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- ###########################################################
- # Poseidon server - Ragnarok Online server emulator
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2005-2006 OpenKore Development Team
- ###########################################################
- # This class emulates a Ragnarok Online server.
- # The RO client connects to this server. This server
- # periodically sends a GameGuard query to the RO client,
- # and saves the RO client's response.
- ###########################################################
- package Poseidon::RagnarokServer;
- use strict;
- use Base::Server;
- use base qw(Base::Server);
- use Misc;
- use Utils qw(binSize getCoordString timeOut getHex);
- my %clientdata;
- sub new {
- my ($class, @args) = @_;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
- # int challengeNum
- #
- # The number of times that the RO client has sent a
- # GameGuard challenge packet.
- #
- # Invariant: challengeNum >= 0
- $self->{challengeNum} = 0;
- # Bytes response
- #
- # A response for the last GameGuard query.
- $self->{response} = undef;
- # Invariant: state ne ''
- $self->{state} = 'ready';
- return $self;
- }
- ##
- # $RagnarokServer->query(Bytes packet)
- # packet: The raw GameGuard query packet.
- # Require: defined($packet) && $self->getState() eq 'ready'
- # Ensure: $self->getState() eq 'requesting'
- #
- # Send a GameGuard query to the RO client.
- sub query {
- my ($self, $packet) = @_;
- my $clients = $self->clients();
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$clients}; $i++) {
- if ($clients->[$i]) {
- if ($clients->[$i]{connectedToMap}) {
- $clients->[$i]->send($packet);
- $self->{state} = 'requesting';
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- print "Error: no Ragnarok Online client connected.n";
- }
- ##
- # String $RagnarokServer->getState()
- #
- # Get the state of this RagnarokServer object.
- # The result can be one of:
- # 'ready' - The RO client is ready to handle another GameGuard query.
- # 'requesting' - The query has been sent to the RO client, but it hasn't responded yet.
- # 'requested' - The RO client has responded to the last GameGuard query.
- # 'not connected' - The RO client hasn't connected to this server yet.
- sub getState {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $clients = $self->clients();
- if ($self->{state} eq 'requested') {
- return 'requested';
- } elsif (binSize($clients) == 0) {
- return 'not connected';
- } else {
- return $self->{state};
- }
- }
- ##
- # Bytes $RagnarokServer->readResponse()
- # Require: $self->getState() eq 'requested'
- # Ensure: defined(result) && $self->getState() eq 'ready'
- #
- # Read the response for the last GameGuard query.
- sub readResponse {
- my $resp = $_[0]->{response};
- $_[0]->{response} = undef;
- $_[0]->{state} = 'ready';
- return $resp;
- }
- #####################################################
- sub onClientNew {
- my ($self, $client, $index) = @_;
- print "Ragnarok Online client ($index) connected.n";
- $self->{state} = 'ready';
- }
- sub onClientExit {
- my ($self, $client, $index) = @_;
- print "Ragnarok Online client ($index) disconnected.n";
- }
- ## constants
- my $accountID = pack("a4", "acct");
- my $posX = 53;
- my $posY = 111;
- sub onClientData {
- my ($self, $client, $msg, $index) = @_;
- ### These variables control the account information ###
- my $host = $self->getHost();
- my $port = pack("v", $self->getPort());
- $host = '' if ($host eq 'localhost');
- my @ipElements = split /./, $host;
- my $charID = pack("a4", "char");
- my $sessionID = pack("a4", "sess");
- my $sessionID2 = pack("C4", 0xff);
- my $npcID1 = pack("a4", "npc1");
- my $npcID0 = pack("a4", "npc2");
- my $monsterID = pack("a4", "mon1");
- my $itemID = pack("a4", "itm1");
- my $switch = uc(unpack("H2", substr($msg, 1, 1))) . uc(unpack("H2", substr($msg, 0, 1)));
- my $packed_switch = quotemeta substr($msg, 0, 2);
- # Note:
- # The switch packets are pRO specific and assumes the use of secureLogin 1. It may or may not work with other
- # countries' clients (except probably oRO). The best way to support other clients would be: use a barebones
- # eAthena or Freya as the emulator, or figure out the correct packet switches and include them in the
- # if..elsif..else blocks.
- if (($switch eq '01DB') || ($switch eq '0204')) { # client sends login packet 0204 packet thanks to elhazard
- # '01DC' => ['secure_login_key', 'x2 a*', [qw(secure_key)]],
- my $data = pack("C*", 0xdc, 0x01, 0x14) . pack("x17");
- $client->send($data);
- # save servers.txt info
- my $code = substr($msg, 2);
- if (length($msg) == 2) {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type} = 0;
- } elsif (length($msg) == 20) {
- if ($code eq pack("C*", 0x04, 0x02, 0x7B, 0x8A, 0xA8, 0x90, 0x2F, 0xD8, 0xE8, 0x30, 0xF8, 0xA5, 0x25, 0x7A, 0x0D, 0x3B, 0xCE, 0x52)) {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type} = 1;
- } elsif ($code eq pack("C*", 0x04, 0x02, 0x27, 0x6A, 0x2C, 0xCE, 0xAF, 0x88, 0x01, 0x87, 0xCB, 0xB1, 0xFC, 0xD5, 0x90, 0xC4, 0xED, 0xD2)) {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type} = 2;
- } elsif ($code eq pack("C*", 0x04, 0x02, 0x42, 0x00, 0xB0, 0xCA, 0x10, 0x49, 0x3D, 0x89, 0x49, 0x42, 0x82, 0x57, 0xB1, 0x68, 0x5B, 0x85)) {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type} = 3;
- } elsif ($code eq ("C*", 0x04, 0x02, 0x22, 0x37, 0xD7, 0xFC, 0x8E, 0x9B, 0x05, 0x79, 0x60, 0xAE, 0x02, 0x33, 0x6D, 0x0D, 0x82, 0xC6)) {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type} = 4;
- } elsif ($code eq pack("C*", 0x04, 0x02, 0xc7, 0x0A, 0x94, 0xC2, 0x7A, 0xCC, 0x38, 0x9A, 0x47, 0xF5, 0x54, 0x39, 0x7C, 0xA4, 0xD0, 0x39)) {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type} = 5;
- }
- } else {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_requestCode} = getHex($code);
- }
- } elsif (($switch eq '01DD') || ($switch eq '01FA') || ($switch eq '0064') || ($switch eq '0060') || ($switch eq '0277')) { # 0064 packet thanks to abt123
- # my $data = pack("C*", 0xAD, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00);
- # $client->send($data);
- my $sex = 1;
- my $serverName = pack("a20", "Poseidon server"); # server name should be less than or equal to 20 characters
- my $serverUsers = pack("V", @{$self->clients()} - 1);
- # '0069' => ['account_server_info', 'x2 a4 a4 a4 x30 C1 a*',
- # [qw(sessionID accountID sessionID2 accountSex serverInfo)]],
- my $data;
- if ($switch eq '01FA') {
- $data = pack("C*", 0x69, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00) .
- $sessionID . $accountID . $sessionID2 .
- pack("x30") . pack("C1", $sex) . pack("x4") .
- pack("C*", $ipElements[0], $ipElements[1], $ipElements[2], $ipElements[3]) .
- $port . $serverName . $serverUsers . pack("x2");
- } else {
- $data = pack("C*", 0x69, 0x00, 0x4F, 0x00) .
- $sessionID . $accountID . $sessionID2 .
- pack("x30") . pack("C1", $sex) .
- pack("C*", $ipElements[0], $ipElements[1], $ipElements[2], $ipElements[3]) .
- $port . $serverName . $serverUsers . pack("x2");
- }
- $client->send($data);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{version} = unpack("V", substr($msg, 2, 4));
- $clientdata{$index}{master_version} = unpack("C", substr($msg, length($msg) - 1, 1));
- if ($switch eq '01DD') {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin} = 1;
- undef $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_account};
- } elsif ($switch eq '01FA') {
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin} = 3;
- $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_account} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 47, 1));
- } else {
- undef $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin};
- undef $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type};
- undef $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_account};
- undef $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_requestCode};
- }
- if (($switch ne '01DD') && ($switch ne '01FA') && ($switch ne '0064')) {
- $clientdata{$index}{masterLogin_packet} = $switch;
- } else {
- undef $clientdata{$index}{masterLogin_packet};
- }
- } elsif (($switch eq '0065') || ($switch eq '0275') || ($msg =~ /^$packed_switch$accountID$sessionID$sessionID2x0x0.$/)) { # client sends server choice packet
- my $exp = pack("V", 0);
- my $zeny = pack("V", 0);
- my $exp_job = pack("V", 0);
- my $lvl_job = pack("v", 70);
- my $hp = pack("v", 0x0fff);
- my $hp_max = $hp;
- my $sp = pack("v", 0x0fff);
- my $sp_max = $sp;
- my $job_id1 = pack("v", 0);
- my $job_id2 = pack("v", 23);
- my $hairStyle = pack("v", 16);
- my $level = pack("v", 99);
- my $head_low = pack("v", 0);
- my $head_top = pack("v", 5016);
- my $head_mid = pack("v", 0);
- my $hairColor = pack("v", 6);
- my $charName1 = pack("a24", "Poseidon");
- my $charName2 = pack("a24", "Poseidon Dev");
- my ($str, $agi, $vit, $int, $dex, $luk) = (99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99);
- my $charStats = pack("C*", $str, $agi, $vit, $int, $dex, $luk);
- my $data = $accountID .
- pack("v2 x20", 0x6b, 0xEC) .
- $charID . $exp . $zeny . $exp_job . $lvl_job .
- pack("x24") . $hp . $hp_max . $sp . $sp_max .
- pack("x2") . $job_id1 . $hairStyle .
- pack("x2") . $level .
- #pack("x2") . $head_low . pack("x2") . $head_top . $head_mid . $hairColor .
- pack("C*", 0x01, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x9E, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00) .
- #pack("C*", 0x01, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00) .
- pack("x2") . $charName1 . $charStats . pack("v1", 0) .
- $charID . $exp . $zeny . $exp_job . $lvl_job .
- pack("x24") . $hp . $hp_max . $sp . $sp_max .
- pack("x2") . $job_id2 . $hairStyle .
- pack("x2") . $level .
- #pack("x2") . $head_low . pack("x2") . $head_top . $head_mid . $hairColor .
- pack("C*", 0x01, 0x00, 0x39, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9F, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00) .
- pack("x2") . $charName2 . $charStats . pack("v1", 1);
- # NOTE: ideally, all character slots are filled with the same character, for idiot-proofing
- # NOTE: also, the character's appearance may be made to be modifiable
- $client->send($data);
- # save servers.txt info
- if ($switch ne '0065') {
- $clientdata{$index}{gameLogin_packet} = $switch;
- } else {
- undef $clientdata{$index}{gameLogin_packet};
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq '0066') { # client sends character choice packet
- $clientdata{$index}{mode} = unpack('C1', substr($msg, 2, 1));
- # '0071' => ['received_character_ID_and_Map', 'a4 Z16 a4 v1', [qw(charID mapName mapIP mapPort)]],
- my $mapName = pack("a16", "new_1-1.gat");
- my $data = pack("C*", 0x71, 0x00) . $charID . $mapName .
- pack("C*", $ipElements[0], $ipElements[1], $ipElements[2], $ipElements[3]) . $port;
- $client->send($data);
- } elsif ($switch eq '0072' &&
- (length($msg) == 19) &&
- (substr($msg, 2, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 6, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 10, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 0;
- } elsif ($switch eq '009B' &&
- (length($msg) == 32) &&
- (substr($msg, 3, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 12, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 23, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 3;
- } elsif ($switch eq '00F5' &&
- (length($msg) == 29) &&
- (substr($msg, 5, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 14, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 20, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 4;
- } elsif ($switch eq '009B' &&
- (length($msg) == 32) &&
- (substr($msg, 9, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 15, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 23, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 5;
- } elsif ($switch eq '0072' &&
- (length($msg) == 29) &&
- (substr($msg, 3, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 10, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 20, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 6;
- } elsif ($switch eq '0072' &&
- (length($msg) == 34) &&
- (substr($msg, 7, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 15, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 25, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 7;
- } elsif ($switch eq '009B' &&
- (length($msg) == 26) &&
- (substr($msg, 4, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 9, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 17, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 8;
- } elsif ($switch eq '009B' &&
- (length($msg) == 37) &&
- (substr($msg, 9, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 21, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 28, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 9;
- } elsif ($switch eq '0072' &&
- (length($msg) == 26) &&
- (substr($msg, 4, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 9, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 17, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 10;
- } elsif ($switch eq '0072' &&
- (length($msg) == 29) &&
- (substr($msg, 5, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 14, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 20, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 11;
- } elsif ($switch eq '0094' &&
- (length($msg) == 30) &&
- (substr($msg, 12, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 2, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 6, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = 12;
- } elsif ($switch eq '0072' &&
- (length($msg) == 29) &&
- (substr($msg, 5, 4) eq $accountID) &&
- (substr($msg, 14, 4) eq $charID) &&
- (substr($msg, 20, 4) eq $sessionID)
- ) { # client sends the maplogin packet
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- $clientdata{$index}{serverType} = "1 or 2";
- } elsif ($msg =~ /^$packed_switch/
- && $msg =~ /$accountID/
- && $msg =~ /$charID/
- && $msg =~ /$sessionID/) { # client sends the maplogin packet (unknown)
- print "Received unsupported map login packet $switch.n";
- visualDump($msg, "$switch");
- mapLogin($self, $client, $msg, $index);
- # save servers.txt info
- undef $clientdata{$index}{serverType};
- #$clientdata{$index}{sendMapLogin} = $msg;
- } elsif ($switch eq '007D') { # client sends the map loaded packet
- my $data;
- # Make Poseidon look to front
- $data .= pack('v1 a4 C1 x1 C1', 0x9C, $accountID, 0, 4);
- # Let's not wait for the client to ask for the unit info
- # '0095' => ['actor_info', 'a4 Z24', [qw(ID name)]],
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 a24", 0x95, $accountID, 'Poseidon' . (($clientdata{$index}{mode} ? ' Dev' : '')));
- # '009A' => ['system_chat', 'x2 Z*', [qw(message)]],
- $data .= pack("v2 a32", 0x9A, 36, "Welcome to the Poseidon Server!");
- # Show an NPC
- # '0078' => ['actor_display', 'a4 v14 a4 x7 C1 a3 x2 C1 v1', [qw(ID walk_speed param1 param2 param3 type hair_style weapon lowhead shield tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir guildID sex coords act lv)]],
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 v1 x6 v1 x30", 0x78, $npcID0, 300, 86) . getCoordString($posX + 3, $posY + 4, 1) . pack("C2 x3", 0x05, 0x05);
- $data .= pack('v1 a4 C1 x1 C1', 0x9C, $npcID0, 0, 3);
- # Let's not wait for the client to ask for the unit info
- # '0095' => ['actor_info', 'a4 Z24', [qw(ID name)]],
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 a24", 0x95, $npcID0, "Server Details Guide");
- if ($clientdata{$index}{mode}) {
- # Show some items in inventory
- # '01EE' => ['item_inventory_stackable', 'v4', [qw(index ID type amount)]]
- $data .= pack("C2 v1", 0xEE, 0x01, 40) .
- pack("v2 C2 v1 x10", 3, 501, 0, 1, 16) .
- pack("v2 C2 v1 x10", 4, 909, 3, 1, 144);
- # Show a kafra NPC
- # '0078' => ['actor_display', 'a4 v14 a4 x7 C1 a3 x2 C1 v1', [qw(ID walk_speed param1 param2 param3 type hair_style weapon lowhead shield tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir guildID sex coords act lv)]],
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 v1 x6 v1 x30", 0x78, $npcID1, 300, 114) . getCoordString($posX + 5, $posY + 3, 1) . pack("C2 x3", 0x05, 0x05);
- $data .= pack('v1 a4 C1 x1 C1', 0x9C, $npcID1, 0, 3);
- # Show a monster
- # '0078' => ['actor_display', 'a4 v14 a4 x7 C1 a3 x2 C1 v1', [qw(ID walk_speed param1 param2 param3 type hair_style weapon lowhead shield tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir guildID sex coords act lv)]],
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 v1 x6 v1 x30", 0x78, $monsterID, 1000, 1002) . getCoordString($posX - 2, $posY - 1, 1) . pack("x3 v1", 3);
- $data .= pack('v1 a4 C1 x1 C1', 0x9C, $monsterID, 0, 5);
- # Show an item on ground
- # '009D' => ['item_exists', 'a4 v1 x1 v3', [qw(ID type x y amount)]]
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 v1 x1 v3 x2", 0x9D, $itemID, 512, $posX + 1, $posY - 1, 1);
- # Let's not wait for the client to ask for the unit info
- # '0095' => ['actor_info', 'a4 Z24', [qw(ID name)]],
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 a24", 0x95, $monsterID, "Poring");
- }
- $client->send($data);
- } elsif (
- (($switch eq '007E') && (($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 0) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 1) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 2) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 6) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 7) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 10) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 11))) ||
- (($switch eq '0089') && (($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 3) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 5) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 8) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 9))) ||
- (($switch eq '0116') && ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 4)) ||
- (($switch eq '00A7') && ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 12))
- ) { # client sends sync packet
- my $data = pack("C*", 0x7F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
- $client->send($data);
- ### Check if packet 0228 got tangled up with the sync packet
- if (uc(unpack("H2", substr($msg, 7, 1))) . uc(unpack("H2", substr($msg, 6, 1))) eq '0228') {
- # queue the response (thanks abt123)
- $self->{response} = substr($msg, 6, length($msg));
- $self->{state} = 'requested';
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq '00B2') { # quit to character select screen
- if (unpack("C1", substr($msg, 2, 1)) == 1) {
- my $data = pack("C*", 0xB3, 0x00, 0x01);
- $client->send($data);
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq '0187') { # accountid sync (what does this do anyway?)
- $client->send($msg);
- } elsif ($switch eq '018A') { # client sends quit packet
- $self->{challengeNum} = 0;
- $client->send(pack("C*", 0x8B, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00));
- } elsif ($switch eq '0228') { # client sends game guard sync
- # Queue the response
- # Don't allow other packet's (like Sync) to get to RO server.
- my $length = unpack("v",substr($msg,2,2));
- if ($length > 0) {
- $self->{response} = substr($msg,0,$length+2);
- } else {
- $self->{response} = $msg;
- };
- $self->{state} = 'requested';
- } elsif ($switch eq '02A7') { # client sends hShield response
- # Queue the response
- $self->{response} = $msg;
- $self->{state} = 'requested';
- } elsif ($switch eq '0258') { # client sent gameguard's challenge request
- # Reply with "gameguard_grant" instead of a 0227 packet. Normally, the server would
- # send a 0227 gameguard challenge to the client, then the client will send the
- # proper 0228 response. Only after that will the server send 0259 to allow the
- # client to continue the login sequence. Since this is just a fake server,
- # there is no need to go through all that and we can do a shortcut.
- if ($self->{challengeNum} == 0) {
- print "Received GameGuard sync request. Client allowed to login account server.n";
- $client->send(pack("C*", 0x59, 0x02, 0x01));
- } else {
- print "Received GameGuard sync request. Client allowed to login char/map server.n";
- $client->send(pack("C*", 0x59, 0x02, 0x02));
- }
- $self->{challengeNum}++;
- #} elsif ($switch eq '0085') { # sendMove
- # print "Received packet $switch: sendMove.n";
- # visualDump($msg, "$switch");
- #} elsif ($switch eq '0089') { # sendAttack
- # print "Received packet $switch: sendAttack.n";
- # visualDump($msg, "$switch");
- #} elsif ($switch eq '008C') { # public chat
- # print "Received packet $switch: public chat.n";
- #} elsif ($switch eq '0094') { # getPlayerInfo
- # print "Received packet $switch: getPlayerInfo.n";
- } else {
- if ($switch eq '0090' || ($msg =~ /x90x0($npcID1|$npcID0)/)) { # npc talk
- undef $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code};
- if ($msg =~ /x90x0$npcID1/) {
- # Show the kafra image
- # '01B3' => ['npc_image', 'Z63 C1', [qw(npc_image type)]],
- my $data = pack("C2 a64 C1", 0xB3, 0x01, "kafra_04.bmp", 0x02);
- $client->send($data);
- # Show the messages
- $data = pack("v2 a4 a8", 0xB4, 16, $npcID1, "[Kafra]");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a62", 0xB4, 70, $npcID1, "Welcome to Kafra Corp. We will stay with you wherever you go.");
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB5, $npcID1);
- $client->send($data);
- } else {
- my $data = pack("v2 a4 a9", 0xB4, 17, $npcID0, "[Hakore]");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a93", 0xB4, 101, $npcID0, "Hello! I was examining your RO client's login packets while you were connecting to Poseidon.");
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB5, $npcID0);
- $client->send($data);
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq '00B8') { # npc talk response
- my $npcID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- my $response = unpack("C1", substr($msg, 6, 1));
- if ($npcID eq $npcID0) {
- if ($response == 1) {
- # Check server info
- my $data = pack("v2 a4 a9", 0xB4, 17, $npcID, "[Hakore]");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a50", 0xB4, 58, $npcID, "Your RO client uses the following server details:");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a27", 0xB4, 35, $npcID, "^2222DDversion: $clientdata{$index}{version}");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a20", 0xB4, 28, $npcID, "master_version: $clientdata{$index}{master_version}");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a20", 0xB4, 28, $npcID, "serverType: " . ((defined $clientdata{$index}{serverType}) ? $clientdata{$index}{serverType} : 'Unknown'));
- if ($clientdata{$index}{secureLogin}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a15", 0xB4, 23, $npcID, "secureLogin: $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin}");
- if ($clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_requestCode}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a" . (length($clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_requestCode}) + 26), 0xB4, (length($clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_requestCode}) + 34), $npcID, "secureLogin_requestCode: $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_requestCode}");
- } elsif (defined $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a20", 0xB4, 28, $npcID, "secureLogin_type: $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_type}");
- }
- if ($clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_account}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a25", 0xB4, 33, $npcID, "secureLogin_account: $clientdata{$index}{secureLogin_account}");
- }
- }
- if ($clientdata{$index}{masterLogin_packet}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a25", 0xB4, 33, $npcID, "masterLogin_packet: $clientdata{$index}{masterLogin_packet}");
- }
- if ($clientdata{$index}{gameLogin_packet}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a23", 0xB4, 31, $npcID, "gameLogin_packet: $clientdata{$index}{gameLogin_packet}");
- }
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB5, $npcID);
- $client->send($data);
- if (defined $clientdata{$index}{serverType}) {
- $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} = 3;
- } else {
- $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} = 2.5;
- }
- } elsif ($response == 2) {
- # Use storage
- my $data;
- $data = pack("v2 a4 a8", 0xB4, 16, $npcID, "[Hakore]");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a42", 0xB4, 50, $npcID, "Thank you for the visit. Go and multiply!");
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB6, $npcID);
- $client->send($data);
- }
- } elsif ($npcID eq $npcID1) {
- if ($response == 1) {
- # Use storage
- my $data;
- $data .= pack("C2 v1", 0xF0, 0x01, 40) .
- pack("v2 C2 v1 x10", 3, 501, 0, 1, 16) .
- pack("v2 C2 v1 x10", 4, 909, 3, 1, 144);
- $data .= pack("v3", 0xF2, 2, 300);
- $data .= pack("C2 a64 C1", 0xB3, 0x01, "kafra_04.bmp", 0xFF);
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB6, $npcID);
- $client->send($data);
- } elsif ($response == 2) {
- # Use storage
- my $data;
- $data = pack("v2 a4 a8", 0xB4, 16, $npcID, "[Kafra]");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a49", 0xB4, 57, $npcID, "We Kafra Corp. always try to serve you the best.");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a19", 0xB4, 27, $npcID, "Please come again.");
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB6, $npcID);
- $client->send($data);
- }
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq '00B9') { # npc talk continue
- my $npcID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- if ($npcID eq $npcID0) {
- if ($clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} == 2) {
- # Show NPC response list
- my $data = pack("v2 a4 a24", 0xB7, 32, $npcID, "Yes, please:No, thanks:");
- $client->send($data);
- $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} = 3;
- } else {
- my $data = pack("v2 a4 a9", 0xB4, 17, $npcID, "[Hakore]");
- if (!$clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code}) {
- if (!defined $clientdata{$index}{serverType}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a71", 0xB4, 79, $npcID, "However, I regret that Openkore may not currently support your server.");
- } elsif ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 7 || $clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 12) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a82", 0xB4, 90, $npcID, "However, I regret that Openkore does not yet fully support your server this time.");
- } else {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a64", 0xB4, 72, $npcID, "Based on my examination, I think Openkore supports your server.");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a99", 0xB4, 107, $npcID, "I can tell you the possible server details you can use to make Openkore to connect to your server.");
- }
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB5, $npcID);
- $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} = 1;
- } elsif ($clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} == 1) {
- if ((!defined $clientdata{$index}{serverType}) || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 7)) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a42", 0xB4, 50, $npcID, "Would you still like to hear the details?");
- } else {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a36", 0xB4, 44, $npcID, "Would you like to hear the details?");
- }
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB5, $npcID);
- $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} = 2;
- } elsif ($clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} == 2.5) {
- if (!defined $clientdata{$index}{serverType}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a68", 0xB4, 76, $npcID, "As you can see, I can't find a matching serverType for your server.");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a119", 0xB4, 127, $npcID, "Please make a trial-and-error using all available serverTypes, one of them might be able to work.");
- } elsif ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 7 || $clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 12) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a65", 0xB4, 73, $npcID, "Like I said, your server is not yet fully supported by Openkore.");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a105", 0xB4, 113, $npcID, "You can login to the server and do most basic tasks, but you cannot attack, sit or stand, or use skills.");
- }
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB5, $npcID);
- $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} = 4;
- } elsif ($clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} == 3) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a103", 0xB4, 111, $npcID, "The values of ^2222DDip^000000 and ^2222DDport^000000 can be found on your client's (s)clientinfo.xml.");
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB5, $npcID);
- $clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} = 4;
- } elsif ($clientdata{$index}{npc_talk_code} == 4) {
- if (!defined $clientdata{$index}{serverType}) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a135", 0xB4, 143, $npcID, "If none of the serverTypes work, please inform the developers about this so we can support your server in future releases of Openkore.");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a55", 0xB4, 63, $npcID, "Please visit ^2222DDhttp://forums.openkore.com/^000000");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a28", 0xB4, 36, $npcID, "Thank you.");
- } else {
- if (($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 7)
- || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 8)
- || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 9)
- || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 10)
- || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 11)
- || ($clientdata{$index}{serverType} == 12)
- || ($clientdata{$index}{masterLogin_packet})
- || ($clientdata{$index}{gameLogin_packet})
- ) {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a73", 0xB4, 81, $npcID, "Please note that you can only connect to your server using Openkore SVN.");
- } else {
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a52", 0xB4, 60, $npcID, "Openkore v.1.6.6 or later will work on your server.");
- }
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a67", 0xB4, 75, $npcID, "For more info, please visit ^2222DDhttp://www.openkore.com/^000000");
- $data .= pack("v2 a4 a11", 0xB4, 19, $npcID, "Good luck!");
- }
- $data .= pack("v1 a4", 0xB6, $npcID);
- }
- $client->send($data);
- }
- } elsif ($npcID eq $npcID1) {
- # Show kafra response list
- my $data = pack("v2 a4 a20", 0xB7, 28, $npcID, "Use Storage:Cancel:");
- $client->send($data);
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq '0146') { # talk cancel
- my $npcID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
- if ($npcID eq $npcID1) {
- my $data = pack("C2 a64 C1", 0xB3, 0x01, "kafra_04.bmp", 0xFF);
- $client->send($data);
- }
- } elsif ($clientdata{$index}{mode}) {
- if (($switch eq '00F7' || $switch eq '0193') && (length($msg) == 2)) { # storage close
- my $data = pack("v1", 0xF8);
- $client->send($data);
- } elsif ($switch eq '00BF') { # emoticon
- my ($client, $code) = @_;
- my $data = pack("v1 a4", 0xC0, $accountID) . substr($msg, 2, 1);
- $clientdata{$index}{emoticonTime} = time;
- $client->send($data);
- } else {
- print "nReceived packet $switch:n";
- visualDump($msg, "$switch");
- # Just provide feedback in the RO Client about the unhandled packet
- # '008E' => ['self_chat', 'x2 Z*', [qw(message)]],
- my $data = pack("v2 a31", 0x8E, 35, "Sent packet $switch (" . length($msg) . " bytes).");
- if (timeOut($clientdata{$index}{emoticonTime}, 1.8)) {
- $clientdata{$index}{emoticonTime} = time;
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 C1", 0xC0, $accountID, 1);
- }
- # These following packets should reset the item inventory.
- # If you drop something from your inventory and the server didn't respond,
- # you will not be able to drop the item for the second test
- # This, however, does not cover item_use. YOu would have to relog
- # to test another item_use packet.
- #$data .= pack("v3", 0xAF, 3, 0);
- #$data .= pack("v3", 0xAF, 4, 0);
- # There are no other send packet that contains NPC ids as the last four byte
- # other than the talk and sendGetPlayerInfo packets.
- # Since most possible talk packets are handled above, we can assume that this is
- # a sendGetPlayerInfo packet.
- # Note that we have an NPC that is not named initially to allow a
- # sendGetPlayerInfo packet to be captured.)
- # '0095' => ['actor_info', 'a4 Z24', [qw(ID name)]],
- my $ID = substr($msg, length($msg) - 4, 4);
- if ($ID eq $npcID0) {
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 a24", 0x95, $npcID0, "Server Details Guide");
- } elsif ($ID eq $npcID1) {
- $data .= pack("v1 a4 a24", 0x95, $npcID1, "Kafra");
- }
- $client->send($data);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub mapLogin {
- my ($self, $client, $msg, $index) = @_;
- # '0073' => ['map_loaded','x4 a3',[qw(coords)]]
- my $data = $accountID .
- pack("C*", 0x73, 0x00, 0x31, 0x63, 0xe9, 0x02) .
- getCoordString($posX, $posY, 1) .
- pack("C*", 0x05, 0x05);
- if ($clientdata{$index}{mode}) {
- $data .= pack("C2 v1", 0x0F, 0x01, 226) .
- # skillID targetType level sp range skillName
- pack("v2 x2 v3 a24 C1", 1, 0, 9, 0, 1, "NV_BASIC" . chr(0) . "GetMapInfo" . chr(0x0A), 0) .
- pack("v2 x2 v3 a24 C1", 24, 4, 1, 10, 10, "AL_RUWACH", 0) . # self skill test
- pack("v2 x2 v3 a24 C1", 25, 2, 1, 10, 9, "AL_PNEUMA", 0) . # location skill test
- pack("v2 x2 v3 a24 C1", 26, 4, 2, 9, 1, "AL_TELEPORT", 0) . # self skill test
- pack("v2 x2 v3 a24 C1", 27, 2, 4, 26, 9, "AL_WARP", 0) . # location skill test
- pack("v2 x2 v3 a24 C1", 28, 16, 10, 40, 9, "AL_HEAL", 0); # target skill test
- }
- $client->send($data);
- $client->{connectedToMap} = 1;
- }
- 1;