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资源名称:VC++USB.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // CScrollerCtrl : class implementation // Copyright 2002, Joshua Heyer // You are free to use this code for whatever you want, provided you // give credit where credit is due: if you use this code without substantial // modification, please presearve this comment block. // I'm providing this code in the hope that it is useful to someone, as i have // gotten much use out of other peoples code over the years. // If you see value in it, make some improvements, etc., i would appreciate it // if you sent me some feedback. // Have fun! //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ScrollerCtrl.h"
- // command messages:
- // sent when text has scrolled completely off the window
- const int CScrollerCtrl::SC_SCROLL_COMPLETE = 0;
- // defaults
- const int CScrollerCtrl::nSCROLL_DELAY = 80; // time between each frame (milliseconds)
- const int CScrollerCtrl::nSCROLL_PAUSE = 5000; // time to pause before autoscrolling (milliseconds)
- const int CScrollerCtrl::nMARGIN = 5; // (pixels)
- const int CScrollerCtrl::nFONT_SIZE = 12; // (points)
- const int CScrollerCtrl::nFONT_WEIGHT = FW_SEMIBOLD;
- const char* CScrollerCtrl::szFONT_NAME = "Comic Sans MS";
- // initialization
- CScrollerCtrl::CScrollerCtrl()
- {
- m_crBackground = RGB(0,0,0);
- m_crForeground = RGB(255,255,255);
- m_pbmpPattern = NULL;
- m_pbmpLogo = NULL;
- m_nContentHeight = 0;
- m_nScrollOffset = 0;
- m_unTimerPause = 2;
- m_nScrollDelay = nSCROLL_DELAY;
- m_nScrollPause = nSCROLL_PAUSE;
- m_eState = PAUSED;
- m_bTilePattern = TRUE;
- m_bShowScroll = FALSE;
- m_bWrap = TRUE;
- m_sizeBuffer = CSize(0,0);
- }
- // create the window:
- // remove WS_VSCROLL to avoid showing scrollbar.
- // remove WS_TABSTOP to disable keyboard scrolling.
- BOOL CScrollerCtrl::Create(const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT uStyle, UINT nID)
- {
- if ( NULL == m_font.GetSafeHandle() )
- // remember if user specified the style, but don't show initially
- m_bShowScroll = uStyle&WS_VSCROLL;
- uStyle &= ~WS_VSCROLL;
- if ( CWnd::Create(::AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_HREDRAW|CS_PARENTDC|CS_VREDRAW,::LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)), "Scroller", uStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID) )
- {
- m_eState = PAUSED;
- SetTimer(1, m_nScrollDelay, NULL);
- m_unTimerPause = SetTimer(m_unTimerPause, m_nScrollPause, NULL);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- // activate/deactivate wrapping mode:
- // if not set, content is scrolled completely off screen
- // before being repeated.
- void CScrollerCtrl::SetWrapping(BOOL bWrap)
- {
- m_bWrap = bWrap;
- if ( NULL != m_hWnd )
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- }
- // Sets the color used for the background (if no pattern is set)
- // or margins (if pattern is set and not tiled)
- void CScrollerCtrl::SetBgColor(COLORREF clrBg)
- {
- m_crBackground = clrBg;
- if ( NULL != m_hWnd )
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- }
- // Sets the color used for text
- void CScrollerCtrl::SetFgColor(COLORREF clrBg)
- {
- m_crForeground = clrBg;
- if ( NULL != m_hWnd )
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- }
- // Sets the font; size is in points, see LOGFONT documentation for weight constants
- void CScrollerCtrl::SetFont(const CString& strName, int nSize, int nWeight)
- {
- if ( NULL != m_font.GetSafeHandle() )
- m_font.DeleteObject();
- LOGFONT logFont;
- memset(&logFont,0,sizeof(logFont));
- strncpy(logFont.lfFaceName,strName,LF_FACESIZE);
- logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_SWISS;
- logFont.lfQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
- logFont.lfWeight = nWeight;
- logFont.lfHeight = nSize*10;
- // actually create the font; if for some reason this fails, use a default
- if ( !m_font.CreatePointFontIndirect(&logFont) )
- m_font.CreateStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);
- }
- // Sets the text to be displayed
- void CScrollerCtrl::SetText(const CString& strText)
- {
- m_strText = strText;
- if ( NULL != m_hWnd )
- {
- // force RecalcLayout()
- m_sizeBuffer = CSize(0,0);
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- }
- }
- // Sets the bitmap to be displayed above the text
- CBitmap* CScrollerCtrl::SetLogo(CBitmap* pbmpLogo)
- {
- CBitmap* pbmpOld = m_pbmpLogo;
- m_pbmpLogo = pbmpLogo;
- if ( NULL != m_hWnd )
- {
- // force RecalcLayout()
- m_sizeBuffer = CSize(0,0);
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- }
- return pbmpOld;
- }
- // Sets the background pattern
- CBitmap* CScrollerCtrl::SetPattern(CBitmap* pbmpPattern, BOOL bTile)
- {
- m_bTilePattern = bTile;
- CBitmap* pbmpOld = m_pbmpPattern;
- m_pbmpPattern = pbmpPattern;
- if ( NULL != m_hWnd )
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- return pbmpOld;
- }
- // Sets the time (in milliseconds) between frames (autoscrolling speed)
- // (will revert to default if less than 0)
- void CScrollerCtrl::SetScrollDelay(int nScrollDelay)
- {
- m_nScrollDelay = nScrollDelay;
- if ( m_nScrollDelay < 0 )
- m_nScrollDelay = nSCROLL_DELAY;
- if ( NULL != m_hWnd )
- SetTimer(1, m_nScrollDelay, NULL);
- }
- // Sets the delay (in milliseconds) when autoscrolling pauses
- // (will disable pausing if set less than scroll delay)
- void CScrollerCtrl::SetScrollPause(int nScrollPause)
- {
- m_nScrollPause = nScrollPause;
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScrollerCtrl, CWnd)
- // CScrollerCtrl message handlers
- // entire window is updated in OnPaint() so do nothing here.
- BOOL CScrollerCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // resize buffer first if necessary, then compose onto buffer,
- // wrapping if specified, finally update the screen.
- void CScrollerCtrl::OnPaint()
- {
- CPaintDC dc(this);
- CDC dcBackBuffer;
- dcBackBuffer.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc);
- // resize buffer if neccessary, calculate content size.
- RecalcLayout(&dc);
- CBitmap* pOldBmp = dcBackBuffer.SelectObject(&m_bmpBackBuffer);
- FillBackground(&dcBackBuffer);
- int nOffset = nMARGIN + m_nScrollOffset;
- do
- {
- nOffset += DrawLogo(&dcBackBuffer, nOffset) + nMARGIN;
- nOffset += DrawBodyText(&dcBackBuffer, nOffset) + nMARGIN*2;
- } while ( nOffset < m_sizeBuffer.cy && m_bWrap );
- dc.BitBlt(0,0,m_sizeBuffer.cx,m_sizeBuffer.cy,&dcBackBuffer,0,0,SRCCOPY);
- // cleanup
- dcBackBuffer.SelectObject(pOldBmp);
- }
- // if buffer size does not match window size, resize buffer.
- // Calculate content size.
- void CScrollerCtrl::RecalcLayout(CDC* pDC)
- {
- CRect rectClient;
- GetClientRect(&rectClient);
- if ( m_sizeBuffer != rectClient.Size() )
- {
- m_sizeBuffer = rectClient.Size();
- if ( m_bmpBackBuffer.GetSafeHandle() != NULL )
- m_bmpBackBuffer.DeleteObject();
- m_bmpBackBuffer.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, m_sizeBuffer.cx, m_sizeBuffer.cy);
- m_nContentHeight = nMARGIN*3;
- m_nContentHeight += DrawLogo(pDC, 0, FALSE);
- m_nContentHeight += DrawBodyText(pDC, 0, FALSE);
- }
- }
- // Draw the background; uses background color unless a pattern
- // bitmap is set, in which case that will be tiled or centered.
- void CScrollerCtrl::FillBackground(CDC* pDC)
- {
- CRect rectClient;
- GetClientRect(&rectClient);
- if ( NULL == m_pbmpPattern )
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rectClient, m_crBackground);
- }
- else
- {
- CDC dcPat;
- dcPat.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- CBitmap* pbmpOld = dcPat.SelectObject(m_pbmpPattern);
- BITMAP bitmap;
- if ( m_pbmpPattern->GetBitmap(&bitmap) && bitmap.bmWidth > 0 && bitmap.bmHeight > 0 )
- {
- if ( m_bTilePattern )
- {
- for (int y=0; y<rectClient.bottom+bitmap.bmHeight; y += bitmap.bmHeight)
- {
- for (int x=0; x<rectClient.right+bitmap.bmWidth; x += bitmap.bmWidth)
- {
- pDC->BitBlt(x,y, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, &dcPat, 0,0, SRCCOPY);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rectClient, m_crBackground);
- pDC->BitBlt((m_sizeBuffer.cx-bitmap.bmWidth)/2,(m_sizeBuffer.cy-bitmap.bmHeight)/2, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, &dcPat, 0,0, SRCCOPY);
- }
- }
- dcPat.SelectObject(pbmpOld);
- }
- }
- // Draws the logo (if specified) at the given offset.
- // If bDraw is false, calculates height, but does not draw.
- // Returns height of logo.
- int CScrollerCtrl::DrawLogo(CDC* pDC, int nOffset, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- if ( NULL == m_pbmpLogo )
- return 0;
- BITMAP bitmap;
- memset(&bitmap,0,sizeof(bitmap));
- if ( m_pbmpLogo->GetBitmap(&bitmap) && bDraw && bitmap.bmWidth > 0 && bitmap.bmHeight > 0 )
- {
- CDC dcLogo;
- dcLogo.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- CBitmap* pbmpOld = dcLogo.SelectObject(m_pbmpLogo);
- pDC->BitBlt((m_sizeBuffer.cx-bitmap.bmWidth)/2,nOffset, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, &dcLogo, 0,0, SRCCOPY);
- dcLogo.SelectObject(pbmpOld);
- }
- return bitmap.bmHeight;
- }
- // Draws the text at the specified offset.
- // If bDraw is false, will calculate text height, but not draw.
- // Returns height of text.
- int CScrollerCtrl::DrawBodyText(CDC* pDC, int nOffset, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- CRect rect(nMARGIN,nOffset,m_sizeBuffer.cx-nMARGIN,m_sizeBuffer.cy);
- CFont* pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_font);
- // draw shadow if displayed over pattern
- if ( bDraw && NULL != m_pbmpPattern )
- {
- // offset 1/10 of font size
- LOGFONT logFont;
- m_font.GetLogFont(&logFont);
- int nShadowOffset = MulDiv(-logFont.lfHeight, 72, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY)*10);
- // get color between forground and background for shadow (not correct i'm sure) int red = (GetRValue(m_crForeground) + GetRValue(m_crBackground)*2)/3; int green = (GetGValue(m_crForeground) + GetGValue(m_crBackground)*2)/3; int blue = (GetBValue(m_crForeground) + GetBValue(m_crBackground)*2)/3; COLORREF crDarker = RGB(red, green, blue);
- pDC->SetTextColor(crDarker);
- rect.OffsetRect(nShadowOffset,nShadowOffset);
- pDC->DrawText(m_strText, &rect, uFlags);
- rect.OffsetRect(-nShadowOffset,-nShadowOffset);
- }
- if(m_eState == PAUSED)
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_crForeground);
- else
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(RGB((int)160,0,0));
- }
- int nHeight = pDC->DrawText(m_strText, &rect, uFlags);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- return nHeight;
- }
- // indicate that this control will process arrow keystrokes.
- UINT CScrollerCtrl::OnGetDlgCode()
- {
- if ( GetStyle()&WS_TABSTOP )
- return 0;
- }
- // Grab focus if required.
- void CScrollerCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- if ( GetStyle()&WS_TABSTOP )
- SetFocus();
- }
- // Handle keyboard scrolling.
- void CScrollerCtrl::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
- {
- switch ( nChar )
- {
- case VK_UP:
- break;
- case VK_DOWN:
- break;
- case VK_PRIOR: // why not VK_PAGEUP?
- break;
- case VK_NEXT: // why not VK_PAGEDOWN?
- break;
- }
- }
- // Handle scrolling.
- // This can be triggered by mouse wheel and keyboard,
- // as well as the scrollbar.
- void CScrollerCtrl::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
- {
- if ( !(GetStyle()&WS_TABSTOP) )
- return;
- // delay autoscroll after manual scroll
- if ( m_nScrollPause > m_nScrollDelay )
- {
- m_eState = PAUSED;
- m_unTimerPause = SetTimer(m_unTimerPause, m_nScrollPause, NULL);
- }
- switch (nSBCode)
- {
- case SB_BOTTOM: // Scroll to bottom.
- m_nScrollOffset = m_sizeBuffer.cy-m_nContentHeight;
- break;
- case SB_TOP: // Scroll to top.
- m_nScrollOffset = 0;
- break;
- case SB_LINEDOWN: // Scroll one line down.
- m_nScrollOffset -= 8;
- break;
- case SB_LINEUP: // Scroll one line up.
- m_nScrollOffset += 8;
- break;
- case SB_PAGEDOWN: // Scroll one page down.
- m_nScrollOffset -= m_sizeBuffer.cy;
- break;
- case SB_PAGEUP: // Scroll one page up.
- m_nScrollOffset += m_sizeBuffer.cy;
- break;
- m_nScrollOffset = -((int)nPos);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- // constrain
- if ( m_nScrollOffset < m_sizeBuffer.cy-m_nContentHeight )
- m_nScrollOffset = m_sizeBuffer.cy-m_nContentHeight;
- else if ( m_nScrollOffset > 0 )
- m_nScrollOffset = 0;
- // scroll
- SetScrollPos(SB_VERT, -m_nScrollOffset);
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- }
- // Handle mouse wheel scrolling.
- // I'll put actual effort into handling non-WHEEL_DELTA increments
- // when i actually get a mouse that sends them. ;~)
- BOOL CScrollerCtrl::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
- {
- int nDist = abs(zDelta)/WHEEL_DELTA+1;
- while ( nDist-- )
- {
- PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, zDelta > 0 ? SB_LINEUP : SB_LINEDOWN);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Timers are used for three purposes:
- // + Periodic checking to show/hide the scrollbar
- // + Automatic scrolling (when m_eState == SCROLLING)
- // + Ending automatic scrolling pauses (when m_eState == PAUSED)
- // This is accomplished via two timers:
- // The first does double duty, handling both the scrollbar and
- // automatic scrolling; it is active for the life of the window.
- // The second is used for ending autoscroll pauses.
- void CScrollerCtrl::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
- {
- // don't autoscroll or hide scrollbar when user is dragging the scroll button.
- if ( this == GetCapture() )
- return;
- // the scrollbar can be shown if the following are true:
- // + The content size is larger than the window
- // + The mouse cursor is over the window
- // + The top-level parent containing this control is active
- if ( m_bShowScroll )
- {
- CRect rectWindow;
- GetWindowRect(&rectWindow);
- CPoint pntCursor;
- ::GetCursorPos(&pntCursor);
- if ( m_sizeBuffer.cy < m_nContentHeight && GetTopLevelParent() == GetActiveWindow() && rectWindow.PtInRect(pntCursor) )
- {
- SetScrollRange(SB_VERT, 0, m_nContentHeight-m_sizeBuffer.cy, FALSE);
- SetScrollPos(SB_VERT, -m_nScrollOffset, TRUE);
- ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, TRUE);
- }
- else if ( this != GetCapture() )
- {
- ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, FALSE);
- }
- }
- if ( nIDEvent == m_unTimerPause )
- {
- m_eState = SCROLLING;
- KillTimer(m_unTimerPause);
- }
- if ( m_eState == SCROLLING )
- {
- --m_nScrollOffset;
- if ( m_nContentHeight+m_nScrollOffset < 0 )
- {
- // scrolling is complete; restart
- m_nScrollOffset = m_bWrap ? 0 : m_sizeBuffer.cy;
- CWnd* pwndParent = GetParent();
- if ( NULL != pwndParent )
- pwndParent->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, MAKELPARAM(GetDlgCtrlID(), SC_SCROLL_COMPLETE), (LPARAM)GetSafeHwnd());
- }
- // pause at top and bottom
- if ( 0 == m_nScrollOffset || (m_nScrollOffset+m_nContentHeight == m_sizeBuffer.cy && m_sizeBuffer.cy < m_nContentHeight) )
- {
- if ( m_nScrollPause > m_nScrollDelay )
- {
- m_eState = PAUSED;
- m_unTimerPause = SetTimer(m_unTimerPause, m_nScrollPause, NULL);
- }
- }
- Invalidate(FALSE);
- }
- }