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Visual C++
- // T3DLIB3.H - Header file for T3DLIB3.CPP game engine library
- // watch for multiple inclusions
- #ifndef T3DLIB3
- #define T3DLIB3
- // DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define DM_NUM_SEGMENTS 64 // number of midi segments that can be cached in memory
- // midi object state defines
- #define MIDI_NULL 0 // this midi object is not loaded
- #define MIDI_LOADED 1 // this midi object is loaded
- #define MIDI_PLAYING 2 // this midi object is loaded and playing
- #define MIDI_STOPPED 3 // this midi object is loaded, but stopped
- #define MAX_SOUNDS 256 // max number of sounds in system at once
- // digital sound object state defines
- #define SOUND_NULL 0 // " "
- #define SOUND_LOADED 1
- #define SOUND_PLAYING 2
- #define SOUND_STOPPED 3
- // directx 7.0 compatibility
- #endif
- // MACROS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define DSVOLUME_TO_DB(volume) ((DWORD)(-30*(100 - volume)))
- // Convert from multibyte format to Unicode using the following macro:
- #define MULTI_TO_WIDE( x,y ) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED, y,-1,x,_MAX_PATH);
- // initializes a direct draw struct
- #define DD_INIT_STRUCT(ddstruct) { memset(&ddstruct,0,sizeof(ddstruct)); ddstruct.dwSize=sizeof(ddstruct); }
- // TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // this holds a single sound
- typedef struct pcm_sound_typ
- {
- LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER dsbuffer; // the ds buffer containing the sound
- int state; // state of the sound
- int rate; // playback rate
- int size; // size of sound
- int id; // id number of the sound
- } pcm_sound, *pcm_sound_ptr;
- // directmusic MIDI segment
- typedef struct DMUSIC_MIDI_TYP
- {
- IDirectMusicSegment *dm_segment; // the directmusic segment
- IDirectMusicSegmentState *dm_segstate; // the state of the segment
- int id; // the id of this segment
- int state; // state of midi song
- // PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // directsound
- int DSound_Load_WAV(char *filename, int control_flags = DSBCAPS_CTRLDEFAULT);
- int DSound_Replicate_Sound(int source_id);
- int DSound_Play(int id, int flags=0, int volume=0, int rate=0, int pan=0);
- int DSound_Stop_Sound(int id);
- int DSound_Stop_All_Sounds(void);
- int DSound_Init(void);
- int DSound_Shutdown(void);
- int DSound_Delete_Sound(int id);
- int DSound_Delete_All_Sounds(void);
- int DSound_Status_Sound(int id);
- int DSound_Set_Volume(int id,int vol);
- int DSound_Set_Freq(int id,int freq);
- int DSound_Set_Pan(int id,int pan);
- // directmusic
- int DMusic_Load_MIDI(char *filename);
- int DMusic_Play(int id);
- int DMusic_Stop(int id);
- int DMusic_Shutdown(void);
- int DMusic_Delete_MIDI(int id);
- int DMusic_Delete_All_MIDI(void);
- int DMusic_Status_MIDI(int id);
- int DMusic_Init(void);
- // directmusic
- // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // EXTERNALS //////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern HWND main_window_handle; // save the window handle
- extern HINSTANCE main_instance; // save the instance
- extern LPDIRECTSOUND lpds; // directsound interface pointer
- extern DSBUFFERDESC dsbd; // directsound description
- extern DSCAPS dscaps; // directsound caps
- extern HRESULT dsresult; // general directsound result
- extern DSBCAPS dsbcaps; // directsound buffer caps
- extern LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER lpdsbprimary; // the primary mixing buffer
- extern pcm_sound sound_fx[MAX_SOUNDS]; // the array of secondary sound buffers
- extern WAVEFORMATEX pcmwf; // generic waveformat structure
- // direct music globals
- extern IDirectMusicPerformance *dm_perf ; // the directmusic performance manager
- extern IDirectMusicLoader *dm_loader; // the directmusic loader
- // this hold all the directmusic midi objects
- extern DMUSIC_MIDI dm_midi[DM_NUM_SEGMENTS];
- extern int dm_active_id; // currently active midi segment
- #endif