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资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /* test_libFLAC++ - Unit tester for libFLAC++
- * Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005 Josh Coalson
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- extern "C" {
- #include "file_utils.h"
- }
- #include "FLAC/assert.h"
- #include "FLAC++/decoder.h"
- #include "FLAC++/metadata.h"
- #include "share/grabbag.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */
- #include <string.h> /* for memcpy()/memset() */
- #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__
- #include <sys/utime.h> /* for utime() */
- #include <io.h> /* for chmod() */
- #else
- #include <sys/types.h> /* some flavors of BSD (like OS X) require this to get time_t */
- #include <utime.h> /* for utime() */
- #include <unistd.h> /* for chown(), unlink() */
- #endif
- #include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat(), maybe chmod() */
- /******************************************************************************
- The general strategy of these tests (for interface levels 1 and 2) is
- to create a dummy FLAC file with a known set of initial metadata
- blocks, then keep a mirror locally of what we expect the metadata to be
- after each operation. Then testing becomes a simple matter of running
- a FLAC::Decoder::File over the dummy file after each operation, comparing
- the decoded metadata to what's in our local copy. If there are any
- differences in the metadata, or the actual audio data is corrupted, we
- will catch it while decoding.
- ******************************************************************************/
- class OurFileDecoder: public FLAC::Decoder::File {
- public:
- inline OurFileDecoder(bool ignore_metadata): ignore_metadata_(ignore_metadata), error_occurred_(false) { }
- bool ignore_metadata_;
- bool error_occurred_;
- protected:
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[]);
- void metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata);
- void error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status);
- };
- struct OurMetadata {
- FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *blocks[64];
- unsigned num_blocks;
- };
- static const char *flacfile_ = "metadata.flac";
- /* our copy of the metadata in flacfile_ */
- static OurMetadata our_metadata_;
- /* the current block number that corresponds to the position of the iterator we are testing */
- static unsigned mc_our_block_number_ = 0;
- static bool die_(const char *msg)
- {
- printf("ERROR: %sn", msg);
- return false;
- }
- static bool die_c_(const char *msg, FLAC::Metadata::Chain::Status status)
- {
- printf("ERROR: %sn", msg);
- printf(" status=%u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatus)status), status.as_cstring());
- return false;
- }
- static bool die_ss_(const char *msg, FLAC::Metadata::SimpleIterator &iterator)
- {
- const FLAC::Metadata::SimpleIterator::Status status = iterator.status();
- printf("ERROR: %sn", msg);
- printf(" status=%u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus)status), status.as_cstring());
- return false;
- }
- static void *malloc_or_die_(size_t size)
- {
- void *x = malloc(size);
- if(0 == x) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory allocating %u bytesn", (unsigned)size);
- exit(1);
- }
- return x;
- }
- /* functions for working with our metadata copy */
- static bool replace_in_our_metadata_(FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *block, unsigned position, bool copy)
- {
- unsigned i;
- FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *obj = block;
- FLAC__ASSERT(position < our_metadata_.num_blocks);
- if(copy) {
- if(0 == (obj = FLAC::Metadata::clone(block)))
- return die_("during FLAC::Metadata::clone()");
- }
- delete our_metadata_.blocks[position];
- our_metadata_.blocks[position] = obj;
- /* set the is_last flags */
- for(i = 0; i < our_metadata_.num_blocks - 1; i++)
- our_metadata_.blocks[i]->set_is_last(false);
- our_metadata_.blocks[i]->set_is_last(true);
- return true;
- }
- static bool insert_to_our_metadata_(FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *block, unsigned position, bool copy)
- {
- unsigned i;
- FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *obj = block;
- if(copy) {
- if(0 == (obj = FLAC::Metadata::clone(block)))
- return die_("during FLAC::Metadata::clone()");
- }
- if(position > our_metadata_.num_blocks) {
- position = our_metadata_.num_blocks;
- }
- else {
- for(i = our_metadata_.num_blocks; i > position; i--)
- our_metadata_.blocks[i] = our_metadata_.blocks[i-1];
- }
- our_metadata_.blocks[position] = obj;
- our_metadata_.num_blocks++;
- /* set the is_last flags */
- for(i = 0; i < our_metadata_.num_blocks - 1; i++)
- our_metadata_.blocks[i]->set_is_last(false);
- our_metadata_.blocks[i]->set_is_last(true);
- return true;
- }
- static void delete_from_our_metadata_(unsigned position)
- {
- unsigned i;
- FLAC__ASSERT(position < our_metadata_.num_blocks);
- delete our_metadata_.blocks[position];
- for(i = position; i < our_metadata_.num_blocks - 1; i++)
- our_metadata_.blocks[i] = our_metadata_.blocks[i+1];
- our_metadata_.num_blocks--;
- /* set the is_last flags */
- if(our_metadata_.num_blocks > 0) {
- for(i = 0; i < our_metadata_.num_blocks - 1; i++)
- our_metadata_.blocks[i]->set_is_last(false);
- our_metadata_.blocks[i]->set_is_last(true);
- }
- }
- void add_to_padding_length_(unsigned index, int delta)
- {
- FLAC::Metadata::Padding *padding = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(our_metadata_.blocks[index]);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != padding);
- padding->set_length((unsigned)((int)padding->get_length() + delta));
- }
- /*
- * This wad of functions supports filename- and callback-based chain reading/writing.
- * Everything up to set_file_stats_() is copied from libFLAC/metadata_iterators.c
- */
- bool open_tempfile_(const char *filename, FILE **tempfile, char **tempfilename)
- {
- static const char *tempfile_suffix = ".metadata_edit";
- if(0 == (*tempfilename = (char*)malloc(strlen(filename) + strlen(tempfile_suffix) + 1)))
- return false;
- strcpy(*tempfilename, filename);
- strcat(*tempfilename, tempfile_suffix);
- if(0 == (*tempfile = fopen(*tempfilename, "wb")))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- void cleanup_tempfile_(FILE **tempfile, char **tempfilename)
- {
- if(0 != *tempfile) {
- (void)fclose(*tempfile);
- *tempfile = 0;
- }
- if(0 != *tempfilename) {
- (void)unlink(*tempfilename);
- free(*tempfilename);
- *tempfilename = 0;
- }
- }
- bool transport_tempfile_(const char *filename, FILE **tempfile, char **tempfilename)
- {
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != filename);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != tempfile);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != tempfilename);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != *tempfilename);
- if(0 != *tempfile) {
- (void)fclose(*tempfile);
- *tempfile = 0;
- }
- #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__
- if(unlink(filename) < 0) {
- cleanup_tempfile_(tempfile, tempfilename);
- return false;
- }
- #endif
- if(0 != rename(*tempfilename, filename)) {
- cleanup_tempfile_(tempfile, tempfilename);
- return false;
- }
- cleanup_tempfile_(tempfile, tempfilename);
- return true;
- }
- bool get_file_stats_(const char *filename, struct stat *stats)
- {
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != filename);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != stats);
- return (0 == stat(filename, stats));
- }
- void set_file_stats_(const char *filename, struct stat *stats)
- {
- struct utimbuf srctime;
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != filename);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != stats);
- srctime.actime = stats->st_atime;
- srctime.modtime = stats->st_mtime;
- (void)chmod(filename, stats->st_mode);
- (void)utime(filename, &srctime);
- #if !defined _MSC_VER && !defined __MINGW32__
- (void)chown(filename, stats->st_uid, (gid_t)(-1));
- (void)chown(filename, (uid_t)(-1), stats->st_gid);
- #endif
- }
- static size_t chain_write_cb_(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, ::FLAC__IOHandle handle)
- {
- FILE *stream = (FILE*)handle;
- size_t ret = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream);
- if(!ferror(stream))
- fflush(stream);
- return ret;
- }
- #endif
- static int chain_seek_cb_(::FLAC__IOHandle handle, FLAC__int64 offset, int whence)
- {
- long o = (long)offset;
- FLAC__ASSERT(offset == o);
- return fseek((FILE*)handle, o, whence);
- }
- static FLAC__int64 chain_tell_cb_(::FLAC__IOHandle handle)
- {
- return ftell((FILE*)handle);
- }
- static int chain_eof_cb_(::FLAC__IOHandle handle)
- {
- return feof((FILE*)handle);
- }
- static bool write_chain_(FLAC::Metadata::Chain &chain, bool use_padding, bool preserve_file_stats, bool filename_based, const char *filename)
- {
- if(filename_based)
- return chain.write(use_padding, preserve_file_stats);
- else {
- ::FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks;
- memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
- callbacks.read = (::FLAC__IOCallback_Read)fread;
- callbacks.write = chain_write_cb_;
- #else
- callbacks.write = (::FLAC__IOCallback_Write)fwrite;
- #endif
- callbacks.seek = chain_seek_cb_;
- callbacks.eof = chain_eof_cb_;
- if(chain.check_if_tempfile_needed(use_padding)) {
- struct stat stats;
- FILE *file, *tempfile;
- char *tempfilename;
- if(preserve_file_stats) {
- if(!get_file_stats_(filename, &stats))
- return false;
- }
- if(0 == (file = fopen(filename, "rb")))
- return false; /*@@@ chain status still says OK though */
- if(!open_tempfile_(filename, &tempfile, &tempfilename)) {
- fclose(file);
- cleanup_tempfile_(&tempfile, &tempfilename);
- return false; /*@@@ chain status still says OK though */
- }
- if(!chain.write(use_padding, (::FLAC__IOHandle)file, callbacks, (::FLAC__IOHandle)tempfile, callbacks)) {
- fclose(file);
- fclose(tempfile);
- return false;
- }
- fclose(file);
- fclose(tempfile);
- file = tempfile = 0;
- if(!transport_tempfile_(filename, &tempfile, &tempfilename))
- return false;
- if(preserve_file_stats)
- set_file_stats_(filename, &stats);
- }
- else {
- FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r+b");
- if(0 == file)
- return false; /*@@@ chain status still says OK though */
- if(!chain.write(use_padding, (::FLAC__IOHandle)file, callbacks))
- return false;
- fclose(file);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- static bool read_chain_(FLAC::Metadata::Chain &chain, const char *filename, bool filename_based)
- {
- if(filename_based)
- return chain.read(filename);
- else {
- ::FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks;
- memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
- callbacks.read = (::FLAC__IOCallback_Read)fread;
- callbacks.seek = chain_seek_cb_;
- callbacks.tell = chain_tell_cb_;
- {
- bool ret;
- FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb");
- if(0 == file)
- return false; /*@@@ chain status still says OK though */
- ret = chain.read((::FLAC__IOHandle)file, callbacks);
- fclose(file);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }
- /* function for comparing our metadata to a FLAC::Metadata::Chain */
- static bool compare_chain_(FLAC::Metadata::Chain &chain, unsigned current_position, FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *current_block)
- {
- unsigned i;
- FLAC::Metadata::Iterator iterator;
- bool next_ok = true;
- printf("tcomparing chain... ");
- fflush(stdout);
- if(!iterator.is_valid())
- return die_("allocating memory for iterator");
- iterator.init(chain);
- i = 0;
- do {
- FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *block;
- printf("%u... ", i);
- fflush(stdout);
- if(0 == (block = iterator.get_block()))
- return die_("getting block from iterator");
- if(*block != *our_metadata_.blocks[i])
- return die_("metadata block mismatch");
- delete block;
- i++;
- next_ok = iterator.next();
- } while(i < our_metadata_.num_blocks && next_ok);
- if(next_ok)
- return die_("chain has more blocks than expected");
- if(i < our_metadata_.num_blocks)
- return die_("short block count in chain");
- if(0 != current_block) {
- printf("CURRENT_POSITION... ");
- fflush(stdout);
- if(*current_block != *our_metadata_.blocks[current_position])
- return die_("metadata block mismatch");
- }
- printf("PASSEDn");
- return true;
- }
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus OurFileDecoder::write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[])
- {
- (void)buffer;
- if(
- (frame->header.number_type == FLAC__FRAME_NUMBER_TYPE_FRAME_NUMBER && frame->header.number.frame_number == 0) ||
- (frame->header.number_type == FLAC__FRAME_NUMBER_TYPE_SAMPLE_NUMBER && frame->header.number.sample_number == 0)
- ) {
- printf("content... ");
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- }
- void OurFileDecoder::metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata)
- {
- /* don't bother checking if we've already hit an error */
- if(error_occurred_)
- return;
- printf("%d... ", mc_our_block_number_);
- fflush(stdout);
- if(!ignore_metadata_) {
- if(mc_our_block_number_ >= our_metadata_.num_blocks) {
- (void)die_("got more metadata blocks than expected");
- error_occurred_ = true;
- }
- else {
- if(*our_metadata_.blocks[mc_our_block_number_] != metadata) {
- (void)die_("metadata block mismatch");
- error_occurred_ = true;
- }
- }
- }
- mc_our_block_number_++;
- }
- void OurFileDecoder::error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status)
- {
- error_occurred_ = true;
- printf("ERROR: got error callback, status = %s (%u)n", FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatusString[status], (unsigned)status);
- }
- static bool generate_file_()
- {
- ::FLAC__StreamMetadata streaminfo, vorbiscomment, padding;
- ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata[1];
- printf("generating FLAC file for testn");
- while(our_metadata_.num_blocks > 0)
- delete_from_our_metadata_(0);
- streaminfo.is_last = false;
- streaminfo.type = ::FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.min_blocksize = 576;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.max_blocksize = 576;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.min_framesize = 0;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.max_framesize = 0;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.sample_rate = 44100;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.channels = 1;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.bits_per_sample = 8;
- streaminfo.data.stream_info.total_samples = 0;
- memset(streaminfo.data.stream_info.md5sum, 0, 16);
- {
- const unsigned vendor_string_length = (unsigned)strlen(FLAC__VENDOR_STRING);
- vorbiscomment.is_last = false;
- vorbiscomment.type = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT;
- vorbiscomment.length = (4 + vendor_string_length) + 4;
- vorbiscomment.data.vorbis_comment.vendor_string.length = vendor_string_length;
- vorbiscomment.data.vorbis_comment.vendor_string.entry = (FLAC__byte*)malloc_or_die_(vendor_string_length+1);
- memcpy(vorbiscomment.data.vorbis_comment.vendor_string.entry, FLAC__VENDOR_STRING, vendor_string_length+1);
- vorbiscomment.data.vorbis_comment.num_comments = 0;
- vorbiscomment.data.vorbis_comment.comments = 0;
- }
- padding.is_last = true;
- padding.type = ::FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PADDING;
- padding.length = 1234;
- metadata[0] = &padding;
- FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo s(&streaminfo);
- FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment v(&vorbiscomment);
- FLAC::Metadata::Padding p(&padding);
- if(
- !insert_to_our_metadata_(&s, 0, /*copy=*/true) ||
- !insert_to_our_metadata_(&v, 1, /*copy=*/true) ||
- !insert_to_our_metadata_(&p, 2, /*copy=*/true)
- )
- return die_("priming our metadata");
- if(!file_utils__generate_flacfile(flacfile_, 0, 512 * 1024, &streaminfo, metadata, 1))
- return die_("creating the encoded file");
- free(vorbiscomment.data.vorbis_comment.vendor_string.entry);
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_file_(const char *filename, bool ignore_metadata)
- {
- OurFileDecoder decoder(ignore_metadata);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != filename);
- mc_our_block_number_ = 0;
- decoder.error_occurred_ = false;
- printf("ttesting '%s'... ", filename);
- fflush(stdout);
- if(!decoder.is_valid())
- return die_("couldn't allocate decoder instance");
- decoder.set_md5_checking(true);
- decoder.set_filename(filename);
- decoder.set_metadata_respond_all();
- if(decoder.init() != ::FLAC__FILE_DECODER_OK) {
- decoder.finish();
- return die_("initializing decodern");
- }
- if(!decoder.process_until_end_of_file()) {
- decoder.finish();
- return die_("decoding filen");
- }
- decoder.finish();
- if(decoder.error_occurred_)
- return false;
- if(mc_our_block_number_ != our_metadata_.num_blocks)
- return die_("short metadata block count");
- printf("PASSEDn");
- return true;
- }
- static bool change_stats_(const char *filename, bool read_only)
- {
- if(!grabbag__file_change_stats(filename, read_only))
- return die_("during grabbag__file_change_stats()");
- return true;
- }
- static bool remove_file_(const char *filename)
- {
- while(our_metadata_.num_blocks > 0)
- delete_from_our_metadata_(0);
- if(!grabbag__file_remove_file(filename))
- return die_("removing file");
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_level_0_()
- {
- FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo streaminfo;
- printf("nn++++++ testing level 0 interfacen");
- if(!generate_file_())
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/true))
- return false;
- printf("testing FLAC::Metadata::get_streaminfo()... ");
- if(!FLAC::Metadata::get_streaminfo(flacfile_, streaminfo))
- return die_("during FLAC::Metadata::get_streaminfo()");
- /* check to see if some basic data matches (c.f. generate_file_()) */
- if(streaminfo.get_channels() != 1)
- return die_("mismatch in streaminfo.get_channels()");
- if(streaminfo.get_bits_per_sample() != 8)
- return die_("mismatch in streaminfo.get_bits_per_sample()");
- if(streaminfo.get_sample_rate() != 44100)
- return die_("mismatch in streaminfo.get_sample_rate()");
- if(streaminfo.get_min_blocksize() != 576)
- return die_("mismatch in streaminfo.get_min_blocksize()");
- if(streaminfo.get_max_blocksize() != 576)
- return die_("mismatch in streaminfo.get_max_blocksize()");
- printf("OKn");
- {
- printf("testing FLAC::Metadata::get_tags(VorbisComment *&)... ");
- FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment *tags = 0;
- if(!FLAC::Metadata::get_tags(flacfile_, tags))
- return die_("during FLAC::Metadata::get_tags()");
- /* check to see if some basic data matches (c.f. generate_file_()) */
- if(tags->get_num_comments() != 0)
- return die_("mismatch in tags->get_num_comments()");
- printf("OKn");
- delete tags;
- }
- {
- printf("testing FLAC::Metadata::get_tags(VorbisComment &)... ");
- FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment tags;
- if(!FLAC::Metadata::get_tags(flacfile_, tags))
- return die_("during FLAC::Metadata::get_tags()");
- /* check to see if some basic data matches (c.f. generate_file_()) */
- if(tags.get_num_comments() != 0)
- return die_("mismatch in tags.get_num_comments()");
- printf("OKn");
- }
- if(!remove_file_(flacfile_))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_level_1_()
- {
- FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *block;
- FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo *streaminfo;
- FLAC::Metadata::Padding *padding;
- FLAC::Metadata::Application *app;
- FLAC__byte data[1000];
- unsigned our_current_position = 0;
- // initialize 'data' to avoid Valgrind errors
- memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
- printf("nn++++++ testing level 1 interfacen");
- /************************************************************/
- {
- printf("simple iterator on read-only filen");
- if(!generate_file_())
- return false;
- if(!change_stats_(flacfile_, /*read_only=*/true))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/true))
- return false;
- FLAC::Metadata::SimpleIterator iterator;
- if(!iterator.is_valid())
- return die_("iterator.is_valid() returned false");
- if(!iterator.init(flacfile_, /*read_only=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false))
- return die_("iterator.init() returned false");
- printf("is writable = %un", (unsigned)iterator.is_writable());
- if(iterator.is_writable())
- return die_("iterator claims file is writable when tester thinks it should not be; are you running as root?n");
- printf("iterate forwardsn");
- if(iterator.get_block_type() != ::FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO)
- return die_("expected STREAMINFO type from iterator.get_block_type()");
- if(0 == (block = iterator.get_block()))
- return die_("getting block 0");
- if(block->get_type() != ::FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO)
- return die_("expected STREAMINFO type");
- if(block->get_is_last())
- return die_("expected is_last to be false");
- if(block->get_length() != FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_LENGTH)
- return die_("bad STREAMINFO length");
- /* check to see if some basic data matches (c.f. generate_file_()) */
- streaminfo = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo *>(block);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != streaminfo);
- if(streaminfo->get_channels() != 1)
- return die_("mismatch in channels");
- if(streaminfo->get_bits_per_sample() != 8)
- return die_("mismatch in bits_per_sample");
- if(streaminfo->get_sample_rate() != 44100)
- return die_("mismatch in sample_rate");
- if(streaminfo->get_min_blocksize() != 576)
- return die_("mismatch in min_blocksize");
- if(streaminfo->get_max_blocksize() != 576)
- return die_("mismatch in max_blocksize");
- // we will delete streaminfo a little later when we're really done with it...
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("forward iterator ended early");
- our_current_position++;
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("forward iterator ended early");
- our_current_position++;
- if(iterator.get_block_type() != ::FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PADDING)
- return die_("expected PADDING type from iterator.get_block_type()");
- if(0 == (block = iterator.get_block()))
- return die_("getting block 1");
- if(block->get_type() != ::FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PADDING)
- return die_("expected PADDING type");
- if(!block->get_is_last())
- return die_("expected is_last to be true");
- /* check to see if some basic data matches (c.f. generate_file_()) */
- if(block->get_length() != 1234)
- return die_("bad PADDING length");
- delete block;
- if(iterator.next())
- return die_("forward iterator returned true but should have returned false");
- printf("iterate backwardsn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("reverse iterator ended early");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("reverse iterator ended early");
- if(iterator.prev())
- return die_("reverse iterator returned true but should have returned false");
- printf("testing iterator.set_block() on read-only file...n");
- if(!iterator.set_block(streaminfo, false))
- printf("PASSED. iterator.set_block() returned false like it shouldn");
- else
- return die_("iterator.set_block() returned true but shouldn't have");
- delete streaminfo;
- }
- /************************************************************/
- {
- printf("simple iterator on writable filen");
- if(!change_stats_(flacfile_, /*read-only=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("creating APPLICATION blockn");
- if(0 == (app = new FLAC::Metadata::Application()))
- return die_("new FLAC::Metadata::Application()");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"duh");
- printf("creating PADDING blockn");
- if(0 == (padding = new FLAC::Metadata::Padding()))
- return die_("new FLAC::Metadata::Padding()");
- padding->set_length(20);
- FLAC::Metadata::SimpleIterator iterator;
- if(!iterator.is_valid())
- return die_("iterator.is_valid() returned false");
- if(!iterator.init(flacfile_, /*read_only=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false))
- return die_("iterator.init() returned false");
- our_current_position = 0;
- printf("is writable = %un", (unsigned)iterator.is_writable());
- printf("[S]VPttry to write over STREAMINFO block...n");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, false))
- printf("titerator.set_block() returned false like it shouldn");
- else
- return die_("iterator.set_block() returned true but shouldn't have");
- printf("[S]VPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("S[V]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]tinsert PADDING after, don't expand into paddingn");
- padding->set_length(25);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false)", iterator);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return false;
- printf("SVP[P]tprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("SV[P]Ptprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("S[V]PPtinsert PADDING after, don't expand into paddingn");
- padding->set_length(30);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false)", iterator);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[P]PPtprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("S[V]PPPtprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("[S]VPPPtdelete (STREAMINFO block), must failn");
- if(iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false) should have returned false", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("[S]VPPPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("S[V]PPPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]PPtdelete (middle block), replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(true)", iterator);
- our_current_position--;
- printf("S[V]PPPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]PPtdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("S[V]PPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVP[P]tdelete (last block), replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- our_current_position--;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[P]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVP[P]tdelete (last block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[P]tprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("S[V]Ptprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("[S]VPtset STREAMINFO (change sample rate)n");
- FLAC__ASSERT(our_current_position == 0);
- block = iterator.get_block();
- streaminfo = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo *>(block);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != streaminfo);
- streaminfo->set_sample_rate(32000);
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(block, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(block, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(block, false)", iterator);
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("[S]VPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("S[V]Ptinsert APPLICATION after, expand into padding of exceeding sizen");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"euh"); /* twiddle the id so that our comparison doesn't miss transposition */
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(app, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return false;
- add_to_padding_length_(our_current_position+1, -((int)(FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_APPLICATION_ID_LEN/8) + (int)app->get_length()));
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVA[P]tset APPLICATION, expand into padding of exceeding sizen");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"fuh"); /* twiddle the id */
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return false;
- add_to_padding_length_(our_current_position+1, -((int)(FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_APPLICATION_ID_LEN/8) + (int)app->get_length()));
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVA[A]Ptset APPLICATION (grow), don't expand into paddingn");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"guh"); /* twiddle the id */
- if(!app->set_data(data, sizeof(data), true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, false)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVA[A]Ptset APPLICATION (shrink), don't fill in with paddingn");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"huh"); /* twiddle the id */
- if(!app->set_data(data, 12, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, false)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVA[A]Ptset APPLICATION (grow), expand into padding of exceeding sizen");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"iuh"); /* twiddle the id */
- if(!app->set_data(data, sizeof(data), true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- add_to_padding_length_(our_current_position+1, -((int)sizeof(data) - 12));
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVA[A]Ptset APPLICATION (shrink), fill in with paddingn");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"juh"); /* twiddle the id */
- if(!app->set_data(data, 23, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position+1, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position+1])->set_length(sizeof(data) - 23 - FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_HEADER_LENGTH);
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVA[A]PPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVAA[P]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVAAP[P]tset PADDING (shrink), don't fill in with paddingn");
- padding->set_length(5);
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(padding, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(padding, false)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVAAP[P]tset APPLICATION (grow)n");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"kuh"); /* twiddle the id */
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, false)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVAAP[A]tset PADDING (equal)n");
- padding->set_length(27);
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(padding, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(padding, false)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVAAP[P]tprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("SVAA[P]Ptdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVA[A]Ptdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVA[P]tinsert PADDING aftern");
- padding->set_length(5);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false)", iterator);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVAP[P]tprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("SVA[P]Ptprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("SV[A]PPtset APPLICATION (grow), try to expand into padding which is too smalln");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 32, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]PPtset APPLICATION (grow), try to expand into padding which is 'close' but still too smalln");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 60, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]PPtset APPLICATION (grow), expand into padding which will leave 0-length padn");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 87, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position+1])->set_length(0);
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]PPtset APPLICATION (grow), expand into padding which is exactly consumedn");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 91, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position+1);
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]Ptset APPLICATION (grow), expand into padding which is exactly consumedn");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 100, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position+1);
- our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]->set_is_last(true);
- if(!iterator.set_block(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]tset PADDING (equal size)n");
- padding->set_length(app->get_length());
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(padding, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.set_block(padding, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[P]tinsert PADDING aftern");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false)", iterator);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVP[P]tinsert PADDING aftern");
- padding->set_length(5);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(padding, false)", iterator);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVPP[P]tprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("SVP[P]Ptprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("SV[P]PPtprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("S[V]PPPtinsert APPLICATION after, try to expand into padding which is too smalln");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 101, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(app, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]PPPtdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("S[V]PPPtinsert APPLICATION after, try to expand into padding which is 'close' but still too smalln");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 97, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(app, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]PPPtdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("S[V]PPPtinsert APPLICATION after, expand into padding which is exactly consumedn");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 100, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(app, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position+1);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]PPtdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("S[V]PPtinsert APPLICATION after, expand into padding which will leave 0-length padn");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 96, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(app, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position+1])->set_length(0);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]PPtdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("S[V]PPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]Ptdelete (middle block), don't replace with paddingn");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(false))
- return die_ss_("iterator.delete_block(false)", iterator);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("S[V]Ptinsert APPLICATION after, expand into padding which is exactly consumedn");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 1, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(app, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position+1);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(app, true))
- return die_ss_("iterator.insert_block_after(app, true)", iterator);
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- }
- delete app;
- delete padding;
- if(!remove_file_(flacfile_))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_level_2_(bool filename_based)
- {
- FLAC::Metadata::Prototype *block;
- FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo *streaminfo;
- FLAC::Metadata::Application *app;
- FLAC::Metadata::Padding *padding;
- FLAC__byte data[2000];
- unsigned our_current_position;
- // initialize 'data' to avoid Valgrind errors
- memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
- printf("nn++++++ testing level 2 interface (%s-based)n", filename_based? "filename":"callback");
- printf("generate read-only filen");
- if(!generate_file_())
- return false;
- if(!change_stats_(flacfile_, /*read_only=*/true))
- return false;
- printf("create chainn");
- FLAC::Metadata::Chain chain;
- if(!chain.is_valid())
- return die_("allocating memory for chain");
- printf("read chainn");
- if(!read_chain_(chain, flacfile_, filename_based))
- return die_c_("reading chain", chain.status());
- printf("[S]VPttest initial metadatan");
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, 0, 0))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("switch file to read-writen");
- if(!change_stats_(flacfile_, /*read-only=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("create iteratorn");
- {
- FLAC::Metadata::Iterator iterator;
- if(!iterator.is_valid())
- return die_("allocating memory for iterator");
- our_current_position = 0;
- iterator.init(chain);
- if(0 == (block = iterator.get_block()))
- return die_("getting block from iterator");
- printf("[S]VPtmodify STREAMINFO, writen");
- streaminfo = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo *>(block);
- FLAC__ASSERT(0 != streaminfo);
- streaminfo->set_sample_rate(32000);
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(block, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- delete block;
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/true, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(false, true)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("[S]VPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("S[V]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]treplace PADDING with identical-size APPLICATIONn");
- if(0 == (block = iterator.get_block()))
- return die_("getting block from iterator");
- if(0 == (app = new FLAC::Metadata::Application()))
- return die_("new FLAC::Metadata::Application()");
- app->set_id((const unsigned char *)"duh");
- if(!app->set_data(data, block->get_length()-(FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_APPLICATION_ID_LEN/8), true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- delete block;
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(false, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]tshrink APPLICATION, don't use paddingn");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 26, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(false, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]tgrow APPLICATION, don't use paddingn");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 28, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(false, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]tgrow APPLICATION, use padding, but last block is not paddingn");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 36, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(false, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]tshrink APPLICATION, use padding, last block is not padding, but delta is too small for new PADDING blockn");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 33, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]tshrink APPLICATION, use padding, last block is not padding, delta is enough for new PADDING blockn");
- if(0 == (padding = new FLAC::Metadata::Padding()))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 29, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- padding->set_length(0);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position+1, /*copy=*/false))
- return die_("internal error");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]Ptshrink APPLICATION, use padding, last block is paddingn");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 16, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position+1])->set_length(13);
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]Ptgrow APPLICATION, use padding, last block is padding, but delta is too smalln");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 50, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]Ptgrow APPLICATION, use padding, last block is padding of exceeding sizen");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 56, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- add_to_padding_length_(our_current_position+1, -(56 - 50));
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]Ptgrow APPLICATION, use padding, last block is padding of exact sizen");
- if(0 == (app = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Application *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!app->set_data(data, 67, true))
- return die_("setting APPLICATION data");
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(app, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying object");
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position+1);
- if(!iterator.set_block(app))
- return die_c_("iterator.set_block(app)", chain.status());
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SV[A]tprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("S[V]Atprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("[S]VAtinsert PADDING before STREAMINFO (should fail)n");
- if(0 == (padding = new FLAC::Metadata::Padding()))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- padding->set_length(30);
- if(!iterator.insert_block_before(padding))
- printf("titerator.insert_block_before() returned false like it shouldn");
- else
- return die_("iterator.insert_block_before() should have returned false");
- printf("[S]VAtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("S[V]Atinsert PADDING aftern");
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying metadata");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(padding))
- return die_("iterator.insert_block_after(padding)");
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("SV[P]Atinsert PADDING beforen");
- if(0 == (padding = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- padding->set_length(17);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying metadata");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_before(padding))
- return die_("iterator.insert_block_before(padding)");
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("SV[P]PAtinsert PADDING beforen");
- if(0 == (padding = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[our_current_position]))))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- padding->set_length(0);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying metadata");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_before(padding))
- return die_("iterator.insert_block_before(padding)");
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("SV[P]PPAtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVP[P]PAtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVPP[P]Atnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SVPPP[A]tinsert PADDING aftern");
- if(0 == (padding = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[2]))))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- padding->set_length(57);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, ++our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying metadata");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_after(padding))
- return die_("iterator.insert_block_after(padding)");
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("SVPPPA[P]tinsert PADDING beforen");
- if(0 == (padding = dynamic_cast<FLAC::Metadata::Padding *>(FLAC::Metadata::clone(our_metadata_.blocks[2]))))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- padding->set_length(99);
- if(!insert_to_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position, /*copy=*/true))
- return die_("copying metadata");
- if(!iterator.insert_block_before(padding))
- return die_("iterator.insert_block_before(padding)");
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- }
- our_current_position = 0;
- printf("SVPPPAPPtmerge paddingn");
- chain.merge_padding();
- add_to_padding_length_(2, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_HEADER_LENGTH + our_metadata_.blocks[3]->get_length());
- add_to_padding_length_(2, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_HEADER_LENGTH + our_metadata_.blocks[4]->get_length());
- add_to_padding_length_(6, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_HEADER_LENGTH + our_metadata_.blocks[7]->get_length());
- delete_from_our_metadata_(7);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(4);
- delete_from_our_metadata_(3);
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, 0, 0))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVPAPtsort paddingn");
- chain.sort_padding();
- add_to_padding_length_(4, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_HEADER_LENGTH + our_metadata_.blocks[2]->get_length());
- delete_from_our_metadata_(2);
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/true, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(true, false)", chain.status());
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, 0, 0))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("create iteratorn");
- {
- FLAC::Metadata::Iterator iterator;
- if(!iterator.is_valid())
- return die_("allocating memory for iterator");
- our_current_position = 0;
- iterator.init(chain);
- printf("[S]VAPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("S[V]APtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[A]Ptdelete middle block, replace with paddingn");
- if(0 == (padding = new FLAC::Metadata::Padding()))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- padding->set_length(71);
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position--, /*copy=*/false))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(/*replace_with_padding=*/true))
- return die_c_("iterator.delete_block(true)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("S[V]PPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]Ptdelete middle block, don't replace with paddingn");
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!iterator.delete_block(/*replace_with_padding=*/false))
- return die_c_("iterator.delete_block(false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("S[V]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]tdelete last block, replace with paddingn");
- if(0 == (padding = new FLAC::Metadata::Padding()))
- return die_("creating PADDING block");
- padding->set_length(219);
- if(!replace_in_our_metadata_(padding, our_current_position--, /*copy=*/false))
- return die_("copying object");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(/*replace_with_padding=*/true))
- return die_c_("iterator.delete_block(true)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("S[V]Ptnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position++;
- printf("SV[P]tdelete last block, don't replace with paddingn");
- delete_from_our_metadata_(our_current_position--);
- if(!iterator.delete_block(/*replace_with_padding=*/false))
- return die_c_("iterator.delete_block(false)", chain.status());
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- printf("S[V]tprevn");
- if(!iterator.prev())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- our_current_position--;
- printf("[S]Vtdelete STREAMINFO block, should failn");
- if(iterator.delete_block(/*replace_with_padding=*/false))
- return die_("iterator.delete_block() on STREAMINFO should have failed but didn't");
- block = iterator.get_block();
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, our_current_position, block))
- return false;
- delete block;
- } // delete iterator
- our_current_position = 0;
- printf("SVtmerge paddingn");
- chain.merge_padding();
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(false, false)", chain.status());
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, 0, 0))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- printf("SVtsort paddingn");
- chain.sort_padding();
- if(!write_chain_(chain, /*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false, filename_based, flacfile_))
- return die_c_("during chain.write(false, false)", chain.status());
- if(!compare_chain_(chain, 0, 0))
- return false;
- if(!test_file_(flacfile_, /*ignore_metadata=*/false))
- return false;
- if(!remove_file_(flacfile_))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_level_2_misc_()
- {
- ::FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks;
- memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
- callbacks.read = (::FLAC__IOCallback_Read)fread;
- callbacks.write = chain_write_cb_;
- #else
- callbacks.write = (::FLAC__IOCallback_Write)fwrite;
- #endif
- callbacks.seek = chain_seek_cb_;
- callbacks.tell = chain_tell_cb_;
- callbacks.eof = chain_eof_cb_;
- printf("nn++++++ testing level 2 interface (mismatched read/write protections)n");
- printf("generate filen");
- if(!generate_file_())
- return false;
- printf("create chainn");
- FLAC::Metadata::Chain chain;
- if(!chain.is_valid())
- return die_("allocating chain");
- printf("read chain (filename-based)n");
- if(!chain.read(flacfile_))
- return die_c_("reading chain", chain.status());
- printf("write chain with wrong method Chain::write(with callbacks)n");
- {
- if(chain.write(/*use_padding=*/false, 0, callbacks))
- return die_c_("mismatched write should have failed", chain.status());
- return die_c_("expected FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_READ_WRITE_MISMATCH", chain.status());
- printf(" OK: Chain::write(with callbacks) returned false,FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_READ_WRITE_MISMATCH like it shouldn");
- }
- printf("read chain (filename-based)n");
- if(!chain.read(flacfile_))
- return die_c_("reading chain", chain.status());
- printf("write chain with wrong method Chain::write(with callbacks and tempfile)n");
- {
- if(chain.write(/*use_padding=*/false, 0, callbacks, 0, callbacks))
- return die_c_("mismatched write should have failed", chain.status());
- return die_c_("expected FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_READ_WRITE_MISMATCH", chain.status());
- printf(" OK: Chain::write(with callbacks and tempfile) returned false,FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_READ_WRITE_MISMATCH like it shouldn");
- }
- printf("read chain (callback-based)n");
- {
- FILE *file = fopen(flacfile_, "rb");
- if(0 == file)
- return die_("opening file");
- if(!chain.read((::FLAC__IOHandle)file, callbacks)) {
- fclose(file);
- return die_c_("reading chain", chain.status());
- }
- fclose(file);
- }
- printf("write chain with wrong method write()n");
- {
- if(chain.write(/*use_padding=*/false, /*preserve_file_stats=*/false))
- return die_c_("mismatched write should have failed", chain.status());
- return die_c_("expected FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_READ_WRITE_MISMATCH", chain.status());
- printf(" OK: write() returned false,FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_READ_WRITE_MISMATCH like it shouldn");
- }
- printf("read chain (callback-based)n");
- {
- FILE *file = fopen(flacfile_, "rb");
- if(0 == file)
- return die_("opening file");
- if(!chain.read((::FLAC__IOHandle)file, callbacks)) {
- fclose(file);
- return die_c_("reading chain", chain.status());
- }
- fclose(file);
- }
- printf("testing Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed()... ");
- if(!chain.check_if_tempfile_needed(/*use_padding=*/false))
- printf("OK: Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed() returned false like it shouldn");
- else
- return die_("Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed() returned true but shouldn't have");
- printf("write chain with wrong method Chain::write(with callbacks and tempfile)n");
- {
- if(chain.write(/*use_padding=*/false, 0, callbacks, 0, callbacks))
- return die_c_("mismatched write should have failed", chain.status());
- return die_c_("expected FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_WRONG_WRITE_CALL", chain.status());
- printf(" OK: Chain::write(with callbacks and tempfile) returned false,FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_WRONG_WRITE_CALL like it shouldn");
- }
- printf("read chain (callback-based)n");
- {
- FILE *file = fopen(flacfile_, "rb");
- if(0 == file)
- return die_("opening file");
- if(!chain.read((::FLAC__IOHandle)file, callbacks)) {
- fclose(file);
- return die_c_("reading chain", chain.status());
- }
- fclose(file);
- }
- printf("create iteratorn");
- {
- FLAC::Metadata::Iterator iterator;
- if(!iterator.is_valid())
- return die_("allocating memory for iterator");
- iterator.init(chain);
- printf("[S]VPtnextn");
- if(!iterator.next())
- return die_("iterator ended earlyn");
- printf("S[V]Ptdelete VORBIS_COMMENT, writen");
- if(!iterator.delete_block(/*replace_with_padding=*/false))
- return die_c_("block delete failedn", chain.status());
- printf("testing Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed()... ");
- if(chain.check_if_tempfile_needed(/*use_padding=*/false))
- printf("OK: Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed() returned true like it shouldn");
- else
- return die_("Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed() returned false but shouldn't have");
- printf("write chain with wrong method Chain::write(with callbacks)n");
- {
- if(chain.write(/*use_padding=*/false, 0, callbacks))
- return die_c_("mismatched write should have failed", chain.status());
- return die_c_("expected FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_WRONG_WRITE_CALL", chain.status());
- printf(" OK: Chain::write(with callbacks) returned false,FLAC__METADATA_CHAIN_STATUS_WRONG_WRITE_CALL like it shouldn");
- }
- } // delete iterator
- if(!remove_file_(flacfile_))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool test_metadata_file_manipulation()
- {
- printf("n+++ libFLAC++ unit test: metadata manipulationnn");
- our_metadata_.num_blocks = 0;
- if(!test_level_0_())
- return false;
- if(!test_level_1_())
- return false;
- if(!test_level_2_(/*filename_based=*/true)) /* filename-based */
- return false;
- if(!test_level_2_(/*filename_based=*/false)) /* callback-based */
- return false;
- if(!test_level_2_misc_())
- return false;
- return true;
- }