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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _polygon.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/polygon.h>
- #include <LEDA/plane_alg.h>
- #include <LEDA/map.h>
- #include <math.h>
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // polygons
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const polygon& p)
- { p.vertices().print(out);
- return out << endl;
- }
- istream& operator>>(istream& in, polygon& p)
- { list<point> L;
- L.read(in,'n');
- p = polygon(L);
- return in;
- }
- double polygon::compute_area(const list<segment>& seg_list) const
- {
- if (seg_list.length() < 3) return 0;
- list_item it = seg_list.item(1);
- point p = seg_list[it].source();
- it = seg_list.succ(it);
- double A = 0;
- while (it)
- { segment s = seg_list[it];
- A += ::area(p,s.source(),s.target());
- it = seg_list.succ(it);
- }
- return A;
- }
- static void check_simplicity(const list<segment>& seg_list)
- { GRAPH<point,segment> G;
- SWEEP_SEGMENTS(seg_list,G);
- node v;
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- if (G.degree(v) != 2)
- error_handler(1,"polygon: polygon must be simple");
- }
- polygon::polygon(const list<point>& pl)
- {
- list<segment> seglist;
- for(list_item it = pl.first(); it; it = pl.succ(it))
- seglist.append(segment(pl[it],pl[pl.cyclic_succ(it)]));
- if (compute_area(seglist) < 0)
- { // reverse edge list
- seglist.clear();
- for(list_item it = pl.last(); it; it = pl.pred(it))
- seglist.append(segment(pl[it],pl[pl.cyclic_pred(it)]));
- }
- check_simplicity(seglist);
- PTR = new polygon_rep(seglist);
- }
- list<point> polygon::vertices() const
- { list<point> result;
- segment s;
- forall(s,ptr()->seg_list) result.append(s.start());
- return result;
- }
- polygon polygon::translate(double alpha, double d) const
- { list<segment> L;
- segment s;
- forall(s,ptr()->seg_list) L.append(s.translate(alpha,d));
- return polygon(L);
- }
- polygon polygon::translate(const vector& v) const
- { list<segment> L;
- segment s;
- forall(s,ptr()->seg_list) L.append(s.translate(v));
- return polygon(L);
- }
- polygon polygon::rotate(const point& origin, double alpha) const
- { list<segment> L;
- segment s;
- forall(s,ptr()->seg_list) L.append(s.rotate(origin,alpha));
- return polygon(L);
- }
- polygon polygon::rotate(double alpha) const
- { return rotate(point(0,0),alpha); }
- bool polygon::inside(const point& p) const
- {
- list<segment>& seglist = ptr()->seg_list;
- int count = 0;
- double px = p.xcoord();
- list_item it0 = seglist.first();
- list_item it1 = seglist.first();
- double x0 = seglist[it0].xcoord2();
- double x1 = seglist[it1].xcoord2();
- list_item it;
- forall_items(it,seglist)
- { segment s = seglist[it];
- if (s.xcoord2() < x0)
- { it0 = it;
- x0 = s.xcoord2();
- }
- if (s.xcoord2() > x1)
- { it1 = it1;
- x1 = s.xcoord2();
- }
- }
- if (px <= x0 || x1 <= px) return false;
- while (seglist[it0].xcoord2() <= px) it0 = seglist.cyclic_succ(it0);
- it = it0;
- do
- { while (seglist[it].xcoord2() >= px) it = seglist.cyclic_succ(it);
- if (orientation(seglist[it],p) > 0) count++;
- while (seglist[it].xcoord2() <= px) it = seglist.cyclic_succ(it);
- if (orientation(seglist[it],p) < 0) count++;
- } while (it != it0);
- return count % 2;
- }
- bool polygon::outside(const point& p) const { return !inside(p); }
- list<point> polygon::intersection(const segment& s) const
- { list<point> result;
- segment t;
- point p;
- forall(t,ptr()->seg_list)
- if (s.intersection(t,p))
- if (result.empty()) result.append(p);
- else if (p != result.tail() ) result.append(p);
- return result;
- }
- list<point> polygon::intersection(const line& l) const
- { list<point> result;
- segment t;
- point p;
- forall(t,ptr()->seg_list)
- if (l.intersection(t,p))
- if (result.empty()) result.append(p);
- else if (p != result.tail() ) result.append(p);
- return result;
- }
- // intersection or union with polygon
- static bool test_edge(GRAPH<point,segment>& G, edge i1, int mode)
- { node v = G.target(i1);
- edge i2 = G.cyclic_in_succ(i1);
- if (i1 == i2) return false;
- edge o1 = G.first_adj_edge(v);
- edge o2 = G.last_adj_edge(v);
- point p1 = G[o1].target();
- point p2 = G[o2].target();
- segment si1 = G[i1];
- segment si2 = G[i2];
- if (mode == 0) // intersection
- { if (orientation(si1,si2.source()) > 0)
- return orientation(si1,p1) > 0 && orientation(si2,p1) < 0 &&
- orientation(si1,p2) > 0 && orientation(si2,p2) < 0;
- else
- return (orientation(si1,p1) > 0 || orientation(si2,p1) < 0) &&
- (orientation(si1,p2) > 0 || orientation(si2,p2) < 0);
- }
- else // union
- { if (orientation(si1,si2.source()) < 0)
- return orientation(si1,p1) < 0 && orientation(si2,p1) > 0 &&
- orientation(si1,p2) < 0 && orientation(si2,p2) > 0;
- else
- return (orientation(si1,p1) < 0 || orientation(si2,p1) > 0) &&
- (orientation(si1,p2) < 0 || orientation(si2,p2) > 0);
- }
- }
- static edge next_edge(GRAPH<point,segment>& G, edge i1, int dir)
- {
- // if dir = +1 turn left
- // if dir = -1 turn right
- node v = G.target(i1);
- edge o1 = G.first_adj_edge(v);
- edge o2 = G.last_adj_edge(v);
- segment si1 = G[i1];
- segment so1 = G[o1];
- segment so2 = G[o2];
- if (o2 == nil) return o1;
- int orient1 = orientation(si1,so1.target());
- int orient2 = orientation(si1,so2.target());
- if (orient1 == orient2)
- return (orientation(so1,so2.target()) == dir) ? o2 : o1;
- else
- return (orient1 - orient2 == dir) ? o1 : o2;
- }
- list_polygon_ polygon::intersection(const polygon& P) const
- {
- list<polygon> result;
- list<segment> seg_list;
- GRAPH<point,segment> G;
- segment s;
- forall(s,ptr()->seg_list) seg_list.append(s);
- forall(s,P.ptr()->seg_list) seg_list.append(s);
- SWEEP_SEGMENTS(seg_list,G);
- bool borders_intersect = false;
- node v;
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- if (degree(v) > 2)
- { borders_intersect = true;
- break;
- }
- if ( ! borders_intersect )
- { // no intersections between edges of (*this) and P
- // check for inclusion
- segment s1 = ptr()->seg_list.head();
- segment s2 = P.ptr()->seg_list.head();
- if ( P.inside(s1.start()) ) result.append(*this);
- if ( inside(s2.start()) ) result.append(P);
- return result;
- }
- edge_array<bool> marked(G,false);
- edge e;
- forall_edges(e,G)
- if ( ! marked[e] && test_edge(G,e,0) )
- { list<segment> pol;
- edge start = e;
- do { node v = source(e);
- node w = target(e);
- pol.append(segment(G[v],G[w]));
- marked[e] = true;
- e = next_edge(G,e,+1);
- } while (e != start);
- result.append(polygon(pol));
- }
- return result;
- }
- list_polygon_ polygon::unite(const polygon& P) const
- {
- list<polygon> result;
- list<segment> seg_list;
- GRAPH<point,segment> G;
- segment s;
- forall(s,ptr()->seg_list) seg_list.append(s);
- forall(s,P.ptr()->seg_list) seg_list.append(s);
- SWEEP_SEGMENTS(seg_list,G);
- if (G.number_of_nodes() == size() + P.size())
- { // no intersections between edges of (*this) and P
- // check for inclusion
- segment s1 = ptr()->seg_list.head();
- segment s2 = P.ptr()->seg_list.head();
- if ( ! P.inside(s1.start())) result.append(*this);
- if ( ! inside(s2.start())) result.append(P);
- return result;
- }
- edge_array<bool> marked(G,false);
- edge e;
- forall_edges(e,G)
- if ( ! marked[e] && test_edge(G,e,1) )
- { list<segment> pol;
- edge start = e;
- do { node v = source(e);
- node w = target(e);
- pol.append(segment(G[v],G[w]));
- marked[e] = true;
- e = next_edge(G,e,-1);
- } while (e != start);
- result.append(polygon(pol));
- }
- return result;
- }