- /*
- * Program: MMDF mail routines
- *
- * Author: Mark Crispin
- * Networks and Distributed Computing
- * Computing & Communications
- * University of Washington
- * Administration Building, AG-44
- * Seattle, WA 98195
- * Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU
- *
- * Date: 20 December 1989
- * Last Edited: 14 October 1999
- *
- * Copyright 1999 by the University of Washington
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- * that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both the
- * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of the University of Washington not be
- * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
- * without specific, written prior permission. This software is made
- * available "as is", and
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- extern int errno; /* just in case */
- #include <signal.h>
- #include "mail.h"
- #include "osdep.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include "mmdf.h"
- #include "pseudo.h"
- #include "fdstring.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "dummy.h"
- /* MMDF mail routines */
- /* Driver dispatch used by MAIL */
- DRIVER mmdfdriver = {
- "mmdf", /* driver name */
- DR_LOCAL|DR_MAIL, /* driver flags */
- (DRIVER *) NIL, /* next driver */
- mmdf_valid, /* mailbox is valid for us */
- mmdf_parameters, /* manipulate parameters */
- mmdf_scan, /* scan mailboxes */
- mmdf_list, /* list mailboxes */
- mmdf_lsub, /* list subscribed mailboxes */
- NIL, /* subscribe to mailbox */
- NIL, /* unsubscribe from mailbox */
- mmdf_create, /* create mailbox */
- mmdf_delete, /* delete mailbox */
- mmdf_rename, /* rename mailbox */
- NIL, /* status of mailbox */
- mmdf_open, /* open mailbox */
- mmdf_close, /* close mailbox */
- NIL, /* fetch message "fast" attributes */
- NIL, /* fetch message flags */
- NIL, /* fetch overview */
- NIL, /* fetch message envelopes */
- mmdf_header, /* fetch message header */
- mmdf_text, /* fetch message text */
- NIL, /* fetch partial message text */
- NIL, /* unique identifier */
- NIL, /* message number */
- NIL, /* modify flags */
- mmdf_flagmsg, /* per-message modify flags */
- NIL, /* search for message based on criteria */
- NIL, /* sort messages */
- NIL, /* thread messages */
- mmdf_ping, /* ping mailbox to see if still alive */
- mmdf_check, /* check for new messages */
- mmdf_expunge, /* expunge deleted messages */
- mmdf_copy, /* copy messages to another mailbox */
- mmdf_append, /* append string message to mailbox */
- NIL /* garbage collect stream */
- };
- /* prototype stream */
- MAILSTREAM mmdfproto = {&mmdfdriver};
- char *mmdfhdr = MMDFHDRTXT; /* MMDF header */
- /* MMDF mail validate mailbox
- * Accepts: mailbox name
- * Returns: our driver if name is valid, NIL otherwise
- */
- DRIVER *mmdf_valid (char *name)
- {
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- return mmdf_isvalid (name,tmp) ? &mmdfdriver : NIL;
- }
- /* MMDF mail test for valid mailbox name
- * Accepts: mailbox name
- * scratch buffer
- * Returns: T if valid, NIL otherwise
- */
- long mmdf_isvalid (char *name,char *tmp)
- {
- int fd;
- int ret = NIL;
- char *t,file[MAILTMPLEN];
- struct stat sbuf;
- time_t tp[2];
- errno = EINVAL; /* assume invalid argument */
- /* must be non-empty file */
- if ((t = dummy_file (file,name)) && !stat (t,&sbuf)) {
- if (!sbuf.st_size)errno = 0;/* empty file */
- else if ((fd = open (file,O_RDONLY,NIL)) >= 0) {
- /* error -1 for invalid format */
- if (!(ret = mmdf_isvalid_fd (fd,tmp))) errno = -1;
- close (fd); /* close the file */
- tp[0] = sbuf.st_atime; /* preserve atime and mtime */
- tp[1] = sbuf.st_mtime;
- utime (file,tp); /* set the times */
- }
- }
- /* in case INBOX but not MMDF format */
- else if ((errno == ENOENT) && ((name[0] == 'I') || (name[0] == 'i')) &&
- ((name[1] == 'N') || (name[1] == 'n')) &&
- ((name[2] == 'B') || (name[2] == 'b')) &&
- ((name[3] == 'O') || (name[3] == 'o')) &&
- ((name[4] == 'X') || (name[4] == 'x')) && !name[5]) errno = -1;
- return ret; /* return what we should */
- }
- /* MMDF mail test for valid mailbox
- * Accepts: file descriptor
- * scratch buffer
- * Returns: T if valid, NIL otherwise
- */
- long mmdf_isvalid_fd (int fd,char *tmp)
- {
- int ret = NIL;
- memset (tmp,'',MAILTMPLEN);
- if (read (fd,tmp,MAILTMPLEN-1) >= 0) ret = ISMMDF (tmp) ? T : NIL;
- return ret; /* return what we should */
- }
- /* MMDF manipulate driver parameters
- * Accepts: function code
- * function-dependent value
- * Returns: function-dependent return value
- */
- void *mmdf_parameters (long function,void *value)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- /* MMDF mail scan mailboxes
- * Accepts: mail stream
- * reference
- * pattern to search
- * string to scan
- */
- void mmdf_scan (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat,char *contents)
- {
- if (stream) dummy_scan (NIL,ref,pat,contents);
- }
- /* MMDF mail list mailboxes
- * Accepts: mail stream
- * reference
- * pattern to search
- */
- void mmdf_list (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat)
- {
- if (stream) dummy_list (NIL,ref,pat);
- }
- /* MMDF mail list subscribed mailboxes
- * Accepts: mail stream
- * reference
- * pattern to search
- */
- void mmdf_lsub (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat)
- {
- if (stream) dummy_lsub (NIL,ref,pat);
- }
- /* MMDF mail create mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * mailbox name to create
- * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure
- */
- long mmdf_create (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox)
- {
- char *s,mbx[MAILTMPLEN],tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- long ret = NIL;
- int i,fd;
- time_t ti = time (0);
- if (!(s = dummy_file (mbx,mailbox))) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't create %.80s: invalid name",mailbox);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- }
- /* create underlying file */
- else if (dummy_create_path (stream,s)) {
- /* done if made directory */
- if ((s = strrchr (s,'/')) && !s[1]) return T;
- else if ((fd = open (mbx,O_WRONLY,
- (int) mail_parameters(NIL,GET_MBXPROTECTION,NIL)))<0){
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't reopen mailbox node %.80s: %s",mbx,strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- unlink (mbx); /* delete the file */
- }
- /* in case a whiner with no life */
- else if (mail_parameters (NIL,GET_USERHASNOLIFE,NIL)) ret = T;
- else { /* initialize header */
- memset (tmp,'',MAILTMPLEN);
- sprintf (tmp,"%sFrom %s %sDate: ",mmdfhdr,pseudo_from,ctime (&ti));
- rfc822_date (s = tmp + strlen (tmp));
- sprintf (s += strlen (s), /* write the pseudo-header */
- "nFrom: %s <%s@%s>nSubject: %snX-IMAP: %010lu 0000000000",
- pseudo_name,pseudo_from,mylocalhost (),pseudo_subject,
- (unsigned long) ti);
- for (i = 0; i < NUSERFLAGS; ++i) if (default_user_flag (i))
- sprintf (s += strlen (s)," %s",default_user_flag (i));
- sprintf (s += strlen (s),"nStatus: ROnn%sn%s",pseudo_msg,mmdfhdr);
- if ((write (fd,tmp,strlen (tmp)) < 0) || close (fd)) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't initialize mailbox node %.80s: %s",mbx,
- strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- unlink (mbx); /* delete the file */
- }
- else ret = T; /* success */
- }
- }
- return ret ? set_mbx_protections (mailbox,mbx) : NIL;
- }
- /* MMDF mail delete mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * mailbox name to delete
- * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure
- */
- long mmdf_delete (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox)
- {
- return mmdf_rename (stream,mailbox,NIL);
- }
- /* MMDF mail rename mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * old mailbox name
- * new mailbox name (or NIL for delete)
- * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure
- */
- long mmdf_rename (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *old,char *newname)
- {
- long ret = NIL;
- char c,*s = NIL;
- DOTLOCK lockx;
- int fd,ld;
- long i;
- struct stat sbuf;
- mm_critical (stream); /* get the c-client lock */
- if (newname && !((s = dummy_file (tmp,newname)) && *s))
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't rename mailbox %.80s to %.80s: invalid name",
- old,newname);
- else if ((ld = lockname (lock,dummy_file (file,old),LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB,&i)) < 0)
- sprintf (tmp,"Mailbox %.80s is in use by another process",old);
- else {
- if ((fd = mmdf_lock (file,O_RDWR,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE,&lockx,LOCK_EX)) < 0)
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't lock mailbox %.80s: %s",old,strerror (errno));
- else {
- if (newname) { /* want rename? */
- /* found superior to destination name? */
- if (s = strrchr (s,'/')) {
- c = *++s; /* remember first character of inferior */
- *s = ''; /* tie off to get just superior */
- /* name doesn't exist, create it */
- if ((stat (tmp,&sbuf) || ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)) &&
- !dummy_create (stream,tmp)) {
- mmdf_unlock (fd,NIL,&lockx);
- mmdf_unlock (ld,NIL,NIL);
- unlink (lock);
- mm_nocritical (stream);
- return ret; /* retrun success or failure */
- }
- *s = c; /* restore full name */
- }
- if (rename (file,tmp))
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't rename mailbox %.80s to %.80s: %s",old,newname,
- strerror (errno));
- else ret = T; /* set success */
- }
- else if (unlink (file))
- sprintf (tmp,"Can't delete mailbox %.80s: %s",old,strerror (errno));
- else ret = T; /* set success */
- mmdf_unlock (fd,NIL,&lockx);
- }
- mmdf_unlock (ld,NIL,NIL);
- unlink (lock);
- }
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* no longer critical */
- if (!ret) mm_log (tmp,ERROR); /* log error */
- return ret; /* return success or failure */
- }
- /* MMDF mail open
- * Accepts: Stream to open
- * Returns: Stream on success, NIL on failure
- */
- MAILSTREAM *mmdf_open (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- long i;
- int fd;
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- DOTLOCK lock;
- long retry;
- /* return prototype for OP_PROTOTYPE call */
- if (!stream) return user_flags (&mmdfproto);
- retry = stream->silent ? 1 : KODRETRY;
- if (stream->local) fatal ("mmdf recycle stream");
- stream->local = memset (fs_get (sizeof (MMDFLOCAL)),0,sizeof (MMDFLOCAL));
- /* note if an INBOX or not */
- stream->inbox = !strcmp (ucase (strcpy (tmp,stream->mailbox)),"INBOX");
- /* canonicalize the stream mailbox name */
- dummy_file (tmp,stream->mailbox);
- /* flush old name */
- fs_give ((void **) &stream->mailbox);
- /* You may wonder why LOCAL->name is needed. It isn't at all obvious from
- * the code. The problem is that when a stream is recycled with another
- * mailbox of the same type, the driver's close method isn't called because
- * it could be IMAP and closing then would defeat the entire point of
- * recycling. Hence there is code in the file drivers to call the close
- * method such as what appears above. The problem is, by this point,
- * mail_open() has already changed the stream->mailbox name to point to the
- * new name, and mmdf_close() needs the old name.
- */
- /* save canonical name */
- stream->mailbox = cpystr (LOCAL->name = cpystr (tmp));
- LOCAL->fd = LOCAL->ld = -1; /* no file or state locking yet */
- LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((LOCAL->buflen = CHUNK) + 1);
- stream->sequence++; /* bump sequence number */
- /* make lock for read/write access */
- if (!stream->rdonly) while (retry) {
- /* get a new file handle each time */
- if ((fd = lockname (tmp,LOCAL->name,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB,&i)) < 0) {
- if (retry-- == KODRETRY) {/* no, first time through? */
- if (i) { /* learned the other guy's PID? */
- kill ((int) i,SIGUSR2);
- sprintf (tmp,"Trying to get mailbox lock from process %ld",i);
- mm_log (tmp,WARN);
- }
- else retry = 0; /* give up */
- }
- if (!stream->silent) { /* nothing if silent stream */
- if (retry) sleep (1); /* wait a second before trying again */
- else mm_log ("Mailbox is open by another process, access is readonly",
- WARN);
- }
- }
- else { /* got the lock, nobody else can alter state */
- LOCAL->ld = fd; /* note lock's fd and name */
- LOCAL->lname = cpystr (tmp);
- /* make sure mode OK (don't use fchmod()) */
- chmod (LOCAL->lname,(int) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_LOCKPROTECTION,NIL));
- if (stream->silent) i = 0;/* silent streams won't accept KOD */
- else { /* note our PID in the lock */
- sprintf (tmp,"%d",getpid ());
- write (fd,tmp,(i = strlen (tmp))+1);
- }
- ftruncate (fd,i); /* make sure tied off */
- fsync (fd); /* make sure it's available */
- retry = 0; /* no more need to try */
- }
- }
- /* parse mailbox */
- stream->nmsgs = stream->recent = 0;
- /* will we be able to get write access? */
- if ((LOCAL->ld >= 0) && access (LOCAL->name,W_OK) && (errno == EACCES)) {
- mm_log ("Can't get write access to mailbox, access is readonly",WARN);
- flock (LOCAL->ld,LOCK_UN); /* release the lock */
- close (LOCAL->ld); /* close the lock file */
- LOCAL->ld = -1; /* no more lock fd */
- unlink (LOCAL->lname); /* delete it */
- }
- /* reset UID validity */
- stream->uid_validity = stream->uid_last = 0;
- if (stream->silent && !stream->rdonly && (LOCAL->ld < 0))
- mmdf_abort (stream); /* abort if can't get RW silent stream */
- /* parse mailbox */
- else if (mmdf_parse (stream,&lock,LOCK_SH)) {
- mmdf_unlock (LOCAL->fd,stream,&lock);
- mail_unlock (stream);
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- }
- if (!LOCAL) return NIL; /* failure if stream died */
- /* make sure upper level knows readonly */
- stream->rdonly = (LOCAL->ld < 0);
- /* notify about empty mailbox */
- if (!(stream->nmsgs || stream->silent)) mm_log ("Mailbox is empty",NIL);
- if (!stream->rdonly) { /* flags stick if readwrite */
- stream->perm_seen = stream->perm_deleted =
- stream->perm_flagged = stream->perm_answered = stream->perm_draft = T;
- if (!stream->uid_nosticky) {/* users with lives get permanent keywords */
- stream->perm_user_flags = 0xffffffff;
- /* and maybe can create them too! */
- stream->kwd_create = stream->user_flags[NUSERFLAGS-1] ? NIL : T;
- }
- }
- return stream; /* return stream alive to caller */
- }
- /* MMDF mail close
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * close options
- */
- void mmdf_close (MAILSTREAM *stream,long options)
- {
- int silent = stream->silent;
- stream->silent = T; /* go silent */
- /* expunge if requested */
- if (options & CL_EXPUNGE) mmdf_expunge (stream);
- /* else dump final checkpoint */
- else if (LOCAL->dirty) mmdf_check (stream);
- stream->silent = silent; /* restore old silence state */
- mmdf_abort (stream); /* now punt the file and local data */
- }
- /* MMDF mail fetch message header
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message # to fetch
- * pointer to returned header text length
- * option flags
- * Returns: message header in RFC822 format
- */
- /* lines to filter from header */
- static STRINGLIST *mmdf_hlines = NIL;
- char *mmdf_header (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,
- unsigned long *length,long flags)
- {
- char *s;
- *length = 0; /* default to empty */
- if (flags & FT_UID) return "";/* UID call "impossible" */
- elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);/* get cache */
- if (!mmdf_hlines) { /* once only code */
- STRINGLIST *lines = mmdf_hlines = mail_newstringlist ();
- lines->text.size = strlen ((char *) (lines-> =
- (unsigned char *) "Status"));
- lines = lines->next = mail_newstringlist ();
- lines->text.size = strlen ((char *) (lines-> =
- (unsigned char *) "X-Status"));
- lines = lines->next = mail_newstringlist ();
- lines->text.size = strlen ((char *) (lines-> =
- (unsigned char *) "X-Keywords"));
- lines = lines->next = mail_newstringlist ();
- lines->text.size = strlen ((char *) (lines-> =
- (unsigned char *) "X-UID"));
- }
- /* go to header position */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,elt->private.special.offset +
- elt->private.msg.header.offset,L_SET);
- if (flags & FT_INTERNAL) { /* initial data OK? */
- if (elt->private.msg.header.text.size > LOCAL->buflen) {
- fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((LOCAL->buflen =
- elt->private.msg.header.text.size) + 1);
- }
- /* read message */
- read (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->buf,elt->private.msg.header.text.size);
- /* got text, tie off string */
- LOCAL->buf[*length = elt->private.msg.header.text.size] = '';
- }
- else { /* need to make a CRLF version */
- read (LOCAL->fd,s = (char *) fs_get (elt->private.msg.header.text.size+1),
- elt->private.msg.header.text.size);
- /* tie off string, and convert to CRLF */
- s[elt->private.msg.header.text.size] = '';
- *length = strcrlfcpy (&LOCAL->buf,&LOCAL->buflen,s,
- elt->private.msg.header.text.size);
- fs_give ((void **) &s); /* free readin buffer */
- }
- *length = mail_filter (LOCAL->buf,*length,mmdf_hlines,FT_NOT);
- return LOCAL->buf; /* return processed copy */
- }
- /* MMDF mail fetch message text
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message # to fetch
- * pointer to returned stringstruct
- * option flags
- * Returns: T on success, NIL if failure
- */
- long mmdf_text (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,STRING *bs,long flags)
- {
- char *s;
- unsigned long i;
- /* UID call "impossible" */
- if (flags & FT_UID) return NIL;
- elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);/* get cache element */
- /* if message not seen */
- if (!(flags & FT_PEEK) && !elt->seen) {
- /* mark message seen and dirty */
- elt->seen = elt->private.dirty = LOCAL->dirty = T;
- mm_flags (stream,msgno);
- }
- s = mmdf_text_work (stream,elt,&i,flags);
- INIT (bs,mail_string,s,i); /* set up stringstruct */
- return T; /* success */
- }
- /* MMDF mail fetch message text worker routine
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message cache element
- * pointer to returned header text length
- * option flags
- */
- char *mmdf_text_work (MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt,
- unsigned long *length,long flags)
- {
- STRING bs;
- char *s,tmp[CHUNK];
- /* go to text position */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,elt->private.special.offset +
- elt->private.msg.text.offset,L_SET);
- if (flags & FT_INTERNAL) { /* initial data OK? */
- if (elt->private.msg.text.text.size > LOCAL->buflen) {
- fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((LOCAL->buflen =
- elt->private.msg.text.text.size) + 1);
- }
- /* read message */
- read (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->buf,elt->private.msg.text.text.size);
- /* got text, tie off string */
- LOCAL->buf[*length = elt->private.msg.text.text.size] = '';
- }
- else { /* need to make a CRLF version */
- if (elt->rfc822_size > LOCAL->buflen) {
- /* excessively conservative, but the right thing is too hard to do */
- fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((LOCAL->buflen = elt->rfc822_size) + 1);
- }
- d.fd = LOCAL->fd; /* yes, set up file descriptor */
- d.pos = elt->private.special.offset + elt->private.msg.text.offset;
- d.chunk = tmp; /* initial buffer chunk */
- d.chunksize = CHUNK; /* file chunk size */
- INIT (&bs,fd_string,&d,elt->private.msg.text.text.size);
- for (s = LOCAL->buf; SIZE (&bs);) switch (CHR (&bs)) {
- case '15': /* carriage return seen */
- *s++ = SNX (&bs); /* copy it and any succeeding LF */
- if (SIZE (&bs) && (CHR (&bs) == '12')) *s++ = SNX (&bs);
- break;
- case '12':
- *s++ = '15'; /* insert a CR */
- default:
- *s++ = SNX (&bs); /* copy characters */
- }
- *s = ''; /* tie off buffer */
- *length = s - LOCAL->buf; /* calculate length */
- }
- return LOCAL->buf;
- }
- /* MMDF per-message modify flag
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * message cache element
- */
- void mmdf_flagmsg (MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt)
- {
- /* only after finishing */
- if (elt->valid) LOCAL->dirty = T;
- }
- /* MMDF mail ping mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * Returns: T if stream alive, else NIL
- */
- long mmdf_ping (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- DOTLOCK lock;
- struct stat sbuf;
- /* big no-op if not readwrite */
- if (LOCAL && (LOCAL->ld >= 0) && !stream->lock) {
- if (stream->rdonly) { /* does he want to give up readwrite? */
- /* checkpoint if we changed something */
- if (LOCAL->dirty) mmdf_check (stream);
- flock (LOCAL->ld,LOCK_UN);/* release readwrite lock */
- close (LOCAL->ld); /* close the readwrite lock file */
- LOCAL->ld = -1; /* no more readwrite lock fd */
- unlink (LOCAL->lname); /* delete the readwrite lock file */
- }
- else { /* get current mailbox size */
- if (LOCAL->fd >= 0) fstat (LOCAL->fd,&sbuf);
- else stat (LOCAL->name,&sbuf);
- /* parse if mailbox changed */
- if ((sbuf.st_size != LOCAL->filesize) &&
- mmdf_parse (stream,&lock,LOCK_SH)) {
- /* unlock mailbox */
- mmdf_unlock (LOCAL->fd,stream,&lock);
- mail_unlock (stream); /* and stream */
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- }
- }
- }
- return LOCAL ? LONGT : NIL; /* return if still alive */
- }
- /* MMDF mail check mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- */
- void mmdf_check (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- DOTLOCK lock;
- /* parse and lock mailbox */
- if (LOCAL && (LOCAL->ld >= 0) && !stream->lock &&
- mmdf_parse (stream,&lock,LOCK_EX)) {
- /* any unsaved changes? */
- if (LOCAL->dirty && mmdf_rewrite (stream,NIL,&lock)) {
- if (!stream->silent) mm_log ("Checkpoint completed",NIL);
- }
- /* no checkpoint needed, just unlock */
- else mmdf_unlock (LOCAL->fd,stream,&lock);
- mail_unlock (stream); /* unlock the stream */
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- }
- }
- /* MMDF mail expunge mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- */
- void mmdf_expunge (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- unsigned long i;
- DOTLOCK lock;
- char *msg = NIL;
- /* parse and lock mailbox */
- if (LOCAL && (LOCAL->ld >= 0) && !stream->lock &&
- mmdf_parse (stream,&lock,LOCK_EX)) {
- /* count expunged messages if not dirty */
- if (!LOCAL->dirty) for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; i++)
- if (mail_elt (stream,i)->deleted) LOCAL->dirty = T;
- if (!LOCAL->dirty) { /* not dirty and no expunged messages */
- mmdf_unlock (LOCAL->fd,stream,&lock);
- msg = "No messages deleted, so no update needed";
- }
- else if (mmdf_rewrite (stream,&i,&lock)) {
- if (i) sprintf (msg = LOCAL->buf,"Expunged %lu messages",i);
- else msg = "Mailbox checkpointed, but no messages expunged";
- }
- /* rewrite failed */
- else mmdf_unlock (LOCAL->fd,stream,&lock);
- mail_unlock (stream); /* unlock the stream */
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- if (msg && !stream->silent) mm_log (msg,NIL);
- }
- else if (!stream->silent) mm_log("Expunge ignored on readonly mailbox",WARN);
- }
- /* MMDF mail copy message(s)
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * sequence
- * destination mailbox
- * copy options
- * Returns: T if copy successful, else NIL
- */
- long mmdf_copy (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *mailbox,long options)
- {
- struct stat sbuf;
- int fd;
- char *s,file[MAILTMPLEN];
- DOTLOCK lock;
- time_t tp[2];
- unsigned long i,j;
- long ret = T;
- mailproxycopy_t pc =
- (mailproxycopy_t) mail_parameters (stream,GET_MAILPROXYCOPY,NIL);
- if (!((options & CP_UID) ? mail_uid_sequence (stream,sequence) :
- mail_sequence (stream,sequence))) return NIL;
- /* make sure valid mailbox */
- if (!mmdf_isvalid (mailbox,file)) switch (errno) {
- case ENOENT: /* no such file? */
- mm_notify (stream,"[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before copy",NIL);
- return NIL;
- case 0: /* merely empty file? */
- break;
- case EINVAL:
- if (pc) return (*pc) (stream,sequence,mailbox,options);
- sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Invalid MMDF-format mailbox name: %.80s",mailbox);
- mm_log (LOCAL->buf,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- default:
- if (pc) return (*pc) (stream,sequence,mailbox,options);
- sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Not a MMDF-format mailbox: %.80s",mailbox);
- mm_log (LOCAL->buf,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- LOCAL->buf[0] = '';
- mm_critical (stream); /* go critical */
- if ((fd = mmdf_lock (dummy_file (file,mailbox),O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,
- S_IREAD|S_IWRITE,&lock,LOCK_EX)) < 0) {
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Can't open destination mailbox: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (LOCAL->buf,ERROR); /* log the error */
- return NIL; /* failed */
- }
- fstat (fd,&sbuf); /* get current file size */
- /* write all requested messages to mailbox */
- for (i = 1; ret && (i <= stream->nmsgs); i++)
- if ((elt = mail_elt (stream,i))->sequence) {
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,elt->private.special.offset,L_SET);
- read (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->buf,elt->private.special.text.size);
- if (write (fd,LOCAL->buf,elt->private.special.text.size) < 0) ret = NIL;
- else { /* internal header succeeded */
- s = mmdf_header (stream,i,&j,FT_INTERNAL);
- /* header size, sans trailing newline */
- if (j && (s[j - 2] == 'n')) j--;
- if (write (fd,s,j) < 0) ret = NIL;
- else { /* message header succeeded */
- j = mmdf_xstatus (stream,LOCAL->buf,elt,NIL);
- if (write (fd,LOCAL->buf,j) < 0) ret = NIL;
- else { /* message status succeeded */
- s = mmdf_text_work (stream,elt,&j,FT_INTERNAL);
- if ((write (fd,s,j) < 0) || (write (fd,mmdfhdr,MMDFHDRLEN) < 0))
- ret = NIL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!ret || fsync (fd)) { /* force out the update */
- sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Message copy failed: %s",strerror (errno));
- ftruncate (fd,sbuf.st_size);
- ret = NIL;
- }
- tp[0] = sbuf.st_atime; /* preserve atime */
- tp[1] = time (0); /* set mtime to now */
- utime (file,tp); /* set the times */
- mmdf_unlock (fd,NIL,&lock); /* unlock and close mailbox */
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* release critical */
- /* log the error */
- if (!ret) mm_log (LOCAL->buf,ERROR);
- /* delete if requested message */
- else if (options & CP_MOVE) for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; i++)
- if ((elt = mail_elt (stream,i))->sequence)
- elt->deleted = elt->private.dirty = LOCAL->dirty = T;
- return ret;
- }
- /* MMDF mail append message from stringstruct
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * destination mailbox
- * initial flags
- * internal date
- * stringstruct of messages to append
- * Returns: T if append successful, else NIL
- */
- long mmdf_append (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox,char *flags,char *date,
- STRING *message)
- {
- struct stat sbuf;
- int fd;
- long f,i,ok = T;
- unsigned long uf;
- unsigned long size = SIZE (message);
- char c,buf[BUFLEN],tmp[MAILTMPLEN],file[MAILTMPLEN];
- DOTLOCK lock;
- time_t tp[2];
- /* default stream to prototype */
- if (!stream) stream = user_flags (&mmdfproto);
- /* get flags */
- f = mail_parse_flags (stream,flags,&uf);
- /* parse date */
- if (!date) rfc822_date (date = tmp);
- if (!mail_parse_date (&elt,date)) {
- sprintf (buf,"Bad date in append: %.80s",date);
- mm_log (buf,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* make sure valid mailbox */
- if (!mmdf_isvalid (mailbox,buf)) switch (errno) {
- case ENOENT: /* no such file? */
- if (((mailbox[0] == 'I') || (mailbox[0] == 'i')) &&
- ((mailbox[1] == 'N') || (mailbox[1] == 'n')) &&
- ((mailbox[2] == 'B') || (mailbox[2] == 'b')) &&
- ((mailbox[3] == 'O') || (mailbox[3] == 'o')) &&
- ((mailbox[4] == 'X') || (mailbox[4] == 'x')) && !mailbox[5])
- mmdf_create (NIL,"INBOX");
- else {
- mm_notify (stream,"[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before append",NIL);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* falls through */
- case 0: /* INBOX ENOENT or empty file? */
- break;
- case EINVAL:
- sprintf (buf,"Invalid MMDF-format mailbox name: %.80s",mailbox);
- mm_log (buf,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- default:
- sprintf (buf,"Not a MMDF-format mailbox: %.80s",mailbox);
- mm_log (buf,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- mm_critical (stream); /* go critical */
- if ((fd = mmdf_lock (dummy_file (file,mailbox),O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,
- S_IREAD|S_IWRITE,&lock,LOCK_EX)) < 0) {
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- sprintf (buf,"Can't open append mailbox: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (buf,ERROR);
- return NIL;
- }
- fstat (fd,&sbuf); /* get current file size */
- sprintf (buf,"%sFrom %s@%s ",mmdfhdr,myusername (),mylocalhost ());
- /* user wants to suppress time zones? */
- if (mail_parameters (NIL,GET_NOTIMEZONES,NIL)) {
- time_t when = mail_longdate (&elt);
- strcat (buf,ctime (&when));
- }
- /* write the date given */
- else mail_cdate (buf + strlen (buf),&elt);
- sprintf (buf + strlen (buf),"Status: %snX-Status: %s%s%s%snX-Keywords:",
- f&fSEEN ? "R" : "",f&fDELETED ? "D" : "",
- f&fFLAGGED ? "F" : "",f&fANSWERED ? "A" : "",f&fDRAFT ? "T" : "");
- while (uf) /* write user flags */
- sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," %s",stream->user_flags[find_rightmost_bit(&uf)]);
- strcat (buf,"n"); /* tie off flags */
- /* write header */
- if (write (fd,buf,strlen (buf)) < 0) {
- sprintf (buf,"Header write failed: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (buf,ERROR);
- ftruncate (fd,sbuf.st_size);
- ok = NIL;
- }
- for (i = 0; ok && size--;) { /* copy text, tossing out CR's and CTRL/A */
- if (((c = SNX (message)) != '15') && (c != MMDFCHR)) buf[i++] = c;
- /* dump if filled buffer or no more data */
- if (!size || (i == MAILTMPLEN)) {
- if ((write (fd,buf,i)) >= 0) i = 0;
- else {
- sprintf (buf,"Message append failed: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (buf,ERROR);
- ftruncate (fd,sbuf.st_size);
- ok = NIL;
- }
- }
- }
- /* write trailing delimiter */
- if (!(ok && (ok = (write (fd,buf,i) >= 0) &&
- (write (fd,mmdfhdr,MMDFHDRLEN) > 0) && !fsync (fd)))) {
- sprintf (buf,"Message append failed: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (buf,ERROR);
- ftruncate (fd,sbuf.st_size);
- }
- tp[0] = sbuf.st_atime; /* preserve atime */
- tp[1] = time (0); /* set mtime to now */
- utime (file,tp); /* set the times */
- mmdf_unlock (fd,NIL,&lock); /* unlock and close mailbox */
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* release critical */
- return ok; /* return success */
- }
- /* Internal routines */
- /* MMDF mail abort stream
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- */
- void mmdf_abort (MAILSTREAM *stream)
- {
- if (LOCAL) { /* only if a file is open */
- if (LOCAL->name) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->name);
- if (LOCAL->fd >= 0) close (LOCAL->fd);
- if (LOCAL->ld >= 0) { /* have a mailbox lock? */
- flock (LOCAL->ld,LOCK_UN);/* yes, release the lock */
- close (LOCAL->ld); /* close the lock file */
- unlink (LOCAL->lname); /* and delete it */
- }
- if (LOCAL->lname) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->lname);
- /* free local text buffers */
- if (LOCAL->buf) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- if (LOCAL->line) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->line);
- /* nuke the local data */
- fs_give ((void **) &stream->local);
- stream->dtb = NIL; /* log out the DTB */
- }
- }
- /* MMDF open and lock mailbox
- * Accepts: file name to open/lock
- * file open mode
- * destination buffer for lock file name
- * type of locking operation (LOCK_SH or LOCK_EX)
- */
- int mmdf_lock (char *file,int flags,int mode,DOTLOCK *lock,int op)
- {
- int fd;
- blocknotify_t bn = (blocknotify_t) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_BLOCKNOTIFY,NIL);
- /* open file */
- if ((fd = open (file,flags,mode)) >= 0) {
- flock (fd,op); /* lock the file */
- dotlock_lock (file,lock,fd);/* make a dot lock file */
- }
- (*bn) (BLOCK_NONE,NIL);
- return fd;
- }
- /* MMDF unlock and close mailbox
- * Accepts: file descriptor
- * (optional) mailbox stream to check atime/mtime
- * (optional) lock file name
- */
- void mmdf_unlock (int fd,MAILSTREAM *stream,DOTLOCK *lock)
- {
- struct stat sbuf;
- time_t tp[2];
- fstat (fd,&sbuf); /* get file times */
- /* if stream and csh would think new mail */
- if (stream && (sbuf.st_atime <= sbuf.st_mtime)) {
- tp[0] = time (0); /* set atime to now */
- /* set mtime to (now - 1) if necessary */
- tp[1] = tp[0] > sbuf.st_mtime ? sbuf.st_mtime : tp[0] - 1;
- /* set the times, note change */
- if (!utime (LOCAL->name,tp)) LOCAL->filetime = tp[1];
- }
- flock (fd,LOCK_UN); /* release flock'ers */
- if (!stream) close (fd); /* close the file if no stream */
- dotlock_unlock (lock); /* flush the lock file if any */
- }
- /* MMDF mail parse and lock mailbox
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * space to write lock file name
- * type of locking operation
- * Returns: T if parse OK, critical & mailbox is locked shared; NIL if failure
- */
- int mmdf_parse (MAILSTREAM *stream,DOTLOCK *lock,int op)
- {
- int ti,zn;
- unsigned long i,j,k;
- char c,*s,*t,*u,tmp[MAILTMPLEN],date[30];
- int pseudoseen = NIL;
- unsigned long nmsgs = stream->nmsgs;
- unsigned long prevuid = nmsgs ? mail_elt (stream,nmsgs)->private.uid : 0;
- unsigned long recent = stream->recent;
- unsigned long oldnmsgs = stream->nmsgs;
- short silent = stream->silent;
- struct stat sbuf;
- STRING bs;
- mail_lock (stream); /* guard against recursion or pingers */
- /* toss out previous descriptor */
- if (LOCAL->fd >= 0) close (LOCAL->fd);
- mm_critical (stream); /* open and lock mailbox (shared OK) */
- if ((LOCAL->fd = mmdf_lock (LOCAL->name,(LOCAL->ld >= 0) ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY,
- NIL,lock,op)) < 0) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Mailbox open failed, aborted: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- mmdf_abort (stream);
- mail_unlock (stream);
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- return NIL;
- }
- fstat (LOCAL->fd,&sbuf); /* get status */
- /* validate change in size */
- if (sbuf.st_size < LOCAL->filesize) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Mailbox shrank from %lu to %lu bytes, aborted",
- (unsigned long) LOCAL->filesize,(unsigned long) sbuf.st_size);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR); /* this is pretty bad */
- mmdf_unlock (LOCAL->fd,stream,lock);
- mmdf_abort (stream);
- mail_unlock (stream);
- mm_nocritical (stream); /* done with critical */
- return NIL;
- }
- /* new data? */
- else if (i = sbuf.st_size - LOCAL->filesize) {
- d.fd = LOCAL->fd; /* yes, set up file descriptor */
- d.pos = LOCAL->filesize; /* get to that position in the file */
- d.chunk = LOCAL->buf; /* initial buffer chunk */
- d.chunksize = CHUNK; /* file chunk size */
- INIT (&bs,fd_string,&d,i); /* initialize stringstruct */
- /* skip leading whitespace for broken MTAs */
- while (((c = CHR (&bs)) == 'n') || (c == ' ') || (c == 't')) SNX (&bs);
- if (SIZE (&bs)) { /* read new data */
- /* remember internal header position */
- j = LOCAL->filesize + GETPOS (&bs);
- s = mmdf_mbxline (stream,&bs,&i);
- stream->silent = T; /* quell main program new message events */
- do { /* read MMDF header */
- if (!(i && ISMMDF (s))){/* see if valid MMDF header */
- sprintf (tmp,"Unexpected changes to mailbox (try restarting): %.20s",
- s);
- /* see if we can back up to a line */
- if (i && (j > MMDFHDRLEN)) {
- /* read previous line */
- s = mmdf_mbxline (stream,&bs,&i);
- /* kill the error if it looks good */
- if (i && ISMMDF (s)) tmp[0] = '';
- }
- if (tmp[0]) {
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- mmdf_unlock (LOCAL->fd,stream,lock);
- mmdf_abort (stream);
- mail_unlock (stream);
- mm_nocritical(stream);
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- /* instantiate first new message */
- mail_exists (stream,++nmsgs);
- (elt = mail_elt (stream,nmsgs))->valid = T;
- recent++; /* assume recent by default */
- elt->recent = T;
- /* note position/size of internal header */
- elt->private.special.offset = j;
- elt->private.special.text.size = i;
- s = mmdf_mbxline (stream,&bs,&i);
- ti = 0; /* assume not a valid date */
- zn = 0,t = NIL;
- if (i) VALID (s,t,ti,zn);
- if (ti) { /* generate plausible IMAPish date string */
- /* this is also part of header */
- elt->private.special.text.size += i;
- date[2] = date[6] = date[20] = '-'; date[11] = ' ';
- date[14] = date[17] = ':';
- /* dd */
- date[0] = t[ti - 2]; date[1] = t[ti - 1];
- /* mmm */
- date[3] = t[ti - 6]; date[4] = t[ti - 5]; date[5] = t[ti - 4];
- /* hh */
- date[12] = t[ti + 1]; date[13] = t[ti + 2];
- /* mm */
- date[15] = t[ti + 4]; date[16] = t[ti + 5];
- if (t[ti += 6]==':'){ /* ss */
- date[18] = t[++ti]; date[19] = t[++ti];
- ti++; /* move to space */
- }
- else date[18] = date[19] = '0';
- /* yy -- advance over timezone if necessary */
- if (zn == ti) ti += (((t[zn+1] == '+') || (t[zn+1] == '-')) ? 6 : 4);
- date[7] = t[ti + 1]; date[8] = t[ti + 2];
- date[9] = t[ti + 3]; date[10] = t[ti + 4];
- /* zzz */
- t = zn ? (t + zn + 1) : "LCL";
- date[21] = *t++; date[22] = *t++; date[23] = *t++;
- if ((date[21] != '+') && (date[21] != '-')) date[24] = '';
- else { /* numeric time zone */
- date[24] = *t++; date[25] = *t++;
- date[26] = ''; date[20] = ' ';
- }
- /* set internal date */
- if (!mail_parse_date (elt,date)) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Unable to parse internal date: %s",date);
- mm_log (tmp,WARN);
- }
- }
- else { /* make date from file date */
- struct tm *tm = gmtime (&sbuf.st_mtime);
- elt->day = tm->tm_mday; elt->month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
- elt->year = tm->tm_year + 1900 - BASEYEAR;
- elt->hours = tm->tm_hour; elt->minutes = tm->tm_min;
- elt->seconds = tm->tm_sec;
- elt->zhours = 0; elt->zminutes = 0;
- t = NIL; /* suppress line read */
- }
- /* header starts here */
- elt->private.msg.header.offset = elt->private.special.text.size;
- do { /* look for message body */
- if (t) s = t = mmdf_mbxline (stream,&bs,&i);
- else t = s; /* this line read was suppressed */
- if (ISMMDF (s)) break;
- /* this line is part of header */
- elt->private.msg.header.text.size += i;
- if (i) switch (*s) { /* check header lines */
- case 'X': /* possible X-???: line */
- if (s[1] == '-') { /* must be immediately followed by hyphen */
- /* X-Status: becomes Status: in S case */
- if (s[2] == 'S' && s[3] == 't' && s[4] == 'a' && s[5] == 't' &&
- s[6] == 'u' && s[7] == 's' && s[8] == ':') s += 2;
- /* possible X-Keywords */
- else if (s[2] == 'K' && s[3] == 'e' && s[4] == 'y' &&
- s[5] == 'w' && s[6] == 'o' && s[7] == 'r' &&
- s[8] == 'd' && s[9] == 's' && s[10] == ':') {
- char uf[MAILTMPLEN];
- s += 11; /* flush leading whitespace */
- while (*s && (*s != 'n')) {
- while (*s == ' ') s++;
- /* find end of keyword */
- if (!(u = strpbrk (s," n"))) u = s + strlen (s);
- /* got a keyword? */
- if ((k = (u - s)) && (k < MAILTMPLEN)) {
- /* copy keyword */
- strncpy (uf,s,k);
- uf[k] = ''; /* make sure tied off */
- ucase (uf); /* coerce upper case */
- for (j = 0; (j<NUSERFLAGS) && stream->user_flags[j]; ++j)
- if (!strcmp(uf,
- ucase (strcpy(tmp,stream->user_flags[j])))) {
- elt->user_flags |= ((long) 1) << j;
- break;
- }
- /* need to create it? */
- if (!stream->rdonly && (j < NUSERFLAGS) &&
- !stream->user_flags[j]) {
- /* set the bit */
- *uf |= 1 << j;
- stream->user_flags[j] = (char *) fs_get (k + 1);
- strncpy (stream->user_flags[j],s,k);
- stream->user_flags[j][k] = '';
- /* if now out of user flags */
- if (j == NUSERFLAGS - 1) stream->kwd_create = NIL;
- }
- }
- s = u; /* advance to next keyword */
- }
- break;
- }
- /* possible X-IMAP */
- else if (s[2] == 'I' && s[3] == 'M' && s[4] == 'A' &&
- s[5] == 'P' && s[6] == ':') {
- if ((nmsgs == 1) && !stream->uid_validity) {
- s += 7; /* advance to data */
- /* flush whitespace */
- while (*s == ' ') s++;
- j = 0; /* slurp UID validity */
- /* found a digit? */
- while (isdigit (*s)) {
- j *= 10; /* yes, add it in */
- j += *s++ - '0';
- }
- if (!j) break; /* punt if invalid UID validity */
- stream->uid_validity = j;
- /* flush whitespace */
- while (*s == ' ') s++;
- /* must have UID last too */
- if (isdigit (*s)) {
- j = 0; /* slurp UID last */
- while (isdigit (*s)) {
- j *= 10; /* yes, add it in */
- j += *s++ - '0';
- }
- stream->uid_last = j;
- /* process keywords */
- for (j = 0; *s != 'n'; j++) {
- /* flush leading whitespace */
- while (*s == ' ') s++;
- u = strpbrk (s," n");
- /* got a keyword? */
- if ((k = (u - s)) && j < NUSERFLAGS) {
- if (stream->user_flags[j])
- fs_give ((void **) &stream->user_flags[j]);
- stream->user_flags[j] = (char *) fs_get (k + 1);
- strncpy (stream->user_flags[j],s,k);
- stream->user_flags[j][k] = '';
- }
- s = u; /* advance to next keyword */
- }
- /* pseudo-header seen */
- pseudoseen = T;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /* possible X-UID */
- else if (s[2] == 'U' && s[3] == 'I' && s[4] == 'D' &&
- s[5] == ':') {
- /* only believe if have a UID validity */
- if (stream->uid_validity && (nmsgs > 1)) {
- s += 6; /* advance to UID value */
- /* flush whitespace */
- while (*s == ' ') s++;
- j = 0;
- /* found a digit? */
- while (isdigit (*s)) {
- j *= 10; /* yes, add it in */
- j += *s++ - '0';
- }
- /* flush remainder of line */
- while (*s != 'n') s++;
- /* make sure not duplicated */
- if (elt->private.uid)
- sprintf (tmp,"Message %lu UID %lu already has UID %lu",
- pseudoseen ? elt->msgno - 1 : elt->msgno,
- j,elt->private.uid);
- /* make sure UID doesn't go backwards */
- else if (j <= prevuid)
- sprintf (tmp,"Message %lu UID %lu less than %lu",
- pseudoseen ? elt->msgno - 1 : elt->msgno,
- j,prevuid + 1);
- /* or skip by mailbox's recorded last */
- else if (j > stream->uid_last)
- sprintf (tmp,"Message %lu UID %lu greater than last %lu",
- pseudoseen ? elt->msgno - 1 : elt->msgno,
- j,stream->uid_last);
- else { /* normal UID case */
- prevuid = elt->private.uid = j;
- break; /* exit this cruft */
- }
- mm_log (tmp,WARN);
- /* invalidate UID validity */
- stream->uid_validity = 0;
- elt->private.uid = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* otherwise fall into S case */
- case 'S': /* possible Status: line */
- if (s[0] == 'S' && s[1] == 't' && s[2] == 'a' && s[3] == 't' &&
- s[4] == 'u' && s[5] == 's' && s[6] == ':') {
- s += 6; /* advance to status flags */
- do switch (*s++) {/* parse flags */
- case 'R': /* message read */
- elt->seen = T;
- break;
- case 'O': /* message old */
- if (elt->recent) {
- elt->recent = NIL;
- recent--; /* it really wasn't recent */
- }
- break;
- case 'D': /* message deleted */
- elt->deleted = T;
- break;
- case 'F': /* message flagged */
- elt->flagged = T;
- break;
- case 'A': /* message answered */
- elt->answered = T;
- break;
- case 'T': /* message is a draft */
- elt->draft = T;
- break;
- default: /* some other crap */
- break;
- } while (*s && *s != 'n');
- break; /* all done */
- }
- /* otherwise fall into default case */
- default: /* ordinary header line */
- elt->rfc822_size += i + 1;
- break;
- }
- } while (i && (*t != 'n'));
- /* assign a UID if none found */
- if (((nmsgs > 1) || !pseudoseen) && !elt->private.uid)
- prevuid = elt->private.uid = ++stream->uid_last;
- /* note location of text */
- elt->private.msg.text.offset =
- (LOCAL->filesize + GETPOS (&bs)) - elt->private.special.offset;
- k = 0; /* no previous line size yet */
- /* note current position */
- j = LOCAL->filesize + GETPOS (&bs);
- if (i) do { /* look for next message */
- s = mmdf_mbxline (stream,&bs,&i);
- if (i) { /* got new data? */
- if (ISMMDF (s)) break;
- else {
- elt->rfc822_size += i + (((i > 1) && s[i-2] == '15') ? 0 : 1);
- /* update current position */
- j = LOCAL->filesize + GETPOS (&bs);
- }
- }
- } while (i); /* until found a header */
- elt->private.msg.text.text.size = j -
- (elt->private.special.offset + elt->private.msg.text.offset);
- if (i) { /* get next header line */
- /* remember first internal header position */
- j = LOCAL->filesize + GETPOS (&bs);
- s = mmdf_mbxline (stream,&bs,&i);
- }
- } while (i); /* until end of buffer */
- if (pseudoseen) { /* flush pseudo-message if present */
- /* decrement recent count */
- if (mail_elt (stream,1)->recent) recent--;
- /* and the exists count */
- mail_exists (stream,nmsgs--);
- mail_expunged(stream,1);/* fake an expunge of that message */
- }
- /* need to start a new UID validity? */
- if (!stream->uid_validity) {
- stream->uid_validity = time (0);
- /* in case a whiner with no life */
- if (mail_parameters (NIL,GET_USERHASNOLIFE,NIL))
- stream->uid_nosticky = T;
- else LOCAL->dirty = T; /* make dirty to create pseudo-message */
- }
- stream->nmsgs = oldnmsgs; /* whack it back down */
- stream->silent = silent; /* restore old silent setting */
- /* notify upper level of new mailbox sizes */
- mail_exists (stream,nmsgs);
- mail_recent (stream,recent);
- /* mark dirty so O flags are set */
- if (recent) LOCAL->dirty = T;
- }
- }
- /* no change, don't babble if never got time */
- else if (LOCAL->filetime && LOCAL->filetime != sbuf.st_mtime)
- mm_log ("New mailbox modification time but apparently no changes",WARN);
- /* update parsed file size and time */
- LOCAL->filesize = sbuf.st_size;
- LOCAL->filetime = sbuf.st_mtime;
- return T; /* return the winnage */
- }
- /* MMDF read line from mailbox
- * Accepts: mail stream
- * stringstruct
- * pointer to line size
- * Returns: pointer to input line
- */
- char *mmdf_mbxline (MAILSTREAM *stream,STRING *bs,unsigned long *size)
- {
- unsigned long i,j,k,m;
- char *s,*t,p1[CHUNK];
- char *ret = "";
- /* flush old buffer */
- if (LOCAL->line) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->line);
- /* if buffer needs refreshing */
- if (!bs->cursize) SETPOS (bs,GETPOS (bs));
- if (SIZE (bs)) { /* find newline */
- for (t = (s = bs->curpos) + bs->cursize; (s < t) && (*s != 'n'); ++s);
- /* difficult case if line spans buffer */
- if ((i = s - bs->curpos) == bs->cursize) {
- memcpy (p1,bs->curpos,i); /* remember what we have so far */
- /* load next buffer */
- SETPOS (bs,k = GETPOS (bs) + i);
- for (t = (s = bs->curpos) + bs->cursize; (s < t) && (*s != 'n'); ++s);
- /* huge line? */
- if ((j = s - bs->curpos) == bs->cursize) {
- SETPOS (bs,GETPOS (bs) + j);
- /* look for end of line */
- for (m = SIZE (bs); m && (SNX (bs) != 'n'); --m,++j);
- SETPOS (bs,k); /* go back to where it started */
- }
- ret = LOCAL->line = (char *) fs_get (i + j + 2);
- memcpy (ret,p1,i); /* copy first chunk */
- while (j) { /* copy remainder */
- if (!bs->cursize) SETPOS (bs,GETPOS (bs));
- memcpy (ret + i,bs->curpos,k = min (j,bs->cursize));
- i += k; /* account for this much read in */
- j -= k;
- bs->curpos += k; /* increment new position */
- bs->cursize -= k; /* eat that many bytes */
- }
- if (SIZE (bs)) SNX (bs); /* skip over newline if one seen */
- ret[i++] = 'n'; /* make sure newline at end */
- ret[i] = ''; /* makes debugging easier */
- }
- else { /* this is easy */
- ret = bs->curpos; /* string it at this position */
- bs->curpos += ++i; /* increment new position */
- bs->cursize -= i; /* eat that many bytes */
- }
- *size = i; /* return size to user */
- }
- else *size = 0; /* end of data, return empty */
- /* embedded MMDF header at end of line? */
- if ((*size > sizeof (MMDFHDRTXT)) &&
- (s = ret + *size - (i = sizeof (MMDFHDRTXT) - 1)) && ISMMDF (s)) {
- SETPOS (bs,GETPOS (bs) - i);/* back up to start of MMDF header */
- *size -= i; /* reduce length of line */
- ret[*size - 1] = 'n'; /* force newline at end */
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* MMDF make pseudo-header
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * buffer to write pseudo-header
- * Returns: length of pseudo-header
- */
- unsigned long mmdf_pseudo (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *hdr)
- {
- int i;
- char *s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- time_t now = time (0);
- rfc822_date (tmp);
- sprintf (hdr,"%sFrom %s %.24snDate: %snFrom: %s <%s@%.80s>nSubject: %snMessage-ID: <%lu@%.80s>nX-IMAP: %010lu %010lu",
- mmdfhdr,pseudo_from,ctime (&now),
- tmp,pseudo_name,pseudo_from,mylocalhost (),pseudo_subject,
- (unsigned long) now,mylocalhost (),stream->uid_validity,
- stream->uid_last);
- for (s = hdr,i = 0; i < NUSERFLAGS; ++i) if (stream->user_flags[i])
- sprintf (s += strlen (s)," %s",stream->user_flags[i]);
- sprintf (s += strlen (s),"nStatus: ROnn%sn%s",pseudo_msg,mmdfhdr);
- return strlen (hdr);
- }
- /* MMDF make status string
- * Accepts: MAIL stream
- * destination string to write
- * message cache entry
- * non-zero flag to write UID as well
- * Returns: length of string
- */
- unsigned long mmdf_xstatus (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *status,MESSAGECACHE *elt,
- long flag)
- {
- char *t;
- char *s = status;
- unsigned long uf = elt->user_flags;
- /* This used to be an sprintf(), but thanks to certain cretinous C libraries
- with horribly slow implementations of sprintf() I had to change it to this
- mess. At least it should be fast. */
- *s++ = 'S'; *s++ = 't'; *s++ = 'a'; *s++ = 't'; *s++ = 'u'; *s++ = 's';
- *s++ = ':'; *s++ = ' ';
- if (elt->seen) *s++ = 'R';
- *s++ = 'O'; *s++ = 'n';
- *s++ = 'X'; *s++ = '-'; *s++ = 'S'; *s++ = 't'; *s++ = 'a'; *s++ = 't';
- *s++ = 'u'; *s++ = 's'; *s++ = ':'; *s++ = ' ';
- if (elt->deleted) *s++ = 'D';
- if (elt->flagged) *s++ = 'F';
- if (elt->answered) *s++ = 'A';
- if (elt->draft) *s++ = 'T';
- *s++ = 'n';
- if (!stream->uid_nosticky) { /* cretins with no life can't use this */
- *s++ = 'X'; *s++ = '-'; *s++ = 'K'; *s++ = 'e'; *s++ = 'y'; *s++ = 'w';
- *s++ = 'o'; *s++ = 'r'; *s++ = 'd'; *s++ = 's'; *s++ = ':';
- while (uf) {
- *s++ = ' ';
- for (t = stream->user_flags[find_rightmost_bit (&uf)]; *t; *s++ = *t++);
- }
- *s++ = 'n';
- if (flag) { /* want to include UID? */
- char stack[64];
- char *p = stack;
- /* push UID digits on the stack */
- unsigned long n = elt->private.uid;
- do *p++ = (char) (n % 10) + '0';
- while (n /= 10);
- *s++ = 'X'; *s++ = '-'; *s++ = 'U'; *s++ = 'I'; *s++ = 'D'; *s++ = ':';
- *s++ = ' ';
- /* pop UID from stack */
- while (p > stack) *s++ = *--p;
- *s++ = 'n';
- }
- }
- *s++ = 'n'; *s = ''; /* end of extended message status */
- return s - status; /* return size of resulting string */
- }
- /* Rewrite mailbox file
- * Accepts: MAIL stream, must be critical and locked
- * return pointer to number of expunged messages if want expunge
- * lock file name
- * Returns: T if success and mailbox unlocked, NIL if failure
- */
- long mmdf_rewrite (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long *nexp,DOTLOCK *lock)
- {
- unsigned long i,j;
- int e,retry;
- time_t tp[2];
- struct stat sbuf;
- FILE *f;
- unsigned long recent = stream->recent;
- unsigned long size = 0; /* initially nothing done */
- if (nexp) *nexp = 0; /* initially nothing expunged */
- /* open scratch file */
- if (!(f = tmpfile ())) return mmdf_punt_scratch (NIL);
- if (!(stream->uid_nosticky || /* write pseudo-header */
- mmdf_fwrite (f,LOCAL->buf,mmdf_pseudo (stream,LOCAL->buf),&size)))
- return mmdf_punt_scratch (f);
- if (nexp) { /* expunging */
- for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; i++)
- if (!(elt = mail_elt (stream,i))->deleted &&
- !mmdf_write_message (f,stream,elt,&size))
- return mmdf_punt_scratch (f);
- }
- else for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; i++)
- if (!mmdf_write_message (f,stream,mail_elt (stream,i),&size))
- return mmdf_punt_scratch (f);
- /* write remaining data */
- if (fflush (f) || fstat (fileno (f),&sbuf)) return mmdf_punt_scratch (f);
- if (size != sbuf.st_size) { /* make damn sure stdio isn't lying */
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- sprintf (tmp,"Checkpoint file size mismatch (%lu != %lu)",size,
- (unsigned long) sbuf.st_size);
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- fclose (f); /* flush the output file */
- return NIL;
- }
- if (size > LOCAL->filesize) { /* does the mailbox need to grow? */
- /* am I paranoid or what? */
- if ((i = size - LOCAL->filesize) > LOCAL->buflen) {
- /* this user won the lottery all right */
- fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf);
- LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((LOCAL->buflen = i) + 1);
- }
- memset (LOCAL->buf,'1',i);/* get a block of CTRL/A's */
- while (i) { /* until write successful or punt */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->filesize,L_SET);
- if (write (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->buf,i) < 0) {
- j = errno; /* note error before doing ftrunctate */
- ftruncate (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->filesize);
- fsync (LOCAL->fd);
- if (mm_diskerror (stream,j,NIL)) {
- sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Unable to extend mailbox: %s",strerror (j));
- mm_log (LOCAL->buf,ERROR);
- fclose (f); /* flush the output file */
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- else i = 0; /* write was successful */
- }
- }
- /* update the cache */
- for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs;) {
- elt = mail_elt (stream,i); /* get cache */
- if (nexp && elt->deleted) { /* expunge this message? */
- if (elt->recent) recent--;/* one less recent message */
- mail_expunged (stream,i); /* notify upper levels */
- ++*nexp; /* count up one more expunged message */
- }
- else { /* update file pointers from kludgey places */
- elt->private.special.offset = elt->private.msg.full.offset;
- elt->private.msg.text.offset = elt->private.msg.full.text.size;
- /* in case header grew */
- elt->private.msg.header.text.size = elt->private.msg.text.offset -
- elt->private.msg.header.offset;
- /* stomp on these two kludges */
- elt->private.msg.full.offset = elt->private.msg.full.text.size = 0;
- i++; /* preserved message */
- }
- }
- do { /* restart point if failure */
- retry = NIL; /* no need to retry yet */
- fseek (f,0,L_SET); /* rewind files */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,0,L_SET);
- for (i = size; i; i -= j)
- if (!((j = fread (LOCAL->buf,1,min ((long) CHUNK,i),f)) &&
- (write (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->buf,j) >= 0))) {
- sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Mailbox rewrite error: %s",strerror (e = errno));
- mm_notify (stream,LOCAL->buf,WARN);
- mm_diskerror (stream,e,T);
- retry = T; /* must retry */
- break;
- }
- } while (retry); /* in case need to retry */
- fclose (f); /* finished with scratch file */
- /* make sure tied off */
- ftruncate (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->filesize = size);
- fsync (LOCAL->fd); /* make sure the updates take */
- LOCAL->dirty = NIL; /* no longer dirty */
- /* notify upper level of new mailbox sizes */
- mail_exists (stream,stream->nmsgs);
- mail_recent (stream,recent);
- /* set atime to now, mtime a second earlier */
- tp[1] = (tp[0] = time (0)) - 1;
- /* set the times, note change */
- if (!utime (LOCAL->name,tp)) LOCAL->filetime = tp[1];
- close (LOCAL->fd); /* close and reopen file */
- if ((LOCAL->fd = open (LOCAL->name,O_RDWR,NIL)) < 0) {
- sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Mailbox open failed, aborted: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (LOCAL->buf,ERROR);
- mmdf_abort (stream);
- }
- dotlock_unlock (lock); /* flush the lock file */
- return T; /* looks good */
- }
- /* Write message
- * Accepts: destination file
- * MAIL stream
- * message number
- * pointer to current filesize tally
- * Returns: T if success, NIL if failure
- */
- long mmdf_write_message (FILE *f,MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt,
- unsigned long *size)
- {
- char *s;
- unsigned long i;
- /* (kludge alert) note new message offset */
- elt->private.msg.full.offset = *size;
- /* internal header */
- lseek (LOCAL->fd,elt->private.special.offset,L_SET);
- read (LOCAL->fd,LOCAL->buf,elt->private.special.text.size);
- if (mmdf_fwrite (f,LOCAL->buf,elt->private.special.text.size,size)) {
- /* get header */
- s = mmdf_header (stream,elt->msgno,&i,FT_INTERNAL);
- /* header size, sans trailing newline */
- if (i && (s[i - 2] == 'n')) i--;
- /* write header */
- if (mmdf_fwrite (f,s,i,size) &&
- mmdf_fwrite (f,LOCAL->buf,mmdf_xstatus(stream,LOCAL->buf,elt,T),size)){
- /* (kludge alert) note new text offset */
- elt->private.msg.full.text.size = *size - elt->private.msg.full.offset;
- /* get text */
- s = mmdf_text_work (stream,elt,&i,FT_INTERNAL);
- /* write text and trailing newline */
- if (mmdf_fwrite (f,s,i,size) && mmdf_fwrite (f,mmdfhdr,MMDFHDRLEN,size))
- return T;
- }
- }
- return NIL; /* failed */
- }
- /* Safely write buffer
- * Accepts: destination file
- * buffer pointer
- * number of octets
- * pointer to current filesize tally
- * Returns: T if successful, NIL if failure
- */
- long mmdf_fwrite (FILE *f,char *s,unsigned long i,unsigned long *size)
- {
- unsigned long j;
- while (i && ((j = fwrite (s,1,i,f)) || (errno == EINTR))) {
- *size += j;
- s += j;
- i -= j;
- }
- return i ? NIL : T; /* success if wrote all requested data */
- }
- /* Punt scratch file
- * Accepts: file pointer
- * Returns: NIL, always
- */
- long mmdf_punt_scratch (FILE *f)
- {
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- sprintf (tmp,"Checkpoint file failure: %s",strerror (errno));
- mm_log (tmp,ERROR);
- if (f) fclose (f); /* flush the output file */
- return NIL;
- }