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Visual C++
- // T3DLIB7.H - header file for T3DLIB7.H
- // watch for multiple inclusions
- #ifndef T3DLIB7
- #define T3DLIB7
- // DEFINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // defines for texture mapper triangular analysis
- #define TRI_TYPE_NONE 0
- #define TRI_TYPE_FLAT_TOP 1
- #define TRI_TYPE_FLAT_MASK 3
- #define TRI_TYPE_GENERAL 4
- #define INTERP_LHS 0
- #define INTERP_RHS 1
- // defines for polygons and faces version 2
- // attributes of polygons and polygon faces
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_2SIDED 0x0001
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_TRANSPARENT 0x0002
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_8BITCOLOR 0x0004
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_RGB16 0x0008
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_RGB24 0x0010
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_PURE 0x0020
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_CONSTANT 0x0020 // (alias)
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_EMISSIVE 0x0020 // (alias)
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_FLAT 0x0040
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_FASTPHONG 0x0100 // (alias)
- // new
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_ENABLE_MATERIAL 0x0800 // use a real material for lighting
- #define POLY4DV2_ATTR_DISABLE_MATERIAL 0x1000 // use basic color only for lighting (emulate version 1.0)
- // states of polygons and faces
- #define POLY4DV2_STATE_NULL 0x0000
- #define POLY4DV2_STATE_ACTIVE 0x0001
- #define POLY4DV2_STATE_CLIPPED 0x0002
- #define POLY4DV2_STATE_BACKFACE 0x0004
- #define POLY4DV2_STATE_LIT 0x0008
- // (new) used for simple model formats to override/control the lighting
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_OVERRIDE_MASK 0xf000 // this masks these bits to extract them
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_OVERRIDE_EMISSIVE 0x1000 //(alias)
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_TEXTURE_U 0x0080 // invert u texture coordinate
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_TEXTURE_V 0x0100 // invert v texture coordinate
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_SWAP_UV 0x0800 // swap u and v texture coordinates
- // defines for objects version 2
- // objects use dynamic allocation now, but keep as max values
- #define OBJECT4DV2_MAX_VERTICES 4096 // 64
- #define OBJECT4DV2_MAX_POLYS 8192 // 128
- // states for objects
- #define OBJECT4DV2_STATE_NULL 0x0000
- #define OBJECT4DV2_STATE_ACTIVE 0x0001
- #define OBJECT4DV2_STATE_VISIBLE 0x0002
- #define OBJECT4DV2_STATE_CULLED 0x0004
- // new
- #define OBJECT4DV2_ATTR_SINGLE_FRAME 0x0001 // single frame object (emulates ver 1.0)
- #define OBJECT4DV2_ATTR_MULTI_FRAME 0x0002 // multi frame object for .md2 support etc.
- #define OBJECT4DV2_ATTR_TEXTURES 0x0004 // flags if object contains textured polys?
- // render list defines ver 2.0
- #define RENDERLIST4DV2_MAX_POLYS 32768
- // defines for vertices, these are "hints" to the transform and
- // lighting systems to help determine if a particular vertex has
- // a valid normal that must be rotated, or a texture coordinate
- // that must be clipped etc., this helps us minmize load during lighting
- // and rendering since we can determine exactly what kind of vertex we
- // are dealing with, something like a (direct3d) flexible vertex format in
- // as much as it can hold:
- // point
- // point + normal
- // point + normal + texture coordinates
- #define VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_NULL 0x0000 // this vertex is empty
- #define VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_POINT 0x0001
- #define VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_NORMAL 0x0002
- #define VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_TEXTURE 0x0004
- // these are some defines for conditional compilation of the new rasterizers
- // I don't want 80 million different functions, so I have decided to
- // use some conditionals to change some of the logic in each
- // these names aren't necessarily the most accurate, but 3 should be enough
- #define RASTERIZER_ACCURATE 0 // sub-pixel accurate with fill convention
- #define RASTERIZER_FAST 1 //
- // set this to the mode you want the engine to use
- // TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // integer 2D vector, point without the w ////////////////////////
- typedef struct VECTOR2DI_TYP
- {
- union
- {
- int M[2]; // array indexed storage
- // explicit names
- struct
- {
- int x,y;
- }; // end struct
- }; // end union
- // integer 3D vector, point without the w ////////////////////////
- typedef struct VECTOR3DI_TYP
- {
- union
- {
- int M[3]; // array indexed storage
- // explicit names
- struct
- {
- int x,y,z;
- }; // end struct
- }; // end union
- // integer 4D homogenous vector, point with w ////////////////////
- typedef struct VECTOR4DI_TYP
- {
- union
- {
- int M[4]; // array indexed storage
- // explicit names
- struct
- {
- int x,y,z,w;
- }; // end struct
- }; // end union
- // 4D homogeneous vertex with 2 texture coordinates, and vertex normal ////////////////
- // normal can be interpreted as vector or point
- typedef struct VERTEX4DTV1_TYP
- {
- union
- {
- float M[12]; // array indexed storage
- // explicit names
- struct
- {
- float x,y,z,w; // point
- float nx,ny,nz,nw; // normal (vector or point)
- float u0,v0; // texture coordinates
- float i; // final vertex intensity after lighting
- int attr; // attributes/ extra texture coordinates
- }; // end struct
- // high level types
- struct
- {
- POINT4D v; // the vertex
- VECTOR4D n; // the normal
- POINT2D t; // texture coordinates
- };
- }; // end union
- // a self contained polygon used for the render list version 2 /////////////////////////
- typedef struct POLYF4DV2_TYP
- {
- int state; // state information
- int attr; // physical attributes of polygon
- int color; // color of polygon
- int lit_color[3]; // holds colors after lighting, 0 for flat shading
- // 0,1,2 for vertex colors after vertex lighting
- BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR texture; // pointer to the texture information for simple texture mapping
- int mati; // material index (-1) for no material (new)
- float nlength; // length of the polygon normal if not normalized (new)
- VECTOR4D normal; // the general polygon normal (new)
- float avg_z; // average z of vertices, used for simple sorting (new)
- VERTEX4DTV1 vlist[3]; // the vertices of this triangle
- VERTEX4DTV1 tvlist[3]; // the vertices after transformation if needed
- POLYF4DV2_TYP *next; // pointer to next polygon in list??
- POLYF4DV2_TYP *prev; // pointer to previous polygon in list??
- // a polygon ver 2.0 based on an external vertex list //////////////////////////////////
- typedef struct POLY4DV2_TYP
- {
- int state; // state information
- int attr; // physical attributes of polygon
- int color; // color of polygon
- int lit_color[3]; // holds colors after lighting, 0 for flat shading
- // 0,1,2 for vertex colors after vertex lighting
- BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR texture; // pointer to the texture information for simple texture mapping
- int mati; // material index (-1) no material (new)
- VERTEX4DTV1_PTR vlist; // the vertex list itself
- POINT2D_PTR tlist; // the texture list itself (new)
- int vert[3]; // the indices into the vertex list
- int text[3]; // the indices into the texture coordinate list (new)
- float nlength; // length of normal (new)
- // an object ver 2.0 based on a vertex list and list of polygons //////////////////////////
- // this new object has a lot more flexibility and it supports "framed" animation
- // that is this object can hold hundreds of frames of an animated mesh as long as
- // the mesh has the same polygons and geometry, but with changing vertex positions
- // similar to the Quake II .md2 format
- typedef struct OBJECT4DV2_TYP
- {
- int id; // numeric id of this object
- char name[64]; // ASCII name of object just for kicks
- int state; // state of object
- int attr; // attributes of object
- int mati; // material index overide (-1) - no material (new)
- float *avg_radius; // [OBJECT4DV2_MAX_FRAMES]; // average radius of object used for collision detection
- float *max_radius; // [OBJECT4DV2_MAX_FRAMES]; // maximum radius of object
- POINT4D world_pos; // position of object in world
- VECTOR4D dir; // rotation angles of object in local
- // cords or unit direction vector user defined???
- VECTOR4D ux,uy,uz; // local axes to track full orientation
- // this is updated automatically during
- // rotation calls
- int num_vertices; // number of vertices per frame of this object
- int num_frames; // number of frames
- int total_vertices; // total vertices, redudant, but it saves a multiply in a lot of places
- int curr_frame; // current animation frame (0) if single frame
- VERTEX4DTV1_PTR vlist_local; // [OBJECT4DV1_MAX_VERTICES]; // array of local vertices
- VERTEX4DTV1_PTR vlist_trans; // [OBJECT4DV1_MAX_VERTICES]; // array of transformed vertices
- // these are needed to track the "head" of the vertex list for mult-frame objects
- VERTEX4DTV1_PTR head_vlist_local;
- VERTEX4DTV1_PTR head_vlist_trans;
- // texture coordinates list (new)
- POINT2D_PTR tlist; // 3*num polys at max
- BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR texture; // pointer to the texture information for simple texture mapping (new)
- int num_polys; // number of polygons in object mesh
- POLY4DV2_PTR plist; // ptr to polygons (new)
- int ivar1, ivar2; // auxiliary vars
- float fvar1, fvar2; // auxiliary vars
- // METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // setting the frame is so important that it should be a member function
- // calling functions without doing this can wreak havok!
- int Set_Frame(int frame);
- // object to hold the render list version 2.0, this way we can have more
- // than one render list at a time
- typedef struct RENDERLIST4DV2_TYP
- {
- int state; // state of renderlist ???
- int attr; // attributes of renderlist ???
- // the render list is an array of pointers each pointing to
- // a self contained "renderable" polygon face POLYF4DV2
- // additionally to cut down on allocatation, de-allocation
- // of polygons each frame, here's where the actual polygon
- // faces will be stored
- int num_polys; // number of polys in render list
- // CLASSES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // MACROS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // floating point comparison
- #define FCMP(a,b) ( (fabs(a-b) < EPSILON_E3) ? 1 : 0)
- inline void VERTEX4DTV1_COPY(VERTEX4DTV1_PTR vdst, VERTEX4DTV1_PTR vsrc)
- { *vdst = *vsrc; }
- inline void VERTEX4DTV1_INIT(VERTEX4DTV1_PTR vdst, VERTEX4DTV1_PTR vsrc)
- { *vdst = *vsrc; }
- inline float VECTOR4D_Length_Fast2(VECTOR4D_PTR va)
- {
- // this function computes the distance from the origin to x,y,z
- int temp; // used for swaping
- int x,y,z; // used for algorithm
- // make sure values are all positive
- x = fabs(va->x) * 1024;
- y = fabs(va->y) * 1024;
- z = fabs(va->z) * 1024;
- // sort values
- if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp)
- if (z < y) SWAP(y,z,temp)
- if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp)
- int dist = (z + 11 * (y >> 5) + (x >> 2) );
- // compute distance with 8% error
- return((float)(dist >> 10));
- } // end VECTOR4D_Length_Fast2
- // TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // EXTERNALS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern UCHAR logbase2ofx[513];
- extern UCHAR rgblightlookup[4096][256]; // rgb 8.12 lighting table lookup
- extern char texture_path[80]; // root path to ALL textures, make current directory for now
- // PROTOTYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char *Extract_Filename_From_Path(char *filepath, char *filename);
- int Set_OBJECT4DV2_Frame(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, int frame);
- int Destroy_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj);
- int Init_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // object to allocate
- int _num_vertices,
- int _num_polys,
- int _num_frames,
- int destroy=0);
- void Translate_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, VECTOR4D_PTR vt);
- void Scale_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, VECTOR4D_PTR vs, int all_frames=0);
- void Transform_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, MATRIX4X4_PTR mt,
- int coord_select, int transform_basis, int all_frames=0);
- void Rotate_XYZ_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj,
- float theta_x,
- float theta_y,
- float theta_z,
- int all_frames);
- void Model_To_World_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, int coord_select = TRANSFORM_LOCAL_TO_TRANS, int all_frames=0);
- int Cull_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam, int cull_flags);
- void Remove_Backfaces_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Remove_Backfaces_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list, CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void World_To_Camera_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Camera_To_Perspective_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Perspective_To_Screen_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Camera_To_Perspective_Screen_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Camera_To_Perspective_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Camera_To_Perspective_Screen_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Perspective_To_Screen_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Convert_From_Homogeneous4D_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj);
- POLY4DV2_PTR poly);
- POLYF4DV2_PTR poly);
- int insert_local);
- void Reset_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj);
- int Compute_OBJECT4DV2_Poly_Normals(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV2_Wire(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV2_Wire16(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV2_Wire(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV2_Wire16(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV2_Solid(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV2_Solid16(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV2_Textured(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV2_Textured(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch, BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR texture);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV2_Textured16(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch, BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR texture);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid2_16(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Solid2(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid2(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void World_To_Camera_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid2_16(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Solid2(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid2(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Textured(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Textured(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch, BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR texture);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Textured16(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch, BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR texture);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV2_Gouraud16(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Solid2_16(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid2_16(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Solid2_16(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid2_16(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Solid2(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid2(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- float Compute_OBJECT4DV2_Radius(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj);
- int Compute_OBJECT4DV2_Vertex_Normals(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj);
- int Load_OBJECT4DV2_PLG(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to object
- char *filename, // filename of plg file
- VECTOR4D_PTR scale, // initial scaling factors
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot, // initial rotations
- int vertex_flags=0); // flags to re-order vertices
- int Load_OBJECT4DV2_3DSASC(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to object
- char *filename, // filename of ASC file
- VECTOR4D_PTR scale, // initial scaling factors
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot, // initial rotations
- int vertex_flags=0); // flags to re-order vertices
- int Load_OBJECT4DV2_COB(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to object
- char *filename, // filename of Caligari COB file
- VECTOR4D_PTR scale, // initial scaling factors
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot, // initial rotations
- int vertex_flags=0); // flags to re-order vertices
- // and perform transforms
- void Reset_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list);
- int RGB_12_8_Lighting_Table_Builder(LPPALETTEENTRY src_palette, // source palette
- UCHAR rgblookup[4096][256]); // lookup table
- int Light_OBJECT4DV2_World16(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // object to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- int Light_OBJECT4DV2_World(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // object to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- int Light_RENDERLIST4DV2_World(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list, // list to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- int Light_RENDERLIST4DV2_World16(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list, // list to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- // z-sort algorithm (simple painters algorithm)
- void Sort_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list, int sort_method);
- // avg z-compare
- int Compare_AvgZ_POLYF4DV2(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
- // near z-compare
- int Compare_NearZ_POLYF4DV2(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
- // far z-compare
- int Compare_FarZ_POLYF4DV2(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
- void Draw_Textured_Triangle(POLYF4DV2_PTR face, UCHAR *dest_buffer, int mem_pitch);
- void Draw_Textured_TriangleFS(POLYF4DV2_PTR face, // ptr to face
- UCHAR *_dest_buffer, // pointer to video buffer
- int mem_pitch); // bytes per line, 320, 640 etc.
- void Draw_Textured_Triangle16(POLYF4DV2_PTR face, UCHAR *dest_buffer, int mem_pitch);
- void Draw_Textured_TriangleFS16(POLYF4DV2_PTR face, // ptr to face
- UCHAR *_dest_buffer, // pointer to video buffer
- int mem_pitch); // bytes per line, 320, 640 etc.
- void Draw_Gouraud_Triangle16(POLYF4DV2_PTR face, // ptr to face
- UCHAR *_dest_buffer, // pointer to video buffer
- int mem_pitch); // bytes per line, 320, 640 etc.
- void Draw_Gouraud_Triangle(POLYF4DV2_PTR face, // ptr to face
- UCHAR *dest_buffer, // pointer to video buffer
- int mem_pitch); // bytes per line, 320, 640 etc.
- void Draw_Top_Tri2_16(float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3,
- int color,
- UCHAR *_dest_buffer, int mempitch);
- void Draw_Bottom_Tri2_16(float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3,
- int color,
- UCHAR *_dest_buffer, int mempitch);
- void Draw_Triangle_2D2_16(float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3,
- int color,
- UCHAR *dest_buffer, int mempitch);
- void Draw_Top_Tri2(float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3,
- int color,
- UCHAR *_dest_buffer, int mempitch);
- void Draw_Bottom_Tri2(float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3,
- int color,
- UCHAR *_dest_buffer, int mempitch);
- void Draw_Triangle_2D2(float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3,
- int color,
- UCHAR *dest_buffer, int mempitch);
- int Load_Bitmap_File2(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap, char *filename);
- int Load_Bitmap_PCX_File(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap, char *filename);
- #endif