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Visual C++
- // T3DLIB4.CPP - Game Engine Part IV, Basic Math Engine Part I
- // INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- //#ifndef INITGUID
- //#define INITGUID // you need this or DXGUID.LIB
- //#endif
- #include <windows.h> // include important windows stuff
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <objbase.h>
- #include <iostream.h> // include important C/C++ stuff
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <direct.h>
- #include <wchar.h>
- #include <ddraw.h> // needed for defs in T3DLIB1.H
- #include "T3DLIB1.H" // T3DLIB4 is based on some defs in this
- #include "T3DLIB4.H"
- // DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // EXTERNALS /////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern HWND main_window_handle; // access to main window handle in main module
- // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////
- FIXP16 FIXP16_MUL(FIXP16 fp1, FIXP16 fp2)
- {
- // this function computes the product fp_prod = fp1*fp2
- // using 64 bit math, so as not to loose precission
- FIXP16 fp_prod; // return the product
- _asm {
- mov eax, fp1 // move into eax fp2
- imul fp2 // multiply fp1*fp2
- shrd eax, edx, 16 // result is in 32:32 format
- // residing at edx:eax
- // shift it into eax alone 16:16
- // result is sitting in eax
- } // end asm
- } // end FIXP16_MUL
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- FIXP16 FIXP16_DIV(FIXP16 fp1, FIXP16 fp2)
- {
- // this function computes the quotient fp1/fp2 using
- // 64 bit math, so as not to loose precision
- _asm {
- mov eax, fp1 // move dividend into eax
- cdq // sign extend it to edx:eax
- shld edx, eax, 16 // now shift 16:16 into position in edx
- sal eax, 16 // and shift eax into position since the
- // shld didn't move it -- DUMB! uPC
- idiv fp2 // do the divide
- // result is sitting in eax
- } // end asm
- } // end FIXP16_DIV
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void FIXP16_Print(FIXP16 fp)
- {
- // this function prints out a fixed point number
- Write_Error("nfp=%f", (float)(fp)/FIXP16_MAG);
- } // end FIXP16_Print
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Add(QUAT_PTR q1, QUAT_PTR q2, QUAT_PTR qsum)
- {
- // this function adds two quaternions
- qsum->x = q1->x + q2->x;
- qsum->y = q1->y + q2->y;
- qsum->z = q1->z + q2->z;
- qsum->w = q1->w + q2->w;
- } // end QUAT_Add
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Sub(QUAT_PTR q1, QUAT_PTR q2, QUAT_PTR qdiff)
- {
- // this function subtracts two quaternions, q1-q2
- qdiff->x = q1->x - q2->x;
- qdiff->y = q1->y - q2->y;
- qdiff->z = q1->z - q2->z;
- qdiff->w = q1->w - q2->w;
- } // end QUAT_Sub
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Conjugate(QUAT_PTR q, QUAT_PTR qconj)
- {
- // this function computes the conjugate of a quaternion
- qconj->x = -q->x;
- qconj->y = -q->y;
- qconj->z = -q->z;
- qconj->w = q->w;
- } // end QUAT_Conjugate
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Scale(QUAT_PTR q, float scale, QUAT_PTR qs)
- {
- // this function scales a quaternion and returns it
- qs->x = scale*q->x;
- qs->y = scale*q->y;
- qs->z = scale*q->z;
- qs->w = scale*q->w;
- } // end QUAT_Scale
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Scale(QUAT_PTR q, float scale)
- {
- // this function scales a quaternion in place
- q->x*=scale;
- q->y*=scale;
- q->z*=scale;
- q->w*=scale;
- } // end QUAT_Scale
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float QUAT_Norm(QUAT_PTR q)
- {
- // returns the length or norm of a quaterion
- return(sqrtf(q->w*q->w + q->x*q->x + q->y*q->y + q->z*q->z));
- } // end QUAT_Norm
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float QUAT_Norm2(QUAT_PTR q)
- {
- // returns the length or norm of a quaterion squared
- return(q->w*q->w + q->x*q->x + q->y*q->y + q->z*q->z);
- } // end QUAT_Norm2
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Normalize(QUAT_PTR q, QUAT_PTR qn)
- {
- // this functions normalizes the sent quaternion and
- // returns it
- // compute 1/length
- float qlength_inv = 1.0/(sqrtf(q->w*q->w + q->x*q->x + q->y*q->y + q->z*q->z));
- // now normalize
- qn->w=q->w*qlength_inv;
- qn->x=q->x*qlength_inv;
- qn->y=q->y*qlength_inv;
- qn->z=q->z*qlength_inv;
- } // end QUAT_Normalize
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Normalize(QUAT_PTR q)
- {
- // this functions normalizes the sent quaternion in place
- // compute length
- float qlength_inv = 1.0/(sqrtf(q->w*q->w + q->x*q->x + q->y*q->y + q->z*q->z));
- // now normalize
- q->w*=qlength_inv;
- q->x*=qlength_inv;
- q->y*=qlength_inv;
- q->z*=qlength_inv;
- } // end QUAT_Normalize
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Unit_Inverse(QUAT_PTR q, QUAT_PTR qi)
- {
- // this function computes the inverse of a unit quaternion
- // and returns the result
- // the inverse of a unit quaternion is the conjugate :)
- qi->w = q->w;
- qi->x = -q->x;
- qi->y = -q->y;
- qi->z = -q->z;
- } // end QUAT_Unit_Inverse
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Unit_Inverse(QUAT_PTR q)
- {
- // this function computes the inverse of a unit quaternion
- // in place
- // the inverse of a unit quaternion is the conjugate :)
- q->x = -q->x;
- q->y = -q->y;
- q->z = -q->z;
- } // end QUAT_Unit_Inverse
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Inverse(QUAT_PTR q, QUAT_PTR qi)
- {
- // this function computes the inverse of a general quaternion
- // and returns result
- // in general, q-1 = *q/|q|2
- // compute norm squared
- float norm2_inv = 1.0/(q->w*q->w + q->x*q->x + q->y*q->y + q->z*q->z);
- // and plug in
- qi->w = q->w*norm2_inv;
- qi->x = -q->x*norm2_inv;
- qi->y = -q->y*norm2_inv;
- qi->z = -q->z*norm2_inv;
- } // end QUAT_Inverse
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Inverse(QUAT_PTR q)
- {
- // this function computes the inverse of a general quaternion
- // in place
- // in general, q-1 = *q/|q|2
- // compute norm squared
- float norm2_inv = 1.0/(q->w*q->w + q->x*q->x + q->y*q->y + q->z*q->z);
- // and plug in
- q->w = q->w*norm2_inv;
- q->x = -q->x*norm2_inv;
- q->y = -q->y*norm2_inv;
- q->z = -q->z*norm2_inv;
- } // end QUAT_Inverse
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Mul(QUAT_PTR q1, QUAT_PTR q2, QUAT_PTR qprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies two quaternions
- // this is the brute force method
- //qprod->w = q1->w*q2->w - q1->x*q2->x - q1->y*q2->y - q1->z*q2->z;
- //qprod->x = q1->w*q2->x + q1->x*q2->w + q1->y*q2->z - q1->z*q2->y;
- //qprod->y = q1->w*q2->y - q1->x*q2->z + q1->y*q2->w - q1->z*q2->x;
- //qprod->z = q1->w*q2->z + q1->x*q2->y - q1->y*q2->x + q1->z*q2->w;
- // this method was arrived at basically by trying to factor the above
- // expression to reduce the # of multiplies
- float prd_0 = (q1->z - q1->y) * (q2->y - q2->z);
- float prd_1 = (q1->w + q1->x) * (q2->w + q2->x);
- float prd_2 = (q1->w - q1->x) * (q2->y + q2->z);
- float prd_3 = (q1->y + q1->z) * (q2->w - q2->x);
- float prd_4 = (q1->z - q1->x) * (q2->x - q2->y);
- float prd_5 = (q1->z + q1->x) * (q2->x + q2->y);
- float prd_6 = (q1->w + q1->y) * (q2->w - q2->z);
- float prd_7 = (q1->w - q1->y) * (q2->w + q2->z);
- float prd_8 = prd_5 + prd_6 + prd_7;
- float prd_9 = 0.5 * (prd_4 + prd_8);
- // and finally build up the result with the temporary products
- qprod->w = prd_0 + prd_9 - prd_5;
- qprod->x = prd_1 + prd_9 - prd_8;
- qprod->y = prd_2 + prd_9 - prd_7;
- qprod->z = prd_3 + prd_9 - prd_6;
- } // end QUAT_Mul
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Triple_Product(QUAT_PTR q1, QUAT_PTR q2, QUAT_PTR q3,
- QUAT_PTR qprod)
- {
- // this function computes q1*q2*q3 in that order and returns
- // the results in qprod
- QUAT qtmp;
- QUAT_Mul(q1,q2,&qtmp);
- QUAT_Mul(&qtmp, q3, qprod);
- } // end QUAT_Triple_Product
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Theta_To_QUAT(QUAT_PTR q, VECTOR3D_PTR v, float theta)
- {
- // initializes a quaternion based on a 3d direction vector and angle
- // note the direction vector must be a unit vector
- // and the angle is in rads
- float theta_div_2 = (0.5)*theta; // compute theta/2
- // compute the quaterion, note this is from chapter 4
- // pre-compute to save time
- float sinf_theta = sinf(theta_div_2);
- q->x = sinf_theta * v->x;
- q->y = sinf_theta * v->y;
- q->z = sinf_theta * v->z;
- q->w = cosf( theta_div_2 );
- } // end VECTOR3D_Theta_To_QUAT
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR4D_Theta_To_QUAT(QUAT_PTR q, VECTOR4D_PTR v, float theta)
- {
- // initializes a quaternion based on a 4d direction vector and angle
- // note the direction vector must be a unit vector
- // and the angle is in rads
- float theta_div_2 = (0.5)*theta; // compute theta/2
- // compute the quaterion, note this is from chapter 4
- // pre-compute to save time
- float sinf_theta = sinf(theta_div_2);
- q->x = sinf_theta * v->x;
- q->y = sinf_theta * v->y;
- q->z = sinf_theta * v->z;
- q->w = cosf( theta_div_2 );
- } // end VECTOR4D_Theta_to_QUAT
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void EulerZYX_To_QUAT(QUAT_PTR q, float theta_z, float theta_y, float theta_x)
- {
- // this function intializes a quaternion based on the zyx
- // multiplication order of the angles that are parallel to the
- // zyx axis respectively, note there are 11 other possibilities
- // this is just one, later we may make a general version of the
- // the function
- // precompute values
- float cos_z_2 = 0.5*cosf(theta_z);
- float cos_y_2 = 0.5*cosf(theta_y);
- float cos_x_2 = 0.5*cosf(theta_x);
- float sin_z_2 = 0.5*sinf(theta_z);
- float sin_y_2 = 0.5*sinf(theta_y);
- float sin_x_2 = 0.5*sinf(theta_x);
- // and now compute quaternion
- q->w = cos_z_2*cos_y_2*cos_x_2 + sin_z_2*sin_y_2*sin_x_2;
- q->x = cos_z_2*cos_y_2*sin_x_2 - sin_z_2*sin_y_2*cos_x_2;
- q->y = cos_z_2*sin_y_2*cos_x_2 + sin_z_2*cos_y_2*sin_x_2;
- q->z = sin_z_2*cos_y_2*cos_x_2 - cos_z_2*sin_y_2*sin_x_2;
- } // EulerZYX_To_QUAT
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_To_VECTOR3D_Theta(QUAT_PTR q, VECTOR3D_PTR v, float *theta)
- {
- // this function converts a unit quaternion into a unit direction
- // vector and rotation angle about that vector
- // extract theta
- *theta = acosf(q->w);
- // pre-compute to save time
- float sinf_theta_inv = 1.0/sinf(*theta);
- // now the vector
- v->x = q->x*sinf_theta_inv;
- v->y = q->y*sinf_theta_inv;
- v->z = q->z*sinf_theta_inv;
- // multiply by 2
- *theta*=2;
- } // end QUAT_To_VECTOR3D_Theta
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void QUAT_Print(QUAT_PTR q, char *name="q")
- {
- // this function prints out a quaternion
- Write_Error("n%s=%f+[(%f)i + (%f)j + (%f)k]",
- name, q->w, q->x, q->y, q->z);
- } // end QUAT_Print
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float Fast_Sin(float theta)
- {
- // this function uses the sin_look[] lookup table, but
- // has logic to handle negative angles as well as fractional
- // angles via interpolation, use this for a more robust
- // sin computation that the blind lookup, but with with
- // a slight hit in speed
- // convert angle to 0-359
- theta = fmodf(theta,360);
- // make angle positive
- if (theta < 0) theta+=360.0;
- // compute floor of theta and fractional part to interpolate
- int theta_int = (int)theta;
- float theta_frac = theta - theta_int;
- // now compute the value of sin(angle) using the lookup tables
- // and interpolating the fractional part, note that if theta_int
- // is equal to 359 then theta_int+1=360, but this is fine since the
- // table was made with the entries 0-360 inclusive
- return(sin_look[theta_int] +
- theta_frac*(sin_look[theta_int+1] - sin_look[theta_int]));
- } // end Fast_Sin
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float Fast_Cos(float theta)
- {
- // this function uses the cos_look[] lookup table, but
- // has logic to handle negative angles as well as fractional
- // angles via interpolation, use this for a more robust
- // cos computation that the blind lookup, but with with
- // a slight hit in speed
- // convert angle to 0-359
- theta = fmodf(theta,360);
- // make angle positive
- if (theta < 0) theta+=360.0;
- // compute floor of theta and fractional part to interpolate
- int theta_int = (int)theta;
- float theta_frac = theta - theta_int;
- // now compute the value of sin(angle) using the lookup tables
- // and interpolating the fractional part, note that if theta_int
- // is equal to 359 then theta_int+1=360, but this is fine since the
- // table was made with the entries 0-360 inclusive
- return(cos_look[theta_int] +
- theta_frac*(cos_look[theta_int+1] - cos_look[theta_int]));
- } // end Fast_Cos
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void POLAR2D_To_POINT2D(POLAR2D_PTR polar, POINT2D_PTR rect)
- {
- // convert polar to rectangular
- rect->x = polar->r*cosf(polar->theta);
- rect->y = polar->r*sinf(polar->theta);
- } // end POLAR2D_To_POINT2D
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void POLAR2D_To_RectXY(POLAR2D_PTR polar, float *x, float *y)
- {
- // convert polar to rectangular
- *x = polar->r*cosf(polar->theta);
- *y = polar->r*sinf(polar->theta);
- } // end POLAR2D_To_RectXY
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void POINT2D_To_POLAR2D(POINT2D_PTR rect, POLAR2D_PTR polar)
- {
- // convert rectangular to polar
- polar->r = sqrtf((rect->x * rect->x) + (rect->y * rect->y));
- polar->theta = atanf(rect->y/rect->x);
- } // end POINT2D_To_POLAR2D
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void POINT2D_To_PolarRTh(POINT2D_PTR rect, float *r, float *theta)
- {
- // convert rectangular to polar
- *r=sqrtf((rect->x * rect->x) + (rect->y * rect->y));
- *theta = atanf(rect->y/rect->x);
- } // end POINT2D_To_PolarRTh
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // convert cylindrical to rectangular
- rect->x = cyl->r*cosf(cyl->theta);
- rect->y = cyl->r*sinf(cyl->theta);
- rect->z = cyl->z;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float *x, float *y, float *z)
- {
- // convert cylindrical to rectangular
- *x = cyl->r*cosf(cyl->theta);
- *y = cyl->r*sinf(cyl->theta);
- *z = cyl->z;
- } // end CYLINDRICAL3D_To_RectXYZ
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // convert rectangular to cylindrical
- cyl->r = sqrtf((rect->x * rect->x) + (rect->y * rect->y));
- cyl->theta = atanf(rect->y/rect->x);
- cyl->z = rect->z;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void POINT3D_To_CylindricalRThZ(POINT3D_PTR rect,
- float *r, float *theta, float *z)
- {
- // convert rectangular to cylindrical
- *r = sqrtf((rect->x * rect->x) + (rect->y * rect->y));
- *theta = atanf(rect->y/rect->x);
- *z = rect->z;
- } // end POINT3D_To_CylindricalRThZ
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // convert spherical to rectangular
- float r;
- // pre-compute r, and z
- r = sph->p*sinf(sph->phi);
- rect->z = sph->p*cosf(sph->phi);
- // use r to simplify computation of x,y
- rect->x = r*cosf(sph->theta);
- rect->y = r*sinf(sph->theta);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float *x, float *y, float *z)
- {
- // convert spherical to rectangular
- float r;
- // pre-compute r, and z
- r = sph->p*sinf(sph->phi);
- *z = sph->p*cosf(sph->phi);
- // use r to simplify computation of x,y
- *x = r*cosf(sph->theta);
- *y = r*sinf(sph->theta);
- } // end SPHERICAL3D_To_RectXYZ
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // convert rectangular to spherical
- sph->p = sqrtf((rect->x*rect->x)+(rect->y*rect->y)+(rect->z*rect->z));
- sph->theta = atanf(rect->y/rect->x);
- // we need r to compute phi
- float r = sph->p*sinf(sph->phi);
- sph->phi = asinf(r/sph->p);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void POINT3D_To_SphericalPThPh(POINT3D_PTR rect,
- float *p, float *theta, float *phi)
- {
- // convert rectangular to spherical
- *p = sqrtf((rect->x*rect->x)+(rect->y*rect->y)+(rect->z*rect->z));
- *theta = atanf(rect->y/rect->x);
- // we need r to compute phi
- float r = sqrtf((rect->x * rect->x) + (rect->y * rect->y));
- *phi = asinf(r / (*p));
- } // end POINT3D_To_SphericalPThPh
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Add(VECTOR2D_PTR va,
- VECTOR2D_PTR vsum)
- {
- // this function adds va+vb and return it in vsum
- vsum->x = va->x + vb->x;
- vsum->y = va->y + vb->y;
- } // end VECTOR2D_Add
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function adds va+vb and returns the result on
- // the stack
- VECTOR2D vsum;
- vsum.x = va->x + vb->x;
- vsum.y = va->y + vb->y;
- // return result
- return(vsum);
- } // end VECTOR2D_Add
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Sub(VECTOR2D_PTR va,
- VECTOR2D_PTR vdiff)
- {
- // this function subtracts va-vb and return it in vdiff
- // the stack
- vdiff->x = va->x - vb->x;
- vdiff->y = va->y - vb->y;
- } // end VECTOR2D_Sub
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function subtracts va-vb and returns the result on
- // the stack
- VECTOR2D vdiff;
- vdiff.x = va->x - vb->x;
- vdiff.y = va->y - vb->y;
- // return result
- return(vdiff);
- } // end VECTOR2D_Sub
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Scale(float k,
- VECTOR2D_PTR vscaled)
- {
- // this function scales a vector by the constant k,
- // leaves the original unchanged, and returns the result
- // in vscaled
- // multiply each component by scaling factor
- vscaled->x = k*va->x;
- vscaled->y = k*va->y;
- } // end VECTOR2D_Scale
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Scale(float k, VECTOR2D_PTR va)
- {
- // this function scales a vector by the constant k,
- // by scaling the original
- // multiply each component by scaling factor
- va->x*=k;
- va->y*=k;
- } // end VECTOR2D_Scale
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // computes the dot product between va and vb
- return( (va->x * vb->x) + (va->y * vb->y) );
- } // end VECTOR2D_Dot
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float VECTOR2D_Length(VECTOR2D_PTR va)
- {
- // computes the magnitude of a vector, slow
- return(sqrtf(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y));
- } // end VECTOR2D_Length
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float VECTOR2D_Length_Fast(VECTOR2D_PTR va)
- {
- // computes the magnitude of a vector using an approximation
- // very fast
- return( (float)Fast_Distance_2D(va->x, va->y) );
- } // end VECTOR2D_Length_Fast
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Normalize(VECTOR2D_PTR va)
- {
- // normalizes the sent vector in place
- // compute length
- float length = sqrtf(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y );
- // test for zero length vector
- // if found return zero vector
- if (length < EPSILON_E5)
- return;
- float length_inv = 1/length;
- // compute normalized version of vector
- va->x = va->x*length_inv;
- va->y = va->y*length_inv;
- } // end VECTOR2D_Normalize
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Normalize(VECTOR2D_PTR va, VECTOR2D_PTR vn)
- {
- // normalizes the sent vector and returns the result in vn
- // compute length
- float length = (float)sqrtf(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y );
- // test for zero length vector
- // if found return zero vector
- if (length < EPSILON_E5)
- return;
- float length_inv = 1/length;
- // compute normalized version of vector
- vn->x = va->x*length_inv;
- vn->y = va->y*length_inv;
- } // end VECTOR2D_Normalize
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Build(VECTOR2D_PTR init,
- VECTOR2D_PTR term,
- VECTOR2D_PTR result)
- {
- // this function creates a vector from two vectors (or points)
- // in 3D space
- result->x = term->x - init->x;
- result->y = term->y - init->y;
- } // end VECTOR2D_Build
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function returns the cosine of the angle between
- // two vectors. Note, we could compute the actual angle,
- // many many times, in further calcs we will want ultimately
- // compute cos of the angle, so why not just leave it!
- return(VECTOR2D_Dot(va,vb)/(VECTOR2D_Length(va)*VECTOR2D_Length(vb)));
- } // end VECTOR2D_CosTh
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR2D_Print(VECTOR2D_PTR va, char *name="v")
- {
- // this function prints out a VECTOR2D
- Write_Error("n%s=[",name);
- for (int index=0; index<2; index++)
- Write_Error("%f, ",va->M[index]);
- Write_Error("]");
- } // end VECTOR2D_Print
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Add(VECTOR3D_PTR va,
- VECTOR3D_PTR vsum)
- {
- // this function adds va+vb and return it in vsum
- vsum->x = va->x + vb->x;
- vsum->y = va->y + vb->y;
- vsum->z = va->z + vb->z;
- } // end VECTOR3D_Add
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function adds va+vb and returns the result on
- // the stack
- VECTOR3D vsum;
- vsum.x = va->x + vb->x;
- vsum.y = va->y + vb->y;
- vsum.z = va->z + vb->z;
- // return result
- return(vsum);
- } // end VECTOR3D_Add
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Sub(VECTOR3D_PTR va,
- VECTOR3D_PTR vdiff)
- {
- // this function subtracts va-vb and return it in vdiff
- // the stack
- vdiff->x = va->x - vb->x;
- vdiff->y = va->y - vb->y;
- vdiff->z = va->z - vb->z;
- } // end VECTOR3D_Sub
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function subtracts va-vb and returns the result on
- // the stack
- VECTOR3D vdiff;
- vdiff.x = va->x - vb->x;
- vdiff.y = va->y - vb->y;
- vdiff.z = va->z - vb->z;
- // return result
- return(vdiff);
- } // end VECTOR3D_Sub
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Scale(float k, VECTOR3D_PTR va)
- {
- // this function scales a vector by the constant k,
- // and modifies the original
- // multiply each component by scaling factor
- va->x*=k;
- va->y*=k;
- va->z*=k;
- } // end VECTOR3D_Scale
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Scale(float k, VECTOR3D_PTR va, VECTOR3D_PTR vscaled)
- {
- // this function scales a vector by the constant k,
- // leaves the original unchanged, and returns the result
- // in vres as well as on the stack
- // multiply each component by scaling factor
- vscaled->x = k*va->x;
- vscaled->y = k*va->y;
- vscaled->z = k*va->z;
- } // end VECTOR3D_Scale
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // computes the dot product between va and vb
- return( (va->x * vb->x) + (va->y * vb->y) + (va->z * vb->z) );
- } // end VECTOR3D_DOT
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function computes the cross product between va and vb
- // and returns the vector that is perpendicular to each in vn
- vn->x = ( (va->y * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->y) );
- vn->y = -( (va->x * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->x) );
- vn->z = ( (va->x * vb->y) - (va->y * vb->x) );
- } // end VECTOR3D_Cross
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function computes the cross product between va and vb
- // and returns the vector that is perpendicular to each
- VECTOR3D vn;
- vn.x = ( (va->y * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->y) );
- vn.y = -( (va->x * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->x) );
- vn.z = ( (va->x * vb->y) - (va->y * vb->x) );
- // return result
- return(vn);
- } // end VECTOR3D_Cross
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float VECTOR3D_Length(VECTOR3D_PTR va)
- {
- // computes the magnitude of a vector, slow
- return( (float)sqrtf(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y + va->z*va->z) );
- } // end VECTOR3D_Length
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float VECTOR3D_Length_Fast(VECTOR3D_PTR va)
- {
- // computes the magnitude of a vector using an approximation
- // very fast
- return( Fast_Distance_3D(va->x, va->y, va->z) );
- } // end VECTOR3D_Length_Fast
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Normalize(VECTOR3D_PTR va)
- {
- // normalizes the sent vector in placew
- // compute length
- float length = sqrtf(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y + va->z*va->z);
- // test for zero length vector
- // if found return zero vector
- if (length < EPSILON_E5)
- return;
- float length_inv = 1/length;
- // compute normalized version of vector
- va->x*=length_inv;
- va->y*=length_inv;
- va->z*=length_inv;
- } // end VECTOR3D_Normalize
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Normalize(VECTOR3D_PTR va, VECTOR3D_PTR vn)
- {
- // normalizes the sent vector and returns the result in vn
- // compute length
- float length = VECTOR3D_Length(va);
- // test for zero length vector
- // if found return zero vector
- if (length < EPSILON_E5)
- return;
- float length_inv = 1.0/length;
- // compute normalized version of vector
- vn->x = va->x*length_inv;
- vn->y = va->y*length_inv;
- vn->z = va->z*length_inv;
- } // end VECTOR3D_Normalize
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Build(VECTOR3D_PTR init,VECTOR3D_PTR term,VECTOR3D_PTR result)
- {
- // this function creates a vector from two vectors (or points)
- // in 3D space
- result->x = term->x - init->x;
- result->y = term->y - init->y;
- result->z = term->z - init->z;
- } // end VECTOR3D_Build
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function returns the cosine of the angle between
- // two vectors. Note, we could compute the actual angle,
- // many many times, in further calcs we will want ultimately
- // compute cos of the angle, so why not just leave it!
- return(VECTOR3D_Dot(va,vb)/(VECTOR3D_Length(va)*VECTOR3D_Length(vb)));
- } // end VECTOR3D_CosTh
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR3D_Print(VECTOR3D_PTR va, char *name="v")
- {
- // this function prints out a VECTOR3D
- Write_Error("n%s=[",name);
- for (int index=0; index<3; index++)
- Write_Error("%f, ",va->M[index]);
- Write_Error("]");
- } // end VECTOR3D_Print
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // these are the 4D version of the vector functions, they
- // assume that the vectors are 3D with a w, so w is left
- // out of all the operations
- void VECTOR4D_Build(VECTOR4D_PTR init, VECTOR4D_PTR term, VECTOR4D_PTR result)
- {
- // build a 4d vector
- result->x = term->x - init->x;
- result->y = term->y - init->y;
- result->z = term->z - init->z;
- result->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Build
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function adds va+vb and return it in vsum
- vsum->x = va->x + vb->x;
- vsum->y = va->y + vb->y;
- vsum->z = va->z + vb->z;
- vsum->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Add
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function adds va+vb and returns the result on
- // the stack
- VECTOR4D vsum;
- vsum.x = va->x + vb->x;
- vsum.y = va->y + vb->y;
- vsum.z = va->z + vb->z;
- vsum.w = 1;
- // return result
- return(vsum);
- } // end VECTOR4D_Add
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function subtracts va-vb and return it in vdiff
- // the stack
- vdiff->x = va->x - vb->x;
- vdiff->y = va->y - vb->y;
- vdiff->z = va->z - vb->z;
- vdiff->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Sub
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function subtracts va-vb and returns the result on
- // the stack
- VECTOR4D vdiff;
- vdiff.x = va->x - vb->x;
- vdiff.y = va->y - vb->y;
- vdiff.z = va->z - vb->z;
- vdiff.w = 1;
- // return result
- return(vdiff);
- } // end VECTOR4D_Sub
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR4D_Scale(float k, VECTOR4D_PTR va)
- {
- // this function scales a vector by the constant k,
- // in place , note w is left unchanged
- // multiply each component by scaling factor
- va->x*=k;
- va->y*=k;
- va->z*=k;
- va->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Scale
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR4D_Scale(float k, VECTOR4D_PTR va, VECTOR4D_PTR vscaled)
- {
- // this function scales a vector by the constant k,
- // leaves the original unchanged, and returns the result
- // in vres as well as on the stack
- // multiply each component by scaling factor
- vscaled->x = k*va->x;
- vscaled->y = k*va->y;
- vscaled->z = k*va->z;
- vscaled->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Scale
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // computes the dot product between va and vb
- return( (va->x * vb->x) + (va->y * vb->y) + (va->z * vb->z) );
- } // end VECTOR4D_DOT
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR4D_Cross(VECTOR4D_PTR va,
- {
- // this function computes the cross product between va and vb
- // and returns the vector that is perpendicular to each in vn
- vn->x = ( (va->y * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->y) );
- vn->y = -( (va->x * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->x) );
- vn->z = ( (va->x * vb->y) - (va->y * vb->x) );
- vn->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Cross
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function computes the cross product between va and vb
- // and returns the vector that is perpendicular to each
- VECTOR4D vn;
- vn.x = ( (va->y * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->y) );
- vn.y = -( (va->x * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->x) );
- vn.z = ( (va->x * vb->y) - (va->y * vb->x) );
- vn.w = 1;
- // return result
- return(vn);
- } // end VECTOR4D_Cross
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float VECTOR4D_Length(VECTOR4D_PTR va)
- {
- // computes the magnitude of a vector, slow
- return(sqrtf(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y + va->z*va->z) );
- } // end VECTOR4D_Length
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float VECTOR4D_Length_Fast(VECTOR4D_PTR va)
- {
- // computes the magnitude of a vector using an approximation
- // very fast
- return( Fast_Distance_3D(va->x, va->y, va->z) );
- } // end VECTOR4D_Length_Fast
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR4D_Normalize(VECTOR4D_PTR va)
- {
- // normalizes the sent vector and returns the result
- // compute length
- float length = sqrtf(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y + va->z*va->z);
- // test for zero length vector
- // if found return zero vector
- if (length < EPSILON_E5)
- return;
- float length_inv = 1.0/length;
- // compute normalized version of vector
- va->x*=length_inv;
- va->y*=length_inv;
- va->z*=length_inv;
- va->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Normalize
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR4D_Normalize(VECTOR4D_PTR va, VECTOR4D_PTR vn)
- {
- // normalizes the sent vector and returns the result in vn
- // compute length
- float length = sqrt(va->x*va->x + va->y*va->y + va->z*va->z);
- // test for zero length vector
- // if found return zero vector
- if (length < EPSILON_E5)
- return;
- float length_inv = 1.0/length;
- // compute normalized version of vector
- vn->x = va->x*length_inv;
- vn->y = va->y*length_inv;
- vn->z = va->z*length_inv;
- vn->w = 1;
- } // end VECTOR4D_Normalize
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- // this function returns the cosine of the angle between
- // two vectors. Note, we could compute the actual angle,
- // many many times, in further calcs we will want ultimately
- // compute cos of the angle, so why not just leave it!
- return(VECTOR4D_Dot(va,vb)/(VECTOR4D_Length(va)*VECTOR4D_Length(vb)));
- } // end VECTOR4D_CosTh
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void VECTOR4D_Print(VECTOR4D_PTR va, char *name="v")
- {
- // this function prints out a VECTOR4D
- Write_Error("n%s[",name);
- for (int index=0; index<4; index++)
- Write_Error("%f, ",va->M[index]);
- Write_Error("]");
- } // end VECTOR4D_Print
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Init_2X2(MATRIX2X2_PTR ma,
- float m00, float m01,
- float m10, float m11)
- {
- // this function fills a 2x2 matrix with the sent data in
- // row major form
- ma->M00 = m00; ma->M01 = m01;
- ma->M10 = m10; ma->M11 = m11;
- } // end Mat_Init_2X2
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Add_2X2(MATRIX2X2_PTR ma, MATRIX2X2_PTR mb, MATRIX2X2_PTR msum)
- {
- // this function adds two 2x2 matrices together and stores
- // the result in msum
- msum->M00 = ma->M00+mb->M00;
- msum->M01 = ma->M01+mb->M01;
- msum->M10 = ma->M10+mb->M10;
- msum->M11 = ma->M11+mb->M11;
- } // end Mat_Add_2X2
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_2X2(MATRIX2X2_PTR ma, MATRIX2X2_PTR mb, MATRIX2X2_PTR mprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies two 2x2 matrices together and
- // and stores the result in mprod
- mprod->M00 = ma->M00*mb->M00 + ma->M01*mb->M10;
- mprod->M01 = ma->M00*mb->M01 + ma->M01*mb->M11;
- mprod->M10 = ma->M10*mb->M00 + ma->M11*mb->M10;
- mprod->M11 = ma->M10*mb->M01 + ma->M11*mb->M11;
- } // end Mat_Mul_2X2
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Mat_Inverse_2X2(MATRIX2X2_PTR m, MATRIX2X2_PTR mi)
- {
- // this function computes the inverse of a 2x2 matrix
- // and stores the result in mi
- // compute determinate
- float det = (m->M00*m->M11 - m->M01*m->M10);
- // if determinate is 0 then inverse doesn't exist
- if (fabs(det) < EPSILON_E5)
- return(0);
- float det_inv = 1.0/det;
- // fill in inverse by formula
- mi->M00 = m->M11*det_inv;
- mi->M01 = -m->M01*det_inv;
- mi->M10 = -m->M10*det_inv;
- mi->M11 = m->M00*det_inv;
- // return sucess
- return(1);
- } // end Mat_Inverse_2X2
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Print_Mat_2X2(MATRIX2X2_PTR ma, char *name="M")
- {
- // prints out a 3x3 matrix
- Write_Error("n%s=n",name);
- for (int r=0; r < 2; r++, Write_Error("n"))
- for (int c=0; c < 2; c++)
- Write_Error("%f ",ma->M[r][c]);
- } // end Print_Mat_2X2
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float Mat_Det_2X2(MATRIX2X2_PTR m)
- {
- // computes the determinate of a 2x2 matrix
- return(m->M00*m->M11 - m->M01*m->M10);
- } // end Mat_Det_2X2
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Solve_2X2_System(MATRIX2X2_PTR A, MATRIX1X2_PTR X, MATRIX1X2_PTR B)
- {
- // solves the system AX=B and computes X=A(-1)*B
- // by using cramers rule and determinates
- // step 1: compute determinate of A
- float det_A = Mat_Det_2X2(A);
- // test if det(a) is zero, if so then there is no solution
- if (fabs(det_A) < EPSILON_E5)
- return(0);
- // step 2: create x,y numerator matrices by taking A and
- // replacing each column of it with B(transpose) and solve
- MATRIX2X2 work_mat; // working matrix
- // solve for x /////////////////
- // copy A into working matrix
- MAT_COPY_2X2(A, &work_mat);
- // swap out column 0 (x column)
- MAT_COLUMN_SWAP_2X2(&work_mat, 0, B);
- // compute determinate of A with B swapped into x column
- float det_ABx = Mat_Det_2X2(&work_mat);
- // now solve for X00
- X->M00 = det_ABx/det_A;
- // solve for y /////////////////
- // copy A into working matrix
- MAT_COPY_2X2(A, &work_mat);
- // swap out column 1 (y column)
- MAT_COLUMN_SWAP_2X2(&work_mat, 1, B);
- // compute determinate of A with B swapped into y column
- float det_ABy = Mat_Det_2X2(&work_mat);
- // now solve for X01
- X->M01 = det_ABy/det_A;
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Solve_2X2_System
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Add_3X3(MATRIX3X3_PTR ma,
- MATRIX3X3_PTR msum)
- {
- // this function adds two 3x3 matrices together and
- // and stores the result
- for (int row=0; row<3; row++)
- {
- for (int col=0; col<3; col++)
- {
- // insert resulting row,col element
- msum->M[row][col] = ma->M[row][col] + mb->M[row][col];
- } // end for col
- } // end for row
- } // end Mat_Add_3X3
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_3X3(VECTOR3D_PTR va,
- VECTOR3D_PTR vprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies a VECTOR3D against a
- // 3x3 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
- for (int col=0; col < 3; col++)
- {
- // compute dot product from row of ma
- // and column of mb
- float sum = 0; // used to hold result
- for (int row=0; row<3; row++)
- {
- // add in next product pair
- sum+=(va->M[row]*mb->M[row][col]);
- } // end for index
- // insert resulting col element
- vprod->M[col] = sum;
- } // end for col
- } // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_3X3
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Init_3X3(MATRIX3X3_PTR ma,
- float m00, float m01, float m02,
- float m10, float m11, float m12,
- float m20, float m21, float m22)
- {
- // this function fills a 3x3 matrix with the sent data in row major form
- ma->M00 = m00; ma->M01 = m01; ma->M02 = m02;
- ma->M10 = m10; ma->M11 = m11; ma->M12 = m12;
- ma->M20 = m20; ma->M21 = m21; ma->M22 = m22;
- } // end Mat_Init_3X3
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Mat_Inverse_3X3(MATRIX3X3_PTR m, MATRIX3X3_PTR mi)
- {
- // this function computes the inverse of a 3x3
- // first compute the determinate to see if there is
- // an inverse
- float det = m->M00*(m->M11*m->M22 - m->M21*m->M12) -
- m->M01*(m->M10*m->M22 - m->M20*m->M12) +
- m->M02*(m->M10*m->M21 - m->M20*m->M11);
- if (fabs(det) < EPSILON_E5)
- return(0);
- // compute inverse to save divides
- float det_inv = 1.0/det;
- // compute inverse using m-1 = adjoint(m)/det(m)
- mi->M00 = det_inv*(m->M11*m->M22 - m->M21*m->M12);
- mi->M10 = -det_inv*(m->M10*m->M22 - m->M20*m->M12);
- mi->M20 = det_inv*(m->M10*m->M21 - m->M20*m->M11);
- mi->M01 = -det_inv*(m->M01*m->M22 - m->M21*m->M02);
- mi->M11 = det_inv*(m->M00*m->M22 - m->M20*m->M02);
- mi->M21 = -det_inv*(m->M00*m->M21 - m->M20*m->M01);
- mi->M02 = det_inv*(m->M01*m->M12 - m->M11*m->M02);
- mi->M12 = -det_inv*(m->M00*m->M12 - m->M10*m->M02);
- mi->M22 = det_inv*(m->M00*m->M11 - m->M10*m->M01);
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Mat_Inverse_3X3
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Print_Mat_3X3(MATRIX3X3_PTR ma, char *name="M")
- {
- // prints out a 3x3 matrix
- Write_Error("n%s=n",name);
- for (int r=0; r < 3; r++, Write_Error("n"))
- for (int c=0; c < 3; c++)
- Write_Error("%f ",ma->M[r][c]);
- } // end Print_Mat_3X3
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float Mat_Det_3X3(MATRIX3X3_PTR m)
- {
- // computes the determinate of a 3x3 matrix using co-factor
- // expansion
- return(m->M00*(m->M11*m->M22 - m->M21*m->M12) -
- m->M01*(m->M10*m->M22 - m->M20*m->M12) +
- m->M02*(m->M10*m->M21 - m->M20*m->M11) );
- } // end Mat_Det_3X3
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Solve_3X3_System(MATRIX3X3_PTR A, MATRIX1X3_PTR X, MATRIX1X3_PTR B)
- {
- // solves the system AX=B and computes X=A(-1)*B
- // by using cramers rule and determinates
- // step 1: compute determinate of A
- float det_A = Mat_Det_3X3(A);
- // test if det(a) is zero, if so then there is no solution
- if (fabs(det_A) < EPSILON_E5)
- return(0);
- // step 2: create x,y,z numerator matrices by taking A and
- // replacing each column of it with B(transpose) and solve
- MATRIX3X3 work_mat; // working matrix
- // solve for x /////////////////
- // copy A into working matrix
- MAT_COPY_3X3(A, &work_mat);
- // swap out column 0 (x column)
- MAT_COLUMN_SWAP_3X3(&work_mat, 0, B);
- // compute determinate of A with B swapped into x column
- float det_ABx = Mat_Det_3X3(&work_mat);
- // now solve for X00
- X->M00 = det_ABx/det_A;
- // solve for y /////////////////
- // copy A into working matrix
- MAT_COPY_3X3(A, &work_mat);
- // swap out column 1 (y column)
- MAT_COLUMN_SWAP_3X3(&work_mat, 1, B);
- // compute determinate of A with B swapped into y column
- float det_ABy = Mat_Det_3X3(&work_mat);
- // now solve for X01
- X->M01 = det_ABy/det_A;
- // solve for z /////////////////
- // copy A into working matrix
- MAT_COPY_3X3(A, &work_mat);
- // swap out column 2 (z column)
- MAT_COLUMN_SWAP_3X3(&work_mat, 2, B);
- // compute determinate of A with B swapped into z column
- float det_ABz = Mat_Det_3X3(&work_mat);
- // now solve for X02
- X->M02 = det_ABz/det_A;
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Solve_3X3_System
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Add_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR ma,
- MATRIX4X4_PTR msum)
- {
- // this function adds two 4x4 matrices together and
- // and stores the result
- for (int row=0; row<4; row++)
- {
- for (int col=0; col<4; col++)
- {
- // insert resulting row,col element
- msum->M[row][col] = ma->M[row][col] + mb->M[row][col];
- } // end for col
- } // end for row
- } // end Mat_Add_4X4
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR ma,
- MATRIX4X4_PTR mprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies two 4x4 matrices together and
- // and stores the result in mprod
- // note later we will take advantage of the fact that we know
- // that w=1 always, and that the last column of a 4x4 is
- // always 0
- for (int row=0; row<4; row++)
- {
- for (int col=0; col<4; col++)
- {
- // compute dot product from row of ma
- // and column of mb
- float sum = 0; // used to hold result
- for (int index=0; index<4; index++)
- {
- // add in next product pair
- sum+=(ma->M[row][index]*mb->M[index][col]);
- } // end for index
- // insert resulting row,col element
- mprod->M[row][col] = sum;
- } // end for col
- } // end for row
- } // end Mat_Mul_4X4
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_1X4_4X4(MATRIX1X4_PTR ma,
- MATRIX1X4_PTR mprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies a 1x4 matrix against a
- // 4x4 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result
- // no tricks or assumptions here, just a straight multiply
- for (int col=0; col<4; col++)
- {
- // compute dot product from row of ma
- // and column of mb
- float sum = 0; // used to hold result
- for (int row=0; row<4; row++)
- {
- // add in next product pair
- sum+=(ma->M[row] * mb->M[row][col]);
- } // end for index
- // insert resulting col element
- mprod->M[col] = sum;
- } // end for col
- } // end Mat_Mul_1X4_4X4
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X4(VECTOR3D_PTR va,
- VECTOR3D_PTR vprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies a VECTOR3D against a
- // 4x4 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
- // the function assumes that the vector refers to a
- // 4D homogenous vector, thus the function assumes that
- // w=1 to carry out the multiply, also the function
- // does not carry out the last column multiply since
- // we are assuming w=1, there is no point
- for (int col=0; col < 3; col++)
- {
- // compute dot product from row of ma
- // and column of mb
- float sum = 0; // used to hold result
- for (int row=0; row<3; row++)
- {
- // add in next product pair
- sum+=(va->M[row]*mb->M[row][col]);
- } // end for index
- // add in last element in column or w*mb[3][col]
- sum+=mb->M[row][col];
- // insert resulting col element
- vprod->M[col] = sum;
- } // end for col
- } // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X4
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X3(VECTOR3D_PTR va,
- VECTOR3D_PTR vprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies a VECTOR3D against a
- // 4x3 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
- // the function assumes that the vector refers to a
- // 4D homogenous vector, thus the function assumes that
- // w=1 to carry out the multiply, also the function
- // does not carry out the last column multiply since
- // we are assuming w=1, there is no point
- for (int col=0; col < 3; col++)
- {
- // compute dot product from row of ma
- // and column of mb
- float sum = 0; // used to hold result
- for (int row=0; row<3; row++)
- {
- // add in next product pair
- sum+=(va->M[row]*mb->M[row][col]);
- } // end for index
- // add in last element in column or w*mb[3][col]
- sum+=mb->M[row][col];
- // insert resulting col element
- vprod->M[col] = sum;
- } // end for col
- } // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X3
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(VECTOR4D_PTR va,
- VECTOR4D_PTR vprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies a VECTOR4D against a
- // 4x4 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
- // the function makes no assumptions
- for (int col=0; col < 4; col++)
- {
- // compute dot product from row of ma
- // and column of mb
- float sum = 0; // used to hold result
- for (int row=0; row<4; row++)
- {
- // add in next product pair
- sum+=(va->M[row]*mb->M[row][col]);
- } // end for index
- // insert resulting col element
- vprod->M[col] = sum;
- } // end for col
- } // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X3(VECTOR4D_PTR va,
- VECTOR4D_PTR vprod)
- {
- // this function multiplies a VECTOR4D against a
- // 4x3 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
- // the function assumes that the last column of
- // mb is [0 0 0 1]t , thus w just gets replicated
- // from the vector [x y z w]
- for (int col=0; col < 3; col++)
- {
- // compute dot product from row of ma
- // and column of mb
- float sum = 0; // used to hold result
- for (int row=0; row<4; row++)
- {
- // add in next product pair
- sum+=(va->M[row]*mb->M[row][col]);
- } // end for index
- // insert resulting col element
- vprod->M[col] = sum;
- } // end for col
- // copy back w element
- vprod->M[3] = va->M[3];
- } // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X3
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Mat_Init_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR ma,
- float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03,
- float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13,
- float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23,
- float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33)
- {
- // this function fills a 4x4 matrix with the sent data in
- // row major form
- ma->M00 = m00; ma->M01 = m01; ma->M02 = m02; ma->M03 = m03;
- ma->M10 = m10; ma->M11 = m11; ma->M12 = m12; ma->M13 = m13;
- ma->M20 = m20; ma->M21 = m21; ma->M22 = m22; ma->M23 = m23;
- ma->M30 = m30; ma->M31 = m31; ma->M32 = m32; ma->M33 = m33;
- } // end Mat_Init_4X4
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Mat_Inverse_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR m, MATRIX4X4_PTR mi)
- {
- // computes the inverse of a 4x4, assumes that the last
- // column is [0 0 0 1]t
- float det = ( m->M00 * ( m->M11 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M21 ) -
- m->M01 * ( m->M10 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M20 ) +
- m->M02 * ( m->M10 * m->M21 - m->M11 * m->M20 ) );
- // test determinate to see if it's 0
- if (fabs(det) < EPSILON_E5)
- return(0);
- float det_inv = 1.0f / det;
- mi->M00 = det_inv * ( m->M11 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M21 );
- mi->M01 = -det_inv * ( m->M01 * m->M22 - m->M02 * m->M21 );
- mi->M02 = det_inv * ( m->M01 * m->M12 - m->M02 * m->M11 );
- mi->M03 = 0.0f; // always 0
- mi->M10 = -det_inv * ( m->M10 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M20 );
- mi->M11 = det_inv * ( m->M00 * m->M22 - m->M02 * m->M20 );
- mi->M12 = -det_inv * ( m->M00 * m->M12 - m->M02 * m->M10 );
- mi->M13 = 0.0f; // always 0
- mi->M20 = det_inv * ( m->M10 * m->M21 - m->M11 * m->M20 );
- mi->M21 = -det_inv * ( m->M00 * m->M21 - m->M01 * m->M20 );
- mi->M22 = det_inv * ( m->M00 * m->M11 - m->M01 * m->M10 );
- mi->M23 = 0.0f; // always 0
- mi->M30 = -( m->M30 * mi->M00 + m->M31 * mi->M10 + m->M32 * mi->M20 );
- mi->M31 = -( m->M30 * mi->M01 + m->M31 * mi->M11 + m->M32 * mi->M21 );
- mi->M32 = -( m->M30 * mi->M02 + m->M31 * mi->M12 + m->M32 * mi->M22 );
- mi->M33 = 1.0f; // always 0
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Mat_Inverse_4X4
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Print_Mat_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR ma, char *name="M")
- {
- // prints out a 4x4 matrix
- Write_Error("n%s=n",name);
- for (int r=0; r < 4; r++, Write_Error("n"))
- for (int c=0; c < 4; c++)
- Write_Error("%f ",ma->M[r][c]);
- } // end Print_Mat_4X4
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Init_Parm_Line2D(POINT2D_PTR p_init,
- {
- // this initializes a parametric 2d line, note that the function
- // computes v=p_pend - p_init, thus when t=0 the line p=p0+v*t = p0
- // and whne t=1, p=p1, this way the segement is traced out from
- // p0 to p1 via 0<= t <= 1
- // start point
- VECTOR2D_INIT(&(p->p0), p_init);
- // end point
- VECTOR2D_INIT(&(p->p1), p_term);
- // now compute direction vector from p0->p1
- VECTOR2D_Build(p_init, p_term, &(p->v));
- } // end Init_Parm_Line2D
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Init_Parm_Line3D(POINT3D_PTR p_init,
- {
- // this initializes a parametric 3d line, note that the function
- // computes v=p_pend - p_init, thus when t=0 the line p=p0+v*t = p0
- // and whne t=1, p=p1, this way the segement is traced out from
- // p0 to p1 via 0<= t <= 1
- // start point
- VECTOR3D_INIT(&(p->p0), p_init);
- // end point
- VECTOR3D_INIT(&(p->p1),p_term);
- // now compute direction vector from p0->p1
- VECTOR3D_Build(p_init, p_term, &(p->v));
- } // end Init_Parm_Line3D
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Compute_Parm_Line2D(PARMLINE2D_PTR p, float t, POINT2D_PTR pt)
- {
- // this function computes the value of the sent parametric
- // line at the value of t
- pt->x = p->p0.x + p->v.x*t;
- pt->y = p->p0.y + p->v.y*t;
- } // end Compute_Parm_Line2D
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Compute_Parm_Line3D(PARMLINE3D_PTR p, float t, POINT3D_PTR pt)
- {
- // this function computes the value of the sent parametric
- // line at the value of t
- pt->x = p->p0.x + p->v.x*t;
- pt->y = p->p0.y + p->v.y*t;
- pt->z = p->p0.z + p->v.z*t;
- } // end Compute_Parm_Line3D
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Intersect_Parm_Lines2D(PARMLINE2D_PTR p1, PARMLINE2D_PTR p2,
- float *t1, float *t2)
- {
- // this function computes the interesection of the two parametric
- // line segments the function returns true if the segments
- // interesect and sets the values of t1 and t2 to the t values that
- // the intersection occurs on the lines p1 and p2 respectively,
- // however, the function may send back t value not in the range [0,1]
- // this means that the segments don't intersect, but the lines that
- // they represent do, thus a retun of 0 means no intersection, a
- // 1 means intersection on the segments and a 2 means the lines
- // intersect, but not necessarily the segments and 3 means that
- // the lines are the same, thus they intersect everywhere
- // basically we have a system of 2d linear equations, we need
- // to solve for t1, t2 when x,y are both equal (if that's possible)
- // step 1: test for parallel lines, if the direction vectors are
- // scalar multiples then the lines are parallel and can't possible
- // intersect unless the lines overlap
- float det_p1p2 = (p1->v.x*p2->v.y - p1->v.y*p2->v.x);
- if (fabs(det_p1p2) <= EPSILON_E5)
- {
- // at this point, the lines either don't intersect at all
- // or they are the same lines, in which case they may intersect
- // at one or many points along the segments, at this point we
- // will assume that the lines don't intersect at all, but later
- // we may need to rewrite this function and take into
- // consideration the overlap and singular point exceptions
- } // end if
- // step 2: now compute the t1, t2 values for intersection
- // we have two lines of the form
- // p = p0 + v*t, specifically
- // p1 = p10 + v1*t1
- // p1.x = p10.x + v1.x*t1
- // p1.y = p10.y + v1.y*t1
- // p2 = p20 + v2*t2
- // p2 = p20 + v2*t2
- // p2.x = p20.x + v2.x*t2
- // p2.y = p20.y + v2.y*t2
- // solve the system when x1 = x2 and y1 = y2
- // explained in chapter 4
- *t1 = (p2->v.x*(p1->p0.y - p2->p0.y) - p2->v.y*(p1->p0.x - p2->p0.x))
- /det_p1p2;
- *t2 = (p1->v.x*(p1->p0.y - p2->p0.y) - p1->v.y*(p1->p0.x - p2->p0.x))
- /det_p1p2;
- // test if the lines intersect on the segments
- if ((*t1>=0) && (*t1<=1) && (*t2>=0) && (*t2<=1))
- else
- } // end Intersect_Parm_Lines2D
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Intersect_Parm_Lines2D(PARMLINE2D_PTR p1, PARMLINE2D_PTR p2, POINT2D_PTR pt)
- {
- // this function computes the interesection of the two
- // parametric line segments the function returns true if
- // the segments interesect and sets the values of pt to the
- // intersection point, however, the function may send back a
- // value not in the range [0,1] on the segments this means
- // that the segments don't intersect, but the lines that
- // they represent do, thus a retun of 0 means no intersection,
- // a 1 means intersection on the segments and a 2 means
- // the lines intersect, but not necessarily the segments
- // basically we have a system of 2d linear equations, we need
- // to solve for t1, t2 when x,y are both equal (if that's possible)
- // step 1: test for parallel lines, if the direction vectors are
- // scalar multiples then the lines are parallel and can't possible
- // intersect
- float t1, t2, det_p1p2 = (p1->v.x*p2->v.y - p1->v.y*p2->v.x);
- if (fabs(det_p1p2) <= EPSILON_E5)
- {
- // at this point, the lines either don't intersect at all
- // or they are the same lines, in which case they may intersect
- // at one or many points along the segments, at this point we
- // will assume that the lines don't intersect at all, but later
- // we may need to rewrite this function and take into
- // consideration the overlap and singular point exceptions
- } // end if
- // step 2: now compute the t1, t2 values for intersection
- // we have two lines of the form
- // p = p0 + v*t, specifically
- // p1 = p10 + v1*t1
- // p1.x = p10.x + v1.x*t1
- // p1.y = p10.y + v1.y*t1
- // p2 = p20 + v2*t2
- // p2 = p20 + v2*t2
- // p2.x = p20.x + v2.x*t2
- // p2.y = p20.y + v2.y*t2
- // solve the system when x1 = x2 and y1 = y2
- // explained in chapter 4
- t1 = (p2->v.x*(p1->p0.y - p2->p0.y) - p2->v.y*(p1->p0.x - p2->p0.x))
- /det_p1p2;
- t2 = (p1->v.x*(p1->p0.y - p2->p0.y) - p1->v.y*(p1->p0.x - p2->p0.x))
- /det_p1p2;
- // now compute point of intersection
- pt->x = p1->p0.x + p1->v.x*t1;
- pt->y = p1->p0.y + p1->v.y*t1;
- // test if the lines intersect on the segments
- if ((t1>=0) && (t1<=1) && (t2>=0) && (t2<=1))
- else
- } // end Intersect_Parm_Lines2D
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PLANE3D_Init(PLANE3D_PTR plane, POINT3D_PTR p0,
- VECTOR3D_PTR normal, int normalize=0)
- {
- // this function initializes a 3d plane
- // copy the point
- POINT3D_COPY(&plane->p0, p0);
- // if normalize is 1 then the normal is made into a unit vector
- if (!normalize)
- VECTOR3D_COPY(&plane->n, normal);
- else
- {
- // make normal into unit vector
- VECTOR3D_Normalize(normal,&plane->n);
- } // end else
- } // end PLANE3D_Init
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float Compute_Point_In_Plane3D(POINT3D_PTR pt, PLANE3D_PTR plane)
- {
- // test if the point in on the plane, in the positive halfspace
- // or negative halfspace
- float hs = plane->n.x*(pt->x - plane->p0.x) +
- plane->n.y*(pt->y - plane->p0.y) +
- plane->n.z*(pt->z - plane->p0.z);
- // return half space value
- return(hs);
- } // end Compute_Point_In_Plane3D
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Intersect_Parm_Line3D_Plane3D(PARMLINE3D_PTR pline,
- PLANE3D_PTR plane,
- float *t, POINT3D_PTR pt)
- {
- // this function determines where the sent parametric line
- // intersects the plane the function will project the line
- // infinitely in both directions, to compute the intersection,
- // but the line segment defined by p intersected the plane iff t e [0,1]
- // also the function returns 0 for no intersection, 1 for
- // intersection of the segment and the plane and 2 for intersection
- // of the line along the segment and the plane 3, the line lies
- // in the plane
- // first test of the line and the plane are parallel, if so
- // then they can't intersect unless the line lies in the plane!
- float plane_dot_line = VECTOR3D_Dot(&pline->v, &plane->n);
- if (fabs(plane_dot_line) <= EPSILON_E5)
- {
- // the line and plane are co-planer, does the line lie
- // in the plane?
- if (fabs(Compute_Point_In_Plane3D(&pline->p0, plane)) <= EPSILON_E5)
- else
- } // end if
- // from chapter 4 we know that we can solve for the t where
- // intersection occurs by
- // a*(x0+vx*t) + b*(y0+vy*t) + c*(z0+vz*t) + d =0
- // t = -(a*x0 + b*y0 + c*z0 + d)/(a*vx + b*vy + c*vz)
- // x0,y0,z0, vx,vy,vz, define the line
- // d = (-a*xp0 - b*yp0 - c*zp0), xp0, yp0, zp0, define the point on the plane
- *t = -(plane->n.x*pline->p0.x +
- plane->n.y*pline->p0.y +
- plane->n.z*pline->p0.z -
- plane->n.x*plane->p0.x -
- plane->n.y*plane->p0.y -
- plane->n.z*plane->p0.z) / (plane_dot_line);
- // now plug t into the parametric line and solve for x,y,z
- pt->x = pline->p0.x + pline->v.x*(*t);
- pt->y = pline->p0.y + pline->v.y*(*t);
- pt->z = pline->p0.z + pline->v.z*(*t);
- // test interval of t
- if (*t>=0.0 && *t<=1.0)
- else
- } // end Intersect_Parm_Line3D_Plane3D
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////