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Visual C++
- // T3DLIB6.H - header file for T3DLIB6.H
- // watch for multiple inclusions
- #ifndef T3DLIB6
- #define T3DLIB6
- // DEFINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_X 0x0001 // inverts the Z-coordinates
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_Y 0x0002 // inverts the Z-coordinates
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_Z 0x0004 // inverts the Z-coordinates
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_SWAP_YZ 0x0008 // transforms a RHS model to a LHS model
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_SWAP_XZ 0x0010
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_SWAP_XY 0x0020
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_WINDING_ORDER 0x0040 // invert winding order from cw to ccw or ccw to cc
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_TRANSFORM_LOCAL 0x0200 // if file format has local transform then do it!
- #define VERTEX_FLAGS_TRANSFORM_LOCAL_WORLD 0x0400 // if file format has local to world then do it!
- // defines for materials, follow our polygon attributes as much as possible
- #define MATV1_ATTR_2SIDED 0x0001
- #define MATV1_ATTR_TRANSPARENT 0x0002
- #define MATV1_ATTR_8BITCOLOR 0x0004
- #define MATV1_ATTR_RGB16 0x0008
- #define MATV1_ATTR_RGB24 0x0010
- #define MATV1_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_EMMISIVE 0x0020 // alias
- #define MATV1_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_FLAT 0x0040
- // defines for material system
- #define MAX_MATERIALS 256
- // states of materials
- #define MATV1_STATE_ACTIVE 0x0001
- #define MATV1_STATE_INACTIVE 0x0001
- // defines for light types
- #define LIGHTV1_ATTR_AMBIENT 0x0001 // basic ambient light
- #define LIGHTV1_ATTR_INFINITE 0x0002 // infinite light source
- #define LIGHTV1_ATTR_DIRECTIONAL 0x0002 // infinite light source (alias)
- #define LIGHTV1_ATTR_POINT 0x0004 // point light source
- #define LIGHTV1_ATTR_SPOTLIGHT1 0x0008 // spotlight type 1 (simple)
- #define LIGHTV1_ATTR_SPOTLIGHT2 0x0010 // spotlight type 2 (complex)
- #define LIGHTV1_STATE_ON 1 // light on
- #define LIGHTV1_STATE_OFF 0 // light off
- #define MAX_LIGHTS 8 // good luck with 1!
- // polygon sorting, and painters algorithm defines
- // flags for sorting algorithm
- #define SORT_POLYLIST_AVGZ 0 // sorts on average of all vertices
- #define SORT_POLYLIST_NEARZ 1 // sorts on closest z vertex of each poly
- #define SORT_POLYLIST_FARZ 2 // sorts on farthest z vertex of each poly
- #define PARSER_DEBUG_OFF // enables/disables conditional compilation
- #define PARSER_STRIP_EMPTY_LINES 1 // strips all blank lines
- #define PARSER_LEAVE_EMPTY_LINES 2 // leaves empty lines
- #define PARSER_STRIP_WS_ENDS 4 // strips ws space at ends of line
- #define PARSER_LEAVE_WS_ENDS 8 // leaves it
- #define PARSER_STRIP_COMMENTS 16 // strips comments out
- #define PARSER_LEAVE_COMMENTS 32 // leaves comments in
- #define PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE 256 // size of parser line buffer
- #define PARSER_MAX_COMMENT 16 // maximum size of comment delimeter string
- #define PARSER_DEFAULT_COMMENT "#" // default comment string for parser
- // pattern language
- #define PATTERN_TOKEN_INT 'i'
- // state machine defines for pattern matching
- #define PATTERN_MAX_ARGS 16
- // TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // RGB+alpha color
- typedef struct RGBAV1_TYP
- {
- union
- {
- int rgba; // compressed format
- UCHAR rgba_M[4]; // array format
- struct { UCHAR a,b,g,r; }; // explict name format
- }; // end union
- // a first version of a "material"
- typedef struct MATV1_TYP
- {
- int state; // state of material
- int id; // id of this material, index into material array
- char name[64]; // name of material
- int attr; // attributes, the modes for shading, constant, flat,
- // gouraud, fast phong, environment, textured etc.
- // and other special flags...
- RGBAV1 color; // color of material
- float ka, kd, ks, power; // ambient, diffuse, specular,
- // coefficients, note they are
- // separate and scalars since many
- // modelers use this format
- // along with specular power
- RGBAV1 ra, rd, rs; // the reflectivities/colors pre-
- // multiplied, to more match our
- // definitions, each is basically
- // computed by multiplying the
- // color by the k's, eg:
- // rd = color*kd etc.
- char texture_file[80]; // file location of texture
- BITMAP_IMAGE texture; // actual texture map (if any)
- int iaux1, iaux2; // auxiliary vars for future expansion
- float faux1, faux2;
- void *ptr;
- } MATV1, *MATV1_PTR;
- // first light structure
- typedef struct LIGHTV1_TYP
- {
- int state; // state of light
- int id; // id of light
- int attr; // type of light, and extra qualifiers
- RGBAV1 c_ambient; // ambient light intensity
- RGBAV1 c_diffuse; // diffuse light intensity
- RGBAV1 c_specular; // specular light intensity
- POINT4D pos; // position of light
- VECTOR4D dir; // direction of light
- float kc, kl, kq; // attenuation factors
- float spot_inner; // inner angle for spot light
- float spot_outer; // outer angle for spot light
- float pf; // power factor/falloff for spot lights
- int iaux1, iaux2; // auxiliary vars for future expansion
- float faux1, faux2;
- void *ptr;
- // pcx file header
- typedef struct PCX_HEADER_TYP
- {
- UCHAR manufacturer; // always 0x0A
- UCHAR version; // version 0x05 for version 3.0 and later
- UCHAR encoding; // always 1
- UCHAR bits_per_pixel; // bits per pixel 1,2,4,8
- USHORT xmin, ymin; // coordinates of upper left corner
- USHORT xmax, ymax; // coordinates of lower right corner
- USHORT hres; // horizontal resolution of image in dpi 75/100 typ
- USHORT yres; // vertical resolution of image in dpi 75/100
- UCHAR EGAcolors[48]; // ega palette, not used for 256 color images
- UCHAR reserved; // reserved for future use, video mode?
- UCHAR color_planes; // number of color planes 3 for 24-bit imagery
- USHORT bytes_per_line; // bytes per line, always even!
- USHORT palette_type; // 1 for gray scale, 2 for color palette
- USHORT scrnw; // width of screen image taken from
- USHORT scrnh; // height of screen image taken from
- UCHAR filler[54]; // filler bytes
- // CLASSES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // parser class ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CPARSERV1
- {
- public:
- // constructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ~CPARSERV1() ;
- // reset file system ////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Reset();
- // open file /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Open(char *filename);
- // close file ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Close();
- // get line //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char *Getline(int mode);
- // sets the comment string ///////////////////////////////////////
- int SetComment(char *string);
- // find pattern in line //////////////////////////////////////////
- int Pattern_Match(char *string, char *pattern, ...);
- // VARIABLE DECLARATIONS /////////////////////////////////////////
- public:
- FILE *fstream; // file pointer
- char buffer[PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE]; // line buffer
- int length; // length of current line
- int num_lines; // number of lines processed
- char comment[PARSER_MAX_COMMENT]; // single line comment string
- // pattern matching parameter storage, easier that variable arguments
- // anything matched will be stored here on exit from the call to pattern()
- char pstrings[PATTERN_MAX_ARGS][PATTERN_BUFFER_SIZE]; // any strings
- int num_pstrings;
- float pfloats[PATTERN_MAX_ARGS]; // any floats
- int num_pfloats;
- int pints[PATTERN_MAX_ARGS]; // any ints
- int num_pints;
- }; // end CLASS CPARSERV1 //////////////////////////////////////////////
- // MACROS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define SIGN(x) ((x) > 0 ? (1) : (-1))
- // this builds a 32 bit color value in 8.8.8.a format (8-bit alpha mode)
- #define _RGBA32BIT(r,g,b,a) ((a) + ((b) << 8) + ((g) << 16) + ((r) << 24))
- // this builds extract the RGB components of a 16 bit color value in 5.5.5 format (1-bit alpha mode)
- #define _RGB555FROM16BIT(RGB, r,g,b) { *r = ( ((RGB) >> 10) & 0x1f); *g = (((RGB) >> 5) & 0x1f); *b = ( (RGB) & 0x1f); }
- // this extracts the RGB components of a 16 bit color value in 5.6.5 format (green dominate mode)
- #define _RGB565FROM16BIT(RGB, r,g,b) { *r = ( ((RGB) >> 11) & 0x1f); *g = (((RGB) >> 5) & 0x3f); *b = ((RGB) & 0x1f); }
- // TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PROTOTYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Solid(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Solid16(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Solid16(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list, UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch);
- int Convert_Bitmap_8_16(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap);
- int StripChars(char *string_in, char *string_out, char *strip_chars, int case_on=1);
- int ReplaceChars(char *string_in, char *string_out, char *replace_chars, char rep_char, int case_on=1);
- char *StringLtrim(char *string);
- char *StringRtrim(char *string);
- float IsFloat(char *fstring);
- int IsInt(char *istring);
- int Load_OBJECT4DV1_3DSASC(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, char *filename,
- int vertex_flags=0);
- int Load_OBJECT4DV1_COB(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, // pointer to object
- char *filename, // filename of Caligari COB file
- VECTOR4D_PTR scale, // initial scaling factors
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot, // initial rotations
- int vertex_flags=0); // flags to re-order vertices
- // and perform transforms
- int RGBto8BitIndex(UCHAR r, UCHAR g, UCHAR b, LPPALETTEENTRY palette, int flush_cache);
- int RGB_16_8_Indexed_Intensity_Table_Builder(LPPALETTEENTRY src_palette, // source palette
- UCHAR rgbilookup[256][256], // lookup table
- int intensity_normalization=1);
- int RGB_16_8_IndexedRGB_Table_Builder(int rgb_format, // format we want to build table for
- LPPALETTEENTRY src_palette, // source palette
- UCHAR *rgblookup); // lookup table
- // lighting system
- int Init_Light_LIGHTV1(int index, // index of light to create (0..MAX_LIGHTS-1)
- int _state, // state of light
- int _attr, // type of light, and extra qualifiers
- RGBAV1 _c_ambient, // ambient light intensity
- RGBAV1 _c_diffuse, // diffuse light intensity
- RGBAV1 _c_specular, // specular light intensity
- POINT4D_PTR _pos, // position of light
- VECTOR4D_PTR _dir, // direction of light
- float _kc, // attenuation factors
- float _kl,
- float _kq,
- float _spot_inner, // inner angle for spot light
- float _spot_outer, // outer angle for spot light
- float _pf); // power factor/falloff for spot lights
- int Reset_Lights_LIGHTV1(void);
- // material system
- int Reset_Materials_MATV1(void);
- // inserts an object into renderlist with shaded color override
- int insert_local=0,
- int lighting_on=0);
- // light an object
- int Light_OBJECT4DV1_World16(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, // object to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- int Light_OBJECT4DV1_World(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, // object to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- // light the entire rendering list
- int Light_RENDERLIST4DV1_World(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list, // list to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- // light the entire rendering list
- int Light_RENDERLIST4DV1_World16(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list, // list to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV1_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- // z-sort algorithm (simple painters algorithm)
- void Sort_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list, int sort_method=SORT_POLYLIST_AVGZ);
- // avg z-compare
- int Compare_AvgZ_POLYF4DV1(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
- // near z-compare
- int Compare_NearZ_POLYF4DV1(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
- // far z-compare
- int Compare_FarZ_POLYF4DV1(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
- // GLOBALS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern MATV1 materials[MAX_MATERIALS]; // materials in system
- extern int num_materials; // current number of materials
- extern LIGHTV1 lights[MAX_LIGHTS]; // lights in system
- extern int num_lights; // current number of lights
- // these look up tables are used by the 8-bit lighting engine
- // the first one holds a color translation table in the form of each
- // row is a color 0..255, and each row consists of 256 shades of that color
- // the data in each row is the color/intensity indices and the resulting value
- // is an 8-bit index into the real color lookup that should be used as the color
- // the second table works by each index being a compressed 16bit RGB value
- // the data indexed by that RGB value IS the index 0..255 of the real
- // color lookup that matches the desired color the closest
- extern UCHAR rgbilookup[256][256]; // intensity RGB 8-bit lookup storage
- extern UCHAR rgblookup[65536]; // RGB 8-bit color lookup
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #endif