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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + range_tree.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- #include <LEDA/list.h>
- // the elements (an information together with its associated array
- // of keys) are stored in the class rt_elem
- //
- class rt_elem {
- GenPtr rt_inf; // the information
- GenPtr* rt_keys; // an array of keys
- public:
- LEDA_MEMORY(rt_elem);
- // some constructors, destructor
- //
- rt_elem() { rt_keys=0; rt_inf=0; }
- rt_elem(GenPtr k0, GenPtr k1, GenPtr i);
- rt_elem(GenPtr k0, GenPtr k1, GenPtr k2, GenPtr i);
- rt_elem(int dim, GenPtr* k, GenPtr i);
- virtual ~rt_elem() { if( rt_keys ) delete rt_keys; }
- // accessing infotmation and keys
- //
- GenPtr& key(int d) { return rt_keys[d]; }
- GenPtr& inf() { return rt_inf; }
- friend class range_tree;
- };
- // a pointer to a rt_elem is called rt_item
- //
- typedef rt_elem* rt_item;
- // the range tree is derived from a binary tree of type base_tree
- //
- #include <LEDA/impl/bb_tree.h>
- typedef bb_tree base_tree;
- typedef bb_tree_item base_tree_item;
- // Here comes the definition ...
- //
- class range_tree : public base_tree
- {
- protected:
- list<base_tree_item> aux; // auxiliary list of base_tree_items
- int dim; // the dimension of the structure
- int lev; // the level of this tree
- // some internal functions
- void rt_insert( rt_item rt_key );
- void rt_del( rt_item rt_key );
- void rt_query( rt_item&, rt_item&, list<rt_item>& );
- void build_tree( rt_item* elem_array, int l, int r, base_tree_item p=0 ) ;
- int elements_in_subtree( rt_item* elem_array, base_tree_item subroot );
- // to compare two elements in the range tree, we first compare their
- // keys on the appropriate level.
- //
- int cmp( GenPtr x, GenPtr y ) const {
- register int c, d=lev;
- do {
- c=rt_cmp(d,rt_item(x)->rt_keys,rt_item(y)->rt_keys);
- } while( !c && (d=++d%dim)!=lev );
- return c;
- }
- // this function is called for every structural change in the base_tree;
- // the first argument specifies the operation which forced this change.
- // (cf. the class bin_tree)
- //
- // if we're not on the highest level and a child of a node changes,
- // we have to recompute its secondary structure. Hence we append the
- // parent node to an auxiliary list (which will be processed in "insert").
- // to avoid duplicate entries in the list, we clear the secondary structure
- // of an node as soon as it is appended. Then a node is in the list iff
- // its secondary structure is empty.
- //
- void propagate_modification( int where, GenPtr parent, GenPtr /* child */)
- {
- range_tree* sec = (range_tree*) inf((base_tree_item) parent);
- // sec==0 iff we are on the highest level (lev==dim-1)
- //
- if ( sec ) // select the "interesting" cases
- switch( where )
- { case 1: // insert
- aux.append((base_tree_item)parent);
- break;
- case 4:// rotation
- case 5:// rotation
- case 7:// double rotation
- case 8:// double rotation
- case 9:// double rotation
- if ( sec->size() )
- { // if parent is already in the list, don't append it again
- sec->clear();
- aux.append((base_tree_item)parent);
- }
- }
- }
- // let's redefine the virtual functins of the base tree as we need them
- //
- // because both informations and keys in the base tree are pointers
- // we never need to copy them
- //
- void copy_key( GenPtr& ) const {}
- void copy_inf( GenPtr& ) const {}
- // keys are only cleared on the lowest level
- //
- void clear_key( GenPtr& x ) const {
- if( lev==0 ) {
- rt_clear_key( rt_item(x)->rt_keys );
- rt_clear_inf( rt_item(x)->rt_inf );
- delete rt_item(x);
- }
- }
- void print_key( GenPtr x ) const { rt_print_key(lev,rt_item(x)->rt_keys); }
- // informations are always a pointer to a range tree
- //
- void clear_inf( GenPtr& x ) const { if( x ) delete ((range_tree*) x); }
- void clear_iinf( GenPtr& x ) const { if( x ) delete ((range_tree*) x); }
- void print_inf( GenPtr x ) const { if( x ) ((range_tree*) x)->print(); }
- // here are the virtual functions which have to be changed by a derived
- // class of class range_tree
- //
- virtual int rt_cmp( int d, GenPtr* x, GenPtr* y ) const {
- return compare(x[d],y[d]);
- }
- virtual void rt_copy_key( GenPtr*& ) const {}
- virtual void rt_clear_key( GenPtr*& ) const {}
- virtual void rt_print_key( int, GenPtr*& ) const {}
- virtual void rt_copy_inf( GenPtr& ) const {}
- virtual void rt_clear_inf( GenPtr& ) const {}
- virtual range_tree* new_range_tree( int dimension, int level=0 ) {
- return new range_tree(dimension,level);
- }
- public:
- LEDA_MEMORY( range_tree );
- // constructor and virtual destructor
- //
- range_tree( int d, int l=0 ) { dim=d; lev=l; }
- virtual ~range_tree() { clear(); }
- rt_item rt_min( int d );
- rt_item rt_max( int d );
- void clear() { base_tree::clear(); aux.clear(); }
- void del( rt_item elem ) {
- if( lookup(elem) )
- rt_del(elem);
- }
- rt_item lookup( rt_item elem ) {
- base_tree_item p = base_tree::lookup(elem);
- return( p ? (rt_item) key(p) : 0 );
- }
- rt_item insert( rt_item elem ) {
- rt_item old = lookup(elem);
- if( !old ) {
- rt_insert(elem);
- return elem;
- }
- else {
- rt_clear_key( elem->rt_keys );
- rt_clear_inf( old->rt_inf );
- old->rt_inf = elem->rt_inf;
- delete elem;
- return old;
- }
- }
- list<rt_item> query( rt_item l, rt_item r ) {
- list<rt_item> res;
- rt_query( l, r, res );
- return res;
- }
- list <rt_item> L; // auxiliary list for iterations
- list<rt_item> all_items();
- void init_iteration() { L = all_items(); }
- };
- #endif