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资源名称:shop.rar [点击查看]
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- | Subject: Html Element effect base
- | NameSpace: System.Web.Forms.MzEffect
- | Author: meizz
- | Created: 2006-07-07
- | Version: 2006-12-12
- |-----------------------------------
- | MSN: huangfr@msn.com QQ:112889082 Copyright (c) meizz
- | http://www.meizz.com/jsframework/ MIT-style license
- | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- | included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*/Interface
- Required: initialize() render() finish() restore()
- abort() end() cancel() dispose()
- op.onbeforestart() op.onbeforeupdate() op.onafterupdate() op.onafterfinish()
- /*/
- //op{interval, duration, overlap, trend, continual}
- function MzEffect()
- {
- System.call(this);this.readyState=1;
- this.element=MzElement.check(arguments[0]);
- if(!this.element) return; var t;
- this.terminative=false; //true for terminate effect
- var op=this.options=System.extend({
- "interval": 10, //milliseconds
- "duration": 800, //milliseconds
- "overlap": false,
- "continual": true,
- "trend": "strengthen" //strengthen|weaken true|false
- },
- arguments[1]||{}
- );
- op["trend"]= ("boolean"==typeof(op["trend"]) && op["trend"]) ||
- ("string"==typeof(op["trend"]) && op["trend"].toLowerCase()=="strengthen");
- //prevent repeated effect
- if(!op.overlap){
- this.attribName = "att_"+ this._className.replace(/W/g, "_");
- if(t=this.element.getAttribute(this.attribName))if(t=Instance(t))t.cancel();
- this.element.setAttribute(this.attribName, this.hashCode, 0);}
- this.beginTime = new Date().getTime();
- this.endTime = this.beginTime + op.duration;
- if(this.initialize) this.initialize();
- if(op.onbeforestart) op.onbeforestart(this); this.readyState=2;
- if(op.continual) this._process();else if(!this.restore){
- this.restore=function(){};this.dispose();}
- };
- t=MzEffect.Extends(System, "MzEffect");
- t._process=function()
- {
- var now = new Date().getTime(), me = this, op=this.options;
- if (now>=this.endTime)
- {
- if(this.render) this.render((op.trend==true ? 1 : 0));
- if(this.finish) this.finish(); this.readyState=4;
- if(op.onafterfinish) op.onafterfinish(this);
- this.dispose(); return;
- } if(op){
- var schedule = Math.sqrt((now-this.beginTime)/op.duration);
- if(op.trend!=true) schedule = Math.pow((this.endTime-now)/op.duration, 2);
- this.schedule = schedule;
- if(op.onbeforeupdate) op.onbeforeupdate(this);
- if(this.render)this.render(schedule);
- if(op.onafterupdate)op.onafterupdate(this);if(!this.terminative)
- this.timer=setTimeout(function(){me._process()},op.interval); else
- try{this.element.removeAttribute(this.attribName);}catch(ex){}}
- me.readyState=3;
- };
- t.abort=function(){if(this.timer)clearTimeout(this.timer);};
- t.end=function()
- {
- if(this.readyState==4) return;
- if(this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
- this.endTime = this.beginTime; this._process();
- }
- t.cancel=function()
- {
- this.endTime = this.beginTime;
- if(this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
- if(this.restore) this.restore();
- this.dispose();
- };
- t.dispose=function()
- {
- this.decontrol(); if(this.element)
- this.element.removeAttribute(this.attribName);
- delete this.timer;
- delete this.element;
- delete this.options;
- delete this.endTime;
- delete this.schedule;
- delete this.beginTime;
- delete this.attribName;
- delete this.terminative;
- if(System.ie) CollectGarbage();
- };
- MzEffect.formatColor=function(color)
- {
- if(/^#[da-z]{6}$/i.test(color)) return color;
- else if(color.indexOf("rgb(")==0)
- {
- var cs=color.substring(4, color.length-1).split(",");
- for(var i=0, color="#"; i<cs.length; i++)
- {
- var s = parseInt(cs[i]).toString(16);
- color+= ("00"+ s).substr(s.length);
- }
- return color;
- }
- return "";
- };
- /*--====== core effect ======--*/
- //op{interval, duration, trend}
- MzEffect.Opacity=function(element, op)
- {
- op = System.extend({interval: 20}, op||{});
- op.simple = (System.ie && MzBrowser.version<5.5)
- || (MzBrowser.opera && MzBrowser.version<8.5);
- MzEffect.apply(this, [element, op]);
- };
- MzEffect.Opacity.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Opacity").initialize=function()
- {
- var op=this.options, obj=this.element, me=this;
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = me.schedule || schedule;
- if(op.simple){me.endTime-=op.duration; return;}
- if(!System.ie)
- {
- obj.style.opacity = schedule;
- obj.style.MozOpacity = schedule;
- obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = schedule;
- }
- else obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:"+Math.round(schedule*100)+")";
- };
- if (System.ie)op.originalFilter = obj.style.filter; else
- {
- op.originalOpacity = obj.style.opacity;
- op.originalMozOpacity = obj.style.MozOpacity;
- op.originalKHTMLOpacity = obj.style.KHTMLOpacity;
- }
- this.restore=function()
- {
- if(System.ie) obj.style.filter = op.originalFilter; else
- {
- obj.style.opacity = op.originalOpacity;
- obj.style.MozOpacity = op.originalMozOpacity;
- obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = op.originalKHTMLOpacity;
- }
- };
- };
- //op{interval, duration, trend}
- MzEffect.MoveBy=function(element, x, y, op)
- {
- if("undefined"==typeof x || "undefined"==typeof y) return;
- this.offsetX=parseFloat(x);
- this.offsetY=parseFloat(y);
- op=System.extend({duration: 400}, op||{});
- MzEffect.apply(this, [element, op]);
- };
- MzEffect.MoveBy.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.MoveBy").initialize=function()
- {
- var me=this, obj=me.element, op=me.options;
- op.originalTop = obj.style.top;
- op.originalLeft = obj.style.left;
- op.originalPosition = obj.style.position;
- me.originalY = parseFloat(obj.style.top || '0');
- me.originalX = parseFloat(obj.style.left || '0');
- if(obj.style.position == "") obj.style.position = "relative";
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = me.schedule || schedule;
- obj.style.left = (me.offsetX * schedule + me.originalX) +"px";
- obj.style.top = (me.offsetY * schedule + me.originalY) +"px";
- };
- this.setPosition=function(x, y)
- {
- obj.style.top = y +"px";
- obj.style.left = x +"px";
- };
- this.restore=function()
- {
- obj.style.top = op.originalTop;
- obj.style.left = op.originalLeft;
- obj.style.position = op.originalPosition;
- };
- };
- //op{interval, duration, trend}
- MzEffect.MoveTo=function(element, x, y, op)
- {
- if("undefined"==typeof x || "undefined"==typeof y) return;
- this.x=parseFloat(x);this.y=parseFloat(y);
- op=System.extend({duration: 300}, op||{});
- MzEffect.apply(this, [element, op]);
- };
- MzEffect.MoveTo.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.MoveTo").initialize=function()
- {
- var me=this, obj=me.element, op=me.options;
- op.originalTop = obj.style.top;
- op.originalLeft = obj.style.left;
- op.originalPosition = obj.style.position;
- me.originalY = parseFloat(obj.style.top || '0');
- me.originalX = parseFloat(obj.style.left || '0');
- me.offsetX = me.x - me.originalX;
- me.offsetY = me.y - me.originalY;
- if(obj.style.position == "") obj.style.position = "relative";
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = me.schedule || schedule;
- obj.style.left = (me.offsetX * schedule + me.originalX) +"px";
- obj.style.top = (me.offsetY * schedule + me.originalY) +"px";
- };
- this.setPosition=function(x, y)
- {
- obj.style.top = y +"px";
- obj.style.left = x +"px";
- };
- this.restore=function()
- {
- obj.style.top = op.originalTop;
- obj.style.left = op.originalLeft;
- obj.style.position = op.originalPosition;
- };
- };
- //op{interval, duration, trend, color, beginColor, endColor, finalColor}
- function n2h(s){s=parseInt(s).toString(16);return ("00"+ s).substr(s.length);}
- MzEffect.Highlight=function(element, op){MzEffect.apply(this, arguments);};
- MzEffect.Highlight.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Highlight").initialize=function()
- {
- var op=this.options, obj=this.element, endColor="#FFFFFF";
- if(System.ie) var backColor = (obj.currentStyle||obj.style).backgroundColor;
- else var backColor = obj.getCssValue("background-color");
- op.originalBgColor = obj.style.backgroundColor;
- op.originalColor = obj.style.color;
- if(backColor) endColor = MzEffect.formatColor(backColor);
- op.beginColor = op.beginColor || "#FFFF00";
- op.endColor = op.endColor || endColor;
- op.finalColor = op.finalColor || obj.style.backgroundColor;
- this.colors_base=[
- parseInt(op.beginColor.substring(1,3),16),
- parseInt(op.beginColor.substring(3,5),16),
- parseInt(op.beginColor.substr(5),16)];
- this.colors_var=[
- parseInt(op.endColor.substring(1,3),16)-this.colors_base[0],
- parseInt(op.endColor.substring(3,5),16)-this.colors_base[1],
- parseInt(op.endColor.substr(5),16)-this.colors_base[2]];
- this.finish=function()
- {
- if(op.color) obj.style.color = op.color;
- obj.style.backgroundColor = op.finalColor;
- };
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = this.schedule || schedule;
- var colors=[
- n2h(Math.round(this.colors_base[0]+(this.colors_var[0]*schedule))),
- n2h(Math.round(this.colors_base[1]+(this.colors_var[1]*schedule))),
- n2h(Math.round(this.colors_base[2]+(this.colors_var[2]*schedule)))];
- obj.style.backgroundColor = "#"+ colors.join("");
- };
- this.restore=function()
- {
- obj.style.color = op.originalColor;
- obj.style.backgroundColor = op.originalBgColor;
- };
- this.dispose=function()
- {
- MzEffect.prototype.dispose.call(this);
- delete this.colors_base;
- delete this.colors_var;
- };
- };
- MzEffect.Curtain=function(element, op)
- {
- op = System.extend(
- {
- direction: "",
- scaleContent: false
- }, op||{});
- MzEffect.apply(this, [element, op]);
- }
- MzEffect.Curtain.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Mask").initialize=function()
- {
- var me=this, op=me.options, obj=me.element;
- op.direction = op.direction.toLowerCase();
- op.originalWidth = obj.style.width;
- op.originalHeight = obj.style.height;
- op.originalOverflow = obj.style.overflow;
- op.originalPosition = obj.style.position;
- op.originalVisibility = obj.style.visibility;
- op.originalMarginTop = (obj.currentStyle || obj.style).marginTop;
- op.originalOffsetWidth = obj.offsetWidth;
- op.originalOffsetHeight = obj.offsetHeight;
- obj.style.overflow = "hidden";
- this.restore=function()
- {
- obj.style.width = op.originalWidth;
- obj.style.height = op.originalHeight;
- obj.style.overflow = op.originalOverflow;
- obj.style.position = op.originalPosition;
- obj.style.marginTop = op.originalMarginTop;
- obj.style.visibility = op.originalVisibility;
- };
- this.finish=function(){this.restore();};
- this.render=function(schedule){};
- };
- //op{interval, duration, trend, dirction}
- MzEffect.Mask=function(element, op)
- {
- op=System.extend({direction: "box"}, op||{});
- MzEffect.apply(this, [element, op]);
- };
- MzEffect.Mask.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Mask").initialize=function()
- {
- var me=this, op=me.options, obj=me.element;
- if (!op.trend && obj.style.display=="none"){me.endTime-=op.duration; return;}
- op.direction = op.direction.toLowerCase();
- if(op.direction=="random")
- {
- var a=["box","center-up-down", "center-right-left", "top", "bottom",
- "left", "right", "top-right", "top-left", "right-top", "left-top"];
- var n=Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length);
- op.direction = (n>=a.length) ? "box" : a[n];
- }
- op.originalTop = obj.style.top;
- op.originalLeft = obj.style.left;
- op.originalClip = obj.style.clip;
- op.originalWidth= obj.style.width;
- op.originalHeight= obj.style.height;
- if(System.ie) op.originalPosition = (obj.currentStyle || obj.style).position;
- else op.originalPosition = obj.getCssValue("position");
- if (op.trend){op.originalVisibility = obj.style.visibility;
- obj.style.visibility = "hidden"; MzElement.show(obj);}
- op.originalOffsetWidth = obj.offsetWidth;
- op.originalOffsetHeight = obj.offsetHeight;
- if(System.ie || window.opera)
- {
- obj.style.width = op.originalOffsetWidth +"px";
- obj.style.height= op.originalOffsetHeight+"px";
- }
- else
- {
- obj.style.width = (op.originalOffsetWidth
- - parseInt(obj.style.borderLeftWidth||0)
- - parseInt(obj.style.borderRightWidth||0)) +"px";
- obj.style.height= (op.originalOffsetHeight
- - parseInt(obj.style.borderTopWidth||0)
- - parseInt(obj.style.borderBottomWidth||0)) +"px";
- }
- if (op.trend) obj.style.visibility = op.originalVisibility;
- //for opacity 20070114
- if (System.ie)op.originalFilter = obj.style.filter; else
- {
- op.originalOpacity = obj.style.opacity;
- op.originalMozOpacity = obj.style.MozOpacity;
- op.originalKHTMLOpacity = obj.style.KHTMLOpacity;
- }
- if(op.originalPosition!="absolute")
- {
- obj.style.position = "absolute";
- var input = document.createElement("INPUT");
- input.type="text"; input.style.border="none";
- input.readOnly=true; input.style.fontSize="1px";
- input.style.margin=input.style.padding=0;
- input.id = "MzEffectMaskStuffing"+ this.hashCode;
- input.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";//"red";
- var a=(obj.currentStyle||obj.style).marginLeft ||0;a=a=="auto"?0:parseInt(a);
- var b=(obj.currentStyle||obj.style).marginRight||0;b=b=="auto"?0:parseInt(b);
- input.style.width = (op.originalOffsetWidth + a + b-(System.ie?2:0)) +"px";
- a=(obj.currentStyle||obj.style).marginTop ||0;a=a=="auto"?0:parseInt(a);
- b=(obj.currentStyle||obj.style).marginBottom||0;b=b=="auto"?0:parseInt(b);
- input.style.height= (op.originalOffsetHeight + a + b-(System.ie?2:0)) +"px";
- obj.parentNode.insertBefore(input, obj.nextSibling);
- }
- this.restore=function()
- {
- obj.style.clip = op.originalClip||"rect(auto, auto, auto, auto)";
- obj.style.top = op.originalTop;
- obj.style.left = op.originalLeft;
- obj.style.width = op.originalWidth;
- obj.style.height= op.originalHeight;
- obj.style.position = op.originalPosition;
- if(op.originalPosition!="absolute")
- MzElement.remove("MzEffectMaskStuffing"+ this.hashCode);
- if(System.ie) obj.style.filter = op.originalFilter; else
- {
- obj.style.opacity = op.originalOpacity;
- obj.style.MozOpacity = op.originalMozOpacity;
- obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = op.originalKHTMLOpacity;
- }
- };
- this.finish=function(){if(!op.trend)MzElement.hide(obj); me.restore();};
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = me.schedule || schedule;
- if(op.opacity)
- {
- if(!System.ie){obj.style.opacity = schedule;
- obj.style.MozOpacity = schedule; obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = schedule;}
- else obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:"+Math.round(schedule*100)+")";
- }
- switch(op.direction)
- {
- case "box":
- var halfW = Math.ceil(op.originalOffsetWidth /2);
- var halfH = Math.ceil(op.originalOffsetHeight/2);
- var right = Math.ceil(halfW * schedule);
- var bottom =Math.ceil(halfH * schedule);
- obj.style.clip = "rect("+ (halfH-bottom) +"px "+ (halfW+right) +"px "+
- (halfH+bottom) +"px "+ (halfW-right) +"px)";
- break;
- case "center-up-down":
- case "center-down-up":
- case "center-top-bottom":
- case "center-bottom-top":
- var halfH = Math.ceil(op.originalOffsetHeight/2);
- var bottom =Math.ceil(halfH * schedule);
- obj.style.clip = "rect("+ (halfH-bottom) +"px "+
- op.originalOffsetWidth +"px "+ (halfH+bottom) +"px 0)";
- break;
- case "center-right-left":
- case "center-left-right":
- var halfW = Math.ceil(op.originalOffsetWidth /2);
- var right = Math.ceil(halfW * schedule);
- obj.style.clip = "rect(0 "+ (halfW+right) +"px "+
- op.originalOffsetHeight +"px "+ (halfW-right) +"px)";
- break;
- case "top":
- case "top-bottom":
- var bottom =op.originalOffsetHeight * schedule +"px";
- obj.style.clip="rect(0 "+ op.originalOffsetWidth +"px "+ bottom +" 0)";
- break;
- case "bottom":
- case "bottom-top":
- var top = op.originalOffsetHeight * (1 - schedule) +"px";
- obj.style.clip = "rect("+ top +" "+ op.originalOffsetWidth +"px "+
- op.originalOffsetHeight +"px 0)";
- break;
- case "left":
- case "left-right":
- var right = op.originalOffsetWidth * schedule +"px";
- obj.style.clip="rect(0 "+ right +" "+ op.originalOffsetHeight +"px 0)";
- break;
- case "right":
- case "right-left":
- var left =op.originalOffsetWidth * (1 - schedule) +"px";
- obj.style.clip = "rect(0 "+ op.originalOffsetWidth +"px "+
- op.originalOffsetHeight +"px "+ left +")";
- break;
- case "top-right":
- case "left-bottom":
- var right = op.originalOffsetWidth * schedule +"px";
- var bottom =op.originalOffsetHeight * schedule +"px";
- obj.style.clip = "rect(0 "+ right +" "+ bottom +" 0)";
- break;
- case "top-left":
- case "right-bottom":
- var bottom = op.originalOffsetHeight * schedule +"px";
- var left =op.originalOffsetWidth * (1 - schedule) +"px";
- obj.style.clip = "rect(0 "+ op.originalOffsetWidth +"px "+
- bottom +" "+ left +")";
- break;
- case "right-top":
- case "bottom-left":
- var top = op.originalOffsetHeight * (1 - schedule) +"px";
- var left =op.originalOffsetWidth * (1 - schedule) +"px";
- obj.style.clip = "rect("+ top +" "+ op.originalOffsetWidth +"px "+
- op.originalOffsetHeight +"px "+ left +")";
- break;
- case "left-top":
- case "bottom-right":
- var top = op.originalOffsetHeight * (1 - schedule) +"px";
- var right=op.originalOffsetWidth * schedule +"px";
- obj.style.clip = "rect("+ top +" "+ right +" "+
- op.originalOffsetHeight +"px 0)";
- break;
- }
- };
- };
- //op{interval, duration, trend}
- MzEffect.Combo=function(effects, element, op)
- {
- this.effects=effects||[];
- if(this.effects.length==0) return;
- MzEffect.apply(this,[element,op]);
- };
- t=MzEffect.Combo.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Combo");
- t.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = this.schedule || schedule;
- for(var i=0; i<this.effects.length; i++)
- {
- var e = this.effects[i];
- if (e.timer) clearTimeout(e.timer);
- e.render(schedule);
- }
- };
- t.finish=function()
- {
- for(var i=0; i<this.effects.length; i++)
- {
- if(this.effects[i].finish) this.effects[i].finish();
- this.effects[i].dispose();
- }
- };
- t.dispose=function()
- {
- for(var i=0; i<this.effects.length; i++) this.effects[i].dispose();
- MzEffect.prototype.dispose.call(this);
- delete this.effects;
- };
- /*--====== meizz effects ======--*/
- MzEffect.Shake=function(element){MzEffect.call(this, element)};
- MzEffect.Shake.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Shake").initialize=function()
- {
- var me=this, obj=me.element, os=obj.style;
- var top =os.top, left=os.left, position=os.position;
- this.restore=function(){os.top=top; os.left=left; os.position=position;}
- this._process=function()
- {
- var a=[0, 0];
- if(me._scheduledIndex>=me._scheduledArray.length)
- {
- this._process=function()
- {
- me.restore();
- me.dispose();
- delete me._scheduledIndex;
- delete me._scheduledArray;
- };
- }
- else
- {
- a=me._scheduledArray[me._scheduledIndex];
- me._scheduledIndex++;
- }
- MzEffect.moveBy(obj, a[0], a[1],{
- duration: 40,
- interval: 20,
- onafterfinish: function(e){me._process();}});
- };
- };
- MzEffect.Shake.prototype._scheduledIndex=0;
- MzEffect.Shake.prototype._scheduledArray=
- [
- [20, -5]
- ,[-40,-5]
- ,[40, 10]
- ,[-40, 5]
- ,[40, -9]
- ,[-35, 8]
- ,[35, -7]
- ,[-30, 6]
- ,[20, -5]
- ,[-15, 4]
- ,[10, -3]
- ,[-8, 2]
- ,[6, -1]
- ,[-5, 0]
- ,[3, 0]
- ,[-1, 0]
- ];
- MzEffect.Appear=function(element, op)
- {
- var e=MzElement.check(element);
- if(!e) return; if(System.ie
- &&!e.style.width
- &&!e.style.height
- &&e.style.position!="absolute"
- &&e.currentStyle
- &&e.currentStyle.position!="absolute"
- &&e.currentStyle.width=="auto"
- &&e.currentStyle.height=="auto")
- { MzElement.show(e); return;}
- op=System.extend(
- {
- onbeforestart: function(e){MzElement.show(e.element);e.render(0.01);},
- onafterfinish: function(e){e.restore();}
- }, op||{});
- return MzEffect.opacity(element, op);
- };
- MzEffect.Fade=function(element, op)
- {
- var e=MzElement.check(element);
- if(!e) return; if(System.ie
- &&!e.style.width
- &&!e.style.height
- &&e.style.position!="absolute"
- &&e.currentStyle
- &&e.currentStyle.position!="absolute"
- &&e.currentStyle.width=="auto"
- &&e.currentStyle.height=="auto")
- { MzElement.hide(e); return;}
- op=System.extend(
- {
- trend: "weaken",
- onafterfinish: function(e){MzElement.hide(e.element); e.restore();}
- }, op||{});
- return MzEffect.opacity(element, op);
- };
- //op{loop, interval, dynamic}
- MzEffect.Pulsate=function(element, op)
- {
- this.element=MzElement.check(element); if(!this.element) return;
- op=this.options=System.extend({loop:5,interval:360,dynamic:true},op||{});
- if(!op.dynamic || op.loop<0 || op.loop>5) op.interval += 160;
- var a=this.attribName = "att_"+ this._className.replace(/W/g, "_");
- if((t=this.element.getAttribute(a)) && (t=Instance(t))){
- System.extend(t.options, this.options); t.times=0; return t;}
- System.call(this);
- this.element.setAttribute(this.attribName, this.hashCode, 0);
- this.timer=null; this.initialize();
- if(op.onbeforestart) op.onbeforestart(this); this.render();
- };
- t=MzEffect.Pulsate.Extends(System, "MzEffect.Pulsate");
- t.times=0;
- t.status=true;
- t.initialize=function()
- {
- var me=this, op=me.options, obj=me.element;
- op.visibility=obj.style.visibility;
- this.render=function()
- {
- if(me.terminative) return me.stop();
- if(op.loop>-1 && me.times>=op.loop) return me.stop();
- if(me.status)
- {
- if(!op.dynamic || op.loop<0 || op.loop>5)
- {
- obj.style.visibility="hidden";
- me.timer = setTimeout(me.render, op.interval);
- }
- else
- {
- MzEffect.fade(obj, {
- interval: 40,
- duration: 160,
- onafterfinish: function(e)
- {
- obj.style.visibility="hidden";
- e.restore();
- me.timer = setTimeout(me.render, op.interval);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(!op.dynamic || op.loop<0 || op.loop>5)
- {
- obj.style.visibility="";
- me.timer = setTimeout(me.render, op.interval);
- }
- else
- {
- MzEffect.appear(obj,{
- interval: 40,
- duration: 160,
- onbeforestart: function(e){e.element.style.visibility=""; e.render(0.01);},
- onafterfinish: function(e){e.restore(); me.timer = setTimeout(me.render, op.interval);}
- });
- }
- }
- me.status = !me.status; if(me.status) me.times++;
- };
- this.stop=function()
- {
- obj.style.visibility=op.visibility;
- if(me.finish) me.finish();
- if(op.onafterfinish) op.onafterfinish(me);
- clearTimeout(me.timer);
- me.dispose();
- }
- this.dispose=function()
- {
- me.decontrol(); if(me.element)
- me.element.removeAttribute(me.attribName);
- delete me.state;
- delete me.timer;
- delete me.times;
- delete me.element;
- delete me.options;
- };
- };
- MzEffect.Pulsate.stop=function(element)
- {
- if(element=MzElement.check(element))
- {
- var t = "att_"+ "MzEffect.Pulsate".replace(/W/g, "_");
- if(t=element.getAttribute(t))if(t=Instance(t))t.terminative=true;
- }
- }
- //op{interval, duration}
- MzEffect.BlindDown=function(element, op){MzEffect.apply(this, arguments);};
- MzEffect.BlindDown.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Mask").initialize=function()
- {
- var op=this.options, obj=this.element;
- op.height = obj.style.height;
- op.overflow = obj.style.overflow;
- op.visibility = obj.style.visibility;
- obj.style.visibility = "hidden";
- MzElement.show(obj);
- op.offsetHeight = obj.offsetHeight; if(!System.ie){
- var t; if(t=obj.style.paddingTop) t=parseFloat(t);
- if("number"==typeof t) op.offsetHeight -= t;
- var b; if(b=obj.style.paddingBottom) b=parseFloat(b);
- if("number"==typeof b) op.offsetHeight -= b;}
- obj.style.height = "1px"; obj.style.overflow = "hidden";
- setTimeout(function(){obj.style.visibility = op.visibility;}, 10);
- this.finish=this.restore=function()
- {
- obj.style.overflow = op.overflow;
- obj.style.height = op.height;
- };
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = this.schedule || schedule;
- obj.style.height = parseInt(schedule * op.offsetHeight) +"px";
- };
- };
- //op{interval, duration}
- MzEffect.BlindUp=function(element, op)
- {
- op = System.extend({trend: "weaken"}, op||{});
- MzEffect.apply(this, [element, op]);
- };
- MzEffect.BlindUp.Extends(MzEffect, "MzEffect.Mask").initialize=function()
- {
- var op=this.options, obj=this.element;
- op.height = obj.style.height;
- op.overflow = obj.style.overflow;
- op.offsetHeight = obj.offsetHeight; if(!System.ie){
- var t; if(t=obj.style.paddingTop) t=parseFloat(t);
- if("number"==typeof t) op.offsetHeight -= t;
- var b; if(b=obj.style.paddingBottom) b=parseFloat(b);
- if("number"==typeof b) op.offsetHeight -= b;}
- obj.style.overflow = "hidden";
- this.finish=function()
- {
- MzElement.hide(obj);
- obj.style.overflow = op.overflow;
- obj.style.height = op.height;
- };
- this.restore=function()
- {
- obj.style.overflow = op.overflow;
- obj.style.height = op.height;
- };
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = this.schedule || schedule;
- if(schedule<=0.05) MzElement.hide(obj);
- obj.style.height = parseInt(schedule * op.offsetHeight) +"px";
- };
- };
- //op{interval, duration}
- MzEffect.SlideUp=function(element, op)
- {
- return MzEffect.collapse(element, System.extend(
- {
- onafterupdate: function(e){e.element.scrollTop=e.options.offsetHeight;}
- }, op||{}))
- };
- //op{interval, duration}
- MzEffect.SlideDown=function(element, op)
- {
- return MzEffect.expand(element, System.extend(
- {
- onafterupdate: function(e){e.element.scrollTop=e.options.offsetHeight;}
- }, op||{}))
- };
- //op{interval, duration}
- MzEffect.Fall=function(){MzEffect.Curtain.apply(this, arguments);};
- MzEffect.Fall.Extends(MzEffect.Curtain).initialize=function()
- {
- MzEffect.Curtain.prototype.initialize.call(this);
- var me=this, op=me.options, obj=me.element;
- this.finish=function(){this.hide(9);};
- this.hide=function(n)
- {
- if(n<0){MzElement.hide(obj); me.restore(); return;}
- obj.style.height = "1px"; obj.style.visibility = "hidden";
- obj.style.marginTop=(n/10)*op.originalOffsetHeight + parseFloat(op.originalMarginTop||0) +"px";
- this.timer=setTimeout(function(){me.hide(--n);}, 10);
- }
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = Math.ceil(op.originalOffsetHeight * (this.schedule || schedule));
- obj.style.marginTop = (schedule + parseFloat(op.originalMarginTop||0)) +"px";
- obj.style.height= (op.originalOffsetHeight - schedule) +"px";
- };
- };
- //op{interval, duration}
- MzEffect.Rise=function(){MzEffect.Curtain.apply(this, arguments);};
- MzEffect.Rise.Extends(MzEffect.Curtain).initialize=function()
- {
- MzEffect.Curtain.prototype.initialize.call(this);
- var me=this, op=me.options, obj=me.element;
- obj.style.height="1px"; MzElement.show(obj);
- op.originalOffsetHeight = obj.offsetHeight;
- obj.style.marginTop = op.originalOffsetHeight + parseFloat(op.originalMarginTop||0);
- this.render=function(schedule)
- {
- schedule = Math.ceil(op.originalOffsetHeight * (this.schedule || schedule));
- obj.style.height = schedule +"px";
- obj.style.marginTop = (op.originalOffsetHeight - schedule + parseFloat(op.originalMarginTop||0)) +"px";
- };
- };
- //[static method]
- MzEffect.opacity =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Opacity(element, op);};
- MzEffect.moveBy =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.MoveBy(element, op);};
- MzEffect.moveTo =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.MoveTo(element, op);};
- MzEffect.highlight=function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Highlight(element, op);};
- MzEffect.mask =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Mask(element, op);};
- MzEffect.combo =function(element, op){};
- MzEffect.shake =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Shake(element, op);};
- MzEffect.appear =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Appear(element, op);};
- MzEffect.fade =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Fade(element, op);};
- MzEffect.pulsate =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Pulsate(element, op);};
- MzEffect.expand =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.BlindDown(element, op);};
- MzEffect.collapse =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.BlindUp(element, op);};
- MzEffect.remove =function(element, op){return new MzEffect.Fade(element, System.extend(op||{}, {onafterfinish: function(){MzElement.remove(element)}}));};