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资源名称:斗地主_src.rar [点击查看]
- // Draw_Cards_Engine.cpp: implementation of the CDrawCardsEngine class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "斗地主.h"
- #include "MainFrm.h"
- #include "Game.h"
- #include "My_DirectInput.h"
- #include "my_directdraw.h"
- #include "Draw_Cards_Engine.h"
- #include "Playing_Cards.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //扑克的位置;
- CCardPos::CCardPos()
- {
- m_nX = -1; //表示没有;
- m_nY = -1;
- m_bVisual = 1; //表示可见;
- }
- //扑克牌布局地图结构初始化;
- CCardsMap::CCardsMap()
- {
- for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
- {
- Center0[i].m_nX = Center_x0 + Card_Distance1 * i;
- Center0[i].m_nY = Center_y0;
- Center1[i].m_nX = Center_x1 + Card_Distance0 * i;
- Center1[i].m_nY = Center_y1;
- Center2[i].m_nX = Center_x2 + Card_Distance2 * i;
- Center2[i].m_nY = Center_y2;
- }
- for(int j=0;j<20;j++)
- {
- Left0[j].m_nX = Left_x0;
- Left0[j].m_nY = Left_y0 + Card_Distance0 * j;
- Left1[j].m_nX = Left_x1;
- Left1[j].m_nY = Left_y1 + Card_Distance1 * j;
- Left2[j].m_nX = Left_x2;
- Left2[j].m_nY = Left_y2 + Card_Distance2 * j;
- }
- for(int k=0;k<20;k++)
- {
- Right0[k].m_nX = Right_x0;
- Right0[k].m_nY = Right_y0 + Card_Distance0 * k;
- Right1[k].m_nX = Right_x1;
- Right1[k].m_nY = Right_y1 + Card_Distance1 * k;
- Right2[k].m_nX = Right_x2;
- Right2[k].m_nY = Right_y2 + Card_Distance2 * k;
- }
- m_cLordCards[0].m_nX = Lord_Card1_x;
- m_cLordCards[0].m_nY = Lord_Card1_y;
- m_cLordCards[1].m_nX = Lord_Card2_x;
- m_cLordCards[1].m_nY = Lord_Card2_y;
- m_cLordCards[2].m_nX = Lord_Card3_x;
- m_cLordCards[2].m_nY = Lord_Card3_y;
- m_cDistributeCard.m_nX = Card_x;
- m_cDistributeCard.m_nY = Card_y;
- m_nLordCards = 0;
- m_nUpCounter = 0;
- }
- //CDrawCardsEngine
- CDrawCardsEngine::CDrawCardsEngine():BLUE( _RGB32BIT(0,0,0,255) )
- {
- m_bVisual = FALSE;
- }
- CDrawCardsEngine::~CDrawCardsEngine()
- {
- }
- //渲染初始化;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::Init()
- {
- char* file;
- //14种牌从小到大的加载;
- //3-10
- char filename[50];
- for(int i=0;i<=7;i++)
- {
- sprintf(filename,"bmp\Cards\%d.bmp",i+3);
- lpddsbg_Cards[i] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[i],0,0,filename,Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height);
- }
- //J
- file = "bmp\Cards\j.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Cards[8] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[8],0,0,file,Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height);
- //Q
- file = "bmp\Cards\Q.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Cards[9] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[9],0,0,file,Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height);
- //K
- file = "bmp\Cards\K.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Cards[10] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[10],0,0,file,Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height);
- //A
- file = "bmp\Cards\A.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Cards[11] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[11],0,0,file,Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height);
- //2
- file = "bmp\Cards\2.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Cards[12] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[12],0,0,file,Cards_Width*4,Cards_Height);
- //加载百搭;
- file = "bmp\Cards\jokers.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Cards[13] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width*2,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[13],0,0,file,Cards_Width*2,Cards_Height);
- //加载扑克背面;
- file = "bmp\Cards\card_back1.bmp";
- lpddsbg_Cards[14] = pDraw->CreateSurface(Cards_Width,Cards_Height,0,BLUE);
- pDraw->BitmapToSurface(lpddsbg_Cards[14],0,0,file,Cards_Width,Cards_Height);
- return 1;
- }
- int CDrawCardsEngine::DrawCard(int x,
- int y,
- int Card_m_nColor,
- int Card_Value,
- {
- lpdds_Dest->Blt(CRect(x,
- y,
- x+Cards_Width,
- y+Cards_Height),
- lpddsbg_Cards[Card_Value - 3],
- CRect(Card_m_nColor*Cards_Width,
- 0,
- Card_m_nColor*Cards_Width + Cards_Width,
- Cards_Height),
- NULL);
- return 1;
- }
- int CDrawCardsEngine::MoveCard(int Dest_x,
- int Dest_y,
- int Source_x,
- int Source_y,
- int Card_m_nColor,
- int Card_Value,
- int Speed) //移动速度,以象素为单位;
- // LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds_Dest = lpddsback)
- {
- int dx,dy,dx2,dy2,x_inc,y_inc,error;
- int x = Source_x,y = Source_y;
- dx = Dest_x - Source_x;
- dy = Dest_y - Source_y;
- if(dx>=0)
- {
- x_inc = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- x_inc = -1;
- dx = -dx;
- }
- if(dy >= 0)
- {
- y_inc = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- y_inc = -1;
- dy = -dy;
- }
- dx2 = dx << 1;
- dy2 = dy << 1;
- if(dx > dy)
- {
- error = dy2 - dx;
- for(int i=0;i<dx;i++)
- {
- if(i%Speed == 0)
- {
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- DrawCard(x,y,Card_m_nColor,Card_Value);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- }
- if(error >= 0)
- {
- error-=dx2;
- y+=y_inc;
- }
- error+=dy2;
- x+=x_inc;
- }//end for~
- }
- else
- {
- error = dx2 - dy;
- for(int i=0;i<dy;i++)
- {
- if(i%Speed == 0)
- {
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- DrawCard(x,y,Card_m_nColor,Card_Value);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- }
- if(error >= 0)
- {
- error-=dy2;
- x+=x_inc;
- }
- error+=dx2;
- y+=y_inc;
- }//end for~
- }
- ::RedrawGame(NULL);
- DrawCard(x,y,Card_m_nColor,Card_Value);
- while (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT)));
- return 1;
- }
- //重新整理中间(本机)玩家的牌面;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::DrawCleanUp()
- {
- pCenterCards->CleanUp(); //整理牌;
- for(int i=0;i<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_bVisual = 0;
- }
- for(int j=0;j<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;j++)
- {
- pCardsMap->Center0[j].m_bVisual = 1;
- ::RedrawGame(); //刷新;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- //发牌;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::Dealing()
- {
- //分牌给三个玩家;
- for(int i=0;i<17;i++)
- {
- //发牌给左边玩家;
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[i] = g_cAllCards[i*3 + 0];
- MoveCard(Left_x0,
- pCardsMap->Left0[i].m_nY,
- Card_x,
- Card_y,
- 0,
- 17);
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter++;
- //发牌给中间玩家;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i] = g_cAllCards[i*3 + 1];
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nX,
- Center_y0,
- Card_x,
- Card_y,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nValue,
- 100);
- pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter++;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- //发牌给右边玩家;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[i] = g_cAllCards[i*3 + 2];
- MoveCard(Right_x0,
- pCardsMap->Right0[i].m_nY,
- Card_x,
- Card_y,
- 0,
- 17);
- pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter++;
- }
- //测试用牌;
- // int j;
- // for(j=0;j<17;j++)
- // {
- // pCenterCards->m_cCards[j].m_nValue = 3+j/4;
- // }
- /*
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[0].m_nValue = 4;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[1].m_nValue = 4;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[2].m_nValue = 4;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[3].m_nValue = 4;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[4].m_nValue = 8;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[5].m_nValue = 8;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[6].m_nValue = 8;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[7].m_nValue = 8;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[8].m_nValue = 11;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[9].m_nValue = 11;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[10].m_nValue = 11;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[12].m_nValue = 11;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[13].m_nValue = 3;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[14].m_nValue = 3;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[15].m_nValue = 3;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[16].m_nValue = 3;
- // for(j=0;j<17;j++)
- // {
- // pRightCards->m_cCards[j].m_nValue = 4+j/4;
- // }
- */
- /*
- pRightCards->m_cCards[0].m_nValue = 3;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[1].m_nValue = 3;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[2].m_nValue = 4;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[3].m_nValue = 4;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[4].m_nValue = 5;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[5].m_nValue = 5;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[6].m_nValue = 9;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[7].m_nValue = 9;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[8].m_nValue = 9;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[9].m_nValue = 8;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[10].m_nValue = 11;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[11].m_nValue = 11;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[12].m_nValue = 13;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[13].m_nValue = 13;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[14].m_nValue = 13;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[15].m_nValue = 16;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[15].m_nColor = 0;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[16].m_nValue = 16;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[16].m_nColor = 1;
- */
- // for(j=0;j<17;j++)
- // {
- // pLeftCards->m_cCards[j].m_nValue = 7+j/4;
- // }
- // pLeftCards->m_cCards[0].m_nValue = 3;
- // pLeftCards->m_cCards[1].m_nValue = 3;
- // pLeftCards->m_cCards[12].m_nValue = 4;
- // pLeftCards->m_cCards[13].m_nValue = 4;
- //开始向上发地主牌;
- //第一张地主牌;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- MoveCard(Lord_Card1_x,
- Lord_Card1_y,
- Card_x,
- Card_y,
- 0,
- 17,
- 50);
- pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[0].m_bVisual = 1;
- ::RedrawGame();
- //第二张地主牌;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- MoveCard(Lord_Card2_x,
- Lord_Card2_y,
- Card_x,
- Card_y,
- 0,
- 17,
- 50);
- pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[1].m_bVisual = 1;
- ::RedrawGame();
- //第三张地主牌;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- MoveCard(Lord_Card3_x,
- Lord_Card3_y,
- Card_x,
- Card_y,
- 0,
- 17,
- 50);
- pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[2].m_bVisual = 1;
- pCardsMap->m_cDistributeCard.m_bVisual = 0; //让中间发的牌不可见;
- ::RedrawGame();
- DrawCleanUp();
- // Sleep(60000);
- return 1;
- }
- //发地主牌;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::DealingLord(int bLord)
- {
- pCardsMap->m_nLordCards = 2;
- ::RedrawGame();
- if(bLord == 0)
- {
- //发地主牌给左边玩家;
- //第一张;
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[17] = g_cAllCards[51]; //第十八张牌;
- MoveCard(Left_x0,
- pCardsMap->Left0[17].m_nY,
- Lord_Card1_x,
- Lord_Card1_y,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[17].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[17].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =18
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- // ::Redraw_Game();
- //第二张;
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[18] = g_cAllCards[52];
- MoveCard(Left_x0,
- pCardsMap->Left0[18].m_nY,
- Lord_Card2_x,
- Lord_Card2_y,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[18].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[18].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =19
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- // ::Redraw_Game();
- //第三张;
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[19] = g_cAllCards[53];
- MoveCard(Left_x0,
- pCardsMap->Left0[19].m_nY,
- Lord_Card3_x,
- Lord_Card3_y,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[19].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[19].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =20
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsTable[pLeftCards->m_cCards[17].m_nValue]++;
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsTable[pLeftCards->m_cCards[18].m_nValue]++;
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsTable[pLeftCards->m_cCards[19].m_nValue]++;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- ::RedrawGame();
- }
- else if(bLord == 1)
- {
- //发地主牌给中间玩家;
- //第一张;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[17] = g_cAllCards[51]; //第十八张牌;
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Center0[17].m_nX,
- Center_y0,
- Lord_Card1_x,
- Lord_Card1_y,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[17].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[17].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =18
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- // ::Redraw_Game();
- //第二张;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[18] = g_cAllCards[52];
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Center0[18].m_nX,
- Center_y0,
- Lord_Card2_x,
- Lord_Card2_y,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[18].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[18].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =19
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- // ::Redraw_Game();
- //第三张;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[19] = g_cAllCards[53];
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Center0[19].m_nX,
- Center_y0,
- Lord_Card3_x,
- Lord_Card3_y,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[19].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[19].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =20
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- ::RedrawGame();
- //拿到地主牌后再整理一次;
- DrawCleanUp();
- }
- else if(bLord == 2)
- {
- //发地主牌给右边玩家;
- //第一张;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[17] = g_cAllCards[51]; //第十八张牌;
- MoveCard(Right_x0,
- pCardsMap->Right0[17].m_nY,
- Lord_Card1_x,
- Lord_Card1_y,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[17].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[17].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =18
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- // ::Redraw_Game();
- //第二张;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[18] = g_cAllCards[52];
- MoveCard(Right_x0,
- pCardsMap->Right0[18].m_nY,
- Lord_Card2_x,
- Lord_Card2_y,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[18].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[18].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =19
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- // ::Redraw_Game();
- //第三张;
- pRightCards->m_cCards[19] = g_cAllCards[53];
- MoveCard(Right_x0,
- pCardsMap->Right0[19].m_nY,
- Lord_Card3_x,
- Lord_Card3_y,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[19].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[19].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter++; //m_nCardsCounter =20
- pRightCards->m_nCardsTable[pRightCards->m_cCards[17].m_nValue]++;
- pRightCards->m_nCardsTable[pRightCards->m_cCards[18].m_nValue]++;
- pRightCards->m_nCardsTable[pRightCards->m_cCards[19].m_nValue]++;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- ::RedrawGame();
- }
- pLeftCards->CleanUp();
- pRightCards->CleanUp();
- ::RedrawGame();
- return 1;
- }
- //中间(本机)玩家出牌;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::CenterDiscarding()
- {
- ///检查出牌的合法性,调用CPlaying_Cards的方法;
- int counter = 0;
- pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter = 0;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- for(int i=0;i<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nY == Center_y0 - Card_Up)
- {
- //移动提起的牌到刚出牌区;
- pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_bVisual = 0;
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Center2[pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Center2[pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter].m_nY,
- pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nY,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nValue,
- 80);
- pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nY += Card_Up;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nColor = 4; //花色为4表示已经出过牌;
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nValue = 17; //值为17表示已经出过牌;
- counter++;
- pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter++;
- }
- }
- //将中间(本机)的牌置为可见;
- for(int j=0;j<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;j++)
- {
- pCardsMap->Center0[j].m_bVisual = 1;
- }
- DrawCleanUp();
- pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter -= counter;
- // pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter = 0;
- pCardsMap->m_nUpCounter = 0; //提起牌数为0;
- return 1;
- }
- //本机玩家刚出的牌从刚出牌区移动到已经出牌区;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::CenterBacking()
- {
- int temp_counter = pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter ;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- for(int i=0;i<temp_counter;i++)
- {
- //移动提起的牌到刚出牌区;
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Center1[pCenterCards->m_nDiscardedCounter].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Center1[pCenterCards->m_nDiscardedCounter].m_nY,
- pCardsMap->Center2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Center2[i].m_nY,
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue,
- 100);
- pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter--;
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarded[pCenterCards->m_nDiscardedCounter] = pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding[i];
- pCenterCards->m_nDiscardedCounter++;
- }
- ::RedrawGame();
- return 1;
- }
- //左边玩家出牌;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::LeftDiscarding()
- {
- int temp_counter = pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter;
- pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter = 0;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- for(int i=0;i<temp_counter;i++)
- {
- //移动提起的牌到刚出牌区;
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Left2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left2[i].m_nY,
- pCardsMap->Left0[pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter - 1].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left0[pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter - 1].m_nY,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue,
- 100);
- pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter++;
- pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter--;
- }
- // ::Redraw_Game();
- return 1;
- }
- //左边玩家刚出的牌从刚出牌区移动到已经出牌区;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::LeftBacking()
- {
- int temp_counter = pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter ;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- for(int i=0;i<temp_counter;i++)
- {
- //移动提起的牌到刚出牌区;
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Left1[pLeftCards->m_nDiscardedCounter].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left1[pLeftCards->m_nDiscardedCounter].m_nY,
- pCardsMap->Left2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left2[i].m_nY,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue,
- 140);
- pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter--;
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarded[pLeftCards->m_nDiscardedCounter] = pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i];
- pLeftCards->m_nDiscardedCounter++;
- }
- ::RedrawGame();
- return 1;
- }
- //右边玩家出牌;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::RightDiscarding()
- {
- int temp_counter = pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter;
- pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter = 0;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- for(int i=0;i<temp_counter;i++)
- {
- //移动提起的牌到刚出牌区;
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Right2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right2[i].m_nY,
- pCardsMap->Right0[pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter - 1].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right0[pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter - 1].m_nY,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue,
- 100);
- pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter++;
- pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter--;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- //右边玩家刚出的牌从刚出牌区移动到已经出牌区;
- int CDrawCardsEngine::RightBacking()
- {
- int temp_counter = pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter ;
- PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GIVE),AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- for(int i=0;i<temp_counter;i++)
- {
- //移动提起的牌到刚出牌区;
- MoveCard(pCardsMap->Right1[pLeftCards->m_nDiscardedCounter].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right1[pLeftCards->m_nDiscardedCounter].m_nY,
- pCardsMap->Right2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right2[i].m_nY,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue,
- 140);
- pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter--;
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarded[pRightCards->m_nDiscardedCounter] = pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i];
- pRightCards->m_nDiscardedCounter++;
- }
- ::RedrawGame();
- return 1;
- }
- //重画;
- void CDrawCardsEngine::Redraw(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 pSurface)
- {
- //左边未出的牌;
- int i;
- if( m_bVisual )
- {
- for(i=0;i<pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Left0[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Left0[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left0[i].m_nY,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[i].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cCards[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- }
- else//
- {
- for(i=0;i<pLeftCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Left0[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Left0[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left0[i].m_nY,
- 0,
- 17);
- }
- }
- }
- //左边已经出的牌;
- for(i=0;i<pLeftCards->m_nDiscardedCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Left1[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Left1[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left1[i].m_nY,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarded[i].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarded[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- //左边刚出的牌;
- for(i=0;i<pLeftCards->m_nDiscardingCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Left2[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Left2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Left2[i].m_nY,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pLeftCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- //中间未出的牌;
- for(i=0;i<pCenterCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Center0[i].m_nY,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cCards[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- //中间已经出的牌;
- for(i=0;i<pCenterCards->m_nDiscardedCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center1[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Center1[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Center1[i].m_nY,
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarded[i].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarded[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- //中间刚出的牌;
- for(i=0;i<pCenterCards->m_nDiscardingCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Center2[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Center2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Center2[i].m_nY,
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pCenterCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- //右边未出的牌;
- if( m_bVisual )
- {
- for(i=0;i<pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Right0[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Right0[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right0[i].m_nY,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[i].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cCards[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0;i<pRightCards->m_nCardsCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Right0[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Right0[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right0[i].m_nY,
- 0,
- 17);
- }
- }
- }
- //右边已经出的牌;
- for(i=0;i<pRightCards->m_nDiscardedCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Right1[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Right1[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right1[i].m_nY,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarded[i].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarded[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- //右边刚出的牌;
- for(i=0;i<pRightCards->m_nDiscardingCounter;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->Right2[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->Right2[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->Right2[i].m_nY,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nColor,
- pRightCards->m_cDiscarding[i].m_nValue);
- }
- }
- //正在发的牌;
- if(pCardsMap->m_cDistributeCard.m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->m_cDistributeCard.m_nX,
- pCardsMap->m_cDistributeCard.m_nY,
- 0,
- 17);
- }
- //陈列的三张地主牌;
- if(pCardsMap->m_nLordCards == 1)
- {
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[i].m_nY,
- 0,
- 17);
- }
- }//end for
- }
- else if(pCardsMap->m_nLordCards == 2)
- {
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- if(pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[i].m_bVisual == 1)
- {
- DrawCard(pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[i].m_nX,
- pCardsMap->m_cLordCards[i].m_nY,
- ::g_cAllCards[51+i].m_nColor,
- ::g_cAllCards[51+i].m_nValue);
- }
- }//end for
- }
- }