- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Utility Functions
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2004,2005,2006,2007 OpenKore Development Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Utility functions
- #
- # This module contains various general-purpose and independant utility
- # functions. Functions in this module should have <b>no</b> dependancies
- # on other Kore modules.
- package Utils;
- use strict;
- use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep);
- use IO::Socket::INET;
- use Math::Trig;
- use Text::Wrap;
- use Scalar::Util;
- use Exporter;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use Config;
- use FastUtils;
- use Globals qw(%config);
- use Utils::DataStructures (':all', '!/^binFind$/');
- our @EXPORT = (
- @{$Utils::DataStructures::EXPORT_TAGS{all}},
- # Math
- qw(calcPosFromTime calcPosition calcTime checkMovementDirection countSteps distance
- intToSignedInt intToSignedShort
- blockDistance getVector moveAlong moveAlongVector
- normalize vectorToDegree max min round ceil),
- # OS-specific
- qw(checkLaunchedApp launchApp launchScript),
- # Other stuff
- qw(dataWaiting dumpHash formatNumber getCoordString getCoordString2
- getFormattedDate getHex giveHex getRange getTickCount
- inRange judgeSkillArea makeCoords makeCoords2 makeDistMap makeIP encodeIP parseArgs
- quarkToString stringToQuark shiftPack swrite timeConvert timeOut
- urldecode urlencode unShiftPack vocalString wrapText pin_encode)
- );
- our %strings;
- our %quarks;
- ################################
- ################################
- ### CATEGORY: Math
- ################################
- ################################
- ##
- # calcPosFromTime(pos, pos_to, speed, time)
- #
- # Returns: the position where an actor moving from $pos to $pos_to with
- # the speed $speed will be in $time amount of time.
- # Walls are not considered.
- sub calcPosFromTime {
- my ($pos, $pos_to, $speed, $time) = @_;
- my $posX = $$pos{x};
- my $posY = $$pos{y};
- my $pos_toX = $$pos_to{x};
- my $pos_toY = $$pos_to{y};
- my $stepType = 0; # 1 - vertical or horizontal; 2 - diagonal
- my $s = 0; # step
- my %result;
- $result{x} = $pos_toX;
- $result{y} = $pos_toY;
- if (!$speed) {
- return %result;
- }
- while (1) {
- $s++;
- $stepType = 0;
- if ($posX < $pos_toX) {
- $posX++;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($posX > $pos_toX) {
- $posX--;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($posY < $pos_toY) {
- $posY++;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($posY > $pos_toY) {
- $posY--;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($stepType == 2) {
- $time -= sqrt(2) / $speed;
- } elsif ($stepType == 1) {
- $time -= 1 / $speed;
- } else {
- $s--;
- last;
- }
- if ($time < 0) {
- $s--;
- last;
- }
- }
- %result = moveAlong($pos, $pos_to, $s);
- return %result;
- }
- ##
- # calcTime(pos, pos_to, speed)
- #
- # Returns: time to move from $pos to $pos_to with $speed speed.
- # Walls are not considered.
- sub calcTime {
- my ($pos, $pos_to, $speed) = @_;
- my $posX = $$pos{x};
- my $posY = $$pos{y};
- my $pos_toX = $$pos_to{x};
- my $pos_toY = $$pos_to{y};
- my $stepType = 0; # 1 - vertical or horizontal; 2 - diagonal
- my $time = 0;
- return if (!$speed); # Make sure $speed actually has a non-zero value...
- while ($posX ne $pos_toX || $posY ne $pos_toY) {
- $stepType = 0;
- if ($posX < $pos_toX) {
- $posX++;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($posX > $pos_toX) {
- $posX--;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($posY < $pos_toY) {
- $posY++;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($posY > $pos_toY) {
- $posY--;
- $stepType++;
- }
- if ($stepType == 2) {
- $time += sqrt(2) / $speed;
- } elsif ($stepType == 1) {
- $time += 1 / $speed;
- }
- }
- return $time;
- }
- ##
- # calcPosition(object, [extra_time, float])
- # object: $char (yourself), or a value in %monsters or %players.
- # float: If set to 1, return coordinates as floating point.
- # Returns: reference to a position hash.
- #
- # The position information server that the server sends indicates a motion:
- # it says that an object is walking from A to B, and that it will arrive at B shortly.
- # This function calculates the current position of $object based on the motion information.
- #
- # If $extra_time is given, this function will calculate where $object will be
- # after $extra_time seconds.
- #
- # Example:
- # my $pos;
- # $pos = calcPosition($char);
- # print "You are currently at: $pos->{x}, $pos->{y}n";
- #
- # $pos = calcPosition($monsters{$ID});
- # # Calculate where the player will be after 2 seconds
- # $pos = calcPosition($players{$ID}, 2);
- sub calcPosition {
- my ($object, $extra_time, $float) = @_;
- my $time_needed = $object->{time_move_calc};
- my $elasped = time - $object->{time_move} + $extra_time;
- if ($elasped >= $time_needed || !$time_needed) {
- return $object->{pos_to};
- } else {
- my (%vec, %result, $dist);
- my $pos = $object->{pos};
- my $pos_to = $object->{pos_to};
- getVector(%vec, $pos_to, $pos);
- $dist = (distance($pos, $pos_to) - 1) * ($elasped / $time_needed);
- moveAlongVector(%result, $pos, %vec, $dist);
- $result{x} = int sprintf("%.0f", $result{x}) if (!$float);
- $result{y} = int sprintf("%.0f", $result{y}) if (!$float);
- return %result;
- }
- }
- ##
- # checkMovementDirection(pos1, vec, pos2, fuzziness)
- #
- # Check whether an object - which is moving into the direction of vector $vec,
- # and is currently at position $pos1 - is moving towards $pos2.
- #
- # Example:
- # # Get monster movement direction
- # my %vec;
- # getVector(%vec, $monster->{pos_to}, $monster->{pos});
- # if (checkMovementDirection($monster->{pos}, %vec, $char->{pos}, 15)) {
- # warning "Monster $monster->{name} is moving towards youn";
- #}
- sub checkMovementDirection {
- my ($pos1, $vec, $pos2, $fuzziness) = @_;
- my %objVec;
- getVector(%objVec, $pos2, $pos1);
- my $movementDegree = vectorToDegree($vec);
- my $obj1ToObj2Degree = vectorToDegree(%objVec);
- return abs($obj1ToObj2Degree - $movementDegree) <= $fuzziness ||
- (($obj1ToObj2Degree - $movementDegree) % 360) <= $fuzziness;
- }
- ##
- # countSteps(pos, pos_to)
- #
- # Returns: the number of steps from $pos to $pos_to.
- # Walls are not considered.
- sub countSteps {
- my ($pos, $pos_to) = @_;
- my $posX = $$pos{x};
- my $posY = $$pos{y};
- my $pos_toX = $$pos_to{x};
- my $pos_toY = $$pos_to{y};
- my $s = 0; # steps
- while ($posX ne $pos_toX || $posY ne $pos_toY) {
- $s++;
- if ($posX < $pos_toX) {
- $posX++;
- }
- if ($posX > $pos_toX) {
- $posX--;
- }
- if ($posY < $pos_toY) {
- $posY++;
- }
- if ($posY > $pos_toY) {
- $posY--;
- }
- }
- return $s;
- }
- ##
- # distance(r_hash1, r_hash2)
- # pos1, pos2: references to position hash tables.
- # Returns: the distance as a floating point number.
- #
- # Calculates the pythagorean distance between pos1 and pos2.
- #
- # FIXME: Some things in RO should use block distance instead.
- # Discussion at
- # http://openkore.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9176
- #
- # Example:
- # # Calculates the distance between you and a monster
- # my $dist = distance($char->{pos_to},
- # $monsters{$ID}{pos_to});
- sub distance {
- my $pos1 = shift;
- my $pos2 = shift;
- return 0 if (!$pos1 && !$pos2);
- my %line;
- if (defined $pos2) {
- $line{x} = abs($pos1->{x} - $pos2->{x});
- $line{y} = abs($pos1->{y} - $pos2->{y});
- } else {
- %line = %{$pos1};
- }
- return sqrt($line{x} ** 2 + $line{y} ** 2);
- }
- ##
- # int intToSignedInt(int i)
- #
- # Convert a 32-bit unsigned integer into a signed integer.
- sub intToSignedInt {
- my $result = $_[0];
- # Check most significant bit.
- if ($result & 2147483648) {
- return -0xFFFFFFFF + $result - 1;
- } else {
- return $result;
- }
- }
- ##
- # int intToSignedShort(int i)
- #
- # Convert a 16-bit unsigned integer into a signed integer.
- sub intToSignedShort {
- my $result = $_[0];
- # Check most significant bit.
- if ($result & 32768) {
- return -0xFFFF + $result - 1;
- } else {
- return $result;
- }
- }
- ##
- # blockDistance(pos1, pos2)
- # pos1, pos2: references to position hash tables.
- # Returns: the distance in number of blocks (integer).
- #
- # Calculates the distance in number of blocks between pos1 and pos2.
- # This is used for e.g. weapon range calculation.
- sub blockDistance {
- my ($pos1, $pos2) = @_;
- return max(abs($pos1->{x} - $pos2->{x}),
- abs($pos1->{y} - $pos2->{y}));
- }
- ##
- # getVector(r_store, to, from)
- # r_store: reference to a hash. The result will be stored here.
- # to, from: reference to position hashes.
- #
- # Create a vector object. For those who don't know: a vector
- # is a mathematical term for describing a movement and its direction.
- # So this function creates a vector object, which describes the direction of the
- # movement %from to %to. You can use this vector object with other math functions.
- #
- # See also: moveAlongVector(), vectorToDegree()
- sub getVector {
- my $r_store = shift;
- my $to = shift;
- my $from = shift;
- $r_store->{x} = $to->{x} - $from->{x};
- $r_store->{y} = $to->{y} - $from->{y};
- }
- ##
- # moveAlong(pos, pos_to, step)
- #
- # Returns: the position where an actor will be after $step steps
- # while walking from $pos to $pos_to.
- # Walls are not considered.
- sub moveAlong {
- my ($pos, $pos_to, $step) = @_;
- my $posX = $$pos{x};
- my $posY = $$pos{y};
- my $pos_toX = $$pos_to{x};
- my $pos_toY = $$pos_to{y};
- my %result;
- $result{x} = $posX;
- $result{y} = $posY;
- if (!$step) {
- return %result;
- }
- for (my $s = 1; $s <= $step; $s++) {
- if ($posX < $pos_toX) {
- $posX++;
- }
- if ($posX > $pos_toX) {
- $posX--;
- }
- if ($posY < $pos_toY) {
- $posY++;
- }
- if ($posY > $pos_toY) {
- $posY--;
- }
- }
- $result{x} = $posX;
- $result{y} = $posY;
- return %result;
- }
- ##
- # moveAlongVector(result, r_pos, r_vec, dist)
- # result: reference to a hash, in which the destination position is stored.
- # r_pos: the source position.
- # r_vec: a vector object, as created by getVector()
- # dist: the distance to move from the source position.
- #
- # Calculate where you will end up to, if you walk $dist blocks from %r_pos
- # into the direction specified by %r_vec.
- #
- # See also: getVector()
- #
- # Example:
- # my %from = (x => 100, y => 100);
- # my %to = (x => 120, y => 120);
- # my %vec;
- # getVector(%vec, %to, %from);
- # my %result;
- # moveAlongVector(%result, %from, %vec, 10);
- # print "You are at $from{x},$from{y}.n";
- # print "If you walk $dist blocks into the direction of $to{x},$to{y}, you will end up at:n";
- # print "$result{x},$result{y}n";
- sub moveAlongVector {
- my $result = shift;
- my $r_pos = shift;
- my $r_vec = shift;
- my $dist = shift;
- if ($dist) {
- my %norm;
- normalize(%norm, $r_vec);
- $result->{x} = $$r_pos{'x'} + $norm{'x'} * $dist;
- $result->{y} = $$r_pos{'y'} + $norm{'y'} * $dist;
- } else {
- $result->{x} = $$r_pos{'x'} + $$r_vec{'x'};
- $result->{y} = $$r_pos{'y'} + $$r_vec{'y'};
- }
- }
- sub normalize {
- my $r_store = shift;
- my $r_vec = shift;
- my $dist;
- $dist = distance($r_vec);
- if ($dist > 0) {
- $$r_store{'x'} = $$r_vec{'x'} / $dist;
- $$r_store{'y'} = $$r_vec{'y'} / $dist;
- } else {
- $$r_store{'x'} = 0;
- $$r_store{'y'} = 0;
- }
- }
- ##
- # vectorToDegree(vector)
- # vector: a reference to a vector hash, as created by getVector().
- # Returns: the degree as a number.
- #
- # Converts a vector into a degree number.
- #
- # See also: getVector()
- #
- # Example:
- # my %from = (x => 100, y => 100);
- # my %to = (x => 120, y => 120);
- # my %vec;
- # getVector(%vec, %to, %from);
- # vectorToDegree(%vec); # => 45
- sub vectorToDegree {
- my $vec = shift;
- my $x = $vec->{x};
- my $y = $vec->{y};
- if ($y == 0) {
- if ($x < 0) {
- return 270;
- } elsif ($x > 0) {
- return 90;
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
- } else {
- my $ret = rad2deg(atan2($x, $y));
- if ($ret < 0) {
- return 360 + $ret;
- } else {
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- }
- ##
- # max($a, $b)
- #
- # Returns the greater of $a or $b.
- sub max {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return $a > $b ? $a : $b;
- }
- ##
- # min($a, $b)
- #
- # Returns the lesser of $a or $b.
- sub min {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return $a < $b ? $a : $b;
- }
- ##
- # round($number)
- #
- # Returns the rounded number
- sub round {
- my($number) = shift;
- return int($number + .5 * ($number <=> 0));
- }
- ##
- # ceil($number)
- #
- # Returns the rounded up number
- # Used for distances (only deciles taken into consideration)
- sub ceil {
- my($number) = shift;
- return int($number + .9 * ($number <=> 0));
- }
- #################################################
- #################################################
- ### CATEGORY: Operating system-specific stuff
- #################################################
- #################################################
- ##
- # checkLaunchApp(pid, [retval])
- # pid: the return value of launchApp() or launchScript()
- # retval: a reference to a scalar. If the app exited, the return value will be stored in here.
- # Returns: 1 if the app is still running, 0 if it has exited.
- #
- # If you ran a script or an app asynchronously, you can use this function to check
- # whether it's currently still running.
- #
- # See also: launchApp(), launchScript()
- sub checkLaunchedApp {
- my ($pid, $retval) = @_;
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- my $result = ($pid->Wait(0) == 0);
- if ($result == 0 && $retval) {
- my $code;
- $pid->GetExitCode($code);
- $$retval = $code;
- }
- return $result;
- } else {
- import POSIX ':sys_wait_h';
- my $wnohang = eval "WNOHANG";
- return (waitpid($pid, $wnohang) <= 0);
- }
- }
- ##
- # launchApp(detach, args...)
- # detach: set to 1 if you don't care when this application exits.
- # args: the application's name and arguments.
- # Returns: a PID on Unix; a Win32::Process object on Windows.
- #
- # Asynchronously launch an application.
- #
- # See also: checkLaunchedApp()
- sub launchApp {
- my $detach = shift;
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- my @args = @_;
- foreach (@args) {
- $_ = ""$_"";
- }
- my ($priority, $obj);
- undef $@;
- eval 'use Win32::Process; $priority = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS;';
- die if ($@);
- Win32::Process::Create($obj, $_[0], "@args", 0, $priority, '.');
- return $obj;
- } else {
- require POSIX;
- import POSIX;
- my $pid = fork();
- if ($detach) {
- if ($pid == 0) {
- open(STDOUT, "> /dev/null");
- open(STDERR, "> /dev/null");
- POSIX::setsid();
- if (fork() == 0) {
- exec(@_);
- }
- POSIX::_exit(1);
- } elsif ($pid) {
- waitpid($pid, 0);
- }
- } else {
- if ($pid == 0) {
- #open(STDOUT, "> /dev/null");
- #open(STDERR, "> /dev/null");
- POSIX::setsid();
- exec(@_);
- POSIX::_exit(1);
- }
- }
- return $pid;
- }
- }
- ##
- # launchScript(async, module_paths, script, [args...])
- # async: 1 if you want to run the script in the background, or 0 if you want to wait until the script has exited.
- # module_paths: reference to an array which contains paths to look for modules, or undef.
- # script: filename of the Perl script.
- # args: parameters to pass to the script.
- # Returns: a PID on Unix, a Win32::Process object on Windows.
- #
- # Run a Perl script.
- #
- # See also: launchApp(), checkLaunchedApp()
- sub launchScript {
- my $async = shift;
- my $module_paths = shift;
- my $script = shift;
- my @interp;
- if (-f $Config{perlpath}) {
- @interp = ($Config{perlpath});
- } else {
- @interp = ($ENV{INTERPRETER}, '!');
- }
- my @paths;
- if ($module_paths) {
- foreach (@{$module_paths}) {
- push @paths, "-I$_";
- }
- }
- if ($async) {
- return launchApp(0, @interp, @paths, $script, @_);
- } else {
- system(@interp, @paths, $script, @_);
- }
- }
- ########################################
- ########################################
- ### CATEGORY: Misc utility functions
- ########################################
- ########################################
- ##
- # dataWaiting(r_handle)
- # r_handle: A reference to a handle or a socket.
- # Returns: 1 if there's pending incoming data, 0 if not.
- #
- # Checks whether the socket $r_handle has pending incoming data.
- # If there is, then you can read from $r_handle without being blocked.
- sub dataWaiting {
- my $r_fh = shift;
- return 0 if (!defined $r_fh || !defined $$r_fh);
- my $bits = '';
- vec($bits, fileno($$r_fh), 1) = 1;
- # The timeout was 0.005
- return (select($bits, undef, undef, 0) > 0);
- #return select($bits, $bits, $bits, 0) > 1);
- }
- ##
- # dumpHash(r_hash)
- # r_hash: a reference to a hash/array.
- #
- # Return a formated output of the contents of a hash/array, for debugging purposes.
- sub dumpHash {
- my $out;
- my $buf = $_[0];
- if (ref($buf) eq "") {
- $buf =~ s/'/\'/gs;
- $buf =~ s/[00-37]/./gs;
- $out .= "'$buf'";
- } elsif (ref($buf) eq "HASH") {
- $out .= "{";
- foreach (keys %{$buf}) {
- s/'/\'/gs;
- $out .= "$_=>" . dumpHash($buf->{$_}) . ",";
- }
- chop $out;
- $out .= "}";
- } elsif (ref($buf) eq "ARRAY") {
- $out .= "[";
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$buf}; $i++) {
- s/'/\'/gs;
- $out .= "$i=>" . dumpHash($buf->[$i]) . ",";
- }
- chop $out;
- $out .= "]";
- }
- $out = '{empty}' if ($out eq '}');
- return $out;
- }
- ##
- # formatNumber(num)
- # num: An integer number.
- # Returns: A formatted number with commas.
- #
- # Add commas to $num so large numbers are more readable.
- # $num must be an integer, not a floating point number.
- #
- # Example:
- # formatNumber(1000000); # -> 1,000,000
- sub formatNumber {
- my $num = reverse $_[0];
- if ($num == 0) {
- return 0;
- }else {
- $num =~ s/(ddd)(?=d)(?!d*.)/$1,/g;
- return scalar reverse $num;
- }
- }
- sub _find_x {
- my ($x, $y) = @_;
- my $a = _find_x_top($x, $y);
- my @ans = (
- [$a,$a+1,$a+2,$a+3,$a+4,$a+5,$a+6,$a+7],
- [$a+1,$a,$a+3,$a+2,$a+5,$a+4,$a+7,$a+6],
- [$a+2,$a+3,$a,$a+1,$a+6,$a+7,$a+4,$a+5],
- [$a+3,$a+2,$a+1,$a,$a+7,$a+6,$a+5,$a+4],
- [$a+4,$a+5,$a+6,$a+7,$a,$a+1,$a+2,$a+3],
- [$a+5,$a+4,$a+7,$a+6,$a+1,$a,$a+3,$a+2],
- [$a+6,$a+7,$a+4,$a+5,$a+2,$a+3,$a,$a+2],
- [$a+7,$a+6,$a+5,$a+4,$a+3,$a+2,$a+1,$a]
- );
- return $ans[int($x % 32) / 4][int($y % 32) / 4];
- }
- sub _find_x_top {
- my ($x, $y) = @_;
- my $b;
- if ($x < 256 && $y < 256) {
- $b = 0;
- } elsif ($x >= 256 && $y >= 256) {
- $b = 0;
- } else {
- $b = 64;
- }
- my @ans = (
- [$b,$b+1*8,$b+2*8,$b+3*8,$b+4*8,$b+5*8,$b+6*8,$b+7*8],
- [$b+1*8,$b,$b+3*8,$b+2*8,$b+5*8,$b+4*8,$b+7*8,$b+6*8],
- [$b+2*8,$b+3*8,$b,$b+1*8,$b+6*8,$b+7*8,$b+4*8,$b+5*8],
- [$b+3*8,$b+2*8,$b+1*8,$b,$b+7*8,$b+6*8,$b+5*8,$b+4*8],
- [$b+4*8,$b+5*8,$b+6*8,$b+7*8,$b,$b+1*8,$b+2*8,$b+3*8],
- [$b+5*8,$b+4*8,$b+7*8,$b+6*8,$b+1*8,$b,$b+3*8,$b+2*8],
- [$b+6*8,$b+7*8,$b+4*8,$b+5*8,$b+2*8,$b+3*8,$b,$b+2*8],
- [$b+7*8,$b+6*8,$b+5*8,$b+4*8,$b+3*8,$b+2*8,$b+1*8,$b]
- );
- return $ans[int($x % 256) / 32][int($y % 256) / 32];
- }
- sub getCoordString {
- my $x = int(shift);
- my $y = int(shift);
- my $nopadding = shift;
- my $coords = "";
- shiftPack($coords, 0x44, 8)
- unless (($config{serverType} == 0) || ($config{serverType} == 3) || ($config{serverType} == 5) || $nopadding);
- shiftPack($coords, $x, 10);
- shiftPack($coords, $y, 10);
- shiftPack($coords, 0, 4);
- return $coords;
- }
- sub getCoordString2 {
- my $x = int(shift);
- my $y = int(shift);
- my $nopadding = shift;
- my $coords = "";
- shiftPack($coords, 0x44, 8)
- unless (($config{serverType} == 0) || ($config{serverType} == 3) || ($config{serverType} == 5) || $nopadding);
- shiftPack($coords, $x, 10);
- shiftPack($coords, $y, 10);
- shiftPack($coords, 0, 28);
- return $coords;
- }
- sub getFormattedDate {
- my $thetime = shift;
- my $r_date = shift;
- my @localtime = localtime $thetime;
- my $themonth = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)[$localtime[4]];
- $localtime[2] = "0" . $localtime[2] if ($localtime[2] < 10);
- $localtime[1] = "0" . $localtime[1] if ($localtime[1] < 10);
- $localtime[0] = "0" . $localtime[0] if ($localtime[0] < 10);
- $$r_date = "$themonth $localtime[3] $localtime[2]:$localtime[1]:$localtime[0] " . ($localtime[5] + 1900);
- return $$r_date;
- }
- sub getHex {
- my $data = shift;
- my $i;
- my $return;
- for ($i = 0; $i < length($data); $i++) {
- $return .= uc(unpack("H2",substr($data, $i, 1)));
- if ($i + 1 < length($data)) {
- $return .= " ";
- }
- }
- return $return;
- }
- sub giveHex {
- return pack("H*",split(' ',shift));
- }
- sub getRange {
- my $param = shift;
- return if (!defined $param);
- # remove % from the first number here (i.e. hp 50%..60%) because it's easiest
- if ($param =~ /(-?d+(?:.d+)?)%?s*(?:-|..)s*(-?d+(?:.d+)?)/) {
- return ($1, $2, 1);
- } elsif ($param =~ />s*(-?d+(?:.d+)?)/) {
- return ($1, undef, 0);
- } elsif ($param =~ />=s*(-?d+(?:.d+)?)/) {
- return ($1, undef, 1);
- } elsif ($param =~ /<s*(-?d+(?:.d+)?)/) {
- return (undef, $1, 0);
- } elsif ($param =~ /<=s*(-?d+(?:.d+)?)/) {
- return (undef, $1, 1);
- } elsif ($param =~/^(-?d+(?:.d+)?)/) {
- return ($1, $1, 1);
- }
- }
- sub getTickCount {
- my $time = int(time()*1000);
- if (length($time) > 9) {
- return substr($time, length($time) - 8, length($time));
- } else {
- return $time;
- }
- }
- sub inRange {
- my $value = shift;
- my $param = shift;
- return 1 if (!defined $param);
- my ($min, $max, $inclusive) = getRange($param);
- if (defined $min && defined $max) {
- return 1 if ($value >= $min && $value <= $max);
- } elsif (defined $min) {
- return 1 if ($value > $min || ($inclusive && $value == $min));
- } elsif (defined $max) {
- return 1 if ($value < $max || ($inclusive && $value == $max));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ##
- # judgeSkillArea(ID)
- # ID: a skill ID.
- # Returns: the size of the skill's area.
- #
- # Figure out how large the skill area is, in diameters.
- sub judgeSkillArea {
- my $id = shift;
- if ($id == 81 || $id == 85 || $id == 89 || $id == 83 || $id == 110 || $id == 91) {
- return 5;
- } elsif ($id == 70 || $id == 79 ) {
- return 4;
- } elsif ($id == 21 || $id == 17 ){
- return 3;
- } elsif ($id == 88 || $id == 80
- || $id == 11 || $id == 18
- || $id == 140 || $id == 229 ) {
- return 2;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- ##
- # makeCoords(r_hash, rawCoords)
- #
- # The maximum value for either coordinate (x or y) is 1023,
- # thus making the number of bits for each coordinate 10.
- # When both coordinates are packed together,
- # the bit usage becomes double that, 20 -- or 2.5 bytes
- sub makeCoords {
- my ($r_hash, $rawCoords) = @_;
- unShiftPack($rawCoords, undef, 4);
- makeCoords2($r_hash, $rawCoords);
- }
- sub makeCoords2 {
- my ($r_hash, $rawCoords) = @_;
- unShiftPack($rawCoords, $r_hash->{y}, 10);
- unShiftPack($rawCoords, $r_hash->{x}, 10);
- }
- sub makeCoords3 {
- my ($r_hashFrom, $r_hashTo, $rawCoords) = @_;
- unShiftPack($rawCoords, $$r_hashTo{'y'}, 10);
- unShiftPack($rawCoords, $$r_hashTo{'x'}, 10);
- unShiftPack($rawCoords, $$r_hashFrom{'y'}, 10);
- unShiftPack($rawCoords, $$r_hashFrom{'x'}, 10);
- }
- ##
- # shiftPack(data, value, bits)
- # data: reference to existing data in which to pack onto
- # value: value to pack
- # bits: maximum number of bits used by value
- #
- # Packs a value onto a set of data using bitwise shifts
- sub shiftPack {
- my ($data, $value, $bits) = @_;
- my ($newdata, $dw1, $dw2, $i, $mask, $done);
- $mask = 2 ** (32 - $bits) - 1;
- $i = length($$data);
- $newdata = "";
- $done = 0;
- $dw1 = $value & (2 ** $bits - 1);
- do {
- $i -= 4;
- $dw2 = ($i > 0) ?
- unpack('N', substr($$data, $i, 4)) :
- unpack('N', pack('x' . abs($i)) . substr($$data, 0, 4 + $i));
- $dw1 = $dw1 | (($dw2 & $mask) << $bits);
- $newdata = pack('N', $dw1) . $newdata;
- $dw1 = $dw2 >> (32 - $bits);
- } while ($i + 4 > 0);
- $newdata = substr($newdata, 1) while (substr($newdata, 0, 1) eq pack('C', 0) && length($newdata));
- $$data = $newdata;
- }
- ##
- # urldecode(encoded_string)
- #
- # Decode an URL-encoded string.
- sub urldecode {
- my ($str) = @_;
- $str =~ tr/+?/ /;
- $str =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack('H2',$1)/ge;
- return $str;
- }
- ##
- # urlencode(str)
- #
- # URL-encodes a string.
- sub urlencode {
- my ($str) = @_;
- $str =~ s/([W])/"%" . uc(sprintf("%2.2x", ord($1)))/eg;
- return $str;
- }
- ##
- # unShiftPack(data, reference, bits)
- # data: data to unpack a value from
- # reference: reference to store the value in
- # bits: number of bits value requires
- #
- # This is the reverse operation of shiftPack.
- sub unShiftPack {
- my ($data, $reference, $bits) = @_;
- my ($newdata, $dw1, $dw2, $i, $mask, $done);
- $mask = 2 ** $bits - 1;
- $i = length($$data);
- $newdata = "";
- $done = 0;
- do {
- $i -= 4;
- $dw2 = ($i > 0) ?
- unpack('N', substr($$data, $i, 4)) :
- unpack('N', pack('x' . abs($i)) . substr($$data, 0, 4 + $i));
- unless ($done) {
- $$reference = $dw2 & (2 ** $bits - 1) if (defined $reference);
- $done = 1;
- } else {
- $dw1 = $dw1 | (($dw2 & $mask) << (32 - $bits));
- $newdata = pack('N', $dw1) . $newdata;
- }
- $dw1 = $dw2 >> $bits;
- } while ($i + 4 > 0);
- $newdata = substr($newdata, 1) while (substr($newdata, 0, 1) eq pack('C', 0) && length($newdata));
- $$data = $newdata;
- }
- ##
- # makeDistMap(data, width, height)
- # data: the raw field data.
- # width: the field's width.
- # height: the field's height.
- # Returns: the raw data of the distance map.
- #
- # Create a distance map from raw field data. This distance map data is used by pathfinding
- # for wall avoidance support.
- # sub old_makeDistMap {
- # # makeDistMap() is now written in C++ (src/auto/XSTools/misc/fastutils.xs)
- # # The old Perl function is still here in case anyone wants to read it
- # my $data = shift;
- # my $width = shift;
- # my $height = shift;
- #
- # # Simplify the raw map data. Each byte in the raw map data
- # # represents a block on the field, but only some bytes are
- # # interesting to pathfinding.
- # for (my $i = 0; $i < length($data); $i++) {
- # my $v = ord(substr($data, $i, 1));
- # # 0 is open, 3 is walkable water
- # if ($v == 0 || $v == 3) {
- # $v = 255;
- # } else {
- # $v = 0;
- # }
- # substr($data, $i, 1, chr($v));
- # }
- #
- # my $done = 0;
- # until ($done) {
- # $done = 1;
- # #'push' wall distance right and up
- # for (my $y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) {
- # for (my $x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
- # my $i = $y * $width + $x;
- # my $dist = ord(substr($data, $i, 1));
- # if ($x != $width - 1) {
- # my $ir = $y * $width + $x + 1;
- # my $distr = ord(substr($data, $ir, 1));
- # my $comp = $dist - $distr;
- # if ($comp > 1) {
- # my $val = $distr + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $i, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # } elsif ($comp < -1) {
- # my $val = $dist + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $ir, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # }
- # }
- # if ($y != $height - 1) {
- # my $iu = ($y + 1) * $width + $x;
- # my $distu = ord(substr($data, $iu, 1));
- # my $comp = $dist - $distu;
- # if ($comp > 1) {
- # my $val = $distu + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $i, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # } elsif ($comp < -1) {
- # my $val = $dist + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $iu, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # #'push' wall distance left and down
- # for (my $y = $height - 1; $y >= 0; $y--) {
- # for (my $x = $width - 1; $x >= 0 ; $x--) {
- # my $i = $y * $width + $x;
- # my $dist = ord(substr($data, $i, 1));
- # if ($x != 0) {
- # my $il = $y * $width + $x - 1;
- # my $distl = ord(substr($data, $il, 1));
- # my $comp = $dist - $distl;
- # if ($comp > 1) {
- # my $val = $distl + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $i, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # } elsif ($comp < -1) {
- # my $val = $dist + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $il, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # }
- # }
- # if ($y != 0) {
- # my $id = ($y - 1) * $width + $x;
- # my $distd = ord(substr($data, $id, 1));
- # my $comp = $dist - $distd;
- # if ($comp > 1) {
- # my $val = $distd + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $i, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # } elsif ($comp < -1) {
- # my $val = $dist + 1;
- # $val = 255 if $val > 255;
- # substr($data, $id, 1, chr($val));
- # $done = 0;
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # return $data;
- # }
- sub makeIP {
- my $raw = shift;
- my $ret;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
- $ret .= hex(getHex(substr($raw, $i, 1)));
- if ($i + 1 < 4) {
- $ret .= ".";
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- sub encodeIP {
- return pack("C*", split(/./, shift));
- }
- ##
- # Array<String> parseArgs(String command, [int max], [String delimiters = ' '], [int* last_arg_pos])
- # command: a command string.
- # max: maximum number of arguments.
- # delimiters: a character array of delimiters for arguments.
- # last_arg_pos: reference to a scalar. The position of the start of the last argument is stored here.
- # Returns: an array of arguments.
- #
- # Parse a command string and split it into an array of arguments.
- # Quoted parts inside the command strings are considered one argument.
- # Backslashes can be used to escape a special character (like quotes).
- # Leadingand trailing whitespaces are ignored, unless quoted.
- #
- # Example:
- # parseArgs("guild members"); # => ("guild", "members")
- # parseArgs("c hello there", 2); # => ("c", "hello there")
- # parseArgs("pm 'My Friend' hey there", 3); # ("pm", "My Friend", "hey there")
- sub parseArgs {
- my ($command, $max, $delimiters, $r_last_arg_pos) = @_;
- my @args;
- if (!defined $delimiters) {
- $delimiters = qr/ /;
- } else {
- $delimiters = quotemeta $delimiters;
- $delimiters = qr/[$delimiters]/;
- }
- my $last_arg_pos;
- my $tmp;
- ($tmp, $command) = $command =~ /^( *)(.*)/;
- $last_arg_pos = length($tmp);
- $command =~ s/ *$//;
- my $len = length $command;
- my $within_quote;
- my $quote_char = '';
- my $i;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
- my $char = substr($command, $i, 1);
- if ($max && @args == $max) {
- $args[0] = $command;
- last;
- } elsif ($char eq '\') {
- $args[0] .= substr($command, $i + 1, 1);
- $i++;
- } elsif (($char eq '"' || $char eq "'") && ($quote_char eq '' || $quote_char eq $char)) {
- $within_quote = !$within_quote;
- $quote_char = ($within_quote) ? $char : '';
- } elsif ($within_quote) {
- $args[0] .= $char;
- } elsif ($char =~ /$delimiters/) {
- unshift @args, '';
- $command = substr($command, $i + 1);
- ($tmp, $command) =~ /^(${delimiters}*)(.*)/;
- $len = length $command;
- $last_arg_pos += $i + 1;
- $i = -1;
- } else {
- $args[0] .= $char;
- }
- }
- $$r_last_arg_pos = $last_arg_pos if ($r_last_arg_pos);
- return reverse @args;
- }
- ##
- # quarkToString(quark)
- # quark: A quark as returned by stringToQuark()
- #
- # Convert a quark back into a string. See stringToQuark() for details.
- sub quarkToString {
- my $quark = $_[0];
- return $strings{$quark};
- }
- ##
- # stringToQuark(string)
- #
- # Convert a string into a so-called quark. Each string will be converted to a unique quark.
- # This can be used to save memory, if your application uses many identical strings.
- #
- # For example, consider the following:
- # <pre class="example">
- # my @array;
- # for (1..10000) {
- # push @array, "this is a string";
- # }
- # </pre>
- # The above example will store 10000 different copies of the string "this is my string" into
- # the array. Even though each string has the same content, each string uses its own memory.
- #
- # By using quarks, one can save a lot of memory:
- # <pre class="example">
- # my @array;
- # for (1..10000) {
- # push @array, stringToQuark("this is a string");
- # }
- # </pre>
- # The array will now contain 10000 instances of the same quark, so very little memory is wasted.
- #
- # To convert a quark back to a string, use quarkToString().
- sub stringToQuark {
- my $string = $_[0];
- if (exists $quarks{$string}) {
- return $quarks{$string};
- } else {
- my $ref = $string;
- $quarks{$string} = $ref;
- $strings{$ref} = $string;
- return $ref;
- }
- }
- sub swrite {
- my $result = '';
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i += 2) {
- my $format = $_[$i];
- my @args = @{$_[$i+1]};
- if ($format =~ /@[<|>]/) {
- $^A = '';
- formline($format, @args);
- $result .= "$^An";
- } else {
- $result .= "$formatn";
- }
- }
- $^A = '';
- return $result;
- }
- ##
- # timeConvert(seconds)
- # seconds: number of seconds.
- # Returns: a human-readable version of $seconds.
- #
- # Converts $seconds into a string in the form of "x hours y minutes z seconds".
- sub timeConvert {
- my $time = shift;
- my $hours = int($time / 3600);
- my $time = $time % 3600;
- my $minutes = int($time / 60);
- my $time = $time % 60;
- my $seconds = $time;
- my $gathered = '';
- $gathered = "$hours hours " if ($hours);
- $gathered .= "$minutes minutes " if ($minutes);
- $gathered .= "$seconds seconds" if ($seconds);
- $gathered =~ s/ $//;
- $gathered = '0 seconds' if ($gathered eq '');
- return $gathered;
- }
- ##
- # timeOut(r_time, [timeout])
- # r_time: a time value, or a hash.
- # timeout: the timeout value to use if $r_time is a time value.
- # Returns: a boolean.
- #
- # If r_time is a time value:
- # Check whether $timeout seconds have passed since $r_time.
- #
- # If r_time is a hash:
- # Check whether $r_time->{timeout} seconds have passed since $r_time->{time}.
- #
- # This function is usually used to handle timeouts in a loop.
- #
- # Example:
- # my %time;
- # $time{time} = time;
- # $time{timeout} = 10;
- #
- # while (1) {
- # if (timeOut(%time)) {
- # print "10 seconds have passed since this loop was started.n";
- # last;
- # }
- # }
- #
- # my $startTime = time;
- # while (1) {
- # if (timeOut($startTime, 6)) {
- # print "6 seconds have passed since this loop was started.n";
- # last;
- # }
- # }
- # timeOut() is implemented in tools/misc/fastutils.xs
- ##
- # vocalString(letter_length, [r_string])
- # letter_length: the requested length of the result.
- # r_string: a reference to a scalar. If given, the result will be stored here.
- # Returns: the resulting string.
- #
- # Creates a random string of $letter_length long. The resulting string is pronouncable.
- # This function can be used to generate a random password.
- #
- # Example:
- # for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
- # printf("%sn", vocalString(10));
- # }
- sub vocalString {
- my $letter_length = shift;
- return if ($letter_length <= 0);
- my $r_string = shift;
- my $test;
- my $i;
- my $password;
- my @cons = ("b", "c", "d", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "y", "z", "tr", "cl", "cr", "br", "fr", "th", "dr", "ch", "st", "sp", "sw", "pr", "sh", "gr", "tw", "wr", "ck");
- my @vowels = ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u" , "a", "e" ,"i","o","u","a","e","i","o", "ea" , "ou" , "ie" , "ai" , "ee" ,"au", "oo");
- my %badend = ( "tr" => 1, "cr" => 1, "br" => 1, "fr" => 1, "dr" => 1, "sp" => 1, "sw" => 1, "pr" =>1, "gr" => 1, "tw" => 1, "wr" => 1, "cl" => 1, "kr" => 1);
- for (;;) {
- $password = "";
- for($i = 0; $i < $letter_length; $i++){
- $password .= $cons[rand(@cons - 1)] . $vowels[rand(@vowels - 1)];
- }
- $password = substr($password, 0, $letter_length);
- ($test) = ($password =~ /(..)z/);
- last if ($badend{$test} != 1);
- }
- $$r_string = $password if ($r_string);
- return $password;
- }
- ##
- # String wrapText(String text, int maxLineLength)
- # text: The text to wrap.
- # maxLineLength: The maximum length of a line.
- # Requires: defined($text) && $maxLineLength > 1
- # Ensures: defined(result)
- #
- # Wrap the given text at the given length.
- sub wrapText {
- local($Text::Wrap::columns) = $_[1];
- return wrap('', '', $_[0]);
- }
- ##
- # int pin_encode(int pin, int key)
- # pin: the PIN code
- # key: the encryption key
- #
- # PIN Encode Function, used to hide the real PIN code, using KEY.
- sub pin_encode {
- my ($pin, $key) = @_;
- $key &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- $key ^= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- # Check PIN len
- if ((length($pin) > 3) && (length($pin) < 9)) {
- my $pincode;
- # Convert String to number
- $pincode = $pin;
- # Encryption loop
- for(my $loopin = 0; $loopin < length($pin); $loopin++) {
- $pincode &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- $pincode += 0x05F5E100; # Static Encryption Key
- $pincode &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- }
- # Finalize Encryption
- $pincode &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- $pincode ^= $key;
- $pincode &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- return $pincode;
- } elsif (length($pin) == 0) {
- my $pincode;
- # Convert String to number
- $pincode = 0;
- # Finalize Encryption
- $pincode &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- $pincode ^= $key;
- $pincode &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- return $pincode;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- 1;