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资源名称:zipsrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* Action.c module of WizUnZip.
- * Author: Robert A. Heath, 1993
- * I, Robert Heath, place this source code module in the public domain.
- *
- * Modifications: Mike White 1995, 1996
- * Now modified for WiZ - WizUnZip no longer exists
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #ifndef WIN32
- # include <dos.h>
- # include <ctype.h>
- #endif
- #include "wiz.h"
- #include "unzipwindlldecs.h"
- #include "helpids.h"
- #ifdef ZE_MEM
- #undef ZE_MEM
- #define ZE_MEM 4
- #endif
- #include "ziperr.h"
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- extern BOOL fUpdateEntries;
- extern BOOL fSpool;
- extern char szRefDir[PATH_MAX];
- extern LPSTR szFileList;
- extern HANDLE hFileList;
- unsigned long dSpaceToUse;
- char __based(__segname("STRINGS_TEXT")) szNoMemory[] =
- "Insufficient memory for this operation!";
- char __based(__segname("STRINGS_TEXT")) szCantChDir[] =
- "Can't change directory to %s!";
- BOOL IsValidArchive(LPSTR archive)
- {
- int retcode, AllCodes = FALSE;
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- retcode = (*Unz_Validate)((char *)archive, AllCodes);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- return retcode;
- }
- /* Get Selection Count returns a count of the selected
- * list box items. If the count is greater than zero, it also returns
- * a pointer to a locked list in local memory of the item nos.
- * and their local memory handle.
- *
- * A value of -1 indicates an error.
- *
- * Note the WIN32 version does not use the parameter hListBox
- */
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma argsused
- #endif
- int CLBItemsGet(HWND hListBox, int __far * __far *ppnSelItems, HANDLE *phnd)
- {
- #ifndef WIN32
- int cSelLBItems = (int)SendMessage(hListBox, LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0L);
- #else
- int i, j, k = 0;
- LV_ITEM lvi;
- int cSelLBItems = ListView_GetSelectedCount(hWndList);
- #endif
- if ( !phnd )
- return -1;
- *phnd = 0;
- if (cSelLBItems)
- {
- *phnd = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, cSelLBItems * sizeof(int));
- if ( !*phnd )
- return -1;
- *ppnSelItems = (int __far *)GlobalLock( *phnd );
- if ( !*ppnSelItems )
- {
- GlobalFree( *phnd );
- *phnd = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- /* Get list of selected items. Return value is number of selected items */
- #ifndef WIN32
- if (SendMessage(hWndList, LB_GETSELITEMS, cSelLBItems, (LONG)*ppnSelItems) != cSelLBItems)
- {
- GlobalUnlock(*phnd);
- GlobalFree(*phnd);
- *phnd = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- #else
- j = ListView_GetItemCount(hWndList);
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
- {
- lvi.mask = LVIF_STATE;
- lvi.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED;
- lvi.iItem = i;
- lvi.iSubItem = 0;
- ListView_GetItem(hWndList, &lvi);
- if (lvi.state)
- {
- (*ppnSelItems)[k++] = i;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- return cSelLBItems;
- }
- #ifndef WIN32
- /* Re-select listbox contents from given list. The pnSelItems is a
- * list containing the indices of those items selected in the listbox.
- * This list was probably created by GetLBSelCount() above.
- *
- * This routine is only called from wndproc.c when switching between
- * the long and short format. As the short format is not supported
- * by the Win32 version, this routine is not necessary.
- *
- */
- void ReselectLB(HWND hListBox, int cSelLBItems, int __far *pnSelItems)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < cSelLBItems; ++i)
- {
- SendMessage(hListBox, LB_SETSEL, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(pnSelItems[i],0));
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* Action is called on double-clicking, or selecting one of the
- * main action buttons. The action code is the action
- * relative to the listbox or the button ID.
- */
- void Action(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wActionCode)
- {
- HANDLE hMem;
- int i;
- int iSelection;
- int cch;
- unsigned long dFreeSpace, dStrlen = 0;
- int cSelLBItems;
- int __far *pnSelItems; /* pointer to list of selected items */
- #ifndef WIN32
- struct diskfree_t df;
- #else
- DWORD SectorsPerCluster, BytesPerSector, FreeClusters, Clusters;
- #endif
- HANDLE hnd = 0;
- char **pszIndex;
- char *sz;
- LPSTR lpszT;
- #ifndef WIN32
- WORD wIndex = (WORD)(!uf.fFormatLong ? SHORT_FORM_FNAME_INX
- #endif
- cSelLBItems = CLBItemsGet(hWndList, &pnSelItems, &hnd);
- /* if no items were selected */
- if (cSelLBItems < 1)
- return;
- /* Note: this global value can be overriden in replace.c */
- uf.fDoAll = (lpDCL->noflag) ? 1 : 0;
- SetCapture(hWnd);
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- /* If all the files are selected pass in no filenames */
- /* since unzipping all files is the default */
- hMem = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, (PATH_MAX * 2));
- if ( !hMem )
- goto done;
- lpszT = (LPSTR)GlobalLock( hMem );
- if ( !lpszT )
- {
- GlobalFree( hMem );
- goto done;
- }
- hFileList = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, FILENAME_BUF_SIZE);
- szFileList = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(hFileList);
- if (!szFileList)
- {
- GlobalFree(hFileList);
- goto done;
- }
- argc = ((WORD)cSelLBItems == cZippedFiles) ? 0 : 1;
- iSelection = 0;
- do
- {
- if ((argc) || (fUpdateEntries))
- {
- dSpaceToUse = 0;
- pszIndex = (char **)szFileList;
- cch = (sizeof(char *) * ((cSelLBItems > cchFilesMax-1 ) ? cchFilesMax :
- cSelLBItems+1));
- sz = szFileList + cch;
- for (i=0; ((i+iSelection) < cSelLBItems) && (i < cchFilesMax-1); ++i)
- {
- #ifndef WIN32
- cch = (int)SendMessage(hWndList, LB_GETTEXTLEN, pnSelItems[i+iSelection], 0L);
- if (cch != LB_ERR)
- {
- cch = (int)SendMessage(hWndList, LB_GETTEXT, pnSelItems[i+iSelection], (LONG)lpszT);
- if ((cch != LB_ERR) && (cch > (int)wIndex))
- {
- /* Get uncompressed totals to pre-flight the extraction process
- * The pre-flight portion of this needs to be modified to occur
- * only during actual extraction to disk.
- */
- strncpy(sz, lpszT, 9);
- sz[9] = '';
- dSpaceToUse += atol(sz);
- lstrcpy(sz, lpszT+wIndex);
- dStrlen += lstrlen(sz) + 1;
- if (dStrlen > FILENAME_BUF_SIZE )
- {
- MessageBox(hWndMain, "Try selecting fewer files at a time",
- "Insufficient Memory", MB_OK |MB_SYSTEMMODAL|
- goto done;
- }
- pszIndex[i] = sz;
- sz += (cch + 1 - wIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- MessageBeep(1);
- goto done;
- }
- #else
- /* Get uncompressed totals to pre-flight the extraction process
- * The pre-flight portion of this needs to be modified to occur
- * only during actual extraction to disk.
- */
- ListView_GetItemText(hWndList, pnSelItems[i+iSelection], 1, lpszT,
- (PATH_MAX * 2));
- lstrcpy(sz, lpszT);
- dSpaceToUse += atol(sz);
- /* Now we get the actual name */
- ListView_GetItemText(hWndList, pnSelItems[i+iSelection], 0, lpszT,
- (PATH_MAX * 2));
- lstrcpy(sz, lpszT+1);
- dStrlen += lstrlen(sz) + 1;
- if (dStrlen > FILENAME_BUF_SIZE )
- {
- MessageBox(hWndMain, "Try selecting fewer files at a time",
- "Insufficient Memory", MB_OK |MB_SYSTEMMODAL|
- goto done;
- }
- pszIndex[i] = sz;
- sz += (strlen(lpszT) + 1);
- #endif
- } /* end of for loop */
- if (i == 0)
- {
- goto done;
- }
- argc = i;
- pszIndex[i] = 0;
- iSelection += i;
- }
- else
- {
- iSelection = cSelLBItems;
- }
- switch (wActionCode)
- {
- #ifdef WIN32
- char tempChar;
- #endif
- int Ok;
- case 0: /* extract button */
- /* Get amount of free space on target drive */
- #ifndef WIN32
- _dos_getdiskfree((toupper(szUnzipToDirName[0]) - 'A'+1), &df);
- dFreeSpace = (long)df.avail_clusters *
- ((long)df.sectors_per_cluster *
- (long)df.bytes_per_sector);
- #else
- tempChar = szUnzipToDirName[3];
- szUnzipToDirName[3] = '';
- GetDiskFreeSpace(szUnzipToDirName, &SectorsPerCluster, &BytesPerSector, &FreeClusters, &Clusters);
- szUnzipToDirName[3] = tempChar;
- dFreeSpace = (long)SectorsPerCluster * (long)BytesPerSector * (long)FreeClusters;
- #endif
- if (dFreeSpace < dSpaceToUse)
- {
- sprintf(sz, "Free Disk Space = %lu bytesnUncompressed Files Total %lu bytesnContinue?n",
- dFreeSpace, dSpaceToUse);
- Ok = MessageBox(hWndMain, sz, "Insufficient Disk Space?", MB_OKCANCEL |
- }
- else
- Ok = IDOK;
- if (Ok != IDOK)
- break;
- lpDCL->ncflag = 0;
- lpDCL->fQuiet = 0;
- lpDCL->ntflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nvflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nUflag = lpDCL->ExtractOnlyNewer;
- lpDCL->nzflag = 0;
- lpDCL->ndflag = (int)(uf.fRecreateDirs ? 1 : 0);
- lpDCL->noflag = uf.fDoAll;
- lpDCL->naflag = (int)(uf.fTranslate ? 1 : 0);
- lpDCL->lpszZipFN = lpumb->szFileName;
- argv = (char **)szFileList;
- if (!uf.fUnzipToZipDir && szUnzipToDirName[0])
- {
- lstrcpy(lpumb->szBuffer, szUnzipToDirName); /* OK to clobber szBuffer! */
- }
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- if (szUnzipToDirName[0])
- lpDCL->lpszExtractDir = szUnzipToDirName;
- else
- lpDCL->lpszExtractDir = NULL;
- Unz_SingleEntryPoint(argc, argv, 0, NULL, lpDCL, lpUserFunctions);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- if (!uf.fUnzipToZipDir && szUnzipToDirName[0])
- {
- lstrcpy(lpumb->szBuffer, lpumb->szDirName); /* OK to clobber szBuffer! */
- }
- break;
- case 1: /* display to message window */
- {
- int rc; /* return code */
- bRealTimeMsgUpdate = FALSE;
- lpDCL->fQuiet = 2; // Kill all messages
- lpDCL->ncflag = 1;
- lpDCL->ntflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nvflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nUflag = 1;
- lpDCL->nzflag = 0;
- lpDCL->ndflag = 0;
- lpDCL->noflag = 0;
- lpDCL->naflag = TRUE;
- lpDCL->nZIflag = 0;
- lpDCL->lpszZipFN = lpumb->szFileName;
- argv = (char **)szFileList;
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- lpDCL->lpszExtractDir = NULL;
- rc = Unz_SingleEntryPoint(argc, argv, 0, NULL, lpDCL, lpUserFunctions);
- if (rc == IZ_UNSUP)
- BufferOut("%s is an encrypted file. Encryption not supported in this version",
- argv[0]);
- SetWindowText(hWndStatic, argv[0]);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- bRealTimeMsgUpdate = TRUE;
- /* Following extraction to status window, user will want
- * to scroll around, so put him/her in Edit/Status window.
- */
- if (rc != IZ_UNSUP)
- fSpool = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case 2: /* test */
- lpDCL->ncflag = 0;
- lpDCL->fQuiet = 0;
- lpDCL->ntflag = 1;
- lpDCL->nvflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nUflag = 1;
- lpDCL->nzflag = 0;
- lpDCL->ndflag = 0;
- lpDCL->noflag = 0;
- lpDCL->naflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nZIflag = 0;
- lpDCL->lpszZipFN = lpumb->szFileName;
- argv = (char **)szFileList;
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- lpDCL->lpszExtractDir = NULL;
- Unz_SingleEntryPoint(argc, argv, 0, NULL, lpDCL, lpUserFunctions);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- break;
- case 3: /* Get Zip Information */
- {
- lpDCL->fQuiet = 2;
- lpDCL->ncflag = 0;
- lpDCL->ntflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nvflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nUflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nzflag = 0;
- lpDCL->ndflag = 0;
- lpDCL->noflag = 0;
- lpDCL->naflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nZIflag = 1;
- lpDCL->lpszZipFN = lpumb->szFileName;
- argv = (char **)szFileList;
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- lpDCL->lpszExtractDir = NULL;
- Unz_SingleEntryPoint(argc, argv, 0, NULL, lpDCL, lpUserFunctions);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- lpDCL->nZIflag = 0;
- break;
- }
- case 4: /* Delete Archive Entries */
- {
- int retcode;
- /* Save off zip flags */
- BOOL fSuffix = ZpOpt.fSuffix;
- BOOL fEncrypt = ZpOpt.fEncrypt;
- BOOL fSystem = ZpOpt.fSystem;
- BOOL fVolume = ZpOpt.fVolume;
- BOOL fExtra = ZpOpt.fExtra;
- BOOL fNoDirEntries = ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries;
- BOOL fExcludeDate = ZpOpt.fExcludeDate;
- BOOL fVerbose = ZpOpt.fVerbose;
- BOOL fQuiet = ZpOpt.fQuiet;
- BOOL fJunkDir = ZpOpt.fJunkDir;
- BOOL fRecurse = ZpOpt.fRecurse;
- BOOL fGrow = ZpOpt.fGrow;
- BOOL fForce = ZpOpt.fForce;
- BOOL fMove = ZpOpt.fMove;
- BOOL fUpdate = ZpOpt.fUpdate;
- BOOL fFreshen = ZpOpt.fFreshen;
- BOOL fJunkSFX = ZpOpt.fJunkSFX;
- BOOL fLatestTime = ZpOpt.fLatestTime;
- BOOL fmakesfx = fMakeSFX;
- BOOL fComment = ZpOpt.fComment;
- BOOL fOffsets = ZpOpt.fOffsets;
- /* Set all zip flags to false */
- ZpOpt.fSuffix = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fEncrypt = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fSystem = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fVolume = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fExtra = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fExcludeDate = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fVerbose = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fQuiet = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fJunkDir = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fRecurse = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fGrow = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fForce = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fMove = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fUpdate = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fFreshen = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fJunkSFX = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fLatestTime = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fComment = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fOffsets = FALSE;
- fMakeSFX = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fDeleteEntries = TRUE;
- ZpZCL.argc = argc;
- ZpZCL.lpszZipFN = lpumb->szFileName;
- ZpZCL.FNV = (char **)szFileList;
- retcode = MessageBox(hWndMain, "Are You Sure?",
- "Deleting Archive Entries",
- if (retcode == IDOK)
- {
- BufferOut( "Deleting Files From Archive: %sn",
- lpumb->szFileName);
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- ZipSetOptions(ZpOpt);
- retcode = ZipArchive(ZpZCL);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- if (retcode == ZE_OK)
- UpdateListBox();
- }
- else
- BufferOut( "Deleting Files from archive canceledn");
- /* Restore zip flags */
- ZpOpt.fDeleteEntries = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fSuffix = fSuffix;
- ZpOpt.fEncrypt = fEncrypt;
- ZpOpt.fSystem = fSystem;
- ZpOpt.fVolume = fVolume;
- ZpOpt.fExtra = fExtra;
- ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries = fNoDirEntries;
- ZpOpt.fExcludeDate = fExcludeDate;
- ZpOpt.fVerbose = fVerbose;
- ZpOpt.fQuiet = fQuiet;
- ZpOpt.fCRLF_LF = fCRLF_LF;
- ZpOpt.fLF_CRLF = fLF_CRLF;
- ZpOpt.fJunkDir = fJunkDir;
- ZpOpt.fRecurse = fRecurse;
- ZpOpt.fGrow = fGrow;
- ZpOpt.fForce = fForce;
- ZpOpt.fMove = fMove;
- ZpOpt.fUpdate = fUpdate;
- ZpOpt.fFreshen = fFreshen;
- ZpOpt.fJunkSFX = fJunkSFX;
- ZpOpt.fLatestTime = fLatestTime;
- ZpOpt.fComment = fComment;
- ZpOpt.fOffsets = fOffsets;
- fMakeSFX = fmakesfx;
- }
- break;
- case 5: /* Update Archive Entries */
- {
- int retcode;
- #ifndef WIN32
- FARPROC lpGetDirProc;
- #endif
- ZpZCL.argc = argc;
- ZpZCL.lpszZipFN = lpumb->szFileName;
- ZpZCL.FNV = (char **)szFileList;
- retcode = MessageBox(hWndMain, "Are You Sure?",
- "Update All Archive Entries",
- if (retcode == IDOK)
- {
- char szTemp[256];
- #ifndef WIN32
- _fmemset(&ofn, '', sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); /* initialize struct */
- #else
- memset(&ofn, '', sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); /* initialize struct */
- #endif
- WinAssert(hWnd);
- szTemp[0] = '';
- ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
- ofn.hwndOwner = hWnd;
- ofn.hInstance = hInst;
- ofn.lpstrFilter = "All Files (*.*)*.*";
- ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
- ofn.lpstrFile = szTemp;
- ofn.nMaxFile = PATH_MAX;
- ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
- ofn.nMaxFileTitle = PATH_MAX; /* ignored ! */
- ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)"Set Reference Directory";
- ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
- #ifndef WIN32
- lpGetDirProc = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)GetDirProc, hInst);
- # ifndef MSC
- (UINT CALLBACK *)ofn.lpfnHook = (UINT CALLBACK *)lpGetDirProc;
- # else
- ofn.lpfnHook = lpGetDirProc;
- # endif
- #else
- ofn.lpfnHook = (LPOFNHOOKPROC)GetDirProc;
- #endif
- ofn.lpTemplateName = "GETDIR"; /* see getfiles.dlg */
- if ((GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) &&
- (szRefDir[0] != ''))
- {
- BufferOut( "Updating Files in Archive: %sn",
- lpumb->szFileName);
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- ZipSetOptions(ZpOpt);
- retcode = ZipArchive(ZpZCL);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- if (retcode == ZE_OK)
- UpdateListBox();
- }
- }
- else
- BufferOut( "Updating archive canceledn");
- break;
- }
- }
- } while (iSelection < cSelLBItems);
- /* march through list box checking what's selected
- * and what is not.
- */
- done:
- if ( hMem )
- {
- GlobalUnlock( hMem );
- GlobalFree( hMem );
- }
- if (hFileList)
- {
- GlobalUnlock(hFileList);
- GlobalFree(hFileList);
- }
- GlobalUnlock(hnd);
- GlobalFree(hnd);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- ReleaseCapture();
- SoundAfter(); /* play sound afterward if requested */
- if (!uf.fIconSwitched) /* if haven't already, switch icons */
- {
- HANDLE hIcon;
- hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst,"unzipped"); /* load final icon */
- WinAssert(hIcon);
- #ifndef WIN32
- SetClassWord(hWndMain, GCW_HICON, hIcon);
- #else
- SetClassLong(hWndMain, GCL_HICON, (LONG)hIcon);
- #endif
- uf.fIconSwitched = TRUE; /* flag that we've switched it */
- }
- }
- /* Display the archive comment using the Info-ZIP engine. */
- void DisplayComment(HWND hWnd)
- {
- SetCapture(hWnd);
- hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass);
- ShowCursor(TRUE);
- bRealTimeMsgUpdate = FALSE;
- /* Called here when showing zipfile comment */
- lpDCL->ncflag = 0;
- lpDCL->fQuiet = 0;
- lpDCL->ntflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nvflag = 0;
- lpDCL->nUflag = 1;
- lpDCL->nzflag = 1;
- lpDCL->ndflag = 0;
- lpDCL->noflag = 0;
- lpDCL->naflag = 0;
- argc = 0;
- lpDCL->lpszZipFN = lpumb->szFileName;
- argv = NULL;
- lpDCL->lpszExtractDir = NULL;
- Unz_SingleEntryPoint(argc, argv, 0, NULL, lpDCL, lpUserFunctions);
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- SetCursor(hSaveCursor);
- bRealTimeMsgUpdate = TRUE;
- ReleaseCapture();
- SoundAfter(); /* play sound during if requested */
- }