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资源名称:zipsrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1996 Mike White
- Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
- redistribute this software so long as all of the original files are included,
- that it is not sold for profit, and that this copyright notice is retained.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "wiz.h"
- #include "helpids.h"
- #ifndef WIN32
- #include <lzexpand.h>
- #endif
- void StripDirectory(LPSTR lpDir);
- static char szTargetDirName[128] = "";
- static char __based(__segname("STRINGS_TEXT")) szCantCopyFile[] =
- "Internal error: Cannot copy file. Common dialog error code is 0x%lX.";
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma warn -par
- #endif
- BOOL WINAPI CopyFileProc(HWND hDlg, WORD wMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- static OPENFILENAME __far *lpofn = 0;
- static WORD wClose;
- switch (wMessage)
- {
- case WM_DESTROY:
- if (lpofn && lpofn->lpstrFile && (wClose == IDOK))
- {
- LPSTR lpszSeparator;
- /* If we have a trailing '\' we need to get it */
- GetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, lpofn->lpstrFile, PATH_MAX);
- /* Flag whether there is a trailing backslash */
- lpszSeparator = lpofn->lpstrFile+lstrlen(lpofn->lpstrFile)-1;
- if (*lpszSeparator == '\')
- uf.fTrailingSlash = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- {
- RECT rT1, rT2;
- short nWidth, nHeight;
- HWND hTemp;
- lpofn = (OPENFILENAME __far *)lParam;
- CenterDialog(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); /* center on parent */
- /* Disable the file type label
- and the file type combo box
- Note: stc2, cmb1 etc are defined in DLGS.H in the standard
- windows include files.
- */
- hTemp = GetDlgItem(hDlg, stc2);
- WinAssert(hTemp);
- EnableWindow(hTemp, FALSE);
- ShowWindow(hTemp, SW_HIDE);
- hTemp = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb1);
- WinAssert(hTemp);
- EnableWindow(hTemp, FALSE);
- ShowWindow(hTemp, SW_HIDE);
- hTemp = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2);
- WinAssert(hTemp);
- GetWindowRect(hTemp, &rT1);
- /* Extend the rectangle of the list of files
- in the current directory so that it's flush
- with the bottom of the Drives combo box
- */
- hTemp = GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst1);
- WinAssert(hTemp);
- GetWindowRect(hTemp, &rT2);
- nWidth = (short)(rT2.right - rT2.left);
- nHeight = (short)(rT1.bottom - rT2.top);
- ScreenToClient(hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rT2);
- MoveWindow(hTemp,
- rT2.left, rT2.top,
- nWidth,
- nHeight,
- TRUE);
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* message not handled */
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma warn .par
- #endif
- /* Strip off the directory leaving only the file name */
- void StripDirectory(LPSTR lpDir)
- {
- LPSTR lpchLast, i, j;
- /* If no '\' then simply return */
- if ((lpchLast = lstrrchr(lpDir, '\')) == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- if ((lpchLast = lstrrchr(lpDir, '\'))!=0)
- {
- for (i = lpchLast+1, j = lpDir; *i; i++, j++)
- {
- *j = *i;
- }
- *j = '';
- }
- else if ((lpchLast = lstrrchr(lpDir, ':'))!=0)
- {
- for (i = lpchLast+1, j = lpDir; *i; i++, j++)
- {
- *j = *i;
- }
- *j = '';
- }
- }
- void CopyArchive(HWND hWnd, BOOL move_flag, BOOL rename_flag)
- {
- char tempFileName[PATH_MAX], tempPath[PATH_MAX];
- #ifndef WIN32
- FARPROC lpfnSelectDir;
- #endif
- #ifndef WIN32
- _fmemset(&lpumb->ofn, '', sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); /* initialize struct */
- #else
- memset(&lpumb->ofn, '', sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); /* initialize struct */
- #endif
- WinAssert(hWnd);
- lpumb->ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
- lpumb->ofn.hwndOwner = hWnd;
- lpumb->ofn.hInstance = hInst;
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrFilter = "All Files (*.*)*.*";
- lpumb->ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
- /* strip off filename */
- lstrcpy(lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp, lpumb->szFileName);
- /* Strip off path */
- StripDirectory(lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp);
- /* Now we've got just the file name */
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile = lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp; /* result goes here! */
- /* Save file name only */
- lstrcpy(tempFileName, lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp);
- lpumb->ofn.nMaxFile = PATH_MAX;
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
- lpumb->ofn.nMaxFileTitle = PATH_MAX; /* ignored ! */
- if (move_flag)
- {
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)"Move Archive To";
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrInitialDir =
- (LPSTR)(!szTargetDirName[0] ? NULL : szTargetDirName);
- }
- else
- if (rename_flag)
- {
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)"Rename Archive To";
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrInitialDir = (LPSTR)((uf.fUnzipToZipDir ||
- !lpumb->szDirName[0]) ? NULL : lpumb->szDirName);
- }
- else
- {
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)"Copy Archive To";
- lpumb->ofn.lpstrInitialDir =
- (LPSTR)(!szTargetDirName[0] ? NULL : szTargetDirName);
- }
- #ifndef WIN32
- /* Just using an available pointer */
- lpfnSelectDir = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)CopyFileProc, hInst);
- # ifndef MSC
- (UINT CALLBACK *)lpumb->ofn.lpfnHook = (UINT CALLBACK *)lpfnSelectDir;
- # else
- lpumb->ofn.lpfnHook = lpfnSelectDir;
- # endif
- #else
- lpumb->ofn.lpfnHook = (LPOFNHOOKPROC)CopyFileProc;
- #endif
- lpumb->ofn.lpTemplateName = "COPYFILE"; /* see copyfile.dlg */
- uf.fTrailingSlash = FALSE; /* set trailing slash to FALSE */
- if (GetSaveFileName(&lpumb->ofn)) /* successfully got dir name ? */
- {
- if (lstrcmpi(lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp, lpumb->szFileName)!=0)
- {
- lstrcpy(tempPath, lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp);
- if (!uf.fTrailingSlash) /* Do we have a trailing slash? */
- { /* No - strip file name off and save it */
- StripDirectory(tempPath);
- lstrcpy(tempFileName, tempPath);
- /* Strip file name off, we've just saved it */
- GetDirectory(lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp);
- }
- uf.fTrailingSlash = FALSE;
- /* Okay, make the directory, if necessary */
- if (MakeDirectory(lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp, FALSE))
- {
- #ifndef WIN32
- OFSTRUCT ofStrSrc;
- OFSTRUCT ofStrDest;
- HFILE hfSrcFile, hfDstFile;
- #endif
- if (lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp[0] != '')
- lstrcat(lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp, "\");
- lstrcat(lpumb->szUnzipToDirNameTmp, tempFileName);
- if (move_flag == TRUE)
- BufferOut( "Moving: n%snton%s",
- lpumb->szFileName, lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile);
- else
- if (rename_flag == FALSE)
- BufferOut( "Copying: n%snton%s",
- lpumb->szFileName, lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile);
- if ((rename_flag == TRUE) &&
- ((lpumb->szFileName[0] == lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile[0]) ||
- (lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile[1] != ':')))
- {
- BufferOut( "Renaming: n%snton%sn",
- lpumb->szFileName, lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile);
- rename(lpumb->szFileName, lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile);
- lstrcpy(lpumb->szFileName, lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile);
- UpdateButtons(); /* update state of buttons */
- SetCaption(hWnd);
- }
- else if (rename_flag == FALSE)
- {
- #ifndef WIN32
- hfSrcFile = LZOpenFile(lpumb->szFileName,
- &ofStrSrc, OF_READ);
- hfDstFile = LZOpenFile(lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile,
- &ofStrDest, OF_CREATE);
- LZCopy(hfSrcFile, hfDstFile);
- LZClose(hfSrcFile);
- LZClose(hfDstFile);
- #else
- CopyFile(lpumb->szFileName, lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile, FALSE);
- #endif
- BufferOut( " ...%sn", "Done");
- if ((toupper(lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile[0]) != 'A') &&
- (toupper(lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile[0]) != 'B'))
- {
- lstrcpy(szTargetDirName, lpumb->ofn.lpstrFile);
- if ((lpchLast = lstrrchr(szTargetDirName, '\'))!=0)
- {
- *lpchLast = '';
- }
- else if ((lpchLast = lstrrchr(szTargetDirName, ':'))!=0)
- {
- *(lpchLast+1) = '';
- lstrcat(szTargetDirName, "\");
- }
- }
- }
- if (move_flag)
- {
- /*
- * It's not clear what should be done here, just
- * clear the list box and be done with it, or
- * actually go to the new location of the zipfile.
- * The election at this point is to just be done
- * with it.
- */
- #ifndef WIN32
- SendMessage(hWndList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
- #else
- ListView_DeleteAllItems(hWndList);
- #endif
- remove(lpumb->szFileName);
- lpumb->szFileName[0] = '';
- UpdateButtons(); /* update state of buttons */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else /* either real error or canceled */
- {
- DWORD dwExtdError = CommDlgExtendedError(); /* debugging */
- if (dwExtdError != 0L) /* if not canceled then real error */
- {
- wsprintf (lpumb->szBuffer, szCantCopyFile, dwExtdError);
- MessageBox (hWnd, lpumb->szBuffer, szAppName, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
- }
- else
- {
- RECT mRect;
- WinAssert(hWndMain);
- GetWindowRect(hWndMain, &mRect);
- InvalidateRect(hWndMain, &mRect, TRUE);
- SendMessage(hWndMain, WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED,
- MAKELONG(mRect.right-mRect.left, mRect.top-mRect.bottom));
- UpdateWindow(hWndMain);
- }
- }
- #ifndef WIN32
- /* Just using an available pointer */
- FreeProcInstance(lpfnSelectDir);
- #endif
- }