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资源名称:zipsrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1996 Mike White
- Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
- redistribute this software so long as all of the original files are included,
- that it is not sold for profit, and that this copyright notice is retained.
- */
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "wiz.h"
- #include "helpids.h"
- #ifdef ZE_MEM
- #undef ZE_MEM
- #define ZE_MEM 4
- #endif
- #include "ziperr.h"
- RECT MainRc; /* Used solely to remember WiZ window position/size */
- int ZipRetCode;
- BOOL fSaveZipToDir;
- BOOL fSaveUnZipFromDir;
- char szFilesToAdd[80];
- HWND hGetFilesDlg;
- /* Forward references */
- void WriteZipOptionsProfile(void);
- void ReadZipOptionsProfile(void);
- void GetWizOptions()
- {
- ReadZipOptionsProfile();
- }
- void ReadZipOptionsProfile()
- {
- int width, height, top;
- RECT rectT, re;
- HWND hWndDesktop;
- char szZipOptions[80];
- /* NOTE: ZpOpt.fLevel defaults to 6 unless specified otherwise */
- char szZipOptionsDefault[] = "6000000000000000000010100110111001001";
- int i=0;
- BOOL flag = FALSE;
- GetPrivateProfileString(szAppName, szZipOptionKey, szZipOptionsDefault,
- szZipOptions, 80, szWiZIniFile);
- if (lstrlen(szZipOptions) != lstrlen(szZipOptionsDefault))
- {
- lstrcpy(szZipOptions, szZipOptionsDefault);
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- ZpOpt.fLevel = szZipOptions[i++];
- ZpOpt.fSuffix = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fEncrypt = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fSystem = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fVolume = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fExtra = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fVerbose = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fQuiet = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fCRLF_LF = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fLF_CRLF = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fJunkDir = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fRecurse = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fGrow = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fForce = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fMove = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fUpdate = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fFreshen = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fLatestTime = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fComment = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- fSaveZipToDir = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- lpDCL->noflag = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- lpDCL->PromptToOverwrite = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- lpDCL->ExtractOnlyNewer = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- lpDCL->SpaceToUnderscore = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- uf.fSaveUnZipToDir = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- uf.fSaveUnZipFromDir = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- uf.fTranslate = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- uf.fRecreateDirs = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- uf.fFormatLong = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- uf.fShowBubbleHelp = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- uf.fUnzipToZipDir = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- fMakeSFX = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- fLB_Selection = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- lpDCL->fPrivilege = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- ZpOpt.fPrivilege = szZipOptions[i++]-'0';
- fMakeDosSFX = szZipOptions[i] -'0';
- /* If this is a 16 bit version, or if we are not running on NT, force
- disabling of privilege/acl stuff
- */
- #ifdef WIN32
- if (!dwPlatformId)
- #endif
- {
- lpDCL->fPrivilege = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fPrivilege = FALSE;
- }
- /* Verify that all entries are valid */
- if ((ZpOpt.fLevel < '0') || (ZpOpt.fLevel > '9'))
- {
- ZpOpt.fLevel = '6'; /* Set compression level to default */
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fPrivilege < 0) || (ZpOpt.fPrivilege > 3))
- {
- ZpOpt.fPrivilege = 0; /* Turn off privilege */
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((lpDCL->fPrivilege < 0) || (lpDCL->fPrivilege > 3))
- {
- lpDCL->fPrivilege = 0; /* Turn off privilege */
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fSuffix != 0) && (ZpOpt.fSuffix != 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fSuffix = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fEncrypt!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fEncrypt!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fEncrypt= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fSystem!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fSystem!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fSystem= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fVolume!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fVolume!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fVolume= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fExtra!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fExtra!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fExtra= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fVerbose!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fVerbose!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fVerbose= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fQuiet!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fQuiet!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fQuiet= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fCRLF_LF!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fCRLF_LF!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fCRLF_LF= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fLF_CRLF!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fLF_CRLF!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fLF_CRLF= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fJunkDir!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fJunkDir!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fJunkDir= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fRecurse!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fRecurse!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fRecurse= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fGrow!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fGrow!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fGrow= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fForce!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fForce!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fForce= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fMove!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fMove!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fMove= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fUpdate!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fUpdate!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fUpdate= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fFreshen!= 0) && (ZpOpt.fFreshen!= 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fFreshen= 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- ZpOpt.fJunkSFX = 0;
- if ((ZpOpt.fLatestTime != 0) && (ZpOpt.fLatestTime != 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fLatestTime = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((ZpOpt.fComment != 0) && (ZpOpt.fComment != 1))
- {
- ZpOpt.fComment = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((fSaveZipToDir != 0) && (fSaveZipToDir != 1))
- {
- fSaveZipToDir = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((lpDCL->noflag != 0) && (lpDCL->noflag != 1))
- {
- lpDCL->noflag = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((lpDCL->PromptToOverwrite != 0) && (lpDCL->PromptToOverwrite != 1))
- {
- lpDCL->PromptToOverwrite = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((lpDCL->ExtractOnlyNewer != 0) && (lpDCL->ExtractOnlyNewer != 1))
- {
- lpDCL->ExtractOnlyNewer = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((lpDCL->SpaceToUnderscore != 0) && (lpDCL->SpaceToUnderscore != 1))
- {
- lpDCL->SpaceToUnderscore = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((uf.fSaveUnZipToDir != 0) && (uf.fSaveUnZipToDir != 1))
- {
- uf.fSaveUnZipToDir = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((uf.fSaveUnZipFromDir != 0) && (uf.fSaveUnZipFromDir != 1))
- {
- uf.fSaveUnZipFromDir = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((uf.fTranslate != 0) && (uf.fTranslate != 1))
- {
- uf.fTranslate = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((uf.fRecreateDirs != 0) && (uf.fRecreateDirs != 1))
- {
- uf.fRecreateDirs = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((uf.fFormatLong != 0) && (uf.fFormatLong != 1))
- {
- uf.fFormatLong = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((uf.fShowBubbleHelp != 0) && (uf.fShowBubbleHelp != 1))
- {
- uf.fShowBubbleHelp = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((uf.fUnzipToZipDir != 0) && (uf.fUnzipToZipDir != 1))
- {
- uf.fUnzipToZipDir = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if ((fMakeSFX != 0) && (fMakeSFX != 1))
- {
- fMakeSFX = 0;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- /* If 16 bit version, then this will always be true */
- #ifdef WIN32
- if ((fMakeDosSFX != 0) && (fMakeDosSFX != 1))
- {
- fMakeDosSFX = 1;
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- #endif
- if ((fLB_Selection < 0) || (fLB_Selection > 2))
- {
- fLB_Selection = 1;
- wLBSelection = IDM_LB_DISPLAY; /* default listbox selection action */
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (fLB_Selection)
- {
- case 0:
- wLBSelection = IDM_LB_EXTRACT;
- break;
- case 1:
- wLBSelection = IDM_LB_DISPLAY;
- break;
- case 2:
- wLBSelection = IDM_LB_TEST;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* We never want these options to be saved, or restored */
- ZpOpt.fExcludeDate = FALSE; /* Date option */
- ZpOpt.fIncludeDate = FALSE;
- ZpOpt.fOffsets = FALSE; /* Adjust offsets option */
- ZpOpt.fRepair = FALSE; /* Fix archive options */
- /* Under WIN32 only long format is supported */
- #ifdef WIN32
- uf.fFormatLong = TRUE;
- #endif
- /* All entries have now been validated. */
- (WORD)(uf.fShowBubbleHelp ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED));
- CheckMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_SHORT, MF_BYCOMMAND|
- (WORD)(uf.fFormatLong ? MF_UNCHECKED : MF_CHECKED));
- CheckMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_LONG, MF_BYCOMMAND|
- (WORD)(uf.fFormatLong ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED));
- (uf.fRecreateDirs ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED));
- (uf.fSaveUnZipToDir ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED));
- (uf.fSaveUnZipFromDir ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED));
- CheckMenuItem(hMenu, wLBSelection, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED);
- (uf.fUnzipToZipDir ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED));
- EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_CHDIR, MF_BYCOMMAND |
- (uf.fUnzipToZipDir ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED));
- /* Get default "Zip To" directory */
- GetPrivateProfileString(szAppName, szZipToDirKey, "", szTargetZipDir,
- PATH_MAX, szWiZIniFile);
- /* Get default "unzip-to" directory */
- GetPrivateProfileString(szAppName, szDefaultUnzipToDir, "",
- szUnzipToDirName, PATH_MAX, szWiZIniFile);
- /* Get default "unzip-from" directory */
- GetPrivateProfileString(szAppName, szDefaultUnzipFromDir, "",
- lpumb->szUnzipFromDirName, PATH_MAX, szWiZIniFile);
- /* Set up default values for position and size */
- hWndDesktop = GetDesktopWindow();
- GetClientRect(hWndDesktop, &rectT);
- rectT.top = 2 * dyChar;
- /*
- * Adjust for 640 x 480 displays
- */
- width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
- height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
- if ((width == 640) || (height == 480))
- {
- /* If we are on a 640 x 480 display, take up two thirds of the
- real estate top to bottom, and three fourths of the screen
- display left to right.
- */
- rectT.bottom = ((rectT.bottom/3) * 2) +
- (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME));
- rectT.right = ((rectT.right/4) * 3) +
- (4 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) +
- (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)));
- }
- else
- {
- /* If we are not on a 640 x 480 display, take up one half of the
- real estate top to bottom, and one half of the screen display
- from left to right.
- */
- rectT.bottom = (rectT.bottom/2) +
- (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME));
- rectT.right = (rectT.right/2) +
- (4 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) +
- (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)));
- }
- rectT.left = 0;
- MainRc.left = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "left",
- rectT.left, szWiZIniFile);
- MainRc.right = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "right",
- rectT.right, szWiZIniFile);
- MainRc.top = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "top",
- rectT.top, szWiZIniFile);
- MainRc.bottom = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "bottom",
- rectT.bottom, szWiZIniFile);
- MoveWindow(hWndMain,
- MainRc.left,
- MainRc.top,
- MainRc.right,
- MainRc.bottom,
- TRUE);
- /* Pre-position the status/edit window to the default */
- /* Make the Edit/Status Window 1/3 the size of the client area of
- * hWndMain.
- */
- GetWindowRect(hWndMain, &rectT);
- top = rectT.bottom;
- rectT.bottom = (rectT.bottom - rectT.top)/3;
- rectT.top = top;
- rectT.right = rectT.right - rectT.left;
- WinAssert(hWndStatic);
- /* Now get the saved values, if any */
- re.left = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "Edit left",
- rectT.left, szWiZIniFile);
- re.right = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "Edit right",
- rectT.right, szWiZIniFile);
- re.top = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "Edit top",
- rectT.top, szWiZIniFile);
- re.bottom = GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppName, "Edit bottom",
- rectT.bottom, szWiZIniFile);
- MoveWindow(hWndStatic,
- re.left,
- re.top,
- re.right,
- re.bottom,
- TRUE);
- GetClientRect(hWndStatic, &re);
- MoveWindow(hWndEdit,
- re.left, re.top,
- re.right, re.bottom,
- if (flag) /* Something was wrong with the options string, re-write it */
- WriteZipOptionsProfile();
- }
- /* WriteZipOptionsProfile simply writes the WiZ options out to one string,
- rather than having an entire series of profile strings in the .ini file
- */
- void WriteZipOptionsProfile()
- {
- POINT pt;
- char szZipOptions[80];
- sprintf(szZipOptions,
- "%c%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u",
- ZpOpt.fLevel,
- ZpOpt.fSuffix,
- ZpOpt.fEncrypt,
- ZpOpt.fSystem,
- ZpOpt.fVolume,
- ZpOpt.fExtra,
- ZpOpt.fNoDirEntries,
- ZpOpt.fVerbose,
- ZpOpt.fQuiet,
- ZpOpt.fCRLF_LF,
- ZpOpt.fLF_CRLF,
- ZpOpt.fJunkDir,
- ZpOpt.fRecurse,
- ZpOpt.fGrow,
- ZpOpt.fForce,
- ZpOpt.fMove,
- ZpOpt.fUpdate,
- ZpOpt.fFreshen,
- ZpOpt.fLatestTime,
- ZpOpt.fComment,
- fSaveZipToDir,
- lpDCL->noflag,
- lpDCL->PromptToOverwrite,
- lpDCL->ExtractOnlyNewer,
- lpDCL->SpaceToUnderscore,
- uf.fSaveUnZipToDir,
- uf.fSaveUnZipFromDir,
- uf.fTranslate,
- uf.fRecreateDirs,
- uf.fFormatLong,
- uf.fShowBubbleHelp,
- uf.fUnzipToZipDir,
- fMakeSFX,
- fLB_Selection,
- lpDCL->fPrivilege,
- ZpOpt.fPrivilege,
- fMakeDosSFX);
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, szZipOptionKey,
- szZipOptions, szWiZIniFile);
- if (fSaveZipToDir)
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, szZipToDirKey, szTargetZipDir,
- szWiZIniFile);
- else
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, szZipToDirKey, "",
- szWiZIniFile);
- GetWindowRect(hWndMain, &MainRc);
- pt.x = MainRc.left;
- pt.y = MainRc.top;
- ScreenToClient(GetDesktopWindow(), &pt);
- MainRc.left = pt.x;
- MainRc.top = pt.y;
- pt.x = MainRc.right;
- pt.y = MainRc.bottom;
- ScreenToClient(GetDesktopWindow(), &pt);
- MainRc.right = pt.x - MainRc.left;
- MainRc.bottom = pt.y - MainRc.top;
- /* Save off the current window position/size */
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "left",
- itoa(MainRc.left, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "right",
- itoa(MainRc.right, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "top",
- itoa(MainRc.top, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "bottom",
- itoa(MainRc.bottom, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- /* Now let's save off the edit window position */
- GetWindowRect(hWndStatic, &MainRc);
- pt.x = MainRc.left;
- pt.y = MainRc.top;
- ScreenToClient(GetDesktopWindow(), &pt);
- MainRc.left = pt.x;
- MainRc.top = pt.y;
- pt.x = MainRc.right;
- pt.y = MainRc.bottom;
- ScreenToClient(GetDesktopWindow(), &pt);
- MainRc.right = pt.x - MainRc.left;
- MainRc.bottom = pt.y - MainRc.top;
- /* Save off the current window position/size */
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "Edit left",
- itoa(MainRc.left, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "Edit right",
- itoa(MainRc.right, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "Edit top",
- itoa(MainRc.top, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- WritePrivateProfileString(szAppName, "Edit bottom",
- itoa(MainRc.bottom, szZipOptions, 10),
- szWiZIniFile);
- }
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma warn -par
- #endif
- void ZipWndProc(HWND hWnd, WORD wMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- RECT rClient;
- #ifndef WIN32
- FARPROC lpfnPrefs;
- #endif
- switch (LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- ZipRetCode = FALSE;
- MakeArchive(hWnd);
- lstrcpy(lpumb->szZipFileName, ZpZCL.lpszZipFN);
- if (ZipRetCode == ZE_OK)
- {
- lstrcpy(lpumb->szFileName, lpumb->szZipFileName);
- UpdateListBox();
- WinAssert(hWndList);
- GetClientRect( hWndList, &rClient );
- OffsetRect( &rClient, 0, dyChar );
- rClient.top = rClient.bottom;
- rClient.bottom = rClient.top + (6*dyChar);
- #ifndef WIN32
- SendMessage(hWndList, LB_SETSEL, 1, 0L);
- #else
- ListViewSetSel(0, TRUE);
- #endif
- UpdateButtons(); /* update state of buttons */
- SetCaption(hWnd);
- InvalidateRect( hWnd, &rClient, TRUE);
- }
- break;
- {
- #ifndef WIN32
- lpfnPrefs = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)ZipPreferencesProc, hInst);
- DialogBox(hInst, "ZIP_PREFS", hWnd, lpfnPrefs);
- FreeProcInstance(lpfnPrefs);
- #else
- DialogBox(hInst, "ZIP_PREFS", hWnd, (DLGPROC)ZipPreferencesProc);
- #endif
- }
- break;
- {
- #ifndef WIN32
- lpfnPrefs = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)UnZipPreferencesProc, hInst);
- DialogBox(hInst, "UNZIP_PREFS", hWnd, lpfnPrefs);
- FreeProcInstance(lpfnPrefs);
- #else
- DialogBox(hInst, "UNZIP_PREFS", hWnd, (DLGPROC)UnZipPreferencesProc);
- #endif
- }
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma warn .par
- #endif