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- # A basic implementation of an RO account server.
- # One should implement the abstract methods to implement a fully functional RO account server.
- package Base::Ragnarok::AccountServer;
- use strict;
- use Exception::Class qw(
- Base::Ragnarok::AccountServer::AccountNotFound
- Base::Ragnarok::AccountServer::PasswordIncorrect
- Base::Ragnarok::AccountServer::AccountBanned
- );
- use Modules 'register';
- use Base::RagnarokServer;
- use base qw(Base::RagnarokServer);
- use Socket qw(inet_aton);
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my %options = @_;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
- $options{host},
- $options{port},
- $options{serverType},
- $options{rpackets}
- );
- $self->{sessionStore} = $options{sessionStore};
- $self->{charServers} = [$options{charServer}];
- return $self;
- }
- ##
- # abstract int $Base_Ragnarok_AccountServer->login(Hash* session, String username, String password)
- #
- # This method is called whenever an RO client tries to login. It authenticates the
- # specified user with the specified password, and fills the session hash with necessary
- # session information upon success.
- #
- # Upon calling this method, the session hash already contains two members:
- # `l
- # - sessionID - A unique 32-bit integer for this login session.
- # - sessionID2 - Another unique 32-bit integer for this login session.
- # `l`
- #
- # If the username is incorrect, then ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND is returned.
- # If the password is incorrect, then PASSWORD_INCORRECT is returned.
- # If the account is banned, then ACCOUNT_BANNED is returned.
- #
- # Otherwise (that is, login is successful) LOGIN_SUCCESS is returned. The session
- # information hash must be filled with at least the following members:
- # `l
- # - accountID - The account's ID, as a raw byte string.
- # - sex - Specifies the gender of this account. 0 means female, 1 means male.
- # `l`
- sub login {
- die "This is an abstract method and has not been implemented.";
- }
- sub process_0064 {
- my ($self, $client, $message) = @_;
- my ($version, $username, $password, $master_version) = unpack("x2 V Z24 Z24 C1", $message);
- my $sessionID = $self->{sessionStore}->generateSessionID();
- my %session = (
- sessionID => $sessionID,
- sessionID2 => $sessionID
- );
- my $result = $self->login(%session, $username, $password);
- if ($result == LOGIN_SUCCESS) {
- my $output = pack('V a4 V x30 C',
- $session{sessionID}, # session ID
- $session{accountID}, # account ID
- $session{sessionID2}, # session ID 2
- $session{sex} # gender
- );
- $self->{sessionStore}->add(%session);
- $session{state} = 'About to select character';
- # Show list of character servers.
- foreach my $charServer (@{$self->{charServers}}) {
- my $host = inet_aton($charServer->getHost());
- $output .= pack('a4 v Z20 v C1 x3',
- $host, # host
- $charServer->getPort(), # port
- $charServer->getName(), # character server name
- $charServer->getPlayersCount(), # number of players
- 5 # display (5 = "don't show number of players)
- );
- }
- $client->send(pack('C2 v', 0x69, 0x00, length($output) + 4) . $output);
- $client->close();
- } elsif ($result == ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND) {
- $client->send(pack('C*', 0x6A, 0x00, 0));
- $client->close();
- } elsif ($result == PASSWORD_INCORRECT) {
- $client->send(pack('C*', 0x6A, 0x00, 1));
- $client->close();
- } elsif ($result == ACCOUNT_BANNED) {
- $client->send(pack('C*', 0x6A, 0x00, 4));
- $client->close();
- } else {
- die "Unexpected result $result.";
- }
- }
- sub unhandledMessage {
- my ($self, $client) = @_;
- $client->close();
- }
- 1;