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Visual C++
- // DEMOII5_4.CPP - Quaternion lab
- // INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #ifndef INITGUID
- #define INITGUID // you need this or DXGUID.LIB
- #endif
- #include <windows.h> // include important windows stuff
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <objbase.h>
- #include <iostream.h> // include important C/C++ stuff
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <direct.h>
- #include <wchar.h>
- #include <ddraw.h> // needed for defs in T3DLIB1.H
- #include "T3DLIB1.H" // T3DLIB4 is based on some defs in this
- #include "T3DLIB4.H"
- // DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CLASSES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // define vars expected by graphics engine to compile
- HWND main_window_handle;
- // FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void main()
- {
- QUAT q1={0,0,0,0},
- q1tmp={0,0,0,},
- q2={0,0,0,0},
- q2tmp={0,0,0,},
- qtmp={0,0,0,},
- qv={0,0,0,}; // our working quaterions
- VECTOR3D v={0,0,0}, vtmp; // working vectors
- POINT3D p={0,0,0}, ptmp; // working points
- float theta; // general angle
- // open the error system, so we can see output
- // notice the last parameter "stdout" this tell the error
- // system that we don't want to write errors to a text file
- // but straight out to the screen!
- Open_Error_File("", stdout);
- printf("nQuaternion Lab");
- printf("nNote: the lab uses a number of variables to perform various operations");
- printf("nThey are quaterions q1,q2, and qtmp, along with the vector v.");
- printf("nMany operations will be stored in the temporary quaternion qtmpn");
- int sel; // user selection
- int done=0; // exit flag
- // main loop
- while(!done)
- {
- // draw menu
- printf("nQuaternion Lab Menu - (c) Alien Programmers Inc. - We're ready to invade you!");
- printf("n(1) Enter q1 in general format: w1,x1,y1,z1?");
- printf("n(2) Enter in rotation quaterion and store in q1");
- printf("n(3) Enter q2 in general format: w1,x1,y1,z1?");
- printf("n(4) Enter vector v in format: x,y,z?");
- printf("n(5) Print q1");
- printf("n(6) Print q2");
- printf("n(7) Print qtmp");
- printf("n(8) Print v");
- printf("n(9) Add q1+q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(10) Subtract q1-q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(11) Normalize q1 (note alters q1)");
- printf("n(12) Normalize q2 (note alters q1)");
- printf("n(13) Compute conjugate of q1, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(14) Compute conjugate of q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(15) Compute inverse of q1, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(16) Compute inverse of q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(17) Multiply q1*q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(18) Multiply q2*q1, note result is stored in qtmp");
- printf("n(19) Compute triple product q1*vector*q1(-1) and store in qtmp, ");
- printf("nthis will rotate v assuming q1 is a unit rotation quaterion");
- printf("n(20) Clear All");
- printf("n(21) Exit");
- printf("nMake Selection and Press Enter?");
- scanf("%d",&sel);
- // what to do?
- switch(sel)
- {
- case 1: // printf("n(1) Enter q1 in general format: w1,x1,y1,z1?");
- {
- printf("nEnter q1 in general format: w1,x1,y1,z1?");
- scanf("%f, %f, %f, %f", &q1.w, &q1.x, &q1.y, &q1.z);
- } break;
- case 2: // printf("n(2) Enter in rotation quaterion and store in q1");
- {
- printf("nEnter in direction vector v you wish to rotate about in form: x,y,z");
- printf("n(system will normalize, so it need not have unit length)?");
- scanf("%f, %f, %f", &vtmp.x, &vtmp.y, &vtmp.z);
- printf("nEnter in angle of rotation in degrees (0-360)?");
- scanf("%f",&theta);
- printf("nGenerating rotation quaterion %f degree around vector (%f, %f, %f)...",
- theta, vtmp.x, vtmp.y, vtmp.z);
- // normalize v
- VECTOR3D_Normalize(&vtmp);
- // compute quaterion
- VECTOR3D_Theta_To_QUAT(&q1, &vtmp, DEG_TO_RAD(theta));
- QUAT_Print(&q1,"q1 in rotation format");
- } break;
- case 3: // printf("n(3) Enter q2 in general format: w1,x1,y1,z1?");
- {
- printf("nEnter q2 in general format: w1,x1,y1,z1?");
- scanf("%f, %f, %f, %f", &q2.w, &q2.x, &q2.y, &q2.z);
- } break;
- case 4: // printf("n(4) Enter vector v in format: x,y,z?");
- {
- printf("nEnter vector v in format: x,y,z?");
- scanf("%f, %f, %f", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z);
- } break;
- case 5: // printf("n(5) Print q1");
- {
- QUAT_Print(&q1,"q1");
- } break;
- case 6: // printf("n(6) Print q2");
- {
- QUAT_Print(&q2,"q2");
- } break;
- case 7: // printf("n(7) Print qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp");
- } break;
- case 8: // printf("n(8) Print v");
- {
- VECTOR3D_Print(&v,"v");
- } break;
- case 9: // printf("n(9) Add q1+q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Add(&q1, &q2, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp=q1+q2");
- } break;
- case 10: // printf("n(10) Subtract q1-q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Sub(&q1, &q2, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp=q1-q2");
- } break;
- case 11: // printf("n(11) Normalize q1 (note alters q1)");
- {
- QUAT_Normalize(&q1);
- QUAT_Print(&q1,"q1");
- } break;
- case 12: // printf("n(12) Normalize q2 (note alters q1)");
- {
- QUAT_Normalize(&q1);
- QUAT_Print(&q1,"q1");
- } break;
- case 13: // printf("n(13) Compute conjugate of q1, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Conjugate(&q1, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp = q1*");
- } break;
- case 14: // printf("n(14) Compute conjugate of q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Conjugate(&q2, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp = q2*");
- } break;
- case 15: // printf("n(15) Compute inverse of q1, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Inverse(&q1, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp = q1(-1)");
- } break;
- case 16: // printf("n(16) Compute inverse of q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Inverse(&q2, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp = q2(-1)");
- } break;
- case 17: // printf("n(17) Multiply q1*q2, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Mul(&q1, &q2, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp=q1 * q2");
- } break;
- case 18: // printf("n(18) Multiply q2*q1, note result is stored in qtmp");
- {
- QUAT_Mul(&q2, &q1, &qtmp);
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"qtmp=q2 * q1");
- } break;
- case 19: // printf("n(19) Compute triple product q1*vector*q1(-1) and store in qtmp,
- // this will rotate v assuming q1 is a unit rotation quaterion");
- {
- printf("nComputing triple product...note q1 will be normalized if length <> 1");
- QUAT_Normalize(&q1);
- printf("nAssuming q1 represents rotation quaternion, value is:");
- QUAT_Print(&q1,"q1");
- printf("nVector v represent point or vector to be rotated, value is:");
- VECTOR3D_Print(&v,"v");
- printf("nv after conversion to quaternion format is:");
- // vector must be converted to a quaternion
- QUAT_INIT_VECTOR3D(&qv, &v);
- QUAT_Print(&qv,"qv");
- // now perform triple product, but conjugate = inverse for unit quaterions
- // so all we need for inverse is to compute conjugate of q1
- QUAT_Conjugate(&q1, &q1tmp);
- // now perform triple multiply q1 * v(in q format) * q1(-1)
- // this will rotate v
- QUAT_Triple_Product(&q1, &qv, &q1tmp, &qtmp);
- printf("nResulting quaternion after multiplication is v rotated which equals:");
- QUAT_Print(&qtmp,"v rotated in quaternion format");
- } break;
- case 20: // printf("n(20) Clear All");
- {
- // simply clear all values
- QUAT_ZERO(&q1);
- QUAT_ZERO(&q2);
- QUAT_ZERO(&qtmp);
- } break;
- case 21: // printf("n(21) Exit");
- {
- // set exit flag
- done=1;
- } break;
- default: break;
- } // end switch
- printf("nPress Spacebar to continue...");
- getch();
- } // end while
- // close error system
- Close_Error_File();
- } // end main