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- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Networking subsystem
- # This module contains functions for sending packets to the server.
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.
- #
- # $Revision: 5249 $
- # $Id: Network.pm 5249 2006-12-25 14:40:58Z vcl_kore $
- #
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Connection handling
- #
- # The Network module handles connections to the Ragnarok Online server.
- # This module only handles connection issues, and nothing else. It doesn't do
- # anything with the actual data. Network data handling is performed by
- # the @MODULE(Network::Receive) and Network::Receive::ServerTypeX classes.
- #
- # The submodule @MODULE(Network::Send) contains functions for sending all
- # kinds of messages to the RO server.
- #
- # Please also read <a href="http://www.openkore.com/wiki/index.php/Network_subsystem">the
- # network subsystem overview.</a>
- #
- # This implementation establishes a direct connection to the RO server.
- # Note that there are alternative implementations for this interface: @MODULE(Network::XKore),
- # @MODULE(Network::XKore2) and @MODULE(Network::XKoreProxy)
- package Network::DirectConnection;
- use strict;
- use Modules 'register';
- use Exporter;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use Time::HiRes qw(time);
- use IO::Socket::INET;
- use encoding 'utf8';
- use Scalar::Util;
- use File::Spec;
- use Globals;
- use Log qw(message error);
- use Network;
- use Network::Send ();
- use Plugins;
- use Settings;
- use Interface;
- use Utils qw(dataWaiting timeOut);
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- use Misc qw(chatLog);
- use Translation;
- ##
- # Network::DirectConnection->new([wrapper])
- # wrapper: If this object is to be wrapped by another object which is interface-compatible
- # with the Network::DirectConnection class, then specify the wrapper object here. The message
- # sender will use this wrapper to send socket data. Internally, the reference to the wrapper
- # will be stored as a weak reference.
- #
- # Create a new Network::DirectConnection object. The connection is not yet established.
- sub new {
- my ($class, $wrapper) = @_;
- my %self;
- $self{remote_socket} = new IO::Socket::INET;
- if ($wrapper) {
- $self{wrapper} = $wrapper;
- Scalar::Util::weaken($self{wrapper});
- }
- return bless %self, $class;
- }
- ##
- # int $net->version()
- #
- # Returns the implementation number this object.
- sub version {
- return 0;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->serverDisconnect();
- }
- ######################
- ## Server Functions ##
- ######################
- ##
- # boolean $net->serverAliveServer()
- #
- # Check whether the connection to the server is alive.
- sub serverAlive {
- return $_[0]->{remote_socket} && $_[0]->{remote_socket}->connected();
- }
- ##
- # String $net->serverPeerHost()
- #
- # If the connection to the server is alive, returns the host name of the server.
- # Otherwise, returns undef.
- sub serverPeerHost {
- return $_[0]->{remote_socket}->peerhost if ($_[0]->serverAlive);
- return undef;
- }
- ##
- # int $net->serverPeerPort()
- #
- # If the connection to the server is alive, returns the port number of the server.
- # Otherwise, returns undef.
- sub serverPeerPort {
- return $_[0]->{remote_socket}->peerport if ($_[0]->serverAlive);
- return undef;
- }
- ##
- # $net->serverConnect(String host, int port)
- # host: the host name/IP of the RO server to connect to.
- # port: the port number of the RO server to connect to.
- #
- # Establish a connection to a Ragnarok Online server.
- #
- # This function is used internally by $net->checkConnection() and should not be used directly.
- sub serverConnect {
- my $self = shift;
- my $host = shift;
- my $port = shift;
- my $return = 0;
- Plugins::callHook('Network::connectTo', {
- socket => $self->{remote_socket},
- return => $return,
- host => $host,
- port => $port
- });
- return if ($return);
- message TF("Connecting (%s:%s)... ", $host, $port), "connection";
- $self->{remote_socket} = new IO::Socket::INET(
- LocalAddr => $config{bindIp} || undef,
- PeerAddr => $host,
- PeerPort => $port,
- Proto => 'tcp',
- Timeout => 4);
- ($self->{remote_socket} && inet_aton($self->{remote_socket}->peerhost()) eq inet_aton($host)) ?
- message T("connectedn"), "connection" :
- error(TF("couldn't connect: %s (error code %d)n", "$!", int($!)), "connection");
- if ($self->getState() != Network::NOT_CONNECTED) {
- $incomingMessages->nextMessageMightBeAccountID();
- }
- }
- ##
- # void $net->serverSend(Bytes data)
- #
- # If the connection to the server is alive, send data to the server.
- # Otherwise, this method does nothing.
- sub serverSend {
- my $self = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- if ($self->serverAlive) {
- if (Plugins::hasHook("Network::serverSend/pre")) {
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverSend/pre", { msg => $msg });
- }
- if (defined $msg) {
- $self->{remote_socket}->send($msg);
- if (Plugins::hasHook("Network::serverSend")) {
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverSend", { msg => $msg });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ##
- # Bytes $net->serverRecv()
- #
- # Receive data from the RO server.
- sub serverRecv {
- my $self = shift;
- my $msg;
- return undef unless (dataWaiting($self->{remote_socket}));
- $self->{remote_socket}->recv($msg, 1024 * 32);
- if (Plugins::hasHook("Network::serverRecv")) {
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverRecv", { msg => $msg });
- }
- if (!defined($msg) || length($msg) == 0) {
- # Connection from server closed.
- close($self->{remote_socket});
- return undef;
- }
- return $msg;
- }
- ##
- # Bytes $net->serverAddress()
- #
- # Return the server's raw address.
- sub serverAddress {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{remote_socket}->sockaddr();
- }
- ##
- # $net->serverDisconnect()
- #
- # Disconnect from the current Ragnarok Online server.
- #
- # This function is used internally by $net->checkConnection() and should not be used directly.
- sub serverDisconnect {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($self->serverAlive) {
- $messageSender->sendQuit() if ($self->getState() == Network::IN_GAME);
- message TF("Disconnecting (%s:%s)...", $self->{remote_socket}->peerhost(),
- $self->{remote_socket}->peerport()), "connection";
- close($self->{remote_socket});
- !$self->serverAlive() ?
- message T("disconnectedn"), "connection" :
- error T("couldn't disconnectn"), "connection";
- }
- }
- sub getState {
- return $conState;
- }
- sub setState {
- my ($self, $state) = @_;
- $conState = $state;
- Plugins::callHook('Network::stateChanged');
- }
- ######################
- ## Client Functions ##
- ######################
- ##
- # boolean $net->clientAlive()
- #
- # Check whether there are one or more clients connected to Kore.
- sub clientAlive {
- my %args = (net => $_[0]);
- Plugins::callHook('Network::clientAlive', %args);
- return $args{return};
- }
- ##
- # $net->clientSend(Bytes data)
- #
- # Make the RO client think that it has received $data.
- sub clientSend {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if ($self->clientAlive && Plugins::hasHook('Network::clientSend')) {
- my %args = (net => $self, data => $_[1]);
- Plugins::callHook('Network::clientSend', %args);
- return $args{return};
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- ##
- # Bytes $net->clientRecv()
- #
- # Receive data that the RO client wants to send to the RO server.
- sub clientRecv {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if ($self->clientAlive) {
- my %args = (net => $_[0]);
- Plugins::callHook('Network::clientRecv', %args);
- return $args{return};
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- #######################
- ## Utility Functions ##
- #######################
- #######################################
- #######################################
- # Check Connection
- #######################################
- #######################################
- ##
- # $net->checkConnection()
- #
- # Handles any connection issues. Based on the current situation, this function may
- # re-connect to the RO server, disconnect, do nothing, etc.
- #
- # This function is meant to be run in the Kore main loop.
- sub checkConnection {
- my $self = shift;
- return if ($Settings::no_connect);
- if ($self->getState() == Network::NOT_CONNECTED && (!$self->{remote_socket} || !$self->{remote_socket}->connected) && timeOut($timeout_ex{'master'}) && !$conState_tries) {
- my $master = $masterServer = $masterServers{$config{master}};
- foreach my $serverOption ('serverType', 'chatLangCode', 'storageEncryptKey', 'gameGuard', 'charBlockSize',
- 'paddedPackets', 'paddedPackets_attackID', 'paddedPackets_skillUseID',
- 'mapServer_ip', 'mapServer_port') {
- if ($master->{$serverOption} ne '' && $config{$serverOption} ne $master->{$serverOption}) {
- main::configModify($serverOption, $master->{$serverOption});
- }
- }
- if ($master->{serverEncoding} ne '' && $config{serverEncoding} ne $master->{serverEncoding}) {
- main::configModify('serverEncoding', $master->{serverEncoding});
- } elsif ($config{serverEncoding} eq '') {
- main::configModify('serverEncoding', 'Western');
- }
- if (Settings::setRecvPacketsName($masterServer->{recvpackets})) {
- my (undef, undef, $basename) = File::Spec->splitpath(Settings::getRecvPacketsFilename());
- Settings::loadByRegexp(quotemeta $basename, sub {
- my ($filename) = @_;
- message TF("Loading %s...n", $filename);
- });
- }
- message T("Connecting to Account Server...n", "connection");
- $shopstarted = 1;
- $conState_tries++;
- $initSync = 1;
- $incomingMessages->clear();
- eval {
- $packetParser = Network::Receive->create($config{serverType});
- my $wrapper = ($self->{wrapper}) ? $self->{wrapper} : $self;
- $messageSender = Network::Send->create($wrapper, $config{serverType});
- };
- if ($@) {
- $interface->errorDialog("$@");
- $quit = 1;
- return;
- }
- $reconnectCount++;
- $self->serverConnect($master->{ip}, $master->{port});
- # call plugin's hook to determine if we can continue the work
- if ($self->serverAlive) {
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverConnect/master");
- return if ($conState == 1.5);
- }
- # GameGuard support
- if ($self->serverAlive && $config{gameGuard} == 2) {
- my $msg = pack("C*", 0x58, 0x02);
- $net->serverSend($msg);
- message T("Requesting permission to logon on account server...n");
- $conState = 1.2;
- return;
- }
- if ($self->serverAlive && $master->{secureLogin} >= 1) {
- my $code;
- message T("Secure Login...n"), "connection";
- undef $secureLoginKey;
- if ($master->{secureLogin_requestCode} ne '') {
- $code = $master->{secureLogin_requestCode};
- } elsif ($config{secureLogin_requestCode} ne '') {
- $code = $config{secureLogin_requestCode};
- }
- if ($code ne '') {
- $messageSender->sendMasterCodeRequest('code', $code);
- } else {
- $messageSender->sendMasterCodeRequest('type', $master->{secureLogin_type});
- }
- } elsif ($self->serverAlive) {
- $messageSender->sendPreLoginCode($master->{preLoginCode}) if ($master->{preLoginCode});
- $messageSender->sendMasterLogin($config{'username'}, $config{'password'},
- $master->{master_version}, $master->{version});
- }
- $timeout{'master'}{'time'} = time;
- # we skipped some required connection operations while waiting for the server to allow as to login,
- # after we have successfully sent in the reply to the game guard challenge (using the poseidon server)
- # this conState will allow us to continue from where we left off.
- } elsif ($conState == 1.3) {
- $conState = 1;
- my $master = $masterServer = $masterServers{$config{'master'}};
- if ($master->{secureLogin} >= 1) {
- my $code;
- message T("Secure Login...n"), "connection";
- undef $secureLoginKey;
- if ($master->{secureLogin_requestCode} ne '') {
- $code = $master->{secureLogin_requestCode};
- } elsif ($config{secureLogin_requestCode} ne '') {
- $code = $config{secureLogin_requestCode};
- }
- if ($code ne '') {
- $messageSender->sendMasterCodeRequest('code', $code);
- } else {
- $messageSender->sendMasterCodeRequest('type', $master->{secureLogin_type});
- }
- } else {
- $messageSender->sendPreLoginCode($master->{preLoginCode}) if ($master->{preLoginCode});
- $messageSender->sendMasterLogin($config{'username'}, $config{'password'},
- $master->{master_version}, $master->{version});
- }
- $timeout{'master'}{'time'} = time;
- } elsif ($conState == 1 && $masterServer->{secureLogin} >= 1 && $secureLoginKey ne ""
- && !timeOut($timeout{'master'}) && $conState_tries) {
- my $master = $masterServer;
- message T("Sending encoded password...n"), "connection";
- $messageSender->sendMasterSecureLogin($config{'username'}, $config{'password'}, $secureLoginKey,
- $master->{version}, $master->{master_version},
- $master->{secureLogin}, $master->{secureLogin_account});
- undef $secureLoginKey;
- } elsif ($conState == 1 && timeOut($timeout{'master'}) && timeOut($timeout_ex{'master'})) {
- if ($config{dcOnMaxReconnections} && $config{dcOnMaxReconnections} <= $reconnectCount) {
- $quit = 1;
- return;
- }
- error T("Timeout on Account Server, reconnecting...n"), "connection";
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'time'} = time;
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'};
- $self->serverDisconnect;
- undef $conState_tries;
- } elsif ($conState == 1.5) {
- if (!$self->serverAlive) {
- $self->setState(Network::NOT_CONNECTED);
- undef $conState_tries;
- return;
- }
- # on this special stage, the plugin will know what to do next.
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverConnect/special");
- } elsif ($conState == 2 && !$self->serverAlive()
- && ($config{'server'} ne "" || $masterServer->{charServer_ip})
- && !$conState_tries) {
- if ($config{pauseCharServer}) {
- message "Pausing for $config{pauseCharServer} second(s)...n", "system";
- sleep $config{pauseCharServer};
- }
- my $master = $masterServer;
- message T("Connecting to Character Server...n"), "connection";
- $conState_tries++;
- if ($master->{charServer_ip}) {
- $self->serverConnect($master->{charServer_ip}, $master->{charServer_port});
- } elsif ($servers[$config{'server'}]) {
- $self->serverConnect($servers[$config{'server'}]{'ip'}, $servers[$config{'server'}]{'port'});
- } else {
- error TF("Invalid server specified, server %s does not exist...n", $config{server}), "connection";
- my @serverList;
- foreach my $server (@servers) {
- push @serverList, $server->{name};
- }
- my $ret = $interface->showMenu(
- T("Please select your login server."),
- @serverList,
- title => T("Select Login Server"));
- if ($ret == -1) {
- quit();
- } else {
- main::configModify('server', $ret, 1);
- undef $conState_tries;
- }
- return;
- }
- # call plugin's hook to determine if we can continue the connection
- if ($self->serverAlive) {
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverConnect/char");
- $reconnectCount = 0;
- return if ($conState == 1.5);
- }
- $messageSender->sendGameLogin($accountID, $sessionID, $sessionID2, $accountSex);
- $timeout{'gamelogin'}{'time'} = time;
- } elsif ($conState == 2 && timeOut($timeout{'gamelogin'})
- && ($config{'server'} ne "" || $masterServer->{'charServer_ip'})) {
- error T("Timeout on Character Server, reconnecting...n"), "connection";
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'time'} = time;
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'};
- $self->serverDisconnect;
- undef $conState_tries;
- $self->setState(Network::NOT_CONNECTED);
- } elsif ($conState == 3 && !$self->serverAlive() && $config{'char'} ne "" && !$conState_tries) {
- message T("Connecting to Character Select Server...n"), "connection";
- $conState_tries++;
- $self->serverConnect($servers[$config{'server'}]{'ip'}, $servers[$config{'server'}]{'port'});
- # call plugin's hook to determine if we can continue the connection
- if ($self->serverAlive) {
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverConnect/charselect");
- return if ($conState == 1.5);
- }
- $messageSender->sendCharLogin($config{'char'});
- $timeout{'charlogin'}{'time'} = time;
- } elsif ($conState == 3 && timeOut($timeout{'charlogin'}) && $config{'char'} ne "") {
- error T("Timeout on Character Select Server, reconnecting...n"), "connection";
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'time'} = time;
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'};
- $self->serverDisconnect;
- $self->setState(Network::NOT_CONNECTED);
- undef $conState_tries;
- } elsif ($conState == 4 && !$self->serverAlive() && !$conState_tries) {
- if ($config{pauseMapServer}) {
- message "Pausing for $config{pauseMapServer} second(s)...n", "system";
- sleep($config{pauseMapServer});
- }
- message T("Connecting to Map Server...n"), "connection";
- $conState_tries++;
- main::initConnectVars();
- my $master = $masterServer;
- my ($ip, $port);
- if ($master->{private}) {
- $ip = $config{forceMapIP} || $master->{ip};
- $port = $map_port;
- } else {
- $ip = $master->{mapServer_ip} || $config{forceMapIP} || $map_ip;
- $port = $master->{mapServer_port} || $map_port;
- }
- $self->serverConnect($ip, $port);
- # call plugin's hook to determine if we can continue the connection
- if ($self->serverAlive) {
- Plugins::callHook("Network::serverConnect/mapserver");
- return if ($conState == 1.5);
- }
- $messageSender->sendMapLogin($accountID, $charID, $sessionID, $accountSex2);
- $timeout_ex{master}{time} = time;
- $timeout_ex{master}{timeout} = $timeout{reconnect}{timeout};
- $timeout{maplogin}{time} = time;
- } elsif ($conState == 4 && timeOut($timeout{maplogin})) {
- message T("Timeout on Map Server, connecting to Account Server...n"), "connection";
- $timeout_ex{master}{timeout} = $timeout{reconnect}{timeout};
- $self->serverDisconnect;
- $self->setState(Network::NOT_CONNECTED);
- undef $conState_tries;
- } elsif ($conState == 5 && !$self->serverAlive()) {
- Plugins::callHook('disconnected');
- if ($config{dcOnDisconnect}) {
- chatLog("k", T("*** You disconnected, auto quit! ***n"));
- error T("Disconnected from Map Server, exiting...n"), "connection";
- $quit = 1;
- } else {
- error TF("Disconnected from Map Server, connecting to Account Server in %s seconds...n", $timeout{reconnect}{timeout}), "connection";
- $timeout_ex{master}{time} = time;
- $timeout_ex{master}{timeout} = $timeout{reconnect}{timeout};
- $self->setState(Network::NOT_CONNECTED);
- undef $conState_tries;
- }
- } elsif ($conState == 5 && timeOut($timeout{play})) {
- error T("Timeout on Map Server, "), "connection";
- Plugins::callHook('disconnected');
- if ($config{dcOnDisconnect}) {
- error T("exiting...n"), "connection";
- $quit = 1;
- } else {
- error TF("connecting to Account Server in %s seconds...n", $timeout{reconnect}{timeout}), "connection";
- $timeout_ex{master}{time} = time;
- $timeout_ex{master}{timeout} = $timeout{reconnect}{timeout};
- $self->serverDisconnect;
- $self->setState(Network::NOT_CONNECTED);
- undef $conState_tries;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;