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- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Task which accept a function as iterate method.
- # Copyright (c) 2007 OpenKore Developers
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Task which accept a function as iterate method.
- #
- # This is a convenience task for those who want to write a simple task
- # without declaring an entire class. Here's an example:
- # <pre class="example">
- # new Task::Function(function => sub {
- # # $task is the Task::Function object.
- # my ($task) = @_;
- # print "Hello worldn";
- # $task->setDone();
- # });
- # </pre>
- #
- # The above is almost equivalent to:
- # <pre class="example">
- # package Task::SomeRandomName;
- #
- # use Task;
- # use base qw(Task);
- #
- # sub iterate {
- # my ($self) = @_;
- # print "Hello worldn";
- # $self->setDone();
- # }
- #
- # my $task = new Task::SomeRandomName();
- # </pre>
- #
- # You can also use object methods. Specify the 'object' argument, like this:
- # <pre class="example">
- # new Task::Function(
- # object => $self,
- # function => sub {
- # my ($self, $task) = @_;
- # print "Hello worldn";
- # $task->setDone();
- # }
- # );
- # </pre>
- package Task::Function;
- use strict;
- use Modules 'register';
- use Task;
- use base qw(Task);
- use Scalar::Util;
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- ##
- # Task::Function->new(...)
- #
- # Create a new Task::Function object.
- #
- # The following arguments are allowed:
- # `l
- # - All options allowed for Task->new()
- # - function (required) - A reference to a function to be run as iterate() method.
- # - object - A class object. Specify this argument if _function_ is supposed to be an object method.
- # This object will be passed to that function as the first parameter.
- # - weak - Whether _object_ should internally be stored as a weak reference.
- # This is useful to prevent problems with circular references.
- # `l`
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- if (!$args{function}) {
- ArgumentException->throw("No function argument given.");
- }
- $self->{function} = $args{function};
- if ($args{object}) {
- $self->{object} = $args{object};
- Scalar::Util::weaken($self->{object}) if ($args{weak});
- }
- return $self;
- }
- sub iterate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if (exists $self->{object}) {
- if ($self->{object}) {
- $self->{function}->($self->{object}, $self);
- } else {
- # $self->{object} exists but is undef. Apparently
- # it was a weak reference and the referee is destroyed.
- # So complete the task.
- $self->setDone();
- }
- } else {
- $self->{function}->($self);
- }
- }
- 1;