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Visual C++
- // T3DLIB13.H - header file for T3DLIB13.H
- // watch for multiple inclusions
- #ifndef T3DLIB13
- #define T3DLIB13
- // DEFINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define MD2_MAGIC_NUM (('I') + ('D' << 8) + ('P' << 16) + ('2' << 24))
- #define MD2_VERSION 8
- #define MD2_DEBUG 0 // 0 - minimal output when loading files
- // 1 - the farm
- // md2 animation defines
- #define NUM_MD2_ANIMATIONS 20 // total number of MD2 animations
- #define MD2_MAX_FRAMES 198 // total number of MD2 frames, but I have seen 199, and 200
- // md2 animation states
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_STANDING_IDLE 0 // model is standing and idling
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_RUN 1 // model is running
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_ATTACK 2 // model is firing weapon/attacking
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_PAIN_1 3 // model is being hit version 1
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_PAIN_2 4 // model is being hit version 2
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_PAIN_3 5 // model is being hit version 3
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_JUMP 6 // model is jumping
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_FLIP 7 // model is using hand gestures :)
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_SALUTE 8 // model is saluting
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_TAUNT 9 // model is taunting
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_WAVE 10 // model is waving at someone
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_POINT 11 // model is pointing at someone
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_STAND 12 // model is crouching and idling
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_WALK 13 // model is walking while crouching
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_ATTACK 14 // model is firing weapon/attacking with crouching
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_PAIN 15 // model is being hit while crouching
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_CROUCH_DEATH 16 // model is dying while crouching
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_DEATH_BACK 17 // model is dying while falling backward
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_DEATH_FORWARD 18 // model is dying while falling forward
- #define MD2_ANIM_STATE_DEATH_SLOW 19 // model is dying slowly (any direction)
- // modes to run animation
- #define MD2_ANIM_LOOP 0 // play animation over and over
- #define MD2_ANIM_SINGLE_SHOT 1 // single shot animation
- // note: the idle animations are sometimes used for other things like salutes, hand motions, etc.
- // TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // this if the header structure for a Quake II .MD2 file by id Software,
- // I have slightly annotated the field names to make them more readable
- // and less cryptic :)
- typedef struct MD2_HEADER_TYP
- {
- int identifier; // identifies the file type, should be "IDP2"
- int version; // version number, should be 8
- int skin_width; // width of texture map used for skinning
- int skin_height; // height of texture map using for skinning
- int framesize; // number of bytes in a single frame of animation
- int num_skins; // total number of skins
- // listed by ASCII filename and are available
- // for loading if files are found in full path
- int num_verts; // number of vertices in each model frame, the
- // number of vertices in each frame is always the
- // same
- int num_textcoords; // total number of texture coordinates in entire file
- // may be larger than the number of vertices
- int num_polys; // number of polygons per model, or per frame of
- // animation if you will
- int num_openGLcmds; // number of openGL commands which can help with
- // rendering optimization
- // however, we won't be using them
- int num_frames; // total number of animation frames
- // memory byte offsets to actual data for each item
- int offset_skins; // offset in bytes from beginning of file to the
- // skin array that holds the file name for each skin,
- // each file name record is 64 bytes
- int offset_textcoords; // offset in bytes from the beginning of file to the
- // texture coordinate array
- int offset_polys; // offset in bytes from beginning of file to the
- // polygon mesh
- int offset_frames; // offset in bytes from beginning of file to the
- // vertex data for each frame
- int offset_openGLcmds; // offset in bytes from beginning of file to the
- // openGL commands
- int offset_end; // offset in bytes from beginning of file to end of file
- // this is a single point for the md2 model, contains an 8-bit scaled x,y,z
- // and an index for the normal to the point that is encoded as an
- // index into a normal table supplied by id software
- typedef struct MD2_POINT_TYP
- {
- unsigned char v[3]; // vertex x,y,z in compressed byte format
- unsigned char normal_index; // index into normal table from id Software (unused)
- // this is a single u,v texture
- typedef struct MD2_TEXTCOORD_TYP
- {
- short u,v;
- // this is a single frame for the md2 format, it has a small header portion
- // which describes how to scale and translate the model vertices, but then
- // has an array to the actual data points which is variable, so the definition
- // uses a single unit array to allow the compiler to address up to n with
- // array syntax
- typedef struct MD2_FRAME_TYP
- {
- float scale[3]; // x,y,z scaling factors for the frame vertices
- float translate[3]; // x,y,z translation factors for the frame vertices
- char name[16]; // ASCII name of the model, "evil death lord" etc. :)
- MD2_POINT vlist[1]; // beginning of vertex storage array
- // this is a data structure for a single md2 polygon (triangle)
- // it's composed of 3 vertices and 3 texture coordinates, both
- // indices
- typedef struct MD2_POLY_TYP
- {
- unsigned short vindex[3]; // vertex indices
- unsigned short tindex[3]; // texture indices
- // finally, we will create a container class to hold the md2 model and help
- // with animation etc. later, but this model will be converted on the fly
- // to one of our object models each frame, once the md2 model is loaded,
- // is is converted to the container format and the original md2 model is
- // discarded..
- typedef struct MD2_CONTAINER_TYP
- {
- int state; // state of the model
- int attr; // attributes of the model
- int color; // base color if no texture
- int num_frames; // number of frames in the model
- int num_polys; // number of polygons
- int num_verts; // number of vertices
- int num_textcoords; // number of texture coordinates
- BITMAP_IMAGE_PTR skin; // pointer to texture skin for model
- MD2_POLY_PTR polys; // pointer to polygon list
- VECTOR3D_PTR vlist; // pointer to vertex coordinate list
- VECTOR2D_PTR tlist; // pointer to texture coordinate list
- VECTOR4D world_pos; // position of object
- VECTOR4D vel; // velocity of object
- int ivars[8]; // integer variables
- float fvars[8]; // floating point variables
- int counters[8]; // general counters
- int anim_state; // state of animation
- int anim_counter; // general animation counter
- int anim_mode; // single shot, loop, etc.
- int anim_speed; // smaller number, faster animation
- int anim_complete; // flags if single shot animation is done
- float curr_frame; // current frame in animation
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // holds a simple animation start-end plus interpolation rate
- typedef struct MD2_ANIMATION_TYP
- {
- int start_frame; // starting and ending frame
- int end_frame;
- float irate; // interpolation rate
- int anim_speed; // animation rate
- // CLASSES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // EXTERNALS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern HWND main_window_handle; // save the window handle
- extern HINSTANCE main_instance; // save the instance
- extern MD2_ANIMATION md2_animations[NUM_MD2_ANIMATIONS];
- extern char *md2_anim_strings[];
- // MACROS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PROTOTYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Load_Object_MD2(MD2_CONTAINER_PTR obj_md2, // the loaded md2 file placed in container
- char *modelfile, // the filename of the .MD2 model
- VECTOR4D_PTR scale, // initial scaling factors
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot, // initial rotations
- char *texturefile, // the texture filename for the model
- int attr, // the lighting/model attributes for the model
- int color, // base color if no texturing
- int vertex_flags); // control ordering etc.
- int Prepare_OBJECT4DV2_For_MD2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to destination object
- MD2_CONTAINER_PTR obj_md2); // md2 object to extract frame from
- int Extract_MD2_Frame(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to destination object
- MD2_CONTAINER_PTR obj_md2); // md2 object to extract frame from
- int Set_Animation_MD2(MD2_CONTAINER_PTR md2_obj,
- int anim_state,
- int anim_mode);
- int Animate_MD2(MD2_CONTAINER_PTR md2_obj);
- // timer functions
- void Start_Fast_Timer(void);
- void Wait_Fast_Timer(int delay);
- #endif