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资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*
- Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Michael Niedermayer (michaelni@gmx.at)
- AltiVec optimizations (C) 2004 Romain Dolbeau <romain@dolbeau.org>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- /**
- * @file postprocess.c
- * postprocessing.
- */
- /*
- C MMX MMX2 3DNow AltiVec
- isVertDC Ec Ec Ec
- isVertMinMaxOk Ec Ec Ec
- doVertLowPass E e e Ec
- doVertDefFilter Ec Ec e e Ec
- isHorizDC Ec Ec Ec
- isHorizMinMaxOk a E Ec
- doHorizLowPass E e e Ec
- doHorizDefFilter Ec Ec e e Ec
- do_a_deblock Ec E Ec E
- deRing E e e* Ecp
- Vertical RKAlgo1 E a a
- Horizontal RKAlgo1 a a
- Vertical X1# a E E
- Horizontal X1# a E E
- LinIpolDeinterlace e E E*
- CubicIpolDeinterlace a e e*
- LinBlendDeinterlace e E E*
- MedianDeinterlace# E Ec Ec
- TempDeNoiser# E e e Ec
- * i dont have a 3dnow CPU -> its untested, but noone said it doesnt work so it seems to work
- # more or less selfinvented filters so the exactness isnt too meaningfull
- E = Exact implementation
- e = allmost exact implementation (slightly different rounding,...)
- a = alternative / approximate impl
- c = checked against the other implementations (-vo md5)
- p = partially optimized, still some work to do
- */
- /*
- reduce the time wasted on the mem transfer
- unroll stuff if instructions depend too much on the prior one
- move YScale thing to the end instead of fixing QP
- write a faster and higher quality deblocking filter :)
- make the mainloop more flexible (variable number of blocks at once
- (the if/else stuff per block is slowing things down)
- compare the quality & speed of all filters
- split this huge file
- optimize c versions
- try to unroll inner for(x=0 ... loop to avoid these damn if(x ... checks
- ...
- */
- //Changelog: use the CVS log
- #include "config.h"
- #include <inttypes.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- //#undef HAVE_MMX2
- //#define HAVE_3DNOW
- //#undef HAVE_MMX
- //#undef ARCH_X86
- #include "fastmemcpy.h"
- #endif
- #include "postprocess.h"
- #include "postprocess_internal.h"
- #include "mangle.h" //FIXME should be supressed
- #include <altivec.h>
- #endif
- #define memalign(a,b) malloc(b)
- #endif
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
- #define MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
- #define ABS(a) ((a) > 0 ? (a) : (-(a)))
- #define SIGN(a) ((a) > 0 ? 1 : -1)
- #define GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE 500
- #define BLOCK_SIZE 8
- #define TEMP_STRIDE 8
- //#define NUM_BLOCKS_AT_ONCE 16 //not used yet
- #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3 || __GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 0)
- # define attribute_used __attribute__((used))
- # define always_inline __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
- #else
- # define attribute_used
- # define always_inline inline
- #endif
- #if defined(ARCH_X86) || defined(ARCH_X86_64)
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used w05= 0x0005000500050005LL;
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used w04= 0x0004000400040004LL;
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used w20= 0x0020002000200020LL;
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used b00= 0x0000000000000000LL;
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used b01= 0x0101010101010101LL;
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used b02= 0x0202020202020202LL;
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used b08= 0x0808080808080808LL;
- static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) attribute_used b80= 0x8080808080808080LL;
- #endif
- static uint8_t clip_table[3*256];
- static uint8_t * const clip_tab= clip_table + 256;
- static const int verbose= 0;
- static const int attribute_used deringThreshold= 20;
- static struct PPFilter filters[]=
- {
- {"hb", "hdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_DEBLOCK},
- {"vb", "vdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_DEBLOCK},
- /* {"hr", "rkhdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_RK1_FILTER},
- {"vr", "rkvdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_RK1_FILTER},*/
- {"h1", "x1hdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_X1_FILTER},
- {"v1", "x1vdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_X1_FILTER},
- {"ha", "ahdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_A_DEBLOCK},
- {"va", "avdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_A_DEBLOCK},
- {"dr", "dering", 1, 5, 6, DERING},
- {"al", "autolevels", 0, 1, 2, LEVEL_FIX},
- {"lb", "linblenddeint", 1, 1, 4, LINEAR_BLEND_DEINT_FILTER},
- {"li", "linipoldeint", 1, 1, 4, LINEAR_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
- {"ci", "cubicipoldeint", 1, 1, 4, CUBIC_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
- {"md", "mediandeint", 1, 1, 4, MEDIAN_DEINT_FILTER},
- {"fd", "ffmpegdeint", 1, 1, 4, FFMPEG_DEINT_FILTER},
- {"l5", "lowpass5", 1, 1, 4, LOWPASS5_DEINT_FILTER},
- {"tn", "tmpnoise", 1, 7, 8, TEMP_NOISE_FILTER},
- {"fq", "forcequant", 1, 0, 0, FORCE_QUANT},
- {NULL, NULL,0,0,0,0} //End Marker
- };
- static char *replaceTable[]=
- {
- "default", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a",
- "de", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a",
- "fast", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a",
- "fa", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a",
- "ac", "ha:a:128:7,va:a,dering:a",
- NULL //End Marker
- };
- #if defined(ARCH_X86) || defined(ARCH_X86_64)
- static inline void prefetchnta(void *p)
- {
- asm volatile( "prefetchnta (%0)nt"
- : : "r" (p)
- );
- }
- static inline void prefetcht0(void *p)
- {
- asm volatile( "prefetcht0 (%0)nt"
- : : "r" (p)
- );
- }
- static inline void prefetcht1(void *p)
- {
- asm volatile( "prefetcht1 (%0)nt"
- : : "r" (p)
- );
- }
- static inline void prefetcht2(void *p)
- {
- asm volatile( "prefetcht2 (%0)nt"
- : : "r" (p)
- );
- }
- #endif
- // The horizontal Functions exist only in C cuz the MMX code is faster with vertical filters and transposing
- /**
- * Check if the given 8x8 Block is mostly "flat"
- */
- static inline int isHorizDC_C(uint8_t src[], int stride, PPContext *c)
- {
- int numEq= 0;
- int y;
- const int dcOffset= ((c->nonBQP*c->ppMode.baseDcDiff)>>8) + 1;
- const int dcThreshold= dcOffset*2 + 1;
- for(y=0; y<BLOCK_SIZE; y++)
- {
- if(((unsigned)(src[0] - src[1] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[1] - src[2] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[2] - src[3] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[3] - src[4] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[4] - src[5] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[5] - src[6] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[6] - src[7] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- src+= stride;
- }
- return numEq > c->ppMode.flatnessThreshold;
- }
- /**
- * Check if the middle 8x8 Block in the given 8x16 block is flat
- */
- static inline int isVertDC_C(uint8_t src[], int stride, PPContext *c){
- int numEq= 0;
- int y;
- const int dcOffset= ((c->nonBQP*c->ppMode.baseDcDiff)>>8) + 1;
- const int dcThreshold= dcOffset*2 + 1;
- src+= stride*4; // src points to begin of the 8x8 Block
- for(y=0; y<BLOCK_SIZE-1; y++)
- {
- if(((unsigned)(src[0] - src[0+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[1] - src[1+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[2] - src[2+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[3] - src[3+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[4] - src[4+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[5] - src[5+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[6] - src[6+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[7] - src[7+stride] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- src+= stride;
- }
- return numEq > c->ppMode.flatnessThreshold;
- }
- static inline int isHorizMinMaxOk_C(uint8_t src[], int stride, int QP)
- {
- int i;
- #if 1
- for(i=0; i<2; i++){
- if((unsigned)(src[0] - src[5] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- src += stride;
- if((unsigned)(src[2] - src[7] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- src += stride;
- if((unsigned)(src[4] - src[1] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- src += stride;
- if((unsigned)(src[6] - src[3] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- src += stride;
- }
- #else
- for(i=0; i<8; i++){
- if((unsigned)(src[0] - src[7] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- src += stride;
- }
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- static inline int isVertMinMaxOk_C(uint8_t src[], int stride, int QP)
- {
- #if 1
- #if 1
- int x;
- src+= stride*4;
- for(x=0; x<BLOCK_SIZE; x+=4)
- {
- if((unsigned)(src[ x + 0*stride] - src[ x + 5*stride] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- if((unsigned)(src[1+x + 2*stride] - src[1+x + 7*stride] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- if((unsigned)(src[2+x + 4*stride] - src[2+x + 1*stride] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- if((unsigned)(src[3+x + 6*stride] - src[3+x + 3*stride] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- }
- #else
- int x;
- src+= stride*3;
- for(x=0; x<BLOCK_SIZE; x++)
- {
- if((unsigned)(src[x + stride] - src[x + (stride<<3)] + 2*QP) > 4*QP) return 0;
- }
- #endif
- return 1;
- #else
- int x;
- src+= stride*4;
- for(x=0; x<BLOCK_SIZE; x++)
- {
- int min=255;
- int max=0;
- int y;
- for(y=0; y<8; y++){
- int v= src[x + y*stride];
- if(v>max) max=v;
- if(v<min) min=v;
- }
- if(max-min > 2*QP) return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- #endif
- }
- static inline int horizClassify_C(uint8_t src[], int stride, PPContext *c){
- if( isHorizDC_C(src, stride, c) ){
- if( isHorizMinMaxOk_C(src, stride, c->QP) )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }else{
- return 2;
- }
- }
- static inline int vertClassify_C(uint8_t src[], int stride, PPContext *c){
- if( isVertDC_C(src, stride, c) ){
- if( isVertMinMaxOk_C(src, stride, c->QP) )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }else{
- return 2;
- }
- }
- static inline void doHorizDefFilter_C(uint8_t dst[], int stride, PPContext *c)
- {
- int y;
- for(y=0; y<BLOCK_SIZE; y++)
- {
- const int middleEnergy= 5*(dst[4] - dst[3]) + 2*(dst[2] - dst[5]);
- if(ABS(middleEnergy) < 8*c->QP)
- {
- const int q=(dst[3] - dst[4])/2;
- const int leftEnergy= 5*(dst[2] - dst[1]) + 2*(dst[0] - dst[3]);
- const int rightEnergy= 5*(dst[6] - dst[5]) + 2*(dst[4] - dst[7]);
- int d= ABS(middleEnergy) - MIN( ABS(leftEnergy), ABS(rightEnergy) );
- d= MAX(d, 0);
- d= (5*d + 32) >> 6;
- d*= SIGN(-middleEnergy);
- if(q>0)
- {
- d= d<0 ? 0 : d;
- d= d>q ? q : d;
- }
- else
- {
- d= d>0 ? 0 : d;
- d= d<q ? q : d;
- }
- dst[3]-= d;
- dst[4]+= d;
- }
- dst+= stride;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Do a horizontal low pass filter on the 10x8 block (dst points to middle 8x8 Block)
- * using the 9-Tap Filter (1,1,2,2,4,2,2,1,1)/16 (C version)
- */
- static inline void doHorizLowPass_C(uint8_t dst[], int stride, PPContext *c)
- {
- int y;
- for(y=0; y<BLOCK_SIZE; y++)
- {
- const int first= ABS(dst[-1] - dst[0]) < c->QP ? dst[-1] : dst[0];
- const int last= ABS(dst[8] - dst[7]) < c->QP ? dst[8] : dst[7];
- int sums[10];
- sums[0] = 4*first + dst[0] + dst[1] + dst[2] + 4;
- sums[1] = sums[0] - first + dst[3];
- sums[2] = sums[1] - first + dst[4];
- sums[3] = sums[2] - first + dst[5];
- sums[4] = sums[3] - first + dst[6];
- sums[5] = sums[4] - dst[0] + dst[7];
- sums[6] = sums[5] - dst[1] + last;
- sums[7] = sums[6] - dst[2] + last;
- sums[8] = sums[7] - dst[3] + last;
- sums[9] = sums[8] - dst[4] + last;
- dst[0]= (sums[0] + sums[2] + 2*dst[0])>>4;
- dst[1]= (sums[1] + sums[3] + 2*dst[1])>>4;
- dst[2]= (sums[2] + sums[4] + 2*dst[2])>>4;
- dst[3]= (sums[3] + sums[5] + 2*dst[3])>>4;
- dst[4]= (sums[4] + sums[6] + 2*dst[4])>>4;
- dst[5]= (sums[5] + sums[7] + 2*dst[5])>>4;
- dst[6]= (sums[6] + sums[8] + 2*dst[6])>>4;
- dst[7]= (sums[7] + sums[9] + 2*dst[7])>>4;
- dst+= stride;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Experimental Filter 1 (Horizontal)
- * will not damage linear gradients
- * Flat blocks should look like they where passed through the (1,1,2,2,4,2,2,1,1) 9-Tap filter
- * can only smooth blocks at the expected locations (it cant smooth them if they did move)
- * MMX2 version does correct clipping C version doesnt
- * not identical with the vertical one
- */
- static inline void horizX1Filter(uint8_t *src, int stride, int QP)
- {
- int y;
- static uint64_t *lut= NULL;
- if(lut==NULL)
- {
- int i;
- lut= (uint64_t*)memalign(8, 256*8);
- for(i=0; i<256; i++)
- {
- int v= i < 128 ? 2*i : 2*(i-256);
- /*
- //Simulate 112242211 9-Tap filter
- uint64_t a= (v/16) & 0xFF;
- uint64_t b= (v/8) & 0xFF;
- uint64_t c= (v/4) & 0xFF;
- uint64_t d= (3*v/8) & 0xFF;
- */
- //Simulate piecewise linear interpolation
- uint64_t a= (v/16) & 0xFF;
- uint64_t b= (v*3/16) & 0xFF;
- uint64_t c= (v*5/16) & 0xFF;
- uint64_t d= (7*v/16) & 0xFF;
- uint64_t A= (0x100 - a)&0xFF;
- uint64_t B= (0x100 - b)&0xFF;
- uint64_t C= (0x100 - c)&0xFF;
- uint64_t D= (0x100 - c)&0xFF;
- lut[i] = (a<<56) | (b<<48) | (c<<40) | (d<<32) |
- (D<<24) | (C<<16) | (B<<8) | (A);
- //lut[i] = (v<<32) | (v<<24);
- }
- }
- for(y=0; y<BLOCK_SIZE; y++)
- {
- int a= src[1] - src[2];
- int b= src[3] - src[4];
- int c= src[5] - src[6];
- int d= MAX(ABS(b) - (ABS(a) + ABS(c))/2, 0);
- if(d < QP)
- {
- int v = d * SIGN(-b);
- src[1] +=v/8;
- src[2] +=v/4;
- src[3] +=3*v/8;
- src[4] -=3*v/8;
- src[5] -=v/4;
- src[6] -=v/8;
- }
- src+=stride;
- }
- }
- /**
- * accurate deblock filter
- */
- static always_inline void do_a_deblock_C(uint8_t *src, int step, int stride, PPContext *c){
- int y;
- const int QP= c->QP;
- const int dcOffset= ((c->nonBQP*c->ppMode.baseDcDiff)>>8) + 1;
- const int dcThreshold= dcOffset*2 + 1;
- src+= step*4; // src points to begin of the 8x8 Block
- for(y=0; y<8; y++){
- int numEq= 0;
- if(((unsigned)(src[-1*step] - src[0*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 0*step] - src[1*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 1*step] - src[2*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 2*step] - src[3*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 3*step] - src[4*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 4*step] - src[5*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 5*step] - src[6*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 6*step] - src[7*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(((unsigned)(src[ 7*step] - src[8*step] + dcOffset)) < dcThreshold) numEq++;
- if(numEq > c->ppMode.flatnessThreshold){
- int min, max, x;
- if(src[0] > src[step]){
- max= src[0];
- min= src[step];
- }else{
- max= src[step];
- min= src[0];
- }
- for(x=2; x<8; x+=2){
- if(src[x*step] > src[(x+1)*step]){
- if(src[x *step] > max) max= src[ x *step];
- if(src[(x+1)*step] < min) min= src[(x+1)*step];
- }else{
- if(src[(x+1)*step] > max) max= src[(x+1)*step];
- if(src[ x *step] < min) min= src[ x *step];
- }
- }
- if(max-min < 2*QP){
- const int first= ABS(src[-1*step] - src[0]) < QP ? src[-1*step] : src[0];
- const int last= ABS(src[8*step] - src[7*step]) < QP ? src[8*step] : src[7*step];
- int sums[10];
- sums[0] = 4*first + src[0*step] + src[1*step] + src[2*step] + 4;
- sums[1] = sums[0] - first + src[3*step];
- sums[2] = sums[1] - first + src[4*step];
- sums[3] = sums[2] - first + src[5*step];
- sums[4] = sums[3] - first + src[6*step];
- sums[5] = sums[4] - src[0*step] + src[7*step];
- sums[6] = sums[5] - src[1*step] + last;
- sums[7] = sums[6] - src[2*step] + last;
- sums[8] = sums[7] - src[3*step] + last;
- sums[9] = sums[8] - src[4*step] + last;
- src[0*step]= (sums[0] + sums[2] + 2*src[0*step])>>4;
- src[1*step]= (sums[1] + sums[3] + 2*src[1*step])>>4;
- src[2*step]= (sums[2] + sums[4] + 2*src[2*step])>>4;
- src[3*step]= (sums[3] + sums[5] + 2*src[3*step])>>4;
- src[4*step]= (sums[4] + sums[6] + 2*src[4*step])>>4;
- src[5*step]= (sums[5] + sums[7] + 2*src[5*step])>>4;
- src[6*step]= (sums[6] + sums[8] + 2*src[6*step])>>4;
- src[7*step]= (sums[7] + sums[9] + 2*src[7*step])>>4;
- }
- }else{
- const int middleEnergy= 5*(src[4*step] - src[3*step]) + 2*(src[2*step] - src[5*step]);
- if(ABS(middleEnergy) < 8*QP)
- {
- const int q=(src[3*step] - src[4*step])/2;
- const int leftEnergy= 5*(src[2*step] - src[1*step]) + 2*(src[0*step] - src[3*step]);
- const int rightEnergy= 5*(src[6*step] - src[5*step]) + 2*(src[4*step] - src[7*step]);
- int d= ABS(middleEnergy) - MIN( ABS(leftEnergy), ABS(rightEnergy) );
- d= MAX(d, 0);
- d= (5*d + 32) >> 6;
- d*= SIGN(-middleEnergy);
- if(q>0)
- {
- d= d<0 ? 0 : d;
- d= d>q ? q : d;
- }
- else
- {
- d= d>0 ? 0 : d;
- d= d<q ? q : d;
- }
- src[3*step]-= d;
- src[4*step]+= d;
- }
- }
- src += stride;
- }
- /*if(step==16){
- STOP_TIMER("step16")
- }else{
- STOP_TIMER("stepX")
- }*/
- }
- //Note: we have C, MMX, MMX2, 3DNOW version there is no 3DNOW+MMX2 one
- //Plain C versions
- #if !defined (HAVE_MMX) || defined (RUNTIME_CPUDETECT)
- #define COMPILE_C
- #endif
- #endif //HAVE_ALTIVEC
- #endif //ARCH_POWERPC
- #if defined(ARCH_X86) || defined(ARCH_X86_64)
- #if (defined (HAVE_MMX) && !defined (HAVE_3DNOW) && !defined (HAVE_MMX2)) || defined (RUNTIME_CPUDETECT)
- #define COMPILE_MMX
- #endif
- #if defined (HAVE_MMX2) || defined (RUNTIME_CPUDETECT)
- #define COMPILE_MMX2
- #endif
- #if (defined (HAVE_3DNOW) && !defined (HAVE_MMX2)) || defined (RUNTIME_CPUDETECT)
- #define COMPILE_3DNOW
- #endif
- #endif //ARCH_X86
- #undef HAVE_MMX
- #undef HAVE_MMX2
- #undef HAVE_3DNOW
- #ifdef COMPILE_C
- #undef HAVE_MMX
- #undef HAVE_MMX2
- #undef HAVE_3DNOW
- #define RENAME(a) a ## _C
- #include "postprocess_template.c"
- #endif
- #undef RENAME
- #define HAVE_ALTIVEC
- #define RENAME(a) a ## _altivec
- #include "postprocess_altivec_template.c"
- #include "postprocess_template.c"
- #endif
- #endif //ARCH_POWERPC
- //MMX versions
- #ifdef COMPILE_MMX
- #undef RENAME
- #define HAVE_MMX
- #undef HAVE_MMX2
- #undef HAVE_3DNOW
- #define RENAME(a) a ## _MMX
- #include "postprocess_template.c"
- #endif
- //MMX2 versions
- #ifdef COMPILE_MMX2
- #undef RENAME
- #define HAVE_MMX
- #define HAVE_MMX2
- #undef HAVE_3DNOW
- #define RENAME(a) a ## _MMX2
- #include "postprocess_template.c"
- #endif
- //3DNOW versions
- #ifdef COMPILE_3DNOW
- #undef RENAME
- #define HAVE_MMX
- #undef HAVE_MMX2
- #define HAVE_3DNOW
- #define RENAME(a) a ## _3DNow
- #include "postprocess_template.c"
- #endif
- // minor note: the HAVE_xyz is messed up after that line so dont use it
- static inline void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
- QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, pp_mode_t *vm, pp_context_t *vc)
- {
- PPContext *c= (PPContext *)vc;
- PPMode *ppMode= (PPMode *)vm;
- c->ppMode= *ppMode; //FIXME
- // useing ifs here as they are faster than function pointers allthough the
- // difference wouldnt be messureable here but its much better because
- // someone might exchange the cpu whithout restarting mplayer ;)
- #if defined(ARCH_X86) || defined(ARCH_X86_64)
- // ordered per speed fasterst first
- if(c->cpuCaps & PP_CPU_CAPS_MMX2)
- postProcess_MMX2(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- else if(c->cpuCaps & PP_CPU_CAPS_3DNOW)
- postProcess_3DNow(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- else if(c->cpuCaps & PP_CPU_CAPS_MMX)
- postProcess_MMX(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- else
- postProcess_C(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- #else
- if(c->cpuCaps & PP_CPU_CAPS_ALTIVEC)
- postProcess_altivec(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- else
- #endif
- #endif
- postProcess_C(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX2
- postProcess_MMX2(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- #elif defined (HAVE_3DNOW)
- postProcess_3DNow(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- #elif defined (HAVE_MMX)
- postProcess_MMX(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- #elif defined (HAVE_ALTIVEC)
- postProcess_altivec(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- #else
- postProcess_C(src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, QPs, QPStride, isColor, c);
- #endif
- }
- //static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
- // QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, struct PPMode *ppMode);
- /* -pp Command line Help
- */
- char *pp_help=
- "Available postprocessing filters:n"
- "Filters Optionsn"
- "short long name short long option Descriptionn"
- "* * a autoq CPU power dependent enablern"
- " c chrom chrominance filtering enabledn"
- " y nochrom chrominance filtering disabledn"
- " n noluma luma filtering disabledn"
- "hb hdeblock (2 threshold) horizontal deblocking filtern"
- " 1. difference factor: default=32, higher -> more deblockingn"
- " 2. flatness threshold: default=39, lower -> more deblockingn"
- " the h & v deblocking filters share thesen"
- " so you can't set different thresholds for h / vn"
- "vb vdeblock (2 threshold) vertical deblocking filtern"
- "ha hadeblock (2 threshold) horizontal deblocking filtern"
- "va vadeblock (2 threshold) vertical deblocking filtern"
- "h1 x1hdeblock experimental h deblock filter 1n"
- "v1 x1vdeblock experimental v deblock filter 1n"
- "dr dering deringing filtern"
- "al autolevels automatic brightness / contrastn"
- " f fullyrange stretch luminance to (0..255)n"
- "lb linblenddeint linear blend deinterlacern"
- "li linipoldeint linear interpolating deinterlacen"
- "ci cubicipoldeint cubic interpolating deinterlacern"
- "md mediandeint median deinterlacern"
- "fd ffmpegdeint ffmpeg deinterlacern"
- "l5 lowpass5 FIR lowpass deinterlacern"
- "de default hb:a,vb:a,dr:an"
- "fa fast h1:a,v1:a,dr:an"
- "ac ha:a:128:7,va:a,dr:an"
- "tn tmpnoise (3 threshold) temporal noise reducern"
- " 1. <= 2. <= 3. larger -> stronger filteringn"
- "fq forceQuant <quantizer> force quantizern"
- "Usage:n"
- "<filterName>[:<option>[:<option>...]][[,|/][-]<filterName>[:<option>...]]...n"
- "long form example:n"
- "vdeblock:autoq/hdeblock:autoq/linblenddeint default,-vdeblockn"
- "short form example:n"
- "vb:a/hb:a/lb de,-vbn"
- "more examples:n"
- "tn:64:128:256n"
- ;
- pp_mode_t *pp_get_mode_by_name_and_quality(char *name, int quality)
- {
- char temp[GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE];
- char *p= temp;
- char *filterDelimiters= ",/";
- char *optionDelimiters= ":";
- struct PPMode *ppMode;
- char *filterToken;
- ppMode= memalign(8, sizeof(PPMode));
- ppMode->lumMode= 0;
- ppMode->chromMode= 0;
- ppMode->maxTmpNoise[0]= 700;
- ppMode->maxTmpNoise[1]= 1500;
- ppMode->maxTmpNoise[2]= 3000;
- ppMode->maxAllowedY= 234;
- ppMode->minAllowedY= 16;
- ppMode->baseDcDiff= 256/8;
- ppMode->flatnessThreshold= 56-16-1;
- ppMode->maxClippedThreshold= 0.01;
- ppMode->error=0;
- strncpy(temp, name, GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
- if(verbose>1) printf("pp: %sn", name);
- for(;;){
- char *filterName;
- int q= 1000000; //PP_QUALITY_MAX;
- int chrom=-1;
- int luma=-1;
- char *option;
- char *options[OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE];
- int i;
- int filterNameOk=0;
- int numOfUnknownOptions=0;
- int enable=1; //does the user want us to enabled or disabled the filter
- filterToken= strtok(p, filterDelimiters);
- if(filterToken == NULL) break;
- p+= strlen(filterToken) + 1; // p points to next filterToken
- filterName= strtok(filterToken, optionDelimiters);
- if(verbose>1) printf("pp: %s::%sn", filterToken, filterName);
- if(*filterName == '-')
- {
- enable=0;
- filterName++;
- }
- for(;;){ //for all options
- option= strtok(NULL, optionDelimiters);
- if(option == NULL) break;
- if(verbose>1) printf("pp: option: %sn", option);
- if(!strcmp("autoq", option) || !strcmp("a", option)) q= quality;
- else if(!strcmp("nochrom", option) || !strcmp("y", option)) chrom=0;
- else if(!strcmp("chrom", option) || !strcmp("c", option)) chrom=1;
- else if(!strcmp("noluma", option) || !strcmp("n", option)) luma=0;
- else
- {
- options[numOfUnknownOptions] = option;
- numOfUnknownOptions++;
- }
- if(numOfUnknownOptions >= OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE-1) break;
- }
- options[numOfUnknownOptions] = NULL;
- /* replace stuff from the replace Table */
- for(i=0; replaceTable[2*i]!=NULL; i++)
- {
- if(!strcmp(replaceTable[2*i], filterName))
- {
- int newlen= strlen(replaceTable[2*i + 1]);
- int plen;
- int spaceLeft;
- if(p==NULL) p= temp, *p=0; //last filter
- else p--, *p=','; //not last filter
- plen= strlen(p);
- spaceLeft= p - temp + plen;
- if(spaceLeft + newlen >= GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE)
- {
- ppMode->error++;
- break;
- }
- memmove(p + newlen, p, plen+1);
- memcpy(p, replaceTable[2*i + 1], newlen);
- filterNameOk=1;
- }
- }
- for(i=0; filters[i].shortName!=NULL; i++)
- {
- // printf("Compareing %s, %s, %sn", filters[i].shortName,filters[i].longName, filterName);
- if( !strcmp(filters[i].longName, filterName)
- || !strcmp(filters[i].shortName, filterName))
- {
- ppMode->lumMode &= ~filters[i].mask;
- ppMode->chromMode &= ~filters[i].mask;
- filterNameOk=1;
- if(!enable) break; // user wants to disable it
- if(q >= filters[i].minLumQuality && luma)
- ppMode->lumMode|= filters[i].mask;
- if(chrom==1 || (chrom==-1 && filters[i].chromDefault))
- if(q >= filters[i].minChromQuality)
- ppMode->chromMode|= filters[i].mask;
- if(filters[i].mask == LEVEL_FIX)
- {
- int o;
- ppMode->minAllowedY= 16;
- ppMode->maxAllowedY= 234;
- for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL; o++)
- {
- if( !strcmp(options[o],"fullyrange")
- ||!strcmp(options[o],"f"))
- {
- ppMode->minAllowedY= 0;
- ppMode->maxAllowedY= 255;
- numOfUnknownOptions--;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(filters[i].mask == TEMP_NOISE_FILTER)
- {
- int o;
- int numOfNoises=0;
- for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL; o++)
- {
- char *tail;
- ppMode->maxTmpNoise[numOfNoises]=
- strtol(options[o], &tail, 0);
- if(tail!=options[o])
- {
- numOfNoises++;
- numOfUnknownOptions--;
- if(numOfNoises >= 3) break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(filters[i].mask == V_DEBLOCK || filters[i].mask == H_DEBLOCK
- || filters[i].mask == V_A_DEBLOCK || filters[i].mask == H_A_DEBLOCK)
- {
- int o;
- for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL && o<2; o++)
- {
- char *tail;
- int val= strtol(options[o], &tail, 0);
- if(tail==options[o]) break;
- numOfUnknownOptions--;
- if(o==0) ppMode->baseDcDiff= val;
- else ppMode->flatnessThreshold= val;
- }
- }
- else if(filters[i].mask == FORCE_QUANT)
- {
- int o;
- ppMode->forcedQuant= 15;
- for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL && o<1; o++)
- {
- char *tail;
- int val= strtol(options[o], &tail, 0);
- if(tail==options[o]) break;
- numOfUnknownOptions--;
- ppMode->forcedQuant= val;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!filterNameOk) ppMode->error++;
- ppMode->error += numOfUnknownOptions;
- }
- if(verbose>1) printf("pp: lumMode=%X, chromMode=%Xn", ppMode->lumMode, ppMode->chromMode);
- if(ppMode->error)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%d errors in postprocess string "%s"n", ppMode->error, name);
- free(ppMode);
- return NULL;
- }
- return ppMode;
- }
- void pp_free_mode(pp_mode_t *mode){
- if(mode) free(mode);
- }
- static void reallocAlign(void **p, int alignment, int size){
- if(*p) free(*p);
- *p= memalign(alignment, size);
- memset(*p, 0, size);
- }
- static void reallocBuffers(PPContext *c, int width, int height, int stride, int qpStride){
- int mbWidth = (width+15)>>4;
- int mbHeight= (height+15)>>4;
- int i;
- c->stride= stride;
- c->qpStride= qpStride;
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->tempDst, 8, stride*24);
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->tempSrc, 8, stride*24);
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->tempBlocks, 8, 2*16*8);
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->yHistogram, 8, 256*sizeof(uint64_t));
- for(i=0; i<256; i++)
- c->yHistogram[i]= width*height/64*15/256;
- for(i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- //Note:the +17*1024 is just there so i dont have to worry about r/w over te end
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->tempBlured[i], 8, stride*mbHeight*16 + 17*1024);
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->tempBluredPast[i], 8, 256*((height+7)&(~7))/2 + 17*1024);//FIXME size
- }
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->deintTemp, 8, 2*width+32);
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->nonBQPTable, 8, qpStride*mbHeight*sizeof(QP_STORE_T));
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->stdQPTable, 8, qpStride*mbHeight*sizeof(QP_STORE_T));
- reallocAlign((void **)&c->forcedQPTable, 8, mbWidth*sizeof(QP_STORE_T));
- }
- static void global_init(void){
- int i;
- memset(clip_table, 0, 256);
- for(i=256; i<512; i++)
- clip_table[i]= i;
- memset(clip_table+512, 0, 256);
- }
- pp_context_t *pp_get_context(int width, int height, int cpuCaps){
- PPContext *c= memalign(32, sizeof(PPContext));
- int stride= (width+15)&(~15); //assumed / will realloc if needed
- int qpStride= (width+15)/16 + 2; //assumed / will realloc if needed
- global_init();
- memset(c, 0, sizeof(PPContext));
- c->cpuCaps= cpuCaps;
- if(cpuCaps&PP_FORMAT){
- c->hChromaSubSample= cpuCaps&0x3;
- c->vChromaSubSample= (cpuCaps>>4)&0x3;
- }else{
- c->hChromaSubSample= 1;
- c->vChromaSubSample= 1;
- }
- reallocBuffers(c, width, height, stride, qpStride);
- c->frameNum=-1;
- return c;
- }
- void pp_free_context(void *vc){
- PPContext *c = (PPContext*)vc;
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<3; i++) free(c->tempBlured[i]);
- for(i=0; i<3; i++) free(c->tempBluredPast[i]);
- free(c->tempBlocks);
- free(c->yHistogram);
- free(c->tempDst);
- free(c->tempSrc);
- free(c->deintTemp);
- free(c->stdQPTable);
- free(c->nonBQPTable);
- free(c->forcedQPTable);
- memset(c, 0, sizeof(PPContext));
- free(c);
- }
- void pp_postprocess(uint8_t * src[3], int srcStride[3],
- uint8_t * dst[3], int dstStride[3],
- int width, int height,
- QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QPStride,
- pp_mode_t *vm, void *vc, int pict_type)
- {
- int mbWidth = (width+15)>>4;
- int mbHeight= (height+15)>>4;
- PPMode *mode = (PPMode*)vm;
- PPContext *c = (PPContext*)vc;
- int minStride= MAX(ABS(srcStride[0]), ABS(dstStride[0]));
- int absQPStride = ABS(QPStride);
- // c->stride and c->QPStride are always positive
- if(c->stride < minStride || c->qpStride < absQPStride)
- reallocBuffers(c, width, height,
- MAX(minStride, c->stride),
- MAX(c->qpStride, absQPStride));
- if(QP_store==NULL || (mode->lumMode & FORCE_QUANT))
- {
- int i;
- QP_store= c->forcedQPTable;
- absQPStride = QPStride = 0;
- if(mode->lumMode & FORCE_QUANT)
- for(i=0; i<mbWidth; i++) QP_store[i]= mode->forcedQuant;
- else
- for(i=0; i<mbWidth; i++) QP_store[i]= 1;
- }
- //printf("pict_type:%dn", pict_type);
- if(pict_type & PP_PICT_TYPE_QP2){
- int i;
- const int count= mbHeight * absQPStride;
- for(i=0; i<(count>>2); i++){
- ((uint32_t*)c->stdQPTable)[i] = (((uint32_t*)QP_store)[i]>>1) & 0x7F7F7F7F;
- }
- for(i<<=2; i<count; i++){
- c->stdQPTable[i] = QP_store[i]>>1;
- }
- QP_store= c->stdQPTable;
- QPStride= absQPStride;
- }
- if(0){
- int x,y;
- for(y=0; y<mbHeight; y++){
- for(x=0; x<mbWidth; x++){
- printf("%2d ", QP_store[x + y*QPStride]);
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- if((pict_type&7)!=3)
- {
- if (QPStride >= 0) {
- int i;
- const int count= mbHeight * QPStride;
- for(i=0; i<(count>>2); i++){
- ((uint32_t*)c->nonBQPTable)[i] = ((uint32_t*)QP_store)[i] & 0x3F3F3F3F;
- }
- for(i<<=2; i<count; i++){
- c->nonBQPTable[i] = QP_store[i] & 0x3F;
- }
- } else {
- int i,j;
- for(i=0; i<mbHeight; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<absQPStride; j++) {
- c->nonBQPTable[i*absQPStride+j] = QP_store[i*QPStride+j] & 0x3F;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(verbose>2)
- {
- printf("using npp filters 0x%X/0x%Xn", mode->lumMode, mode->chromMode);
- }
- postProcess(src[0], srcStride[0], dst[0], dstStride[0],
- width, height, QP_store, QPStride, 0, mode, c);
- width = (width )>>c->hChromaSubSample;
- height = (height)>>c->vChromaSubSample;
- if(mode->chromMode)
- {
- postProcess(src[1], srcStride[1], dst[1], dstStride[1],
- width, height, QP_store, QPStride, 1, mode, c);
- postProcess(src[2], srcStride[2], dst[2], dstStride[2],
- width, height, QP_store, QPStride, 2, mode, c);
- }
- else if(srcStride[1] == dstStride[1] && srcStride[2] == dstStride[2])
- {
- linecpy(dst[1], src[1], height, srcStride[1]);
- linecpy(dst[2], src[2], height, srcStride[2]);
- }
- else
- {
- int y;
- for(y=0; y<height; y++)
- {
- memcpy(&(dst[1][y*dstStride[1]]), &(src[1][y*srcStride[1]]), width);
- memcpy(&(dst[2][y*dstStride[2]]), &(src[2][y*srcStride[2]]), width);
- }
- }
- }