
- }
- static BOOL reset(void)
- {
- if(ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_MOD_RESET)<0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static BOOL setNumVoices(void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static BOOL playStart(void)
- {
- ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_MOD_TIMER_START);
- return 0;
- }
- static void playStop(void)
- {
- ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_MOD_POST);
- ioctl(modfd, SAM_IOC_MOD_TIMER_STOP);
- }
- static void update(void)
- {
- static int wait_echo;
- static long ticker_idx;
- int i;
- Voice *voiceP;
- SamModEvent event, eventBuf[SAM_NUM_VOICES*10+8], *eventP;
- eventP = eventBuf;
- for(i=0; i<md_numchn; i++) {
- voiceP=voices+i;
- if((voiceP->pending & PENDING_STOP) ||
- ((voiceP->pending & PENDING_PLAY) && voiceP->playing)) {
- voiceP->playing=0;
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_STOP;
- eventP->trigger.voice=i;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModTriggerEvent));
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_CLOSE;
- eventP->trigger.voice=i;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModTriggerEvent));
- voiceP->pending&=~PENDING_STOP;
- }
- if(voiceP->pending & PENDING_PLAY) {
- Bank *bankP=banks+voiceP->handle;
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_OPEN;
- eventP->trigger.voice=i;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModTriggerEvent));
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_MEM;
- eventP->mem.voice=i;
- eventP->mem.handle=voiceP->handle;
- eventP->mem.sampleType=SamModSample16Bit;
- eventP->mem.loopType=(bankP->flags & SF_BIDI) ? SamModLoopReverse : SamModLoopForward;
- eventP->mem.start=voiceP->start;
- eventP->mem.loop=bankP->loopstart;
- eventP->mem.end=bankP->loopend;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModMemEvent));
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_VOL;
- eventP->volOut.voice=i;
- eventP->volOut.volume=0xFF;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModVolOutEvent));
- }
- if(voiceP->pending & PENDING_VOLUME) {
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_MAIN;
- eventP->volSend.voice=i;
- eventP->volSend.left=voiceP->vol*(255-voiceP->pan)/255;
- eventP->volSend.right=voiceP->vol*voiceP->pan/255;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModVolSendEvent));
- voiceP->pending&=~PENDING_VOLUME;
- }
- if(voiceP->pending & PENDING_FREQ) {
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_PITCH;
- eventP->pitch.voice=i;
- eventP->pitch.freq=voiceP->freq;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModPitchEvent));
- voiceP->pending&=~PENDING_FREQ;
- }
- if(voiceP->pending & PENDING_PLAY) {
- voiceP->playing=1;
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_START;
- eventP->trigger.voice=i;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModTriggerEvent));
- voiceP->pending&=~PENDING_PLAY;
- }
- }
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_WAIT_REL;
- eventP->timer.time.tv_sec=0;
- eventP->timer.time.tv_usec=2500000/md_bpm;
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModTimerEvent));
- eventP->type=SAM_MOD_EVENT_ECHO;
- eventP->echo.closure=(void *)(ticker_idx+1);
- eventP=(SamModEvent *)((char *)eventP+sizeof(SamModEchoEvent));
- if(wait_echo)
- while(read(modfd, &event, sizeof(event))>0 && (long)event.echo.closure!=ticker_idx);
- wait_echo=1;
- ticker_idx++;
- (*md_player)();
- write(modfd, eventBuf, (char *)eventP-(char *)eventBuf);
- }
- static void voiceSetVolume(UBYTE voice, UWORD vol)
- {
- if(voice>=SAM_NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- voices[voice].vol=vol<=255 ? vol : 255;
- voices[voice].pending|=PENDING_VOLUME;
- }
- static UWORD voiceGetVolume(UBYTE voice)
- {
- return voice<SAM_NUM_VOICES ? voices[voice].vol : 0;
- }
- static void voiceSetFrequency(UBYTE voice, ULONG freq)
- {
- if(voice>=SAM_NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- voices[voice].freq=freq;
- voices[voice].pending|=PENDING_FREQ;
- }
- static ULONG voiceGetFrequency(UBYTE voice)
- {
- return voice<SAM_NUM_VOICES ? voices[voice].freq : 0;
- }
- static void voiceSetPanning(UBYTE voice, ULONG pan)
- {
- if(voice>=SAM_NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- voices[voice].pan=pan<=255 ? pan : 255;
- voices[voice].pending|=PENDING_VOLUME;
- }
- static ULONG voiceGetPanning(UBYTE voice)
- {
- return voice<SAM_NUM_VOICES ? voices[voice].pan : 0x80;
- }
- static void voicePlay(UBYTE voice, SWORD handle, ULONG start, ULONG length, ULONG loopstart, ULONG repend, UWORD flags)
- {
- Voice *voiceP;
- if(voice>=SAM_NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- voiceP=voices+voice;
- voiceP->handle=handle;
- voiceP->flags=flags;
- voiceP->start=start;
- voiceP->length=length;
- voiceP->loopstart=loopstart;
- voiceP->repend=repend;
- voiceP->flags=flags;
- voiceP->pending&=~PENDING_STOP;
- voiceP->pending|=PENDING_PLAY;
- }
- static void voiceStop(UBYTE voice)
- {
- if(voice>=SAM_NUM_VOICES)
- return;
- voices[voice].pending&=~PENDING_PLAY;
- voices[voice].pending|=PENDING_STOP;
- }
- static BOOL voiceStopped(UBYTE voice)
- {
- if(voice>=SAM_NUM_VOICES)
- return 1;
- return voice<SAM_NUM_VOICES ? !voices[voice].playing : 1;
- }
- static SLONG voiceGetPosition(UBYTE voice)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- static ULONG voiceRealVolume(UBYTE voice)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- MIKMODAPI MDRIVER drv_sam9407={
- "sam9407 driver",
- "Linux sam9407 driver v1.0",
- "sam9407",
- commandLine,
- isPresent,
- sampleLoad,
- sampleUnload,
- freeSampleSpace,
- realSampleLength,
- init,
- exitHook,
- reset,
- setNumVoices,
- playStart,
- playStop,
- update,
- voiceSetVolume,
- voiceGetVolume,
- voiceSetFrequency,
- voiceGetFrequency,
- voiceSetPanning,
- voiceGetPanning,
- voicePlay,
- voiceStop,
- voiceStopped,
- voiceGetPosition,
- voiceRealVolume
- };
- #else
- MISSING(drv_sam9407);
- #endif
- /* ex:set ts=4: */