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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + p_dictionary.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/pers_tree.h>
- typedef pers_tree_node* p_dic_item;
- template <class K,class I>
- class PERS_DIC: public pers_rb_tree, public handle_rep {
- void copy_key(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_COPY(K,x); }
- void copy_inf(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_COPY(I,x); }
- void clear_key(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_CLEAR(K,x); }
- void clear_inf(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_CLEAR(I,x); }
- void print_key(GenPtr x) { LEDA_PRINT(K,x,cout); }
- void print_inf(GenPtr x) { LEDA_PRINT(I,x,cout); }
- int cmp_keys(GenPtr x, GenPtr y) { return LEDA_COMPARE(K,x,y); }
- Version V;
- public:
- PERS_DIC() { init_tree(); V = v_list->vl.first(); }
- PERS_DIC(V_LIST* vl,Version v) { v_list=vl; V=v; }
- void CLEAR() { if (--v_list->count==0) del_tree(); }
- ~PERS_DIC() { CLEAR(); }
- PERS_DIC(const PERS_DIC<K,I>& D)
- { v_list = D.v_list; v_list->count++; V = D.V; count = D.count; }
- PERS_DIC<K,I>& operator=(PERS_DIC<K,I>& D)
- { CLEAR(); v_list = D.v_list; v_list->count++; V = D.V; count = D.count;
- return *this; }
- K key(p_dic_item p) { return LEDA_ACCESS(K,pers_rb_tree::key(p)); }
- I inf(p_dic_item p) { return LEDA_ACCESS(I,pers_rb_tree::inf(p)); }
- p_dic_item locate(K k) { return pers_rb_tree::locate(Convert(k),V); }
- p_dic_item locate_pred(K k) { return pers_rb_tree::locate_pred(Convert(k),V); }
- p_dic_item lookup(K k) { return pers_rb_tree::lookup(Convert(k),V); }
- PERS_DIC<K,I> insert(K k, I i)
- { return PERS_DIC<K,I>(v_list,pers_rb_tree::insert(Convert(k),Convert(i),V)); }
- PERS_DIC<K,I> del(K k)
- { return PERS_DIC<K,I>(v_list,pers_rb_tree::del(Convert(k),V)); }
- PERS_DIC<K,I> change_inf(p_dic_item p, I i)
- { return PERS_DIC<K,I>(v_list,pers_rb_tree::change_inf(p,Convert(i),V)); }
- p_dic_item min() { return pers_rb_tree::min(V); }
- p_dic_item max() { return pers_rb_tree::max(V); }
- p_dic_item succ(p_dic_item p) { return pers_rb_tree::succ(p,V); }
- p_dic_item pred(p_dic_item p) { return pers_rb_tree::pred(p,V); }
- int size() { return pers_rb_tree::size(V); }
- void print() { pers_rb_tree::print(V); }
- void draw(DRAW_NODE_FCT f, DRAW_EDGE_FCT g, double x0, double x1, double y, double dy) { pers_rb_tree::draw(f,g,V,x0,x1,y,dy); }
- double get_version() { return ver_num(V); }
- };
- /*{Manpage {p_dictionary} {K,I} {Persistent Dictionaries}}*/
- template <class K, class I>
- class p_dictionary : public handle_base {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $D$ of the parameterized data type name is a set
- of items (type $p_dic_item$). Every item in $D$ contains a key from the
- linearly ordered data type $K$, called the key type of $D$, and an information
- from data type $I$, called the information type of $D$. The number of items in
- $D$ is called the size of $D$. A dictionary of size zero is called empty.
- We use $<k,i>$ to denote an item with key $k$ and information
- $i$ ($i$ is said to be the information associated with key $k$). For each
- $k in K$ there is at most one item $<k,i> in D$.
- The difference between dictionaries (cf. section ref{Dictionaries}) and
- persistent dictionaries lies in the fact that update operations performed
- on a persistent dictionary $D$ do not change $D$ but create and return a
- new dictionary $D'$. For example, $D$.del($k$) returns the dictionary $D'$
- containing all items $it$ of $D$ with key($it$) $ne$ $k$. Also, an assignment
- $ D1 = D2 $ does not assign a copy of $D2$ (with new items) to $D1$ but the
- value of $D2$ itself.
- }*/
- PERS_DIC<K,I>* ptr() const { return (PERS_DIC<K,I>*) PTR; }
- public:
- /*{Mcreation D }*/
- p_dictionary() { PTR = new PERS_DIC<K,I>; }
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes var to an
- empty persistent dictionary.}*/
- p_dictionary(PERS_DIC<K,I>* p) { PTR = (PERS_DIC<K,I>*)p; }
- p_dictionary(const p_dictionary<K,I>& p) : handle_base(p) {}
- ~p_dictionary() {}
- p_dictionary<K,I>& operator=(const p_dictionary<K,I>& p)
- { handle_base::operator=(p); return *this; }
- /*{Moperations 3.8 4}*/
- K key(p_dic_item it) { return ptr()->key(it); }
- /*{Mop returns the key of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ $in$ var.}*/
- I inf(p_dic_item it) { return ptr()->inf(it); }
- /*{Mop returns the information of item $it$.\
- precond $it$ $in$ var.}*/
- p_dic_item locate(K k) { return ptr()->locate(k); }
- p_dic_item locate_pred(K k) { return ptr()->locate_pred(k); }
- p_dic_item lookup(K k) { return ptr()->lookup(k); }
- /*{Mop returns the item with key $k$ (nil if no such
- item exists in var).}*/
- p_dictionary<K,I> del(K k)
- { return new PERS_DIC<K,I>
- (ptr()->del(k)); }
- /*{Mop returns ${x in var | key(x) ne k}$.}*/
- p_dictionary<K,I> del_item(p_dic_item it);
- /*{Mopl returns ${x in var | x ne it}$.}*/
- p_dictionary<K,I> insert(K k, I i)
- { return new PERS_DIC<K,I>
- (ptr()->insert(k,i)); }
- /*{Mop returns var.del($k$) $cup$ ${<k,i>}$.}*/
- p_dictionary<K,I> change_inf(p_dic_item it, I i)
- { return new PERS_DIC<K,I>
- (ptr()->change_inf(it,i)); }
- /*{Mopl returns var.del_item($it$) $cup$
- ${<k,i>}$, where $k = key(it)$.\
- precond $it$ $in$ var.}*/
- p_dic_item min() { return ptr()->min(); }
- p_dic_item max() { return ptr()->max(); }
- p_dic_item succ(p_dic_item p) { return ptr()->succ(p); }
- p_dic_item succ(K k) { return ptr()->locate(k); }
- p_dic_item pred(p_dic_item p) { return ptr()->pred(p); }
- p_dic_item pred(K k) { return ptr()->locate_pred(k); }
- p_dic_item first_item() { return ptr()->min(); }
- p_dic_item next_item(p_dic_item p) { return ptr()->succ(p); }
- int size() { return ptr()->size(); }
- /*{Mop returns the size of var.}*/
- bool empty() { return ptr()->size()==0; }
- /*{Mop returns true if var is empty, false otherwise.}*/
- void print() { ptr()->print(); }
- void draw(DRAW_NODE_FCT f,DRAW_EDGE_FCT g,double x0,double x1,double y,double dy) { ptr()->draw(f,g,x0,x1,y,dy); }
- };
- /*{Mimplementation
- Persistent dictionaries are implemented by leaf oriented
- persistent red black trees.
- Operations insert, lookup, del_item, del take time $O(log^2 n)$, key, inf,
- empty, size and change_inf take time $O(1)$. The space requirement is
- $O(1)$ for each update operation.}*/
- #endif