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- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Calculation of inter-map routes
- # Copyright (c) 2006 OpenKore Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- # This task calculates a route between different maps. When the calculation
- # is successfully completed, the result can be retrieved with
- # $Task_CalcMapRoute->getRoute() or $Task_CalcMapRoute->getRouteString().
- #
- # Note that this task only performs calculation. The MapRoute task is
- # responsible for actually walking from a map to another.
- package Task::CalcMapRoute;
- use strict;
- use Time::HiRes qw(time);
- use Modules 'register';
- use Task;
- use base qw(Task);
- use Task::Route;
- use Field;
- use Globals qw(%config $field %portals_lut %portals_los %timeout $char %routeWeights);
- use Translation qw(T TF);
- use Log qw(debug);
- use Utils qw(timeOut);
- use Utils::Exceptions;
- # Stage constants.
- use constant {
- };
- # Error constants.
- use enum qw(
- );
- ##
- # Task::CalcMapRoute->new(options...)
- #
- # Create a new Task::CalcMapRoute object. The following options are allowed:
- # `l
- # - All options allowed for Task->new()
- # - map (required) - The map you want to go to, for example "prontera".
- # - x, y - The coordinate on the destination map you want to walk to. On some maps this is
- # important because they're split by a river. Depending on which side of the river
- # you want to be, the route may be different.
- # - sourceMap - The map you're coming from. If not specified, the current map
- # (where the character is) is assumed.
- # - sourceX and sourceY - The source position where you're coming from. If not specified,
- # the character's current position is assumed.
- # - budget - The maximum amount of money you want to spend on walking the route (Kapra
- # teleport service requires money).
- # - maxTime - The maximum time to spend on calculation. If not specified,
- # $timeout{ai_route_calcRoute}{timeout} is assumed.
- # `l`
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- if (!$args{map}) {
- ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");
- }
- $self->{source}{map} = defined($args{sourceMap}) ? $args{sourceMap} : $field->name();
- $self->{source}{x} = defined($args{sourceX}) ? $args{sourceX} : $char->{pos_to}{x};
- $self->{source}{y} = defined($args{sourceY}) ? $args{sourceY} : $char->{pos_to}{y};
- $self->{dest}{map} = $args{map};
- $self->{dest}{pos}{x} = $args{x};
- $self->{dest}{pos}{y} = $args{y};
- if ($args{budget} ne '') {
- $self->{budget} = $args{budget};
- } elsif ($config{route_maxWarpFee} ne '') {
- if ($config{route_maxWarpFee} > $char->{zenny}) {
- $self->{budget} = $char->{zenny};
- } else {
- $self->{budget} = $config{route_maxWarpFee};
- }
- }
- $self->{maxTime} = $args{maxTime} || $timeout{ai_route_calcRoute}{timeout};
- $self->{stage} = INITIALIZE;
- $self->{openlist} = {};
- $self->{closelist} = {};
- $self->{mapSolution} = [];
- $self->{solution} = [];
- $self->{dest}{field} = {};
- return $self;
- }
- # Overrided method.
- sub iterate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->SUPER::iterate();
- if ($self->{stage} == INITIALIZE) {
- my $openlist = $self->{openlist};
- my $closelist = $self->{closelist};
- eval {
- $self->{dest}{field} = new Field(name => $self->{dest}{map});
- };
- if (caught('FileNotFoundException', 'IOException')) {
- $self->setError(CANNOT_LOAD_FIELD, TF("Cannot load field '%s'.", $self->{dest}{map}));
- return;
- } elsif ($@) {
- die $@;
- }
- # Check whether destination is walkable from the starting point.
- if ($self->{source}{map} eq $self->{dest}{map}
- && Task::Route->getRoute(undef, $field, $self->{source}, $self->{dest}{pos}, 0)) {
- $self->{mapSolution} = [];
- $self->setDone();
- return;
- }
- # Initializes the openlist with portals walkable from the starting point.
- foreach my $portal (keys %portals_lut) {
- my $entry = $portals_lut{$portal};
- next if ($entry->{source}{map} ne $field->name());
- my $ret = Task::Route->getRoute($self->{solution}, $field, $self->{source}, $entry->{source});
- if ($ret) {
- foreach my $dest (keys %{$entry->{dest}}) {
- my $penalty = int(($entry->{dest}{$dest}{steps} ne '') ? $routeWeights{NPC} : $routeWeights{PORTAL});
- $openlist->{"$portal=$dest"}{walk} = $penalty + scalar @{$self->{solution}};
- $openlist->{"$portal=$dest"}{zenny} = $entry->{dest}{$dest}{cost};
- }
- }
- }
- $self->{stage} = CALCULATE_ROUTE;
- debug "CalcMapRoute - initialized.n", "route";
- } elsif ( $self->{stage} == CALCULATE_ROUTE ) {
- my $time = time;
- while ( !$self->{done} && (!$self->{maxTime} || !timeOut($time, $self->{maxTime})) ) {
- $self->searchStep();
- }
- if ($self->{found}) {
- delete $self->{openlist};
- delete $self->{solution};
- delete $self->{closelist};
- delete $self->{dest}{field};
- $self->setDone();
- debug "Map Solution Ready for traversal.n", "route";
- } elsif ($self->{done}) {
- my $destpos = "$self->{dest}{pos}{x},$self->{dest}{pos}{y}";
- $destpos = "($destpos)" if ($destpos ne "");
- $self->setError(CANNOT_CALCULATE_ROUTE, TF("Cannot calculate a route from %s (%d,%d) to %s %s",
- $field->name(), $self->{source}{x}, $self->{source}{y},
- $self->{dest}{map}, $destpos));
- debug "CalcMapRoute failed.n", "route";
- }
- }
- }
- ##
- # Array<Hash>* $Task_CalcMapRoute->getRoute()
- # Requires: $self->getStatus() == Task::DONE && !defined($self->getError())
- #
- # Return the calculated route.
- sub getRoute {
- return $_[0]->{mapSolution};
- }
- ##
- # String $Task_CalcMapRoute->getRoute()
- # Requires: $self->getStatus() == Task::DONE && !defined($self->getError())
- #
- # Return a string which describes the calculated route. This string has
- # the following form: "payon -> pay_arche -> pay_dun00 -> pay_dun01"
- sub getRouteString {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @maps;
- foreach my $node (@{$self->{mapSolution}}) {
- push @maps, $node->{map};
- }
- push @maps, "$self->{dest}{map}";
- return join(' -> ', @maps);
- }
- sub searchStep {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $openlist = $self->{openlist};
- my $closelist = $self->{closelist};
- unless ($openlist && %{$openlist}) {
- $self->{done} = 1;
- $self->{found} = '';
- return 0;
- }
- my $parent = (sort {$openlist->{$a}{walk} <=> $openlist->{$b}{walk}} keys %{$openlist})[0];
- debug "$parent, $openlist->{$parent}{walk}n", "route/path";
- # Uncomment this if you want minimum MAP count. Otherwise use the above for minimum step count
- #foreach my $parent (keys %{$openlist})
- {
- my ($portal, $dest) = split /=/, $parent;
- if ($self->{budget} ne '' && $openlist->{$parent}{zenny} > $self->{budget}) {
- # This link is too expensive
- delete $openlist->{$parent};
- next;
- } else {
- # MOVE this entry into the CLOSELIST
- $closelist->{$parent}{walk} = $openlist->{$parent}{walk};
- $closelist->{$parent}{zenny} = $openlist->{$parent}{zenny};
- $closelist->{$parent}{parent} = $openlist->{$parent}{parent};
- # Then delete in from OPENLIST
- delete $openlist->{$parent};
- }
- if ($portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{map} eq $self->{dest}{map}) {
- if ($self->{dest}{pos}{x} eq '' && $self->{dest}{pos}{y} eq '') {
- $self->{found} = $parent;
- $self->{done} = 1;
- $self->{mapSolution} = [];
- my $this = $self->{found};
- while ($this) {
- my %arg;
- $arg{portal} = $this;
- my ($from, $to) = split /=/, $this;
- ($arg{map}, $arg{pos}{x}, $arg{pos}{y}) = split / /, $from;
- ($arg{dest_map}, $arg{dest_pos}{x}, $arg{dest_pos}{y}) = split(' ', $to);
- $arg{walk} = $closelist->{$this}{walk};
- $arg{zenny} = $closelist->{$this}{zenny};
- $arg{steps} = $portals_lut{$from}{dest}{$to}{steps};
- unshift @{$self->{mapSolution}}, %arg;
- $this = $closelist->{$this}{parent};
- }
- return;
- } elsif ( Task::Route->getRoute($self->{solution}, $self->{dest}{field}, $portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}, $self->{dest}{pos}) ) {
- my $walk = "$self->{dest}{map} $self->{dest}{pos}{x} $self->{dest}{pos}{y}=$self->{dest}{map} $self->{dest}{pos}{x} $self->{dest}{pos}{y}";
- $closelist->{$walk}{walk} = scalar @{$self->{solution}} + $closelist->{$parent}{$dest}{walk};
- $closelist->{$walk}{parent} = $parent;
- $closelist->{$walk}{zenny} = $closelist->{$parent}{zenny};
- $self->{found} = $walk;
- $self->{done} = 1;
- $self->{mapSolution} = [];
- my $this = $self->{found};
- while ($this) {
- my %arg;
- $arg{portal} = $this;
- my ($from, $to) = split /=/, $this;
- ($arg{map}, $arg{pos}{x}, $arg{pos}{y}) = split / /, $from;
- $arg{walk} = $closelist->{$this}{walk};
- $arg{zenny} = $closelist->{$this}{zenny};
- $arg{steps} = $portals_lut{$from}{dest}{$to}{steps};
- unshift @{$self->{mapSolution}}, %arg;
- $this = $closelist->{$this}{parent};
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- # Get all children of each openlist.
- foreach my $child (keys %{$portals_los{$dest}}) {
- next unless $portals_los{$dest}{$child};
- foreach my $subchild (keys %{$portals_lut{$child}{dest}}) {
- my $destID = $subchild;
- my $mapName = $portals_lut{$child}{source}{map};
- #############################################################
- my $penalty = int($routeWeights{lc($mapName)}) +
- int(($portals_lut{$child}{dest}{$subchild}{steps} ne '') ? $routeWeights{NPC} : $routeWeights{PORTAL});
- my $thisWalk = $penalty + $closelist->{$parent}{walk} + $portals_los{$dest}{$child};
- if (!exists $closelist->{"$child=$subchild"}) {
- if ( !exists $openlist->{"$child=$subchild"} || $openlist->{"$child=$subchild"}{walk} > $thisWalk ) {
- $openlist->{"$child=$subchild"}{parent} = $parent;
- $openlist->{"$child=$subchild"}{walk} = $thisWalk;
- $openlist->{"$child=$subchild"}{zenny} = $closelist->{$parent}{zenny} + $portals_lut{$child}{dest}{$subchild}{cost};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- 1;