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资源名称:tcpmp.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /********************************************************************
- * *
- * *
- * *
- * THE OggVorbis 'TREMOR' SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2002 *
- * BY THE Xiph.Org FOUNDATION http://www.xiph.org/ *
- * *
- ********************************************************************
- function: basic shared codebook operations
- ********************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "ogg.h"
- #include "os.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "ivorbiscodec.h"
- #include "codebook.h"
- /**** pack/unpack helpers ******************************************/
- int _ilog(unsigned int v){
- int ret=0;
- while(v){
- ret++;
- v>>=1;
- }
- return(ret);
- }
- /* 32 bit float (not IEEE; nonnormalized mantissa +
- biased exponent) : neeeeeee eeemmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
- Why not IEEE? It's just not that important here. */
- #define VQ_FEXP 10
- #define VQ_FMAN 21
- #define VQ_FEXP_BIAS 768 /* bias toward values smaller than 1. */
- static ogg_int32_t _float32_unpack(long val,int *point){
- long mant=val&0x1fffff;
- int sign=val&0x80000000;
- long exp =(val&0x7fe00000L)>>VQ_FMAN;
- exp-=(VQ_FMAN-1)+VQ_FEXP_BIAS;
- if(mant){
- while(!(mant&0x40000000)){
- mant<<=1;
- exp-=1;
- }
- if(sign)mant= -mant;
- }else{
- sign=0;
- exp=-9999;
- }
- *point=exp;
- return mant;
- }
- /* given a list of word lengths, generate a list of codewords. Works
- for length ordered or unordered, always assigns the lowest valued
- codewords first. Extended to handle unused entries (length 0) */
- ogg_uint32_t *_make_words(long *l,long n,long sparsecount){
- long i,j,count=0;
- ogg_uint32_t marker[33];
- ogg_uint32_t *r=(ogg_uint32_t *)_ogg_malloc((sparsecount?sparsecount:n)*sizeof(*r));
- memset(marker,0,sizeof(marker));
- for(i=0;i<n;i++){
- long length=l[i];
- if(length>0){
- ogg_uint32_t entry=marker[length];
- /* when we claim a node for an entry, we also claim the nodes
- below it (pruning off the imagined tree that may have dangled
- from it) as well as blocking the use of any nodes directly
- above for leaves */
- /* update ourself */
- if(length<32 && (entry>>length)){
- /* error condition; the lengths must specify an overpopulated tree */
- _ogg_free(r);
- return(NULL);
- }
- r[count++]=entry;
- /* Look to see if the next shorter marker points to the node
- above. if so, update it and repeat. */
- {
- for(j=length;j>0;j--){
- if(marker[j]&1){
- /* have to jump branches */
- if(j==1)
- marker[1]++;
- else
- marker[j]=marker[j-1]<<1;
- break; /* invariant says next upper marker would already
- have been moved if it was on the same path */
- }
- marker[j]++;
- }
- }
- /* prune the tree; the implicit invariant says all the longer
- markers were dangling from our just-taken node. Dangle them
- from our *new* node. */
- for(j=length+1;j<33;j++)
- if((marker[j]>>1) == entry){
- entry=marker[j];
- marker[j]=marker[j-1]<<1;
- }else
- break;
- }else
- if(sparsecount==0)count++;
- }
- /* bitreverse the words because our bitwise packer/unpacker is LSb
- endian */
- for(i=0,count=0;i<n;i++){
- ogg_uint32_t temp=0;
- for(j=0;j<l[i];j++){
- temp<<=1;
- temp|=(r[count]>>j)&1;
- }
- if(sparsecount){
- if(l[i])
- r[count++]=temp;
- }else
- r[count++]=temp;
- }
- return(r);
- }
- /* there might be a straightforward one-line way to do the below
- that's portable and totally safe against roundoff, but I haven't
- thought of it. Therefore, we opt on the side of caution */
- long _book_maptype1_quantvals(const static_codebook *b){
- /* get us a starting hint, we'll polish it below */
- int bits=_ilog(b->entries);
- int vals=b->entries>>((bits-1)*(b->dim-1)/b->dim);
- while(1){
- long acc=1;
- long acc1=1;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<b->dim;i++){
- acc*=vals;
- acc1*=vals+1;
- }
- if(acc<=b->entries && acc1>b->entries){
- return(vals);
- }else{
- if(acc>b->entries){
- vals--;
- }else{
- vals++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* different than what _book_unquantize does for mainline:
- we repack the book in a fixed point format that shares the same
- binary point. Upon first use, we can shift point if needed */
- /* we need to deal with two map types: in map type 1, the values are
- generated algorithmically (each column of the vector counts through
- the values in the quant vector). in map type 2, all the values came
- in in an explicit list. Both value lists must be unpacked */
- ogg_int32_t *_book_unquantize(const static_codebook *b,int n,int *sparsemap,
- int *maxpoint){
- long j,k,count=0;
- if(b->maptype==1 || b->maptype==2){
- int quantvals;
- int minpoint,delpoint;
- ogg_int32_t mindel=_float32_unpack(b->q_min,&minpoint);
- ogg_int32_t delta=_float32_unpack(b->q_delta,&delpoint);
- ogg_int32_t *r=(ogg_int32_t *)_ogg_calloc(n*b->dim,sizeof(*r));
- int *rp=(int *)_ogg_calloc(n*b->dim,sizeof(*rp));
- *maxpoint=minpoint;
- /* maptype 1 and 2 both use a quantized value vector, but
- different sizes */
- switch(b->maptype){
- case 1:
- /* most of the time, entries%dimensions == 0, but we need to be
- well defined. We define that the possible vales at each
- scalar is values == entries/dim. If entries%dim != 0, we'll
- have 'too few' values (values*dim<entries), which means that
- we'll have 'left over' entries; left over entries use zeroed
- values (and are wasted). So don't generate codebooks like
- that */
- quantvals=_book_maptype1_quantvals(b);
- for(j=0;j<b->entries;j++){
- if((sparsemap && b->lengthlist[j]) || !sparsemap){
- ogg_int32_t last=0;
- int lastpoint=0;
- int indexdiv=1;
- for(k=0;k<b->dim;k++){
- int index= (j/indexdiv)%quantvals;
- int point;
- int val=VFLOAT_MULTI(delta,delpoint,
- abs(b->quantlist[index]),&point);
- val=VFLOAT_ADD(mindel,minpoint,val,point,&point);
- val=VFLOAT_ADD(last,lastpoint,val,point,&point);
- if(b->q_sequencep){
- last=val;
- lastpoint=point;
- }
- if(sparsemap){
- r[sparsemap[count]*b->dim+k]=val;
- rp[sparsemap[count]*b->dim+k]=point;
- }else{
- r[count*b->dim+k]=val;
- rp[count*b->dim+k]=point;
- }
- if(*maxpoint<point)*maxpoint=point;
- indexdiv*=quantvals;
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- for(j=0;j<b->entries;j++){
- if((sparsemap && b->lengthlist[j]) || !sparsemap){
- ogg_int32_t last=0;
- int lastpoint=0;
- for(k=0;k<b->dim;k++){
- int point;
- int val=VFLOAT_MULTI(delta,delpoint,
- abs(b->quantlist[j*b->dim+k]),&point);
- val=VFLOAT_ADD(mindel,minpoint,val,point,&point);
- val=VFLOAT_ADD(last,lastpoint,val,point,&point);
- if(b->q_sequencep){
- last=val;
- lastpoint=point;
- }
- if(sparsemap){
- r[sparsemap[count]*b->dim+k]=val;
- rp[sparsemap[count]*b->dim+k]=point;
- }else{
- r[count*b->dim+k]=val;
- rp[count*b->dim+k]=point;
- }
- if(*maxpoint<point)*maxpoint=point;
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- for(j=0;j<n*b->dim;j++)
- if(rp[j]<*maxpoint)
- r[j]>>=*maxpoint-rp[j];
- _ogg_free(rp);
- return(r);
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- void vorbis_staticbook_clear(static_codebook *b){
- if(b->quantlist)_ogg_free(b->quantlist);
- if(b->lengthlist)_ogg_free(b->lengthlist);
- memset(b,0,sizeof(*b));
- }
- void vorbis_staticbook_destroy(static_codebook *b){
- vorbis_staticbook_clear(b);
- _ogg_free(b);
- }
- void vorbis_book_clear(codebook *b){
- /* static book is not cleared; we're likely called on the lookup and
- the static codebook belongs to the info struct */
- if(b->valuelist)_ogg_free(b->valuelist);
- if(b->codelist)_ogg_free(b->codelist);
- if(b->dec_index)_ogg_free(b->dec_index);
- if(b->dec_codelengths)_ogg_free(b->dec_codelengths);
- if(b->dec_firsttable)_ogg_free(b->dec_firsttable);
- memset(b,0,sizeof(*b));
- }
- static ogg_uint32_t bitreverse(ogg_uint32_t x){
- x= ((x>>16)&0x0000ffffUL) | ((x<<16)&0xffff0000UL);
- x= ((x>> 8)&0x00ff00ffUL) | ((x<< 8)&0xff00ff00UL);
- x= ((x>> 4)&0x0f0f0f0fUL) | ((x<< 4)&0xf0f0f0f0UL);
- x= ((x>> 2)&0x33333333UL) | ((x<< 2)&0xccccccccUL);
- return((x>> 1)&0x55555555UL) | ((x<< 1)&0xaaaaaaaaUL);
- }
- static int __cdecl sort32a(const void *a,const void *b){
- return (**(ogg_uint32_t **)a>**(ogg_uint32_t **)b)-
- (**(ogg_uint32_t **)a<**(ogg_uint32_t **)b);
- }
- /* decode codebook arrangement is more heavily optimized than encode */
- int vorbis_book_init_decode(codebook *c,const static_codebook *s){
- int i,j,n=0,tabn;
- int *sortindex;
- memset(c,0,sizeof(*c));
- /* count actually used entries */
- for(i=0;i<s->entries;i++)
- if(s->lengthlist[i]>0)
- n++;
- c->entries=s->entries;
- c->used_entries=n;
- c->dim=s->dim;
- c->q_min=s->q_min;
- c->q_delta=s->q_delta;
- /* two different remappings go on here.
- First, we collapse the likely sparse codebook down only to
- actually represented values/words. This collapsing needs to be
- indexed as map-valueless books are used to encode original entry
- positions as integers.
- Second, we reorder all vectors, including the entry index above,
- by sorted bitreversed codeword to allow treeless decode. */
- {
- /* perform sort */
- ogg_uint32_t *codes=_make_words(s->lengthlist,s->entries,c->used_entries);
- ogg_uint32_t **codep=(ogg_uint32_t **)alloca(sizeof(*codep)*n);
- if(codes==NULL)goto err_out;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++){
- codes[i]=bitreverse(codes[i]);
- codep[i]=codes+i;
- }
- qsort(codep,n,sizeof(*codep),sort32a);
- sortindex=(int *)alloca(n*sizeof(*sortindex));
- c->codelist=(ogg_uint32_t *)_ogg_malloc(n*sizeof(*c->codelist));
- /* the index is a reverse index */
- for(i=0;i<n;i++){
- int position=codep[i]-codes;
- sortindex[position]=i;
- }
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- c->codelist[sortindex[i]]=codes[i];
- _ogg_free(codes);
- }
- c->valuelist=_book_unquantize(s,n,sortindex,&c->binarypoint);
- c->dec_index=(int *)_ogg_malloc(n*sizeof(*c->dec_index));
- for(n=0,i=0;i<s->entries;i++)
- if(s->lengthlist[i]>0)
- c->dec_index[sortindex[n++]]=i;
- c->dec_codelengths=(char *)_ogg_malloc(n*sizeof(*c->dec_codelengths));
- for(n=0,i=0;i<s->entries;i++)
- if(s->lengthlist[i]>0)
- c->dec_codelengths[sortindex[n++]]=s->lengthlist[i];
- c->dec_firsttablen=_ilog(c->used_entries)-4; /* this is magic */
- if(c->dec_firsttablen<5)c->dec_firsttablen=5;
- if(c->dec_firsttablen>8)c->dec_firsttablen=8;
- tabn=1<<c->dec_firsttablen;
- c->dec_firsttable=(ogg_uint32_t *)_ogg_calloc(tabn,sizeof(*c->dec_firsttable));
- c->dec_maxlength=0;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++){
- if(c->dec_maxlength<c->dec_codelengths[i])
- c->dec_maxlength=c->dec_codelengths[i];
- if(c->dec_codelengths[i]<=c->dec_firsttablen){
- ogg_uint32_t orig=bitreverse(c->codelist[i]);
- for(j=0;j<(1<<(c->dec_firsttablen-c->dec_codelengths[i]));j++)
- c->dec_firsttable[orig|(j<<c->dec_codelengths[i])]=i+1;
- }
- }
- /* now fill in 'unused' entries in the firsttable with hi/lo search
- hints for the non-direct-hits */
- {
- ogg_uint32_t mask=0xfffffffeUL<<(31-c->dec_firsttablen);
- long lo=0,hi=0;
- for(i=0;i<tabn;i++){
- ogg_uint32_t word=i<<(32-c->dec_firsttablen);
- if(c->dec_firsttable[bitreverse(word)]==0){
- while((lo+1)<n && c->codelist[lo+1]<=word)lo++;
- while( hi<n && word>=(c->codelist[hi]&mask))hi++;
- /* we only actually have 15 bits per hint to play with here.
- In order to overflow gracefully (nothing breaks, efficiency
- just drops), encode as the difference from the extremes. */
- {
- unsigned long loval=lo;
- unsigned long hival=n-hi;
- if(loval>0x7fff)loval=0x7fff;
- if(hival>0x7fff)hival=0x7fff;
- c->dec_firsttable[bitreverse(word)]=
- 0x80000000UL | (loval<<15) | hival;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(0);
- err_out:
- vorbis_book_clear(c);
- return(-1);
- }