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- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- | Subject: DataProvider for Meizz WebControl
- | NameSpace: System.Data.MzDataProvider
- | Author: meizz
- | Created: 2005-12-28
- | Version: 2007-02-07
- |-----------------------------------
- | MSN: huangfr@msn.com QQ:112889082 Copyright (c) meizz
- | http://www.meizz.com/jsframework/ MIT-style license
- | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- | included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- //text,description,icon,url,target,JSData,XMLData,ULData
- function MzDataProvider(){System.call(this);}
- t=MzDataProvider.Extends(System, "MzDataProvider");
- t.__="x0f";
- t.rootId="-1";
- t.dividerEncoding=t.divider="_";
- t.indexes=t.jsDataPath=t.xmlDataPath="";
- t.appendIndexes=function(s){this.indexes += this.__+ s +this.__;}
- t.getUniqueId=function(){return "MzDataProvider"+(MzDataProvider.nodeCounter++).toString(36);};
- MzDataProvider.nodeCounter=0;
- t.nodePrototype=window.MzDataNode = function()
- {
- this.index= (MzDataProvider.nodeCounter++).toString(36);
- this.childNodes=[];
- };
- t=MzDataNode.Extends(System, "MzDataNode");
- t.text = t.path = t.sourceIndex="";
- t.isLoaded = t.hasChild= false;
- t.parentNode = t.$$caller = null; //instance of System.Data.MzDataProvider
- //public
- MzDataProvider.prototype.setDivider=function(d)
- {
- this.divider=d; for(var a="", i=0; i<d.length; i++)
- a+=("'^{[(\-|+.*?)]}$"".indexOf(d.charAt(i))>-1?"\":"")+d.charAt(i);
- this.dividerEncoding = a;
- };
- MzDataProvider.prototype.setAsyncJsDataPath=function(path)
- {
- if(path.length>0) this.jsDataPath = path.replace(/[\/]*$/, "/");
- }
- MzDataProvider.prototype.setAsyncXmlDataPath=function(path)
- {
- if(path.length>0) this.xmlDataPath = path.replace(/[\/]*$/, "/");
- }
- MzDataProvider.prototype.render=function(){this.dataInit();};
- //private: initialize data node
- MzDataProvider.prototype.dataInit = function()
- {
- if(this._dataInitialized) return;
- if("object"!=typeof this.nodes) this.nodes={};
- if("object"!=typeof this.dataSource) this.dataSource={};
- var _=this.__, d=this.dividerEncoding, a=[], i;
- for(i in this.dataSource)a[a.length]=i;this.appendIndexes(a.join(_));
- this.dataSource.length=(this.dataSource.length||0)+ a.length;
- a=(MzDataProvider.nodeCounter++).toString(36);
- var node=this.nodes[a]=this.rootNode = new this.nodePrototype; //this.imaginaryNode
- node.$$caller=this;node.index=a;node.virgin=this.rootId=="-1";
- if(node.virgin)
- {
- node.id=node.path="-1";
- node.loadChildNodes();
- node.hasChildNodes();
- }
- else
- {
- a=new RegExp("([^"+_+d+"]+)"+ d +"("+ this.rootId +")("+_+"|$)");
- if(a.test(this.indexes))
- {
- a=RegExp.$1 + this.divider + this.rootId;
- node.childNodes[0]=node.DTO(this.nodePrototype, a);
- node.isLoaded=true; node.hasChild=true;
- }
- }
- this._dataInitialized=true;
- };
- //public: append data onafterload
- MzDataProvider.prototype.appendData = function(data, override) //param data: json
- {
- if("object"!=typeof this.dataSource) this.dataSource={}; var a=[],i;
- for(i in data)if(!this.dataSource[i]){this.dataSource[i]=data[i];a[a.length]=i}
- if(this._dataInitialized) this.appendIndexes(a.join(this.__));
- this.dataSource.length=(this.dataSource.length||0)+a.length;data=null;a=null;
- };
- //public: getNode (has Builded) by sourceId
- MzDataProvider.prototype.getNodeById = function(id)
- {
- if(id==this.rootId&&this.rootNode.virgin) return this.rootNode;
- var _=this.__, d = this.dividerEncoding;
- var reg=new RegExp("([^"+_+ d +"]+"+ d + id +")("+_+"|$)");
- if(reg.test(this.indexes)){var s=this.dataSource[RegExp.$1];
- if("string"==typeof(s)) return this.nodes[s.getAttribute("index_"+this.hashCode)];
- else if("object"==typeof(s)) return this.nodes[s["index_"+this.hashCode]];
- else{System.alert("The node isn't initialized!"); return null;}}
- alert("sourceId="+ id +" is nonexistent!"); return null;
- };
- //public: asynchronous get childNodes from JS File
- MzDataProvider.prototype.loadJsData = function(JsFileUrl)
- {
- var js; try{if(js = System.load("",JsFileUrl)){var d=eval(js);
- if("object"!=d && "object"==typeof(data) && null!=data)d=data;
- this.appendData(d); data=d=null;}}catch(e){}
- };
- //public: asynchronous get childNodes from Json File
- MzDataProvider.prototype.loadJsonData = function(JsonFileUrl)
- {
- MzDataProvider.instance=this;
- if("undefined"==typeof(MzJson))Using("System.Net.MzJson");
- var e=new MzJson(); e.cache = /.js$/i.test(JsonFileUrl);
- e.request(JsonFileUrl); e=null;
- };
- window.MzJsonDataLoad=function(json)
- {
- if(MzDataProvider.instance) MzDataProvider.instance.appendData(json);
- MzDataProvider.instance=null;
- }
- //public: asynchronous get childNodes from XML File
- MzDataProvider.prototype.loadXmlData = function(url, parentId, mapping)
- {
- if(System.supportsXmlHttp())
- {
- //Using("System.Xml.MzXmlDocument");
- if("undefined"==typeof parentId) parentId=this.rootId;
- var x=new MzXmlDocument(); x.async=false; x.load(url);
- if(x.readyState==4)
- {
- if(!x.documentElement)
- alert("xmlDoc.documentElement = null, Please update your browser");
- this._loadXmlNodeData(x.documentElement, parentId, mapping);
- }
- }
- };
- //public: asynchronous get childNodes from XML String
- MzDataProvider.prototype.loadXmlDataString = function(xmlString, parentId, mapping)
- {
- if(System.supportsXmlHttp())
- {
- //Using("System.Xml.MzXmlDocument");
- if("undefined"==typeof parentId) parentId=this.rootId;
- var x=new MzXmlDocument(); x.loadXML(xmlString);
- this._loadXmlNodeData(x.documentElement, parentId, mapping);
- }
- };
- MzDataProvider.prototype._loadXmlNodeData = function(xmlNode, parentId, mapping)
- {
- if(!(xmlNode && xmlNode.hasChildNodes())) return;
- for(var k,id,i=0,data={},n=xmlNode.childNodes; i<n.length; i++)
- {
- if(n[i].nodeType==1){id=n[i].getAttribute("id")||this.getUniqueId();
- if(n[i].hasChildNodes()){for(k=0,nic=n[i].childNodes;k<nic.length;k++)
- {
- if(nic[k].nodeType==1){this._loadXmlNodeData(n[i], id, mapping);break;}}
- }
- for(var k=0,s="",a=n[i].attributes; k<a.length; k++)
- {
- if(mapping) s=s.setAttribute(mapping[a[k].name.toLowerCase()]||a[k].name, a[k].value);
- else s=s.setAttribute(a[k].name, a[k].value);
- }
- if(!s.getAttribute("text")) s="text:;"+ s;
- a=parentId + this.divider + id; data[a]=s;}
- }
- this.appendData(data);
- };
- //public
- MzDataProvider.prototype.loadUlData=function(HtmlUL, parentId)
- {
- if("undefined"==typeof parentId) parentId=this.rootId; var ul;
- if("string"==typeof HtmlUL&&(ul=document.getElementById(HtmlUL)));
- else if("object"==typeof HtmlUL&&(ul=HtmlUL.tagName)&&
- "UL OL".indexOf(ul.toUpperCase())>-1) ul=HtmlUL;
- if("object"==typeof ul)
- {
- var data={}; for(var i=0, n=ul.childNodes; i<n.length; i++)
- {
- if(n[i].nodeType==1 && n[i].tagName=="LI")
- {
- var id=n[i].getAttribute("sourceid")||this.getUniqueId(),txt="",link="";
- for(var k=0; k<n[i].childNodes.length; k++)
- {
- var node=n[i].childNodes[k];
- if(node.nodeType==3) txt += node.nodeValue;
- if(node.nodeType==1)
- {
- switch(node.tagName)
- {
- case "UL":
- case "OL": this.loadUlData(node, id); break;
- case "A" : if(!link) link=node; break;
- }
- }
- }
- var str="";
- if(link)
- {
- str=str.setAttribute("target", link.target);
- str=str.setAttribute("url", link.href);
- str=str.setAttribute("text", link.innerHTML);
- }
- else str = str.setAttribute("text", txt);
- var a=n[i].attributes; //<li>.attributes
- for(var k=0; k<a.length; k++)
- {
- if(a[k].specified && a[k].name!="style")
- str = str.setAttribute(a[k].name, a[k].value);
- }
- a=parentId + this.divider + id;
- data[a]=str;
- }
- }
- this.appendData(data);
- }
- }
- //public: check node has child
- MzDataNode.prototype.hasChildNodes = function()
- {
- var $=this.$$caller;
- this.hasChild=$.indexes.indexOf($.__+ this.id + $.divider)>-1
- ||(this.sourceIndex&&(this.get("JSData")!=null||this.get("XMLData")!=null
- || this.get("ULData")!=null)); return this.hasChild;
- };
- //public: get node attribute
- MzDataNode.prototype.get = function(attribName)
- {
- if("undefined"!=typeof(this[attribName]))return this[attribName]; else
- {
- var s=this.$$caller.dataSource[this.sourceIndex];
- if("string"==typeof(s)) return s.getAttribute(attribName);
- else if("object"==typeof(s)) return s[attribName];
- }
- };
- //public: set node attribute
- MzDataNode.prototype.set = function(attribName, value)
- {
- if("undefined"!=typeof(this[attribName])) this[attribName]=value; else
- {
- var s=this.$$caller.dataSource[this.sourceIndex];
- if("string"==typeof(s))
- this.$$caller.dataSource[this.sourceIndex]=s.setAttribute(attribName,value);
- else if("object"==typeof(s)) s[attribName]=value;
- }
- };
- //private: load all node's node and init
- MzDataNode.prototype.loadChildNodes = function(DataNodeClass)
- {
- var $=this.$$caller,r=$.dividerEncoding,_=$.__, i, cs;
- var tcn=this.childNodes;tcn.length=0;if(this.sourceIndex){
- if((i=this.get("JSData"))) $.loadJsData((/^w+.js(s|?|$)/i.test(i)?$.jsDataPath:"")+i);
- if((i=this.get("ULData"))) $.loadUlData(i, this.id);
- if((i=this.get("XMLData")))$.loadXmlData((/^w+.xml(s|?|$)/i.test(i)?$.xmlDataPath:"")+i,this.id);}
- var reg=new RegExp(_ + this.id + r +"[^"+ _ + r +"]+", "g");
- if((cs=$.indexes.match(reg))){for(i=0;i<cs.length;i++){
- tcn[tcn.length]=this.DTO(DataNodeClass, cs[i].substr(_.length));}}
- this.isLoaded = true;
- };
- MzDataNode.prototype.DTO=function(DataNodeClass, sourceIndex)
- {
- var C=DataNodeClass||MzDataNode,$=this.$$caller,d=$.divider,n=new C,s;
- n.$$caller=this.$$caller; s=$.dataSource[n.sourceIndex=sourceIndex];
- n.id=sourceIndex.substr(sourceIndex.indexOf(d)+d.length);
- n.hasChildNodes(); n.parentNode=this; $.nodes[n.index]=n;
- n.path=this.path+d+n.id; n.set("index_"+ $.hashCode,n.index);
- if("string"==typeof(s)) n.text=s.getAttribute("text");
- else if("object"==typeof(s)) n.text=s.text; return n;
- };
- String.prototype.getAttribute = function(attribute)
- {
- if(new RegExp("(^|;)\s*"+attribute+"\s*:\s*([^;]*)\s*(;|$)","i").test(this))
- return RegExp.$2.replace(/%3B/gi,";").replace(/%25/g,"%"); return null;
- };
- String.prototype.setAttribute = function(attribute, value)
- {
- value=(""+value).replace(/%/g,"%25").replace(/;/g,"%3B").replace(/r|n/g,"");
- return (attribute +":"+ value +";" + this);
- };
- String.prototype.deleteAttribute = function(attribute)
- {
- return this.replace(new RegExp("\b\s*"+attribute+"\s*:\s*([^;]*)\s*(;|$)","gi"),"");
- };