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资源名称:xssshell.rar [点击查看]
- //*********************************//
- // SoulTip v1.1
- //*********************************//
- //*********************************//
- //*********************************//
- // Ferruh Mavituna
- // Contact : http://ferruh.mavituna.com/cnt.asp
- //*********************************//
- // OTHER DEVELOPERS (Many Thanks & Respect)
- //*********************************//
- //Yusuf U饀r Soysal/hayalet
- //Hide Selectboxes
- //hy_collusion()
- //hy_collusionRecover()
- //ScreenWidth scroll overflow solution ideas
- //*********************************//
- //*********************************//
- // ferruh{at}mavituna.com
- // http://ferruh.mavituna.com/contact.asp
- // http://ferruh.mavituna.com
- //*********************************//
- //*********************************//
- /*
- SoulTip v1.1 Javascript based easy tooltip System
- Copyright (C) {2003} {Ferruh Mavituna} http://ferruh.mavituna.com
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- //*********************************//
- //*********************************//
- // 25.04.2003
- //First Development
- // ?
- //Some Performance Improvements
- // 24.07.2003
- //Some Improvements
- //Hide Selectboxes
- //Fix Screenwidth problems -for x and y-
- // Licensed Under GPL
- //25.10.2003
- //Fixed Mode added and stabled
- // fm_findObj() replaced getElementById()
- //*********************************//
- //*********************************//
- // <a href="test.htm" help="Go to test page">Look at me !</a>
- // For more info http://ferruh.mavituna.com/article.asp?181
- /****************************************************************************************/
- /****************************************************************************************/
- // Customizations;
- var divname="soultip";
- var divInnername="soultipinner";
- /*If this is true tooltips will not move and shown in fixed mode*/
- var fixed=false;
- /*-----------------------------
- Customizable Soultip HTML Code
- soultip is the name of main holder;
- soultipinner is the place for help;
- So you may add your own static headers to id="soultip" div. Do not forget "soultipinner" has dynamic content.
- -----------------------------*/
- var soultip="<div id='soultip'><div id='soultipinner'></div></div><link href='soultip.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />"
- // -- END OF Customizations;
- /****************************************************************************************/
- var ie = document.all
- // Fix SoulTip Coordinates
- var CoordLeft=10;
- var CoordRight=-15;
- //* For Storing hidden selects
- var hiddenTags = new Array();
- function fm_MXY(XorY){ // Mouse Coords
- var coord = 0;
- XorY=="x"?coord = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft:coord = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
- if(coord<0)coord=0;
- return coord;
- }
- function fm_MXYgecko(XorY,event){ // Mouse Coords
- var coord = 0;
- XorY=="x"?coord = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft:coord = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop+50;
- if(coord<0)coord=0;
- return coord;
- }
- function fm_help(event){ // Show-Hide
- var NewCoordLeft=0,NewCoordRight=0;
- var d=document;
- var thisObj = d.getElementById(divname); // findObj
- if(!d.body)return; // fix early loading IE err
- var browserwidth=document.body.clientWidth; // Browser sizes - Positions
- var browserheight=document.body.clientHeight+document.body.scrollTop+25;
- var soulwidth=thisObj.offsetWidth+10, soulheight=thisObj.offsetHeight+10; // Soultip sizes
- if (window.event)
- var activeObj=window.event.srcElement;
- else
- var activeObj=event.target;
- if(activeObj.help)
- var desc=activeObj.help; //help tag
- else
- var desc=activeObj.getAttribute("help") //help tag
- if(desc!=null){ //If object help tag exist
- if (!ie)var x = fm_MXYgecko("x",event), y = fm_MXYgecko("y",event);
- else var x = fm_MXY("x"), y = fm_MXY("y");
- if(document.alldesc==desc){ //If fixed
- NewCoordLeft=activeObj.offsetLeft+activeObj.offsetWidth-x;
- NewCoordRight=activeObj.offsetTop-y;
- }
- NewCoordLeft+=(x+soulwidth>browserwidth)?-soulwidth:CoordLeft; //idea by Yusuf U饀r Soysal - hayalet
- NewCoordRight+=(y+soulheight>browserheight)?-soulheight:CoordRight;
- thisObj.style.left=x+NewCoordLeft+"px"; //Move X
- thisObj.style.top=y+10+NewCoordRight+"px"; //Move Y
- fm_writehelp(desc); //print output
- hy_collusion(thisObj); //Hide SelectBoxes by hayalet
- if(fixed)document.alldesc=desc; //cache for fixed
- }else{
- hy_collusionRecover(); //Recover Selects by hayalet
- thisObj.style.display="none";
- }
- }
- function fm_writehelp(val){ // Write Tip
- var d=document;
- var thisObj = d.getElementById(divname);
- var innerObj = d.getElementById(divInnername);
- innerObj.innerHTML=val;
- thisObj.style.display="block";
- }
- function hy_collusion(obj){ // Hide Selectboxes by Yusuf U饀r Soysal - hayalet
- var offsetLeft = obj.offsetLeft;
- var offsetTop = obj.offsetTop;
- var offsetWidth = obj.offsetWidth;
- var offsetHeight = obj.offsetHeight;
- var topLeftX = offsetLeft;
- var topLeftY = offsetTop;
- var bottomRightX = offsetLeft + offsetWidth;
- var bottomRightY = offsetTop + offsetHeight;
- var hyl = 0;
- if(document.getElementsByTagName){
- var selectTags = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
- for( ; hyl < selectTags.length; hyl++){
- var tag = selectTags[hyl];
- var x1 = tag.offsetLeft;
- var y1 = tag.offsetTop;
- var x2 = x1 + tag.offsetWidth;
- var y2 = y1 + tag.offsetHeight;
- if( ((topLeftX < x1 && x1 < bottomRightX) || (topLeftX < x2 && x2 < bottomRightX)) &&
- ((topLeftY < y1 && y1 < bottomRightY) || (topLeftY < y2 && y2 < bottomRightY)) ) {
- tag.style.visibility = "hidden";
- hiddenTags[ hiddenTags.length ] = tag;
- }
- else
- tag.style.visibility = "visible";
- }
- }
- }
- function hy_collusionRecover(){// Hide Selectboxes by Yusuf U饀r Soysal - hayalet
- var hyl = 0;
- for( ; hyl<hiddenTags.length; hyl++)
- hiddenTags[hyl].style.visibility = "visible";
- }
- // ACTION | Grab mousemove and Write Soultip
- document.write(soultip);
- if (document.addEventListener)
- document.addEventListener("mousemove", fm_help, true);
- else
- document.onmousemove=fm_help;