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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _bb1_tree.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // BB[alpha] Trees
- //
- // Michael Wenzel (1989)
- //
- // Implementation as described in
- // Kurt Mehlhorn: Data Structures and Algorithms 1, section III.5.1
- //
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Aenderungen:
- // - keine virtuellen Funktionen (M. Wenzel, Nov. 1989)
- // - nicht rekursiv (M. Wenzel, Nov. 1989)
- // - virtuelle compare-Funktion (M. Wenzel, Nov. 1989)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #undef TEST
- #undef DUMP
- #include <LEDA/impl/bb1_tree.h>
- #ifdef TEST
- #define DPRINT(x) cout << string x
- #else
- #define DPRINT(x)
- #endif
- #ifdef DUMP
- #define DDUMP(x) cout << string x
- #else
- #define DDUMP(x)
- #endif
- enum children { left = 0 , right = 1 };
- enum leaf_or_node { Leaf = 0 , Node = 1 } ;
- // -------------------------------------------------------------
- // member functions
- // -------------------------------------------------------------
- bb1_tree::bb1_tree(float a) : st(BSTACKSIZE)
- {
- root = first = iterator = 0;
- anzahl=0;
- if ((a<=0.25) || (a>1-SQRT1_2))
- error_handler(3,"alpha not in range");
- alpha=a;
- d = 1/(2-alpha) ;
- }
- bb1_tree::bb1_tree(const bb1_tree& w) : st(BSTACKSIZE)
- {
- bb1_item p;
- bb1_item l=0;
- anzahl=w.anzahl;
- alpha=w.alpha;
- d=w.d;
- iterator=0;
- if (w.root)
- { if (!w.root->blatt())
- { p=new bb1_node(w.root);
- first=copytree(p,w.root,l);
- first->sohn[left]=l;
- l->sohn[right]=first; }
- else
- { p=new bb1_node(w.root);
- first=p; }
- root= p; }
- else root = 0;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------
- // locate()
- // liefert item mit key(item) >= y und
- // und key(it) <= key(it) fuer alle it
- // mit key(it) >= y
- // 0, falls nicht existiert
- bb1_item bb1_tree::locate(GenPtr y) const
- { DPRINT(("locate %d in Baum %dn",int(y),int(this)));
- bb1_item current;
- if (root==0) return 0; // by s.n
- current=root;
- while (!current->blatt())
- { DDUMP(("current %dn",int(current->key())));
- if (cmp(y,current->key())<=0) current=current->sohn[left];
- else current=current->sohn[right]; }
- return (cmp(y,current->key())<=0) ? current : 0 ;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------
- // located()
- // liefert item mit key(item) <= y und
- // und key(it) >= key(it) fuer alle it
- // mit key(it) <= y
- bb1_item bb1_tree::located(GenPtr y) const
- { bb1_item current;
- if (root==0) return 0; // by s.n
- current=root;
- while (!current->blatt())
- if (cmp(y,current->key())<=0) current=current->sohn[left];
- else current=current->sohn[right];
- if (cmp(y,current->key())==0) return current;
- current = current->sohn[left];
- return (cmp(y,current->key())>=0) ? current : 0 ;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------
- // lookup()
- // liefert item mit key(item)=y , falls existiert
- // 0 , sonst
- bb1_item bb1_tree::lookup(GenPtr y) const
- { bb1_item current = locate(y);
- if (current==0) return 0;
- return (cmp(y,current->key())==0) ? current : 0;
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------------
- // member()
- // liefert 1 , falls item existiert mit key(item)=y
- // 0 , sonst
- int bb1_tree::member(GenPtr y)
- { bb1_item current = locate(y);
- if (current==0) return 0;
- return (cmp(y,current->key())==0);
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // translate()
- // liefert info(item) , falls item existiert mit item = locate(y)
- // 0 , sonst
- GenPtr bb1_tree::translate(GenPtr y)
- { bb1_item current = locate(y);
- if (current==0) return 0;
- return (cmp(y,current->key())==0) ? current->inf : 0;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // change_obj()
- // liefert item mit key(item) = y und setzt info(item) auf x
- // , falls existiert
- // 0 , sonst
- bb1_item bb1_tree::change_obj(GenPtr y,GenPtr x)
- { bb1_item current = lookup(y);
- if ( current != 0 )
- { current->inf = x ;
- return current; }
- else return 0;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // search()
- // nachher: st = ( pk ,..., p1 ) mit
- // pk = locate(y) , p1 = root
- // p1 , ... , pk ist Suchpfad nach y
- // liefert inneren Knoten k mit key(k) = y , falls existiert
- // 0 , sonst
- bb1_item bb1_tree::search(GenPtr y)
- { DPRINT(("search %d in Baum %dn",int(y),int(this)));
- st.clear();
- bb1_item current = root;
- bb1_item k = 0;
- if (!root) return 0; // Baum leer
- while (!current->blatt())
- { DDUMP(("current %dn",int(current->key())));
- if (cmp(y,current->key())<=0)
- { if (cmp(y,current->key())==0) k=current;
- st.push(current);
- current = current->sohn[left]; }
- else
- { st.push(current);
- current = current->sohn[right]; }
- }
- st.push(current);
- DDUMP(("Blatt %dn",int(current->key())));
- return k;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------
- // ord()
- // liefert item it mit
- // |{key(it') < key(it) | it' item im Baum}| = k-1
- // 0 , falls kein solches item existiert
- bb1_item bb1_tree::ord(int k)
- { DPRINT(("ord %dn",k));
- if (k>anzahl || k<=0) return 0;
- bb1_item cur=root;
- while (!cur->blatt())
- { DDUMP(("ord loop k=%d key=%dn",k,int(cur->key())));
- int l=cur->sohn[left]->groesse();
- if (k>l)
- { k -= l;
- cur=cur->sohn[right]; }
- else cur=cur->sohn[left];
- }
- return cur;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // move_iterator()
- // bewegt Iterator eine Stelle weiter
- // falls am Ende , Iterator = 0
- bb1_item bb1_tree::move_iterator()
- {
- if (!root)
- { iterator = 0;
- return 0; }
- if (!iterator) iterator = first;
- else if (iterator->sohn[right]==first) iterator = 0;
- else iterator = iterator->sohn[right];
- return iterator;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // lrot() , rrot() , ldrot() , rdrot()
- // Rotationen am Knoten p
- void bb1_tree::lrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- { DDUMP(("lrot p=%d n",int(p->key())));
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[right];
- p->sohn[right] = h->sohn[left];
- h->sohn[left] = p;
- if (!q) root=h;
- else
- if (cmp(p->key(),q->key())>0) q->sohn[right]=h;
- else q->sohn[left]=h;
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=p->groesse()+h->sohn[right]->groesse();
- }
- void bb1_tree::rrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- { DDUMP(("rrot p=%dn",int(p->key())));
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[left];
- p->sohn[left] = h->sohn[right];
- h->sohn[right] = p;
- if (!q) root=h;
- else
- { if (cmp(p->key(),q->key())>0) q->sohn[right] = h;
- else q->sohn[left] = h; }
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=p->groesse()+h->sohn[left]->groesse();
- }
- void bb1_tree::ldrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- { DDUMP(("ldrot p=%dn",int(p->key())));
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[right];
- bb1_item g = h->sohn[left];
- p->sohn[right] = g->sohn[left];
- h->sohn[left] = g->sohn[right];
- g->sohn[left] = p;
- g->sohn[right] = h;
- if (!q) root=g;
- else
- { if (cmp(p->key(),q->key())>0) q->sohn[right] =g ;
- else q->sohn[left] = g ; }
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=h->sohn[left]->groesse()+h->sohn[right]->groesse();
- g->gr=p->groesse()+h->groesse();
- }
- void bb1_tree::rdrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- { DDUMP(("rdrot p=%dn",int(p->key())));
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[left];
- bb1_item g = h->sohn[right];
- p->sohn[left] = g->sohn[right];
- h->sohn[right] = g->sohn[left];
- g->sohn[right] = p;
- g->sohn[left] = h;
- if (!q) root=g;
- else
- { if (cmp(p->key(),q->key())>0) q->sohn[right] =g ;
- else q->sohn[left] = g ; }
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=h->sohn[left]->groesse()+h->sohn[right]->groesse();
- g->gr=p->groesse()+h->groesse();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // sinsert()
- // fuegt ein neues Item (y,x) in den Baum ein
- // , falls noch kein Item it vorhanden mit key(it)=y
- // change_obj(y,x) ,sonst
- // fuellt Keller mit zu rebalancierenden Knoten
- // gibt eingefuegtes Blatt zurueck
- bb1_item bb1_tree::sinsert(GenPtr y,GenPtr x)
- { DPRINT(("sinsert %d [%d] in Baum %dn",int(y),int(x),int(this)));
- bb1_item inserted;
- bb1_item help;
- if (!alpha) error_handler(5,"alpha nicht gesetzt");
- if (iterator) error_handler(6,"insert while tree listed");
- st.clear(); // loesche Suchpfad
- if (!root) { DDUMP(("Baum war leern"));
- bb1_item p=new bb1_node(y,x);
- p->sohn[left]=p;
- p->sohn[right]=p;
- root=p;
- first=p;
- first->sohn[left]=first;
- first->sohn[right]=first;
- anzahl=1;
- inserted = p;
- }
- else
- if (root->blatt())
- if (cmp(y,root->key())<0)
- { DDUMP(("links von Wurzeln"));
- bb1_item p=new bb1_node(y,x,Leaf,root,root);
- DDUMP(("Blatt[%d] %d %d %d %dn",(int)p,(int)p->key(),(int)p->info(),(int)p->sohn[left],(int)p->sohn[right]));
- root->sohn[left]=p;
- root->sohn[right]=p;
- bb1_item s=new bb1_node(y,x,Node,p,root);
- DDUMP(("Knoten[%d] %d %d %d %dn",(int)s,(int)s->key(),(int)s->info(),(int)s->sohn[left],(int)s->sohn[right]));
- first=p;
- root=s;
- st.push(s);
- anzahl++;
- inserted = p;
- }
- else if (cmp(y,root->key())>0) // hier rechts einfuegen
- { DDUMP(("rechts von Wurzeln"));
- bb1_item p=new bb1_node(y,x,Leaf,root,root);
- root->sohn[left]=p;
- root->sohn[right]=p;
- bb1_item s=new bb1_node(root->key(),root->inf,Node,root,p);
- root=s;
- st.push(s);
- anzahl++;
- inserted = p;
- }
- else { DPRINT(("gleicher Schluessel vorhandenn"));
- root->inf = x;
- inserted = root;
- }
- else // root ist innerer Knoten
- { bb1_item father;
- search(y); // fuelle Suchstack
- bb1_item t=st.pop();
- father = st.top();
- // einfuegen
- if (cmp(y,t->key())<0)
- { DDUMP(("insert links von Blattn"));
- help = t->sohn[left];
- bb1_item p = new bb1_node(y,x,Leaf,help,t);
- t->sohn[left]=p;
- if (first==t) first=p;
- help->sohn[right]=p;
- bb1_item s=new bb1_node(y,x,Node,p,t);
- if (cmp(s->key(),father->key())<=0) father->sohn[left]=s;
- else father->sohn[right]=s;
- anzahl++;
- inserted = p;
- st.push(s);
- }
- else if (cmp(y,t->key())>0)
- { DDUMP(("insert rechts von Blatt -> neues Maximumn"));
- help=t->sohn[right];
- bb1_item p=new bb1_node(y,x,Leaf,t,help);
- t->sohn[right]=p;
- help->sohn[left]=p;
- bb1_item s=new bb1_node(t->key(),t->inf,Node,t,p);
- father->sohn[right] = s;
- anzahl++;
- inserted = p;
- st.push(s);
- }
- else { DPRINT(("gleicher Schluessel vorhandenn"));
- t->inf = x;
- st.clear(); // keine Rebalancierung notwendig
- inserted = t;
- }
- }
- return inserted;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // insert()
- // fuegt ein neues Item (y,x) in den Baum ein
- // mittels sinsert
- // balanciert Baum mit ueblichen Rotationen
- // gibt eingefuegtes Blatt zurueck
- bb1_item bb1_tree::insert(GenPtr y, GenPtr x)
- {
- bb1_item inserted;
- bb1_item t,father;
- /*
- copy_key(y);
- copy_inf(x);
- */
- inserted = sinsert(y,x);
- if (!st.empty())
- st.pop(); // pop father of leaf
- // rebalancieren
- while (!st.empty())
- { t=st.pop();
- father = st.empty() ? 0 : st.top();
- t->gr++;
- float i = t->bal();
- DDUMP(("rebal cur=%d groesse=%d bal=%fn",int(t->key()),t->groesse(),i));
- if (i < alpha)
- if (t->sohn[right]->bal()<=d) lrot(t,father);
- else ldrot(t,father);
- else if (i>1-alpha)
- if (t->sohn[left]->bal() > d ) rrot(t,father);
- else rdrot(t,father);
- }
- DDUMP(("eingefuegtes Blatt hat key %d und info %dn",int(inserted->key()),int(inserted->info())));
- return inserted;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // sdel()
- // loescht Item it im Baum mit key(it)=y , falls existiert
- // und gibt Zeiger auf it zurueck
- // 0 , sonst
- // fuellt Keller mit zu rebalancierenden Knoten
- bb1_item bb1_tree::sdel(GenPtr y)
- { DPRINT(("delete %d aus Baum %dn",int(y),int(this)));
- if (!alpha) error_handler(5,"alpha nicht gesetzt");
- if (iterator) error_handler(6,"Baum gelistet beim Loeschen");
- st.clear();
- if (root==0) return 0; // s.n.
- if (root->blatt()) // Wurzel loeschen
- if (cmp(y,root->key())==0)
- { DDUMP(("Wurzel loeschenn"));
- bb1_item p = root;
- first=iterator=0;
- anzahl=0;
- root=0;
- return p;
- }
- else
- { DPRINT(("Element nicht im Baumn"));
- return 0; }
- else
- { bb1_item p,father;
- bb1_item pp=search(y);
- if (st.size()==2) // Sohn der Wurzel
- { DDUMP(("Sohn der Wurzel loeschenn"));
- p=st.pop();
- father=st.pop();
- int v1 = cmp(y,father->key());
- if (cmp(y,p->key())!=0) { DPRINT(("Element nicht im Baumn"));
- return 0; }
- anzahl--;
- if (v1<=0)
- root=root->sohn[right];
- else
- root=root->sohn[left];
- if (!root->blatt())
- { if (first==p) first=p->sohn[right];
- first->sohn[left]=p->sohn[left];
- (first->sohn[left])->sohn[right]=first;
- }
- else
- { first=root;
- root->sohn[left]=root;
- root->sohn[right]=root ;
- }
- st.push(father);
- return p;
- }
- else // Blatt mit Tiefe >= 2
- { bb1_item q=st.pop();
- if (cmp(y,q->key())!=0)
- { DDUMP(("Schluessel nicht vorhandenn"));
- return 0; }
- bb1_item p = st.pop();
- father=st.top();
- DDUMP(("Blatt %d mit Vater %d , Grossvater %dn",int(q->key()),int(p->key()),int(father->key())));
- int v2 = cmp(y,p->key());
- int v1 = cmp(y,father->key());
- anzahl--;
- if (v1<=0)
- if (v2<=0)
- { father->sohn[left]=p->sohn[right];
- if (first==q) { first=first->sohn[right];
- q->sohn[right]->sohn[left]=first; }
- }
- else father->sohn[left]=p->sohn[left];
- else if (v2<=0) father->sohn[right]=p->sohn[right];
- else father->sohn[right]=p->sohn[left];
- q->sohn[right]->sohn[left]=q->sohn[left];
- q->sohn[left]->sohn[right]=q->sohn[right];
- if ( pp && (p!=pp) && p->sohn[left] )
- { pp->ke = q->sohn[left]->key() ;
- DPRINT(("inneren Knoten mit %d ueberschrieben und Info %d bleibtn",int(pp->key()),int(pp->info())));
- }
- st.push(p);
- return q;
- }
- }
- #if defined(__GNUG__)
- return 0; // never reached ?
- #endif
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // del()
- // loescht Item it im Baum mit key(it)=y , falls existiert
- // und gibt Zeiger auf it zurueck
- // 0 , sonst
- // mittels sdel
- // rebalanciert Baum danach
- bb1_item bb1_tree::del(GenPtr y)
- {
- bb1_item p,father;
- bb1_item deleted = sdel(y);
- if (!deleted)
- return 0;
- if (!st.empty())
- delete(st.pop());
- // rebalancieren
- while (!st.empty())
- { p = st.pop();
- father = st.empty() ? 0 : st.top() ;
- p->gr--;
- float i=p->bal();
- DDUMP(("rebal cur=%d groesse=%d bal=%fn",int(p->key()),p->groesse(),i));
- if (i<alpha)
- if (p->sohn[right]->bal() <= d) lrot(p,father);
- else ldrot(p,father);
- else if (i>1-alpha)
- if(p->sohn[left]->bal() > d) rrot(p,father);
- else rdrot(p,father);
- }
- return deleted;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Gleichheitsoperator
- // weist this Kopie der Baumes w zu
- bb1_tree& bb1_tree::operator=(const bb1_tree& w)
- { DDUMP(("operator = wurzel%dn",(int)w.root->key()));
- bb1_item p;
- bb1_item l=0;
- if (anzahl!=0) deltree(root);
- st.clear();
- anzahl=w.anzahl;
- alpha=w.alpha;
- d=w.d;
- iterator=0;
- if (w.root)
- { if (!w.root->blatt())
- { p=new bb1_node(w.root);
- first=copytree(p,w.root,l);
- first->sohn[left]=l ;
- l->sohn[right]=first ; }
- else
- { p=new bb1_node(w.root);
- first=p; }
- root= p; }
- else root = 0;
- DDUMP(("root=%d, first=%dn",int(root->key()),int(first->key())));
- return *this;
- }
- bb1_item bb1_tree::copytree(bb1_item p, bb1_item q,bb1_item& ll)
- { DDUMP(("copytree %dn",(int)p->key()));
- bb1_item a;
- bb1_item r;
- bb1_item s;
- if (p->blatt())
- { if (ll==0) p->sohn[left]=0;
- else
- { p->sohn[left]=ll;
- ll->sohn[right]=p; }
- p->sohn[right]=0;
- a=p;
- ll=p;
- DDUMP(("ll gesetzt %dn",int(ll->key()))); }
- else {
- r=new bb1_node(q->sohn[left]);
- p->sohn[left]=r;
- a=copytree(p->sohn[left],q->sohn[left],ll);
- s=new bb1_node(q->sohn[right]);
- p->sohn[right]=s;
- copytree(p->sohn[right],q->sohn[right],ll); }
- return a;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Destruktoren
- void bb1_tree::clear()
- { if (root)
- { DPRINT(("clear %dn",int(root->key())));
- deltree(root);
- }
- else DPRINT(("clearn"));
- root=0;
- anzahl=0;
- first=0;
- }
- void bb1_tree::deltree(bb1_item p)
- { if (p)
- { DDUMP(("deltree : current=%dn",int(p->key())));
- if (!p->blatt())
- { deltree(p->sohn[left]);
- deltree(p->sohn[right]);
- }
- delete(p);
- }
- }
- void bb1_tree::draw(DRAW_BB_NODE_FCT draw_node,
- DRAW_BB_EDGE_FCT draw_edge,
- bb1_node* r,
- double x1, double x2, double y,
- double ydist, double last_x)
- {
- double x = (x1+x2)/2;
- if (r==nil) return;
- if (last_x != 0) draw_edge(last_x,y+ydist,x,y);
- draw_node(x,y,r->key());
- if (!r->blatt())
- { draw(draw_node,draw_edge,r->sohn[0],x1,x,y-ydist,ydist,x);
- draw(draw_node,draw_edge,r->sohn[1],x,x2,y-ydist,ydist,x);
- }
- }
- void bb1_tree::draw(DRAW_BB_NODE_FCT draw_node,
- DRAW_BB_EDGE_FCT draw_edge,
- double x1, double x2, double y, double ydist)
- { draw(draw_node,draw_edge,root,x1,x2,y,ydist,0); }