- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 远程控制软件-偷窥者 压缩库 //
- // 日期:2001/10/02 //
- // 作者:刘东发 //
- // //
- // //
- // OICQ:5584173 阿东 //
- // 作者声明: //
- // 此部分代码是从网上下载获得,经过本人的改写, 变得容易使用,希望能给 //
- // 大家带来方便. //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "PeeperZip.h"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //LZ77 Part START--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CCompress::UpperLog2(int n)
- {
- int i = 0;
- if (n > 0)
- {
- int m = 1;
- while(1)
- {
- if (m >= n)
- return i;
- m <<= 1;
- i++;
- }
- }
- else
- return -1;
- }
- int CCompress::LowerLog2(int n)
- {
- int i = 0;
- if (n > 0)
- {
- int m = 1;
- while(1)
- {
- if (m == n)
- return i;
- if (m > n)
- return i - 1;
- m <<= 1;
- i++;
- }
- }
- else
- return -1;
- }
- void CCompress::MovePos(int* piByte, int* piBit, int num)
- {
- num += (*piBit);
- (*piByte) += num / 8;
- (*piBit) = num % 8;
- }
- BYTE CCompress::GetBit(BYTE byte, int pos)
- {
- int j = 1;
- j <<= 7 - pos;
- if (byte & j)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- void CCompress::SetBit(BYTE* byte, int iBit, BYTE aBit)
- {
- if (aBit)
- (*byte) |= (1 << (7 - iBit));
- else
- (*byte) &= ~(1 << (7 - iBit));
- }
- void CCompress::InvertDWord(DWORD* pDW)
- {
- union UDWORD{ DWORD dw; BYTE b[4]; };
- BYTE b;
- b = pUDW->b[0]; pUDW->b[0] = pUDW->b[3]; pUDW->b[3] = b;
- b = pUDW->b[1]; pUDW->b[1] = pUDW->b[2]; pUDW->b[2] = b;
- }
- void CCompress::CopyBits(BYTE* memDest, int nDestPos,
- BYTE* memSrc, int nSrcPos, int nBits)
- {
- int iByteDest = 0, iBitDest;
- int iByteSrc = 0, iBitSrc = nSrcPos;
- int nBitsToFill, nBitsCanFill;
- while (nBits > 0)
- {
- nBitsToFill = min(nBits, iByteDest ? 8 : 8 - nDestPos);
- iBitDest = iByteDest ? 0 : nDestPos;
- nBitsCanFill = min(nBitsToFill, 8 - iBitSrc);
- CopyBitsInAByte(memDest + iByteDest, iBitDest,
- memSrc + iByteSrc, iBitSrc, nBitsCanFill);
- if (nBitsToFill > nBitsCanFill)
- {
- iByteSrc++; iBitSrc = 0; iBitDest += nBitsCanFill;
- CopyBitsInAByte(memDest + iByteDest, iBitDest,
- memSrc + iByteSrc, iBitSrc,
- nBitsToFill - nBitsCanFill);
- iBitSrc += nBitsToFill - nBitsCanFill;
- }
- else
- {
- iBitSrc += nBitsCanFill;
- if (iBitSrc >= 8)
- {
- iByteSrc++; iBitSrc = 0;
- }
- }
- nBits -= nBitsToFill;
- iByteDest++;
- }
- }
- void CCompress::CopyBitsInAByte(BYTE* memDest, int nDestPos,
- BYTE* memSrc, int nSrcPos, int nBits)
- {
- BYTE b1, b2;
- b1 = *memSrc;
- b1 <<= nSrcPos; b1 >>= 8 - nBits;
- b1 <<= 8 - nBits - nDestPos;
- *memDest |= b1;
- b2 = 0xff; b2 <<= 8 - nDestPos;
- b1 |= b2;
- b2 = 0xff; b2 >>= nDestPos + nBits;
- b1 |= b2;
- *memDest &= b1;
- }
- CCompressLZ77::CCompressLZ77()
- {
- SortHeap = new struct STIDXNODE[_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE];
- }
- CCompressLZ77::~CCompressLZ77()
- {
- delete[] SortHeap;
- }
- void CCompressLZ77::_InitSortTable()
- {
- memset(SortTable, 0, sizeof(WORD) * 65536);
- nWndSize = 0;
- HeapPos = 1;
- }
- void CCompressLZ77::_InsertIndexItem(int off)
- {
- WORD q;
- BYTE ch1, ch2;
- ch1 = pWnd[off]; ch2 = pWnd[off + 1];
- if (ch1 != ch2)
- {
- q = HeapPos;
- HeapPos++;
- SortHeap[q].off = off;
- SortHeap[q].next = SortTable[ch1 * 256 + ch2];
- SortTable[ch1 * 256 + ch2] = q;
- }
- else
- {
- q = SortTable[ch1 * 256 + ch2];
- if (q != 0 && off == SortHeap[q].off2 + 1)
- {
- SortHeap[q].off2 = off;
- }
- else
- {
- q = HeapPos;
- HeapPos++;
- SortHeap[q].off = off;
- SortHeap[q].off2 = off;
- SortHeap[q].next = SortTable[ch1 * 256 + ch2];
- SortTable[ch1 * 256 + ch2] = q;
- }
- }
- }
- void CCompressLZ77::_ScrollWindow(int n)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- nWndSize++;
- if (nWndSize > 1)
- _InsertIndexItem(nWndSize - 2);
- }
- }
- int CCompressLZ77::_GetSameLen(BYTE* src, int srclen, int nSeekStart, int offset)
- {
- int i = 2;
- int maxsame = min(srclen - nSeekStart, nWndSize - offset);
- while (i < maxsame
- && src[nSeekStart + i] == pWnd[offset + i])
- i++;
- _ASSERT(nSeekStart + i <= srclen && offset + i <= nWndSize);
- return i;
- }
- BOOL CCompressLZ77::_SeekPhase(BYTE* src, int srclen, int nSeekStart, int* offset, int* len)
- {
- int j, m, n;
- if (nSeekStart < srclen - 1)
- {
- BYTE ch1, ch2;
- ch1 = src[nSeekStart]; ch2 = src[nSeekStart + 1];
- WORD p;
- p = SortTable[ch1 * 256 + ch2];
- if (p != 0)
- {
- m = 2; n = SortHeap[p].off;
- while (p != 0)
- {
- j = _GetSameLen(src, srclen,
- nSeekStart, SortHeap[p].off);
- if ( j > m )
- {
- m = j;
- n = SortHeap[p].off;
- }
- p = SortHeap[p].next;
- }
- (*offset) = n;
- (*len) = m;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- void CCompressLZ77::_OutCode(BYTE* dest, DWORD code, int bits, BOOL isGamma)
- {
- if ( isGamma )
- {
- BYTE* pb;
- DWORD out;
- int GammaCode = (int)code - 1;
- int q = LowerLog2(GammaCode);
- if (q > 0)
- {
- out = 0xffff;
- pb = (BYTE*)&out;
- CopyBits(dest + CurByte, CurBit,
- pb, 0, q);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, q);
- }
- out = 0;
- pb = (BYTE*)&out;
- CopyBits(dest + CurByte, CurBit, pb + 3, 7, 1);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, 1);
- if (q > 0)
- {
- int sh = 1;
- sh <<= q;
- out = GammaCode - sh;
- pb = (BYTE*)&out;
- InvertDWord(&out);
- CopyBits(dest + CurByte, CurBit,
- pb + (32 - q) / 8, (32 - q) % 8, q);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, q);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DWORD dw = (DWORD)code;
- BYTE* pb = (BYTE*)&dw;
- InvertDWord(&dw);
- CopyBits(dest + CurByte, CurBit,
- pb + (32 - bits) / 8, (32 - bits) % 8, bits);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, bits);
- }
- }
- int CCompressLZ77::Compress(BYTE* src, int srclen, BYTE* dest)
- {
- int i;
- CurByte = 0; CurBit = 0;
- int off, len;
- if (srclen > 65536)
- return -1;
- pWnd = src;
- _InitSortTable();
- for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
- {
- if (CurByte >= srclen)
- return 0;
- if (_SeekPhase(src, srclen, i, &off, &len))
- {
- _OutCode(dest, 1, 1, FALSE);
- _OutCode(dest, len, 0, TRUE);
- _OutCode(dest, off, UpperLog2(nWndSize), FALSE);
- _ScrollWindow(len);
- i += len - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- _OutCode(dest, 0, 1, FALSE);
- _OutCode(dest, (DWORD)(src[i]), 8, FALSE);
- _ScrollWindow(1);
- }
- }
- int destlen = CurByte + ((CurBit) ? 1 : 0);
- if (destlen >= srclen)
- return 0;
- return destlen;
- }
- BOOL CCompressLZ77::Decompress(BYTE* src, int srclen, BYTE* dest)
- {
- int i;
- CurByte = 0; CurBit = 0;
- pWnd = src; // 初始化窗口
- nWndSize = 0;
- if (srclen > 65536)
- return FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
- {
- BYTE b = GetBit(dest[CurByte], CurBit);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, 1);
- if (b == 0) // 单个字符
- {
- CopyBits(src + i, 0, dest + CurByte, CurBit, 8);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, 8);
- nWndSize++;
- }
- else // 窗口内的术语
- {
- int q = -1;
- while (b != 0)
- {
- q++;
- b = GetBit(dest[CurByte], CurBit);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, 1);
- }
- int len, off;
- DWORD dw = 0;
- BYTE* pb;
- if (q > 0)
- {
- pb = (BYTE*)&dw;
- CopyBits(pb + (32 - q) / 8, (32 - q) % 8, dest + CurByte, CurBit, q);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, q);
- InvertDWord(&dw);
- len = 1;
- len <<= q;
- len += dw;
- len += 1;
- }
- else
- len = 2;
- dw = 0;
- pb = (BYTE*)&dw;
- int bits = UpperLog2(nWndSize);
- CopyBits(pb + (32 - bits) / 8, (32 - bits) % 8, dest + CurByte, CurBit, bits);
- MovePos(&CurByte, &CurBit, bits);
- InvertDWord(&dw);
- off = (int)dw;
- for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
- {
- _ASSERT(i + j < srclen);
- _ASSERT(off + j < _MAX_WINDOW_SIZE);
- src[i + j] = pWnd[off + j];
- }
- nWndSize += len;
- i += len - 1;
- }
- if (nWndSize > _MAX_WINDOW_SIZE)
- {
- pWnd += nWndSize - _MAX_WINDOW_SIZE;
- nWndSize = _MAX_WINDOW_SIZE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //LZ77 Part END--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //LZSS Part START--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HGLOBAL C_LZSS::Encode(char *chData, int nSize)
- {
- if(!AfxIsValidAddress(chData, nSize))
- return NULL;
- //缓冲数据区大小
- const int nMaxSize = 65536;
- hZip = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, nMaxSize);
- if(hZip == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- LPBYTE lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hZip);
- BYTE byMaxBuf[nMaxSize];
- ZeroMemory(byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- int nCurPos = 0; //记下数据的位置
- int nZipPos = 0; //记下压缩数据的位置
- int nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hZip
- int nZipSize = 0; //压缩后数据的大小
- int i, c, len, r, s, last_match_length, code_buf_ptr;
- unsigned char code_buf[17], mask;
- InitTree();
- code_buf[0] = 0;
- code_buf_ptr = mask = 1;
- s = 0; r = LZSS_N - LZSS_F;
- for(i = s; i < r; i++)
- {
- text_buf[i] = ' ';
- }
- for(len = 0; len < LZSS_F && (nCurPos < nSize/*getc(infile)*/); len++)
- {
- c = chData[nCurPos]; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- text_buf[r + len] = c;
- }
- if((textsize = len) == 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- for(i = 1; i <= LZSS_F; i++)
- {
- InsertNode(r - i);
- }
- InsertNode(r);
- do
- {
- if(match_length > len)
- {
- match_length = len;
- }
- if(match_length <= LZSS_THRESHOLD)
- {
- match_length = 1;
- code_buf[0] |= mask;
- code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = text_buf[r];
- }
- else
- {
- code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (unsigned char) match_position;
- code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (unsigned char)
- (((match_position >> 4) & 0xf0)
- | (match_length - (LZSS_THRESHOLD + 1)));
- }
- if((mask <<= 1) == 0)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++)
- {
- //存储这个压缩字节
- if(nZipPos >= nMaxSize)
- {
- nZipPos = 0;
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- nBufPos += nMaxSize;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hZip); //重新分配内存
- hZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hZip);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nZipPos] = code_buf[i];
- nZipPos ++;
- nZipSize ++; //当前压缩数据的大小
- }
- codesize += code_buf_ptr;
- code_buf[0] = 0;
- code_buf_ptr = mask = 1;
- }
- last_match_length = match_length;
- for(i = 0; i < last_match_length && (nCurPos < nSize)/*c = getc(infile)) != EOF*/; i++)
- {
- c = chData[nCurPos]; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- DeleteNode(s);
- text_buf[s] = c;
- if(s < LZSS_F - 1)
- {
- text_buf[s + LZSS_N] = c;
- }
- s = (s + 1) & (LZSS_N - 1);
- r = (r + 1) & (LZSS_N - 1);
- InsertNode(r);
- }
- if((textsize += i) > printcount)
- {
- printcount += 1024;
- }
- while(i++ < last_match_length)
- {
- DeleteNode(s);
- s = (s + 1) & (LZSS_N - 1);
- r = (r + 1) & (LZSS_N - 1);
- if(--len)
- {
- InsertNode(r);
- }
- }
- }while (len > 0);
- if(code_buf_ptr > 1)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++)
- {
- //存储这个压缩字节
- if(nZipPos >= nMaxSize)
- {
- nZipPos = 0;
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- nBufPos += nMaxSize;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hZip); //重新分配内存
- hZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hZip);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nZipPos] = code_buf[i];
- nZipPos ++;
- nZipSize ++; //当前压缩数据的大小
- }
- codesize += code_buf_ptr;
- }
- //存储剩余的压缩数据
- if(nZipPos > 0)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nZipPos);
- }
- ::GlobalUnlock(hZip); //重新分配内存
- hZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hZip, nZipSize, 0);
- return hZip;
- }
- HGLOBAL C_LZSS::Decode(char *chZipData, int nZipSize)
- {
- if(!AfxIsValidAddress(chZipData, nZipSize))
- return NULL;
- //缓冲数据区大小
- const int nMaxSize = 65536;
- hUnZip = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, nMaxSize);
- if(hUnZip == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- LPBYTE lpUnZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hUnZip);
- BYTE byMaxBuf[nMaxSize];
- ZeroMemory(byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- int nCurPos = 0; //记下数据的位置
- int nPos = 0; //记下解压数据的位置
- int nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hUnZip
- int nSize = 0; //解压后数据的大小
- int i, j, k, r, c;
- unsigned char cc; //add
- unsigned int flags;
- for (i = 0; i < LZSS_N - LZSS_F; i++)
- {
- text_buf[i] = ' ';
- }
- r = LZSS_N - LZSS_F;
- flags = 0;
- for( ; ; )
- {
- if(((flags >>= 1) & 256) == 0)
- {
- if(nCurPos >= nZipSize)//(c = getc(infile)) == EOF)
- {
- break;
- }
- c = (unsigned char)chZipData[nCurPos]; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- flags = c | 0xff00;
- }
- if(flags & 1)
- {
- if(nCurPos >= nZipSize)//(c = getc(infile)) == EOF)
- {
- break;
- }
- c = (unsigned char)chZipData[nCurPos]; //add
- cc = c; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- //存储这个压缩字节
- if(nPos >= nMaxSize)
- {
- nPos = 0;
- memcpy(lpUnZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- nBufPos += nMaxSize;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hUnZip); //重新分配内存
- hUnZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hUnZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpUnZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hUnZip);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nPos] = cc;
- nPos ++;
- nSize ++; //当前压缩数据的大小
- text_buf[r++] = c;
- r &= (LZSS_N - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- if(nCurPos >= nZipSize)//(i = getc(infile)) == EOF)
- {
- break;
- }
- i = (unsigned char)chZipData[nCurPos]; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- if(nCurPos >= nZipSize)//(j = getc(infile)) == EOF)
- {
- break;
- }
- j = chZipData[nCurPos]; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- i |= ((j & 0xf0) << 4);
- j = (j & 0x0f) + LZSS_THRESHOLD;
- for(k = 0; k <= j; k++)
- {
- c = text_buf[(i + k) & (LZSS_N - 1)];
- cc = c; //add
- //存储这个压缩字节
- if(nPos >= nMaxSize)
- {
- nPos = 0;
- memcpy(lpUnZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- nBufPos += nMaxSize;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hUnZip); //重新分配内存
- hUnZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hUnZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpUnZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hUnZip);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nPos] = cc;
- nPos ++;
- nSize ++; //当前压缩数据的大小
- text_buf[r++] = c;
- r &= (LZSS_N - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- //存储剩余的解压数据
- if(nPos > 0)
- {
- memcpy(lpUnZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nPos);
- }
- ::GlobalUnlock(hUnZip); //重新分配内存
- hUnZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hUnZip, nSize, 0);
- return hUnZip;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //LZSS Part END--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //ARI Part START--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HGLOBAL C_ARI::Encode(char *chData, int nSize)
- {
- if(!AfxIsValidAddress(chData, nSize))
- return NULL;
- if(nSize <= 0)
- return NULL;
- m_nTotalSize = nSize;
- textsize = 0;
- codesize = 0;
- printcount = 0;
- low = 0;
- high = ARI_Q4;
- value = 0;
- shifts = 0;
- nCurPos = 0; //记下数据的位置
- nZipPos = 0; //记下压缩数据的位置
- nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hZip
- nZipSize = 0; //压缩后数据的大小
- m_hData = NULL;
- m_lpMemData = NULL;
- m_lpBuffer = NULL;
- m_lpBuffer = (BYTE *)chData;
- m_hData = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, MAXSIZE);
- if(m_hData == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- m_lpMemData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(m_hData);
- ZeroMemory(byMaxBuf, MAXSIZE);
- nCurPos = 0; //记下数据的位置
- nZipPos = 0; //记下压缩数据的位置
- nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hZip
- nZipSize = 0; //压缩后数据的大小
- int i, c, len, r, s, last_match_length;
- textsize = nSize;
- int n1 = sizeof(textsize);
- memcpy(byMaxBuf, &textsize, sizeof(textsize));
- nZipSize += sizeof(textsize);
- nZipPos += sizeof(textsize);
- /* if(fwrite(&textsize, sizeof textsize, 1, outfile) < 1)
- {
- Error("Write Error");
- }
- */
- codesize += sizeof(textsize);
- /* if(textsize == 0)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- */
- // rewind(infile);
- textsize = 0;
- StartModel();
- InitTree();
- s = 0;
- r = ARI_N - ARI_F;
- for(i = s; i < r; i++)
- {
- text_buf[i] = ' ';
- }
- for(len = 0; len < ARI_F && (nCurPos < nSize)/*c = getc(infile)) != EOF*/; len++)
- {
- c = m_lpBuffer[nCurPos]; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- text_buf[r + len] = c;
- }
- textsize = len;
- for(i = 1; i <= ARI_F; i++)
- {
- InsertNode(r - i);
- }
- InsertNode(r);
- do
- {
- if(match_length > len)
- {
- match_length = len;
- }
- if(match_length <= ARI_THRESHOLD)
- {
- match_length = 1;
- EncodeChar(text_buf[r]);
- }
- else
- {
- EncodeChar(255 - ARI_THRESHOLD + match_length);
- EncodePosition(match_position - 1);
- }
- last_match_length = match_length;
- for(i = 0; i < last_match_length && (nCurPos < nSize)/*c = getc(infile)) != EOF*/; i++)
- {
- c = m_lpBuffer[nCurPos]; //add
- nCurPos ++; //add
- DeleteNode(s);
- text_buf[s] = c;
- if(s < ARI_F - 1)
- {
- text_buf[s + ARI_N] = c;
- }
- s = (s + 1) & (ARI_N - 1);
- r = (r + 1) & (ARI_N - 1);
- InsertNode(r);
- }
- if((textsize += i) > printcount)
- {
- printcount += 1024;
- }
- while(i++ < last_match_length)
- {
- DeleteNode(s);
- s = (s + 1) & (ARI_N - 1);
- r = (r + 1) & (ARI_N - 1);
- if (--len) InsertNode(r);
- }
- } while (len > 0);
- EncodeEnd();
- //存储剩余的压缩数据
- if(nZipPos > 0)
- {
- memcpy(m_lpMemData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nZipPos);
- }
- ::GlobalUnlock(m_hData); //重新分配内存
- m_hData = ::GlobalReAlloc(m_hData, nZipSize, 0);
- return m_hData;
- }
- HGLOBAL C_ARI::Decode(char *chData, int nSize)
- {
- if(!AfxIsValidAddress(chData, nSize))
- return NULL;
- if(nSize <= 4)
- return NULL;
- m_nTotalSize = nSize;
- textsize = 0;
- codesize = 0;
- printcount = 0;
- low = 0;
- high = ARI_Q4;
- value = 0;
- shifts = 0;
- nCurPos = 0; //记下数据的位置
- nZipPos = 0; //记下压缩数据的位置
- nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hZip
- nZipSize = 0; //压缩后数据的大小
- m_hData = NULL;
- m_lpMemData = NULL;
- m_lpBuffer = NULL;
- m_lpBuffer = (BYTE *)chData;
- m_hData = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, MAXSIZE);
- if(m_hData == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- m_lpMemData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(m_hData);
- ZeroMemory(byMaxBuf, MAXSIZE);
- nCurPos = 0; //记下数据的位置
- nZipPos = 0; //记下压缩数据的位置
- nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hZip
- nZipSize = 0; //压缩后数据的大小
- int i, j, k, r, c;
- unsigned long int count;
- textsize = *(unsigned long int *)(m_lpBuffer);
- /* if(fread(&textsize, sizeof textsize, 1, infile) < 1)
- {
- Error("Read Error");
- }
- */
- nCurPos += sizeof(textsize);
- if(textsize == 0)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- StartDecode();
- StartModel();
- for(i = 0; i < ARI_N - ARI_F; i++)
- {
- text_buf[i] = ' ';
- }
- r = ARI_N - ARI_F;
- for(count = 0; count < textsize; )
- {
- c = DecodeChar();
- if(c < 256)
- {
- //存储这个压缩字节
- if(nZipPos >= MAXSIZE)
- {
- nZipPos = 0;
- memcpy(m_lpMemData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, MAXSIZE);
- nBufPos += MAXSIZE;
- ::GlobalUnlock(m_hData); //重新分配内存
- m_hData = ::GlobalReAlloc(m_hData, nBufPos + MAXSIZE, 0);
- m_lpMemData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(m_hData);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nZipPos] = c;
- nZipPos ++;
- nZipSize ++; //当前压缩数据的大小
- text_buf[r++] = c;
- r &= (ARI_N - 1);
- count++;
- }
- else
- {
- i = (r - DecodePosition() - 1) & (ARI_N - 1);
- j = c - 255 + ARI_THRESHOLD;
- for(k = 0; k < j; k++)
- {
- c = text_buf[(i + k) & (ARI_N - 1)];
- //存储这个压缩字节
- if(nZipPos >= MAXSIZE)
- {
- nZipPos = 0;
- memcpy(m_lpMemData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, MAXSIZE);
- nBufPos += MAXSIZE;
- ::GlobalUnlock(m_hData); //重新分配内存
- m_hData = ::GlobalReAlloc(m_hData, nBufPos + MAXSIZE, 0);
- m_lpMemData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(m_hData);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nZipPos] = c;
- nZipPos ++;
- nZipSize ++; //当前压缩数据的大小
- text_buf[r++] = c;
- r &= (ARI_N - 1);
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- //存储剩余的压缩数据
- if(nZipPos > 0)
- {
- memcpy(m_lpMemData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nZipPos);
- }
- ::GlobalUnlock(m_hData); //重新分配内存
- m_hData = ::GlobalReAlloc(m_hData, nZipSize, 0);
- return m_hData;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //ARI Part END--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //LZW Part START--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CLZWDecodeTable::CLZWDecodeTable(BOOL fInit)
- {
- m_pbContain=NULL;
- m_dwTableEntryNumber=0;
- if(fInit)
- InitLZWTable();
- }
- CLZWDecodeTable::~CLZWDecodeTable()
- {
- ClearDecodeTable();
- }
- void CLZWDecodeTable::ClearDecodeTable(void)
- {
- if(m_pbContain==NULL)
- return;
- for(int i=0;i<4096;i++)
- {
- if(m_pbContain[i])
- delete (m_pbContain[i]);
- }
- delete m_pbContain;
- m_pbContain=NULL;
- m_dwTableEntryNumber=0;
- }
- void CLZWDecodeTable::InitLZWTable(void)
- {
- ClearDecodeTable();
- m_pbContain=new BYTE*[4096];
- int iSize=sizeof(m_pbContain);
- //if(NULL==m_pbContain)
- // AfxMessageBox("error new m_pbContain=BYTE*[4096]");
- for(int i=0;i<4096;i++)
- {
- m_pbContain[i]=NULL;
- }
- for(i=0;i<=255;i++)
- {
- m_pbContain[i]=new BYTE[1+2];
- *((WORD*)m_pbContain[i])=1;
- m_pbContain[i][2]=(BYTE)i;
- }
- m_dwTableEntryNumber=LZW_BEGIN_ENTRY;
- }
- BYTE* CLZWDecodeTable::GetMatchData(WORD wCode)
- {
- return m_pbContain[wCode];
- }
- void CLZWDecodeTable::AddToChild(WORD wCode,BYTE *pbContain,int iLength)
- {
- ASSERT(wCode<4096);
- if(m_pbContain[wCode])
- delete m_pbContain[wCode];
- m_pbContain[wCode]=new BYTE[iLength+2];
- *((WORD*)m_pbContain[wCode])=(WORD)iLength;
- memcpy(m_pbContain[wCode]+2,pbContain,iLength);
- }
- /*
- class CLZWEncodeTable
- */
- CLZWEncodeTable::CLZWEncodeTable(BOOL fInit)
- {
- if(fInit)
- InitLZWTable();
- else
- {
- m_dwTableEntryNumber=0;
- m_EntryHead.pRightBrother=NULL;
- m_EntryHead.pChild=NULL;
- }
- }
- CLZWEncodeTable::~CLZWEncodeTable()
- {
- ClearLZWTable();
- }
- void CLZWEncodeTable::ClearLZWTable(void)
- {
- if(m_EntryHead.pChild==NULL)
- return;
- m_dwTableEntryNumber=0;
- int iRe=0;
- while(m_EntryHead.pChild)
- {
- RemoveFirstChild();
- iRe++;
- //printf("remove %dn",++iRe);;
- }
- }
- void CLZWEncodeTable::RemoveFirstChild(void)
- {
- PLZWENCODEENTRY pFirstChild=m_EntryHead.pChild;// this child will be removed
- if(pFirstChild->pChild)
- {
- m_EntryHead.pChild=pFirstChild->pChild;
- if(m_EntryHead.pChild->pRightBrother)
- {
- PLZWENCODEENTRY pRightBrother=FindRightBrother(m_EntryHead.pChild);
- pRightBrother->pRightBrother=pFirstChild->pRightBrother;
- }
- else
- (m_EntryHead.pChild)->pRightBrother=pFirstChild->pRightBrother;
- //delete pFirstChild;
- }
- else
- m_EntryHead.pChild=pFirstChild->pRightBrother;
- delete pFirstChild;
- }
- {
- pFind=pCurrent;
- while(pFind->pRightBrother)
- {
- pFind=pFind->pRightBrother;
- }
- return pFind;
- }
- void CLZWEncodeTable::InitLZWTable(void)
- {// init the table ,it has 256 items code from 0 to 255
- ClearLZWTable();
- pEntryFirst->wCode=(WORD)0;
- pEntryFirst->bLast=(BYTE)0;
- pEntryFirst->pRightBrother=pEntryFirst->pChild=NULL;
- m_EntryHead.pChild=pEntryFirst;
- m_EntryHead.pRightBrother=NULL;
- PLZWENCODEENTRY pPrev=pEntryFirst;
- for(int i=1;i<=255;i++)
- {// set the brother nodes
- pEntry->wCode=(WORD)i;
- pEntry->bLast=(BYTE)i;
- pEntry->pChild=pEntry->pRightBrother=NULL;
- pPrev->pRightBrother=pEntry;
- pPrev=pEntry;
- }
- m_dwTableEntryNumber=258;
- m_uNextCodeForUse=LZW_BEGIN_ENTRY;
- }
- {// return the find child entry
- if(pCurrent->pChild==NULL)
- return NULL;
- PLZWENCODEENTRY pChild=pCurrent->pChild;
- // pChild is the current's child
- // and all pChild's brother is the current's child
- while(pChild!=NULL)
- {
- if(pChild->bLast==bChildLast)
- return pChild;
- pChild=pChild->pRightBrother;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- {
- ASSERT(pCurrent);
- if(pChild==NULL)
- {
- int _j=0;
- }
- pChild->pChild=pChild->pRightBrother=NULL;
- pChild->bLast=bLast;
- pChild->wCode=(WORD)m_uNextCodeForUse;
- if(pChild->wCode==LZW_CLEAR_CODE)
- {
- int _i=0;
- }
- m_uNextCodeForUse++;
- m_dwTableEntryNumber++;
- pChild->pRightBrother=pCurrent->pChild;
- pCurrent->pChild=pChild;
- return pChild;
- }
- CDecodeBitArray::CDecodeBitArray(DWORD dwInitWidth)// width in bit
- {
- m_pbBits=NULL;
- m_dwWidthInByte=0;
- m_dwTail=m_dwHead=0;
- if(dwInitWidth)
- InitBits(dwInitWidth);
- }
- CDecodeBitArray::~CDecodeBitArray()
- {
- ClearBits();
- }
- void CDecodeBitArray::ClearBits(void)
- {
- if(m_pbBits)
- delete m_pbBits;
- m_dwTail=m_dwHead=0;
- m_dwWidthInByte=0;
- }
- void CDecodeBitArray::InitBits(DWORD dwInitWidth)
- {
- ClearBits();
- DWORD dwLength=dwInitWidth/8;
- dwLength+=(dwInitWidth%8)?1:0;
- m_pbBits=new BYTE[dwLength];
- m_dwHead=m_dwTail=0;
- m_dwWidthInByte=dwLength;
- }
- void CDecodeBitArray::InitBytes(DWORD dwInitWidth)
- {
- InitBits(dwInitWidth*8);
- }
- DWORD CDecodeBitArray::GetLeftBytes(void)
- {
- DWORD dwLeftBytes;
- DWORD dwLeftBits=GetLeftBits();
- dwLeftBytes=dwLeftBits/8;
- dwLeftBytes+=(dwLeftBits%8)?1:0;
- return dwLeftBytes;
- }
- WORD CDecodeBitArray::RemoveBits(int iWidth)
- {
- WORD wGet=0;
- for(int i=iWidth-1;i>=0;i--)
- {
- if(RemoveFirstBit())
- {
- (wGet |= (1<<i));
- }
- //// SET_BIT_1(wGet,i);
- }
- return wGet;
- }
- WORD CDecodeBitArray::RemoveFirstBit(void)
- {
- BYTE* pbFirstByte=m_pbBits+m_dwHead/8;
- BYTE bFirstByte=*pbFirstByte;
- // (b & (1<<i))
- WORD wGet= bFirstByte&(1<<(7-m_dwHead%8))?1:0;
- m_dwHead++;
- return wGet;
- }
- BOOL CDecodeBitArray::AddBytes(BYTE* pbAdd,int iLength)
- {
- if(m_pbBits==NULL)
- return FALSE;
- Resort();
- memcpy(m_pbBits+m_dwTail/8,pbAdd,iLength);
- m_dwTail+=8*(DWORD)iLength;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CDecodeBitArray::Resort(void)
- {// because m_dwTail%8 always equal 0
- if(m_dwHead<8)
- return;
- if(m_dwTail==m_dwHead)
- {
- m_dwTail=m_dwHead=0;
- return;
- }
- DWORD dwLength=GetLeftBytes();
- DWORD dwHead=m_dwHead%8;
- DWORD dwMove=m_dwHead-dwHead;
- memcpy(m_pbBits,m_pbBits+(m_dwHead/8),(int)dwLength);
- m_dwHead=dwHead;
- m_dwTail-=dwMove;
- }
- /*
- class CEncodeBitArray
- */
- CEncodeBitArray::CEncodeBitArray(DWORD dwInitWidth)
- {
- if(dwInitWidth==0)
- m_pbBits=NULL;
- else
- InitBits(dwInitWidth);
- }
- CEncodeBitArray::~CEncodeBitArray()
- {
- ClearBits();
- }
- BOOL CEncodeBitArray::InitBits(DWORD dwInitWidth)
- {
- ClearBits();
- ASSERT(dwInitWidth);
- m_dwWidthInByte=dwInitWidth/8;
- m_dwWidthInByte+=(dwInitWidth%8)?1:0;
- m_pbBits=new BYTE[m_dwWidthInByte];
- m_dwTail=0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CEncodeBitArray::ClearBits(void)
- {
- if(m_pbBits)
- delete m_pbBits;
- m_pbBits=NULL;
- }
- BOOL CEncodeBitArray::AddBits(WORD wAdd,int iWidth)
- {
- if(m_pbBits==NULL)
- return FALSE;
- for(int i=iWidth-1;i>=0;i--)
- {
- BYTE* pbByte=m_pbBits+m_dwTail/8;
- if((wAdd & (1<<i)))// CHECK_BIT_1(wAdd,i))
- ((*pbByte) |= (1<<(7-m_dwTail%8)));//SET_BIT_1(*pbByte,7-m_dwTail%8);
- else
- ((*pbByte) &= (~(1<<(7-m_dwTail%8))));//SET_BIT_0(*pbByte,7-m_dwTail%8);
- m_dwTail++;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- DWORD CEncodeBitArray::GetBytesWidth(void)
- {
- DWORD dwBytes=m_dwTail/8;
- dwBytes+=(m_dwTail%8)?1:0;
- return dwBytes;
- }
- int CEncodeBitArray::RemoveBytes(BYTE *pbGet,int iWant)
- {
- if(m_pbBits==NULL)
- return -1;
- int iTotal=(int)GetBytesWidth();
- if(iWant>iTotal)
- iWant=iTotal;
- if(pbGet!=NULL)
- memcpy(pbGet,m_pbBits,iWant);
- memcpy(m_pbBits,m_pbBits+iWant,iTotal-iWant);
- int iTail=(int)m_dwTail;
- iTail-=iWant*8;
- if(iTail<0)
- iTail=0;
- m_dwTail=iTail;
- return iWant;
- }
- HGLOBAL CLZWDecode::BeginLZWDecode(char *chZipData, int dwLength)
- {
- if(!AfxIsValidAddress(chZipData, dwLength))
- return NULL;
- //缓冲数据区大小
- const int nMaxSize = 65536;
- hUnZip = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, nMaxSize);
- if(hUnZip == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- LPBYTE lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hUnZip);
- BYTE byMaxBuf[nMaxSize];
- ZeroMemory(byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- int nZipPos = 0; //记下压缩数据的位置
- int nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hZip
- int nZipSize = 0; //压缩后数据的大小
- iDePutPos=iDeGetPos=0;
- DWORD dwBytesOnce = 1;
- DWORD wBuffer = 1024;
- m_dwDecodedByte=0;
- BYTE *pbNewData=new BYTE[4000],*pbOutData=new BYTE[4000];
- BYTE *pbBuffer=new BYTE[wBuffer];
- BYTE bFirst;
- m_LZWTable.InitLZWTable();
- int iBitWidth=9;
- m_iTotalEntry=LZW_BEGIN_ENTRY;
- BYTE* pbDecodedData;
- WORD wOld,wLastLen;
- m_baContain.InitBits((wBuffer+20)*8);
- int iR=0;
- DWORD dwRead=0;
- while(1)
- {
- if(m_baContain.GetLeftBytes()<5)
- {
- WORD wGetBytes= (WORD)wBuffer;
- if((DWORD)wGetBytes+dwRead>(DWORD)dwLength)
- wGetBytes=(WORD)(dwLength-dwRead);
- if(wGetBytes!=0)
- {
- ///////////////////////////////////
- int iGet = wGetBytes;
- if(iDeGetPos + iGet > dwLength)
- iGet = dwLength - iDeGetPos;
- memcpy(pbBuffer, chZipData + iDeGetPos, iGet);
- iDeGetPos += iGet;
- ///////////////////////////////////
- m_baContain.AddBytes(pbBuffer,wBuffer);
- dwRead+=wGetBytes;
- }
- }
- int iT=m_iTotalEntry+1;
- iT>>=9;
- iBitWidth=9;
- while(iT>0)
- {
- iT>>=1;
- iBitWidth++;
- }
- WORD wGet=m_baContain.RemoveBits(iBitWidth);
- if(wGet==LZW_END_CODE)
- {
- break;
- }
- if(wGet==LZW_CLEAR_CODE)
- {
- m_LZWTable.InitLZWTable();
- wGet=m_baContain.RemoveBits(9);
- if(wGet==LZW_END_CODE)
- break;
- pbDecodedData=m_LZWTable.GetMatchData(wGet);
- //////////////////////////////
- BYTE *pbWrite = pbDecodedData;
- if(pbWrite != NULL)
- {
- WORD wL=*((WORD*)pbWrite);
- pbWrite+=sizeof(WORD);
- for(DWORD i=0;i<wL;i++)
- {
- //存储这个压缩
- if(nZipPos >= nMaxSize)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- nBufPos += nMaxSize;
- nZipPos = 0;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hUnZip); //重新分配内存
- hUnZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hUnZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hUnZip);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nZipPos] = *pbWrite;
- nZipPos ++;//
- nZipSize ++; //add
- pbWrite++;
- }
- m_dwDecodedByte+=wL;
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- wOld=wGet;
- m_iTotalEntry=258;
- }
- else
- {// not clear
- pbDecodedData=m_LZWTable.GetMatchData(wGet);
- if(NULL!=pbDecodedData)
- {// in table
- bFirst=pbDecodedData[2];
- //////////////////////////////
- BYTE *pbWrite = pbDecodedData;
- if(pbWrite != NULL)
- {
- WORD wL=*((WORD*)pbWrite);
- pbWrite+=sizeof(WORD);
- for(DWORD i=0;i<wL;i++)
- {
- //存储这个压缩
- if(nZipPos >= nMaxSize)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- nBufPos += nMaxSize;
- nZipPos = 0;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hUnZip); //重新分配内存
- hUnZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hUnZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hUnZip);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nZipPos] = *pbWrite;
- nZipPos ++;//
- nZipSize ++; //add
- pbWrite++;
- }
- m_dwDecodedByte+=wL;
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- if(wOld!=LZW_CLEAR_CODE)
- {// not the first code be read in
- pbDecodedData=m_LZWTable.GetMatchData(wOld);
- wLastLen=*((WORD*)pbDecodedData);
- memcpy(pbNewData,pbDecodedData+2,wLastLen);
- pbNewData[wLastLen]=bFirst;
- m_LZWTable.AddToChild((WORD)m_iTotalEntry,pbNewData,wLastLen+1);
- m_iTotalEntry+=1;
- }
- wOld=wGet;
- }
- else
- {
- pbDecodedData=m_LZWTable.GetMatchData(wOld);
- bFirst=pbDecodedData[2];
- wLastLen=*((WORD*)pbDecodedData);
- memcpy(pbOutData+2,pbDecodedData+2,wLastLen);
- pbOutData[wLastLen+2]=bFirst;
- *((WORD*)pbOutData)=wLastLen+1;
- //////////////////////////////
- BYTE *pbWrite = pbOutData;
- if(pbWrite != NULL)
- {
- WORD wL=*((WORD*)pbWrite);
- pbWrite+=sizeof(WORD);
- for(DWORD i=0;i<wL;i++)
- {
- //存储这个压缩
- if(nZipPos >= nMaxSize)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- nBufPos += nMaxSize;
- nZipPos = 0;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hUnZip); //重新分配内存
- hUnZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hUnZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hUnZip);
- }
- byMaxBuf[nZipPos] = *pbWrite;
- nZipPos ++;//
- nZipSize ++; //add
- pbWrite++;
- }
- m_dwDecodedByte+=wL;
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- if(m_iTotalEntry>=4096)
- {
- int _j=0;
- }
- m_LZWTable.AddToChild((WORD)m_iTotalEntry,pbOutData+2,wLastLen+1);
- m_iTotalEntry+=1;
- wOld=wGet;
- }
- }
- }
- delete pbNewData;
- delete pbOutData;
- delete pbBuffer;
- if(dwRead != (DWORD)dwLength)
- {
- GlobalFree(hUnZip);
- hUnZip = NULL;
- }
- //存储剩余的压缩数据
- if(nZipPos > 0)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nZipPos);
- }
- ::GlobalUnlock(hUnZip); //重新分配内存
- hUnZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hUnZip, nZipSize, 0);
- return hUnZip;
- }
- /*
- CLZWEncode
- */
- HGLOBAL CLZWEncode::BeginLZWEncode(char *chData, int dwLength)
- {
- if(!AfxIsValidAddress(chData, dwLength))
- return NULL;
- //缓冲数据区大小
- const int nMaxSize = 65536;
- hZip = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, nMaxSize);
- if(hZip == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- LPBYTE lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hZip);
- BYTE byMaxBuf[nMaxSize];
- ZeroMemory(byMaxBuf, nMaxSize);
- int nZipPos = 0; //记下压缩数据的位置
- int nBufPos = 0; //记下当前存储位置hZip
- int nZipSize = 0; //压缩后数据的大小
- m_dwCompressedLength = 0;
- WORD wBufferLen = 1024;
- int iBufferLen = wBufferLen = 1024;
- BYTE bGet;
- int nCurPos = 0;
- m_LZWTable.InitLZWTable();// init the entry table
- m_baContain.InitBits((iBufferLen+8)*8);// init the bit array
- m_baContain.AddBits(LZW_CLEAR_CODE,9);// add the first clear code
- /// below : begin the algorithm
- PLZWENCODEENTRY pCurrent = m_LZWTable.GetHead();
- int iBitWidth;
- DWORD dwEncoded=0;
- for(DWORD i = 0; i < (DWORD)dwLength; i ++)
- {// for each byte
- bGet = chData[nCurPos]; // add
- nCurPos ++;
- PLZWENCODEENTRY pChild=m_LZWTable.FindMatchChild(bGet,pCurrent);
- if(pChild)
- {// has found the continue
- pCurrent=pChild;
- }
- else
- {// not find write last code & add new entry
- iBitWidth=GetBitWidth();
- WORD wW=pCurrent->wCode;
- m_baContain.AddBits(wW,iBitWidth);// add last code to buffer
- m_LZWTable.AddToChild(bGet,pCurrent);// add last code to table
- if(m_baContain.GetBytesWidth()>(DWORD)iBufferLen)
- {
- m_dwCompressedLength+=(DWORD)iBufferLen;
- //存储这个压缩
- if(nZipPos + iBufferLen >= nMaxSize)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nZipPos);
- nBufPos += nZipPos;
- nZipPos = 0;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hZip); //重新分配内存
- hZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hZip);
- }
- memcpy(byMaxBuf + nZipPos, m_baContain.GetBits(), iBufferLen);
- nZipPos += iBufferLen;
- nZipSize += iBufferLen; //add
- m_baContain.RemoveBytes(NULL,iBufferLen);
- }
- if(m_LZWTable.GetTableEntryNumber()>= (DWORD)(m_wMaxEntry-3))
- {
- iBitWidth=GetBitWidth();
- m_baContain.AddBits(LZW_CLEAR_CODE,iBitWidth);
- m_LZWTable.InitLZWTable();
- }
- pCurrent=m_LZWTable.FindMatchChild(bGet,m_LZWTable.GetHead());
- }
- dwEncoded++;
- }
- iBitWidth=GetBitWidth();
- m_baContain.AddBits(pCurrent->wCode,iBitWidth);// add last code to buffer
- iBitWidth=GetBitWidth();
- m_baContain.AddBits(LZW_END_CODE,iBitWidth);
- m_dwCompressedLength+=m_baContain.GetBytesWidth();
- iBufferLen = m_baContain.GetBytesWidth();
- //存储这个压缩
- if(nZipPos + iBufferLen >= nMaxSize)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nZipPos);
- nBufPos += nZipPos;
- nZipPos = 0;
- ::GlobalUnlock(hZip); //重新分配内存
- hZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hZip, nBufPos + nMaxSize, 0);
- lpZipData = (LPBYTE)::GlobalLock(hZip);
- }
- memcpy(byMaxBuf + nZipPos, m_baContain.GetBits(), iBufferLen);
- nZipPos += iBufferLen;
- nZipSize += iBufferLen; //add
- m_LZWTable.ClearLZWTable();
- m_baContain.ClearBits();
- //存储剩余的压缩数据
- if(nZipPos > 0)
- {
- memcpy(lpZipData + nBufPos, byMaxBuf, nZipPos);
- }
- ::GlobalUnlock(hZip); //重新分配内存
- hZip = ::GlobalReAlloc(hZip, nZipSize, 0);
- return hZip;
- }
- int CLZWEncode::GetBitWidth(void)
- {
- int iTotal=(int)m_LZWTable.GetTableEntryNumber();
- iTotal>>=9;
- int iBitWidth=9;
- while(iTotal>0)
- {
- iTotal>>=1;
- iBitWidth+=1;
- }
- return iBitWidth;
- }
- HGLOBAL C_LZW::Encode(char *chData, int nSize)
- {
- CLZWEncode cl;
- return cl.BeginLZWEncode(chData, nSize);
- }
- HGLOBAL C_LZW::Decode(char *chZipData, int nZipSize)
- {
- CLZWDecode cl;
- return cl.BeginLZWDecode(chZipData, nZipSize);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //LZW Part END--------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////