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- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- # Win32 Perl script launcher
- # This file is meant to be compiled by PerlApp. It acts like a mini-Perl interpreter.
- #
- # Your script's initialization and main loop code should be placed in a function
- # called __start() in the main package. That function will be called by this
- # launcher. The reason for this is that otherwise, the perl interpreter will be
- # in "eval" all the time while running your script. It will break __DIE__ signal
- # handlers that check for the value of $^S.
- #
- # If your script is run by this launcher, the environment variable INTERPRETER is
- # set. Your script should call __start() manually if this environment variable is not
- # set.
- #
- # example script:
- # our $quit = 0;
- #
- # sub __start {
- # print "Hello world initialized.n";
- # while (!$quit) {
- # ...
- # }
- # }
- #
- # __start() unless defined $ENV{INTERPRETER};
- package StarterScript;
- if ($ENV{BUILDING_WX} && $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- require Wx::Perl::Packager;
- }
- }
- use strict;
- use Config;
- if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
- # We are not on Windows, so tell the user about it
- print "nThis file is meant to be compiled by PerlApp.n";
- print "To run kore, execute openkore.pl instead.nn";
- exit 1;
- }
- # PerlApp 6's @INC doesn't contain '.', so add it
- my $hasCurrentDir;
- foreach (@INC) {
- if ($_ eq ".") {
- $hasCurrentDir = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- push @INC, "." if (!$hasCurrentDir);
- if (0) {
- # Force PerlApp to include the following modules
- use FindBin;
- require base;
- require bytes;
- require lib;
- require integer;
- require warnings;
- require UNIVERSAL;
- require Exporter;
- require Fcntl;
- require Carp;
- require Math::Trig;
- require Text::Wrap;
- require Text::ParseWords;
- require Time::HiRes;
- require IO::Socket::INET;
- require Getopt::Long;
- require Digest::MD5;
- require SelfLoader;
- require Data::Dumper;
- require Win32;
- require Win32::Console;
- require Win32::Process;
- require XSTools;
- require Encode;
- require encoding;
- require Storable;
- require Compress::Zlib;
- require "unicore/lib/gc_sc/SpacePer.pl";
- require "unicore/lib/gc_sc/Word.pl";
- require "unicore/lib/gc_sc/Digit.pl";
- require "unicore/lib/gc_sc/Cntrl.pl";
- require "unicore/lib/gc_sc/ASCII.pl";
- require HTML::Entities;
- }
- if ($PerlApp::TOOL eq "PerlApp") {
- $ENV{INTERPRETER} = PerlApp::exe();
- if (PerlApp::exe() =~ /wxstart.exe$/i) {
- }
- } else {
- print "Do not run start.pl directly! If you're using Perl then run openkore.pl instead!n";
- <STDIN>;
- exit 1;
- }
- my $file = "openkore.pl";
- if ($ARGV[0] eq '!') {
- shift;
- while (@ARGV) {
- if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-I(.*)/) {
- unshift @INC, $1;
- } else {
- last;
- }
- shift;
- }
- $file = shift;
- }
- $0 = $file;
- FindBin::again();
- {
- package main;
- do $file;
- }
- if ($@) {
- print $@;
- print "nPress ENTER to exit.n";
- <STDIN>;
- exit 1;
- } elsif (defined $ENV{INTERPRETER}) {
- main::__start() if defined(&main::__start);
- }