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Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/ConstraintKit/hkpGenericConstraintData.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/ConstraintKit/hkpGenericConstraintParameters.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/ConstraintKit/hkpConstraintModifier.h>
- class hkpConstraintModifier;
- class hkpConstraintMotor;
- /// The hkpConstraintConstructionKit allows you to create your own custom Havok constraints.
- class hkpConstraintConstructionKit
- {
- public:
- /// Sets up the construction kit with the specified generic constraint.
- void begin( hkpGenericConstraintData* constraint );
- //
- // linear constraint
- //
- /// Specifies a linear degree of freedom attached to body A, and assigns it to an axis
- /// the ID is used to refer to the axis later. e.g. constrainLinearDof( id )
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setLinearDofA( const hkVector4& dofInA, int linearAxisId );
- /// Specifies a linear degree of freedom attached to body B, and assigns it to an axis.
- /// the ID is used to refer to the axis later. e.g. constrainLinearDof( id )
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setLinearDofB( const hkVector4& dof, int linearAxisId );
- /// Specifies a linear degree of freedom attached to the world, and assigns it to an axis.
- /// the ID is used to refer to the axis later. e.g. constrainLinearDof( id )
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setLinearDofWorld( const hkVector4& dofInWorld, int linearAxisId );
- /// Constrains away linear motion in specified degree of freedom
- void constrainLinearDof( int linearAxisId );
- /// Constrains away all linear degrees of freedom.
- void constrainAllLinearDof();
- //
- // angular constraint
- //
- /// Specifies a basis for the angular degrees of freedom, in body A space.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setAngularBasisA( const hkMatrix3& dofBasisInA );
- /// Specified a basis for the angular degrees of freedom, in body B space.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setAngularBasisB( const hkMatrix3& dofBasisInB );
- /// Sets the angular constraint basis for A to its body frame.
- void setAngularBasisABodyFrame();
- /// Sets the angular constraint basis for B to its body frame.
- void setAngularBasisBBodyFrame();
- /// Constrains objects to only rotate around the axis from the angular bases of A and B.
- void constrainToAngularDof( int angularBasisAxisIndex );
- /// Constrains an object so that it cannot rotate relative to the second object.
- void constrainAllAngularDof();
- /// Sets the pivot point attached to body A from a point in A's body space.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setPivotA( const hkVector4& pivotInA );
- /// Sets the pivot point attached to body B from a point in B's body space.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setPivotB( const hkVector4& pivotInB );
- /// Sets the pivots attached to body A and body B from a common world space point.
- /// N.B. This uses the current transforms of body A and B.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setPivotsHelper( hkpRigidBody* bodyA, hkpRigidBody* bodyB, const hkVector4& pivotInWorld );
- //
- // limits, friction, motors
- //
- /// Limits linear movement on the specified axis.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setLinearLimit( int linearAxisId, hkReal min, hkReal max );
- /// Limits angular movement around the specified axis.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setAngularLimit( int angularBasisAxisIndex, hkReal min, hkReal max );
- /// Limits angular movement lie to within a cone about an axis.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setConeLimit( int angularBasisAxisIndex, hkReal angle );
- /// Limits angular movement about a twist axis. for best accuracy twist axis should stay in positive half of space
- /// defined by twist axis, plane axis and twist cross plane. Accuracy degenerates in the negative half.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setTwistLimit( int angularBasisAxisIndexTwist, int angularBasisAxisIndexPlane, hkReal min, hkReal max );
- /// Adds a motor to drive the angle about the specified axis. returns and index into the motor
- /// array of hkpGenericConstraintDataScheme
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setAngularMotor( int angularBasisAxisIndex, hkpConstraintMotor* motor );
- /// Adds a motor to drive the specified axis. returns and index into the motor
- /// array of hkpGenericConstraintDataScheme
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setLinearMotor( int angularBasisAxisIndex, hkpConstraintMotor* motor );
- /// Sets friction for angular movement around the specified axis.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setAngularFriction( int angularBasisAxisIndex, hkReal maxImpulse );
- /// Sets friction for linear movement on the specified axis.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setLinearFriction( int linearAxisId, hkReal maxImpulse );
- //
- // tau, damping
- //
- /// Sets the stiffness and damping of the subsequent constraints. Remember to restore it later.
- hkpGenericConstraintData::hkpParameterIndex
- setStrength( hkReal strength );
- /// restore the stiffness and damping back to solver defaults
- void restoreStrength();
- //
- // modifiers
- //
- /// Adds a callback to hkpConstraintModifier::modify to the constraint
- void addConstraintModifierCallback( hkpConstraintModifier *cm, int userData );
- // /// Adds a callback to hkpConstraintModifier::modifyRhs to the constraint
- // /// which modifies the Rhs ( error term ) for the previously constrained Degree Of Freedom
- //void addRhsModifierCallback( hkpConstraintModifier *cm, int userData );
- //
- // commands
- //
- /// Finish construction.
- void end();
- static void HK_CALL computeConstraintInfo(const hkArray<int>& commands, hkpConstraintInfo& info);
- protected:
- hkpGenericConstraintData* m_constraint;
- hkpGenericConstraintDataScheme* m_scheme;
- int m_stiffnessReference;
- int m_dampingReference;
- // Bools to check all required data is specified, given a constraint is being requested.
- hkBool m_linearDofSpecifiedA[3];
- hkBool m_linearDofSpecifiedB[3];
- hkBool m_angularBasisSpecifiedA;
- hkBool m_angularBasisSpecifiedB;
- hkBool m_pivotSpecifiedA;
- hkBool m_pivotSpecifiedB;
- };
- #endif
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at www.havok.com/tryhavok.
- *
- */