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资源名称:NANDflash.rar [点击查看]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- XPLAOPT Version 3.45
- -- VHDL Timing Model
- -- Converted from JEDEC file
- -- Created by Xilinx, Inc.
- -- Design Name = NAND_INTERFACE.blx
- -- Device Name = XCR3064XL-6VQ44
- -- Aug 03 11:03:52 2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- package pxa_pkg is
- constant tLOGI1 : time := 2000 ps;
- constant tLOGI2 : time := 2500 ps;
- constant tLOGI3 : time := 6000 ps;
- constant tFIN : time := 2300 ps;
- constant tIN : time := 1300 ps;
- constant tF : time := 2400 ps;
- constant tUDA : time := 3500 ps;
- constant tGCK : time := 800 ps;
- constant tLDI : time := 1300 ps;
- constant toe_slew : time := 8200 ps;
- constant tbuf_slew : time := 6200 ps;
- constant tap2q : time := 2500 ps;
- constant tar2q : time := 2500 ps;
- constant trd : time := 1000 ps;
- constant tbuf : time := 2200 ps;
- constant toe : time := 4200 ps;
- end pxa_pkg;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Components Defined Here
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Output Buffer
- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use work.pxa_pkg.all;
- entity pxa_bufif2 is
- port (O: out std_logic; I, OE, SLEW : in std_logic);
- end pxa_bufif2;
- architecture behavioral of pxa_bufif2 is
- signal OE_local, I_local : std_logic := '0';
- begin
- OE_local <= OE after toe_slew when SLEW = '1' else OE after toe;
- I_local <= I after tbuf_slew when SLEW = '1' else I after tbuf;
- O <= I_local when OE_local = '1' else 'Z';
- end behavioral;
- -- Multiplexer
- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use work.pxa_pkg.all;
- entity pxa_mux is
- port (O: out std_logic; S, A, B : in std_logic);
- end pxa_mux;
- architecture behavioral of pxa_mux is
- begin
- O <= A when S = '1' else B;
- end behavioral;
- -- D Latch with Active High Latch Enable/Set/Reset; Power up to 0.
- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use work.pxa_pkg.all;
- entity pxa_lff_apar_p0 is
- port (Q : out std_logic; D, LH, AP, AR : in std_logic);
- end pxa_lff_apar_p0;
- architecture behavioral of pxa_lff_apar_p0 is
- signal Q_local: std_logic := '0';
- begin
- process(D, LH, AP, AR)
- begin
- if AR = '1' then
- Q_local <= '0' after tar2q;
- elsif LH = '1' then
- Q_local <= D after tLDI;
- elsif AP = '1' then
- Q_local <= '1' after tap2q;
- end if;
- end process;
- Q <= Q_local;
- end behavioral;
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Main VHDL Model
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use work.pxa_pkg.all;
- entity NAND_INTERFACE is
- port(ce_n, com_lat_n, read_n, reset, ry_byn, write_n: in std_logic;
- port_addr: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- ale, cle, outce_n, re_n, ready, se_n, we_n, wp_n: out std_logic
- );
- architecture structure of NAND_INTERFACE is
- -------- Signal Declaration -----------------------------------------------
- signal N115_COM, N115_COM_tF, ale_AP, ale_AR, ale_D, ale_DIN, ale_LH,
- ale_OE, ale_Q, ce_n_tIN, cle_COM, cle_OE, com_lat_n_tIN,
- outce_n_AP, outce_n_AR, outce_n_D, outce_n_DIN, outce_n_LH,
- outce_n_OE, outce_n_Q, port_addr_0_tIN, port_addr_1_tIN,
- port_addr_2_tIN, port_addr_3_tIN, re_n_COM, re_n_OE, read_n_tIN,
- ready_COM, ready_OE, reset_tIN, ry_byn_tIN, se_n_AP, se_n_AR,
- se_n_D, se_n_DIN, se_n_LH, se_n_OE, se_n_Q, we_n_COM, we_n_OE,
- wp_n_AP, wp_n_AR, wp_n_D, wp_n_DIN, wp_n_LH, wp_n_OE, wp_n_Q,
- write_n_tIN: std_logic;
- signal VCC : std_logic;
- signal GND : std_logic;
- component pxa_bufif2
- port (O: out std_logic; I, OE, SLEW : in std_logic);
- end component;
- component pxa_mux
- port (O: out std_logic; S, A, B : in std_logic);
- end component;
- component pxa_lff_apar_p0
- port (Q : out std_logic; D, LH, AP, AR : in std_logic);
- end component;
- begin
- -- Equations:
- VCC <= '1';
- GND <= '0';
- --------( N115 )-----------------------------------------------------------
- N115_COM <= not ((not write_n_tIN and port_addr_2_tIN and not ce_n_tIN
- and port_addr_1_tIN and not port_addr_0_tIN
- and not port_addr_3_tIN)) after tLOGI1;
- --------( ale )------------------------------------------------------------
- ale_D <= (GND) after tFIN;
- ale_OE <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- ale_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (ale, ale_Q, ale_OE, GND);
- ale_mux: pxa_mux port map (ale_DIN, GND, GND, ale_D);
- ale_LH <= (not port_addr_3_tIN and not write_n_tIN
- and not port_addr_2_tIN and port_addr_0_tIN
- and not ce_n_tIN and port_addr_1_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- ale_AP <= (not port_addr_3_tIN and not write_n_tIN
- and not port_addr_2_tIN and not port_addr_0_tIN
- and not ce_n_tIN and port_addr_1_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- ale_AR <= (reset_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- ale_ff: pxa_lff_apar_p0 port map (ale_Q, ale_DIN, ale_LH, ale_AP,
- ale_AR);
- --------( cle )------------------------------------------------------------
- cle_COM <= ((not port_addr_2_tIN and not ce_n_tIN
- and not port_addr_1_tIN and port_addr_0_tIN
- and not port_addr_3_tIN)) after tLOGI1;
- cle_OE <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- cle_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (cle, cle_COM, cle_OE, GND);
- --------( outce_n )--------------------------------------------------------
- outce_n_D <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- outce_n_OE <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- outce_n_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (outce_n, outce_n_Q, outce_n_OE, GND);
- outce_n_mux: pxa_mux port map (outce_n_DIN, GND, GND, outce_n_D);
- outce_n_LH <= (not write_n_tIN and not port_addr_2_tIN and not ce_n_tIN
- and not port_addr_1_tIN and port_addr_0_tIN
- and port_addr_3_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- outce_n_AP <= (reset_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- outce_n_AR <= (not reset_tIN and not write_n_tIN and not port_addr_2_tIN
- and not ce_n_tIN and not port_addr_1_tIN
- and not port_addr_0_tIN and port_addr_3_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- outce_n_ff: pxa_lff_apar_p0 port map (outce_n_Q, outce_n_DIN, outce_n_LH,
- outce_n_AP, outce_n_AR);
- --------( re_n )-----------------------------------------------------------
- re_n_COM <= not ((not port_addr_2_tIN and not read_n_tIN
- and not ce_n_tIN and not port_addr_1_tIN
- and not port_addr_0_tIN and not port_addr_3_tIN))
- after tLOGI1;
- re_n_OE <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- re_n_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (re_n, re_n_COM, re_n_OE, GND);
- --------( ready )----------------------------------------------------------
- ready_COM <= ((ry_byn_tIN)) after tLOGI1;
- ready_OE <= (port_addr_2_tIN and not read_n_tIN and not ce_n_tIN
- and port_addr_1_tIN and port_addr_0_tIN and port_addr_3_tIN)
- after tLOGI1;
- ready_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (ready, ready_COM, ready_OE, GND);
- --------( se_n )-----------------------------------------------------------
- se_n_D <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- se_n_OE <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- se_n_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (se_n, se_n_Q, se_n_OE, GND);
- se_n_mux: pxa_mux port map (se_n_DIN, GND, GND, se_n_D);
- se_n_LH <= (not write_n_tIN and port_addr_2_tIN and not ce_n_tIN
- and not port_addr_1_tIN and port_addr_0_tIN
- and not port_addr_3_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- se_n_AP <= (reset_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- se_n_AR <= (not reset_tIN and not write_n_tIN and port_addr_2_tIN
- and not ce_n_tIN and not port_addr_1_tIN
- and not port_addr_0_tIN and not port_addr_3_tIN)
- after tLOGI1;
- se_n_ff: pxa_lff_apar_p0 port map (se_n_Q, se_n_DIN, se_n_LH, se_n_AP,
- se_n_AR);
- --------( we_n )-----------------------------------------------------------
- we_n_COM <= not ((not com_lat_n_tIN and not write_n_tIN
- and not port_addr_2_tIN and not ce_n_tIN
- and not port_addr_1_tIN and not port_addr_3_tIN)
- or (not write_n_tIN and not port_addr_2_tIN
- and not ce_n_tIN and not port_addr_1_tIN
- and not port_addr_0_tIN and not port_addr_3_tIN))
- after tLOGI2;
- we_n_OE <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- we_n_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (we_n, we_n_COM, we_n_OE, GND);
- --------( wp_n )-----------------------------------------------------------
- wp_n_D <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- wp_n_OE <= (VCC) after tFIN;
- wp_n_buf: pxa_bufif2 port map (wp_n, wp_n_Q, wp_n_OE, GND);
- wp_n_mux: pxa_mux port map (wp_n_DIN, GND, GND, wp_n_D);
- wp_n_LH <= (not write_n_tIN and port_addr_2_tIN and not ce_n_tIN
- and port_addr_1_tIN and port_addr_0_tIN
- and not port_addr_3_tIN) after tLOGI1;
- wp_n_AP <= (GND) after tFIN;
- wp_n_AR <= not (not reset_tIN and N115_COM_tF) after tLOGI1;
- wp_n_ff: pxa_lff_apar_p0 port map (wp_n_Q, wp_n_DIN, wp_n_LH, wp_n_AP,
- wp_n_AR);
- --------( Intermeditate Signals )------------------------------------------
- N115_COM_tF <= (N115_COM) after tF;
- ce_n_tIN <= (ce_n) after tIN;
- com_lat_n_tIN<= (com_lat_n) after tIN;
- port_addr_0_tIN<= (port_addr(0)) after tIN;
- port_addr_1_tIN<= (port_addr(1)) after tIN;
- port_addr_2_tIN<= (port_addr(2)) after tIN;
- port_addr_3_tIN<= (port_addr(3)) after tIN;
- read_n_tIN <= (read_n) after tIN;
- reset_tIN <= (reset) after tIN;
- ry_byn_tIN <= (ry_byn) after tIN;
- write_n_tIN <= (write_n) after tIN;
- end structure;