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资源名称:NANDflash.rar [点击查看]
- --
- --=====================================================================
- -- Copyright (c) 2000 by Denali Software, Inc. All rights reserved
- --=====================================================================
- --
- --This file contains proprietary information of Denali Software, Inc.
- --SOMA(tm) is Denali Software's proprietary language for defining
- --memory models.
- --
- --Subject to your agreement with the restrictions set forth below,
- --Denali Software, Inc., grants you a non-exclusive license to use
- --the SOMA language in the following manner :
- --
- --You may:
- --
- -- * Use SOMA language to create memory models.
- --
- -- * Distribute memory models created using the SOMA language to
- -- others provided that this notice is not removed from the file.
- --
- --You may not:
- --
- -- * Create software programs or tools that use the SOMA language
- -- as either input or output where the software programs are
- -- intended for distribution to others.
- --
- -- * Change the SOMA language in any manner.
- --
- --By using the SOMA specification files, you are consenting to be
- --bound by and are becoming party to this agreement. If you do not
- --agree to all of the terms of this agreement, you may not use the
- --SOMA specification files.
- --
- --If you have any questions regarding this agreement, or if you
- --would like to inquire about obtaining additional or different rights
- --in the SOMA specification files and SOMA language, please contact
- --Denali Software.
- --
- --************************************************************************
- -- Manufacturer : AMD
- -- Memory Class : FLASH
- -- Part Name : am30lv0064d
- -- Revision : Tue Feb 20 12:10:18 2001
- -- Description : 64Mb (8 M x 8 - Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only Flash Memory with
- -- UltraNAND Technology
- -- Datasheet URL : http://www.amd.com/products/nvd/techdocs/22203.pdf
- -- Datasheet Info : Rev. C+3, October 6, 2000
- -- Author Name : Denali Software,KK
- -- Author Comment : WARNING! tcry=50ns + t(time dependent on value of pull-up
- -- resistor at RY/BYbar pin.)
- --************************************************************************
- Version 0.001
- flash_nand
- Sizes
- manufacturerCode 0x01
- deviceCode 0xe6
- blockCount 512
- pagePerBlock 16
- pageSize 528
- addrWidth 23
- Features
- Pins
- data io 8
- cle cle 1
- ale ale 1
- cebar cen 1
- rebar ren 1
- webar wen 1
- wpbar wpn 1
- sebar sen 1
- rdybybar ry_byn 1
- Timing
- tcls 0 ns
- tclh 10 ns
- tcs 0 ns
- tch 10 ns
- twp 30 ns
- tals 0 ns
- talh 10 ns
- tds 20 ns
- tdh 10 ns
- twc 50 ns
- twh 15 ns
- tww disabled
- trr 20 ns
- trp 35 ns
- trc 50 ns
- trea 35 ns
- tceh 100 ns
- treaid 35 ns
- trhz 30 ns
- tchz 20 ns
- treh 15 ns
- tir 0 ns
- trsto 35 ns
- tcsto 45 ns
- twhr 60 ns
- tar1 100 ns
- tcr 100 ns
- tr 7 us
- twb 100 ns
- tar2 50 ns
- trb 100 ns
- tcry 50 ns
- -- see WARNING!
- trst1 5 us
- trst2 10 us
- trst3 500 us
- trst4 5 us
- tprog 0.2 ms
- tberase 2 ms