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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing
- Kurt Mehlhorn
- Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, FRG
- Stefan Naeher
- Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
- Martin-Luther Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg
- Weinbergweg 17, 06120 Halle(Saale), FRG
- LEDA (Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms) is a platform for
- combinatorial and geometric computing. The main features are:
- LEDA provides a sizable collection of data types and algorithms in a form
- which allows them to be used by non-experts. This collection includes most
- of the data types and algorithms described in the text books of the area.
- LEDA gives a precise and readable specification for each of the data types
- and algorithms mentioned above. The specifications are short (typically,
- not more than a page), general (so as to allow several implementations),
- and abstract (so as to hide all details of the implementation).
- For many efficient data structures access by position is important. In
- LEDA, we use an item concept to cast positions into an abstract form. We
- mention that most of the specifications given in the LEDA manual use this
- concept, i.e., the concept is adequate for the description of many data
- types.
- LEDA contains efficient implementations for each of the data types, e.g.,
- Fibonacci heaps for priority queues, red-black trees and dynamic perfect
- hashing for dictionaries, ...
- LEDA contains a comfortable data type graph. It offers the standard
- iterations such as ``for all nodes v of a graph G do'' or ``for all
- neighbors w of v do'', it allows to add and delete vertices and edges
- and it offers arrays and matrices indexed by nodes and edges,...
- The data type graph allows to write programs for graph problems in a
- form close to the typical text book presentation.
- LEDA is implemented by a C++ class library. It can be used with almost
- any C++ compiler that supports templates.
- LEDA is not in the public domain, but can be used freely for academic
- research and teaching. It is available by anonymous ftp from
- ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de /pub/LEDA. Commercial licenses are distributed by the
- LEDA Software GmbH.
- Write to leda@mpi-sb.mpg.de or subsribe to the news group comp.lang.c++.leda
- to get more information.