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资源名称:Source.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- 10/11/98
- ================================================================
- Model Name : Tekkaman Blade
- installation directory : quake2/baseq2/players/tekk-blade
- Author : Michael 'Magarnigal' Mellor
- homepage at http://magarn.3dpalette.com
- Skin Author(s) : FIX created all blade skins included - no, he DOES NOT do tc/clan
- requests and don't mail him asking 'how do u make yer skins'
- email : ogro_fix@yahoo.com
- homepage : http://www.fondation.com/pandemonium
- My Email Address : mellor@iaccess.com.au
- Model description : It's the popular anime character, Tekkaman Blade.
- Other info : Please note: I will not take any model/clan/tc requests.
- Additional Credits to : id software. FIX, for once again coming through with brilliant skin
- work. The guy is invaluable.
- Howzer and Faxmodem for ideas and criticisms - however baseless and
- irrelevant :))
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- New Sounds : no
- CTF Skins : no
- VWEP Support : no, could work tho
- * Construction *
- Poly Counts
- Tris.md2 : 756
- weapon.md2 : 44
- Vert Counts
- tris.md2 : 457
- weapon.md2 : 28
- Skin Count : 9
- Base : new model
- Editors used:-
- Modelling/animation : Lightwave 5.5
- Converting/clean-up : QME, Q2modeler
- Skinning/mapping : NST
- Bugs/comments/excuses : The model is approx 3 heads taller than the standard male, This was a
- specification by the clan who I was building it for at the time.
- Serious bounding box issue here people. So watch out if you attempt
- to shoot him in the head, and when he is crouched...well, we won't go
- into that.
- The feet become quite jittery in a lot of scenes, I've got to find a
- better way of grounding the feet in lightwave...any suggestions?
- Thankfully, with Quake2's interpolation, all small jitters become
- unnoticeable in-game.
- Please don't neglect importing the weapon.md2 The animations look
- rather strange without it.
- A note to skinners: I wouldn't attempt to skin this thing unless you
- paint directly onto the model using a program like NST. Due to the
- segmentedness (?) of the model, the baseframe is seriously disjointed.
- Build/Animation time : a few weeks, on an off.
- * How to use this model *
- extract to quake2baseq2playerstekk-blade run quake2, kill things.
- * Copyright / Permissions *
- QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.
- All rights reserved.