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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _dlist.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/dlist.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define SWAP(a,b) { register dlink* x = *a; *a = *b; *b = x; }
- #define MIN_D 16
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Members of class dlist: base class for all lists
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlist::dlist()
- { h=0;
- t=0;
- count=0;
- iterator=0;
- }
- dlist::dlist(GenPtr a)
- { h=t=new dlink(a,0,0);
- count=1;
- iterator=0;
- }
- dlist::dlist(const dlist& x)
- { register dlink* p;
- iterator=h=t=0;
- count = 0;
- for (p = x.h; p; p = p->succ) append(p->e);
- if (!int_type())
- for (p = h; p; p = p->succ) x.copy_el(p->e);
- }
- void dlist::recompute_length() const
- { int n = 0;
- for(dlink* it = h; it; it = it->succ) n++;
- *(int*)&count = n;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Iteration:
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlink* dlist::move_iterator(int dir) const
- { if (iterator)
- set_iterator(dir ? iterator->pred : iterator->succ);
- else
- set_iterator(dir ? t : h);
- return iterator;
- }
- bool dlist::current_element(GenPtr& x) const
- { if (iterator)
- { x = iterator->e;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool dlist::next_element(GenPtr& x) const
- { if (iterator)
- set_iterator(iterator->succ);
- else
- set_iterator(h);
- if (iterator)
- { x = iterator->e;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool dlist::prev_element(GenPtr& x) const
- { if (iterator)
- set_iterator(iterator->pred);
- else
- set_iterator(t);
- if (iterator)
- { x = iterator->e;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlink* dlist::get_item(int i) const
- { dlink* p = h;
- while ( p && i--) p = p->succ;
- return p;
- }
- dlink* dlist::succ(dlink* p, int i) const
- { while ( p && i--) p = p->succ;
- return p;
- }
- dlink* dlist::pred(dlink* p, int i) const
- { while ( p && i--) p = p->pred;
- return p;
- }
- dlink* dlist::search(GenPtr x) const /* linear search */
- { dlink* p = h;
- while ( p && cmp(p->e,x) != 0) p = p->succ;
- return p;
- }
- int dlist::rank(GenPtr x) const /* rank by linear search */
- { dlink* p = h;
- int r = 1;
- while ( p && cmp(p->e,x) != 0)
- { p = p->succ;
- r++;
- }
- return (p) ? r : 0;
- }
- GenPtr dlist::pop()
- { if (h==nil) return nil;
- if (iterator!=0) error_handler(1,"pop: deletion while iterator is active");
- dlink* x=h;
- h = h->succ;
- if (h) h->pred = 0;
- else t = nil;
- GenPtr p = x->e;
- delete x;
- count--;
- return p;
- }
- GenPtr dlist::Pop()
- { if (h==nil) return 0;
- if (iterator!=0) error_handler(1,"Pop: deletion while iterator is active");
- dlink* x=t;
- t = t->pred;
- if (t) t->succ = 0;
- else h = nil;
- GenPtr p = x->e;
- delete x;
- count--;
- return p;
- }
- dlink* dlist::insert(GenPtr a, dlink* l, int dir)
- {
- if (iterator!=0) error_handler(2,"insert: insertion while iterator is active");
- if (l==0) return dir ? append(a) : push(a);
- dlink* s=l->succ;
- dlink* p=l->pred;
- dlink* n;
- if (dir==0) //insert after l
- { n= new dlink(a,l,s);
- l->succ = n;
- if (l==t) t=n;
- else s->pred = n;}
- else //insert before l
- { n= new dlink(a,p,l);
- l->pred = n;
- if (l==h) h=n;
- else p->succ = n;}
- if (count >= 0) count++;
- return n;
- }
- void dlist::conc(dlist& l, int dir)
- {
- if (iterator!=0) error_handler(2,"conc: iterator is active");
- if (h==nil)
- { h = l.h;
- t = l.t;
- }
- else
- { if (dir==0) // append l
- { t->succ = l.h;
- if (l.h) { l.h->pred = t; t = l.t; }
- }
- else // prepend l
- { h->pred = l.t;
- if (l.t) { l.t->succ= h; h = l.h; }
- }
- }
- if (count < 0 || l.count < 0)
- count = -1;
- else
- count += l.count;
- l.h = l.t = 0;
- l.count = 0;
- }
- void dlist::split(dlink* p, dlist& L1, dlist& L2, int dir)
- {
- // split L0 at item p into L1 and L2 and L is made empty
- // if p == nil copy L0 to L2 and make L1 empty (if not identical to L0)
- // if p != nil we have to distinguish two cases
- // dir == 0: p becomes first item of L2
- // dir != 0: p becomes last item of L1
- if (iterator) error_handler(1,"dlist::split: iterator is active.");
- if (h == nil) error_handler(1,"dlist::split: list is empty.");
- if (&L1 == &L2) error_handler(1,"dlist::split: identical arguments.");
- if (this != &L1) L1.clear();
- if (this != &L2) L2.clear();
- if (p == nil)
- { p = h;
- dir = 0;
- }
- /* The first item of L1 is either h or nil depending whether L1 is non-empty
- * or not. L1 is empty if dir == 0 and p->pred does not exist. A similar
- * argument applies to L2.
- */
- dlink* L1_last = (dir != 0) ? p : p->pred;
- dlink* L1_first = (L1_last) ? h : nil;
- dlink* L2_first = (dir == 0) ? p : p->succ;
- dlink* L2_last = (L2_first) ? t : nil;
- h = t = 0;
- count = 0;
- L1.h = L1_first;
- L1.t = L1_last;
- L1.count = -1; // size unknown
- if (L1_last) L1_last->succ = 0;
- L2.h = L2_first;
- L2.t = L2_last;
- L2.count = -1; // size unknown
- if (L2_first) L2_first->pred = 0;
- }
- GenPtr dlist::del(dlink* it)
- { if (iterator) error_handler(1,"dlist: deletion while iterator is active");
- if (it==nil) error_handler(999,"dlist: delete nil-item");
- if (it==h) return pop();
- if (it==t) return Pop();
- dlink* p = it->pred;
- dlink* s = it->succ;
- GenPtr x = it->e;
- p->succ = s;
- s->pred = p;
- count--;
- delete it;
- return x;
- }
- dlink* dlist::cyclic_succ(dlink* it) const
- { if (it==0) return 0;
- return it->succ? it->succ : h;
- }
- dlink* dlist::cyclic_pred(dlink* it) const
- { if (it==0) return 0;
- return it->pred? it->pred : t;
- }
- dlink* dlist::max() const
- { if (h==0) return 0;
- dlink* m=h;
- dlink* p=m->succ;
- while (p)
- { if (cmp(p->e,m->e) > 0) m=p;
- p=p->succ;
- }
- return m;
- }
- dlink* dlist::min() const
- { if (h==0) return 0;
- dlink* m=h;
- dlink* p=m->succ;
- while (p)
- { if (cmp(p->e,m->e) < 0) m=p;
- p=p->succ;
- }
- return m;
- }
- void dlist::apply()
- { register dlink* p = h;
- while (p)
- { app(p->e);
- p = p->succ;
- }
- }
- void dlist::permute()
- {
- if (iterator!=0)
- error_handler(3,"permute: modification while iterator is active");
- length();
- list_item* A = new list_item[count+2];
- list_item x = h;
- int j;
- A[0] = A[count+1] = 0;
- for(j=1; j <= count; j++)
- { A[j] = x;
- x = x->succ;
- }
- for(j=1; j<count; j++)
- { int r = rand_int(j,count);
- x = A[j];
- A[j] = A[r];
- A[r] = x;
- }
- for(j=1; j<=count; j++)
- { A[j]->succ = A[j+1];
- A[j]->pred = A[j-1];
- }
- h = A[1];
- t = A[count];
- delete A;
- }
- void dlist::bucket_sort(int i, int j)
- { if (iterator!=0)
- error_handler(3,"bucket_sort: modification while iterator is active");
- if (h==nil) return; // empty list
- int n = j-i+1;
- register list_item* bucket= new list_item[n+1];
- register list_item* stop = bucket + n;
- register list_item* p;
- register list_item q;
- register list_item x;
- for(p=bucket;p<=stop;p++) *p = 0;
- while (h)
- { x = h;
- h = h->succ;
- int k = ord(x->e);
- if (k >= i && k <= j)
- { p = bucket+k-i;
- x->pred = *p;
- if (*p) (*p)->succ = x;
- *p = x;
- }
- else
- error_handler(4,string("bucket_sort: value %d out of range",k)) ;
- }
- for(p=stop; *p==0; p--);
- // now p points to the end of the rightmost non-empty bucket
- // make it the new head of the list (remember: list is not empty)
- t = *p;
- t->succ = nil;
- for(q = *p; q->pred; q = q->pred); // now q points to the start of this bucket
- // link buckets together from right to left:
- // q points to the start of the last bucket
- // p points to end of the next bucket
- while(--p >= bucket)
- if (*p)
- { (*p)->succ = q;
- q->pred = *p;
- for(q = *p; q->pred; q = q->pred);
- }
- h = q; // head = start of leftmost non-empty bucket
- delete bucket;
- }
- void dlist::quick_sort(dlink** l, dlink** r)
- { // use virtual cmp function
- register dlink** i = l+(r-l)/2; //rand_int()%(r-l);
- register dlink** k;
- if (cmp((*i)->e,(*r)->e)>0) SWAP(i,r);
- SWAP(l,i);
- GenPtr s = (*l)->e;
- i = l;
- k = r;
- for(;;)
- { while (cmp((*(++i))->e,s)<0);
- while (cmp((*(--k))->e,s)>0);
- if (i<k) SWAP(i,k) else break;
- }
- SWAP(l,k);
- if (k > l+MIN_D) quick_sort(l,k-1);
- if (r > k+MIN_D) quick_sort(k+1,r);
- }
- void dlist::int_quick_sort(dlink** l, dlink** r)
- { // use built-in < and > operators for integers
- register dlink** i = l+(r-l)/2; //rand_int()%(r-l);
- register dlink** k;
- if ((*i)->e > (*r)->e) SWAP(i,r);
- SWAP(l,i);
- int s = LEDA_ACCESS(int,(*l)->e);
- i = l;
- k = r;
- for(;;)
- { while (LEDA_ACCESS(int,(*(++i))->e) < s);
- while (LEDA_ACCESS(int,(*(--k))->e) > s);
- if (i<k) SWAP(i,k) else break;
- }
- SWAP(l,k);
- if (k > l+MIN_D) int_quick_sort(l,k-1);
- if (r > k+MIN_D) int_quick_sort(k+1,r);
- }
- void dlist::insertion_sort(dlink** l, dlink** r, dlink** min_stop)
- {
- register dlink** min=l;
- register dlink** run;
- register dlink** p;
- register dlink** q;
- for (run = l+1; run <= min_stop; run++)
- if (cmp((*run)->e,(*min)->e) < 0) min = run;
- SWAP(min,l);
- if (r == l+1) return;
- for(run=l+2; run <= r; run++)
- { for (min = run-1; cmp((*run)->e,(*min)->e) < 0; min--);
- min++;
- if (run != min)
- { dlink* save = *run;
- for(p=run, q = run-1; p > min; p--,q--) *p = *q;
- *min = save;
- }
- }
- }
- void dlist::int_insertion_sort(dlink** l, dlink** r, dlink** min_stop)
- {
- register dlink** min=l;
- register dlink** run;
- register dlink** p;
- register dlink** q;
- for (run = l+1; run <= min_stop; run++)
- if (LEDA_ACCESS(int,(*run)->e) < LEDA_ACCESS(int,(*min)->e)) min = run;
- SWAP(min,l);
- if (r == l+1) return;
- for(run=l+2; run <= r; run++)
- { for (min=run-1;LEDA_ACCESS(int,(*run)->e)<LEDA_ACCESS(int,(*min)->e);min--);
- min++;
- if (run != min)
- { dlink* save = *run;
- for(p=run, q = run-1; p > min; p--,q--) *p = *q;
- *min = save;
- }
- }
- }
- void dlist::sort()
- { if (iterator!=0)
- error_handler(1,"sort: modification while iterator is active");
- if (length() <= 1) return; // nothing to sort
- dlink** A = new dlink*[count+2];
- register dlink* loc = h;
- register dlink** p;
- register dlink** stop = A+count+1;
- dlink** left = A+1;
- dlink** right = A+count;
- dlink** min_stop = left + MIN_D;
- if (min_stop > right) min_stop = right;
- min_stop = right;
- for(p=A+1; p<stop; p++)
- { *p = loc;
- loc = loc->succ;
- }
- if (int_type())
- { int_quick_sort(left,right);
- int_insertion_sort(left,right,min_stop);
- }
- else
- { quick_sort(left,right);
- insertion_sort(left,right,min_stop);
- }
- *A = *stop = 0;
- for (p=A+1;p<stop;p++)
- { (*p)->succ = *(p+1);
- (*p)->pred = *(p-1);
- }
- h = A[1];
- t = A[count];
- delete A;
- }
- dlist& dlist::operator=(const dlist& x)
- { register dlink* p;
- clear();
- for (p = x.h; p; p = p->succ) append(p->e);
- if (!int_type())
- for (p = h; p; p = p->succ) copy_el(p->e);
- return *this;
- }
- dlist dlist::operator+(const dlist& x) // concatenation
- { dlist y = x;
- dlink* p = t;
- while (p) { y.push(p->e);
- x.copy_el(p->e);
- p = p->pred;}
- return y;
- }
- void dlist::clear()
- { if (h==nil) return;
- if (!int_type())
- for(dlink* p = h; p; p = p->succ) clear_el(p->e);
- deallocate_list(h,t,sizeof(dlink));
- iterator=h=t=nil;
- count=0;
- }
- void dlist::print(ostream& out, string s, char space) const
- { list_item l = h;
- cout << s;
- if (l)
- { print_el(l->e,out);
- l = l->succ;
- while (l)
- { out << string(space);
- print_el(l->e,out);
- l = l->succ;
- }
- }
- out.flush();
- }
- void dlist::read(istream& in, string s, int delim)
- { char c;
- GenPtr x;
- cout << s;
- clear();
- if (delim == EOF)
- for(;;)
- { while (in.get(c) && isspace(c));
- if (!in) break;
- in.putback(c);
- read_el(x,in);
- append(x);
- }
- else
- for(;;)
- { while (in.get(c) && isspace(c) && c!=delim);
- if (!in || c==delim) break;
- in.putback(c);
- read_el(x,in);
- append(x);
- }
- }