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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- #include <LEDA/slist.h>
- #include <LEDA/plane.h>
- #include <LEDA/window.h>
- #include<math.h>
- const int WORDS = 6; // maximal size of placement vectors (in words)
- const int N = 96; // maximal number of input points = 16 * WORDS
- typedef unsigned long word;
- {
- word A[WORDS];
- word cache; // cache of 16 last written entries
- public:
- word get_last_word() const { return cache;}
- word get_last_word(int i) const
- { return (i>0) ? (cache << ((16-i)<<1)) : 0; }
- int read(int i) const
- { return (A[i>>4] >> ((i&15)<<1)) & 3; }
- void write(int i, int pos)
- { A[i>>4] |= (pos << ((i&15)<<1));
- cache <<=2;
- cache |= pos;
- }
- };
- { for(int i = 0; i < WORDS; i++) A[i] = 0; }
- { cache = P.cache;
- for(int i = 0; i < WORDS; i++) A[i] = P.A[i];
- }
- typedef PLACEMENT* placement;
- static window W(600,650);
- static color node_color1 = blue;
- static color node_color2 = red;
- static color node_color3 = green;
- static color rect_color = yellow;
- void draw_rec(window& W, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
- { if (!W.mono())
- W.draw_filled_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,rect_color);
- W.draw_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- }
- void draw_config(window& W, const list<point>& L, PLACEMENT& P, double sig,
- int maxp = -1)
- {
- /*--------*--------*
- | | |
- | 0 | 1 |
- | | |
- *--------p--------*
- | | |
- | 2 | 3 |
- | | |
- *--------*--------*/
- int i=0;
- point p;
- if (maxp <0) maxp = L.length();
- W.clear();
- forall(p,L)
- {
- double x = p.xcoord();
- double y = p.ycoord();
- int pos = P.read(i++);
- switch(pos)
- { case 0 : draw_rec(W,x,y,x-sig,y+sig);
- break;
- case 1 : draw_rec(W,x,y,x+sig,y+sig);
- break;
- case 2 : draw_rec(W,x,y,x-sig,y-sig);
- break;
- case 3 : draw_rec(W,x,y,x+sig,y-sig);
- break;
- }
- if (i > maxp) break;
- }
- forall(p,L) W.draw_filled_node(p,node_color1);
- }
- int** D[N][4]; // D[N][4][N][4]
- //
- // D[p][i][q][j] gives maximal possible sigma for square at
- // point p in position i and square at point q in position j
- void initialize_matrix(const list<point>& p_list)
- {
- list_item it1, it2;
- int n = p_list.length();
- int i,j,p1,p2;
- for(i=0;i < n; i++)
- for(p1=0;p1 < 4; p1++)
- { int** ptr = new int*[n];
- D[i][p1] = ptr;
- for(j=0; j<n; j++) ptr[j] = new int[4];
- }
- i = 0;
- forall_items(it1,p_list)
- {
- point p = p_list[it1];
- j = 0;
- forall_items(it2,p_list)
- {
- if (it1==it2) break;
- point q = p_list[it2];
- int xrel = int(p.xcoord() - q.xcoord());
- int yrel = int(p.ycoord() - q.ycoord());
- int xdist = int(fabs(xrel));
- int ydist = int(fabs(yrel));
- int max_xy = Max(xdist,ydist);
- int d_00 = max_xy;
- int d_01 = (xrel>0) ? Max(xdist/2,ydist) : MAXINT;
- int d_01r = (xrel<0) ? Max(xdist/2,ydist) : MAXINT;
- int d_02 = (yrel<0) ? Max(xdist,ydist/2) : MAXINT;
- int d_02r = (yrel>0) ? Max(xdist,ydist/2) : MAXINT;
- int d_03 = (xrel>0 && yrel<0) ? max_xy/2 : MAXINT;
- int d_03r = (xrel<0 && yrel>0) ? max_xy/2 : MAXINT;
- int d_12 = (xrel<0 && yrel<0) ? max_xy/2 : MAXINT;
- int d_12r = (xrel>0 && yrel>0) ? max_xy/2 : MAXINT;
- for(p1=0; p1<4;p1++)
- for(p2=0; p2<4;p2++)
- switch(p1 - p2)
- {
- case 0 : D[i][p1][j][p2] = d_00;
- break;
- case -1 : D[i][p1][j][p2] = (p1==1) ? d_12 : d_01;
- break;
- case 1 : D[i][p1][j][p2] = (p1==2) ? d_12r : d_01r;
- break;
- case -2 : D[i][p1][j][p2] = d_02;
- break;
- case 2 : D[i][p1][j][p2] = d_02r;
- break;
- case -3 : D[i][p1][j][p2] = d_03;
- break;
- case 3 : D[i][p1][j][p2] = d_03r;
- break;
- }
- j++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- bool find_placement(list<point>& L, int sigma, PLACEMENT& P)
- {
- // determines whether a placement is possible and returns it in P
- // P is unchanged if there is no placment possible
- slist<placement> T,Tnew;
- int n = L.length();
- placement v;
- register int p,q,k,i;
- register word buf,plw;
- register int** dist_to_p;
- point a;
- float X[N];
- float Y[N];
- p = 0;
- forall(a,L)
- { X[p] = a.xcoord();
- Y[p] = a.ycoord();
- p++;
- }
- placement Pnew = new PLACEMENT;
- // we perform a sweep the strip consists of points q .. p-1
- // initialization for the sweep; the strip is empty; the first point to
- // enter is point 0; T consists of a single placement which is undefined
- // for all points
- p = 0; // next point to enter the strip
- q = 0; // next point to leave the strip
- T.append(Pnew);
- // The sweep:
- // we proceed as long as there is still a point to be processed and
- // the set T of legal placements is not empty
- while (p < L.length() && !T.empty())
- {
- // we decide whether p enters the strip or q leaves the strip
- if (p == 0 || X[p]-X[q] < 2*sigma)
- {
- // p enters the strip
- // we combine the four possible placements of p
- // with all placements in T
- if (p-q > 16) error_handler(1,"too many points in strip");
- W.draw_filled_node(X[p],Y[p],node_color3);
- for(i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- dist_to_p = D[p][i];
- forall(v,T)
- { // check whether v[q...p-1] can be extended by placement i for p
- for(k = p-1, buf = v->get_last_word(); k >= q; k--, buf >>= 2)
- if (dist_to_p[k][buf&3] < sigma) break;
- if (k < q)
- { // position i for p is compatible with placement vector v
- Pnew = new PLACEMENT(*v);
- Pnew->write(p,i);
- Tnew.append(Pnew);
- if (W.get_button() != 0)
- { color save = rect_color;
- if (!W.mono()) rect_color = violet;
- draw_config(W,L,*Pnew,sigma,p);
- rect_color = save;
- for(int i=q; i<=p; i++)
- W.draw_filled_node(X[i],Y[i],node_color2);
- W.draw_filled_node(X[p],Y[p],node_color3);
- W.read_mouse();
- W.clear();
- for(i=0; i<q; i++)
- W.draw_filled_node(X[i],Y[i],node_color1);
- for(i=q; i<=p; i++)
- W.draw_filled_node(X[i],Y[i],node_color2);
- for(i=p+1; i<n; i++)
- W.draw_filled_node(X[i],Y[i],node_color1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- W.draw_filled_node(X[p],Y[p],node_color2);
- p++;
- forall(v,T) delete v;
- }
- else
- { // q leaves the strip
- W.draw_filled_node(X[q],Y[q],node_color1);
- q++;
- // remove placement vectors identical in [q+1 ... p] from T
- plw = T.head()->get_last_word(p-q);
- Tnew.append(T.pop());
- forall(v,T)
- { buf = v->get_last_word(p-q);
- if (buf == plw)
- delete v;
- else
- { plw = buf;
- Tnew.append(v);
- }
- }
- }
- T.clear();
- T.conc(Tnew); // clears Tnew
- W.draw_text(-80,-60,string("k = %2d |T| = %5d ",p-q+1,T.length()));
- } // end of sweep
- while (q < p)
- { W.draw_filled_node(X[q],Y[q],node_color1);
- q++;
- }
- if (T.empty())
- return false;
- else
- { P = *(T.head());
- forall(v,T) delete v;
- return true;
- }
- } // end of find_placement
- main()
- {
- // In the first implementation we deal only with points
- // whose coordinates are integers in the range 1 .. 999;
- // the algorithms consists of two steps:
- // In the first step we generate the problem and in the second step we
- // determine the optimal sigma by binary search
- // generation of the problem; we ask the user for the number of points
- // then generate the appropriate number of random points
- W.init(-100,1100,-100);
- W.set_node_width(5);
- W.set_text_mode(opaque);
- if (W.mono())
- { node_color1 = white;
- node_color2 = black;
- }
- int n = 50;
- int input = 0;
- int grid_width = 0;
- list<point> L;
- panel P;
- P.text_item(" ");
- P.text_item(" A Plane Sweep Algorithm ");
- P.text_item(" for a ");
- P.text_item(" Geometric Packing Problem ");
- P.text_item(" ");
- P.text_item(" ... ");
- P.text_item(" ... ");
- P.text_item(" ");
- P.int_item("points", n,1,80);
- P.int_item("grid", grid_width, 0,40,10);
- P.button("random");
- P.button("mouse");
- P.button("quit");
- for(;;)
- {
- int but = P.open(0,0);
- W.clear();
- W.set_grid_mode(grid_width);
- L.clear();
- switch(but) {
- case 0: { for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
- { double x = rand_int(1,999);
- double y = rand_int(1,999);
- L.append(point(x,y));
- W.draw_filled_node(x,y,node_color1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: { point p;
- while (W >> p)
- { L.append(p);
- W.draw_filled_node(p,node_color1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2: { exit(0);
- break;
- }
- }
- n = L.length();
- W.set_frame_label(string("%d points",n));
- // sort points and initialize distance matrix
- L.sort();
- initialize_matrix(L);
- int low = 1;
- int high = 999;
- find_placement(L,low,PL);
- // binary search
- while (high > low+1)
- {
- // Invariant: a) PL is placement for "sigma = low"
- // b) no placement possible for "sigma = high"
- int mid = (high + low)/2;
- W.del_message();
- W.message(string("%3d <= sigma < %3d %3d ??",low, high, mid));
- if (find_placement(L,mid,PL))
- { draw_config(W,L,PL,mid);
- low = mid;
- }
- else
- high = mid;
- }
- // end of the binary search
- // low is the optimal side length, PL the corresponding placement
- W.del_messages();
- W.message(string("sigma = %d",low));
- }
- return 0;
- }