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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _p_heap.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/p_heap.h>
- static p_heap const *class_ptr;
- // ============== comparison_link Macros (s.n.) ================================
- #define comparison_link(with_el,new_el)
- if (cmp(with_el->key,new_el->key)<0)
- { with_el->r_child=new_el->r_child;
- if (with_el->r_child!=nil)
- with_el->r_child->parent=with_el;
- new_el->r_child=with_el->l_child;
- if (new_el->r_child!=nil)
- new_el->r_child->parent=new_el;
- new_el->parent=with_el;
- with_el->l_child=new_el; }
- else
- { with_el->r_child=new_el->l_child;
- if (with_el->r_child!=nil)
- with_el->r_child->parent=with_el;
- new_el->parent=with_el->parent;
- if (new_el->parent!=nil)
- new_el->parent->r_child=new_el;
- new_el->l_child=with_el;
- with_el->parent=new_el;
- with_el = new_el; }
- #define int_comparison_link(with_el,new_el)
- if (with_el->key < new_el->key)
- { with_el->r_child=new_el->r_child;
- if (with_el->r_child!=nil)
- with_el->r_child->parent=with_el;
- new_el->r_child=with_el->l_child;
- if (new_el->r_child!=nil)
- new_el->r_child->parent=new_el;
- new_el->parent=with_el;
- with_el->l_child=new_el; }
- else
- { with_el->r_child=new_el->l_child;
- if (with_el->r_child!=nil)
- with_el->r_child->parent=with_el;
- new_el->parent=with_el->parent;
- if (new_el->parent!=nil)
- new_el->parent->r_child=new_el;
- new_el->l_child=with_el;
- with_el->parent=new_el;
- with_el = new_el; }
- //====== construct (p_heap&) ===========================================
- p_heap::p_heap(const p_heap& with)
- {
- item_count =0;
- if((this!=&with)&&(with.item_count>0)){
- class_ptr=&with;
- copy_sub_tree(head,with.head);
- class_ptr=this;
- }
- }
- //====== operator = =====================================================
- p_heap& p_heap::operator=(const p_heap& with)
- {
- if(this!=&with){
- if((with.item_count>0)&&(item_count>0))
- clear();
- class_ptr=&with;
- copy_sub_tree(head,with.head);
- class_ptr=this;
- }
- return(*this);
- }
- //=========== copy_sub_tree =============================================
- void p_heap::copy_sub_tree(ph_item* whereto,ph_item* from)
- {
- if (item_count==0) // target tree is empty
- {
- head =new ph_item(from->key,from->inf);
- class_ptr->copy_key(head->key);
- class_ptr->copy_inf(head->inf);
- item_count++;
- do_copy(head,from->l_child,true);
- }
- else
- if ((cmp(whereto->key,from->key)<=0) // precondition:
- &&(whereto->l_child==nil)) // subelement <= parent
- do_copy(whereto,from,true);
- // true: that is left child from whereto
- }
- //====== do_copy ======================================================
- void p_heap::do_copy(ph_item* father,ph_item* from,bool direction)
- {
- // direction : false=right true=left
- ph_item* hilf=new_ph_item(from->key,from->inf);
- hilf->parent=father;
- if (direction)
- father->l_child=hilf;
- else
- father->r_child=hilf;
- if (from->l_child!=nil)
- do_copy(hilf,from->l_child,true);
- if (from->r_child!=nil)
- do_copy(hilf,from->r_child,false);
- }
- //===== new_ph_item =====================================================
- ph_item* p_heap::new_ph_item(GenPtr key,GenPtr inf)
- {
- ph_item* help=new ph_item(key,inf);
- copy_key(help->key);
- copy_inf(help->inf);
- help->parent=nil;
- item_count++;
- return help;
- }
- // ========== clear ====================================================
- void p_heap::clear()
- {
- if (item_count>0)
- clear_sub_tree(head);
- }
- // ======= clear_sub_tree ===============================================
- void p_heap::clear_sub_tree(ph_item* sub)
- {
- if (sub->l_child!=nil)
- clear_sub_tree(sub->l_child);
- if (sub->r_child!=nil)
- clear_sub_tree(sub->r_child);
- if (sub->parent!=nil)
- if(sub->parent->l_child==sub)
- sub->parent->l_child=nil;
- else
- sub->parent->r_child=nil;
- clear_key(sub->key);
- clear_inf(sub->inf);
- delete(sub);
- item_count--;
- }
- //======= insert =======================================================
- ph_item* p_heap::insert(GenPtr key,GenPtr inf)
- {
- ph_item* help;
- help = new ph_item(key,inf);
- copy_key(help->key);
- copy_inf(help->inf);
- if (item_count==0) // very first element
- { item_count++;
- head=help;
- return help;
- }
- else // just another element
- { item_count++;
- comparison_link(head,help);
- return help;
- }
- }
- // ====== decrease_key ==================================================
- void p_heap::decrease_key(ph_item* which,GenPtr key)
- {
- register ph_item* help2=nil;
- register ph_item* which_parent = which->parent;
- if (int_type())
- if (key <= which->key) // smaller or equal to the old element
- {
- which->key=key;
- if (which!=head) // which is not already minimum
- { if (which->r_child!=nil)
- { help2=which->r_child;
- help2->parent=which_parent;
- which->r_child=nil;
- }
- if (which_parent->l_child==which)
- which_parent->l_child=help2;
- else
- which_parent->r_child=help2;
- which->parent=nil;
- int_comparison_link(head,which);
- }
- }
- else /* error */;
- else
- if (cmp(key,which->key)<=0) // smaller or equal to the old element
- {
- clear_key(which->key);
- which->key=key;
- copy_key(which->key);
- if (which!=head) // which is not already minimum
- { if (which->r_child!=nil)
- { help2=which->r_child;
- help2->parent=which_parent;
- which->r_child=nil;
- }
- if (which_parent->l_child==which)
- which_parent->l_child=help2;
- else
- which_parent->r_child=help2;
- which->parent=nil;
- comparison_link(head,which);
- }
- }
- else /* error */;
- }
- //========= delete_min_multipass () (multipass algorithm) =============
- void p_heap::delete_min_multipass()
- {
- if (item_count==1) // only one element in structure
- {
- clear_key(head->key);
- clear_inf(head->inf);
- delete head;
- item_count=0;
- }
- else
- {
- head=head->l_child;
- clear_key(head->parent->key);
- clear_inf(head->parent->inf);
- delete head->parent; // delete min
- head->parent=nil;
- item_count--;
- if (head->r_child!=nil) // there are two ore more consecutive elements
- head=multipass(head);
- }// end else
- }
- //======== delete_min_twopass, (twopass algorithm) ============================
- void p_heap::delete_min_twopass()
- {
- if (item_count==1) // only one element in structure
- {
- clear_key(head->key);
- clear_inf(head->inf);
- delete head;
- item_count=0;
- }
- else
- {
- head=head->l_child;
- clear_key(head->parent->key);
- clear_inf(head->parent->inf);
- delete head->parent; // delete min
- head->parent=nil;
- item_count--;
- if (head->r_child!=nil) // there are two ore more consecutive elements
- head=twopass(head);
- } // end else
- }
- // ============== twopass ================================================
- ph_item* p_heap::twopass(ph_item* h)
- {
- //pass 1 : left to right comparison link (successive pairs of root nodes)
- register ph_item* help1,*help2;
- help1=h;
- help2=h->r_child;
- if (int_type())
- while (help2!=nil) // there are 2 ore more elements left
- { h=help1->r_child->r_child; // use of h as a helper
- int_comparison_link(help1,help2);
- if (h!=nil) // first case comp _link
- if (h->r_child!=nil)
- { // second case
- // now we have to more nodes to test
- help2=h->r_child;
- help1=h;
- }
- else
- help2=nil;
- else
- { h=help1; // last element in list
- help2=nil;
- }
- }
- else
- while (help2!=nil)
- { h=help1->r_child->r_child;
- comparison_link(help1,help2);
- if (h!=nil)
- if (h->r_child!=nil)
- { help2=h->r_child;
- help1=h;
- }
- else
- help2=nil;
- else
- { h=help1;
- help2=nil;
- }
- }
- //pass 2 : right to left comparison link (allways the two rightmost nodes)
- help1=h->parent;
- help2=h;
- if (int_type())
- while (help1!=nil)
- { int_comparison_link(help1,help2);
- h=help1;
- help2=help1;
- help1=help1->parent;
- }
- else
- while (help1!=nil)
- { comparison_link(help1,help2);
- h=help1;
- help2=help1;
- help1=help1->parent;
- }
- // h points now again to the very first element
- return h;
- }
- // ================ multipass ==========================================
- ph_item* p_heap::multipass(ph_item* h)
- {
- // now pass 1 (multi times) : left to right comparison link (successive pairs of root nodes)
- ph_item* save=h;
- ph_item* help1,*help2;
- while(h->r_child!=nil)
- { save=h;
- help1=h;
- help2=h->r_child;
- while (help2!=nil) // there are 2 ore more elements left
- { save=help1->r_child->r_child; // use of save as a helper
- comparison_link(help1,help2);
- if (save!=nil) // first case comp _link
- if (save->r_child!=nil)
- { // second case
- // now we have to more nodes to test
- help2=save->r_child;
- help1=save;
- }
- else
- help2=nil;
- else
- { save=help1; // last element in list
- help2=nil;
- }
- } // end while (help2!=nil)
- if (h->parent!=nil) // may be first element is child (comp link)
- h=h->parent;
- } // end while (repeat pass 1)
- return h;
- }