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资源名称:xssshell.rar [点击查看]
- #Region "GPL License"
- 'This file is part of XSS Tunnel.
- '
- 'XSS Tunnel, XSS Tunneling tool
- 'Copyright (C) 2007 Ferruh Mavituna
- 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- 'modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- 'as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- 'of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- 'GNU General Public License for more details.
- 'You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- 'along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- 'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #End Region
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Browser Structure
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <remarks></remarks>
- ''' <history>
- ''' 15/10/2006
- ''' Started
- ''' Listening : Fisher Spooner - Never Mind (damn good !, the point is struggle and security)
- ''' </history>
- Public Structure Browser
- Private _userAgent As String
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the user agent.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The user agent.</value>
- Public Property UserAgent() As String
- Get
- Return _userAgent
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _userAgent = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _contentType As String
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the type of the content.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The type of the content.</value>
- Public Property ContentType() As String
- Get
- Return _contentType
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _contentType = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _accept As String
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the accept.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The accept.</value>
- Public Property Accept() As String
- Get
- Return _accept
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _accept = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _acceptCharset As String
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the accept charset.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The accept charset.</value>
- Public Property AcceptCharset() As String
- Get
- Return _acceptCharset
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _acceptCharset = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _keepAlive As Boolean
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the keep alive.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The keep alive.</value>
- Public Property KeepAlive() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _keepAlive
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _keepAlive = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _acceptLanguage As String
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets or sets the accept language.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <value>The accept language.</value>
- Public Property AcceptLanguage() As String
- Get
- Return _acceptLanguage
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _acceptLanguage = value
- End Set
- End Property
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Compare objects
- ''' </summary>
- Public Shared Operator =(ByVal left As Browser, ByVal right As Browser) As Boolean
- Return left.UserAgent = right.UserAgent
- End Operator
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Compare objects
- ''' </summary>
- Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal left As Browser, ByVal right As Browser) As Boolean
- Return left.UserAgent <> right.UserAgent
- End Operator
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Add browser related strings to web request
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="webRequest">WebRequest to be modified</param>
- Public Sub AddBrowserStrings(ByRef webRequest As Net.HttpWebRequest)
- If webRequest Is Nothing Then Return
- With webRequest
- .UserAgent = UserAgent
- End With
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Browser" /> class.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="userAgent">The user agent.</param>
- ''' <param name="contentType">Type of the content.</param>
- ''' <param name="accept">The accept.</param>
- ''' <param name="acceptCharset">The accept charset.</param>
- ''' <param name="acceptLanguage">The accept language.</param>
- ''' <param name="keepAlive">The keep alive.</param>
- Public Sub New(ByVal userAgent As String, ByVal contentType As String, ByVal accept As String, ByVal acceptCharset As String, ByVal acceptLanguage As String, ByVal keepAlive As Boolean)
- Me.UserAgent = userAgent
- Me.ContentType = contentType
- Me.Accept = accept
- Me.AcceptCharset = acceptCharset
- Me.AcceptLanguage = acceptLanguage
- Me.KeepAlive = keepAlive
- End Sub
- End Structure