- /*
- * vmemory.h - support tree library for SQL precompiler
- * Virtual memory manager interface
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at the Institute of System Programming, Russia
- * This file is written by Michael Kimelman
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contact: gss@ispras.ru
- *
- */
- /* $Id: vmemory.h,v 1.246 1997/03/31 11:03:59 kml Exp $ */
- /*=====================================================================
- Simulated virtual memory (user interface)
- Simululated virtual memory looks from the user point of
- view as a set of VM segments, each of them assotiated with
- independently compiled or used piece of interpretator code or
- compiler tree (just like object modules in ordinary OS). User can
- create, link, unlink and store out segments during the program
- execution. Virtual space is shared by all linked segments and
- each of them assotiated with it's own range of virtual
- addresses. To allow intersegment references each segment contains
- table of relocable virtual addresses and table of names which
- segment exports. Relocation table used by VM manager to correct
- listed addresses when the segment linked.
- VM manager support special conception of "current"
- segment, allowing local inside segments references. The segment
- marked as a current by 'create', 'link' or 'set_current_segment'
- calls.
- =====================================================================*/
- #ifndef __VMEMORY_H__
- #define __VMEMORY_H__
- #include "setup_os.h"
- typedef i4_t VADR;
- #define VNULL (VADR)0l
- VADR create_segment __P((void));
- /* Function returns relocable virtual address NULL of */
- /* created segment. Actually it's just segment identifier */
- /* but in form of virtual address. */
- VADR link_segment __P((void *buffer,i4_t size));
- /* buffer contains loaded from outside packed segment, which */
- /* has to be linked to others (set segment's interpages */
- /* references to physical address as well as correct virtual */
- /* relocation addresses). */
- void *export_segment __P((VADR s_id,i4_t *buf_size, i4_t unlink_seg));
- /* create buffer and put packed segment in it. Before */
- /* packing routine changed relocation adresses and interpage */
- /* references to base them on the beginning of */
- /* buffer. Returns buf_size and address of buffer. s_id */
- /* should point inside segment (You can use VADR received */
- /* from create_segment or load_segment as well as any other */
- /* relocable addresses pointed into the segment.) */
- int unlink_segment __P((VADR s_id,i4_t enforce_free));
- VADR switch_to_segment __P((VADR segment_id));
- VADR get_vm_segment_id __P((VADR ptr_in_segment));
- #define GET_CURRENT_SEGMENT_ID get_vm_segment_id(0)
- VADR vmalloc __P((i4_t size));
- #define vmalloc(size) vm_ob_alloc(size,0)
- VADR vm_ob_alloc __P((i4_t size,i4_t align));
- VADR vmrealloc __P((VADR old_ptr,i4_t new_size));
- /* vmrealloc(NULL,new_size) => vmalloc(new_size)); */
- void vmfree __P((VADR ptr));
- void *vpointer __P((VADR ptr));
- VADR ptr2vadr __P((void *p));
- void register_relocation_address __P((VADR ptr));
- /* add new entry to relocation table of the segment where */
- /* this address is. "ptr" points to address data which has */
- /* to be relocable. */
- void register_export_name __P((VADR object_ptr,VADR name_ptr));
- /* add new entry to export list and register reference to */
- /* object as relocation address. (both address have to be */
- /* placed on the same segment) */
- void register_export_address __P((VADR registered_adr,char *name));
- VADR resolve_reference __P((char *name));
- VADR resolve_local_reference __P((char *name));
- VADR resolve_import_name __P((VADR name_ptr));
- #define resolve_import_name(n) resolve_reference((char*)vpointer(n))
- VADR external_reference __P((char *name));
- /* make pointer (!local) to object which is required to be */
- /* imported. When vpointer read such pointer, it */
- /* automatically try to find required name and resolve */
- /* reference, returning the phisical address of desirable */
- /* data. */
- #endif