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Visual C++
- // T3DLIB13.CPP - Quake md2 model software, motion and collision
- // I N C L U D E S ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define DEBUG_ON
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #include <windows.h> // include important windows stuff
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <objbase.h>
- #include <iostream.h> // include important C/C++ stuff
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <direct.h>
- #include <wchar.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <search.h>
- #include <ddraw.h> // needed for defs in T3DLIB1.H
- #include "T3DLIB1.H"
- #include "T3DLIB4.H"
- #include "T3DLIB5.H"
- #include "T3DLIB6.H"
- #include "T3DLIB7.H"
- #include "T3DLIB8.H"
- #include "T3DLIB9.H"
- #include "T3DLIB10.H"
- #include "T3DLIB11.H"
- #include "T3DLIB12.H"
- #include "T3DLIB13.H"
- // DEFINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // EXTERNALS /////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern HWND main_window_handle; // save the window handle
- extern HINSTANCE main_instance; // save the instance
- // GLOBALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // high speed timing functions
- INT64 lpFrequency;
- INT64 lpPerformanceCount;
- INT64 ticks_per_ms;
- // the animations, the frames, and timing look good on most
- // models, but tweak them to suit your needs OR create a table
- // for every character in your game to fine tune your animation
- MD2_ANIMATION md2_animations[NUM_MD2_ANIMATIONS] =
- {
- // format: start frame (0..197), end frame (0..197),
- // interpolation rate (0..1, 1 for no interpolation),
- // speed (0..10, 0 fastest, 1 fast, 2 medium, 3 slow...)
- {0,39,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_STANDING_IDLE 0
- {40,45,0.5,2}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_RUN 1
- {46,53,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_ATTACK 2
- {54,57,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_PAIN_1 3
- {58,61,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_PAIN_2 4
- {62,65,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_PAIN_3 5
- {66,71,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_JUMP 6
- {72,83,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_FLIP 7
- {84,94,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_SALUTE 8
- {95,111,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_TAUNT 9
- {112,122,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_WAVE 10
- {123,134,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_POINT 11
- {135,153,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_STAND 12
- {154,159,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_WALK 13
- {160,168,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_ATTACK 14
- {169,172,0.5,1}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_PAIN 15
- {173,177,0.25,0}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_DEATH 16
- {178,183,0.25,0}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_DEATH_BACK 17
- {184,189,0.25,0}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_DEATH_FORWARD 18
- {190,197,0.25,0}, // MD2_ANIM_STATE_DEATH_SLOW 19
- };
- // ASCII names for debugging
- char *md2_anim_strings[] =
- {
- };
- // FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Set_Animation_MD2(MD2_CONTAINER_PTR md2_obj, // md2 object
- int anim_state, // which animation to play
- int anim_mode = MD2_ANIM_LOOP) // mode of animation single/loop
- {
- // this function initializes an animation for play back
- md2_obj->anim_state = anim_state;
- md2_obj->anim_counter = 0;
- md2_obj->anim_speed = md2_animations[anim_state].anim_speed;
- md2_obj->anim_mode = anim_mode;
- // set initial frame
- md2_obj->curr_frame = md2_animations[anim_state].start_frame;
- // set animation complete flag
- md2_obj->anim_complete = 0;
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Set_Animation_MD2
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Animate_MD2(MD2_CONTAINER_PTR md2_obj) // md2 object
- {
- // animate the mesh to next frame based on state and interpolation values...
- // update animation counter
- if (++md2_obj->anim_counter >= md2_obj->anim_speed)
- {
- // reset counter
- md2_obj->anim_counter = 0;
- // animate mesh with interpolation, algorithm is straightforward interpolate
- // from current frame in animation to next and blend vertex positions based
- // on interpolant ivalue in the md2_container class, couple tricky parts
- // are to watch out for the endpost values of the animation, etc.
- // if the interpolation rate irate=1.0 then there is no interpolation
- // for all intent purposes...
- // add interpolation rate to interpolation value, test for next frame
- md2_obj->curr_frame+=md2_animations[md2_obj->anim_state].irate;
- // test if sequence is complete?
- if (md2_obj->curr_frame > md2_animations[md2_obj->anim_state].end_frame)
- {
- // test for one shot, if so then reset to last frame, if loop, the loop
- if (md2_obj->anim_mode == MD2_ANIM_LOOP)
- {
- // loop animation back to starting frame
- md2_obj->curr_frame = md2_animations[md2_obj->anim_state].start_frame;
- } // end if
- else
- {
- md2_obj->curr_frame = md2_animations[md2_obj->anim_state].end_frame;
- // set complete flag incase outside wants to take action
- md2_obj->anim_complete = 1;
- } // end else
- } // end if sequence complete
- } // end if time to animate
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Animate_MD2
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Extract_MD2_Frame(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to destination object
- MD2_CONTAINER_PTR obj_md2) // md2 object to extract frame from
- {
- // this function extracts a single frame of animation from the md2 container and stores
- // in into the object4dv2 container, this is so we can leverage the library to transform,
- // light, etc. the mesh rather than writing new functions, granted the process of extraction
- // is an unneeded overhead, but since we will only have a few MD2 object running around
- // the rendering swamps the time to extract by many orders of magnitude, so the extraction
- // is negligable
- // the function also interpolates frames; if the curr_frame value is non-intergral then
- // the function will blend frames together based on the decimal fraction
- // test if frame number is greater than max frames allowable, some models are malformed
- int frame_0, // starting frame to interpolate
- frame_1; // ending frame to interpolate
- // step 1: decide if this is an interpolated frame?
- float ivalue = obj_md2->curr_frame - (int)obj_md2->curr_frame;
- // test for integer?
- if (ivalue == 0.0)
- {
- // single frame, no interpolation
- frame_0 = obj_md2->curr_frame;
- // check for overflow?
- if (frame_0 >= obj_md2->num_frames)
- frame_0 = obj_md2->num_frames-1;
- // copy vertex list for selected frame, vertex list begins at
- // base index (obj_md2->num_verts * obj_md2->curr_frame)
- int base_index = obj_md2->num_verts * frame_0;
- // copy vertices now from base
- for (int vindex = 0; vindex < obj_md2->num_verts; vindex++)
- {
- // copy the vertex
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].x = obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index].x;
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].y = obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index].y;
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].z = obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index].z;
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].w = 1;
- // every vertex has a point and texture attached, set that in the flags attribute
- SET_BIT(obj->vlist_local[vindex].attr, VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_POINT);
- SET_BIT(obj->vlist_local[vindex].attr, VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_TEXTURE);
- } // end for vindex
- } // end if
- else
- {
- // interpolate between curr_frame and curr_frame+1 based
- // on ivalue
- frame_0 = obj_md2->curr_frame;
- frame_1 = obj_md2->curr_frame+1;
- // check for overflow?
- if (frame_0 >= obj_md2->num_frames)
- frame_0 = obj_md2->num_frames-1;
- // check for overflow?
- if (frame_1 >= obj_md2->num_frames)
- frame_1 = obj_md2->num_frames-1;
- // interpolate vertex lists for selected frame(s), vertex list(s) begin at
- // base index (obj_md2->num_verts * obj_md2->curr_frame)
- int base_index_0 = obj_md2->num_verts * frame_0;
- int base_index_1 = obj_md2->num_verts * frame_1;
- // interpolate vertices now from base frame 0,1
- for (int vindex = 0; vindex < obj_md2->num_verts; vindex++)
- {
- // interpolate the vertices
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].x = ((1-ivalue)*obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index_0].x + ivalue*obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index_1].x);
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].y = ((1-ivalue)*obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index_0].y + ivalue*obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index_1].y);
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].z = ((1-ivalue)*obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index_0].z + ivalue*obj_md2->vlist[vindex + base_index_1].z);
- obj->vlist_local[vindex].w = 1;
- // every vertex has a point and texture attached, set that in the flags attribute
- SET_BIT(obj->vlist_local[vindex].attr, VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_POINT);
- SET_BIT(obj->vlist_local[vindex].attr, VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_TEXTURE);
- } // end for vindex
- } // end if
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Extract_MD2_Frame
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Load_Object_MD2(MD2_CONTAINER_PTR obj_md2, // the loaded md2 file placed in container
- char *modelfile, // the filename of the .MD2 model
- VECTOR4D_PTR scale, // initial scaling factors
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot, // initial rotations (not implemented)
- char *texturefile, // the texture filename for the model
- int attr, // the lighting/model attributes for the model
- int color, // base color if no texturing
- int vertex_flags) // control ordering etc.
- {
- // this function loads in an md2 file, extracts all the data and stores it in the
- // container class which will be used later to load frames into a the standard object
- // type for rendering on the fly
- FILE *fp = NULL; // file pointer to model
- int flength = -1; // general file length
- UCHAR *buffer = NULL; // used to buffer md2 file data
- MD2_HEADER_PTR md2_header; // pointer to the md2 header
- // begin by loading in the .md2 model file
- if ((fp = fopen(modelfile, "rb"))==NULL)
- {
- Write_Error("nLoad_Object_MD2 - couldn't find file %s", modelfile);
- return(0);
- } // end if
- // find the length of the model file
- // seek to end of file
- fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
- // where is the file pointer?
- flength = ftell(fp);
- // now read the md2 file into a buffer to analyze it
- // re-position file pointer to beginning of file
- fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
- // allocate memory to hold file
- buffer = (UCHAR *)malloc(flength+1);
- // load data into buffer
- int bytes_read = fread(buffer, sizeof(UCHAR), flength, fp);
- // the header is the first item in the buffer, so alias a pointer
- // to it, so we can start analyzing it and creating the model
- md2_header = (MD2_HEADER_PTR)buffer;
- Write_Error("nint identifier = %d", md2_header->identifier);
- Write_Error("nint version = %d", md2_header->version);
- Write_Error("nint skin_width = %d", md2_header->skin_width);
- Write_Error("nint skin_height = %d", md2_header->skin_height);
- Write_Error("nint framesize = %d", md2_header->framesize);
- Write_Error("nint num_skins = %d", md2_header->num_skins);
- Write_Error("nint num_verts = %d", md2_header->num_verts);
- Write_Error("nint num_textcoords = %d", md2_header->num_textcoords);
- Write_Error("nint num_polys = %d", md2_header->num_polys);
- Write_Error("nint num_openGLcmds = %d", md2_header->num_openGLcmds);
- Write_Error("nint num_frames = %d", md2_header->num_frames);
- Write_Error("nint offset_skins = %d", md2_header->offset_skins);
- Write_Error("nint offset_textcoords = %d", md2_header->offset_textcoords);
- Write_Error("nint offset_polys = %d", md2_header->offset_polys);
- Write_Error("nint offset_frames = %d", md2_header->offset_frames);
- Write_Error("nint offset_openGLcmds = %d", md2_header->offset_openGLcmds);
- Write_Error("nint offset_end = %d", md2_header->offset_end);
- // test for valid file
- if (md2_header->identifier != MD2_MAGIC_NUM || md2_header->version != MD2_VERSION)
- {
- fclose(fp);
- return(0);
- } // end if
- // assign fields to container class
- obj_md2->state = 0; // state of the model
- obj_md2->attr = attr; // attributes of the model
- obj_md2->color = color; //
- obj_md2->num_frames = md2_header->num_frames; // number of frames in the model
- obj_md2->num_polys = md2_header->num_polys; // number of polygons
- obj_md2->num_verts = md2_header->num_verts; // number of vertices
- obj_md2->num_textcoords = md2_header->num_textcoords; // number of texture coordinates
- obj_md2->curr_frame = 0; // current frame in animation
- obj_md2->skin = NULL; // pointer to texture skin for model
- obj_md2->world_pos = *pos; // position object in world
- // allocate memory for mesh data
- obj_md2->polys = (MD2_POLY_PTR)malloc(md2_header->num_polys * sizeof(MD2_POLY)); // pointer to polygon list
- obj_md2->vlist = (VECTOR3D_PTR)malloc(md2_header->num_frames * md2_header->num_verts * sizeof(VECTOR3D)); // pointer to vertex coordinate list
- obj_md2->tlist = (VECTOR2D_PTR)malloc(md2_header->num_textcoords * sizeof(VECTOR2D)); // pointer to texture coordinate list
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("nTexture Coordinates:");
- #endif
- for (int tindex = 0; tindex < md2_header->num_textcoords; tindex++)
- {
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("ntextcoord[%d] = (%d, %d)", tindex,
- ((MD2_TEXTCOORD_PTR)(buffer+md2_header->offset_textcoords))[tindex].u,
- ((MD2_TEXTCOORD_PTR)(buffer+md2_header->offset_textcoords))[tindex].v);
- #endif
- // insert texture coordinate into storage container
- obj_md2->tlist[tindex].x = ((MD2_TEXTCOORD_PTR)(buffer+md2_header->offset_textcoords))[tindex].u;
- obj_md2->tlist[tindex].y = ((MD2_TEXTCOORD_PTR)(buffer+md2_header->offset_textcoords))[tindex].v;
- } // end for vindex
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("nVertex List:");
- #endif
- for (int findex = 0; findex < md2_header->num_frames; findex++)
- {
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("nn******************************************************************************");
- Write_Error("nnF R A M E # %d", findex);
- Write_Error("nn******************************************************************************n");
- #endif
- MD2_FRAME_PTR frame_ptr = (MD2_FRAME_PTR)(buffer + md2_header->offset_frames + md2_header->framesize * findex);
- // extract md2 scale and translate, additionally use sent scale and translate
- float sx = frame_ptr->scale[0],
- sy = frame_ptr->scale[1],
- sz = frame_ptr->scale[2],
- tx = frame_ptr->translate[0],
- ty = frame_ptr->translate[1],
- tz = frame_ptr->translate[2];
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("nScale: (%f, %f, %f)nTranslate: (%f, %f, %f)", sx, sy, sz, tx, ty, tz);
- #endif
- for (int vindex = 0; vindex < md2_header->num_verts; vindex++)
- {
- // scale and translate compressed vertex
- v.x = (float)frame_ptr->vlist[vindex].v[0] * sx + tx;
- v.y = (float)frame_ptr->vlist[vindex].v[1] * sy + ty;
- v.z = (float)frame_ptr->vlist[vindex].v[2] * sz + tz;
- // scale final point based on sent data
- v.x = scale->x * v.x;
- v.y = scale->y * v.y;
- v.z = scale->z * v.z;
- float temp; // used for swaping
- // test for vertex modifications to winding order etc.
- if (vertex_flags & VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_X)
- v.x = -v.x;
- if (vertex_flags & VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_Y)
- v.y = -v.y;
- if (vertex_flags & VERTEX_FLAGS_INVERT_Z)
- v.z = -v.z;
- if (vertex_flags & VERTEX_FLAGS_SWAP_YZ)
- SWAP(v.y, v.z, temp);
- if (vertex_flags & VERTEX_FLAGS_SWAP_XZ)
- SWAP(v.x, v.z, temp);
- if (vertex_flags & VERTEX_FLAGS_SWAP_XY)
- SWAP(v.x, v.y, temp);
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("nVertex #%d = (%f, %f, %f)", vindex, v.x, v.y, v.z);
- #endif
- // insert vertex into vertex list which is laid out frame 0, frame 1,..., frame n
- // frame i: vertex 0, vertex 1,....vertex j
- obj_md2->vlist[vindex + (findex * obj_md2->num_verts)] = v;
- } // end vindex
- } // end findex
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("nPolygon List:");
- #endif
- MD2_POLY_PTR poly_ptr = (MD2_POLY_PTR)(buffer + md2_header->offset_polys);
- for (int pindex = 0; pindex < md2_header->num_polys; pindex++)
- {
- // insert polygon into polygon list in container
- {
- // inverted winding order
- // vertices
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[0] = poly_ptr[pindex].vindex[2];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[1] = poly_ptr[pindex].vindex[1];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[2] = poly_ptr[pindex].vindex[0];
- // texture coordinates
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[0] = poly_ptr[pindex].tindex[2];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[1] = poly_ptr[pindex].tindex[1];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[2] = poly_ptr[pindex].tindex[0];
- } // end if
- else
- {
- // normal winding order
- // vertices
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[0] = poly_ptr[pindex].vindex[0];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[1] = poly_ptr[pindex].vindex[1];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[2] = poly_ptr[pindex].vindex[2];
- // texture coordinates
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[0] = poly_ptr[pindex].tindex[0];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[1] = poly_ptr[pindex].tindex[1];
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[2] = poly_ptr[pindex].tindex[2];
- } // end if
- #if (MD2_DEBUG==1)
- Write_Error("npoly %d: v(%d, %d, %d), t(%d, %d, %d)", pindex,
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[0], obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[1], obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[2],
- obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[0], obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[1], obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[2]);
- #endif
- } // end for vindex
- // close the file
- fclose(fp);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // load the texture from disk
- Load_Bitmap_File(&bitmap16bit, texturefile);
- // create a proper size and bitdepth bitmap
- obj_md2->skin = (BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR)malloc(sizeof(BITMAP_IMAGE));
- // initialize bitmap
- Create_Bitmap(obj_md2->skin,0,0,
- bitmap16bit.bitmapinfoheader.biWidth,
- bitmap16bit.bitmapinfoheader.biHeight,
- bitmap16bit.bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount);
- // load the bitmap image
- Load_Image_Bitmap16(obj_md2->skin, &bitmap16bit,0,0,BITMAP_EXTRACT_MODE_ABS);
- // done, so unload the bitmap
- Unload_Bitmap_File(&bitmap16bit);
- // finally release the memory for the temporary buffer
- if (buffer)
- free(buffer);
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Load_Object_MD2
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Prepare_OBJECT4DV2_For_MD2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to destination object
- MD2_CONTAINER_PTR obj_md2) // md2 object to extract frame from
- {
- // this function prepares the OBJECT4DV2 to be used as a vessel to hold
- // frames from the md2 container, it allocated the memory needed, set fields
- // and pre-computes as much as possible since each new frame will change only
- // the vertex list
- Write_Error("nPreparing MD2_CONTAINER_PTR %x for OBJECT4DV2_PTR %x", obj_md2, obj);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // clear out the object and initialize it a bit
- memset(obj, 0, sizeof(OBJECT4DV2));
- // set state of object to active and visible
- // set some information in object
- obj->num_frames = 1; // always set to 1
- obj->curr_frame = 0;
- obj->num_vertices = obj_md2->num_verts;
- obj->num_polys = obj_md2->num_polys;
- obj->texture = obj_md2->skin;
- // set position of object
- obj->world_pos = obj_md2->world_pos;
- // allocate the memory for the vertices and number of polys
- // the call parameters are redundant in this case, but who cares
- if (!Init_OBJECT4DV2(obj,
- obj->num_vertices,
- obj->num_polys,
- obj->num_frames))
- {
- Write_Error("n(can't allocate memory).");
- } // end if
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // compute average and max radius using the vertices from frame 0, this isn't
- // totally accurate, but the volume of the object hopefully does vary wildly
- // during animation
- // reset incase there's any residue
- obj->avg_radius[0] = 0;
- obj->max_radius[0] = 0;
- // loop thru and compute radius
- for (int vindex = 0; vindex < obj_md2->num_verts; vindex++)
- {
- // update the average and maximum radius (use frame 0)
- float dist_to_vertex =
- sqrt(obj_md2->vlist[vindex].x * obj_md2->vlist[vindex].x +
- obj_md2->vlist[vindex].y * obj_md2->vlist[vindex].y +
- obj_md2->vlist[vindex].z * obj_md2->vlist[vindex].z );
- // accumulate total radius
- obj->avg_radius[0]+=dist_to_vertex;
- // update maximum radius
- if (dist_to_vertex > obj->max_radius[0])
- obj->max_radius[0] = dist_to_vertex;
- } // end for vertex
- // finallize average radius computation
- obj->avg_radius[0]/=obj->num_vertices;
- Write_Error("nMax radius=%f, Avg. Radius=%f",obj->max_radius[0], obj->avg_radius[0]);
- Write_Error("nWriting texture coordinates...");
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // copy texture coordinate list always the same
- for (int tindex = 0; tindex < obj_md2->num_textcoords; tindex++)
- {
- // now texture coordinates
- obj->tlist[tindex].x = obj_md2->tlist[tindex].x;
- obj->tlist[tindex].y = obj_md2->tlist[tindex].y;
- } // end for tindex
- Write_Error("nWriting polygons...");
- // generate the polygon index list, always the same
- for (int pindex=0; pindex < obj_md2->num_polys; pindex++)
- {
- // set polygon indices
- obj->plist[pindex].vert[0] = obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[0];
- obj->plist[pindex].vert[1] = obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[1];
- obj->plist[pindex].vert[2] = obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[2];
- // point polygon vertex list to object's vertex list
- // note that this is redundant since the polylist is contained
- // within the object in this case and its up to the user to select
- // whether the local or transformed vertex list is used when building up
- // polygon geometry, might be a better idea to set to NULL in the context
- // of polygons that are part of an object
- obj->plist[pindex].vlist = obj->vlist_local;
- // set attributes of polygon with sent attributes
- obj->plist[pindex].attr = obj_md2->attr;
- // set color of polygon
- obj->plist[pindex].color = obj_md2->color;
- // apply texture to this polygon
- obj->plist[pindex].texture = obj_md2->skin;
- // assign the texture coordinates
- obj->plist[pindex].text[0] = obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[0];
- obj->plist[pindex].text[1] = obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[1];
- obj->plist[pindex].text[2] = obj_md2->polys[pindex].tindex[2];
- // set texture coordinate attributes
- SET_BIT(obj->vlist_local[ obj->plist[pindex].vert[0] ].attr, VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_TEXTURE);
- SET_BIT(obj->vlist_local[ obj->plist[pindex].vert[1] ].attr, VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_TEXTURE);
- SET_BIT(obj->vlist_local[ obj->plist[pindex].vert[2] ].attr, VERTEX4DTV1_ATTR_TEXTURE);
- // set the material mode to ver. 1.0 emulation
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[pindex].attr, POLY4DV2_ATTR_DISABLE_MATERIAL);
- // finally set the polygon to active
- obj->plist[pindex].state = POLY4DV2_STATE_ACTIVE;
- // point polygon vertex list to object's vertex list
- // note that this is redundant since the polylist is contained
- // within the object in this case and its up to the user to select
- // whether the local or transformed vertex list is used when building up
- // polygon geometry, might be a better idea to set to NULL in the context
- // of polygons that are part of an object
- obj->plist[pindex].vlist = obj->vlist_local;
- // set texture coordinate list, this is needed
- obj->plist[pindex].tlist = obj->tlist;
- // extract vertex indices
- int vindex_0 = obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[0];
- int vindex_1 = obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[1];
- int vindex_2 = obj_md2->polys[pindex].vindex[2];
- // we need to compute the normal of this polygon face, and recall
- // that the vertices are in cw order, u=p0->p1, v=p0->p2, n=uxv
- VECTOR4D u, v, n;
- // build u, v
- //VECTOR4D_Build(&obj->vlist_local[ vindex_0 ].v, &obj->vlist_local[ vindex_1 ].v, &u);
- //VECTOR4D_Build(&obj->vlist_local[ vindex_0 ].v, &obj->vlist_local[ vindex_2 ].v, &v);
- u.x = obj_md2->vlist[vindex_1].x - obj_md2->vlist[vindex_0].x;
- u.y = obj_md2->vlist[vindex_1].y - obj_md2->vlist[vindex_0].y;
- u.z = obj_md2->vlist[vindex_1].z - obj_md2->vlist[vindex_0].z;
- u.w = 1;
- v.x = obj_md2->vlist[vindex_2].x - obj_md2->vlist[vindex_0].x;
- v.y = obj_md2->vlist[vindex_2].y - obj_md2->vlist[vindex_0].y;
- v.z = obj_md2->vlist[vindex_2].z - obj_md2->vlist[vindex_0].z;
- v.w = 1;
- // compute cross product
- VECTOR4D_Cross(&u, &v, &n);
- // compute length of normal accurately and store in poly nlength
- // +- epsilon later to fix over/underflows
- obj->plist[pindex].nlength = VECTOR4D_Length(&n);
- } // end for poly
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Prepare_OBJECT4DV2_For_MD2
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Start_Fast_Timer(void)
- {
- // call this function to start the timer
- static int first_time = 1;
- if (first_time)
- {
- QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&lpFrequency);
- ticks_per_ms = lpFrequency/1000;
- first_time = 0;
- }
- // get the current time and save it globally
- QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&lpPerformanceCount);
- } // end Start_Fast_Timer
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Wait_Fast_Timer(int delay)
- {
- // call this function to delay a specific number of milliseconds
- INT64 lpCurrPerformanceCount;
- while(1)
- {
- // get current time
- QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&lpCurrPerformanceCount);
- // wait until delay
- if ( (lpCurrPerformanceCount - lpPerformanceCount) > (delay*ticks_per_ms) )
- break;
- } // end if
- } // end Wait_Fast_Timer
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////