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资源名称:(J2EE)oa.rar [点击查看]
- package com.oa.module.pub.ectomere;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- /**
- * AbstractTexterior generated by MyEclipse - Hibernate Tools
- */
- public abstract class AbstractTexterior implements Serializable {
- // Fields
- private int hashValue = 0;
- private long eid;
- private String eunit;
- private String did;
- private String etype;
- private String eaddress;
- private String ephone;
- private String eemail;
- private String elinkman;
- private String ememo;
- private String eaddtime;
- private String uno;
- private String pname;
- // Constructors
- /** default constructor */
- public AbstractTexterior() {
- }
- /** minimal constructor */
- public AbstractTexterior(String eunit, String ephone, String elinkman, String eaddtime, String uno) {
- this.eunit = eunit;
- this.ephone = ephone;
- this.elinkman = elinkman;
- this.eaddtime = eaddtime;
- this.uno = uno;
- }
- /** full constructor */
- public AbstractTexterior(String eunit, String did, String etype, String eaddress, String ephone, String eemail, String elinkman, String ememo, String eaddtime, String uno) {
- this.eunit = eunit;
- this.did = did;
- this.etype = etype;
- this.eaddress = eaddress;
- this.ephone = ephone;
- this.eemail = eemail;
- this.elinkman = elinkman;
- this.ememo = ememo;
- this.eaddtime = eaddtime;
- this.uno = uno;
- }
- // Property accessors
- public long getEid() {
- return this.eid;
- }
- public void setEid(long eid) {
- this.eid = eid;
- }
- public String getEunit() {
- return this.eunit;
- }
- public void setEunit(String eunit) {
- this.eunit = eunit;
- }
- public String getDid() {
- return this.did;
- }
- public void setDid(String did) {
- this.did = did;
- }
- public String getEtype() {
- return this.etype;
- }
- public void setEtype(String etype) {
- this.etype = etype;
- }
- public String getEaddress() {
- return this.eaddress;
- }
- public void setEaddress(String eaddress) {
- this.eaddress = eaddress;
- }
- public String getEphone() {
- return this.ephone;
- }
- public void setEphone(String ephone) {
- this.ephone = ephone;
- }
- public String getEemail() {
- return this.eemail;
- }
- public void setEemail(String eemail) {
- this.eemail = eemail;
- }
- public String getElinkman() {
- return this.elinkman;
- }
- public void setElinkman(String elinkman) {
- this.elinkman = elinkman;
- }
- public String getEmemo() {
- return this.ememo;
- }
- public void setEmemo(String ememo) {
- this.ememo = ememo;
- }
- public String getEaddtime() {
- return this.eaddtime;
- }
- public void setEaddtime(String eaddtime) {
- this.eaddtime = eaddtime;
- }
- public String getUno() {
- return this.uno;
- }
- public void setUno(String uno) {
- this.uno = uno;
- }
- /**
- * Implementation of the equals comparison on the basis of equality of the primary key values.
- * @param rhs
- * @return boolean
- */
- /* public boolean equals(Object rhs)
- {
- if (rhs == null)
- return false;
- if (! (rhs instanceof Texterior))
- return false;
- Texterior that = (Texterior) rhs;
- if (this.getEid() == null || that.getEid() == null)
- return false;
- return (this.getEid().equals(that.getEid()));
- }
- /**
- * Implementation of the hashCode method conforming to the Bloch pattern with
- * the exception of array properties (these are very unlikely primary key types).
- * @return int
- */
- /* public int hashCode()
- {
- if (this.hashValue == 0)
- {
- int result = 17;
- int itemidValue = this.getEid() == null ? 0 : this.getEid().hashCode();
- result = result * 37 + itemidValue;
- this.hashValue = result;
- }
- return this.hashValue;
- }*/
- public String getPname() {
- return pname;
- }
- public void setPname(String pname) {
- this.pname = pname;
- }
- }