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资源名称:leda.tar.gz [点击查看]
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _emx.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- /* basic graphic routines for MSDOS
- * implemented using the emx graphics library (jmgraph.a)
- */
- #include <jmgraph.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- static int MODE;
- static int STYLE;
- static int WIDTH;
- static int COLOR;
- static int win_xmin; // coordinates of current window
- static int win_ymin;
- static int win_xmax;
- static int win_ymax;
- void init_graphics(int mode, int col)
- {
- if (mode == 1) // graphics mode
- {
- if (!g_mode(G640x480x16))
- { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot switch to graphics mode 640x480x16n");
- exit(1);
- }
- char pal[48];
- char* p = pal;
- for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
- { *p++ = _R_[i];
- *p++ = _G_[i];
- *p++ = _B_[i];
- }
- g_vgapal(pal,0,16,1);
- }
- else // text mode
- g_mode(GTEXT);
- DISP_WIDTH = g_xsize;
- DISP_HEIGHT = g_ysize;
- DISP_DEPTH = g_colors;
- MODE = 0;
- STYLE = 0;
- WIDTH = 1;
- COLOR = 1;
- win_xmin = 0;
- win_ymin = 0;
- win_xmax = DISP_MAX_X;
- win_ymax = DISP_MAX_Y;
- }
- static void set_draw_window(Window w)
- { DosWindow win = win_stack[w];
- win_xmin = win->xpos;
- win_ymin = win->ypos;
- win_xmax = win_xmin + win->width - 1;
- win_ymax = win_ymin + win->height - 1;
- g_clip(win_xmin,win_ymin,win_xmax,win_ymax);
- }
- void flush_display() {}
- int new_color(const char*) { return 1; }
- int text_height(const char*) { return FONT_HEIGHT; }
- int text_width(const char* s) { return FONT_WIDTH*strlen(s); }
- int load_text_font(const char*) { return 0;}
- int load_bold_font(const char*) { return 0;}
- int load_message_font(const char*) { return 0;}
- int set_font(const char*) { return 0;}
- void set_text_font() {}
- void set_bold_font() {}
- void set_message_font() {}
- int set_line_width(int width)
- { int save = WIDTH;
- WIDTH = width;
- return save;
- }
- int set_line_style(int style)
- { int save = STYLE;
- STYLE = style;
- switch(style) {
- case solid : //_setlinestyle(0xFFFF);
- break;
- case dotted: //_setlinestyle(0x3333);
- break;
- case dashed: //_setlinestyle(0x0F0F);
- break;
- }
- return save;
- }
- int set_color(int col)
- { int c = COLOR;
- COLOR = col;
- return c;
- }
- int set_mode(int mode)
- { int save = MODE;
- MODE = mode;
- switch(mode) {
- case 0: g_wmode(G_NORM);
- break;
- case 1: g_wmode(G_XOR);
- break;
- case 2: g_wmode(G_OR);
- break;
- case 3: g_wmode(G_AND);
- break;
- }
- return save;
- }
- void set_redraw(Window w, void (*f)())
- { win_stack[w]->redraw = f; }
- void line(Window w, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x1 += win_xmin;
- x2 += win_xmin;
- y1 += win_ymin;
- y2 += win_ymin;
- g_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,COLOR);
- for(int i = 2; i <= WIDTH; i++)
- { int dx = (x1 > x2) ? x1-x2 : x2-x1;
- int dy = (y1 > y2) ? y1-y2 : y2-y1;
- int d = (i&1) ? i/2 : -i/2;
- if (dx < dy)
- g_line(x1+d,y1,x2+d,y2,COLOR);
- else
- g_line(x1,y1+d,x2,y2+d,COLOR);
- }
- }
- void fill_polygon(Window w, int n, int* xc, int* yc)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
- { xc[i] += win_xmin;
- yc[i] += win_ymin;
- }
- g_polygon(xc,yc,n,COLOR,G_FILL);
- }
- void box(Window w, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x0 += win_xmin;
- x1 += win_xmin;
- y0 += win_ymin;
- y1 += win_ymin;
- g_box(x0,y0,x1,y1,COLOR,G_FILL);
- }
- void rectangle(Window w, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x0 += win_xmin;
- x1 += win_xmin;
- y0 += win_ymin;
- y1 += win_ymin;
- g_box(x0,y0,x1,y1,COLOR,G_OUTLINE);
- }
- void circle(Window w, int x0,int y0,int r)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x0 += win_xmin;
- y0 += win_ymin;
- g_ellipse(x0,y0,r,r,COLOR,G_OUTLINE);
- }
- void fill_circle(Window w, int x0, int y0, int r)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x0 += win_xmin;
- y0 += win_ymin;
- g_ellipse(x0,y0,r,r,COLOR,G_FILL);
- }
- void put_text(Window w, int x, int y0, const char *text, int opaque)
- {
- set_draw_window(w);
- x += win_xmin;
- y0 += win_ymin;
- int y1 = y0 + FONT_HEIGHT;
- if (opaque)
- { int bg_col = win_stack[w]->bg_col;
- int save = set_mode(0);
- g_box(x,y0,x+strlen(text)*FONT_WIDTH-1,y0+FONT_HEIGHT,bg_col,G_FILL);
- set_mode(save);
- }
- const char* stop = text + strlen(text);
- for (const char* p = text; p < stop; p++)
- { unsigned char* q = FONT + (*p & 127) * FONT_HEIGHT;
- for(int y=y0; y<y1; y++)
- { unsigned char pat = *q++;
- if (pat & 128) g_set(x ,y,COLOR);
- if (pat & 64) g_set(x+1,y,COLOR);
- if (pat & 32) g_set(x+2,y,COLOR);
- if (pat & 16) g_set(x+3,y,COLOR);
- if (pat & 8) g_set(x+4,y,COLOR);
- if (pat & 4) g_set(x+5,y,COLOR);
- if (pat & 2) g_set(x+6,y,COLOR);
- if (pat & 1) g_set(x+7,y,COLOR);
- }
- x += 8;
- }
- }
- void put_text(Window w, int x, int y, const char *text, int l, int opaque)
- { char* str = new char[strlen(text)+1];
- strcpy(str,text);
- str[l] = '';
- put_text(w,x,y,text,l,opaque);
- delete[] str;
- }
- void put_ctext(Window w, int x, int y, const char* str, int opaque)
- { put_text(w,x-(text_width(str)-1)/2, y-(text_height(str)-1)/2, str, opaque); }
- void show_coordinates(Window w, const char* s)
- { DosWindow win = win_stack[w];
- set_draw_window(w);
- int save_mode = set_mode(1);
- int save_col = set_color(blue);
- put_text(w,win->width-138,1,s,1);
- set_color(save_col);
- set_mode(save_mode);
- }
- void pixel(Window w, int x, int y)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x += win_xmin;
- y += win_ymin;
- g_set(x,y,COLOR);
- }
- void point(Window w, int x, int y)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x += win_xmin;
- y += win_ymin;
- g_set(x,y,COLOR);
- g_set(x-2,y-2,COLOR);
- g_set(x-1,y-1,COLOR);
- g_set(x+1,y+1,COLOR);
- g_set(x+2,y+2,COLOR);
- g_set(x-2,y+2,COLOR);
- g_set(x-1,y+1,COLOR);
- g_set(x+1,y-1,COLOR);
- g_set(x+2,y-2,COLOR);
- }
- void pixels(Window w, int n, int* x, int* y)
- { while(n--) pixel(w,x[n],y[n]); }
- void ellipse(Window w, int x0, int y0, int a, int b)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x0 += win_xmin;
- y0 += win_ymin;
- g_ellipse(x0,y0,a,b,COLOR,G_OUTLINE);
- }
- void fill_ellipse(Window w, int x0, int y0, int a, int b)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- x0 += win_xmin;
- y0 += win_ymin;
- g_ellipse(x0,y0,a,b,COLOR,G_FILL);
- }
- void arc(Window w, int x0, int y0, int a, int b, double start, double angle)
- { }
- void fill_arc(Window,int,int,int,int,double,double)
- { }
- void copy_pixrect(Window win, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x, int y)
- { set_draw_window(win);
- x1 += win_xmin;
- x2 += win_xmin;
- x += win_xmin;
- y1 += win_ymin;
- y2 += win_ymin;
- y += win_ymin;
- int w = x2 - x1 + 1;
- int h = y2 - y1 + 1;
- int sz = g_imagesize(w,h);
- char* image = new char[sz];
- g_getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,image);
- g_putimage(x,y,x+w-1,y+h-1,image);
- delete[] image;
- }
- void insert_bitmap(Window w, int width, int height, char* data)
- { set_draw_window(w);
- char* p = data;
- for(int y=0; y<height; y++)
- for(int x=0; x<width; x+=8)
- { char pat = *p++;
- if (pat & 0x01) g_set(x, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x02) g_set(x+1, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x04) g_set(x+2, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x08) g_set(x+3, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x10) g_set(x+4, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x20) g_set(x+5, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x40) g_set(x+6, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x80) g_set(x+7, y,black);
- }
- }
- void set_palette(int index, int red, int green, int blue)
- { if (red < 0) red = _R_[index]; else _R_[index] = red;
- if (green < 0) green = _G_[index]; else _G_[index] = green;
- if (blue < 0) blue = _B_[index]; else _B_[index] = blue;
- char pal[3];
- pal[0] = red;
- pal[1] = green;
- pal[2] = blue;
- g_vgapal(pal,index,1,1);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // pixrects
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- char* create_pixrect(Window win, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
- { set_draw_window(win);
- left += win_xmin;
- right += win_xmin;
- top += win_ymin;
- bottom += win_ymin;
- left &= 0xFFF8;
- right |= 7;
- int w = right-left+1;
- int h = bottom-top+1;
- char* bp = new char[g_imagesize(w,h)+8];
- g_getimage(left,top,right,bottom,bp+8);
- *(int*)bp = w;
- *(int*)(bp+4) = h;
- return bp;
- }
- void insert_pixrect(Window win, int left, int top, char* rect)
- { set_draw_window(win);
- left += win_xmin;
- top += win_ymin;
- left &= 0xFFF8;
- if (left < 0) left = 0;
- if (top < 0) top = 0;
- int w = *(int*)rect;
- int h = *(int*)(rect+4);
- g_putimage(left,top,left+w-1,top+h-1,rect+8);
- }
- void delete_pixrect(char* rect) { delete rect; }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // mouse cursor
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static unsigned short p_mask1[14] =
- {0xc000,0xf000,0x7c00,0x7f00,0x3fc0,0x3fc0,0x1f00,
- 0x1f80,0x0dc0,0x0ce0,0x0070,0x0038,0x001c,0x000c};
- static unsigned short p_mask2[14] =
- {0x0003,0x000f,0x003e,0x00fe,0x03fc,0x03fc,0x00f8,
- 0x01f8,0x03b0,0x0730,0x0e00,0x1c00,0x3800,0x3000};
- void draw_pointer(int mouse_x, int mouse_y, int shape)
- {
- g_clip(0,0,DISP_MAX_X,DISP_MAX_Y);
- set_color(black);
- if (shape == 1)
- { g_set(mouse_x-2,mouse_y,black);
- g_set(mouse_x-1,mouse_y,black);
- g_set(mouse_x,mouse_y,black);
- g_set(mouse_x+1,mouse_y,black);
- g_set(mouse_x+3,mouse_y,black);
- g_set(mouse_x,mouse_y-2,black);
- g_set(mouse_x,mouse_y-1,black);
- g_set(mouse_x,mouse_y+1,black);
- g_set(mouse_x,mouse_y+2,black);
- g_ellipse(mouse_x,mouse_y,6,6,black,G_OUTLINE);
- return;
- }
- else
- { int x = mouse_x;
- int y = mouse_y;
- unsigned short* p = p_mask1;
- if (x > DISP_MAX_X - 16)
- { x -= 16;
- p = p_mask2;
- }
- unsigned short* p_stop = p + 14;
- int d = 1;
- if (y > DISP_MAX_Y - 14)
- { y -= 14;
- d = -1;
- p_stop = p-1;
- p += 14;
- }
- while (p != p_stop)
- { unsigned short pat = *p;
- if (pat & 0x8000) g_set(x, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x4000) g_set(x+1, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x2000) g_set(x+2, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x1000) g_set(x+3, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0800) g_set(x+4, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0400) g_set(x+5, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0200) g_set(x+6, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0100) g_set(x+7, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0080) g_set(x+8, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0040) g_set(x+9, y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0020) g_set(x+10,y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0010) g_set(x+11,y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0008) g_set(x+12,y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0004) g_set(x+13,y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0002) g_set(x+14,y,black);
- if (pat & 0x0001) g_set(x+15,y,black);
- p+=d;
- y++;
- }
- }
- }